Gourmet News • Fall Cheese Guide 2022

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4 The Cheese Guide

from milkmaids to industry leaders Women in


The meeting room at the American Cheese Society’s annual conference in Portland, Ore , was packed to hear Brooklyn, N Y , cheesemonger Mary Casella, winner of the 2021 inaugural Daphne Zepos Research Award and author of “Milkmaid: A Global History of Women in Dairy,” present her research as “Women’s Work: The History and Legacy of Women in Dairy ”

“The significance of the role women have held in the human relationship to ruminants and in the culture surrounding dairy is undeniable,” says Casella, a self professed “championer of women in the dairy industry and advocate of the history, culture and relationship of humans and ruminants ”

The word dairy, Casella says, stems from words meaning “female servant” and “woman in charge of making butter and cheese” an idea that sent a murmur of surprise among ACS participants listening to her “The very word we use to describe a whole food group and industry is

Dairy 6 The Cheese Guide

Women have come full circle in the cheese industry, from providing their families with dairy products and an income to taking a back seat as men industrialized dairy products in the 19th century to becoming leaders in today’s market

tied to women,” she says

“The female voice in history is often missing Save for brief sections and biographies in larger publications, highlighting usual key figures, there was no one resource to lear n about the history and role which women have played in the dairy industry and the culture surrounding it

“The relationship between women and dairy is inherent it is natural, instinctual, mater nal, powerful, sexual and sexualized,” Casella wrote in her vision paper submitted for the DZRA “Every woman I’ve met in the cheese world has been inspiring, strong and intelligent and it was my desire to lear n more about this deep connection between women and dairy that led me to do my research

“I wrote ‘Milkmaid’ to be a singular and comprehensive response to this void The research documents women’s significance starting from early human history, spanning the globe and cultures; it explores influences on art, literature and popular culture, and examines how women have led the way in traditional and contemporary dairy practices ”

Casella’s research included a look at Adda F Howie, who became the first woman on the W isconsin Board of Agriculture in 1925 and was a prominent agriculture reformist Howie’s approach was that happy cows

She hopes her book, “Milkmaid,” can uplift the industry in the eyes of those who tend to be “dismissive” of dairy products and recognize that the industry “is an important and vital tradition to be carried on and supported,” she says

Casella also conducted hours of interviews with women in the cheese industry today cheesemakers, business owners, cheesemongers “not only to gather their knowledge, but to tell their stories and lear n how they came to be part of this culture It came as no surprise that many were pioneers in their own rights, and just as original female cheesemakers passed down their knowledge, so too had these women been both recipients and givers of a sisterhood of knowledge

“The importance of dairy is a story that deserves to be told and upheld and if the role of women is not fully recognized, then it is not a story fully told,” she says

made more milk, so she started playing music for cows, which became a standard practice

Casella’s love of the world of cheese shows as she discusses the impact the dairy industry has had

“It is, in fact, women who have been an incredible driving force in the resurgence of traditional cheesemaking practices and for breathing new life and excitement into all aspects of the industry; women’s expertise and influence is unquestionable and enduring ”

Howie also promoted the importance of sanitation, years before legislation was enacted for industry standards

The Daphne Zepos Research Award joins the Daphne Zepos Teaching Award as the ACS’s annual scholarships The awards are named for Daphne Zepos, who lectured, moderated and presented at the ACS’s annual conferences

“Dairy is a profound and persistent presence in human history and c u l t u re , ” s h e s a y s “ I t i s a t e s t a m e n t t o h u m a n i n g e n u i t y a n d resourcefulness and representative of the importance of the bond between people, the land and animals ”

Zepos taught at Slow Food’s biannual Bra Cheese Festival in Italy, at the College of Marin and in courses nationwide Zepos, who was considered one of the most inspiring cheese teachers in the United States, died in San Francisco in the summer of 2012

“A dairy should be as clean as a champion kitchen,” Casella quotes Howie as saying

The industry is moving toward sustainable dairy farming, Gooch says “But there’s no silver bullet,” he says “We cannot afford to not work together ”

“If there’s one thing I can applaud the American Cheese Society for,” Hammerich says, “it’s running toward having these conversations about problems instead of running away

8 The Cheese Guide

“We are facing two code reds,” Dammeier says, “actual climate change and the demonization of animal agriculture I see those doubling and tripling in the next five years It’s really a very difficult time for animal agriculture ”

“The reality is cows cause greenhouse gasses, there’s ideas and room for improvement and, most importantly, what are we going to do about this?”

important to adopt sustainability in food production

The ACS panel included Kurt Dammeier, owner and head chef of Sugar Mountain; Debra Dickerson, proprietor of 3D Cheese and sales manager of Tomales Bay Foods Cowgirl Creamery; Curt Gooch, sustainable dairy product owner with Land O’Lakes/Truterra; and Bill Wavrin, owner of S u n n y D e n e R a n c h H a m m e r i c h i s s e n i o r d i re c t o r o f s t r a t e g i c communications for Cogent Consulting and Communications Inc , which advises companies and organizations on sustainability issues related to food production and agriculture

Wavrin calls the pressure to adopt sustainable practices “nutritional justice ”

“They’re just trying to do the right thing and generally are curious,” he says

Dammeier says there are experiments with food additives given to animals to reduce the methane output as well as work on feeding animals in confined spaces to capture the methane

Just broaching the subject of climate change in the dairy industry can be touchy

The discussion was the culmination of ACS’s year long “Code Red” series, so named after U N Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that climate change is a code red for humanity that should be a call to action for everyone

“It can make some people uncomfortable,” says T im Hammerich, who moderated a panel discussion, “Climate Change and the Dairy Industry: Greenhouse Gas Emissions” at the American Cheese Society’s annual conference in Portland, Ore

While instituting sustainability practices adds to cost, ignoring them can also be costly, Wavrin says

Wavrin urges attention on morale over market share

“People are gunning for us,” Wavrin says “There’s a tendency to generate a false narrative ”

“The way the entire greenhouse gas emission crisis gets solved is every individual doing one thing One less flight Lower the thermostat,” Wavrin says “Dairy can’t solve the problem itself It’s on all of us, down to the farm level, too ”

Wa v r i n u r g e s m o re e ff e c t i v e communication with consumers

“I’m impatient,” he says “I want progress on this now I’d like to challenge ACS to make a plan and implement it by next year’s conference ”

Dammeier refers to the proliferation of plant based products and the billions of dollars fueling the movement by venture capitalists

“I’m so proud to be part of our food supply,” he says “I think cheese is so cool Let’s not be us against us ”


“Our strength is that dairy is not a big threat to climate change,” he says

“You have a bigger carbon footprint from a roundtrip ticket on a plane than from drinking one glass of milk every day,” he says Yet public perception says otherwise

As a farmer, Wavrin sees his primary mission is to nourish people with cheese being an effective way to provide nourishment but he also thinks it’s

“I propose that the American Cheese Society create an initiative to c a p t u re a l l o f t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n ’s e n t i re c a r b o n f o o t p r i n t , h a v e a clearinghouse for best practices and collect and create headlines about improvement,” Hammerich says, which brought loud applause from the ACS participants

“What gets measured gets improved,” Dammeier says “We will make progress and every year, we should reward climate achievers and advertise that progress to consumers We will feel better and succeed in the court of public opinion

“We’ve let others tell the story and I hope if we form an action plan, it’s for us to tell the story about current circumstances ”

Despite the public perception, Gooch says, animal agriculture isn’t a big contributor to greenhouse gasses and so dairy, which is just one segment of that category, has an even smaller impact

In a survey sent to 50 cheesemakers, retailers and distributors, the consensus was split on whether consumer interest is driving the desire to act against climate change, Dickerson says Twenty one agreed with the statement, 21 agreed somewhat and 16 disagreed


t a k i n g

“I think it’s our job at ACS to actually lead in greenhouse gas reduction in our ranks, but also trumpet that group involvement to the world,” he s a y s “ We n e e d t o c re a t e e m p a t h y a n d s h o w t h a t e m p a t h y t o consumers ”

It doesn’t matter if a farmer, distributor or retailer believes climate change is real, Gooch says, because consumers do

10 The Cheese Guide

From the Gracious Gourmet, maker of all natural jams, jellies and spreads, we get an idea of just how to bring out the great flavor of cheese with the right accompaniment The company minimizes the use of sugar, salt and oil in its products, which makes them not only tasty, but better for us

B l u e b e r r y L e m o n T h y m e J a m i s fantastic paired with cream cheese, blue cheese or soft cow or goat cheeses Chile Mango Lime Jam is delicious with many varieties of cheese including soft goat or Spanish style cheese

Farmhouse Tomato Jam pairs well with soft cow’s milk cheeses or Cheddar Spicy Red Pepper Jelly is great with cream cheese, soft goat or Brie topped with pepper jelly and served with toasted bread and crackers

versatile jam that adds zing as a cheese condiment and pairs with many varieties especially cream cheese and goat cheeses

A cheese lover cannot live on cheese alone Well, that might be debatable, but it’s more fun to pair cheese with other flavors

Gracious Gourmet’s Apple Sweet Cherry Jam, for instance, pairs well with blue cheese, soft cow, sheep or goat varieties Balsamic Fig Jam fits in on a cheese plate with Brie, creamy goat or blue cheeses

Smoky Ginger Peach Spread pairs well with cow, sheep and goat cheese Spiced Sour Cherry Spread can accompany soft or semi soft cow or sheep cheeses

To spice up Italian or Spanish style cheese, use a dollop of Hatch Chile Pesto

suggested wine pairings jams,&jelliesspreadsbring out the best in cheeses

Strawberry Black Pepper Jam is perfect as a cheese accompaniment, especially with soft cheeses, goat cheese or Brie White Balsamic Hatch Chile Jelly is a

Try Caramelized Onion Fig Spread with soft or blue cheeses Serve Rosemary Pear Spread with all types of soft cow and goat cheeses and blue cheeses

Pine River continues to dominate the spreadable cheese category, ear ning the top three spots at the 2022 World Championship Cheese Competition, third place at the 2022 Inter national Cheese & Dairy Awards, and two Best in Class awards at the 2020 World and 2019 U S Championship Cheese Contests

“We’re from America’s Dairyland, in the company of some of the world’s best cheesemakers, so it is a great honor to win at this contest year after year,” said CEO Phil Lindemann

He served as president and COO of the publicly traded food and animal safety company Neogen and spent 13 years at Cargill, the large multinational, family owned food and agricultural products company, where he and his team launched Truvia natural sweetener and other nutritional and sustainable products Snyder has also held various roles at Monsanto Company and a number of boards of directors positions in the food, agriculture, biotech, software and health areas

Snyder brings a leadership background in startup, middle market and large company settings across food, nutrition, pharma, food safety, biotechnology, agriculture and specialty chemicals

Pine River’s Toasted Onion o l d P a c k C h e e s e S p re a d ok home the blue ribbon, llowed by Garlic & Herb old Pack Cheese Spread in cond and Pepper Jack Cold k Cheese Spread in third

F o u n d e d o n m o re t h a n f i v e g e n e r a t i o n s o f e x p e r i e n c e i n t h e d a i r y i n d u s t r y, P i n e R i v e r p ro d u c e s t h re e s t y l e s o f a w a rd w i n n i n g W i s c o n s i n C h e e s e S p re a d : C o l d P a c k C h e e s e S p re a d , C l e a n L a b e l C o l d P a c k C h e e s e S p re a d a n d S h e l f S t a b l e G o u r m e t S n a c k S p re a d I t a l s o o ff e r s p r i v a t e l a b e l , f o o d s e r v i c e , a n d f u n d r a i s i n g s e r v i c e s T h e c h e e s e s p re a d s a re c r a f t e d o n e b a t c h a t a t i m e i n a s t a t e o f t h e a r t f a c i l i t y i n N e w t o n , W i s

12 The Cheese Guide

His most recent, full time role was president and CEO of Whitehall

Neal Schuman, third generation leader and former CEO of Schuman Cheese, announced the appointment of Steve K Snyder as the company’s new chief executive officer, effective immediately

Schuman’s team of skilled cheesemakers craft their world class cheeses in W isconsin, adding to a robust import business W ith six production locations across North America, Schuman continues to grow to meet the needs of its valued and loyal customers

More than 300 entries across 40 classes of cheese, sour cream, butter, yogurt and milk were submitted to the contest, which was held June 23 W inners were recognized at the Blue Ribbon Dairy Products Auction Aug 11, which raises money to support student scholarships and the W isconsin State Fair Dairy Promotion Board’s efforts

Snyder recently led companies in cheese, food and other industries to create and implement growth strategies, develop leadership talent and drive business and organizational development ‘It is with great pride and excitement that I join Neal and his talented fourth generation children Allison, Ian and Keith along with the entire Schuman Cheese team to continue the legacy of world class, award winning cheese solutions,” Snyder said “The company’s history of caring for its employees and the communities in which it operates is inspirational It’s that dedication to our team and our customers to operate with integrity and innovative spirit that will remain a guiding light in this next chapter of growth ”


Steve K. Snyder CEO

Snyder joins Schuman Cheese amid continued category leadership with some of the industry’s largest retailers and recognition across both domestic and imported cheeses, including that of flagship brand Cello, which recently celebrated a sweep in the Parmesan category at the 2022 World Cheese Contest

The company is also rapidly expanding in growing food categories with innovative brands including plant based Vevan Foods and dessert brand Delve chocolate truffles

For the second year, Pine River ear ned first, second and third place at the 2022 W isconsin State Fair Cheese Blue Ribbon Dairy Products Contest held in West Allis, W is This marks the ninth me the cheesemaker has wept the category in the st 14 contests

Pine River

Schuman Cheese

Founded in New York in 1945, Schuman Cheese has grown into a highly lauded leader in the cheese industry worldwide The family has set the standard for integrity, excellence and loyalty for four generations, exemplified by their premium cheeses and lasting partnerships


Wisconsin State Fair Contest Category Again

Specialties Inc , a W isconsin based processed and plant based cheese manufacturer where he created and launched the NewFields plant based cheese division

“We are fortunate to have a dedicated team that takes pride in the products we produce and honors our promise to craft the best cheese spreads, using the highest quality W isconsin dairy ingredients ”

“We are excited to welcome Steve to the Schuman Cheese family and plan to work closely to build on the company’s successes while staying true to the core values that have guided us these last seventy five years,” said Schuman, who moved to his new role as chairman of the board, where he will continue to support Schuman Cheese’s growth “Steve brings us a fresh vision for the company’s continued success and expansion trajectory I am confident that his experienced leadership, knowhow, and clear strategic perspective will be pivotal to our next phase of growth ”

“As we work toward our long range sustainability action plans, we are committed to continuous progress across the entire supply chain,” said CEO Joe Baird “We know that over time, small changes in our farming, manufacturing and packaging processes will lead to big transformations But the greatest impact on the health of our planet will lie in our collective ability to make pasture based, regenerative farming practices more affordable and accessible to all farms “Regenerative agriculture promotes healthier soils that absorb more carbon into the ground and keep more greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere ” crosses arbon Neutrality

W ith baseline data in place, Frazier has entered the second stage of her research, in which she is analyzing areas of the business that have the greatest opportunities for optimization and environmental outcomes Frazier’s research has already identified a number of climate impacting opportunities around transportation and sustainable packaging She will explore additional ways Rumiano can further reduce emissions by decreasing miles traveled of raw materials and finished goods

W ith support from the CDIC’s Dairy Business Innovation Initiative, Rumiano has hired its first sustainability impact inter n to assess the company’s entire ecological footprint Cal Poly Humboldt environmental science major Ellie Frazier has collected and documented comprehensive baseline measurements on all business activities that contribute to energy and water consumption, resource usage and carbon emissions

Ambitious initiatives range from its zero waste cheese manufacturing plant that recycles and repurposes everything from cardboard and plastic to whey and wastewater to the company’s in house wastewater treatment facility that biologically treats 20,000 gallons of cheese production wastewater per day This process not only prevents 99 percent of milk solids from entering the environment through groundwater and rivers, it enables the water to become potable and usable for its community and puts clean water and food grade compost equivalents back into the land

Rumiano Cheese Company, Califor nia’s oldest family owned cheese company, is committed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 As a first step, Rumiano has introduced a climate impact program to accelerate its efforts to improve the sustainability of its supply chain

The company chose its flagship Ivy’s Reserve Vintage Cheddar as the first product to be certified carbon neutral It also is shipped in vacuum packed containers that do not require refrigeration

Last year, Rumiano opened an energy efficient 46,766 square foot state of the art cheese packaging plant in W illows, Calif , that will soon run on 100 percent renewable solar energy generated on site like the company’s existing facilities

The Cheese Guide 13

Wyke Farms, the United Kingdom’s largest independent cheese producer, entered the U S market earlier this year with the launch of its prize winning Ivy’s Reserve Vintage Cheddar (now available as the world’s first carbon neutral Cheddar) at the Summer Fancy Food Show

W y k e F a r m s h a s w o r k e d c l o s e l y w i t h C a r b o n Tr u s t , t h e w o r l d ’s l e a d i n g i n d e p e n d e n t c e r t i f i c a t i o n b o d y f o r c a r b o n f o o t p r i n t s , t o m e e t t h e PA S 2 0 6 0 re q u i re m e n t s t o q u a l i f y f o r c a r b o n n e u t r a l s t a t u s T h e PA S 2 0 6 0 i s a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y re c o g n i z e d s p e c i f i c a t i o n f o r c a r b o n n e u t r a l i t y a n d s e t s re q u i re m e n t s f o r q u a n t i f i c a t i o n , re d u c t i o n a n d o ff s e t t i n g o f g re e n h o u s e g a s e m i s s i o n s f o r o r g a n i z a t i o n s , p ro d u c t s a n d e v e n t s

to advancing sustainable farming and production practices and a record of i n n o v a t i o n R u m i a n o h a s a l re a d y m a d e s i g n i f i c a n t i n v e s t m e n t s i n sustainability on several fronts

Since 1861, Wyke Farms has been making cheese and butter with milk from grass fed cows grazing the lush pastures of the Mendip Hills in the center of the Cheddar making region in Somerset, England

This collaboration with the CDIC builds on Rumiano’s long commitment

Its cheeses have won more national awards in the United Kingdom than any other brand The milk used to produce the Cheddar is cultured with vegetarian rennet and is hormone and rBST free

Rumiano has partnered with the CDIC, a coalition of Califor nia dairy producers, processors, major universities and the Califor nia Dairy Research F o u n d a t i o n , c re a t e d t o c o l l a b o r a t i v e l y d r i v e d a i r y i n n o v a t i o n a n d productivity Established by the Califor nia Milk Advisory Board, the CDIC supports industry innovation through grants, inter nships, research projects and educational training


the UK’s Wyke Farms Rumiano Strives for by C2030

Nicasio Valley Cheese Co.


the product Additional benefits of the new package de sign also account for not just visual ap peal, but functionality allowing retailers to double stack the product for improved merchandising op portunities both in and out of the cooler

Klondike Cheese Co. introduces a healthier alter native to traditional sour cream based dips with its Odyssey® brand Greek Yogurt Dips These gluten free and rBST free cow’s milk dips add a refreshing taste to the dairy section

a powerful, yet pleasant flavor Nicasio Reserve, a classic Swiss Italian mountain cheese, has a rich flavor and is a gold medal win ner at the Califor nia State Fair

Klondike Cheese Co www.odysseybrands.com

The Aged Truffle Caciotta cheese aims to be the new Monti Trentini bestseller. This cheese is aged for a minimum of three months, weekly hand rubbed and “cured” by expert affineurs The taste of the aged cheese and the texture of the curd marry perfectly the truffle flavor given by the real Italian black truffle pieces that are inside.

The box can be generic or more luxurious The luxury box version, ideal for gifts or display, presents the same pat ter n of the cheese, which can also be p e r s o n a l i z e d . The product has 180 days of shelf life and the average weight of each wheel is five pounds

Beyond that, the aged truffle caciotta is differentiated by a black coating all around the wheel and the engraved (not painted) logos. Each small logo on the outer part is placed to help cut wedges of 8 ounces, approxi mately The wheels come one per box and vacuum packed

SnackUps provide a robust 8g of protein and 170 mg of calcium with only 210 calories Are you ready to elevate your snacking experience with Snack Ups?

Odyssey Greek Yo gurt Dips have 40 per cent fewer calories per serving, three times the protein per serving and half the fat per serving com pared to traditional sour cream based dips

The eye catching design now properly reflects the quality of the product inside while allowing the customer to visually see more of

as a topping on baked potatoes or tacos,” stated Luke Buholzer, VP of sales at Klondike Cheese Co “Consumers are excited about the line of Odyssey Greek Yogurt Dips not only because of the flavor and nutri tion, but they like un derstanding where it is coming from ” Odyssey Greek Yogurt Dips come in four delicious fla vors: Tzatziki, Southwest, French Onion and Bell Pepper For more information, please visit the web site

Keeping true to tradition, Lit house delicately and carefully hand salts and tur ns its artisan cheese to nurture the highest quality The award winning Lite house Simply Artisan Cheese is aged a minimum of 100 days to ensure its signature flavor devel

fats, resulting in a thicker consis tency Thanks to fruit selected from the Oregon Co lumbia River area, the Blackberry Yo gurt has a touch of natural sweetness and serves as a healthy and deli cious anytime snack.

As with all of Bell wether Farm’s sheep milk yogurts, the Blackberry Sheep Milk Yogurt is made with whole sheep milk, is probiotic, con tains active/beneficial cultures, and is packed with A2 pro tein, making it better for people who don't tolerate cow milk The naturally homogenized sheep’s milk also has more cal cium, protein, and better for you

www litehousefoods com/contact

Monti Trentini USA www montitrentini com

Litehouse Simply Ar tisan Blue Cheese Center Cut

Litehouse Simply Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut is the premium selection of the wheel, hand cored from the center, where the flavor is the most rich and robust This cheese is susta ably produced meaning after the cheese is hand crafted, the remain ing whey is used to make buttermilk, Greek yogurt and sour cream to eventu ally be used in Lite house dressings and dips

Dairyfo o d USA’s SnackUPs Cheese Dip Grab’n Go Snack Packs

Litehouse Foods 800.669.3169

Want to lear n more? Call or go online for more information

14 The Cheese Guide

This Blue Cheese Center Cut is a versatile product that can used in many recipes or simply paired with nuts, sliced meats and dried fruit to create the ideal charcuterie board for entertaining. Consumers can also enjoy Litehouse Sim ly Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut paired with crackers, apple slices and almonds for a quick snack

Bellwether Farms www.bellwetherfarms.com Farms Blackberry Sheep Milk Yogur t

Klondike Cheese Co.’s Odyssey Greek Yo gur t Dips

www nicasiocheese com

Dair yfood USA Inc www.dair yfoodusa.com

Monti Trentini Aged Truffle Caciotta


Contact Monti Trentini to re ceive the detailed product infor mation sheet and follow this product on Instagram at @mon titrentiniusa

Perfect for holiday gifting, Nicasio Valley’s Blackbird Trio combines three of its finest aged cheeses Formagella, with its velvety white exterior, is the mildest of Nica sio’s aged cheeses, similar to Camembert or Brie Tomino, a soft ripening cheese, is a delicate, lightly washed rind cheese with a pungent aroma and

Nicasio Valley Blackbird Trio

“Our line of Greek Yogurt Dips are perfect for dipping veggies, chips or crackers in, spread on sandwiches or burgers and used

Dairyfood USA has taken its Cheese Dip & Pretzel Snack Pack concept to another level with a major re design under the SnackUps brand Snack Ups provide a more elevated snacking expe rience by combining Wisconsin made cheese dip and crispy pretzels together for a satisfying snack


ops Consumers will also love that the cheese is rBST and gluten free!

Crave Brothers is a carbon neg ative company, producing enough electricity to power the cheese factory, farm and over 300 area homes in the community Crave Brothers includes a “produced with renewable energy” logo on packaging to share its sustainabil ity story with consumers

For more information, please go to the website or visit the social media pages on Facebook, Insta gram, YouTube or Pinterest

Frigo www.frigocheeseheads.com

tasted Feta in Brine, you’ll no doubt be impressed by its fresh ness, authenticity and traditional flavor Brine packed feta also of fers a longer shelf life after open ing, adding value to the purchase.

The idea for the campaign stems from the ongoing debate about the best way to eat string cheese, creating social media fod der by pitting different eating styles against one another Rather than taking sides, the Cheese

You can savor the flavor longer when the feta is submerged in the brine solution If you haven’t

16 The Cheese Guide


Klondike Cheese Co.’s traditional 8 ounce and 16 ounce chunk in brine is an authentic way to con sume feta in the family lineup of Odyssey® Feta Cheeses With the exceptional mouth feel you get from the cheese packaged in a brine solution, you can be guaranteed the highest quality taste and great fla vor

www odysseybrands com

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese, including Fresh Moz zarella, is made with hours old milk on the com pany’s dairy farm and cheese factory in Water loo, Wis. Crave Brothers uses renewable en ergy to produce a w a r d w i n n i n g cheeses with energy produced from on site anaerobic methane digester

Heads brand is reimagining how tweens and teens think of string cheese and how they eat it: biting, c h o m p i n g , nibbling, peeling, twisting or any other way they choose to enjoy the snack

meaty flavor, which is paired beautifully with creamy mozzarella cheese in each delicious bite

Experience the delectable taste of Fiorucci Paninos Originally intro duced in 2011, Fiorucci Paninos created a whole new specialty snacking cate gory Every Panino is hand rolled with dry cured meats such as prosciutto, pepperoni, hard salami and now a brand new, single serve offering, Genoa salami, filled with delicious, r BST free cheese to pro vide a protein rich treat. Fiorucci Paninos meet the need for convenient, on the go, low carb, keto friendly snacking, perfect for lunches, workouts, late night cravings and more!

Fiorucci’s new Genoa Salami Panino starts with aged, wine marinated Genoa salami that is in fused with natural smokiness and

Fiorucci is the brand of specialty meats that de livers the true taste of Italy For more than 170 years, Fiorucci has used old world recipes to pro duce a full line of authen tic Italian charcuterie meats, cheeses and pre mium snacking products using only hand trimmed cuts of premium pork and the finest ingredients, then slowly aging them to perfection

Fiorucci Foods www.fioruccifoods.com

Crave Brothers 920.478.4887 www.cravecheese.com

Schuman Cheese www schumancheese com

Old Croc www oldcroccheese com

Klondike has mastered the craft of Greek style feta for more than 25 years, with accolades to prove it: Odyssey feta is a first place World Cham pionship Cheese Con test winner and the American Cheese Soci ety; it has also received honors from the Wis consin State Fair Go online for more information about Odyssey, including detailed information about retail and food service bulk products

Frigo Cheese Heads

Crave Brothers recently placed first place at the American Cheese Society with its Fresh Mozzarella. The company is proud to share that it is celebrat ing its 20th an niversary of c h e e s e m a k i n g this year With ap proximately 13 family members in the business, Crave Brothers looks forward to the next generation transitioning into the business

Having the availability of the smaller pack size allows households to have the same indulgence experi ence at home as they would in their favorite restaurant, using Odyssey Traditional Feta in Brine to create signature dishes

After winning a gold sofi award for its Cello Copper Kettle Snack Packs, Schuman Cheese debuted a handful of products at the Summer Fancy Food Show, in cluding Cello Simple Pleas ures Trays

Carefully cu rated by cheese experts, each Simple Pleasures tray includes a selection of premium Cello cheeses paired with delicious quality snacks that can be en

Fiorucci Geno a S alami & Mozzarella Panino

Klondike Cheese Co.

Klondike Cheese Co.’s Odyssey Traditional Feta in Brine

ably crunchy crystals Grand Re serve completes the brand’s top selling lineup of 7 ounce chunks, which includes medium, sharp, extra sharp and smoked Cheddars


Grand Reserve is crafted with milk from grass fed cows and non GMO ingredients Grand Reserve is carefully aged a minimum of 2 full years for a bold, rich flavor The cheese’s texture is surprisingly creamy, yet crumbly with notice

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese

joyed separately or even better to gether! Simple Pleasures Trays are pre portioned, ready to serve and made up of creative combinations of de licious flavors and textures that per fectly complement each other These trays can be served as an appetizer, or as part of the popular grazing table trend

Are you interested in carrying Crave Brothers’ products in your store? Check out the website or call for more information

Cello Simple Pleasures Trays from S chuman Cheese

Old Cro c Grand Reser ve Australian Cheddar

Frigo Cheese Heads has launched an integrated campaign, “We Are All Cheese Heads,” featuring a cast of animated characters The campaign aims to celebrate and encourage tweens and teens to embrace their individuality and creativity

What does AOP mean?

Hall’s Beer Cheese 859 396 0220

Mango Habanero is one of the newest spreads to join Pine River’s Cold Pack Cheese Spread lineup This spread has a softer texture and brings to gether the sweet ness of mango with the heat of ha banero peppers for an addictive sweet and spicy snack combination

Hall’s Beer Cheese is the perfect blend of iconic regional brand and emerging national brand! As the name implies, Hall’s Beer Cheese is the combination of two of man’s most important a c h i e v e m e n t s : beer and cheese Add in savory spices and a little heat, and you have The Original Hall’s Snappy Beer Cheese recipe that was de veloped in central Kentucky more than 70 years ago. Hall’s Original Snappy Beer Cheese is made with real aged Wisconsin cheddar and a secret blend of herbs and spices

this an excel lent treat for special occa sions and in d u l g e n t moments It is great paired with cured meats, fresh seasonal fruit, local honey and crusty bread

Here are some facts about Le Gruyère AOP:

• A wheel of Gruyère AOP weighs between 25 and 40 kg

• Each wheel of Gruyère AOP is aged for a min imum of five months before being released for sale and can be aged for between 14 and 18 months It can be kept for more than 24 months for cheese lovers looking for an even stronger flavor

Cold Pack Cheese Spread

It means it has a protected desig nation of origin. To be considered AOP, you have to have:

Le Gruyère www.gruyere.com

Le Gruyère AOP

Crafted in a plant in Raival, France, Brie L’In dulgent is a triple cream Brie cheese

• A tradition

accolades keep on increasing Agnes has the highest regard for the cheeses she creates and she’s not alone The cheese in dustry’s most discer ning experts not only agreed in Wisconsin, but also in Paris, where recently, at the Con cours Général Agricole 2022, she won a gold medal for Brie de Meaux, the infamous raw milk PDO Brie that can’t come into the United States Go, Agnes!

Grade A butter from a neighboring dairy A combination of 9 to 24 month old Cheddar and specifi cally formulated whey adds deli cious flavor and smooth texture to the spreads Add to this a dedicated staff of cheese spread makers who skillfully craft the cheese spreads into perfec tion in every batch

• A limited production zone


Lactalis Brie L’Indulgent

The new product joins the current line, which includes Old Amster dam Classic, named the No 1 aged Gouda in Holland by the World Championship Cheese

Old Amsterdam Cheese 800 326 5620 www.oldamsterdam.com

• A product

Hall’s Beer Cheese

Under its white, downy rind is a creamy paste that melts in your mouth for a sensa tion that is reminis cent of ice cream seeping onto your palate

• Le Gruyère AOP is naturally gluten and lac tose free

• Le Gruyère AOP is natural there are no additives, no GMOs and no preserv atives.


• Le Gruyère AOP is produced using raw milk

Leading the Raival plant is Agnes Mailhac, a seasoned cheesemaker at Lactalis with 38 years of experience As her talents and techniques have evolved, her

Old Amsterdam Cheese The Reser ve Extra Aged Gouda

Brie L’Indulgent finished ahead of 22 other entries at the 2022 World Championship Cheese Contest in Wisconsin, with a near perfect score of 99 55

that give the Original Beer Cheese its smooth, creamy texture and signature “snap” that you can’t find in any other specialty cheese product Hall’s Original Beer Cheese pairs amazingly with crackers and pretzels and melts smoothly over many other dishes like nachos, chili, burgers and brats and many more

Old Amsterdam Cheese, the mar ket leader in branded aged Gouda and third generation family owned and operated Westland Cheese Company, debuts a new cheese: Old Amsterdam Extra Aged Gouda known as The Reserve

Production process has been main tained since the ori gins of Gruyère AOP back in the year 1115 and is strictly respected by the milk producers, the cheesemakers and the affineurs who follow the rules of the AOP specifications

Contest in the United States and at the World Cheese Awards in the United Kingdom Old Amsterdam Aged Goat was named the No. 1 hard goat’s milk cheese in the world, according to the World Champion Cheese Contest in the United States

Founded on more than five generations of experience in the dairy industry, Pine River prides it self on selecting only the highest quality dairy ingredients for a difference you can taste in the cheese spreads Pine River uses Grade A Wisconsin Cheddar, graded and aged in house by li censed Wisconsin cheese graders, and award winning

• A name

• A knowhow and a history


cium and protein, and are naturally lac tose free and gluten free

Pine River Cheese Spread 800 722 4217 www.pineriver.com


Pine River offers three styles of cheese spread Cold Pack, Clean Label and a Shelf Stable Gourmet Snack Spread Each is crafted one batch at a time in a state of the art facility in Newton, Wis


Pine River’s Mango Hab anero

Lactalis American Group 212.758.6666 lactalisamericangroup

All Old Amsterdam Gouda cheese products are produced using high quality ingredients, providing a good source of cal

Old Amsterdam Reserve is aged for a minimum of 18 months and has a multitude of deep, rich flavors with bourbon, caramel and pecan under tones and a firm crumbly texture sparked with an abundance of ripening crystals The unique flavor profile makes

18 The Cheese Guide

Rogue Creamery’s iconic Cave man Blue cheese has been gar nering acclaim and a dedicated fan base since its debut over a decade ago Made with USDA Certi fied Organic p a s t e u r i z e d cow’s milk, C a v e m a n Blue is natu rally rinded giving it a rough, rustic rind and fudgy texture It is aged for 60 days in Rogue’s blue cheese caves, where proprietary strains of Penicillium roqueforti thrive and add complexity to the cheese’s flavor profile.

Zingerman’s Creamery Cer velle de Canut

Zingerman’s Creamer y www zingermanscreamer

Bonnie’s Jams Red Pepp er Jelly

V&V Supremo services both the retail and foodservice industries

Moo ve over cheddar! It’s time to make room for another Wisconsin tradition: baked cheese. Bake it, grill it, or toss it in a pan, The Big Moo baked cheese cooks crispy on the outside, warm and melty on the inside. An old Scandinavian tradition that arrived to the Midwest gen erations ago, baked cheese has also been called bread cheese, juusto, and ostbröd, but The Big Moo calls it deli cious.


The Big Moo is keto friendly and gluten free, with no carbs per serving and 6 grams of protein per serving

This is an essential step for the company as it continues to grow and expand its product offerings


Caveman Blue is available in 5 pound wheel format as well as an exact weight prepackaged wedge for the grab and go retail cheese case. More information about Caveman Blue and its distribution is available online or by calling

V&V Supremo Foods, Inc has launched packaging designs for its Crema Supremo and Crema Rancherito Sour Cream Brands.

Red Pepper Jelly has always been a favorite in the American South Bonnie created this signature fla vor based on a de licious version from a dear friend in Alabama After a lot of experimenta tion in her kitchen, and a lot of tasty samples shared with friends, Bonnie created her signature Red Pepper Jelly for

Caveman Blue Cheese

The Cheese Guide 19

Made with local Wisconsin milk, cheese enzymes and salt with herbs, spices and natural in gredients, The Big Moo comes in five flavors: Original, Cheesy Pizza, Roasted Garlic, Bakin’ Bacon and Hoppin’ Jalapeno.

The Big Moo was founded by Mike Har ris and Josh Ptaszyn ski, two fathers who met coaching their sons’ soccer team and bonded over the love of baked cheese

folks to enjoy at home Made using fresh sweet red pep pers, seeded habanero, cider vinegar and sugar, it’s the perfect combi nation of sweet and heat

Debuting at the Summer Fancy Food Show, The Big Moo is: small batch premium cheese from pastured cows on local Wisconsin dairy farms, humanely raised and BST hormone free

herby cheese that makes for a de licious spread on mor ning toast, a creamy addition to tomato sauce, or a satisfying dessert cheese (how it’s traditionally paired and eaten in Lyon) The cheese also pairs perfectly with a dry, red wine Established in 2001, Zingerman’s Creamery hand crafts fresh and aged cow’s and goat’s milk cheeses and gelati using traditional tools and techniques, made locally in Ann Arbor, Mich

Crema Rancherito is available only in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan

The Creamery began by making its signature Real Cream Cheese®, an enduring Ann Arbor favorite that has been acknowledged by Cook’s Illustrated for “its full flavor and well rounded balance ” The Creamery also operates a Cheese Shoppe, provides guided tours and tastings and sells products wholesale

V&V Supremo Foods www.vvsupremo.com

V&V Supremo Foods, Inc is an award winning producer of au thentic Mexican cheese, crema, chorizo and maker of Chihuahua Brand Que sadilla Cheese

By converting this crema segment, V&V Supremo will have tran sitioned 98 percent of its entire product catalog to the new look Con sumers will find the same premium quality and authentic products in stream lined, moder n packaging.

y com

The Cervelle de Canut is Zingerman’s take on the tradi tional Cheese spread from Lyon, France Zingerman’s takes fresh goat cheese spread and weaves in shallots, chives, pepper and vinegar for savory, tangy and

Bonnie’s Jams 209.814.2871

www bonniesjams com

Crema Supremo & Crema Rancherito S our Cream

Rogue Creamery President David Gremmels calls Caveman Blue, “umamilicious” and for good reason With flavors reminis cent of shitake mushroom, beet and brown butter, its earthy notes

The Big Mo o Baked Cheese

The company was founded in 1964 by Mexi can natives Gilberto Vil laseñor Sr and Ignacio Villaseñor and is now one of the nation's oldest family run Hispanic food businesses

The Big Moo www.thebigmoocheese.com

find harmony with its moderate level of “blue” spice These nu anced, balanced flavors marry well with a variety of pairings In particular, Rogue Creamery finds success serv ing Caveman Blue alongside tropical fruits or beverages pineapple, co conut, and cit rus provide a lovely juxtapo sition to the cheese’s natu rally umami forward profile.

Rogue Creamer y 866.396.4704 Ext. 4 www.roguecreamer y.com

Zingerman’s Creamery’s Cervelle de Canut was awarded second place in the Inter na tional Style with Flavor Added Cheese category by the American Cheese Society Every year, The ACS Judging & Competi tion Committee cu rates a committee of food profession als ranging from ac ademia, food retailers, food media and culture manufacturers to blind taste and eval uate products for their achievements in flavor, aroma, texture and appearance Awards are given to cheeses and cultured dairy products which have achieved technical excel lence and exhibit the highest aes thetic qualities

First produced in Colby, Wisconsin, in 1885, Colby cheese has a mild flavor similar to mild Cheddar. It has a firm, open texture with tiny holes. Slice it for sandwiches, shred into casseroles or cube for snacks Colby has a sweet, nutty flavor that is mild and meant to be mild, yet nutty and flavorful Retail: $11/pound

www mariekegouda com

I M P O R T S Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut Smokey Blue Cheese Blue Cheese Litehouse Simply Artisan 800.669.3169 www litehousefoods com Rogue Creamer y 541.665.1155 www roguecreamer y com Maytag Dair y Farms 641 792 1133 www.maytagdair yfarms.com


located in the northeastern part of the Italian Alps After the natural skimming of the milk, which is made overnight, the milk is transformed in traditional copper vats by Florindo, an expert cheesemaker.


Le Gruyère AOP cheese from Switzerland 100 percent artisanal handed down from gener ation to generation since 1115 The Protected Designation of Origin (AOP) recognizes a level of quality granted uniquely that gives it a specific character and an inimitable flavor After six to nine months, Le Gruyère AOP Classic is aromatic and smooth and just right with mild flavor

Brie L’Indulgent is a triple crème Brie from the Meuse region east of Paris Unctuous and rich, it was awarded World’s Best Brie in 2022

American Cheese Society and United States Championship Cheese Contest American Cheese Society

A M E R I C A N O R I G I N A L Asiago Vecchio Asiago Plateau,

14 National and International Awards including Gold, Silver and Bronze U S Cheese Championship, Grand Champion

www buholzerbrothers com


Marieke Gouda Mature

PDO is made exclusively with milk collected on the

Crave Brothers Marinated Fresh Mozzarella is a perfectly combined pairing of fresh milky cheese and Italian herbs and seasonings It is like an appetizer in a cup always ready to use. Perfect for delis and to use on bruschetta, pasta salad and pizza.

Buholzer Brothers Muenster Cheese

Widmer’s Cheese Cellars Inc 920.488.2503 • 888.878.1107

Hollands Family Cheese LLC 715 669 5230

Asiago Vecchio 15 months Le Gruyère AOP Brie L’Indulgent Monti Trentini USA LLC www montitrentini com Interprofession Du Gruyère +41 29 921 84 10 www gruyere com Lactalis American Group 212 758 6666 www.lactalisamericangroup.com Silver medal at the 2017 World Cheese Awards World’s Best Brie at the 2022 World Championship Cheese Contest This

For more than 80 years, Maytag Blue Cheese has been the standard bearer for American made blue cheese Creamy and buttery with a slightly salty tang and dense, crumbly texture, its recognizable flavor and clean finish make it a favorite of cheese connoisseurs and chefs across the countr y Retail: $7 99


Muenster is a semi firm cheese with a creamy texture Perfect for grilled cheese, scrambled eggs or pizza This Muenster comes in a 6 pound loaf, 8 ounce chunk and an 8 ounce retail slice pack Check out other available flavors in the Buholzer Brothers family, which include Brick, Muenster, Havarti and Gouda.

www buholzerbrothers com


A new brand to the categor y for semi soft, mild flavored cheese Offered in 6 pound loaves and 8 ounce chunks for your deli case. Great for Detroit style pizzas and melting on sand wiches Check out other available flavors in the Buholzer Brothers family, which include Muenster, Havarti and Gouda

A long, gentle cold smoking over Oregon hazelnut shells infuses this American Original recipe with nutty, caramelly aromas and savor y sweet notes of vanilla, bread pudding and candied bacon

Klondike Cheese Company 608 325 3021

Colby Cheese Klondike Cheese Company 608.325.3021


The Litehouse Simply Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut is the premium selection of the wheel, hand cored from the center where the flavor is the most rich and robust. This award winning handcrafted cheese is aged 100 days to ensure its signature robust flavor develops rBST free and gluten free

Buholzer Brothers Brick Cheese

www widmerscheese com

Marinated Ciliegine Fresh Mozzarella

Aged 6 9 months

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese 920 478 4887 www.cravecheese.com

Marieke® Gouda Mature is an artisan cheese that has a rich and full flavor profile Aged 6 9 m o n t h s , i t s r e f i n e d c a r a m e l n o t e s f i n i s h t h e g o u d a w i t h a s u b t l e b i t e A l l M a r i e k e G o u d a i s m a d e u s i n g f r e s h r a w c o w ’s m i l k f r o m o u r f a m i l y f a r m i n W i s c o n s i n R e t a i l : $ 1 9 . 9 9 .



Fiorucci’s new Genoa Salami Panino starts with aged, wine marinated Genoa Salami that is infused with natural smokiness and meaty flavor, which is paired beautifully with creamy mozzarella cheese in each delicious bite

Hall’s Original Snappy Beer Cheese has been a fan favorite for many decades Hall’s is the perfect addition to any tailgate, get together or just to snack on while binge watching your favorite show Hall’s beer cheese is available in 8 ounce and 24 ounce tubs Hall’s melts smoothly over many other dishes and is a game changer in many fall favorites

Hall’s Original Snappy Beer Cheese

Fiorucci Genoa Salami & Mozzarella Panino


Hall’s Beer Cheese 859 396 0220 beercheese com




Fillo Factor y www fillofactor y com

J&M Foods 800 264 2278 janis melanie com

J&M Foods Cheese Straws

Dair yfood USA has taken its Cheese Dip & Pretzel Snack Pack concept to another level with a major redesign under the SnackUps brand SnackUps provide a more elevated snacking experience by combining Wisconsin made cheese dip and crispy pretzels together for a sat isfying snack.

Cheese Dip Grab’n Go Snack Packs


Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla Trumpets


Dair yfood USA Inc 608 437 5598 dair yfoodusa com

Pine River Cold Pack Cheese Spread

ACS Competition Categor y: Up State New York Aged Cheddar

Pine River Cheese Spreads are made using only the finest dair y ingredients starting with Grade A Wisconsin Cheddar, aged in house by specialized cheese spread makers These cheese spreads have won more than 170 awards Enjoy as a delicious snack, enhance your next cheese board or use in a recipe as an alternative to natural cheese.

Smoked Gouda flavor took 2nd place in 2017 U S Championship Cheese Contest Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread Category

Campofrio Food Group America 800 520 7775 fioruccifoods com

Pine River 800 722 4217 Ext 122 pineriver com

J&M Foods’ Original Cheese Straws are a traditional Southern delicacy combining a light, crisp texture with just a hint of hot Ser ve them anytime as a snack, appetizer or hors d’oeu vre They’re a delicious counterpart to soups, salads, fruit and wine Retail: $3 99 $5 99

The Fillo Factor y’s Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla Trumpets are quite possibly the most fun thing to come out of the pandemic They won a gold sofi Award this year As with all Fillo Factor y products the Trumpets are hand made in small batches. Welcome to our world, little Trumpets K S

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