Gourmet News • May 2024

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• Bark Adds Full Collection of Dog Treats To Its Global Consumables Business


• Food Industr y Operators See Growth in ‘24, Inaugural Industr y Economic Report Shows


• ALDI to Add 800 Stores, Completes Acquisition of Southeastern Grocers


• Study: Solutions in Catering Industr y to Address Food Waste Lacking


• New Summertime Products Include Plenty of Flavorful Snacks, Beverages


• European Union Parliament Clamps Down On Environmental Marketing Claims


• Featured Products


• Advertiser Index


NJ Baker y Creates Avocado Bread, Inspired by Current Market Trends


Bread is integral to global cultures, as proven in March with the discover y of what scientists call the world’s oldest known loaf of bread, dating back 8,600 years Archaeologists found a palm-sized, “ spongey ” unbaked and fermented loaf of bread in the ruins of a mudbrick house in a site called Çatalhöyük in southern Turkey

“It has a finger pressed in the center, it has not been baked, but it has been fer-

mented and has sur vived to the present day with the starches inside,” archeologist Ali Umut Türkcan, head of the Excavation Delegation and an associate professor at Anadolu University in Turkey, told the Turkish state news outlet Anadolu Agency “There is no similar example of something like this to date ” Scientists found that the bread

had been prepared next to an oven, with flour and water mixed in “It is an exciting discovery for Turkey and the world,” said biologist Salih Kavak, a lecturer at Gaziantep University in Turkey W

2022 and a half-world away from Çatalhöyük in Denville, N J , 35 m i l e s w e s t o f M a n h a t t a n , i n a family-owned bakery called Ant h o n y & S o n s w i t h a 6 5 , 0 0 0 s q u a re f o o t , s t a t e - o f - t h e - a rt

Continued on PAGE 16

Meatable Enables ‘Cell-to-Sausage’ Faster Than Others in Cultivated Meat Industr y

Netherlands-based food technology company Meatable has

reached an important milestone in its efforts to produce cultivated meat at scale Meatable is able to transform pluripotent stem cells into high quality fat and muscle tissue in a record four days, down from eight days, a faster process than any in the industry This breakthrough will enable

the company to produce cultivated meat significantly faster and at lower costs than industry norms, and is therefore an important step toward the commercialization of Meatable’s technology and large-scale production of cultivated meat products more broadly

The breakthrough, using Meatable’s core patented Opti-Ox technology, confronts the

Matt Beeson created Swamp Dragon hot sauce for those who love hot sauce but don't like the vinegar y taste Beeson invented the world’s first hot sauce made with liquor as a preservative, not vinegar He put a lovable dragon cartoon on the label, so families would know it's still kid-friendly Making Swamp Dragon, which is patented, and growing the brand has been a passion for Beeson He’s been networking to find the resources to keep Louisianabased Swamp Dragon going, but has been unable to Now, Beeson has made the heartbreaking decision to suspend operations

“Swamp Dragon is officially suspending operations,” Beeson wrote on his LinkedIn page, the company website and other social media, this time featuring a sad dragon “We will continue filling web orders until inventory depletes (very soon, so go now if you care to), and then the company will remain idle until I fix things ”

With his first venture into consumer product goods, Beeson and Swamp Dragon hit the market in 2018 to great success His debut at the Summer Fancy drew

Continued on PAGE 18

Dynamic, Affordable QR Codes Set Digital World Buzzing

Think QR codes belong in the tech graveyard? Think again!

The digital world is buzzing over the dynamic QR revolution started by QR Code KIT

Dive into the heart of controversy where the old meets the new in a clash of digital titans As the dust settles on the battleground of innovation, dynamic QR codes emerge as the undisputed

champions of marketing agility and efficiency

Gone are the days of static, one-dimensional QR codes that

lead to a dead end QR Code KIT transforms how brands connect with their audience without breaking the bank

Once relegated to the annals of early 2000s technology, QR codes were nearly consigned to the digital dustbin, dismissed as a quaint relic of a bygone era Launched into the tech cosmos in the 1990s, these pixelated squares were initially designed to track vehi-

cles during manufacturing

However, their journey from a niche tool to global ubiquity is anything but straightforward In their infancy, QR codes promised a bridge between the physical and digital worlds, offering a quick scan solution to access content, websites and promotions Yet, for years, they languished in the shadow of their potential, often criticized for their static nature and the lack of widespread adoption among consumers

Continued on PAGE 17
To Sur vive
h o c o u l d h a v e k n o w n t h a t a l l t h e s e y e a r s l a t e r, p e o p l e a re s t i l l d i s c o v e r i n g n e w w a y s t o m a k e b re a d ? F l a s h f o r w a rd t
VOLUME 89 • NUMBER 3 MAY 2024 • $7.00
T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® FEATURED PRODUCT Urban Accents SEE PAGE 21 FEATURED PRODUCT Crave Brothers SEE PAGE 20 FEATURED PRODUCT The French Farm SEE PAGE 20 www gourmetnews com
Continued on PAGE 18


Bread is, of course, a basic food It’s pretty amazing to think how a food can be ever-present in our lives in so many forms across so many centuries I’ve mentioned before that I grew up overseas in Southeast Asia At that time, living on a militar y base meant shopping for our American foods in the PX Let’s just say some of the groceries weren’t exactly fresh That includes the bread we bought to make our beloved sandwiches (for us kids, a lot of PB&J and baloney in those years) And I don’t remember having anything other than white bread We got used to eating stale bread As long as it wasn’t green bread, we ate it

After a few years of living overseas, my family traveled back to the States for home leave We flew from the Philippines to Guam to Alaska then down to San Francisco I don’t remember where we were in San Francisco when my mother held a sandwich in her hand and marveled at how fresh it was “Girls! Girls!” she said to my sister and me “Feel how soft this bread is! Smell how fresh it is!” We were just as excited as she was People probably thought we were aliens or something petting the bread

Once we moved back to the States, we eventually lost excitement over fresh bread We brought whole wheat bread into our diets, followed by multi-grain and many other kinds of bread we found in our U S grocery stores White bread certainly appeared less and less on our table

Recently on social media, someone posted a photo of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white bread with the question: When was the last time you had a PB&J? I honestly can’t remember (although I know it was crunchy peanut butter, not the creamy

stuff) And I’m betting whenever it was, it wasn’t on white bread

I had a lot of fun talking with Ben Rizzitello about Avocado Bread, the first bread of its kind After all these centuries, people are still coming up with different ways to make bread Isn’t that a kick?

One of the joys of covering specialty food for me is meeting the people in the industry When things are going well, you see them move up in the trade shows and get industr y buzz And when things don’t go well, you feel for them We saw Seth Goldman’s heart breaking in 2022 when he announced on LinkedIn that the line he had co-founded and sold to Coca-Cola was being discontinued But then, months later, he joyfully announced another partnership with Barry Nalebuff and Chef Spike Mendelsohn to produce Just Ice Tea I caught up with Seth at Expo West and we’ll update his story in an upcoming issue

This issue, we share another disappointment, the news that production of Swamp Dragon hot sauce is being discontinued Over the last few years, I’ve enjoyed talking with inventor Matt Beeson, who is as friendly as he is talented My colleagues and I love Swamp Dragon, which is the only hot sauce brand that uses liquor instead of vinegar as a preservative and flavoring I carry a small bottle with me because I’m tired of only having ketchup and Tabasco as options when I travel I’ll have to stock up! Let’s hope Matt can get the funding he needs to keep a great product on shelves

Until next time, stay safe and take care GN

AJ Flick • Senior Editor aj f@oser com

4 GOURMET NEWS // MAY 2024 GOURMET NEWS® OSER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP FOUNDER Lee M Oser MEMBER OF: Periodicals postage paid at Tucson AZ and additional m a i l i n g o ff i c e G o u r m e t N e w s ( I S S N 1 0 5 2 - 4 6 3 0 ) i s published monthly by Oser Communications Group 1 8 7 7 N o r t h K o l b R o a d , Tu c s o n , A Z 8 5 7 1 5 ; 5 2 0 7 2 1 1 3 0 0 P u b l i s h e r a s s u m e s n o re s p o n s i b i l i t y for unsolicited material or prices quoted in newspaper Contributors are responsible for proper release of proprietar y classified information ©2024 by Oser Communications Group All rights res e r v e d R e p ro d u c t i o n i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t w i t h o u t written permission of the publisher, is expressly proh i b i t e d B a c k i s s u e s w h e n a v a i l a b l e c o s t $ 7 e a c h within the past 12 months, $12 each prior to the past 12 months Back orders must be paid in advance either b y c h e c k o r c h a rg e d t o A m e r i c a n E x p re s s , Vi s a , o r M a s t e r C a rd G o u r m e t N e w s i s d i s t r i b u t e d w i t h o u t charge in North America to qualified professionals in t h e re t a i l a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n c h a n n e l s o f t h e s p e c i a l t y f o o d s a n d h a rd g o o d s t r a d e ; p a i d s u b s c r i p t i o n s c o s t $65 annually to the U S and Canada All foreign subscriptions cost $150 annually to cover air deliver y All payments must be made in U S funds and drawn on a U S bank For subscriber services, including subscription information call 520 721 1300 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gourmet News, 1877 North Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 WWW GOURMETNEWS COM PUBLISHER Kimber y Oser PRESIDENT Tara Nea VICE PRESIDENT Abeer Abiaad PRESIDENT OF SALES Anthony Socci anthony s@oser com PRODUCTION MANAGER/ART DIRECTOR Yasm ne Brown SENIOR EDITOR AJ Fl ck EDITOR JoE len Lowr y CUSTOMER SERVICE customerser v ce@oser com CIRCULATION MANAGER Jamie Green amie g@oser com EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Heather Albrecht heather a@oser com PUBLISHING OFFICE 1877 N Kolb Road P O Box 1056 Tucson, AZ 85715 520 721 1300 Fax 520 721 6300 SUBSCRIBER SERVICES Gourmet News P O Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 520 721 1300

Bark Adds Full Collection of Dog Treats

To Its Global Consumables Business

Bark, a leading global omnichannel dog brand with a mission to make all dogs happy, is expanding its consumables business and bringing the same fun, humor and stor ytelling that made BarkBox famous to the dog treats category with the launch of its first full collection of seven unique dog treat flavors

The Snack Pack features treats inspired by classic breakfast cereals with corresponding mascots and surprises in every box The treat collection, including four flagship 10-ounce boxes and three resealable 10-ounce bags, is available in Target stores, on target com and on bark co

With new recipes developed by Bark’s team of dog food experts and nutritionists, the collection offers a variety of meat and allergy-friendly options in crunchy and soft-baked textures, and all are free of artificial preservatives, corn and soy:

• Bark Frosted Socks: Crunchy, yogurt berry dog treats made with real fruit and yogurt

• Bark Fruity Toot Loops: Crunchy, mixed berry dog treats made with real fruit and nutritious grains

• Bark Go Nuttys: Honey peanut flavored soft-baked dog treats made with nutritious grains

• Bark Lucky Duckies: A turducken recipe soft-baked dog treat packed with protein

• Bark Clucky Nuggy Yums: Chicken nugget recipe soft-baked dog treat packed with protein and nutritious grains

• Bark Beefy Meat Hunks: Soft and meaty beef recipe dog treats packed with protein and nutritious grains

• Bark Porky Meat Hunks: Soft and meaty pork recipe dog treats packed with protein and nutritious grains

To coincide with the treats, Bark is releasing plush dog toy versions of each treat’s mascot, including Jim Sock, Tooty the Toot, Goober B Nutty, Lucky McDuck, Old Goldie and Hunk Stickman, each sold separately Bark designed each mascot character with their own storyline and relationship with dogs and their treats, extending the experience beyond mealtime to playtime

t h a t s a m e f u n a n d i n n o v a t i o n t o r e t a i l

p e t a i s l e s t o i n t r o d u c e e v e n m o r e d o g

p a re n t s t o B a r k a n d o u r g ro w i n g p ro d -

u c t p o r t f o l i o ”

B a r k h a s s e r v e d m o re t h a n 6 5 m i l l i o n

d o g s a ro u n d t h e w o r l d s i n c e i t s f o u n d -

Bark is a dog-centric company, devoted to making dogs happy with the best products, services and content Bark’s dog-obsessed team applies its unique, data-driven understanding of what makes each dog special to design playstyle-specific toys,

“ We ’ r e t h r i l l e d t o d i v e d e e p e r i n t o c o n s u m a b l e s w i t h T

The Food Liability Insurance Program, a national insurance program designed for small- to mid-sized operators in the food industry, released its inaugural “Food Industry Economic and Trend Outlook Report” which includes proprietary statistics on insurance trends in the category, survey results from operators insured by FLIP, and general economic statistics on the category as a whole

b s c r i p t i o n b o x e s , w h i c h d e -

l i v e r b e s t - i n - c l a s s a n d o r i g i n a l t o y s , h i g h q u a l i t y t r e a t s a n d e n t e r t a i n i n g

t h e m e s t h a t b r i n g j o y t o m i l l i o n s o f

d o g s a n d t h e i r p a re n t s We ’ re b r i n g i n g

i n g Wi t h o v e r a d e c a d e o f d e e p c u st o m e r i n s i g h t s , t h e c o m p a n y t o o k i t s

e x t e n s i v e k n o w l e d g e o f d o g s a n d w h a t

t h e y l o v e a n d b ro u g h t i t t o t h e f o o d i n -

d u s t r y w i t h t h e l a u n c h o f B a r k F o o d i n

2 0 2 3 B a r k i s p r i o r i t i z i n g g r o w i n g i t s

c o n s u m a b l e s b u s i n e s s i n 2 0 2 4 a n d

b r e a k i n g t h r o u g h i n a c r o w d e d , e s t a b -

To learn more about the Snack Pack and to purchase, visit bark co or target com or visit Target stores

wildly satisfying treats, great food for a dog’s breed, effective and easy to use dental care, and dog-first experiences that foster the health and happiness of dogs ever ywhere

Founded in 2011, Bark serves dogs nationwide with themed toys and treats subscriptions, BarkBox and Bark Super Chewer; custom product collections through its retail partner network, including Target and Amazon; its high-quality, nutritious meals with Bark Food; and products that meet dogs’ dental needs with Bark Bright GN

“We look to not only be an insurance vendor to our customers but a partner in their success, ” said Daryle Stafford, CEO

of Veracity Insurance, FLIP’s parent company “As such, we decided to compile this report in the hopes that our insured will find the information valuable in planning and benchmarking their business against industr ywide and segmented trends as they look to grow

“Some inspiring notes from our findings include that 64 percent of our client operators believe their businesses will grow in 2024 and that consumers are spending more on out-of-home food than ever before (a 6 percent increase YoY) We look for ward to continuing to provide actionable content for our customers in the months ahead aligning with our commitment of being a true partner in their businesses ”

FLIP statistical highlights from the report include:

claim type

ment failure of food spoilage (13 percent) re

• The average payout for all claims filed was $4,632

• California, Texas and Florida represented the highest concentrations of claims throughout the United States Food business owners felt the impact of higher food costs in 2023, with 65 percent of those sur veyed indicating rising costs impacted their net income, although data suggests that from the beginning of 2023 to the end, wholesale food prices decreased 5 7 percent Less than 3 percent of operators surveyed believe costs will con-

tinue to go down

• Operators are planning to continue to raise prices in 2024, with 91 percent reporting they believe ticket sizes will go up in 2024

• Operators are still relying on cash as 69 percent indicated they do not plan on going cashless in 2024, with 30 percent planning to do so

• 56 percent of food operators plan to spend similar amounts on marketing in 2024 as they did in 2023, with 34 percent planning to increase their spend O

D e s i g n e d b y B a r k ’ s i n - h o u s e d e s i g n t e a m , T h e S n a c k P a c k p ro d u c t p a c k a gi n g i s re m i n i s c e n t o f ‘ 8 0 s a n d ‘ 9 0 s c e re a l b o x e s , w i t h i n t e r a c t i v e a c t i v i t i e s o n t h e b a c k o f e a c h b o x t o e n g a g e b o t h d o g s a n d d o g p a re n t s E a c h p a c k a g e a l s o i nc l u d e s a Q R c o d e , r ev e a l i n g t h e c h a n c e t o w i n f u n p r i z e s f o r c u st o m e r s i n c l u d i n g a f re e y e a r- l o n g B a r k B o x , S u p e r C h e w e r o r B a r k B r i g h t s u b s c r i p t i o n , f re e t o y s a n d t re a t s a n d o t h e r s u r p r i s e s
h e S n a c k P a c k l a u n c h , w h i c h w i l l b u i l d o n o u r g ro w -
n t i n b o t h re t a i l a n d d i re c t - t o - c o n s u m e r c h a n n e l s , ” s a i d M a t t M e e k e r, c o - f o u n d e r a n d c h i e f e xe c u t i v e o f f i c e r “ B a r k ’ s s u c c e s s b e g a n w i t h o u r s u
i n g c o n s u m a b l e s f o o t p r i
l i s h e d c a t e g o r y w i t h f u n , n o s t a l g i a - i nd u c i n g p r o d u c t s f o r d o g s a n d d o g
p a re n t s
T h e r e p o r t i n c l u d e s a m a r k e t w i d e a n a l y s i s o f o u t - o f - h o m e f o o d b u s in e s s e s , e x c l u d i n g r e s t a u r a n t s a n d g r oc e r s , a n d s e g m e n t - s p e c i f i c i n s i g h t s o f b a k e r s , m o b i l e b a r t e n d e r s , c a t e r e r s , e v e n t - b a s e d b u s i n e s s e s s u c h a s f o o d t r u c k a n d f a r m e r s m a r k e t v e n d o r s , p e r-
o n a l c h e f s a n d h o m e ( c o t t a g e ) f o o d
b u s i n e s s e s
n a n a l y s i s o f i n s u r a n c e c l a i m s p ro c e s s e d i n 2 0 2 3 c o m p a re d t o 2 0 2 2 s h o w s a n i n c re a s e o f 2 3 p e rc e n t T h e
an A u t o o r Tr a i l e r I n c i d e n t , w h i c h re p res e n t e d 2 8 p e rc e n t o f a l l c l a i m s T h e f o ll o w i n g t h re e c l a i m t y p e s w e re a c c i d e n t - c a u s i n g t h i rd - p a rt y d a m a g e ( 1 8 p e rc e n t ) , t h e f t ( 1 3 p e rc e n t ) a n d e q u i p -
s p e c t i v
most prevalent
e l y
v e r a l l , e a c h c a t e g o r y a n a l y z e d i s g ro w i n g i n m a r k e t s i z e Yo Y w i t h f o o d t r u c k s b e i n g t h e m o s t ( 9 9 p e rc e n t ) , f o ll o w e d b y c a t e re r s ( 7 7 p e rc e n t ) , f a r m e r s m a r k e t v e n d o r s ( 7 p e rc e n t ) , h o m e - b a s e d ( c o t t a g e ) f o o d b u s i n e s s e s ( 4 2 p e rc e n t ) , m o b i l e b a r t e n d e r s ( 3 p e rc e n t ) , b a k e r s (2 4 percent) and personal chefs (2 4 perc e n t ) GN
See Growth in ‘24, Inaugural Industr y Economic Report Shows
y Operators

Small Paper Bag Suppliers Accuse

Novolex of Misusing US Trade Laws


retailers and


volex, a


owned, multi-billion-dollar packaging giant, to misuse U S trade laws to drive them out of the market

e A

Tr a d e i n Paper Bags, representing hundreds of U S w

group calling itself The Coalition for Fair

U S International Trade Commission impose

from restaurant carryout bags to high-end retail shopping bags

The Coalition for Fair Trade in Shopping Bags is led by Novolex, a $6 billion, highly automated producer of stock paper bags owned by Apollo Global Management

and the Carlyle Group, two of the largest private equity firms in the world Already the dominant player in the U S packaging industry, Novolex controls an estimated 75 percent of U S production of paper bags

“U S trade law is intended to protect American companies and workers from unfair foreign trade, not drive out competitors that offer more appealing product choices,” said Terri Ethridge, partner at AnnJoy, a Florida-based supplier of custom branded packaging “Novolex is not a reliable supplier and refuses to meet the needs of small- and medium-sized businesses

“American small businesses like ours provide superior customer ser vice, dependability, quality and variety compared to Novolex They only brought this case because they don’t want to compete against us in the marketplace ”

Novolex’s trade petition targets imported product from no fewer than nine countries – from Portugal, Turkey and Colombia to producers in southeast Asia –

to Add 800 Stores,

ALDI will add 800 stores nationwide by the end of 2028 through a combination of openings and store conversions This fiveyear expansion plan will bring even more communities products at the lowest possible prices during a time when consumers are more focused than ever on saving money

As a key part of its plans, ALDI also has completed its acquisition of Southeastern Grocers and its WinnDixie and Harveys Supermarket banners, which will drive significant growth in the Southeast region over the next few years

“Our growth is fueled by our customers, and they are asking for more ALDI stores in their neighborhoods nationwide,” said Jason Hart, CEO, ALDI “With up to 40 percent savings on groceries, new customers are inspired to tr y us out, and existing customers keep coming back

while notably excluding Mexico, from which Novolex itself imports products

“This trade petition is really about one company trying to knock its competitors out of the market so it can force retail and restaurant customers to accept its mass-produced stock paper bag offerings,” said Andrew Straitman, CEO of Commonwealth Packaging Co , a third-generation, familyowned custom-packaging provider based in Harrisburg, Penn “Novolex doesn’t even make many of the types of bags that they are trying to shut out of the market

“They can’t keep up with what their competitors are offering, so they’re asking the U S government to do their dirty work by imposing duties that give them an unfair advantage while sticking consumers with higher prices ”

Novolex recently announced a price increase of 19 percent amid declining raw material prices – highlighting the unparalleled pricing dominance it already exerts over the U S market Meanwhile, the

highly automated company ’ s hoped-for market gain from its trade ploy would come at the expense of lost jobs for hundreds of U S workers

ALDI will invest more than $9 billion over the next five years on its national expansion, adding locations across the country As part of its growth trajectory, ALDI will strengthen its already strong presence in the Northeast and Midwest, adding nearly 330 stores across both regions by the end of 2028

ALDI will also grow its presence in the

“While price is important, we earn their loyalty by stocking our shelves with only the best products and offering a quicker, easier, and more enjoyable shopping experience,” he said

“With this commitment to add 800 stores in the next five years, we’ll be where our shoppers need us while positively impacting the communities we serve ”

West by adding more stores in Southern California and Phoenix – and by entering new cities, such as Las Vegas

“For more than a decade, ALDI has added hundreds of stores per year across the countr y, ” Hart said “This success would not be possible without our dedicated team members and supplier partners that bring our customers value and convenience ever y day With our growth

comes exciting opportunities for our teams and suppliers to grow with us ” In the Southeast, the acquisition of Southeastern Grocers and its Winn-Dixie and Harveys Supermarket banners support ALDI expansion in a key region In addition to organic growth through store openings, a significant number of Winn-Dixie and Harveys Supermarkets will convert to the ALDI format over the next several years

Starting mid-summer, ALDI will begin a phased approach to the store conversion process ALDI anticipates that approximately 50 stores will begin the conversion process during the latter half of 2024, with the majority of these stores reopening as ALDI in 2025

As announced last August, ALDI intends for a meaningful amount of WinnDixie and Har veys Supermarkets to continue to operate under their current banners Both ALDI and Southeastern Grocers are committed to a seamless transition and continuing to deliver excellent value and customer service to their shoppers

Walter Packaging Group,

force anticompetitive behavior in the U S marketplace ”

The USITC held a hearing on the Coalition for Fair Trade in Shopping Bags petition in March Later this spring, the Commerce Department will issue a final decision on duty levels and the ITC will determine whether injury actually exists GN

priority,” said Anthony Hucker, president

“With the acquisition of Winn-Dixie and Har veys Supermarkets, ALDI will ser ve even more communities in the Southeast, bringing us closer to our customers in a region where we ’ ve already experienced significant demand for affordable, quality groceries,” said Hart “As we look ahead to this next chapter in our company history, both the ALDI and SEG teams will play a critical role in driving the business forward for our future collective success ”

As ALDI expands its footprint with new and converted store locations, customers can expect the same experience that keeps millions of customers shopping its aisles ever y month With easy-to-shop stores that get customers in and out, shelves stocked only with the best products at even better prices, and seasonal ALDI Finds that take grocery shopping from errand to adventure, ALDI continues to earn the loyalty of new customers with ever y community it enters

“ Wi t h a l o n g h i s t o r y o f s e r v i n g t h e S o u t h e a s t , o u r s t e a d f a s t c o m m i t m e n t t o helping our customers stretch their harde a r n e d d o l l a r s h a s re m a i n e d a c o n s t a n t
a n d C E O , S o u t h e a s t e r n G ro c e r s “ A s w e b e g i n t h i s n e x t c h a p t e r, w e w i l l c o n t i n u e t o d e l i v e r t h e q u a l i t y, s e r v i c e a n d v a l u e o u r c u s t o m e r s h a v e c o m e t o e x p e c t f ro m u s ”
T h ro u g h o u t t h e e x p a n s i o n , A L D I rem a i n s c o m m i t t e d t o m a k i n g a p o s i t i v e i m p a c t o n c o m m u n i t i e s a n d e n s u r i n g i t s e n v i ro n m e n t a l f o o t p r i n t d o e s n ’t g ro w w i t h i t A s p a rt o f i t s g ro w t h , A L D I w i l l build and remodel stores with sustainable f e a t u re s s u c h a s e n e rg y - e f f i c i e n t L E D l i g h t i n g , e n v i ro n m e n t a l l y f r i e n d l y re f r i ge r a t i o n s y s t e m s , ro o f t o p s o l a r s y s t e m s a n d m o re GN
Completes Acquisition of Southeastern Grocers U S small businesses that supply the
branded packaging needs of U S
foodservice businesses across
an attempt by No-
o r k e r s i n t h e s p e c i a l t y p a p e r b a g m a rk e t , i s o p p o s i n g a t r a d e p e t i t i o n f ro m a
Tr a d e i n S h o p p i n g B a g s re q u e s t i n g t h a t t h e D e p a rt m e n t o f C o m m e rc e a n d
a n t i d u m p i n g a n d c o u n t e r v a i l i n g d u t i e s o n i m p o rt e d s h o p p i n g b a g s f ro m n i n e c o u n t r i e s T h e t a rg e t e d i m p o rt s r a n g e
T h
l l i a n c e f o r R e s p o n s i b
N o v o l e x i s c o m p l a i n i n g a b o u t l o wp r i c e d i m p o rt s , b u t e v e r y o n e i n t h i s i ndustr y
they are the dominant m a r k e t p l a y e r w i t h t re m e n d o u s p r i c i n g p o w e r, w h i c h o n l y g e t s s t ro n g e r i f t h e y g e t a s u c c e s s f u l o u t c o m e i n t h i s c a s e , ” s a i d G o rd o n S u m m e rf i e l d , s e n i o r V P o f s a l e s a n d m a r k e t i n g a t Tre v o s e , P e n nbased S
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knows that

Study: Solutions in Catering Industr y To Address Food Waste Lacking

Twenty percent of U S restaurant owners say that not enough is being done to reduce food waste in the catering industry, according to new research by Alto-Shaam, commercial kitchen equipment innovator

The survey, conducted among commercial restaurant owners and purchasing decision-makers in the United States, found that a majority (83 percent) are either exploring or already implementing strategies to reduce food waste in their kitchens Despite these efforts, almost a fifth (16 percent) are losing around $400 a week due to food waste, totaling over $20,800 annually per restaurant

U S restaurant businesses have a significant opportunity to enhance their financial and environmental impacts by implementing strategies aimed at reducing food wastage

Uncovering the food waste initiatives currently being prioritized by leaders in the restaurant industry, the sur vey found

the most common initiatives being implemented include:

• Employee training: 44 percent

• Creative use of leftovers: 40 percent

• Food waste tracking software: 37 percent

• Sustainable sourcing: 36 percent

• Regular menu audits: 35 percent

Reports show the restaurant industr y spends an estimated $162 billion ever y year in costs related to wasted food Combining food waste from restaurants with grocery stores, and foodservice companies, commercial food waste contributes to greenhouse emissions equating to an equivalent of 14 8 million cars Furthermore, all food waste in the United States combined is the equivalent of the greenhouse emissions of 37 million cars

“Navigating all operations efficiently amid the complexities of our current tough and unpredictable economy is no easy feat,” said Ryan Norman, director of consultant ser vices from Alto-Shaam

“Nevertheless, it’s impressive to see that most restaurants are taking commendable steps to implement strategies aimed at reducing food wastage

“It’s important that the catering and restaurant industry work together to battle these sustainability issues, which is why we want to help leaders and businesses in our industr y to improve their sustainability efforts, which will have the knock-on benefit of improved profitability ”

technology is one example that uses little energy yet allows chefs to hold food longer, without drying out food and having to throw it away ”

Since 1955, Alto-Shaam have pioneered foodser vice solutions that build customers’ confidence in their operations, allowing them to embrace innovative approaches and profitable opportunities

“We’re proud to be developing technology and equipment that contributes to this positive movement,” said Ryan Norman, director of consultant services “Halo Heat

Alto-Shaam develops cutting-edge kitchen solutions and technologies, with products including Combi Ovens, Cook & Hold Ovens and many more Alto-Shaam also provides a system of support for installation, training, culinary and technical needs, to the U S catering industry and beyond GN

Frontline Names Parts Town Exclusive Distributor

Frontline International, which engineers and manufactures category-leading cooking oil management equipment for foodservice kitchens, has named Parts Town as the exclusive distributor of Frontline OEM parts to its customers Frontline parts are now available through Partstown com

teed to work to

m eday shipping

“The international reach of Parts Town is extremely attractive to us because we have customers on six continents,” said Giovanni Brienza, senior vice president of Frontline International “With its dedication to customer service, we ’ re pleased our customers will have unprecedented access to genuine OEM parts no matter where in the world they are located ” W h e n c u s t o m e r s i n n e e d o f F ro n t l i n e

parts contact Parts Town, they can expect n o m i n i m u

through Friday, same-day shipping

site include real-time inventory, parts images and equipment manuals

Frontline International, Inc designs, manufactures and distributes superior commercial foodservice equipment for the storage, handling and disposal of cooking oil Customers own their own equipment, negotiate their own oil rebates and have the freedom to choose their own oil vendors

The company also offers turnkey oil management under its OilCare bundled services program GN

Scientists Study Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Scientists at the U S Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service and Ohio State University have been working to investigate how tomatoes may be imparting health benefits in a recently published study

Studies in animals have shown that incorporating tomatoes into the diet can reduce the prevalence of chronic illnesses such as prostate and liver cancer It has been thought that compounds naturally produced by tomatoes are responsible for these effects

After absorption from a meal, many of the chemical compounds found in tomato fruits travel to the liver, where they are metabolized Some compounds remain for some time, while others are quickly removed from the body

Meanwhile, in the liver or other tissues, some of these compounds can alter gene expression in ways associated with positive health benefits Researchers in the past have largely focused on lycopene, a pigment that gives tomatoes their red color

However, tomatoes produce thousands of compounds, and it has been shown that tomato consumption offers more benefits than lycopene alone A “big picture” view was missing

“We know that eating tomatoes is associated with a number of health benefits, and our study intended to dive deeper into what happens when you eat tomatoes from the standpoint of what is absorbed and how gene expression is altered,” said Michael Dzakovich, Ph D , a scientist with USDA-ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center “Rather than focusing only on one compound, we utilized a technology called metabolomics to broadly profile how hundreds of chemical compounds were changing in the liver as a result of tomato consumption

“We also used transcriptomics to measure how all the detectable genes in the liver were changing at the same time This approach gave us valuable insight into the potential mechanisms by which tomato consumption affects the liver and poten-

tially the whole body ”

Scientists tested liver tissue from mice that were fed control diets or control diets enriched with tomato to determine what tomato compounds were found in the liver and how gene expression changed Tomato-fed mice were given one of two diets with the addition of commercial orange and red tomato varieties

Since not all tomato varieties are chemically identical, using multiple varieties allowed for a more comprehensive examination of how tomato consumption affects the liver in general

“We discovered a series of metabolites (molecules produced by metabolism) that have never been reported in the liver Several of these compounds have been found in blood, skin and urine, but our data show that these molecules are more extensively metabolized than we realized,” Dzakovich said The metabolites are from steroidal alkaloids uniquely produced in tomatoes

“Steroidal alkaloids have been shown in

both in vitro (in the laboratory) and animal studies to lower the absorption of cholesterol, reduce cancer cell proliferation and reduce muscle atrophy They also resemble many important signaling molecules made by the body It seems reasonable to hypothesize they might be a part of a suite of compounds found in tomatoes that benefit human health ”


F o u n d e d i n 1 9 8 7 , P a rt s To w n i s a re s t a u r a n t e q u i p m e n t p a rt s d i s t r i b u t o r s u p p o rt i n g l o c a l , n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n at i o n a l c u s t o m e r s I t h a s b u i l t i t s re p u t at i o n o n s t e l l a r c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e a n d s t o c k s o n l y g e n u i n e O E M p a rt s g u a r a n -
specs, w i t h u n p a r a l l e l e d i n v e n t o r y a n d s a
m o rd e r s , l i v e p h o n e re p s a v a i l a b l e 8 a m t o 9 p m E T M o n d a y
all i n - s t o c k o rd e r s p l a c e d b e f o re 9 p m E T, S a t u rd a y s h i p p i n g f o r i n - s t o c k o rd e r s p l a c e d b e f o re 4 p m E T, p a rt s i d e n t i f i c at i o n s u p p o rt , w a r r a n t y s u p p o rt f o r p a rt s a n d c o n s i s t e n t p r i c i n g f o r a l l n a t i o n a l a cc o u n t s
For added convenience, orders may be placed via phone, fax, email or online Parts Town’s mobile app and mobile web
I n a d d i t i o n , s c i e n t i s t s o b s e r v e d t h a t re g a rd l e s s o f t h e t o m a t o v a r i e t y, t h e re was an increase in
l a t e d t o x e n o b i o t i c m e t a b o l i s m , a s er i e s o f b i o l o g i c a l p ro c e s s e s t h a t h e l p o u r b o d y d e t o x i f y i t s e l f T h i s l e d t h e a u t h o r s t o h y p o t h e s i z e t h a t o n e w a y i n w h i c h t o m a t o e s m a y b e b e n e f i t i n g h u m a n h e a l t h i s i n t h e i r a b i l i t y t o p ro m o t e p rod u c t i o n o f t h e e n z y m e s t h a t a l l o w e x c ret i o n o f p o t e n t i a l l y t o x i c c o m p o u n d s S i m i l a r g e n e e x p re s s i o n p ro f i l e s h a v e b e e n a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e p re v e n t i o n o f c a n c e r d e v e l o p m e n t b e c a u s e o f c o n s u mi n g v e g e t a b l e s s u c h a s b r a s s i c a s ( f o r e xa m p l e , b ro c c o l i ) G N

New Summertime Products Include Plenty of Flavorful Snacks, Beverages

Even though reality might not reflect it, summer does conjure up thoughts of leisurely days, freedom from the workaday world and relaxing with family and friends, with poolside parties to share delicious nibbles and beverages

Well, at least we can make the snacks and sips happen

Americans are snacking more than ever, with a whopping 90 percent reporting they snack one to three times a day At the same time, nearly half say they’re actively trying to eat healthy Danone North America is responding to these growing consumer trends in the yogurt aisle with REMIX – a wide variety of yogurts and dairy snacks with bold mix-ins to satisfy snacking cravings earlier or later in the day Consumers can feel great about choosing a REMIX snack with knockout taste, epic mix-in toppings and – depending on the brand – high protein, less fat or lower sugar options

ounce cup This collection is available in three varieties: Oikos REMIX Coco Almond Chocolate, featuring coconut nonfat yogurt with honey praline almonds and dark chocolate mix-ins; Oikos REMIX S’mores, featuring vanilla nonfat yogurt with graham cookies, dark chocolate and toasted marshmallow bark mix-ins; and Oikos REMIX Salted Caramel, featuring salted caramel nonfat yogurt with sea salt praline pretzels, dark chocolate and butter toffee mix-ins

Danone’s REMIX collection spans three of its most beloved brands, Light + Fit, Oikos and Too Good & Co The REMIX line delivers in a way that is fun and exciting for consumers, especially as snacking habits evolve Danone’s world-class team of research & innovation experts and nutrition science experts looked at more than 100 ingredients resulting in more than 50 flavor options before landing on its final drool-worthy combinations

“It’s no secret that snacking is increasing for busy Americans, and we ’ ve taken notice,” said Rafael Acevedo, president/GM “We want snacking to feel anything but routine, and at Danone we are positioned to give consumers yogurt options that work for them on all fronts – for their taste buds, their nutrition goals and their schedules

“That’s why we created Oikos, Light & Fit and Too Good REMIX, to shake up the mix-in space with options that not only have compelling nutritional profiles, but that taste insanely good, too All nine varieties and topping combinations are fantastic, but my personal favorite is Too Good – Banana Dark Chocolate Honey ” Made to fit perfectly into the palm of one hand, REMIX features an innovative, patent-pending packaging design with a new recyclable cup shape

Oikos REMIX has the protein and bold taste to take a snack to the next level, with 11 grams of complete protein in every 4 5-

Too Good & Co REMIX is just the thing to reach for when craving a little treat that goes easy on the sweet With 6 grams of sugar in ever y 4 5-ounce cup, get all the mix-in goodness with less sugar These snacks come in three varieties: Too Good & Co REMIX Strawberry Dark Chocolate Almond, featuring a strawberry base with chia granola, roasted almonds and chocolate mix-ins; Too Good & Co REMIX Banana Dark Chocolate Honey, featuring a banana base with roasted almonds, chocolate and honey-flavored crisp mix-ins; and Too Good & Co REMIX Blueberr y Almond Oat Crisp, featuring a blueberry base with honey praline roasted almonds and cinnamon oat crisp mix-ins Light + Fit REMIX packs full-on flavor into 120 calories or fewer Pairing fat-free yogurt with mix-ins inspired by classic desserts, it’s an everyday indulgence This line is available in three varieties: Light + Fit REMIX Strawberr y Cheesecake, featuring strawberry cheesecake fat-free yogurt with graham cookies, caramel pearls and dark chocolate mix-ins; Light + Fit REMIX Key Lime, featuring key lime fat-free yogurt with graham cookies and white fudge chunk mix-ins; and Light + Fit REMIX Brownie Sundae, featuring vanilla fat-free yogurt + brownie crumble, honey praline almonds and butter toffee mix-ins

The REMIX collection is available at many retailers including Kroger, Albertsons, Wakefern, Hannaford, Stop and Shop, Meijer and Target REMIX will be available at Publix starting in June

Hidden Valley Ranch and Cheez-It have come together to create the cheeziest addition to the Hidden Valley Ranch: Cheezy Ranch Crafted with 100 percent real cheese and the zesty flavor of ranch, Cheezy Ranch

is a delicious addition to Cheez-It crackers or salty snacks

“Ranch fans never cease to amaze us with their creative twists on Hidden Valley Ranch,” said CC Ciafone, marketing director at Hidden Valley Ranch “When we caught wind of them combining the irresistible flavors of Hidden Valley Ranch with Cheez-It crackers, we were blown away ” “Hidden Valley Ranch and Cheez-It fans share the same obsession with our delicious food, so bringing them together made perfect sense, ” said Cara Tragseiler, senior brand director for Cheez-It “For the first time ever, our fans can drizzle the cheezy deliciousness they know and love on just about anything ” Cheezy Ranch will be available for purchase at Walmart and Kroger grocer y stores nationwide for $5 99

Hot Creamy Jalapeño, Spicy Hot Honey, Green Goddess and Parmesan Ranch

Jack Link’s and Dr Pepper have teamed up to release Jack Link’s WILD Dr Pepper inspired flavored meat stick and Jack Link’s Dr Pepper inspired flavored beef jerky Infused with the distinctive flavors inspired by Dr Pepper, each bite of Jack Link’s meat snacks delivers a blend of sweet and savory sensations

Jack Link’s WILD Dr Pepper inspired flavored meat sticks debuted on retailer shelves at Circle K stores, gas stations and Amazon Jack Link’s Dr Pepper inspired flavored beef jerky will follow, hitting retailers in June

Known for its iconic toaster pastries, PopTarts is turning convention on its head and empowering snackers to embrace the crunch with the all-new lineup of PopTarts Crunchy Poppers As the first crunchy offering from the brand, Crunchy Poppers are a pop-in-your-mouth twist on Pop-Tarts with a crunchy exterior, a tasty filling and a layer of frosting and sprinkles with every bite

Pop-Tarts Crunchy Poppers are available in Frosted Strawberry Crunch and Frosted Brownie Crunch

Other product innovations hitting shelves include: Garlic Ranch, Nashville

“For over 60 years, Pop-Tarts fans have included our iconic toaster pastries into their morning routines, and we wanted to give our fans even more occasions to enjoy the brand – just with a little more crunch,” said Heidi Ray, senior director of marketing “In a sea of salty snack offerings, PopTarts Crunchy Poppers are the ultimate munching experience to satisfy our fans’ sweet and crunchy cravings, anytime and anywhere ”

Pop-Tarts Crunchy Poppers have an SRP of $3 99 per five-count box and $6 59 per 10-count box

Local Hive has brought 100 percent American, raw and unfiltered honey to the marketplace for 100 years and counting As a tribute to this milestone and the year the company started bottling honey, the team has launched a limited edition, 1924 Golden Age Wildflower Honey Blend at all Whole Foods Market stores and online Sourced from honeybees in their native


regions across the United States, this polyfloral blend features a sweet, mild taste and fragrance from an array of wildflowers

With honey imports surging by 73 percent in the last 10 years, according to the USDA National Honey Report, Local Hive leads as the only national brand of honey sourced exclusively from American bee-

keepers Bottled raw and unfiltered, the pure honey is rich in nutrients, living enzymes and pollen, plus contains antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungal properties

More than 23 blends of Local and Regional, Single Varietal and Harvest Reserve honey, featuring tastes from across the states, are sold in major grocer y stores across the countr y A portion of all proceeds supports Pace (Pollinator Awareness through Conservation and Education)

“We’ve been committed from day one to exclusively sourcing local honey and keeping every step of the honey making process right here in the USA,” said Cale Nelson, chief commercial officer “Today, we ’ re working directly with more than 200 American beekeepers Their bees not only make our honey; they pollinate farms from coast to coast, producing nearly $20 billion of fruits, nuts and crops every year

“The Local Hive business is producing high-quality, delicious products, while giving back to our ecosystem and the economy That’s what stirs a passion in us and drives us every day ”

Packaged in a stylish black and gold fliptop bottle, Local Hive’s limited edition anniversar y is available for retailers nationwide to carr y, while supplies last The company will also be launching a creative digital campaign about 100 ways to use honey

Elmhurst 1925 continues to innovate with a Multi-Serve Latte Line in five varieties: Pistachio Crème, Maple Walnut, Caramel Cashew, Brown Sugar Oat and Toasted Vanilla Almond Like all Elmhurst products, they contain minimal ingredients

and are free from gums, oils and added fillers

As Elmhurst grows plant-based food and beverage offerings, ready-to-drink Lattes are a natural addition to the brand’s product lineup By blending its variety of cleanlabel plant milks with premium Arabica cold brew, Elmhurst delivers creamy coffeehouse flavors shoppers love in a format that’s convenient to enjoy at home

With 95 mg of caffeine and as few as 5 grams of sugar, every serving has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee and 81 percent less sugar than a standard dairy latte Plus, each 24-ounce carton contains two 12ounce ser vings, so consumers can enjoy multiple lattes or share with a friend

“At Elmhurst, it’s our mission to offer the cleanest and creamiest plant-based products in the market,” said Heba Mahmoud, senior director of brand marketing & innovation “This commitment to continuous innovation has led us to craft the ultimate dairy-free lattes for coffee lovers

“Because we use our smooth and creamy plant milks as a base, these lattes are as rich and flavorful as what you’d get at a coffee shop, without the gums, oils, and high sugar levels you’ll find in other readyto-drink options Plus, they’re super versatile when it comes to performance Sure, you can enjoy them over ice, but they also steam and foam beautifully for consumers who take their lattes hot Our customers know coffee and don’t want to settle, so we worked to bring that café-quality experience home in a ready-to-drink format ”

Elmhurst’s Lattes are available online at an SRP of $7 99 on Amazon and Sprouts, with more retailers to follow

Blue Zones and Langers have teamed up to launch a line of pre-bottled, unsweetened teas inspired by the essence and ingredients of the blue zones longevity hotspots

The second-generation, family-owned juice company has long aligned with Blue Zones’ values and roots in the lifestyle habits of the world’s healthiest, longest-living people – including moving naturally, knowing one ’ s purpose, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and drinking tea The brand has partnered with Blue Zones to release two new 128-ounce bottled teas – a

Green & Jasmine Tea and a Bergamot Black Tea – infused with nourishing ingredients traditionally enjoyed in the Ikarian and Okinawan blue zones

Each tea has zero added sugars or sweeteners

The Green & Jasmine Tea is inspired by Okinawa, Japan Once called the Land of Immortals, Okinawans have traditionally enjoyed an anti-inflammator y green tea with jasmine flowers and turmeric known as “shan-pien,” meaning “tea with a bit of scent ” This antioxidant infusion, mixed with vitamin-rich real fruit juices (pineapple, mango, and dragon fruit), is designed to give smooth energy and mood-boosting restoration

The Bergamot Black Tea is inspired by Ikaria, Greece It is made from ancient ingredients such as Bergamot, a fragrant citrus fruit that grows throughout Ikaria There, strong family values and the commonplace habit of drinking teas steeped in herbs factored into the population’s extraordinar y longevity

This specific Bergamot antioxidant-rich blend is combined with the juices of stone fruits, watermelon, and strawberr y, and designed to restore and renew

“Langers Juice is a family brand and it’s always been about just that: family and juice,” said Bruce Langer, president “For as long as I can remember, my siblings and I were tasting fruits and juice blends Our purpose could always be found in seeking nutritious and healthy foods

wines feature artwork from Messina Hof ’ s Texas Wine Label Competition held at the Wine & Roses Festivals ever y year This label features “Turquoise Geode” by Kit Rae, the 2021 winner

Off Dr y Gewur ztraminer 2023 is a bright and charming white wine, offering a delicate dryness to enhance the flavors of lychee, ginger and mango on the palate

This varietal pairs well with seafood, pasta and spicy dishes

The Off Dr y Muscat Canelli balances tart flavors of apricot, peach and melon with softer flavors of passion fruit and jasmine, offering a slightly sweet and refreshing finish This varietal pairs well with vegetables, poultry and spicy dishes

The Off Dry Riesling is a soft and silky varietal with subtle sweetness, combining notes of fresh grapefruit and spiced pears on the nose with flavors of green apple and lime zest on the palate This varietal pairs well with seafood, pork and spicy dishes

HTeaO has launched HTeaO Energy Shots, available in four fruit flavors The energy

shots are available at all HTeaO locations

Customers can enjoy them straight or use them as a “tea topper” for an extra kick of energy

“At Langers, we believe in crafting more than just juices; we ’ re cultivating a legacy It’s a journey through flavors and traditions that extends beyond pure fruit juices; it’s a commitment to moving naturally, knowing our purpose, savoring fruits, and sipping tea Our beverages mirror the vitality of the centenarians from the blue zones, a sip of life’s most precious moments from nature’s best gifts ”

Messina Hof Winer y has launched its Off Dr y Collection, a collection of three wines offering an intriguing spin on classic white wine The “off dr y ” style of these wines appeal to a wide range of palates with their ability to pair with a variety of cuisines and their bright flavor profiles, including balanced notes of fruits and florals in each bottle

Unlike typical energy shots loaded with synthetic ingredients and additives, HTeaO Energy Shots use only natural ingredients

Each shot is tea-based, gluten free and kosher certified

With four flavors – Lemon, Georgia Peach, Watermelon and Blueberr y –HTeaO Energy

Messina Hof has crafted each wine with a refreshing body and perfumed aromatics for the “not too dry” and “not too sweet” wine lovers As part of the Artist Series, all

Shots offer a burst of flavor without artificial additives

Each energy shot, sized at 2 5 fluid ounces, is available for $3 29 at all HTeaO locations

“At the heart of our brand is our mission to provide highquality beverages that taste great and enhance overall well-being for our customers,” said Heath Nielsen, president “Our latest innovation, tea-based energy shots, we are elevating our commitment to the next level by offering a healthier option to the current energy shots available in the market ”

Continued on PAGE 12

New Products

Continued from PAGE 11

In addition to providing a caffeine boost, HTeaO Energy Shots contain L-theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid found in tea leaves L-theanine is known for its ability to support mood, reduce stress, and enhance focus, making it the perfect addition to these energy shots

“‘You have to taste this It came out of a can!’ When I overheard one server say this to another server at a recent event, I almost thought about making it our tagline,” said Bil Carter, senior brand manager for Superbird

Superbird’s mission is to be the best tequila cocktails that just happen to come in cans

Superbird Tequila Sodas ($21 99 per eight-pack) are just that: top-notch tequila with soda, for something easy to drink and with a full agave flavor Real tequila, zero sugar, zero carbs and only 95 calories create the ultimate party starter in four expressions: pink grapefruit, lime, pineapple and black cherry They come in a shareable variety eight-pack (12-ounce cans; 5 percent ABV) and can be poured on the rocks or taken to go, wherever that party may be Superbird Tequila Cocktails ($11 99 per four pack) prove that bar-quality cocktails can come out of cans

With both the full-flavored Tequila Paloma and Tequila Sunrise, you’ll never have to memorize a cocktail recipe again

Torrisi, Carbone Alfredo elevates the classic white sauce with the premium, unmatched taste and quality of Carbone

It’s the latest innovation in the line of jarred sauces that reimagine classic Italian-American staples through a distinctly Carbone lens, following the smash hit success of the flagship Spicy Vodka launch in summer 2023

Carbone Classic Alfredo is a blend of rich, creamy parmesan and romano cheeses, cream and butter while Roasted Garlic delivers the same flavorful blend with a touch of roasted garlic Like all Carbone sauces, Alfredo is slow-cooked in small batches with premium, all natural ingredients

“Red sauce is our bread and butter, and we ’ ve proven that we can do that really well,” said CEO Eric Skae “We’re excited to expand our offerings with Alfredo and bring our signature premium quality to this popular style of sauce ”

The Alfredo sauce segment experienced more than 14 percent overall sales growth in 2023

The Tequila Paloma is made with real tequila, grapefruit juice, agave nectar and sparkling water – in a convenient fourpack (12-ounce cans; 5 9 percent ABV) The Tequila Sunrise is the perfect pick-meup made with real tequila, tangerine and black cherr y juice, agave nectar and sparkling water in a four-pack (12-ounce cans; 5 9 percent ABV)

Superbird is the latest launch by Casa Komos Brands Group, created by Richard Betts and Joe Marchese, maker of ultraluxury, highest-rated Tequila Komos The new line of RTDs complement Superbird’s Premium 100% Blue Agave Tequila, available in three expressions: Blanco, Reposado and the spicy Fuego ($29 99 to $32 99) Superbird Premium Tequila, Tequila Sodas and Tequila Cocktails can be found in 38 states

Carbone Fine Food, the fastest growing pasta sauce in America, has released its newest innovations, Classic Alfredo and Roasted Garlic Alfredo Curated by awardwinning chefs, Mario Carbone and Rich

Carbone Fine Food Alfredo sauces are rolling out across the country, starting at $8 99 a jar Consumers can purchase all Carbone Fine Food products at various retailers nationwide and online

Amid a sea of sameness, with a flurry of innovation and an expanded product line, Tonnino, the leading gourmet tuna brand in the United States, unveiled its latest products, Salmon in jars and Albacore in cans at Expo West

“We are proud of our journey to becoming one of the most valued gourmet tuna brands in the country and excited to celebrate our continued expansion with everyone at the trade show,” said Gabriela Jimenez, sales and marketing manager “We’re passionate about offering differentiation and sparking innovation in a category that’s ready for a refresh ”

Wild-Caught Silver Salmon Jars feature salmon sourced exclusively from the waters of Alaska, then hand-cut and jarred in high-caliber olive oils Bursting with flavor, protein and Omega 3s, salmon varieties include extra virgin olive oil, in smoked olive oil with rosemar y, and in olive oil with zesty garlic and dill

Premium Canned Albacore Tuna with Vegetables features pole and line-caught albacore tuna With its comprehensive packaging process, Tonnino ensures that fresh flavor is meticulously preser ved, so customers can enjoy convenience and deliciousness Available in water with spicy jalapeño and diced carrots in olive oil with

garlic and herbs, and in water with chickpeas, corn and carrots

This year, the label also rolled out Premium Yellowfin Tuna Party Dips, Tonnino Tuna Just for Kids! and award winner Yellowfin Tuna in tins with diced veggies – an ideal way to elevate niçoise and pasta dishes

Indian cuisine continues to enjoy its popularity with consumers Sukhi’s has rolled out three refrigerated entrees to help satisfy them

Tamarind Pulled Chicken combines the best of Indian and American in one Pulled Chicken with an original Sukhi’s Sweet Tamarind BBQ Sauce It works great in sliders, rolled with tortillas or on top of salads Tamarind Pulled Chicken has an MSRP of $10 99

ready to heat and serve

Perr y ’ s Ice Cream Co , Inc , a Great Lakes regional brand and Upstate New York’s top ice cream, has introduced six ice cream flavors in time for summer Included in the 2024 lineup are three retail flavors and three three-gallon flavors for scoop shop and restaurant customers

Perr y ’ s new flavors were developed to meet the trend in nostalgia as consumers seek products that remind them of the past and provide comfort, while offering a modern interpretation “Perr y ’ s is wellknown for our unique flavors,” said Megan Mergler, associate product manager “With consumers feeling nostalgic and reminiscent, we focused our flavor development on classic flavors that offer a twist of something new while invoking joyful memories at Perry’s ”

In this year ’ s lineup, Cookie Jar offers a decadent twist on a homemade chocolate chip cookie by adding baked cookie chunks to indulgent sea salt caramel ice cream Caramel Panda Paws expands on the popular Panda Paws franchise that consumers know and love by introducing sea salt caramel to the original, chocolate and cherry line

A flavorful blend of fully cooked ground chicken, kidney beans and garam masala in a hearty spiced chili, Sukhi’s Chicken Chili draws inspiration from classic Keema Curry to create this tailgate-friendly dish Enjoy it with favorite toppings such as shredded cheese and sour cream or eat it with rice Chicken Chili has an MSRP of $10 99

Butter Chicken features tender white meat chicken pieces simmered in a rich, creamy tomato butter sauce Pair it with Lemon Rice for a complete meal Sukhi’s Butter Chicken has an MSRP of $10 99 Free of antibiotics, hormones and preservatives, these meals come fully cooked and

The newest extra indulgent ice cream pint flavor from Perry’s, Over the Moon, brings together a unique combination of toffee, crushed cookies and sponge candy, while providing the delightful texture consumers crave in ice cream

These retail flavors are available in 1 5-quart packages, with Cookie Jar also in a 16-ounce format

The new foodser vice flavors in three-gallon tubs are Bee Sting (vanilla pudding ice cream with graham cracker and hot honey swirls), Cookie Jar and Fruit Scoops (fruity cereal ice cream with fruity cereal swirls)

The flavors are available online and at retailers across New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Washington D C , Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina, including Dash’s Market, Giant Eagle, Shurfine, Tops Markets and Wegmans Food Markets

12 vGOURMET NEWS // MAY 2024
P e r r y ’ s c o n t i n u e s t h e i r t r a d i t i o n o f u s i n g i t s s i g n a t u re s l o w - c o o k e d , o n e b a t c h a t a t i m e t e c h n i q u e , w h i l e s t a y i n g relevant to today’s changing consumer req u e s t s A l l P e r r y ’ s m i l k a n d c re a m a re r B S T f re e

MyForest Foods Co ’ s flagship product, MyBacon, has expanded into the northeastern region of Whole Foods Market

This regional entry, which contains 57 Whole Foods Market locations, marks added expansion in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut This announcement comes on the heels of an additional new retail partner, MOM’s Organic Market, which increases MyBacon’s availability throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D C

MyForest Foods’ commercial retail location list counts more than 350 locations across eight states in the Northeast The demand for MyForest Foods’ myceliumbased offerings is driven by consumer satisfaction for delicious taste, a clean, five-ingredient label and an appreciation for the company ’ s Earth-compatible mission

“This journey has been about so much more than launching a product,” says

tional bacon, MyBacon’s light-touch farming and production process uses less land and water and produces less carbon than conventional pork production

The application of AirMycelium farming technology produces a wholecut product, filling a significant market gap and bolstering a new industry category

Bitchin’ Sauce, a leading nut dip brand known for its wide variety of creamy condiments, takes a global leap expanding into five countries Costco Wholesale locations in Australia, China, Mexico, New Zealand and South Korea will carry a taste of the Southern California-based brand Bitchin’ Sauce is offering multi-packs of Original, Chipotle and Cilantro Chili in Mexico and value-sized Chipotle in Australia, China, New Zealand and South Korea

Sarah-Marie Cole, chief marketing officer “This is the domestication of an entirely new crop: AirMycelium It’s a crop that offers a delicious, whole-cut, farm-to-table experience ”

“Since we ’ re growing the mushroom’s roots – not its fruits – the farming technology has been a process of trial and error, ” said Eben Bayer, co-founder and chairman of the board “We have dialed in on the precise environmental factors necessary to grow delicious and nutritious whole cuts of mycelium

“Our farm may have been the first of its kind, but it won’t be the last Today, as our farm is producing towards capacity, our partner mushroom farm, Whitecrest Innovations Inc (Canada), is poised to double our production in 2024 Whitecrest has proven that we can enable existing mushroom farms to add AirMycelium to their crop repertoire It’s a significant opportunity for both the grower and MyForest Foods ”

“MyBacon’s increased distribution has been a full team effort,” said Greg Shewchuk, CEO “From perfecting our farming process to achieving organic certification on our farm-grown mycelium to refining our clean-label recipe, this past year has required hard work, resilience and dedication The team is tireless; the results reflect that We are ready and excited for this critical point in our expansion ”

MyBacon is a plant-based and Koshercertified meatless bacon made from five ingredients: organic oyster mushroom mycelium (the vegetative root structure of mushrooms), salt, organic sugar, organic coconut oil and natural flavors With a taste, smell, and texture similar to tradi-

“We are thrilled to embark on this exciting journey with new global influence,” said CEO and founder Starr Edwards “The international launch marks a significant milestone for us, and we look for ward to sharing our Bitchin’ goodies with customers worldwide ”

The availability of Bitchin’ Sauce in 77 international Costco locations provides an opportunity for even more customers to experience the distinctive and delectable flavors that have made Bitchin’ Sauce a household staple in many U S homes

Established in 2010 at the farmers markets of San Diego and years later expanding into major retailers, Bitchin’ Sauce has solidified its position as a leader of the Refrigerated Dips & Salsas category The nutdip brand now holds a significant share of domestic retail space within refrigerated dips & salsas, encompassing 78 percent of a burgeoning nut-based dip segment, which comprises 11 2 percent of national U S hummus, dip and salsa sales as of 2023

Sales for Bitchin’ Sauce in 2023 broke records with $50 million in domestic gross revenue With incremental sales expected from increasing worldwide distribution, the brand is expected to continue its unrelenting year-over-year growth

Kraft Natural Cheese has launched Kraft Signature Shreds, restaurant-style, thickcut, natural shredded cheese to elevate homemade meals with an unrivaled melt and rich, satisfying flavor that is optimal for the cheesiest dishes

Kraft Signature Shreds are available in three debut offerings: Cheddar Blend, Mozzarella Blend and Mexican Blend, all packaged in 8ounce resealable bags

The Kraft Signature Shreds collection marks the first new product innovation for Kraft Natural Cheese since its acquisition in 2021 by Lactalis Heritage Dairy, a subsidiary of Lactalis USA, the world’s leading dair y company Combining the

highest-quality Kraft cheeses with a special, premium whole-milk mozzarella specifically developed by Lactalis for use in restaurants, Kraft Signature Shreds allows foodies to craft restaurant-quality meals from the comfort of home

“Now, more than ever, families seek ways to enhance homemade meals, improve the quality of their at-home cooking, and recreate the restaurant experience at home without sacrificing time or resources, ” said Ken Padgett, director of marketing for Kraft Natural Cheese “Kraft Natural Cheese prides itself on helping families create joyful occasions out of ever yday meals, and the launch of Kraft Signature Shreds will undoubtedly propel this passion even further ”

The Kraft Signature Shreds packaging features a QR code to help families gather mealtime inspiration through a curated menu experience online This collection of recipes includes shareable appetizers, family-friendly entrées and delectable desserts

Kraft Signature Shreds is available in national retailers including Kroger, Mariano’s, Publix and Food Lion with additional distribution planned this summer

“No matter how you pull it, shred it, stack it or slice it, Tillamook is known for making creamy, melty, extraordinar y cheese and our new lineup of mozzarella is no different,” said Steve Marko, senior director of research & development at TCCA “Tillamook Whole Milk Mozzarella is made the traditional way with the highest quality ingredients, ensuring each melty bite delivers full flavor – and an impressively long cheese pull ”

Whole Milk Mozzarella is the third new product from the premium, multi-categor y dair y brand in 2024, joining Brick Cream Cheese, an extra creamy and smooth cream cheese experience, and a Chocolate Ice Cream Collection, four ice cream flavors made for the chocolate obsessed

Slices, Whole Milk Mozzarella


Portions and Whole Milk Mozzarella


Tillamook Whole Milk Mozzarella is available across the countr y at Albertsons, Safeway, Target, Kroger and many other grocery stores

KRAFT brand has added five aiolis and sauces to its diverse product portfolio with the Creamy Sauces line Creamy Sauces marks the first innovation line to launch under the new KRAFT Sauces rebrand, which consolidates all sauces, spreads and salad dressings under one family for the first time

Alongside the new product line, KRAFT Sauces launches its first logo change in 10 years, boldly redesigned packaging and its first unified brand platform

Aiolis have taken the restaurant and culinary scene by storm, with 77 percent of consumers expressing interest in trying new aioli flavors The KRAFT Creamy Sauces line brings this fan-favorite sauce to home kitchens across the country, adding a punch of rich flavor to culinary classics, from French fries and sandwiches to onion rings and more The lineup includes Smoky Hickory Bacon Flavored Aioli, Chipotle Aioli, Garlic Aioli, Burger Aioli and Buffalo Style Mayonnaise Dressing

“In today’s world, we know the kitchen

standards,” says Kaitlin Roe, brand direct

“KRAFT Sauces brings restaurant-qual-

ity depth, tang and spice right to the refrigerator – empowering fans to be more adventurous in the kitchen ”

The new Tillamook Whole Milk Mozzarella line includes an assortment of four mozzarella products, made with whole milk that delivers full flavor and a creamy melt: Farmstyle Whole Milk Mozzarella

Shreds, Farmstyle Whole Milk Mozzarella

The brand refresh includes the first changes to KRAFT’s iconic logo in more than 10 years, along with new packaging, social channels and its first unified creative platform – “It’s not art It’s KRAFT ” The decision to refresh and rebrand comes as many shoppers are already purchasing KRAFT condiments in two or more categories

The bold packaging brings to life the combination of flavors and food

KRAFT encourages its fans to experiment with Across all elements of the brand’s refresh, KRAFT Sauces aims to playfully convey that fancy doesn’t always mean better GN

c a n b e d a u n t i n g f o r a t - h o m e c o o k s a s c u l t u re h o l d s t h e m t o i m p o s s i b l y h i g h
o r “ K R A F T S a u c e s a i m s t o s h o w t h e w o r l d t h a t y o u d o n ’t h a v e t o b e a p ro f e ss i o n a l c h e f t o m a k e d e l i c i o u s f o o d t h a t f e e l s g o o d

Vander Farmers, IGF Expand Distribution

Vander Farmers, a family-owned company and farm in Sturgis, Mich , and the leading source of F1 American Wagyu in the Midwest, is substantially expanding distribution of premium Wagyu beef products into new markets across the United States through a partnership with International Gourmet Foods

IGF is a wholesale distribution company founded in 1987 known for its extensive portfolio of high-quality food with warehouses in Northern Virginia; Charleston, S C ; Atlanta and Chicago Through IGF, Vander Farmers’ Wagyu products can now be found in Chicago, Wisconsin and the North/Central Midwest through Viola Imports (IGF’s Midwest branch) as well as the mid-Atlantic

Prior to this new partnership, Vander Farmers’ Wagyu beef selections have been sought out by some of Chicago’s most prestigious restaurants and acclaimed chefs including Obélix, El Che Steakhouse, Swift & Sons, Frontier by James Beard-nominated Chef Brian Jupiter, Pella Signature, Qing Xiang Yuan Dumplings, Bhoomi Modern Indian Grill, Flour Power and Bon Yeon due to the superior quality beef

Vander Farmers prides itself on using best-in-class technology mixed with ethical and sustainable farming practices to make Wagyu steaks, burgers, sausages and more on the market, which also means no hormones, no antibiotics, pasture grazing and humane living conditions for all the animals It also supplies Wagyu Beef Franks at multiple Chicagoland area Home Depots through a partnership with Fixin’ Franks, which created a highly publicized response at the home improvement store’s traditional hot dog stand

This year, Vander Farmers, founded by husband-and-wife team Mario and Marjolein vanderHulst, joins IGF to create a full nose-to-tail American Wagyu program with 15 offerings from every major primal such as beef ribeye, strip loin, flat iron, short rib and more (size and amount vary depending on size of the animal) IGF also will sell gourmet ground beef and offer a variety of pack sizes of these products to its customer base of gourmet food retailers, independently owned restaurants and artisanal butcher shops

“IGF is excited and proud to partner with Vander Farmers,” said Mike McDow-

ell, director of sales at IGF “Not only is their American Wagyu beef line a great addition to our product portfolio, it also fits comfortably within our model of sourcing quality-focused ingredients and prioritizing sustainable farming and production practices

“As a family-owned and -operated farm in pursuit of becoming the leading source of premium American Wagyu through their ethically raised cattle, Vander also has a great story that resonates with our customers,” he said

“We very much look forward to growing this partnership with Marjolein and Mario as we expand their distribution to artisan butcher shops, restaurants and gourmet markets through our network east of the Mississippi ”

Vander Farmers is a love story through and through Partners Marjolein and Mario vanderHulst grew up in neighboring small towns less than 20 minutes outside of Amsterdam in the Netherlands Both fond of country life and the freeing life on a farm, the newlyweds came to the Midwest to realize their American Dream in 2001 In the next few years, they started their very own

Food-Grade Shaft Collars

Promote Sanitation, Safety

Stafford Manufacturing Corp of Wilmington, Mass , introduces a line of food-grade blue Acetal shaft collars with stainless steel fasteners for use in the food and beverage industries

Stafford Food Grade Blue Acetal Shaft Collars meet FDA requirements for food contact substances and optical detectability to enhance safety in the production of

food and beverages Available in one- and two-piece designs from ¼ inch to 2 inches I D , these high-performance engineering plastic shaft collars incorporate stainless steel fasteners

the food and beverage industries, Stafford

dairy farm and welcomed their first child, all while building a tight-knit community for themselves in Sturgis, Mich

Almost two decades later and now a thriving family of four, the love between Marjolein and Mario is still on full display In 2016, Marjolein set out on a mission to find the best Wagyu beef for Mario as a Christmas gift After weeks of searching, Marjolein couldn’t locate a source of high-quality local Wagyu beef She told Mario about her unfulfilled mission and the challenges she faced in the process, to which he replied, “Well, I guess we’ll just have to raise it ourselves ” Now, the family-owned and -operated farm provides F1 Wagyu beef (a crossbreed of full-blooded Japanese black cattle and Holstein dairy cow) that is raised humanely and with full transparency, perfect for an unforgettable meal shared with family and friends With a variety of products ranging from premium steak cuts, ribs, F1 Wagyu ground beef and their gourmet Wagyu Beef Franks, Vander Farmers is positioned to be the leading source of Wagyu in the Midwest Vander meats are available for nationwide shipping to all 48 states through their website and coming to local retailers soon GN

European Union Parliament Clamps Down On Environmental Marketing Claims

The European Union Parliament has adopted its position on establishing a verification and pre-approval system for environmental marketing claims to protect citizens from misleading ads:

• Companies should submit environmental marketing claims like “biodegradable” or “less polluting” for verification before being allowed to use them,

• Simpler and common types of claims should benefit from easier or faster verification,

• Penalties include exclusion from procurement processes, confiscation of revenues, and a fine of at least 4 percent of annual turnover

The green claims directive would oblige companies to submit evidence about their environmental marketing claims before advertising products as “biodegradable,” “less polluting,” “water saving” or having “bio based content ” EU countries would

have to assign verifiers to pre-approve the use of such claims, to protect buyers from unfounded and ambiguous advertising

“Studies show that over 50 percent of environmental claims are vague, misleading or unfounded,” said Internal Market Committee rapporteur Andrus Ansip (Renew, EE) “We cannot speak about happy consumers if ever y other green claim is false We cannot talk about a level playing field for our entrepreneurs while some traders are cheating

“I believe the Green Claims Directive adopted today is balanced – it will bring clarity to our consumers and is less burdensome for traders than the claim-byclaim verification,” Ansip said

“It is time to put an end to greenwashing,” said Environment Committee rapporteur Cyrus Engerer (S&D, MT) “Our position ends the proliferation of misleading green claims that have deceived con-

sumers for far too long

“We will ensure businesses have the right tools to embrace genuine sustainability practices European consumers want to make sustainable choices; all those offering products or ser vices must guarantee their green claims are scientifically verified ” Parliament wants claims and their evidence to be assessed within 30 days, but simpler claims and products could benefit from quicker or easier verification Micro enterprises would not be covered by the new rules and SMEs would have an extra year to be in compliance compared to larger businesses Companies that break the rules may face penalties, for example they could be temporarily excluded from public procurement tenders, lose their revenues and face fines of at least at 4 percent of their annual turnover

Parliament also decided that green claims about products containing hazardous substances should remain possible for now, but the commission should assess in the near future whether they should be banned entirely

Parliament adopted its first reading position with 467 votes to 65 and 74 abstentions The file will be followed up by the new Parliament after the European elections that will take place from June 6-9 GN

d e a l l y s u i t e d f o r u s e i n c o n v e y o r s a n d p a c k a g i n g m a c h i n e r y a n d e q u i p m e n t i n
F o o d G r a d e B l u e A c e t a l S h a f t C o l l a r s a re i n h e re n t l y c o r ro s i o n re s i s t a n t a n d c a n w i t h s t a n d c o m m o n c l e a n i n g a g e n t s a n d s a n i t i z e r s , p ro v i d i n g g o o d w e a r re s i s ta n c e , s t re n g t h a n d d u r a b i l i t y S p e c i a l s i z e s , m a t e r i a l s a n d r i g i d c o u p l i n g s a re a v a i l a b l e Stafford Food Grade Blue Acetal Shaft Collars are priced depending upon size and quantity with delivery from stock GN
G re e n c l a i m s b a s e d s o l e l y o n c a r b o n o f f s e t t i n g s c h e m e s w i l l re m a i n b a n n e d C o m p a n i e s c o u l d , h o w e v e r, m e n t i o n o f f s e t t i n g a n d c a r b o n re m o v a l s c h e m e s i n t h e i r a d s i f t h e y h a v e a l re a d y re d u c e d t h e i r e m i s s i o n s a s m u c h a s p o s s i b l e a n d u s e t h e s e s c h e m e s f o r re s i d u a l e m i s s i o n s o n l y T h e c a r b o n c re d i t s o f t h e s c h e m e s m u s t b e c e r t i f i e d a n d b e o f h i g h i nt e g r i t y, s u c h a s t h o s e e s t a b l i s h e d u n d e r t h e C a r b o n R e m o v a l s C e r t i f i c a t i o n F r a m e w o r k

Las Olas Confections and Snacks has been delivering award-winning, premium confections for brands that have been around for decades The Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brand names in their ubiquitous yellow boxes and palm-covered pouches have dominated shelves and have unfailingly transported adoring customers to paradise with

Olas will con-

Introducing innovative nuts and dried fruits to the snacking industry, Elan offers a diverse range of organic, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO and vegan snacks

Elan is an exciting clean label that skillfully blends nuts with superfoods Say goodbye to confusing ingredient l i s t s : t h e b r a n d provides minimally processed foods that are “deliciously good for you ® ” Elan has existed f o r 1 2 y e a r s i

N o r t h A m e r i c

High-Quality Nutrition to Better Fuel Your Body

WOWBUTTER is an all-natural complete plant protein spread, containing all nine essential amino acids nec-

Introducing Oh!asis™ “Our Anastasia and Coconut Island confections are deeply loved,” says Greg Power,

b u t w a s s u c c e s sfully launched on the U S market in 2021 Elan is distributed nationally through KeHE and UNFI and can also be found at a growing list of established groceries and health food

e v e r y i n d u lgent bite N o w
L a s
t i n u e t o d o e x a c t l y t h a t but
an e x c i t i n g n e w r e b r a n d
C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f e r , L a s O l a s C o n f e c t i o n s a n d
e s s a r y t o b u i l d a n d m a i n t a i n m u s c l e a n d c r uc i a l f o r m a n y o t h e r i m p o r t a n t b o d y f u n c t i o n s M o r e i m p o r t a n tl y , W O W B U T T E R h a s s i g n i f i c a n t l y b e tt e r q u a l i t y p r ot e i n t h a n s u nflower, peanut or a l m o n d b u t t e r , g i v i n g W O W B U T T E R a p r o t e i n digestibility
meat or dairy protein It’s a
protein option to fuel your body more
every bite
perfect plant-based
Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 20
BOOTH #11732
a ,
on Page 20



Get In O n the Fun with Just The Fun Par t

BOOTH #12528

An inter view with Aytur Aksu, President, Just The Fun Par t

ST: Tell us a little about your company

Darrell Lea O ffers Better-for-You

Ingredients in New Line of Licorice

BOOTH #10324

Tor tuga


pirit Cakes Marks 40 Years of Excellence in Categor y

BOOTH #22750

AA: Just The Fun Par t is a brand by my company, EverGreen USA, that I star ted after moving to the United States from Turkey in 2007 We created this snack to channel ever yone’s favor ite par t of a classic sundae cone – the chocolate -filled bottom! This will be our third year exhibiting at Sweets & Snacks Expo and we couldn’t be more excited! We have spent the last year innovating our produc t line, and we can’t wait to showcase our additions.

ST: What ’s new with Just The Fun Par t?

Meet Oh!asis, the Newly Branded Relaunch from L as Olas

Las Olas Confec tions and Snacks has been delivering award-winning, premium confec tions for brands that have been around for decades The Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brand names in their ubiquitous yellow boxes and palm- covered pouches have dominated shelves and have unfailingly transpor ted adoring customers to paradise with ever y indulgent bite

Now, Las Olas will continue to do exac tly that but under an exciting new rebrand I ntroducing Oh!asis™ “Our Anastasia and Coconut Island confec tions are deeply loved,” says Greg Power, Chief Executive Offer, Las Olas Confections and Snacks “ We’re

Darrell Lea, the renowned candy company k nown for its premium, Australian-made licorice is mak ing waves as the fastest- growing premium licor ice brand in the United States

According to a recent study by Future M ar ket Insights, the U S licorice market is on a steep rise, expec ted to grow from $278 5 million to $403 4 million in the nex t 10 years. The r ise in popular it y can be attr ibuted in par t to consumers’ preferences for nostalgic treats in fresh flavors and better-for-you ingredients.

Licorice You’ll Love to Eat

Nuts Meet S uper foods: Elan S pecialty S nacks

Continued on Page 18

Tor tuga Spirit Cakes, the pioneering brand k nown for its exceptional gourmet and spirit cakes, celebrates four decades of innovation and culinar y ar tistr y in the industr y Since its inception, Tor tuga has remained at the forefront of the market, continuously pushing boundaries and delighting consumers with an array of delectable offerings

O ver the past 40 years, Tor tuga Spirit Cakes has solidified its position as a global leader, captivating the palates of discerning consumers worldwide With a relentless commitment to quality, innovation and a keen u n d e r s t a n ding of evolving consumer preferences, Tor tuga has consistently raised the bar in the gourmet and spirit cakes categor y.

The brand’s evolution is showcased in its iconic rum cakes and the more recent Southern Trio series, a tribute to Amer ica’s r ich culinar y and spir it her itage. Among these, the Kentuck y B our bon Butter Cake

WOWBUT TER The Ultimate S pread

I ntroducing innovative nuts and dr ied fruits to the snack ing industr y, Elan offers a diverse range of organic, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO and vegan snacks Elan is an exciting clean label that sk illfully blends nuts with super foods Say goodbye to confusing ingredient lists: the brand provides minimally processed foods that are “deliciously good for you ® ” Elan has existed for 12 years in Nor th America, but was successfully launched on the U S mar ket in 2021 Elan is distributed nationally through KeHE and UNFI and can also be found at a growing list of established groceries and health food

High-Quality Nutrition to Better Fuel Your Body

WOWBUT TER is an all-natural complete plant protein spread, containing all nine essential amino acids necessar y to build and maintain muscle and crucial for many other impor tant body func tions More impor tantly, WOWBUT TER has significantly better qualit y protein than sunflower, peanut or almond butter, giving WOWBUT TER a protein digestibility and bioavailability score comparable to meat or dair y protein I t ’s a per fec t plant-based protein option to fuel your body more with ever y bite The lower protein efficienc y score

Oser Communications Group INDIANAPOLIS MAY 2024
Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 20
BOOTH #11732
C o n s u m e r s h a v e s h o w n a n i n c r e a s e d d e s i r e f o r
on Page 20

Oh!asis S till Takes Consumers to Paradise with Deliciously Unique Tropic al Indulgences

Our award-winning Las Olas Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brands may have been transfor med under the Oh!asis™ rebrand, but two things have remained the same Fans of our Coconut Patties and Coconut Cashew Crunch will be thrilled to find that while Oh!asis’ outside pack aging may look different, the products on the inside are just as yummy and indulgent as ever

Our Oh!asis Coconut Patties have retained the original recipe – and for good reason Ex traordinar y creamy shredded coconut is dipped in a r ich chocolatey coating that is unmatched in the marketplace Ever y bite transpor ts consumers to their own special oasis – giving them delectable moments of sheer tropical indulgence and sending them into a vacation state - of-mind

c o n u t p a t t i e s c h e c k m a n y b oxe s T h e y a r e a u n i q u e l y p e r m i s s i

conut Island Coconut Cashew Crunch recipe and transform it to Oh!asis Kettle Krunch was just as obvious At its launch in 2017, it was awarded sofi™ and MINPA Produc t of the Year! I t continues to grow because it ’s an unprecedented produc t and addic tive one taste and you’ll be back for more I t blends the per fec t mix of fresh cashews in a crunchy butter and brown sugar base with a hint of sea salt and coconut Think of it as a tropical t wist on a br ittle that is utter ly unique and unequaled to anything available When we say Oh!asis Kettle K runch is “Paradise Found!,” it is no exaggeration

We think you’ll agree that our continued commitment to brand excellence combined with brand innovation and attention- getting, sales- dr iven suppor t will not only fulfill your shoppers’ cravings, but will also take your sales to new heights

We hope you’ll escape to our new Oh!asis booth #11732 for a taste of paradise and lear n more about what ’s ahead for Oh!asis. I f you can’t join us, please visit w w w.ohasis.com or call 407.816.9944 for more information.


The decision to retain the original Co -

For more information, go to w w w.lasolas brands.com, call 407.816.9944, email orders@lasolasbrands.com or stop by booth #11732.

A t O h ! a s i s , w e’r e e xc i t e d a b o u t p r om o t i n g C o c o n u t Pa t t i e s i n s n a c k s i z e f o r a v a r i e t y o f r e a s o n s , n o t t h e l e a s t o f w h i c h i s s a l e s m o t i v a t e d To d a y ’s m o r e h e a l t h - c o n s c i o u s c o n s u m e r s a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a y s t o s a t i s f y t h e i r s w e e t t o o t h w h i l e m i t i g a t i n g t h e g u i l t O u r i n d i v i d u a l l y w r a p p e d , s
n a c k - s i z e d c o -
b l e i n d u l g e n c e – a n e a s y w a y t o s a t i s f y a c r a v i n g, p r o -
r e w i t h o t h e r s C o n s u m e r s a r e w i l l i n g t o p a y a l i t t l e m o r e f o r t h e c o n v e n i e n c e o f p o rt i o n e d c o n t r o l l e d , o n - t h e - g o s n a c ki n g A l l i n a l l, t h e fo r m i s a g re a t w ay t o d r i v e i n c r e a s e d c o n s u m p t i o n , g r o w t h f o r t h e b r a n d a n d s a l e s f o r o u r r e t a i l p a r t n e r s
v i d e a r e w a r d a n d s h a
Publisher Kimberly Oser President Tara Neal Vice President Abeer Abiaad President of Sales Anthony Socci Art Director Yasmine Brown Senior Editor AJ Flick Editor JoEllen Lowr y Customer Ser vice Heather A brecht Sales Manager Marcos Morhaim Account Managers Luis Gonzales Damaris Leon Logistics Manager Nicholas Scheppe European Sales Enrico Cecchi Publishing office : 1877 N Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520 721 1300/ Fax : 520 721 6300 Subscriber ser vices : Gourmet News P O Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 Sweets & Treats Show Extra s publ shed by Oser Communicat ons Group ©2024 All rights reser ved Founder Lee M Oser www gourmetnews com AN I N DE P E N DE NT P U B LICATION NOT AF F I LIATE D WITH SWE ETS & S NAC KS

Alternative Air: The Alternative to Your Fixture Needs

A l t e r n a t i ve A i r L LC s e t s t h e i n d u s t r y standard for climate - controlled choco

provides comprehensive suppor t to chocolatiers and bakeries alike

Reimagine C raf t Coffee

Today, coffee isn’t just caffeine in a cup, it ’s an exper ience that is defined by where the coffee beans are sourced from, how they are prepared, the technique used to brew the coffee, and what is added to it Dripdash® recognized two impor tant fac ts The exper ience of enjoying coffee has undergone an unbelievable evolution and time has become a precious commodity Dripdash’s vision was simple: To create a bold, smooth and convenient coffee

body, triple -strength and a shock ingly smooth finish

Black S esame Oatmilk Latte: Tak ing Japanese flavors and adding sustainable alternative milk as the base, to create a Keto -fr iendly latte using sugar alter natives such as monk fruit Tastes like a milkshake, but with only t wo grams of sugar

g re e s Fa h re n

e i t a n d h u m i d i t y l e ve l s

t o c re a t e t h e p e r fe c t e nv i ro n m e n t t o keep your chocolate as happy as your customers.

Based in New Jersey, Alter native Air offers a diverse lineup of display cases, including fused glass, cur ved and straight glass options, elevating the presentation of your confections to new heights. From fix ture layout and store design to final installation, the team

Additionally, AA Fix tures manufactures refrigerated baker y/pastr y display cases, maintaining temperatures between 36 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit, with the same commitment to qualit y and craf tsmanship. Alternative Air can also manufacture a range of complementar y fix tures, including display counters, P.O.S. stations, cor ner stages and back wall units to create a truly customized look and feel to your store.

What sets Alter native Air apar t is its direc t manufac turer-to - customer approach, guaranteeing the best pr icing and a seamless experience.

For more information, go to w w w .aafixtures.com or stop by booth #22371.

Z any Bites: The O fficial S nack of Fun

Step into the magical wor ld of Zany Bites, where a stor y blossoms into a magical tale of family, rice and tradition.

Zany Bites’ jour ney is a four- generation tale that sprouted from the wisdom

of its founder ’s grandparents, Din and Taj – rice farmers with hear ts as big as the Hunza Valley.

Generations ago, beneath the majestic Himalayas, Din and Taj refined the ar t of rice cultivation. O ver time, their passion passed down to their son, who embar ked on a bold west ward jour ney landing in New York

United, they planted the seeds of rice dr iven by the mission to deliver topnotch grains to the world, all the while upholding a steadfast commitment to land and water conser vation, as well as now regenerative farming prac tices

Four Generations later, little toddlers Aliya and Imani, not yet inclined toward healthier snack ing, inspired their mom and dad to embark on a mission to create a simple, clean snack from rice

And so began the adventures of Zany Bites

For more information, go to w w w zany bites com or email hello@zanybites com

Kyoto Coffee was invented by Dutch sailors in the 1600s, re - engineered by Japanese ar tisans the following centur y, and reimagined by Dr ipdash in 2018

Kyoto Iced Coffee is a brewing process made using one drop of water at a time for 16 hours to ex trac t the most pleasant flavors in coffee I t ’s k nown for having nuanced high-notes, a balanced body and a shock ingly smooth finish

Dripdash is proud to be the first wholesale manufac turer of this style of coffee in the countr y with three distinct flavors options:

Kyoto Iced Coffee: The original black coffee that star ted it all I t offers a rich

Lavender Maple Oatmilk Latte: For the plant-based folks, using a dair y alternative and maple syrup as the vegan and unprocessed sugar substitute Tastes like a meditation that will keep you moving

Dripdash crafts its beverages in small batches The most sought-after ingredients are used from dair y-free/glutenfree milk to plant powered sugar alter natives, to the carefully sourced coffee beans Dr ipdash puts all of this into its brewing machine and the result is an elevated coffee exper ience that you can enjoy any where you are Bold Smooth Convenient

For more information, go to www ear thly choice com

S avor the Sweet S urprise: S imply Delish Unveils D

ivine New Pudding Flavors

G et ready to tantalize your taste buds with Simply D elish’s newest flavors: Lemon and Salted Caramel Dive into a wor ld of indulgence redefined, where ever y bite of these delec table desser ts is a guilt-free delight M eticulously craf ted with care and precision, these treats boast an impressive lineup of attributes that cater to your cravings without compromising on your health goals Say goodbye to sugars, ar tificial flavors and preser vatives, as these desser ts deliver pure flavor while staying true to a commitment to health- conscious ingredients With just 4g of net carbs and a mere 20 calories per ser ving, you can satisfy your sweet tooth without any remorse lingering after ward But the goodness doesn' t end there

things in life, these new flavors promise

to delight your senses Indulge in the

etar y needs. Gluten-free, allergen-free a n d b u r s t i n g w i t h f l avo r, t h e y ’re t h e p e r fe c t c h o i ce fo r t h o s e s e e k i n g b o t h i n d u l g e n ce a n d we l l n e s s. Wh e t h e r yo u ' re o n a h e a l t h j o u r

Simply Delish. For more information, got to w w w .simplydelish.net.

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irre s i s t i b l e f l avo r s o f Le m o n a n d S a l te d Ca ra m e l, g u i l t- f re e, a n d e m b a r k o n a j o u r n e y o f d e l i c i o u s s at i s f a c t i o n w i t h

Amazing Ice C ream C reates New S uper Premium Ice C ream with C runchy Cookies

Amazing Ice Cream was founded to create mind blowing ice creams and unique creations, backed with strong foodie palates and creative imagination

Now Amazing Ice Cream has created new ice creams that have cook ies and crumbles in them that stay crunchy

For mulated by using only the finest ingredients, these hand- craf ted ice creams blend rich and creamy premium ice cream with crunchy crumbles and cook ies, and come in the following

amazing varieties:

• Chocolate R aspber r y Crambole’ –Premium rich chocolate ice cream with ribbons of raspberr y and crunchy berr y crumbles

• Yuzu Lemon Cheesecake Crambole’ – Tar t and creamy cheesecake ice cream with a sweet lemony punch in flavor and crunch

• Speculoos Cook ie Crambole’ –Creamy salted caramel ice cream with spiced crunchy Belgian style cook ies

Unlock Gourmet Italian Flavors in Minutes: Bella S un Luci ’s New S auce S

tar ters for Effor tless Meals

Whether you are a beginner cook or qualified chef, Bella Sun Luci’s New Italian Kitchen Sauce Star ters bring that gourmet Italian scratch cooked flavor to your meal in minutes The slow simmered cook ing base is conveniently packed in a resealable squeeze pouch for added convenience for today ’s busy consumer The new Sauce Star ters will let you be the chef – add a little or a lot Don’t stop there – stir into rice, potatoes, soups or roasts The I talian cook ing base can add flavor that pulls dinner together quickly With meals so good, they will only think you spent all day cooking! Available in three delicious flavors: Tuscan Garden, Tomato & Pepper and Tomato Basil Each flavor is gluten free, vegan and made with real vegetables

in a quar ter of the time! This is innovation you can taste; this innovation drives sales,” says M ar y M ooney, M ooney Farms O wner

I ntended to amaze ever yone, Amazing Ice Creams create a new level of exper ience, whether reminiscing about your childhood due to the delicious flavors or by simply enjoying how delightful it is

For more information, go to w w w amazingicecreams com

D arigold L aunches Belle Coffee C reamer

Seattle -based Darigold, Inc., one of the nation’s largest dair y producers, has launched its new Belle™ brand of dair ybased coffee creamer made with just five simple ingredients including real cream. Belle Creamers are now available at grocer y stores and other food markets across the Nor thwest.

Unlike other well-k nown coffee creamer brands, B elle Creamers are made with only five simple ingredients with no oils or fillers, are lactose free, and are available in four delicious flavors – Vanilla, Sweet Cream, Hazelnut Latte and Caramel B elle

Creamers are made to compete with other premium coffee creamers, which t ypically have 10 or more ingredients, including vegetable oils, ar tificial flavors and fillers, with no real cream at all

“Like margar ine, most common coffee creamers today are made with vegetable oils, not real cream, and tend to have as many as 10 or more ingredients. Belle Creamers are made with just five simple ingredients, including real cream and natural flavors, mak ing them ac tual coffee cream rather than coffee oilers.”

Far mer- owned Dar igold sees plent y of potential for the Belle Creamer brand in the $6 billion coffee whiteners space, which includes half and half, plant-based creamer options and the ubiquitous oilbased creamers

“Look ing at the leading brands of coffee creamer today, it ’s a bit of a misnomer to call them ‘creamers’ since they are not made with real cream,” said Sam Cohen, Head of Marketing at Darigold

Consumer demand for premium creamers is growing rapidly and is under-represented at many retailers Dar igold believes B elle’s real cream produc t will uniquely deliver the taste and simple ingredients consumers want while enabling retailer growth in the categor y

For more information, go to w w w darigoldbelle com

Now with B ella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters, it makes it easy for ever yone to enjoy bigger flavors and better cook ing with only a few steps to get a robust simmered all- day flavor ful meal to the table in minutes

“ Today ’s consumer is navigating their meal ideals toward better-for-you foods without sacrificing taste, and our I talian Kitchen Sauce Star ters allow for just that

With the goal in mind to live life more tastefully, the new line of Bella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters appeals to the health conscious and ethical consumer without having to sacr ifice flavor The new line pushes the innovation of chef quality meals made right in your own home using better-for-you ingredients

For more information, visit w w w bella sunluci com

C rave Brothers Farmstead C heese Announces Retirements

Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese announces that G eorge Crave, President, and wife Debbie Crave, Vice President, will retire from their full-time leadership roles this month They will both continue to ser ve as brand ambassadors for the company and work on special projec ts

G eorge and D ebbie star ted Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese in 2001 in par tnership with G eorge’s brothers Char les, M ar k and Tom Together with 13 family members and 50 dedicated employees, they have grown the business into a nationally renowned brand producing award-winning cheeses

The couple’s contr ibutions include overseeing produc tion, brand development, customer relations and sales They have also helped the far m and cheese fac tor y evolve into a model of sustainability

M anaging Par tner M ar k Crave will continue to lead the company and General M anager Adam Falbo will oversee operations at the cheese fac tor y. Roseanne Crave has assumed sales and

marketing effor ts

“George and Debbie have set a solid foundation for the nex t generation of leaders to continue growing the company,” said M ark Crave “ We wish them the best as they continue their life adventures together ”

George and Debbie met at 4-H while in high school where they first shared anappreciation for agriculture that continues to this day George and his brothers grew up on a dair y farm near Beloit In 1980, the brothers purchased the Waterloo dair y farm After 20 years of growing the farm with his brothers, George’s vision was to expand the family business and add value to their milk with cheesemak ing D ebbie began her career as the 1981-1982 Alice in Dair yland

She then wor ked in mar keting at the Wisconsin D epar tment of Agr iculture and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board before joining G eorge and star ting Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese.

For more information, go to w w w .cravecheese.com.

A m a z i n g I c e C re a m i s b a s e d i n Ca l i fo rn i a a n d u s e s r e a l C a l i f o r n i a m i l k A no t h e r o n e o f i t s d e l i c i o u s i c e c r e a m p r o d u c t s – C o o k i e W i l d C r u n c h y I c e C r e a m B a r s – j u s t c l a i m e d v i c t o r y a t t h e 5 t h A n n u a l R e a l Ca l i fo r n i a M i l k E xc e l e r a t o r Fi n a l Pi t c h E ve n t c re a t e d b y t h e Ca l i fo r n i a M i l k Ad v i s o r y B o a rd a n d i n n o v a t i o n a d v i s o r y Ve n t u re Fu e l T h e c o m p e t i t i o n i s d e s i g n e d t o f i n d, f u n d a n d a c c e l e r a t e i n n o v a t i o n i n d a i r yb a s e d p ro d u c t s, f ro m c o n s u m e r fo o d a n d b e v e r a g e s t o t e x t i l e s a n d b e -
n d

L as Olas ’ Manufac turing Exper tise Makes It an Extraordinar y Private L abel Par tner

Las Olas confec tions have long been backed by a guarantee of the highest qualit y ingredients, outstanding freshness and uniquely distinctive flavors I t ’s no wonder that the company has been delighting candy lovers with brands that have been around for decades But did you k now that we’ve also earned a reputation as a trusted par tner of premium pr ivate label confec tions? Af ter years of per fec ting the manufac ture of some of the countr y ’s most recognized brands and award-winning produc ts, Las Olas Confec tions and Snacks k nows more than a thing or two about how to get sweet jobs done – and done exper tly well

Our 80,000 square foot, SQF Level 2 cer tified, state -of-the -ar t manufacturing facilit y in Or lando, Fla , qualifies us as the largest specialty chocolate and confections manufacturer in the Southeastern United States That ’s just one of the reasons why we have also become k nown as an ex traordinar y par tner for producing private label brands

We’ve been supplying confec tioner y favor ites for our brands Oh!asis™ (former ly Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brands), Williams & Bennett® and Hoffman’s Chocolates® as well as a number of brands delivered under private label

The array of premium confec tions we produce is nothing shor t of astounding. Our ser vices are tur nkey and end-toend. Our facility includes essential capabilities for ex truding and enrobing, k itchen/table operation, molding, taffy and high-speed pack aging lines in ac-

cordance with today ’s retail pack aging standards

Confec tion produc tion includes making brittle and toffee, fudge, French- and European-st yle meltaway truffles, molded chocolates, buttercreams and bars, compound and chocolate bark We

also have multiple pack aging capabilities such as flow wrap, for m-sealed bags, stand-up gusset pouches, paperboard boxes and plastic containers No projec t is too big or too small – case in point, for cer tain capabilities like bark , fudge or enrobing, capacities can exceed tens of thousands per eight-hour shift

D oes our manufac tur ing excellence sound sweet to you? Come join us! Visit us at booth #11732 to learn more about Las Olas’ superior manufac turing capabilities and private label par tnership oppor tunities.

For more information, go to www.lasolas brands.com, call 407.816.9944, email orders@lasolasbrands.com or stop by booth #11732.

S hari's Berries S elec t Collec tion

Life's special moments are made even sweeter with premium juic y strawberries hand-dipped in 100 percent Belgian chocolate Luck y for us, Shar i's B er r ies delivers

The new Shari's Berries Selec t collection feature nine exclusive offer ings: M ar bleized Ar tisan B elgian Chocolate Strawberries, Rainbow Swirl Ar tisan Belgian Chocolate Strawber r ies, Caramel

Franklin Baker ‘A Cut Above the Rest ’

Philippine supplier of coconut ingredi-

r o c e s s i n g i s u t i -

l i z e d t o e n s u r e f r e s h n e s s a n d l o n g

s h e l f s t a b i l i t y Fr a n k l i n B a k e r c o n t ro l s

t h e p r o c e s s f r o m t r e e t h r o u g h s h i p -

m e nt

Frank lin Baker is ahead of the game in produc t and process ver ification capabilities, operating M icrobiology Lab-

o r a t o r i e s t h a t a re a c c re d i t e d t o I S O

1 7 0 2 5 s t a n d a rd s I t s p a t h o g e n d e t e c -

t i o n s y s t e m u s e s a n a u t o m a t e d method that uses polymerase chain re -

a c t i o n ( P C R ) te c h n o l o g y to d e te c t t h e

p re s e n c e o f s a l m o n e l l a a n d l i s t e r i a i n produc ts and sur faces This technology

fo c u s e s o n s p e c i f i c D N A f r a g m e n t s, amplifying a target DNA sequence, and s u b s e q u e n t p o l y m e r i z a t i o n T h i s a d -

v a n c e d s y s t e m i s m o re s e n s i t i ve t h a n other microbiological methods, detec ti n g a s l o w a s o n e c e l l p e r 2 5 - o r 3 7 5g r a m p o r t i o n Te s t re s u l t s a re o u t i n fewer than 24 hours compared to more t h a n f i ve d a y s u s i n g c o nve n t i o n a l methods

The manufac tur ing sites of Frank lin Baker are Grade AA & AA+ BRCGS cer tified, which confirms its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety, produc t quality and regulator y compliance The BRCGS Global Food Safet y Standard (BRCGS) is adopted by over 22,000 sites in more than 130 countr ies, which makes Frank lin Baker “A Cut Above the Rest ” Frank lin Baker offers an ex tensive por tfolio of conventional and organic

S ea Salt Ar tisan B elgian Chocolate Strawber r ies, Fanc y Ar tisan B elgian Chocolate Strawberries, Ar tisan Belgian M ilk & Dark Chocolate Strawberries, Artisan Belgian White Chocolate Strawberr ies, S ending Bir thday Wishes Ar tisan Chocolate Strawber r ies, S ending Love Ar tisan Belgian Chocolate Strawberries and Sending Thanks Ar tisan Chocolate Strawberries “At

selves, connec t with others and build more

coconut produc ts to include desiccated coconut (natural, sweetened and toasted), coconut water (single strength and concentrate), coconut milk and cream, coconut concentrate, virgin coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut sugar and other coconut products Bulk, foodser vice and retail pack aging available Frank lin Baker ’s ex tensive por tfolio of coconut produc ts hold wide -ranging, third-par ty cer tifications and awards including Non- GMO Projec t Verified, Fair Trade USA, BRCGS, USDA, JAS and UE Organic, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, ISO 17025, HACCP, FDA Philippines, GMA-SAFE, AB PAO Accredited Testing Laborator y, SEDEX (SME TA), Kosher and Halal cer tified

Additionally, Frank lin Baker holds the 2016-2024 Award of Excellence, American M aster of Taste & G old M edal Endorsement, as well as the 2018-2024 Beverage Champion by Chefs in America

Frank lin Baker is pleased to be a cofounder of the Coconut Coalition of the Americas (CCA), a non-profit organization founded in mid-2017, largely to challenge negative perceptions about coconut products The CCA is dedicated to upholding sound and credible science, responsible communications, sustainable and transparent prac tices, around all coconut produc ts Frank lin Baker is a member of the Executive Board, Marketing & Communication and M embership committees, as well as a technical advisor

Franklin Baker offers bulk, foodser vice and retail pack aging options to meet your business needs

For more information, go to www franklin baker com

Each offer ing comes in t wo sizes – one dozen and two dozen –with a pr ice range of $49 99 to $99 99 The gour met desser ts are available to ship nationwide in new brown and gold- embossed packaging

For more information, go to w w w berries com

h a r g e i n t h e l i c o r i c e m a r k e t ’s

g r o w t h , o f f e r i n g s o f t , a u t h e n t i c , A u s -

t r a l i a n - m a d e l i c o r i c e t h a t i s n o n - G M O

v e r i f i e d , p l a n t b a s e d , p a l m o i l f r e e

a n d m a d e w i t h n o a r t i f i c i a l f l a v o r s o r h i g h f r u c t o s e c o r n s y r u p. A b o v e a l

d e Nielsen’s consumer research program. It features a new and improved stand-up

ounce line. New pack aging will launch with Original Black , Strawberr y, Mango

flavors and sizes being offered later in the year.

Dar rell Lea first invented its sof t licorice recipe in a small fac tor y, under the Sydney Har bor Br idge in Sydney, Australia, near ly 100 years ago I t launched in the United States in 2006 with its premium black licor ice and since then, Dar rell Lea has broadened the distr ibution of its produc ts with multiple licor ice flavors, chew y candy, chocolate candy and chocolate bars. Dar rell Lea produc ts are available at major retailers across the United States, including K roger, Alber tsons, C VS and

Walmar t To this day, Darrell Lea soft licorice is made in small batches following the same recipe that ’s been per fec ted over time, receiving recognition and accolades along the way. Most recently, Darrell Lea Mixed Fruit licorice was featured nationally in Costco for the International Food Event.

For more information, go to w w w.darrell lea.com, email customerser vice@darrell lea.com or stop by booth #10324.

t h i n g s t h at fe e l n o s t a l gi c I n d u l g e n ce s s u c h a s c a n d y w i t h b e t t e r - f o r - y o u i ng r e d i e n t s h a v e b e e n o n t h e r i s e a s m o r e p e o p l e a r e l o o k i n g f o r h e a l t h i e r a l t e r n a t i v e s D a r r e l l L e a h a s l e d t h e c
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d Fr
Darrell Lea (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
Fr a n k l i n B a k e r, I n c i s t h e p r e m i e r
n t s to t h e g l o b a l fo o d a n d b e ve ra g e m a r k e t p l a ce fo r m o re t h a n 1 2 5 ye a r s I t s p r o d u c t s a r e p r o d u c e d f r o m t h e f r e s h e s t c o c o n u t s a v a i l a b l e a t o n e o f i t s t h r e e m a n u f a c t u r i n g f a c i l i t i e s , w h e r e p r o p r i e t a r y p
S h a r i ’s B e r r i e s, o u r
is to
our cust o m e r s t o e x p re s s t h e m -
ful re l a t i o n s h i p s,” s a i d A n d re w Twe e d, v i c e p re s i d e n t a n d g e n e r a l m a n a g e r “ E a c h b e r r y i n t h i s n e w a r t i s a n a l collec tion is hand dipped in s m a l l b a t c h e s o f B e l g i a n c h o c o l a t e a n d f i n e l y c r a f t e d i n g o u rmet k itchens "

star ting from a position of strength with proven, wor ld-famous, award-winning formulas What we saw was an oppor tunity to bring these two brands together under a single, compelling brand franchise that offers both our consumers and our retail par tners a wider selection with greater brand visibilit y, recognition, presence and voice ”

With the help of S² D esign Group, a strategic branding and pack aging agenc y, Las Olas went about defining core brand values Paramount to the initiative was preser ving the integr it y of the delicious ever yday tropical indul-

AA: Last year at Snack Expo, we showed off our four new flavors: Hazelnut, Peanut Butter, Strawberr y and Coconut This year, we are thrilled to announce several new flavors that will be in stock and ready for sampling These flavors include Pistachio Cream, Espresso, Salted Caramel, Mint, PB&J and Cookie Butter In

stands out as a symbol of Tor tuga’s master y in blending tradition with modernity This cake, infused with the essence of aged Kentuck y Straight Bourbon, is a celebration of flavor, bringing together intricate aromas, complex tastes and the

stores across the countr y. The brand offers a wide var iet y of unique, naturefr iendly snacks, including specialt y glazed nuts and blends, as well as graband- go options for busy snackers.

Elan’s innovative snacks combine the dynamic tex tures and nutrients of nuts and super foods. Fan-favor ites include Chia Walnuts, Coconut Cashews and the Fiji M ix. These organic and nutr itious snack ing options are ideal for snackers on the go and health enthusiasts.

• P r e p a r e t o i n d u l g e i n t h e C h i a Wa l n u t s , a n u t r i t i o n - p a c k e d s n

WOWBUT TER (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

of other nut and seed butters means the body does not utilize the protein as efficiently, and thus the full benefits of the protein are not realized WOWBUT TER has 1000mg Omega-3 and 7g complete protein per ser ving and is made with only five simple all-natural Non- GMO clean and sustainable ingredients (whole toasted soybeans, expeller pressed soy oil, cane sugar, sustainable palm oil and sea salt) with no added colors, flavors or preser vatives.

The Per fec t Marriage of Nutrition and Great Taste

gences that shoppers seek while deliver ing greater attention- getting, salesdr iven suppor t I n combining the intr insic values of Anastasia and Coconut Island, the new name Oh!asis was conceived Not only is it descriptive and memorable, but it strongly evokes the brand promise of, “ the tropical indulgent treat that transpor ts you to a paradise getaway with ever y bite ” The new, unique logo and impac tful, redesigned pack aging are key to the experience –they maintain the equity of the famous yellow box, bringing consumers along for the adventure

Rest assured, the rebrand will magnify two of Las Olas’ standout confections

addition to these new flavor editions, we’ve also recently launched a spinoff of our JTFP line called Just The Fun Bite! Mini butter biscuits covered in chocolate

ST: Who is your target market?

AA: Simply put, we made this produc t for ever yone to enjoy People of all ages have a distinc t memor y of the end of a

unique characteristics of handpicked ingredients

“Our 40th anniversar y is a landmar k achievement, and it ’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence,” says Marcus Simmonds, Chief Executive O fficer of Tor tuga Spir it Cakes “ This milestone reflects our journey ’s essence

Anastasia’s most popular product, Coconut Patties, and Coconut Island’s Coconut Cashew Crunch, another consumer favorite (now named Kettle Krunch to reflect its handmade kettle process), will be elevated, receiving heightened attention under the Oh!asis rebrand

What began as unique confec tionar y produc ts with delicious time -tested recipes targeting the local tourism market more than 35 years ago has grown into a global powerhouse brand Better yet, the adventures ahead for Oh!asis are full of excitement Plans to suppor t retail sell-through, environmental organizations and delicious new innovations in flavors and for ms are in

sundae cone Whether you’re 8 or 80, you’ll remember rushing to the bottom to get that last, chocolate -filled bite

ST: What is the nature of your distribution?

AA: We are the direc t manufac turer of Just The Fun Part We have seven production facilities in Turkey, where our prod-

– a continuous quest for per fec tion, led by the visionar y mar keting insights of our Head of M ar keting, Natalia G arcia, who has helped shape the creation of unforgettable experiences for our customers ” To r t u g a S

coconut chips, pumpk in seeds and Elan’s signature Açai Blueberr y Cashews. G et ready for a vibrant burst of superfood goodness with these gently roasted cashews infused with organic açai and blueberr y powder.

development, too The Oh!asis rebrand is prepared to invigorate confec tion sales in surprising new ways

Experience a tropical state of mind by escaping to the new Oh!asis booth #11732 Here, you’ll not only get a peek at the newly branded produc ts and pack aging, but you’ll also get a chance to sip on a frozen tropical dr ink and imagine yourself in your ver y own Oh!asis I t ’s a don’t-miss oppor tunity to get swept away!

For more information, go to www lasolas brands com, call 407 816 9944, email orders@lasolasbrands com or stop by booth #11732

uct is delicately manufactured While we can expor t all over the globe, our main distribution center is conveniently located in our warehouse in New Jersey We house over 150 different items and Just The Fun Par t is always in stock

For more information, go to www justthe funpar t com, call 551 333 1119 or stop by booth #12528

• I f you love a tropical twist, the Coconut Cashews are sure to transpor t you to a sunny island. Organic whole cashews are coated with an addic tive blend of organic coconut powder and Himalayan pink salt, for a nutritious and wholesome treat.

• Introducing the Fiji Mix, a delightful blend of cranberries, tangy goji berries,

Elan promises momentum and vitalit y in ever y bite. These unique snacks are made from superior quality ingredients produced through organic farming. As a clean brand, Elan prioritizes sustainable farming methods that use no pesticides and embrace the soil ’s natural c ycles. All ingredients are meticulously sourced to provide a guilt-free exper ience, so you can snack all while being

s c h o o l , w h i c h a r e v e r y i m p o r t a n t f o r

s c h o o l c l a s s ro o m s

So Much More Than

Just a Powerhouse Spread

s w h o n e e d h e a l t hy b re a k f a s t , l u n c h a n d s n a c k s o -

l u t i o n s. N u t r i t i o n i s t h e fo u n d at i o n fo r g o o d h e a l t h a n d W O W B U T T E R i s a

s h i n i n g e x a m p l e o f t h e p e r f e c t m a r -

r i a g e o f n u t r i t i o n a n d g r e a t t a s t e .

W O W B U T T E R p r o v i d e s e xc e p t i o n a l

h i g h l y e f f i c i e nt n u t r i t i o n n o t fo u n d i n

o t h e r s p re a d s, c o m b i n e d w i t h a t a s t e

t h a t h a s c o n s u m e r s s a y i n g “ W O W ”

w h e n t h e y t r y i t ! I n c l u d e d o n e ve r y j a r

a r e i n n o v a t i v e “p e e l o f f ” S a f e - f o r -

S c h o o l l u n c h l a b e l s t h at c a n b e p l a ce d

o n s a n d w i c h e s a n d s n a c k s s e n t t o

W O W B U T T E R s p re a d o n yo u r f a vo r i t e

b r e a d m a k e s a n a m a z i n g s a n d w i c h ,

b u t w hy n o t g e t c re a t i ve a n d t r y i t i n

o n e o f y o u r f a v o r i t e r e c i p e s o r c h e c k

o u t t h e i r w e b s i t e f o r a m o u t h - w a t e r -

i n g A s i a n d i p p i n g s a u c e r e c i p e , p r o -

t e i n - p a c k e d s m o o t h i e s o r t h e

w r i t e - h o m e - t o - m o m m a p o w e r c o o k -

i e s ? C o o k i n g a n d b a k i n g p e a n u t f r e e w i t h W O W B U T T E R o p e n s u p a w h o l e n e w r e a l m o f p o s s i b i l i t i e s . T h e m u l t ip l e - awa rd -w i n n i n g p e a n u t- f re e W O W-

B U T T E R i s a n a l l - n a t u r a l p e a n u t - f r e e

For more information, go to www tor tuga rumcakes com or stop by booth #22750

mindful of the planet. With versatilit y and a strategic approach, Elan is continuously expanding its horizons. The brand is strong in the East while its presence in the West is gaining momentum: these innovative snacks are attracting the attention of retailers and chains look ing to expand their offer ings of organic and vegan products. Moving for ward, Elan plans to significantly enhance brand awareness and achieve greater growth among snack enthusiasts.

For more information, email sales@ elanbio.com.

s p r e a d w i t h a t a s t e a n d t e x t u r e j u s t l i k e p e a n u t b u t t e r, b u t w i t h e ve n b e tt e r n u t r i t i o n

A s a w a r e n e s s a b o u t W O W B U T T E R s p r e a d s , m o r e a n d m o r e c o n s u m e r s a re re a l i z i n g t h e s u p e r i o r p l a n t - b a s e d p ro t e i n q u a l i t y a n d O m e g a - 3 b e n e f i t s o f i n c l u d i n g W O W B U T T E R

Las Olas (Cont ’d from p 1)
a c k u n i q u e t o E l a n . T h i s i n - h o u s e r e c i p e p a i r s n u t r i t i o u s a n d o r g a n i c C a l i fo r n i a w a l n u t s w i t h t h e a d d i t i o n a l h e a l t h b e n e f i t s o f a n t i o x i d a n t g o j i b e r r i e s a n d o m e g a - r i c h c h i a s e e d s, a s we l l a s t h e u n i q u e m i n e r a l s o f H i m a l a y a n
s a l t .
n k
Elan (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
T h e i n n o v a t i v e W O W B U T T E R s p r e a d w a s d e s i g n e d f o r a l l f a m i l i e s a n d d eve l o p e d to h e l p p ro te c t t h e m i l l i o n s o f k i d s a n d a d u l t s w h o s u f f e r f r o m l i f et h re a te n i n g p e a n u t a n d n u t a l l e rgi e s I t was also developed to better nourish t h e t e n s o f m i l l i o n s o f n o n - a l l e r g i c co n s u m e r s a n d s c h o o l k i d
a s p a r t o f t h e i r h e a l t hy l i fe s t y l e. W O W B U T T E R i s m a d e i n a d e d i c a t e d 1 0 0 % p e a n u tf r e e a n d t r e e n u t - f r e e f a c i l i t y t h a t i s f o o d s a f e t y B R CG S A A + c e r t i f i e d a s w e l l a s K o s h e r, H a l a l , N o n - G M O & R S P O C e r t i f i e d . I t ’s f r e e f r o m g l u t e n , d a i r y, e g g s a n d m o s t o t h e r c o m m o n a l l e r g e n s. For more information, go to w w w.wow butter.com or email info@wowbutter.com.
Just The Fun Par t (Cont ’d from p 1)
Tor tuga Spirit Cakes (Cont ’d from p 1)
i r i t C a k e s’ m o m e n t o u s
e s t o b e a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e b r a n d ' s e nd u r i n g l e g a c y, s h owc a s i n g i t s d e d i c at i o n t o c r e a t i n g e x t r a o r d i n a r y c a k e s t h a t e v o k e a s e n s e o f d e l i g h t a n d i n -
4 0 t h a n n i ve r s a r y ce l e b
i o n p ro m i s
d u l g e n ce

Amcor, Stonyfield, Cheer Pack Collaborate To Produce Spouted Pouch Packaging

Amcor, a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions, has collaborated with Stonyfield Organic, the country’s leading organic yogurt maker, and Cheer Pack North America, a leading manufacturer of spouted pouch packaging, to launch the first all-polyethylene spouted pouch The collaboration pairs three leaders in sustainability to innovate a first-to-market solution that provides a more sustainable package without compromise on performance

The new innovative pouch replaces Stonyfield Organic’s prior multi-laminate structure with a more responsible pouch design for its YoBaby refrigerated yogurt The new pouch uses Amcor’s AmPrima Plus, an all-PE film that is designed to meet the APR Design Guide for recyclability, and Cheer Pack North America’s Vizi cap

ture in production environments This collaboration resulted in a package with premium graphic production, high moisture and oxygen barrier to preserve the content and highly durable hermetic seals along the pack edges and around opening fitments for optimal performance under abusive conditions

Additionally, the package meets standard line speeds for converting at Cheer Pack North America and filling lines at Stonyfield Organic

The package removes the metallized or foil-based film layers commonly found in standard pouch structures, while still providing superior heat resistance to allow for spout insertion With the inclusion of the Cheer Pack North America Vizi cap, the amount of plastic used is reduced by over five tons per 10mm caps

Amcor research and development worked closely with Cheer Pack North America’s pouching and spouting experts for validation of the AmPrima Plus struc-

Avocado Bread

Continued from PAGE 1

baking facility where bread is considered equal parts of art and science

This is where the retail-ready EZ FreeZer to Oven line of breads was created

“This custom-engineered solution is the result of a long-standing relationship between Amcor, Stonyfield Organic and Cheer Pack North America,” said Tom Schell, senior director of research and development at Amcor Flexibles North America

“We are proud to collaborate with crosschannel partners in the development of this highly innovative solution that helps Stonyfield reach its sustainability goals ”

“We’re thrilled to collaborate with Stonyfield Organic and Amcor on the YoBaby all-PE recycle-ready spouted pouch featuring AmPrima Plus with Vizi cap, a pioneering step in sustainable spouted pouch and cap packaging that exemplifies our shared commitment to a greener world,” said Al Madonna, vice president of marketing for Cheer Pack North America

“Stonyfield has been an environmental

And this is where Avocado Seven Grain Bread was crafted, an ingenious mixture of traditional bread ingredients with avocado and guacamole spices

“Before any new project, we source the market out,” said Benny Rizzitello, vice president of sales and marketing “What’s trending, what’s new and up and coming ”

artisan and traditional bakery products, from subs to boules These breads require no proofing or steam-injected ovens to prepare They go from the freezer to the oven for up to eight minutes to crisp the crust while the interior crumb stays moist longer and fresher than other frozen breads

pioneer since the day we were founded as an organic farming school in 1983,” said Sophie Schmitt, the director of marketing for Stonyfield “Over the last four decades, we ’ ve been leaders in sustainability, and we take our commitments seriously

“We’re thrilled to collaborate with Amcor and Cheer Pack North America on a sustainable pouch solution to help achieve our long-term packaging goals and make steps toward protecting the planet for generations to come ”

Amcor is a global leader in developing and producing responsible packaging solutions across a variety of materials for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, home and personal care as well as other products Amcor works with leading companies around the world to protect their products and the people who rely on them, differentiate brands and improve supply chains through a range of flexible and rigid packaging, specialty cartons, closures and services

The company is focused on making packaging that is increasingly lighter weight, recyclable and reusable, and made using an increasing amount of recycled content In fiscal year 2023, 41,000 Amcor people generated $14 7 billion in annual sales from operations that span 218 locations in 41 countries

As the country’s leading organic yogurt maker, Stonyfield believes that taking care of organic cows, farmers and their lives’ work will produce healthy food, healthy businesses and a healthy planet Stonyfield, a Certified B-Corp, is also making a difference by helping to protect and pre-

added to whole-grain bread just tasted like whole-grain bread because of the tropical fruit’s subtle flavor Then they realized that what many people associate as an avocado’s flavor is largely the spices added to guacamole

They take into account trends in foodser vice and supermarkets What did they find?

Avocado toast

“It was trending at something like 15 percent in a growing segment of foodser vice,”

Rizzitello said

“So why not put avocado into bread?

People have been putting it on top of bread, why not in the bread?”

Rizzitello said it was a “huge undertaking” to actually develop what began as a simple idea to take advantage of an avocado’s texture to create a moist bread, its health benefits and its flavor, too

“It took us a year to perfect it,” he said By itself, they learned that avocado

ser ve the next generation of farmers and families through programs such as its Direct Milk Supply Program and Wolfe’s Neck Organic Training Program as well as #PlayFree, a nationwide, multi-year initiative to help keep families free from toxic persistent pesticides in outdoor spaces across the country

Cheer Pack North America is the leading manufacturer of spouted flexible pouch and cap packaging in North America The company, located in West Bridgewater, Mass , is a fully-integrated supplier of Made in USA stock and custom injection molded parts, flexible flat and spouted pouches, and strategic partner with leading spouted pouch filling equipment suppliers

CPNA offers premade spouted pouches on rails – or the individual pouch, spout and cap components separately – to provide an innovative, sustainable and highly functional package designed to meet the industr y ’ s strictest safety standards The spouted pouches feature a sealed-in, easy flow spout with a reclosable, tamper-evident cap, which are available in a wide variety of colors, shapes, sizes and materials to meet almost any liquid product application

Cheer Pack spouted or flat pouches, caps and fitments are ideal for all types of liquid and viscous food and non-food product applications including hot fill, retort, cold/ambient fill and high-pressure processing The Cheer Pack Innovation Center is designed to fast-track new product projects to ultimately optimize brand owner commercial success GN

“Once we achieved that, we had to get the right color,” Rizzitello said “If the bread is made with too much avocado, it was too green People do not want green bread

“Against all odds, we came up with a bread that had the perfect color and flavor profile ” Feedback from focus groups and sampling showed Avocado Bread was something people loved

“It was a hit from the start,” Rizzitello said “We hit the market last year and this year, it’s in the full 5,000 locations across the country, in retail, supermarkets, foodser vice across the United States, Puerto Rico and Hawaii ”

Anthony & Sons makes sure the mes-

saging of Avocado Bread includes the health benefits – not only with avocado’s abundance of healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidants, but the healthy fiber with grains and seeds The bread is vegan and made with clean ingredients, too

“It really is a new power bread,” Rizzitello said

With Avocado Bread’s early success, Anthony & Sons is also looking into expanding the line

The bakery even considered that many consumers are avoiding bread because of carbohydrates – or at least limiting portions in their diet

“Somebody can cheat on a diet and get something of quality that has great health benefits,” he said Anthony & Sons introduced Avocado Bread at May’s National Restaurant Association show and will include it at their booth at the International Dairy Deli Baker y Association show in June as well as Summer Fancy Food in July GN


Consumer Demand Feeds Expansion of AMC Popcorn

Based on consumer demand for its readyto-eat and microwave popcorn varieties, AMC Theatres is rapidly expanding distribution of its retail line of popcorn – more than doubling the national outlets offering these high-demand products After close to a year of product availability exclusively at Walmart, AMC Theatres Grocery Popcorn is available for purchase at several of the largest supermarket operators including Publix and Kroger – and is also readily available for purchase online at the company ’ s Amazon store

This expansion allows consumers more options to conveniently bring home The

Dynamic QR Codes

Continued from PAGE 1

Enter the dynamic QR code, a phoenix rising from the ashes of its predecessor’s limitations This new breed of QR technology has reignited the debate around the relevance of QR codes, transforming them into a potent tool for real-time engagement and personalized marketing

Unlike their static counterparts, which permanently point to a single destination, dynamic QR codes are mutable, allowing their destination URLs to be updated without changing the code itself This flexibility allows brands to engage with their audience, from tracking user engagement to providing updated information or offers in real time

The polemic doesn’t stop at the utility Critics of the old QR code paradigm often pointed to user apathy and the hassle of needing a separate app to scan However, with smartphones now universally equipped with native scanning capabilities and dynamic QR codes offering a compelling reason to scan – by promising everrenewed content – the narrative is shifting This evolution speaks to a larger digital revolution, where adaptability and engagement are paramount and technology, once deemed obsolete, can find new life and purpose

Dynamic QR codes, therefore, are not just a technological advancement; they represent a broader philosophical shift in how we think about connecting the physical and digital worlds The controversy surrounding their resurgence and the subsequent adoption by brands worldwide underscores a critical lesson in digital marketing: innovation is not just about creating new tools but reimagining the potential of existing ones to meet the ever-changing demands of consumers and markets

QR Code KIT, formerly uQRme, revolutionized the digital landscape by introducing the world to the first dynamic QR code generator This innovation sprang from founder Diego Gopen’s vision while exploring augmented reality interactions

Searching for the perfect trigger to launch these experiences, he envisioned a QR code with a unique destiny: one that

Flavor of The Movies and enjoy the taste of movie theater popcorn

2024 distribution expansion includes Publix

• Available variety: AMC Theatres Microwave Popcorn

• Available flavors: Classic Butter, Extra Butter, Lightly Salted Kroger

• Available variety: AMC Theatres Ready-To-Eat Popcorn

• Available flavors: Classic Butter, Extra Butter

Additionally, due to increased demand, AMC’s delicious microwave popcorn vari-

could be reused indefinitely without reprinting This breakthrough not only offered a sustainable solution to the problem of reprinting but also unlocked the potential for always-updated content, thereby saving costs and enabling brands to gather key insights about their customers

This narrative of innovation underscores QR Code KIT’s leading role in transforming QR codes from static to dynamic, proving that with the right vision, even overlooked technologies can become tomorrow ’ s indispensable tools for engagement and insight

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, brands increasingly turn to dynamic QR codes as a cornerstone of their marketing and engagement strategies This pivot is driven by several key advantages that dynamic QR codes offer over their static counterparts, fundamentally altering how brands interact with their audience

1 Enhanced flexibility and control: One of the most compelling features of dynamic QR codes is their inherent flexibility Unlike static QR codes, which permanently link to a single URL, dynamic QR codes allow for real-time updates to the linked content without needing to alter the QR code itself

This capability means a single QR code can ser ve multiple purposes over time, from promoting a limited-time offer to redirecting users to the latest product launch or content piece For brands, this translates to unparalleled control over their messaging and the ability to swiftly adapt to market trends or customer feedback without the logistical and financial burden of generating and distributing new QR codes

2 Real-time data and analytics: Dynamic QR codes have advanced tracking capabilities that provide real-time insights into user engagement and campaign effectiveness Brands can monitor how many times a QR code was scanned, from which geographic locations, and even track the user journey post-scan

This wealth of data enables marketers to refine their strategies precisely, tailoring content to meet their audience’s needs better and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact

3 Enhanced customer engagement: The

eties are also available with the click of a button at Amazon com The Classic Butter, Extra Butter and Lightly Salted flavor lineup of AMC Theatres Grocery Popcorn can be purchased as a variety pack or individual flavor cases of six boxes

“After a nationwide rollout last year to more than 2,700 Walmart stores, we are delighted to bring the freshly popped taste of our movie theater popcorn to consumers at Publix, Kroger and at Amazon com, ” said Ellen Copaken, SVP,

ability to update content linked to a QR code instantly offers a vast array of possibilities for crafting personalized and interactive user experiences Dynamic QR codes can surprise and delight customers with fresh, relevant content, enhancing engagement and fostering a deeper connection with the brand

Whether directing the dynamic QR code to a landing page, digital restaurant menus, virtual business cards, personalized offers or augmented reality experiences, dynamic QR codes are a portal to a more engaging and tailored brand experience

4 Cost-effective campaign management: The adaptability of dynamic QR codes also presents significant cost savings By eliminating the need to reprint and redistribute QR codes for each new campaign, brands can allocate their resources more efficiently, focusing on creativity and innovation rather than logistics

This efficiency reduces waste and enables a more agile marketing approach, with the flexibility to test, learn, and iterate in real time

5 Future-proofing brand strategies: Adopting solutions that can adapt and evolve becomes increasingly critical as digital technologies advance Dynamic QR codes represent a forward-thinking choice for brands, offering a versatile tool that can integrate with future digital trends and technologies

By embedding flexibility and adaptability into their engagement strategies, brands can capitalize on emerging opportunities and confidently navigate the digital future

The shift toward dynamic QR codes is driven by their ability to provide enhanced flexibility, valuable data insights, improved customer engagement, cost-effective campaign management, and a pathway to future-proofing brand strategies As we move forward, dynamic QR codes stand out as a pivotal technology for brands looking to innovate engagement practices and thrive in the digital age

What to avoid when creating dynamic QR codes:

• Don’t be a digital dinosaur: Linking QR codes to outdated or irrelevant content is a surefire way to frustrate and lose your

marketing “The over whelming positive consumer response and demand for these products reinforces that ‘AMC Makes Movies Better’ in theater, at home, online – anywhere you go We’ll continue to work with amazing retailers like Walmart, Kroger, Publix and Amazon to make it convenient for consumers to enjoy our delicious popcorn throughout the year ” GN

audience Keep content fresh, exciting and in step with current trends If your linked page screams 1999, you ’ re doing it wrong

• Escape the black hole of homepages: Sending users to your homepage is like dropping them into a digital maze with no cheese Direct them to specific content or offers that they care about Don’t waste their scan

• Avoid the mobile mishap: If your site looks like a Picasso painting on a smartphone, you ’ ve got a problem Ensure your linked content is mobile-optimized, or watch your engagement plummet faster than you can say “responsive design ”

• Test or die: Launching QR codes without testing is like skydiving without checking your parachute Ensure your QR works across different devices and apps, or prepare for a crash landing in user satisfaction

• Don’t be creepy: Respect privacy and be transparent about data collection Linking to content that stealthily harvests personal info is a fast track to becoming a cautionary tale in digital trust

Embrace these bold strategies to avoid the pitfalls of QR code campaigns and ensure your efforts are met with enthusiasm rather than eye rolls

Elevating this innovation, QR Code KIT introduces the digital link QR codes, setting a new benchmark in the fusion of retail and digital marketing These advanced codes, compliant with the GS1 digital link Standard, redefine the utility of QR codes in the retail sector They function as a dualpurpose tool, seamlessly integrating into retail operations as a barcode recognizable by cashiers and as a portal to rich content for consumers via smartphone scans

This development optimizes operational efficiency and consumer engagement QR Code KIT’s stride toward next-generation QR technology with digital link QR codes exemplifies its commitment to driving the dynamic QR revolution forward, marking a significant before and after in the retail world

In the digital age, where innovation is often met with skepticism, QR Code KIT transforms what many deemed a digital dinosaur into the cornerstone of modern marketing With the launch of digital link QR codes, they’re not just pushing the envelope, but tearing it to shreds GN


DoorDash, Wing Launch Drone Delivery Pilot in US

DoorDash and Wing have launched their drone delivery partnership in the United States, starting in Christiansburg, Va Select local consumers will be able to order eligible menu items from Wendy’s – the pilot’s first restaurant partner – through the DoorDash marketplace and have them delivered via drone

This follows the drone deliver y pilot program that DoorDash and Wing launched in Australia in 2022 and has since expanded to three locations in Queensland with more than 60 participating merchants, marking the first time that Wing integrated its drone delivery service within another marketplace

“We are excited to expand our partnership with Wing in the U S to integrate drone deliver y into DoorDash’s ecosys-


Continued from PAGE 1

challenges faced by the cultivated meat industry to produce product fast and efficiently in order to scale to commercial levels With its process enabling movement from “cell-to-sausage” in only four days, Meatable can produce high-quality cultivated meat at a significantly reduced cost By reducing cell differentiation time in half, Meatable’s process now requires nearly half as many bioreactors at scale, cutting CAPEX costs and enabling a more efficient

Swamp Dragon

Continued from PAGE 1

the eye of a major regional grocery chain, where he landed a purchase order

“I knew I was swinging well above my weight class,” Beeson told Gourmet News “I was fully aware that I was whale hunting in a dinghy ”

By 2020, Beeson and Swamp Dragon were a common sight at the major food trade shows Beeson enjoyed showing buyers how good Swamp Dragon tasted, always featuring a savory bite such as chicken nuggets and a sweet bite such as Rice Krispy Treats – raking in positive reviews and nibbles from buyers and retailers

“I knew I had a product that opens all the doors,” Beeson said “I just didn’t have the resources to walk through the threshold ”

The Swamp Dragon line grew to five flavors: Dark Rum, Bourbon, Tequila, Vodka and Ouzo, with two more flavors in development – Piña Colada and Chocolate Bourbon

Beeson developed a mascot, a friendly dragon because he wanted consumers to see the hot sauce as a family-friendly product The label consistently won industr y prizes Beeson, a one-man operation, crafted the alliterative company mission: Family, friends, flavor, fun

Swamp Dragon was sold online and in 1,000 retailers nationwide Beeson continued to get raves from everyone who tried the hot sauces

tem,” said Harrison Shih, senior director of DoorDash Labs “At DoorDash, we are committed to advancing last-mile logistics by building a multi-modal deliver y platform that ser ves all sides of our marketplace We’re optimistic about the value drone delivery will bring to our platform as we work to offer more efficient, sustainable, and convenient delivery options for consumers ”

“Expanding our partnership with DoorDash and launching in the U S is a direct result of the success we ’ ve seen from our initial collaboration in Australia, where Wing has served tens of thousands of customers via the DoorDash app for over a year now, ” said Cosimo Leipold, head of partnerships at Wing “Wing has now made over 350,000 deliveries across three

use of production space By utilizing less labor, energy, infrastructure, ingredients and water, Meatable’s process has become more scalable and cost-efficient, as well as more sustainable for the world’s environment

“This is truly a remarkable moment for Meatable and the cultivated meat industry as a whole, as we just made the fastest process in the industry that much faster,” said Daan Luining, co-founder and CTO of Meatable “Achieving the ability to produce cultivated meat at scale and efficiency has been our goal from day one, and this step moves us significantly forward in fulfilling our promise

But now, Beeson may be facing the fate of thousands of food startups: failure As many as 15,000 products are introduced each year, according to Kansas State University research, but the failure rate can reach as high as 90 percent

So what happened? For Beeson, the last few years have included a lot of broken promises, possible fraud, personal setbacks and an overriding lack of funds

“I am sorr y that most or none of you have had, and may never have, Chocolate Bourbon Hot Sauce or Piña Colada Hot Sauces,” Beeson wrote on his LinkedIn

“The flavors I am able to achieve without vinegar are unlike anything before, and cannot be had by any other than my patented method

“This company and invention is a source of deep pride for me Suspending the operation does not change that With the help of supporters, family, volunteers and more, Swamp Dragon made a ver y real splash Alas, with insufficient funding, the runway WILL expire It did

“As I suspend things, I walk away from massive sales and business opportunity that was always and still is there The product is delicious, incomparable and very easy to sell It's a f$%King shame of the highest order

“Hopefully soon, I will have the necessary resources to relaunch properly Thank you all so very much for your support, advice, patronage and love

“I cannot say with any certainty that I will relaunch But it is the plan Don't give up on me

countries and looking ahead we are focused on providing a fast, affordable and safe service to our partners so they can better serve their customers

“This moment continues our meaningful expansion of this ser vice in the U S and advances our shared goal to better the last-mile delivery ecosystem ”

When DoorDash customers with an eligible address in Christiansburg place a qualifying order in the DoorDash app from the Wendy’s located at 2355 N Franklin St , they will see the option to have their meal delivered by drone on the checkout page Once they select drone delivery and place their order, it will be prepared and packaged at the Wendy’s location and delivered via a Wing drone, typically in 30 minutes or less

“Meatable remains intensely focused on providing the world with a real meat solution without harming animals or the environment, and I’m proud to say that the reduction in cell differentiation time puts us on path to delivering our products cost efficient at scale ” By differentiating cells into real fat and muscle tissues, Meatable’s process delivers product of superior flavor and mouthfeel, producing fully mature cultivated meat with the right level of fiber formation, protein, fat accumulation and key meat flavors in only four days This is approximately 60 times faster than the time it takes for farmers to

Now that’s out, so maybe I can get a little more vocal about finding my next job Hire me!”

Just two years ago, Beeson had big plans to grow the brand

“I am now raising capital in earnest to prosecute a major scale-up for Swamp Dragon,” Beeson wrote on his LinkedIn page in 2022 “Now that the pandemic problems are easing, opportunities that were on hold are returning, and we need investors in order to exploit those opportunities And it’s a lot ”

Beeson didn’t kid himself that it would be easy

“The most money I ever had was 100 grand,” he told Gourmet News “(CPG expert) James Richardson said on LinkedIn that if you can’t raise half a million, don’t do it He is not wrong ”

But Beeson believed in Swamp Dragon so much, he was – and is – willing to risk everything

He dug into research on fundraising, including finding that meat substitutes raised over $1 billion on the research and development side before launching a product

“Can I find somebody who could give me a tiny fraction of that?” he said “I’ve got the products

“In research I found that something like 90 to 95 percent of investment dollars go to Silicon Valley and New York The entire rest of the countr y is scrapping I’m the rest of the country ”

Along the way to building Swamp Dragon as a brand, Beeson experienced an

Through this partnership, DoorDash aims to provide access to an innovative deliver y solution for consumers and merchants, complementar y to traditional Dasher-fulfilled orders The new offering provides a quick and sustainable delivery option for small, short-distanced orders while creating the potential for incremental order growth across the platform

The pilot will initially be available in Christiansburg with plans to explore other cities later this year

The drone deliver y partnership with Wing was born out of DoorDash Labs, DoorDash’s robotics and automation arm DoorDash sees automation as a means to develop the right platform solution to satisfy consumer demand, while improving efficiencies within the platform GN

rear a pig for pork and significantly faster than other cultivated meat processes and involves nothing more than pulling a single cell once from a pig without causing harm Meatable’s pork sausage was recently sampled at a tasting event in Singapore, where Meatable aims for its cultivated meat products to reach the mass market with an expected restaurant launch later this year Meatable was also the first cultivated meat company to submit a dossier to the Dutch government for consideration to hold the first cultivated tastings in Europe, and continues to plan for expansion to the United States in 2025 GN

encounter with a person who promised big things and delivered nothing

“I know it sounds like a cliche,” Beeson said, “but it’s hard for me to imagine people are like that I try to surround myself with good people This is so alien to me ”

The person, with whom Beeson is in arbitration/mediation now, first said he’d take over as manager

“I’m the manager,” Beeson said he told the person “It’s my life’s work I do need help I do need people But I’m the manager ”

The person then took money that Beeson believed would go into operations, but instead, the person announced a rebranding that included getting rid of the company mascot, renaming the hot sauce and creating a new mission statement that Beeson thought was convoluted

In addition, Beeson had been selling Swamp Dragon online, through the company website So he was surprised to see Swamp Dragon being sold – without his permission and without compensation –on Amazon

“I don’t know where they’re getting the inventor y that’s on their pages,” Beeson said “They’re selling my product and I get zero ”

As difficult as it has been to keep Swamp Dragon afloat, Beeson would still like nothing more than to reach a deal to revive production – even as he looks for a job He is waiting to hear from other lifelines he’s sent out and hoping for the best

“I’m looking for one thing to go right,” Beeson said GN



T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® S U P P L E M E N T T O M AY 2 0 2 4 p s featured

Bornibus Mustard

The French Farm invites retailers to embark on a culinary jour ney with Maison Bor nibus, a mustard that is not merely a flavor enhancer but a testament to innovation and quality, refined through generations Bor nibus Mustard, with its vintage charm and sophisticated flavors, promises to elevate any dish it graces

A timeless blend of tradition and taste: Each spoonful of Bor nibus Mustard is a harmonious blend of timeless tradition and exquisite taste

This legendary condiment, meticulously perfect since 1821, captures the essence of a centuries-old craft In every jar, the legacy ofAlexandre Bor nibus lives on, a pioneer who transformed mustard from a simple condiment to a culinary staple in

homes across France and beyond Bor nibus Mustard, bor n in the picturesque Verpillières-sur-Ource and perfected in Paris’ historic Les Halles, encapsulates the romance and artistry of Paris Each jar is a tribute to the city’s timeless charm, transforming meals into an enchanting Parisian experience

We Invite you to savor this blend of tradition and elegance and share the story of passion and excellence that each jar tells For inquiries and orders, please contact The French Farm

The French Farm 713 660 0577 www.wholesale.thefrenchfarm.com/bornibus

Stonewall Kitchen Churro Mix

Known for crafting delicious jams and other sweet favorites, specialty food maker Stonewall Kitchen has introduced a new dessert that is bursting with inter national flair

Reminiscent of the treats enjoyed at latenight Spanish cafés and bustling Mexican street stalls, the new Churro Mix is full of from-scratch flavor for a satisfying bite

It’s simple to whip up a tray of 24 soft and fluffy churros thanks to the directions printed right on the box and a few pantry staples like butter, eggs and cooking spray Best of all, each package comes with a piping bag and tip for the perfect presentation

Crave Brothers Cho colate Mascarp one

Fresh has never been so sweet Crave Brothers Chocolate Mascarpone is exactly what consumers want It is easy, fresh and sweet! Add this 2022 & 2023 Wisconsin State Fair Grand Master Cheesemaker awarded cheese to the lineup Crave Brothers Chocolate Mascarpone is made with the freshest milk from the dairy herd at Crave Brothers Farm Together the naturally sweet cream pairs perfectly with the chocolate, creating a delicious but light chocolate greatness

The best thing about this cheese is that it pairs great with fruit, cookies, jams and

With Howard’s Cutting Board Cleaner, now the entire cleaning, oiling and conditioning process can be done from products manufactured by the same company, which gives consumers confidence that all three products will work together perfectly Ideal for cleaning and preparing wood surfaces before using Howard Butcher Block Conditioner or Cutting Board Oil

C u t t i n g B o a rd C l e a n e r e ff e ctively cleans and neutralizes odors o

b o a rd s , w o o d e n b o w l s and utensils The natural cleaning p ro p e r t i e s o f l e m o n o i l a n d c o -

crackers to become a great duo to sell alongside many items in and near the cheese case Crave Brothers Chocolate Mascarpone comes in a case of 12 8-ounce retail cups with 120 days shelf life Crave Brothers also offers a traditional sweet cream Mascarpone Sweeten up your cheese section with this farmstead, sustainable produced award-winning cheese Contact your distributor for pricing or email Roseanne Crave for more information

Crave Brothers www.cravecheese.com

coside, lemon terpenes, food grade mineral oil and xanthan gum Safe to use on any wood

can make wooden boards soft and gummy, reducing the life of the board

The third product from The Kraft Heinz Company and TheNotCompany has launched: plant-based Kraft Mac & Cheese – Kraft NotMac&Cheese

Less than 30 percent of plantbased mac & cheese buyers are repeating purchases as taste and texture remain their largest pain points The Kraft Heinz Not Company aims to address consumers’ plant-based preferences and evolving needs with the debut of two great-tasting plantbased mac & cheese offerings “

Stonewall Kitchen www.stonewallkitchen.com

plant-based foods to Kraft

The launch builds on The Kraft Heinz Not Company’s current plant-based offerings of Kraft NotCheese Slices and NotMayo The Kraft Heinz Not Company will continue its plans to scale into several more categories and begin international expansion in 2024

Available in Original and White Cheddar flavors, Kraft NotMac&Cheese will continue rolling out on shelves nationwide through early 2024

c o n u t s o a p s a f

face, leaving it smelling fresh Specially formulated for safely cleaning any wood

Nassau Candy Decades Box Gift S ets

On the sweeter side of life, Nassau Candy has unveiled a new look for its popular Decades Box Nostalgic Candy Gift Sets The redesign serves up a more interactive experience, making the Decades Boxes more giftable, while featuring a new assortment of nostalgic goodies Each new Decades Box has the signa-

active are hidden facts about that partic-

ries, conversation and add to the nostal-

Not only does the new art make the Decades Boxes more appealing gifts, it also makes merchandising simple The new package art is vertical on one side and horizontal on the other, allowing for multiple merchandising options Also new for the relaunch is the addition of a 2000s box It joins the Decades Box line that spans the ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s boxes

Nassau Candy www nassaucandy com

Tr a d i t i o n a l l y d e e p f r i e d , t h i s v e r s i o n i s b a k e d f o r a w o n d e r f u l l y l i g h t t e x t u r e a n d t h e n r o l l e d i n i r r e s i s t i b l e c i n n a m o n s u g a r S e r v e d h o t o u t o f t h e o v e n a s i s o r a l o n g s i d e a d e c a d e n t d i p p i n g s a u c e , i t ’s s u r e t o b e a c r o w d - p l e a s e r a t f a m i l y g a t h e r i n g s o r a s a n a f t e r- d i nn e r d e l i g h t
n w e l l - u s e d w o o d c u t t i n g s u rf a c e s i n c l u d i n g b u t c h e r b l o c k s ,
u t t
n g
e l y c l e a n a n y w o o d s u r-
s u r f a c e I n g re d i e n t s i n c l u d e c o c o n u t s o a p , c o c o n u t o i l ,
salt, citral, lauryl glu-
s u r f a c e t h a t m a y c o m e i n t o c o n t a c t w i t h f o o d , H o w a rd ’s C u t t i n g B o a rd C l e a n e r d o e s n o t c o n t a i n b l e a c h o r a n y o t h e r h a r s h i n g re d i e n t s t h a t
Start selling
Cutting Board Cleaner today! Minimum wholesale orders are only six cases Howard Products 800.266.9545 www howardproducts com
Ho ward Pro ducts Cutting Bo ard Cleaner
T h e K r a f t H e i n z N o t C o m p a n y c rea t e s p l a n t - b a s e d v e r s i o n s o f f a n - f av o r i t e f o o d s t h a t t a s t e l i k e t h e re a l t h i n g , y e t d o n ’t re q u i re p e o p l e t o d r a s t i c a l l y c h a n g e t h e i r e a t i n g h a b i t s , ” s a i d L u c h o L o p e z - M a y, C E O , T h e K r a f t H e i n z N o t C o m p a n y “ N o t C o b r i n g s i t s re v o l u t i o na r y A I t e c h n o l o g y t h a t h a s a p ro v e n t r a c k re c o rd i n c re a t i n g m o u t h w a t e r i n g
– the beloved m a c a n d c h e e s e b r a n d t h a t s e l l s o v e r a m i l l i o n b o x e s e v e r y d a y L e v e r a g i n g t h e s t re n g t h s o f b o t h c o m p a n i e s , w e ’ re o ff e r i n g t h e c re a m y a n d c o mf o r t i n g e x p e r i e n c e K r a f t M a c & C h e e s e f a n s h a v e l o v e d f o r o v e r 8 5 y e a r s – w i t h o u t t h e d a i r y ”
Kraft NotMac&Cheese
Heinz Company www
t u re l o o k a n d f e e l o f t h e d e c a d e w h i l e s t i l l c re a t i n g a c o h e s i v e p re s e n t a t i o n w h e n m e rc h a n d i s e d t o g e t h e r B u t w h a t m a k e s t h e re d e s i g n e x t r a f u n a n d i n t e r -
u l a r d e c a d e i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o t h e d e s i g n T h i s i s i n t e n d e d t o s p a r k m e m o -
g i c e x p e r i e n c e

Fall River Wild Rice

Interest in plants and grains is soaring, as shoppers look for new ways to eat healthy High in protein and fiber, nutty and with a striking visual appeal, wild rice is one of the healthiest grains available It was a staple food of several Native American tribes, who called it “manoomin,” or “precious grain ” Fall River Wild Rice brings this culinary gem to your store shelf This naturally cultivated wild rice is great in salads, soups and stir fries However, it also works well in mixes for pancakes and muffins and even in chocolate and desserts Fall River’s Fully Cooked Wild Rice is high-protein goodness in seconds

The only cereal grain native to North America, wild rice is not even a rice at all It is the seed of Zizania palustris, a tall, blooming water grass that prospers in the Great Lakes region, as well as in the fruitful valley in the shadows of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies Fall River Wild Rice is a small grower-owned cooperative in the Fall River Valley, a rural mountain valley nestled between the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges

Fall River Wild Rice

800.626.4366 www fallriverwildrice com

Ariston Sp ecialties Risottos

Ariston has now added authentic risottos from Italy to its line of products

Are your customers pressed for time and looking for a convenient, delicious, timesaving side dish for their family meal? These risottos make it easy for you to do just that Make this wonderful dish at home within 18 minutes There are 6 5 servings per container

Risotto is a norther n Italian rice dish made with a special high-starch, short-grain rice Risotto is cooked in broth until it reaches a creamy consistency

Ariston’s Risottos are available in four flavors: Risotto with Truffle, Risotto with Pumpkin, Risotto with Porcini Mushroom and Risotto with 4 Cheese

can use beef, chicken or vegetable broth

You can also enhance the risotto’s creaminess and flavor by adding Ariston’s Select Extra Virgin Olive Oil or any of its infused olive oils

The risottos contain Italian Car naroli rice as the main ingredient Car naroli rice is even starchier than arborio, so it makes a truly restaurant-worthy risotto You can follow the suggested instructions on the box and add water

However, if you prefer extra flavor, you

Tonnino Tuna for Kids

As the leading gourmet tuna brand in the United States, Tonnino prides itself on sustainable fishing practices widely respected for a preservation of quality and flavor

Tonnino shakes the canned seafood market with the launch of its first-ever tuna can specifically designed for kids, now available at Walmart This tuna offers a perfect blend of delicious taste and healthy convenience tailored to young palates These fun, kid-friendly varieties are packed with lean, protein-rich, dolphin-safe, combined with fresh diced vegetables

Each can is a standalone meal – pasta, pizza, tuna melt or mac and cheese –making healthy eating both easy and enjoyable for kids The packaging is eyecatching, featuring a friendly tuna character on a conveniently petite package The two standout varieties are Premium Yellowfin Tuna chunks with sweet

Urb an Accents Sheet Pan Dinners

Since 1996, Urban Accents has been helping home cooks succeed in the kitchen with a wide array of premium seasonings, sauces and starters Its new line of sheet pan dinner mixes continues this tradition with innovative flavor combinations made especially for busy weeknights

Small batch crafted and gluten free, each tent features three individual seasoning packets to mix with mealtime staples and roast to perfection Kicking things off with bold, zesty flavor is the Smoky Fajita

Sheet Pan Dinner Packed with spices, it’s the ideal way to create sizzlin’ steak, chicken and veggies

Then there’s the Lemon Rosemary Sheet Pan Dinner, which brings a citrusy twist to poultry, Brussels sprouts and red potatoes Finally, the Sage & Thyme Sheet Pan Dinner balances savory herbs, sharp black pepper and rich brown sugar to complement hearty pork chops and produce

Precisely portioned for easy prep, these blends help create delicious dishes that the whole family will love

Stonewall Kitchen


Enstrom Almond Toffee Petites

Good things come in small packages

One of the benefits of these products is that it is gluten free and has no added salt They are also GMO free and have 0 percent cholesterol

In addition, you can get creative with the risottos and pair them with other Ariston products For example, the Pumpkin Risotto pairs well with Ariston’s Rosemary, Basil olive oil, or Curry infused olive oil You can also add Ariston’s sea salt line to any of these risottos products as well Enjoy and buon appetito from Ariston Specialties!

www tonnino com

Individually wrapped, Enstrom Almond Toffee Petites are the gold standard of snacking This artisan Almond Toffee is crafted from the perfect blend of fresh Califor nia almonds, sweet cream butter and pure cane sugar, covered in a generous layer of rich chocolate to create a treat unlike any other

For 60 years, the Enstrom family has crafted Almond Toffee with only the finest, freshest and sustainably sourced ingredients Every batch is still made in Grand Junction, Colo , using founder Chet Enstrom’s original recipe, lovingly handed down

through four generations Enstrom Almond Toffee is made with all-natural ingredients and certified gluten free and kosher dairy It’s quality you can taste in every bite Visit www enstrom com to lear n more about these buttery Almond Toffee Petites, as well as other premium offerings in our wholesale toffee line

For those who prefer snacking on cheese but don’t want the dairy, Daiya’s first dairy-free products stemming from its multi-million-dollar investment in fermen-

techniques, such as precision fermentation, Daiya is perfecting the art of plant-based cheesemaking, the natural way

tation technology are hitting shelves across the country

Featuring the new Daiya Oat Cream blend, the proprietary cultured ingredient is now the key component across Daiya’s dairy-free shreds, slices, blocks and sticks – promising consumers a dairy-like melt and deliciously balanced cheesy flavor

By utilizing these proprietary vegan cultures, Daiya utilizes age-old fermentation methods to create a dairy-free cheese made from plants with characteristics that mimic traditional dairy products While many brands in the category continue to incorporate oil-based ingredients and GMO

This latest innovation from Daiya directly addresses the challenges faced across the plant-based cheese category, primarily consumer demand for dairy parity and an inconsistency across taste and texture of products currently on shelf

Key features and benefits across Daiya’s reformulated non-dairy cheese products include melting just like dairy cheese, boasting a creamier, cheesy flavor, beingNon-GMO Project Verified and made with glyphosate-free and certified gluten-free oats

The reformulated products will also unveil Daiya’s new visual identity, including a logo revamp, a new tagline – “100% Plant-based Even if you’re not ” – and a packaging overhaul The new look is set to speak to the growing market of “flexible” plant-based eaters while still paying homage to the original branding

Daiya www daiyafoods com

Enstrom 800 252 5498 www.enstrom.com
Ariston Specialties
Daiya Dairy-Free
cor n in water (3 7 ounces) and Premium Yellowfin Tuna with carrots and peas in vegetable oil (3 7 ounces)

Savor, ASM Global Present

WorldYY in U.S. Again

Savor, the culinar y division of live-event producer ASM Global, has once again joined with World Young Chef Young Waiter Young Mixologist (WorldYY) to bring the renowned service competition to the United States for the second consecutive year, Aug 4 and 5

Now in its 45th year, WorldYY is the only competition of its kind promoting hospitality as a career choice globally, finding the world’s most skilled chefs, waiters, waitresses and mixologists under the age of 28 WorldYY aims to highlight the remarkable talent of the finest young professionals building their careers in the industr y while championing the skill and passion that hospitality professionals bring to their work

well as the winners from the 14 other international competitions taking place around the world, will have the opportunity to compete in the WorldYY finals at Swissôtel The Stamford in Singapore in November 2024 and the chance to win


Savor, the official host of WorldYY USA, is searching for the best in service and hospitality from all over the country to register for the American leg of the competition with the chance to compete in the first live round taking place at the prestigious Culinary Institute of America at Copia in Napa, Calif , Aug 4 and 5 The winners of the American round of the competition, as

In 2023, Savor’s Team USA – Marcus Youn, chef from Knife Pleat; Regina Gutierrez, waiter from The French Laundry; and Mitchell Coriell, mixologist from Soho House – earned second place in the World Finals in Monaco

Many past winners have gone on to achieve notable success in hospitality Winners and judges have included some of the industry’s most recognizable names,


(dates sub ect to change)

June 23-25

May 6-9

Food Safety Summit

Rosemont, Illinois

www foodsafetysummit com

May 13-16

Sweets and Snacks Expo

Indianapolis, Indiana

www sweetsandsnacks com

June 9-11

Dairy Deli Bake Seminar & Expo

Houston, Texas

www iddba org

June 16-18

International Society of Sports Nutrition Annual Conference and Expo

Bonita Springs, Florida

www sportsnutritionsociety org

Summer Fancy Food Show

New York, New York

www specialtyfood com

July 10-13

American Cheese Society’s Annual Conference

Buffalo, New York

www cheesesociety org/conference

July 14-16

School Nutrition Association Annual National Conference Boston, Massachusetts

www schoolnutrition org

Aug. 25-27

Western Foodservice & Hospitality Expo

Los Angeles, California www westernfoodexpo com

including Mark Sargeant, Marcus Wareing, Simon King, John Torode, Annie and Germain Schwab, Jeremy King and many more

“Savor is incredibly proud to be hosting the WorldYY competition for the second consecutive year, as one of our priorities has always been finding ways to foster and cultivate young talent who aspire to excel in the culinary and hospitality industry,” said Shaun Beard, Savor’s senior vice president of food and beverage “Last year, we saw some amazing skill and composure from each competitor, and our Team USA even went on to place second in the global competition Since we opened registration, we ’ ve already received so many entries from some exceptional candidates, so we are beyond excited to see what they have in store for us this year ” Chefs and waiters throughout the

United States under the age of 28 should visit WorldYY USA to enter online now through July 5 A panel of high-profile, ser vice-industr y veterans – Adam Sobel, partner at Mina Group and New Italian Co ; Tracey Shepos Cenami, executive chef and cheese specialist at Kendall-Jackson Wine Estate & Gardens; Roland Passot, propriétaire and chief culinar y officer; Roger Huldi, general manager at The St Regis San Francisco; Steven Lande, hospitality ser vice expert; Michael Brennan, president of Specialty Restaurants Corporation; Tony Marcell, general manager/partner, Wayfare Tavern, San Francisco and more – will help narrow down the entries to a short list of 12 finalists who will battle it out in the live finale at the CIA at Copia in Napa The three winners of WorldYY USA will head to the global finals in Singapore GN

Pepper Launches Ferraro Foods App

to 8,000+ Customers

Pepper, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions for the food distribution industry, is partnering with Ferraro Foods, known for its commitment to delivering fresh ingredients and quality service in foodservice This collaboration marks the launch of the highly anticipated Pepper App, designed to revolutionize how Ferraro Foods interacts with its extensive network of more than 8,000 customers across 23 states

“Our alliance with Pepper represents a significant milestone in our journey towards embracing digital transformation in foodservice,” said Faris Faris, CIO, Ferraro Foods “The Pepper App allows us to offer a great eCommerce experience to our customers, enable our reps to grow their business and maintain our leadership in delivering high-quality products ”

The Pepper App will transform how Ferraro Foods takes orders from customers and arms sales reps with mobile-first solu-

tions to manage their business As Ferraro Foods rolls out the Pepper App, customers can expect a robust online shopping experience while sales reps will enjoy a suite of tools that help them become more consultative sellers

Pepper’s platform is designed to meet the specific needs of independent distributors such as Ferraro Foods, by leveraging a team of industry experts who truly understand the food distribution business This partnership underscores Pepper’s commitment to empowering food distributors with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive marketplace

“Teaming up with Ferraro Foods reinforces Pepper’s position as the growth engine for independent distributors,” said Erin Graham, vice president of sales at Pepper “We are passionate about working with our customers to build solutions that will help them dominate their markets ”

Laub\Hunt Machines Accommodate Thinner Plastic Bottles

Laub\Hunt, a major manufacturer of liquid filling equipment, has produced volumetric top filling bottling machines that can prevent damage to the thinner plastic bottles now mandated by California Law (Senate Bill (SB) 54 – Plastic Pollution Prevention and Packaging Producer Responsibility Act) The law requires a 25 percent reduction in the weight and number of single-use plastic packaging and food ware items by Jan 1, 2032

The force created by filling nozzles on many liquid fillers damages the thinner plastic bottles now required by the new California law The volumetric top filling machines manufactured by Laub\Hunt fill the bottles without additional pressure, thereby maintaining bottle integrity

“This landmark packaging law requires major changes for the bottling industr y But our volumetric top filling bottling machines will help our bottling customers to

successfully convert over to the more environmentally friendly bottle configuration,” said Jeff Hunt, president Laub\Hunt machines fill any non-carbonated, nondairy product that is pumpable

Laub\Hunt, a leader in the bleach industr y, supplies 80 percent or more bleach fillers in the United States and beyond Additionally, its machines are widely used in industrial and household chemicals, automotive fluids, personal care products, cosmetics and food and beverages

Laub\Hunt is an international force in system integration with Laub\Hunt fillers and filling lines operating around the world covering Canada, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Asia-Pacific areas It offers engineering services for line integration and complete turnkey projects, from bottle unscrambling, labeling, filling and capping to case packing and palletizing GN

Ariston Specialties 9 www aristonspecialties com Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese 15 www cravecheese com Enstrom Candies 24 www enstrom com Fall River Wild Rice 15 www frwr Hahn’s Bakery 23 www hahnsbakery com Howard Products 15 www howardproducts com RarePh8 2,3 www drinkrealm com Stonewall Kitchen 4,7,9 www stonewallkitchen com ADVERTISER PAGE WEBSITE ADVERTISER INDEX

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