

S unco & Frenchie Foc used on Providing Delicious, Healthy Food O ptions
GN: What is Sunco & Frenchie’s primar y focus, and how does it differentiate itself from competitors?
UA: Our pr imar y focus is to provide our customers with high-quality dried fruits, nuts and seeds, and granola We believe in using natural and nonGMO and organic ingredients in our produc ts, which sets us apar t from competitors We’re dedicated to offering delicious and healthy food options that cater to various dietar y preferences

GN: Can you share more about your commitment to using natural and non- GMO ingredients in your produc ts?
UA: Absolutely! At Sunco & Frenchie, we take great pride in sourcing only the finest natural and non- GMO ingredients for our produc ts We fir mly believe that food
Continued on Page 14
Fresh Del Monte Recognized for S ustainability Effor ts
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. is being recognized for its work in sustainability by two leading sustainability organizations that honor companies doing good for the planet
The company was awarded a 2023 SEAL Business Sustainability Award in the Environmental I nitiative categor y and has been shor tlisted for a Wor ld Sustainabilit y Award in the New Launch categor y for the Del Monte Zero pineapple

Del Monte received the SEAL Business Sustainabilit y Award for its reduc tion of greenhouse gas emissions across its agr icultural value chain The company has reduced its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 22 64% (according to data from 2021, the most recent data available) in par t by upgrading its ocean fleet with six new fuel- efficient vessels and installing solar and wind energy in facilities in California and Costa Rica, respec tively
This reduc tion means the company is 80% of the way toward its climate ac tion goal to reduce scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 27 5% by 2025, compared with a 2019 baseline Additionally, the use of the six fuel- efficient vessels allowed the company to exceed its scope 1 vessel shipping reduc tion goal
In 2021, Del Monte received the SEAL Award for its approach to farming while conser ving biodiversity
Hispanic C heese Makers – Nuestro Q ueso S howc ases New Booth Design
GN: What do you have in store for this year ’s show?
AN: We are excited to showcase our new professionally made booth at this year ’s show The booth design is inspired by the traditional M exican queser ias (cheese fac tor ies), where authentic M exican cheeses are made in small towns in Mexico The booth’s beautiful ranch-st yle queser ia design por trays the same authenticit y, tradition and qualit y with which we make our Mexican, Caribbean and Central Amer ican cheeses and creams
I f you are attending PLMA, visit us at booth #F6510 to taste our cheeses and creams, learn about our company and have beer on us!

to Reduce Use
of Virgin Plastic by 20% by 2030
The Kraft Heinz Company plans to reduce the use of virgin plastic in its global packaging por tfolio by 20% by 2030 – a critical step in decreasing its use of fossil fuels and finding more sustainable produc t pack aging options. This change is estimated to reduce the use of approximately 100 million pounds of virgin plastic, the equivalent of nearly five Eiffel Towers in weight.

This goal builds on the existing investments the company has made across its por tfolio to reduce plastic use and meet its broader pack aging goals, including aiming to make 100% rec yclable, reusable or compostable packaging by 2025, and aiming to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, while halving emissions by 2030.
“ To achieve our ESG goals, including to reach net-zero GHG emissions, we can’t continue to do things as we have in the past,” said R ashida La Lande, Executive Vice President, global general counsel and chief sustainability and corporate affairs officer. “ We are investing in innovative technologies and par tnerships that are cr itical to helping us redesign pack aging,
An inter view with Ar turo Nava, S enior Marketing Director, Hispanic Cheese Makers –Nuestro Queso, LLC
An inter view with Ugur Altuntas, Chief Executive O fficer, Sunco & Frenchie
BOOTH #F6510




Franklin Baker: A Legac y of Q uality and Innovation
Frank lin Baker, I nc is the premier Philippine supplier of coconut ingredients to t h e g l o b a l fo
tplace for over 125 years Frank lin Baker ’s produc ts are produced from the freshest Philippine coconuts available, at one of its three manufac turing facilities (two i n D ava o, M i n d a n a o, a
controls the process from tree through shipment
Frank lin Baker is ahead of the game in product and process verification capabilities, operating microbiology laborator ies that are accredited to ISO 17025 standards I ts pathogen detec tion system uses an automated method that uses polymerase chain reac tion (PCR) technology to detec t the presence of Salmonella and Listeria in produc ts and sur faces This technology focuses on specific DNA fragments, amplifying a target DNA sequence, and subsequent polymerization This advanced system is more sensitive than other microbiological methods, detecting as low as one cell per 25- or 375- gram por tion Test results are out in less than 24 hours compared to more than five days using conventional methods
The manufac tur ing sites of Frank lin Baker are “Grade AA & AA+ BRCGS cer tified ” which confir ms Frank lin Baker ’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety, product quality and regulator y compliance. The BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard (BRCGS) is adopted by over 22,000 sites in more than 130 countr ies, which makes Frank lin Baker “a cut above the rest.”
Frank lin Baker offers an ex tensive por tfolio of conventional and organic coconut produc ts to include desiccated
coconut (natural, sweetened and toasted), coconut water – single strength and concentrate, coconut milk and cream, coconut concentrate, virgin coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut sugar and other coconut produc ts Bulk , foodser vice and retail pack aging available
Frank lin Baker ’s ex tensive por tfolio of coconut produc ts hold wide -ranging third-par ty cer tifications and awards including, Non- GMO Projec t Verified, Fair Trade USA, BRCGS, USDA, JAS, and UE Organic, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, ISO 17025, HACCP, FDA Philippines, GMA-SAFE, AB PAO Accredited Testing Laborator y, SEDEX (SME TA), Kosher and Halal cer tified
Additionally, Frank lin Baker holds the 2016-2023 Award of Excellence, American M aster of Taste & G old M edal Endorsement, as well as the 2018-2023 Beverage Champion by Chefs in America
Frank lin Baker is a co -founder of the Coconut Coalition of the America (CCA), a non-profit organization founded in mid-2017, largely to challenge negative perceptions about coconut produc ts The CC A is dedicated to upholding sound and credible science, responsible communications, sustainable and transparent prac tices, around all coconut produc ts. Frank lin Baker is a member of the executive board, mar keting and communication and membership committees, as well as a technical advisor.
Franklin Baker offers bulk sizes for your co -man, foodser vice and a variety of retail pack aging options to meet your business needs. Franklin Baker is looking for a trusted coconut supply chain par tnership with your business.
For more information, email info-us@franklinbaker.com.
Nature’s Touch Expands
Capabilities with Acquisition
Nature’s Touch, a leader in the frozen organic and conventional fruit industr y, announced the successful acquisition of cer tain assets of Sunr ise Growers, SunOpta I nc ’s frozen fruit operations
This strategic move marks a significant milestone in Nature’s Touch’s commit-
ment to providing high- quality, affordable and diverse frozen food produc ts to consumers across Canada and the United States
Nature’s Touch, founded in 2004, has established itself as a leading retail supplier of frozen organic and conven-
The S pice L ab Introduces Updated L abel Design
g n t e a m l a u n c h e d t h e
u p d a t e d l i n e e a r l i e r t h i s ye a r T h e n e w
b l a c k l a b e l i s m o re c l o s e l y t i e d t o T h e
S p i c e L a b b r a n d a n d f e e l s m o r e p r e -
m i u m t o b e t t e r r e f l e c t t h e q u a l i t y o f
t h e i n g r e d i e n t s i n s i d e T h e c o l o r palette and layout have been designed
t o e n h a n c e t h e p ro d u c t c o l o r a n d t e x -
t u re I t ’s s i m p l e, c l e a n a n d e a s y to re a d ;
l i k e t h e b l e n d s t h e m s e l v e s , t h e r e a r e
n o f i l l e r s T h e l a b e l s re t a i n a l l t h e c o n -
t e n t f ro m t h e o r i g i n a l s t h a t c u s t o m e r s
re s p o n d t o, i n c l u d i n g “ Fi o n a’s Co r n e r ”
w h e re T h e S p i c e L a b’s h e a d o f p ro d u c t
d e v e l o p m e n t s h a r e s i n f o r m a t i o n
a b o u t t h e f l a v o r p r o f i l e a n d h e r
t h o u g ht s a n d i d e a s o n h ow to b e s t u s e t h e p ro d u c t S i m p l i f i e d i c o n s i l l u s t r a t e
t h e b r a n d ’s k e y f e a t u r e s : a l l n a t u r a l ,
n o n - G M O a n d p a c k e d i n t h e U n i t e d
S t a t e s A l l o f t h e b l e n d s a re O U k o s h e r
c e r t i f i e d
Ad d i t i o n a l l y, t h e t e a m r e d e v e l o p e d
t h e gi f t co l l e c t i o n s t h at p a i r fo u r co m -
p l e m e n t a r y b l e n d s i n f u l l - co l o r b oxe s
Th e re d e s i gn e d b oxe s n ow fe at u re a p -
p e t i z i n g f o o d p h o t o g r a p h y, a n d a
l a rg e r w i n d ow. Th e i n co r p o rat i o n o f a n
a u t o - b o t t o m h a s i n c r e a s e d e f f i c i e n c y i n t h e c o m p a n y ’s p r o d u c t i o n , s i m p l i -
f i e d t h e a p p e a r a n c e o n s h e l f a n d r e -
d u c e d w a s t e . T h e r e d e s i g n e d s e t s
l a u n c h a l o n g w i t h a n e w l y d e ve l o p e d
S e a fo o d Co l l e c t i o n . I t i n c l u d e s S m o k y
M a p l e , S p i c y S e a f o o d , S h r i m p & C r a b
B o i l a n d a n e w f l a v o r, Le m o n Pe p p e r
a n d Thy m e. Th e S p i ce L a b e x p e c t s t h e
l i n e t o g r o w w i t h t h e a d d i t i o n o f a n -
o t h e r n e w co l l e c t i o n i n 2 0 2 4 , w i t h fo u r
tional fruits worldwide Operating stateof-the -ar t freezing and pack aging facilities in both Canada and the United States, the company has continuously demonstrated impressive value and growth contr ibutions in the Nor th American frozen food categor y
b ra n d n e w b l e n d s
A w o m a n - o w n e d a n d f a m i l y - r u n
b u s i n e s s , T h e S p i c e L a b s p e c i a l i z e s i n
c r e a t i n g e x c l u s i v e c u s t o m s e a s o n i n g
b l e n d s a n d p a c k a g i n g o r g a n i c s p i c e s
T h e c o m p a n y i s a l s o p r o u d t o h a v e
m a d e t h e I n c 5 0 0 0 l i s t fo r t h e s e ve n t h
t i m e Wi t h i t s re ce nt e x p a n s i o n o f ove r
5 0 , 0 0 0 s q u a re fe e t a n d a d d i t i o n a l p ro -
d u c t i o n l i n e s , T h e S p i c e L a b c a n n o w p ro d u c e o ve r 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 u n i t s a d a y i n i t s
S Q F c e r t i f i e d m a n u f a c t u r i n g f a c i l i t y
T h e S p i c e L a b i s a l s o U S D A N O P O rg a n i c c e r t i f i e d t o p a c k a g e o r g a n i c s p i ce s a s we l l a s O U ce r t i f i e d I t s e x te ns i ve p ro d u c t l i n e
For more information, go
t i n g h a b i t s T h i s a c q u i s i t i o n s t r e n g t h e n s N a t u r e’s To u c h’s m i s s i o n to p rov i d e h i g h - q u a l i t y, d i ve r s e f roze n fo o d o f fe r i n g s, e n h a n c i n g i t s c a p a c i t y, e f f i c i e n c y, p ro d u c t d i ve r s i t y a n d c o mm i t m e n t t o g l o b a l l y s t a n d a r d i z i n g f o o d s a f e t y i n t h e f r o z e n f r u i t r e t a i l c a t e g o r y The U S mar ket represents a



Hispanic C heese Makers – Nuestro Q ueso O ffers New C heese, Pack aging
Providing a full line of authentic H ispanic -st yle cheeses, H ispanic Cheese Makers – Nuestro Queso is committed to helping its private label customers build their own brands with a host of ser vice, suppor t and innovative offerings.
“We offer private label customers a very ex tensive line of ultra-high quality authentic cheeses and dairy products to private brands, co-packing and ingredients customers,” says Mark Braun, President and Chief Executive O fficer, Hispanic Cheese Makers – Nuestro Queso. “ We ser ve a number of top brands, retailers, distributors and manufacturers ”
The Hispanic cheese categor y continues to grow in both traditional and mainstream channels H ispanic Cheese Makers’ Queso Fresco is its most popular cheese, with the largest percentage of volume at retail, while other var ieties have been quite successful, par ticularly in regional mar kets, and are quick ly growing in popularity
Favorites, New Launches
The company ’s Queso Cotija, distributed in national retailers, is in high demand because of its zesty taste and versatility as an ingredient and accompaniment Its recently reformulated Queso Quesadilla, which ear lier this summer won a gold medal at the Amer ican Cheese S ociet y contest, also has been a fast- growing produc t due to its melting charac ter istics, taste and versatile formats available M eanwhile, Queso Blanco and Queso Para Frier are favorites in Florida and the Nor theast among consumers of Car ibbean and S outh Amer ican or igin, and Queso Duro Blando is star ting to gain significant trac tion as the Central American population grows
However, Braun notes the produc t that stands out most for its growing demand is Queso Oaxaca, a cheese crafted into balls and known for its stringing and melting charac teristics
“It’s very artisanal, with significant labor inputs that go into crafting this cheese People love how it strings and melts, its presentation and its flavor,” he says H ispanic Cheese M akers has just launched new bite -size Oaxaca, a format that currently is available in snack aisles, and also could be ideal for foodser vice applications
“ We go through the exac t same process, but the ropes are smaller and run through a special cutter that creates little bite sizes,” Braun explains. “I t ’s an entirely new concept, and we’re going to be look ing at launching that as a foodser vice option as well. We looked at how people use Oaxaca when melting it –some will interchange it when mak ing Queso Fundido with Quesadilla. With the new bites, it ’s easy to use in foodser vice or for por tion control, and you don’t have to do the manual stringing.”
Hispanic Cheese Makers recently has introduced a flavored Panela por tfolio that incorporates an assor tment of real peppers, such as Jalapeno, Habanero and Serrano The company ’s original Queso Panela also won a gold medal at the 2022 World Cheese Championship Contest
Sustainable Solution
In addition to the new snack format and flavor por tfolio for its cheeses, Hispanic Cheese Makers in May added brand new machiner y to introduce an innovative easy- open pack aging for a number of its cheeses, adding convenience, sustainability and an updated design
“I t ’s a pack aging that ’s easier to open for customers, and it uses less plastic, so it is more sustainable I t ’s good for consumers and good for the environment, and it also looks great on the shelf – it ’s a ver y attrac tive pack aging,” says Ar turo Nava, S enior M ar keting Direc tor, H ispanic Cheese Makers – Nuestro Queso
Braun explains the new pack aging was the result of a joint effor t between Hispanic Cheese Makers, one of its customers and the pack age manufac turer who all wor ked together to design the machiner y, pack age size, versatility and how it seals The machine cuts the package to the size of the cheese and then adds an easy tear to it so consumers don’t have to cut through the pack age to get to the cheese
“ We went to Germany for the factor y testing on it, and our customer par tner sent their packaging specialist along to do the test It was done in collaboration, a true partnership,” Braun says, adding that other customers now are interested in transferring to the new type of packaging
The sustainable pack aging fits in with Hispanic Cheese Makers’ company wide
ReposiTrak Rec all Management
S peeds Process Acc urately
R eposiTrak , operating the wor ld ’s largest food supply chain net wor k of nearly 30,000 retailers, wholesalers and suppliers, has launched its R eposiTrak Recall M anagement solution Leveraging infrastruc ture built over its 20-year histor y and adding to its por tfolio of so -
sustainabilit y program, which encompasses many aspec ts of its manufac turing, from energy to wastewater For example, the company under went a $4 5 million sustainabilit y projec t that created a reser ve that reuses 100% of the Kent, Illinois, plant ’s wastewater that eventually is used as a natural resource to ir r igate agr icultural crops The company also completed a ser ies of major sustainabilit y projec ts, including the replacement of water sof tening systems that utilized chlor ides with a reverse osmosis system that blends purified water with local water, reducing both chemical usage and the impac t on equipment and utility infrastructure Additionally, the company has installed energy- efficient HVAC systems, and ear ly last year it completed an initiative to change all its fac tor y lighting to LED to reduce the amount of elec tricity used
and H ispanic Cheese M akers par tners with its customers to provide the ser vices, products and capabilities they need through continuous investment in their own facilities O ver the past t wo years, the company has invested more than $30 million into its facility
To be successful, Braun adds, retailers need a por tfolio of highqualit y produc ts so that single items don’t get lost on the shelf

“Our wide assor tment enables retailers to have the right mix of H ispanic cheeses to win in their regional market and in the right formats and sizes,” he notes “For example, retailers in the Nor theast and Florida will need a strong por tfolio of Caribbean-st yle cheeses which are in high demand in those regions, while in the M idwest, South and Southwest, customers need a strong portfolio of Mexican-style cheeses and creams ”
lutions that safeguard consumers and protect brand reputations, ReposiTrak is now equipped to enable the swif t and precise execution of the recall process
Because the ReposiTrak Recall Management solution is built upon the company ’s supply chain platfor m, it is
“As a leading cheese manufacturer, we have a responsibilit y to demonstrate good corporate citizenship in ever ything we do,” Braun says. “Our promise is to care deeply about how our ingredients, pack aging, produc ts and ser vices are sourced, produced or per formed, to take excellent care of our employees, to conduc t our business in a sustainable manner and to ensure the welfare of the cows that supply our milk . ”
Building Relationships
As a company that caters 100% to pr ivate label customers, building strong par tnerships and offering quality produc ts are key to success both for Hispanic Cheese M akers and its clients. The customer is involved in each projec t from star t to finish, and Hispanic Cheese Makers, whose state - of-the -ar t plant is Safe Qualified Food (SQF) 3.0 cer tified, prides itself in offer ing the gold standard in food safety along with its wide por tfolio of award-winning produc ts
“ We’ve heard from customers that what they value most is our par tnership, and they see us as a par tner that gives them a long-term advantage and peace of mind,” Nava says “ Their success is our success – we care about them and are in the same boat as them We make things wor k for them, are flexible and build long-term relationships ” Braun explains that the pr ivate label business is highly consultative in nature,
capable of maintaining vir tual inventor ies as well as track ing inventor ies, retur ns, shr ink and more to provide a more accurate view of the location and status of the produc t that is being recalled The func tionality of the recall solution is made possible by advancements to the R eposiTrak platfor m developed for its recently launched R eposiTrak Traceabilit y Network solution
The ReposiTrak Recall Management
The demand for authentic H ispanic cheeses has grown beyond restaurants and mercados to now mainstream grocers, foodser vice and manufacturers that desire authentic flavors and ingredients. For example, makers of specialty frozen pizzas have requested Quesadilla, Cotija or Oaxaca cheeses.
“ The crossover is driven by consumer discover y of cheeses at foodser vice and also at retail. They ’re tasting them, love them and want to star t incor porating them into their lives. That ’s dr iving growth,” Nava says. “Customers, retailers, distr ibutors and foodser vice providers want to include them in their own brands. They want authentic branding, but these brands are crossing over to mainstream consumers. Growth is ver y strong, and we expec t this will continue to be the case in the nex t several years.”
Braun says Hispanic Cheese Makers has found its niche, and with its recent investments, the company is positioned for growth as it aims to be the go-to provider of authentic Hispanic-style cheeses
“ We expec t customer demand to continue to accelerate as more mainstream consumers discover the delicious and unique H ispanic cheeses,” he says “ The best is yet to come – we see H ispanic cheeses as being where I talian cheeses were 30 years ago ”
For more information, go to w w w hcmakers com
solution provides real visibility to inventor y levels and locations from distribution centers to stores Produc t is automatically tracked at the lot-level, which allows the rapid trace -back of a produc t through a simple search
Other features include: Validation of recall requests, notifications and aler ts related to the recall process, retrieval of inventor y information, recall status indications and notifications and summar y repor ts





GN: What makes Hispanic Cheese Makers – Nuestro Queso unique?
AN: At Hispanic Cheese Makers – Nuestro Queso, we offer an extensive line of highquality authentic Mexican, Caribbean and Central American style cheeses and dairy products for private brands, co-packing and ingredients customers
With our state - of-the -ar t, SQF 3 0- certified plant, our company prides itself on offering the gold standard in food safety along with its por tfolio of award-winning produc ts O ver the past two years, our company has invested more than $30 million into our facility
Our company helps customers build their own brands with a host of ser vices,
should be both delicious and good for you By using natural and non- GMO ingredients, we’re providing our customers with products that not only taste great but are also healthier and more sustainable
GN: What are some of the most popular produc ts offered by Sunco & Frenchie and why do you think they ’ve resonated with customers?
Fresh Del Monte (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
Additionally, the company was shor tlisted for a Wor ld Sustainabilit y Award in the New Launch categor y for the D el M onte Zero pineapple This award celebrates a newly launched produc t or ser vice that is having an immediate impac t on sustainability.
The Del Monte Zero pineapple is a car bon neutral cer tified pineapple, which is synonymous with the company ’s focus on innovation and sustain-
eliminate unnecessar y plastic, increase our use of rec ycled content, and influence the adoption of reuse models. This is one more way we’re renovating our product por tfolio to not only offer more sustainable options, but to deliver on our consumer expec tations ”
Kraft Heinz is building on the existing work with the United States, Canada and United Kingdom Plastic Pac ts to increase the use of rec ycled content in its pack aging The company targets replacing 15% of its U S PE T rigid plastic packaging por tfolio with post- consumer rec ycled content by 2025
Na ture’s Touch (Cont ’d. from p. 4)
significant growth oppor tunit y for Nature’s Touch, and the company recently invested in a new facilit y in Virginia to fur ther its strategic goals The acquisition of Sunr ise Growers frozen fruit operations located in Edwardsville, K ansas and Jacona, M exico aligns per -
suppor t and innovation
Here are some highlights when it comes to our produc t lineup:
• Our recently refor mulated Queso Quesadilla won a gold medal at the Amer ican Cheese S ociet y contest this summer ; it has been a fast- growing produc t due to its melting charac teristics, taste and versatility
• Queso Oaxaca, a cheese craf ted into balls and k nown for its str inging and melting characteristics is experiencing strong demand
• Queso Cotija is in high demand because of its zesty taste and versatility as an ingredient and garnish
• Our Queso Panela is a crowd favorite and won a gold medal at the 2022 World Cheese Championship Contest
• Queso Blanco and Queso Para Frier
are favor ites in Flor ida and the Nor theast, and Queso Duro Blando is star ting to gain trac tion among Central American consumers
• Our Queso Fresco is the most popular H ispanic cheese in the United States
This year, we launched a new bite -size Oaxaca, a format that currently is available in snack aisles and we are now look ing at launching it as a foodser vice item as well The new Oaxaca bites are easy to use in foodser vice, as they are more convenient to por tion control and require less labor to handle
We also introduced a flavored Panela and Quesadilla cheese line with Jalapeño, Habanero and S er rano peppers Our Queso Panela also won a gold medal at the 2022 World Cheese Cham-
GN: Can you share some exciting new produc ts or upcoming initiatives that Sunco & Frenchie has in the pipeline?
pionship Contest
In terms of pack aging innovation, we recently launched easy-open packaging adding convenience, sustainability and updated design to our cheese lineup
We have a holistic sustainability program that encompasses many aspec ts of our manufac tur ing, from energy to wastewater We care about the environment and the communities we do business in
Customers see us as a par tner that gives them a long-term advantage and peace of mind Their success is our success – we make things wor k for them, are flexible and build long-ter m relationships
For more information, stop by booth #F6510
enhancing the quality and freshness of our produc ts
tex ture of our dried fruits Our granola
with nutrients, mak ing them per fec t for snack ing on the go or adding to a meal O
a l t hy options
abilit y Announced at the end of 2022 and available in selec t Nor th American and European markets in early 2023, the Del Monte Zero is a huge milestone for the company and reflec ts its commitment to bettering the planet.
Del Monte neutralizes the greenhouse gas emissions attributed to the lifecycle of its specially branded Del Monte Zero pineapples through insetting, not by the common practice of purchasing carbon credits. This was achieved through investments in upgrades to its transporta-
K raf t R eal M ayo and M iracle Whip plan to transition packaging to 100% rec ycled content in the United States beginning in 2024 in an effor t to eliminate approximately 14 million pounds of virgin plastic
Heinz moved to 30% rec ycled content in most of its bottles in Brazil, the United Kingdom and Europe
Heinz par tnered with specialists in the United Kingdom to create recyclable Heinz Beans Snap Pots from soft plastics that were returned to Tesco by consumers The rec yclable pots are foodsafe and made with 39% recycled plastic
Kraft Heinz is identifying packaging solutions that use less plastic, such as elim-
fec tly with the company ’s vision of creating value for consumers through synergies in scale, produc t diversit y, innovation, geographic reach and growth prospec ts Through this acquisition, Nature’s Touch can expand its excellence in customer centricit y across Nor th America, and features many benefits to suppliers
UA: We’re always look ing for innovative ways to expand our produc t offer ings and meet the ever- evolving needs of our customers I n the coming months, we plan to launch a new line of organic produc ts and explore more sustainable pack aging options We’re also work ing on collaborating with local far mers to source more ingredients locally, fur ther
tion fleet and by reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions, as well as an 8,000+ hectare forest that contains approximately five million trees that capture emissions – from farm to table – produced by the Del Monte Zero pineapple.
“ We’re honored to be recognized by these two leading organizations for our sustainabilit y effor ts and the progress we’ve made,” said Hans Sauter, Fresh D el M onte’s Chief Sustainabilit y Officer and Senior Vice President of R&D. “Sustainability and innovation are at the
inating unnecessary plastic components.
S h a k e ‘ N B a k e re m ove d i t s p l a s t i c
“shaker ” bag from its signature pack aging last year to help eliminate 900,000 pounds of plastic waste annually Effective across its full produc t por tfolio, this was the brand’s first step toward a more sustainable future and an easy way for consumers to make a difference
Heinz launched an eco -fr iendly multipack paperboard sleeve to replace plastic shr ink wrap in the United K ingdom, eliminating more than 1 million pounds of plastic in 2022
Kraft Heinz is also exploring the use of alternative materials like fiber-based packaging with the hope that these cut-
and retailers, including:
• Continuous produc t qualit y improvement, innovation in processing techniques, increased store traffic and customer loyalty
• Expanded distribution network for efficient pricing
• I ndustr y-leading fill rates and a stronger, more efficient supply chain.
GN: How can customers find Sunco & Frenchie’s produc ts?
UA: Customers can find our products through our website, www suncofrenchie com, and in select retail locations
For more information, go to w w w suncofrenchie com, call 973 478 1011 or email sales@suncofrenchie com
hear t of ever ything we do and our reduction in emissions and the Del Monte Zero pineapple showcases how these two go hand in hand.
“Sustainabilit y per meates our entire value chain – from farm to market –showing that large -scale agriculture can be responsible, too,” Sauter said. “ We are constantly look ing for new ways to improve, lessen our impac t, and build A Brighter World Tomorrow – whether it ’s through regenerative or conventional agriculture.”
ting-edge innovations could be used for other packaging formats in years to come. Heinz announced a pilot with Pulpex in 2022 to develop a paper-based, renewable and rec yclable bottle made from 100% sustainably sourced wood pulp for Heinz Tomato Ketchup – a first in the sauce categor y The company is testing the prototype to assess per formance before bringing the bottle to the market Nabob coffee in Canada replaced its non-rec yclable flexible plastic coffee bags with rec yclable canisters made from 80% paper fiber from renewable resources this year This change is estimated to eliminate approximately 2 5 million plastic bags annually
• Access to premium, organic frozen food produc ts in convenient and sustainable pack aging
• Commitment to excellence and sustainability in innovation, quality, and food safety
For more information, visit w w w sunopta com
Kraft Heinz (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
Nuestro Queso (Cont ’d from p 1)
Sunco & Frenchie (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

