Get in on the Fun with Just The Fun Par t
BOOTH #F2550
By Veronica Sigurdson, Marketing Manager, Giraffe Foods
You bring your food to life with passion and creativity, so it ’s only natural to seek a culinar y par tner who shares similar values You need a sauce manufacturer who truly believes in the value of exploring diverse flavors, evolving as consumers’ cravings change, and car ving out your brand ’s stor y through memorable dishes
When you’re searching for the per fec t sauce manufacturer to develop custom sauces, dressings, dips and How to C hoose the Per fec t
S chlotterbeck & Foss: Foc us on Plastic S queezable Condiments
Schlotterbeck & Foss knows Americans love their condiments, and as their tastes evolve, so does their desire for innovation. The growing trend of flavor exploration means people want more than just the basics – they ’re looking for exciting, bold and unique options to elevate their meals. Today ’s consumers are not only searching for new flavors, but also for convenience, and squeezable condiments are tak ing center stage in this movement.
Squeezable condiments, inspired by food truck culture, offer a fun and interac tive way to enhance homecooked meals, allowing people to channel their inner chef and experiment with tastes from around the wor ld Whether it ’s dr izzling
An inter view with Aytur Aksu, President, Just The Fun Par t
GN: Tell us a little about your company
AA: Just The Fun Par t is a brand by my company, EverGreen USA, that I star ted af ter moving to the United States from Tur key in 2007 We created this snack to channel ever yone’s favor ite par t of a classic sundae cone – the chocolate filled bottom! This will be our second year exhibiting at PLMA and we couldn’t be more excited We have spent the last year
Franklin Baker A Cut Above the Rest
Frank lin Baker, Inc. is the premier Philippine supplier of coconut ingredients to the global food and beverage mar ketplace for over 125 years. I ts produc ts are produced from the freshest coconuts available, at one of three manufac turing facilities, where proprietar y processing is utilized to ensure freshness and long shelf stability. Frank lin Baker controls the process from tree through shipment.
Continued on Page 18
Naturally Better: Elevate Your Brand with Rush D irec t
By Vera Ferreira, O wner, Rush Direct
As companies in the pet care industr y, we k now customers want the best for their furr y companions. They seek pet produc ts that promote health, happiness and longevit y, and rely on retailers to offer high- qualit y, trustwor thy options. At Rush Direct Inc., we understand the impor tance of providing exceptional pet produc ts that align with the growing consumer demand for natural alter natives. That ’s why we’ve developed a c o m p r e h e nsive range of natural chews and treats for pr ivate label programs, designed to elevate your brand and meet consumer expec tations
Continued on Page 18
Log House Foods, the nation’s oldest supplier of store brand bak ing ingredients, has completed a major expansion of both Minnesota locations New capacity has been coming online since late summer and the phase one expansion will be completed early nex t year Several new lines are running for this year ’s four th quar ter holiday bak ing season
Elec tric Truck O rders Delayed Indefinitely
Log House Foods has postponed indefinitely replacement of its fleet with electr ic only models due to concer ns over winter per formance. The move follows other groups, including the City of New York , that have been forced to back off from aggressive sustainability plans due to power and per formance concerns of elec tric trucks in ex treme climates.
Log House Foods is a four- generation supplier of store brand bak ing ingredients across Nor th Amer ica. The company operates out of t wo manufac tur ing facilities in M innesota, providing customized programs across the bak ing sec tion from organic and conventional bak ing chips to bak ing bars, cocoa powder, flaked coconut, confec tionar y blocks or bar ks and wafers, alter native sugars and flours, and healthy oils
Log House Foods has developed from an early pioneer to a for ward-looking innovator in the area of sustainability Dating back to the 1940s, the company has
offered all natural, organic and sustainably sourced produc ts. As cer tifying bodies and international standards have evolved, Log House Foods has remained at the forefront in offer ing cer tifiably sustainable bak ing produc ts. Organic, Kosher, RSPO, Non- GMO Projec t Verified, Fair Trade, SME TA and other popular sustainability and responsible sourcing cer tifications are all available.
area where sustainabilit y is essential
Log House Foods has been doing its par t to ensure that people can forever enjoy safe and responsible chocolate
Log House Foods has used a series of 10-year sustainability plans to monitor and manage its overall success at being a responsible corporate citizen The company successfully lowered its produc tion emissions by 23% from 2018 through this year Additionally, Log House Foods surpassed 40% renewable electricity usage in both facilities in 2023 Cocoa is a par ticular
Rush D irec t, Inc.: A Leader in Pet C hews and Treats, Fueling Innovation in the U.S.
Rush Direc t, I nc , founded in 2003 by Vera and Char les Fer reira, has grown into a trusted name in the pet industr y With over 25 years of combined experience, the founders have leveraged their exper tise to build a company that offers comprehensive solutions for pet chews and treats, providing innovative produc ts to some of the largest retailers in the United States
One of the key strengths of Rush Direc t is its abilit y to navigate the complexities of produc t development,
wor k ing with a wor ldwide net wor k of suppliers From the initial concept stage to the final produc t on retail shelves, Rush Direc t has established itself as a leader in the pet treat market I ts produc t range is diverse, cater ing to the growing demand for high- qualit y, safe and innovative pet treats The company ’s ability to adapt to changing market trends is evident in its commitment to continuous produc t development and innovation, ensur ing it remains competitive in the rapidly evolving pet
Fareway L aunches Truly Yours Line
Fareway has launched a new pr ivate label brand, Truly Yours.
The brand, which debuted in all store locations, includes items like truffles, mini pies and sandwich cook ies.
“ This brand was created with busy parents in mind,” said Erin Wisecup, Categor y Direc tor at Fareway.
The move follows a continued trend of retailers investing in private label.
Fareway descr ibes Truly Yours is a “ high qualit y ” brand that is fun and trendy, but also simple. I t also “ br ings moments of joy that are quick , easy and
The move to replace combustion engine trucks with elec tr ic models was a setback to Log House Foods’ near-term sustainability goals; however, advances in sustainable pack aging offer ings look to offset any reduc tion Log House Foods offers a full line of p o s t - c o n s u m e r rec ycled packaging Plant based and
other responsibly sourced poly-pack aging replacements are also being piloted With or without elec tric deliveries in 2025, Log House Foods is well positioned to help retailers meet their sustainability and responsibility goals
For more information, go to w w w loghousefoods com
care industr y Rush Direc t holds a number of cer tifications that speak to its commitment to qualit y and safet y, including the Safe Quality Food (SQF) cer tification This ensures that the company ’s products meet r igorous safet y and qualit y standards, which is crucial in today ’s health- conscious pet owner market Additionally, as a cer tified Women’s Business Enterprise ( WBE), Rush Direc t takes pride in its leadership and diverse wor kforce, adding to its credibility and appeal, especially among socially responsible consumers and business par tners
Beyond product innovation, Rush Direct has positioned itself as a leader in private label programs This aspect of its business model has enabled it to work with major retailers in Nor th America to create customized pet treat lines under store brands The private label program is designed to help retailers develop destination brands that drive customer loyalty, boost repeat purchases and enhance the growth of the total pet care market basket Rush Direct’s hands-on approach in collaborating with retail teams – from
c h o c o l a t e c h i p s a n dw i c h c o o k i e s ; S o u t h -
e r n p e c a n , l e m o n
a n d c h o c o l a t e c h e s s m i n i p i e s. Fareway Stores, I nc. operates 139 stores in a s e ve n - s t a t e re g i o n .
T h e re t a i l e r i s a f a m -
i l y - o w n e d b u s i n e s s a n d h a s m o re t h a n
also include limited time produc ts and
f l a vo r s. I te m s re l e a s e d i n t h e f i r s t w ave w i l l i n c l u d e : c h o c o l a t e a s s o r t e d t r u f f l e s ;
d a r k a n d m i l k c h o c o l a t e s e a s a l t
c a ra m e l s ; c a r ro t c a k e, c rè m e b r u l e e &
1 2 , 0 0 0 t o t a l e m p l o yees.
For more information, go to w w w.fareway .com.
conceptual ideas to comprehensive marketing strategies – ensures that the resulting private label programs are well-tailored to meet the specific needs of retailers and their customers In a competitive market, Rush Direct ’s blend of experience, global supplier relationships, commitment to safet y and innovative private label programs have set the company apar t as a key player in the pet treat industr y Whether through branded or private label offerings, Rush Direc t continues to deliver high- quality produc ts that cater to the needs of retailers and pet owners alike, ensur ing that pets receive only the best in care and nutrition
For more information, go to w w w rush direct net or stop by booth #F1027
Beyond the Basics with Custom S auce Flavors
A well- crafted sauce doesn’t just add flavor – it enhances the complex notes already present in a dish, br inging sweetness, spice and depth to the surface. Sauces can also infuse unexpec ted elements into a dish, defying expec tations and providing a totally new experience for foodies.
I n the retail space, defying those expec tations is the key to staying competitive. 67% of today ’s consumers want to see more trends in restaurant and retail spaces (M intel 2023), which gives retailers room to run with exciting new pr ivate label sauces
When customers are hungr y for trending flavors, retailers should look to custom sauces first They ’re c o s t - e f f e c t i v e ways to transfor m HMRs
(Home Meal Re -
p l a c e m e n t s ) , and they create a unique produc t on shelves for your consumers, setting you apar t from the competition and deliver ing the wide ar ray of customizable flavors customers are craving Not sure where to star t? Find out more about the types of sauces Giraffe Foods, a leading custom sauce manufac tur ing par tner, recommends
For Subtle Heat:
depth from these mouthwater ing sauces – especially when inter t wined with r ich, smolder ing under tones of charred smok y flavor.
For Upgrading Classic Deli Items:
Tangy and Zesty Sauces
Tangy and zest y sauces offer a vibrant burst of flavor, charac ter ized by their lively acidity and citrusy brightness. For irresistible offerings, tr y incorporating a zesty citrus k ick for an invigorating taste experience that refreshes the palate.
For an Indulgent Twist:
Rich, Creamy Sauces
Alber tsons Grows Private -L abel Wine Por tfolio
Alber tsons announced that it has expanded its private -label wine selec tion with the launch of Bee Lightly, which is par t of the grocer ’s O wn Brands wine por tfolio
Pr ivate -label wine sales have grown rapidly over the last few years, prompting chains like Alber tsons, Gelson’s Market, Aldi and others to get into the wine business Convenience -store chains, such as Circle K , have also joined the growing list of retailers with pr ivatelabel wine offerings
Alber tsons’ B ee Lightly line distinguishes itself by using a flat bottle design made of 100% rec ycled polyethylene terephthalate (PE T ), a first in the U.S. market, the grocer said.
Alber tsons, Safeway, Vons, Jewel- Osco and ACME locations and are available for deliver y in California through Safeway ’s Vine & Cellar line The Vine & Cellar line is a direc t-to - consumer brand that includes high-end wines, some of which can run as much as $1,000 per bottle
The release of the Bee Lightly line grows Albertsons’ wine portfolio which includes private-label wines via Vinaforé, O Organics, Nadia, Quail Oak and Creamery
Swic y (Sweet and Spic y) Sauces
The ter m “swic y ” is used to descr ibe sauces that balance the flavors of sweetness with a k ick of heat The sweet component provides a pleasant, sweet taste, while the spic y element adds a fier y sensation to the palate – while still being approachable for customers with a lower tolerance for spice
For Your Boldest Customers:
Hot and Spic y Sauces
With 73% of consumers craving spicy flavors with their appetizers and snacks (M intel 2023) and spic y food challenges tak ing over social media, one thing is clear: hot, spic y sauces are here to stay Although intensit y levels var y, these sauces are predominantly spic y, igniting taste buds with a lingering warmth
For Nostalgic Favorites:
Sweet and Smoky Sauces
Nostalgic HMR options such as barbecue and chicken tenders get an element of
Creamy sauces are the per fec t way to add a little indulgence, whether you’re crafting dipping sauces for savor y sides or whipping up drizzles for health- conscious entrees Creamy sauces offer a smooth tex ture, a velvet y mouthfeel, and a satisfying richness in dishes
For Freshness with a Kick:
Umami-Based Sauces
Umami-infused sauces are hugely popular thanks to their robust and complex flavor profile, offering a combination of savor y richness, saltiness, and depth Use a touch of umami to enhance healthconscious dishes without weighing them down
As you can see, the types of sauces available to today ’s retail innovators are vast enough to appeal to ever y palate B y par tner ing with exper ts in custom sauces – such as the team at Giraffe Foods – you can get ahead of the competition and take your shelves from ordinar y to mouthwateringly delicious
For more information, go to w w w giraffe foods com, call 800 661 5788, email marketing giraffe@symrise com or stop by booth #F9707
B oth the 2022 B ee Lightly Chardonnay and the 2023 B ee Lightly R osé received 91-point rank ings from The Tasting Panel, a publication that covers the wine and spirits industr y.
“At Alber tsons Cos., we are continuously look ing for ways to distinguish ourselves within the wine sector and to expand our diverse selection of quality wines for our customers,” Cur tis Mann, Master of Wines at Alber tsons Cos., said.
“By launching our new Bee Lightly selection, we are offering shoppers quality, affordable wines from France while also redefining wine pack aging standards.”
The t wo wines are now available at
The pr ivate -label wine industr y has experienced rapid growth over the last few years, according to a 2023 study by Circana, which showed a 9.1% yearover-year increase in wine sales to $52.2 million for the year ending June 18. German discount grocer Aldi also has grown its list of private-label wine offerings with the September 2023 release of its Specially Selected label that includes 10 premium wines from around the world.
Joan Kavanaugh, Vice President of National Buying at Aldi, said consumer demand is dr iving the proliferation of pr ivate -label wines: “ We expec t this trend to continue as inflation puts pressure on consumers' budgets, especially headed into the holidays when people are enter taining more and don’t want to compromise quality and price,” she said.
For more information, go to w w w .alber
U.S. Farmers Take Center S tage with New Kroger Brand
I t ’s the year of private -label brands, and The Kroger Co has released a new one focused on local farmers
The latest expansion to the Cincinnati, Ohio-based supermarket company ’s Our Brands por tfolio comes in the form of Field & Vine, a line of produce grown exclusively by U S farmers in California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon and Washington
The company said Field & Vine currently features blueberries, blackberries,
raspberries and strawberries
The launch of the produce line follows the M arch release of a pr ivate -label seafood line that includes a wide variety of fish produc ts, including salmon, tilapia, cod, swordfish and more
The pr ivate -label trend has been a strong suit for Kroger, which has shown rapid growth in the market over the last few years
For more information, go to www kroger com
S top & S hop L aunches Coffee Brand
Categor y Management at Stop & Shop
b r a n d
The line includes seven var ieties made from Arabica beans and is available for dr ip coffee makers and in single -ser ve K- Cup pods.
The brand includes Bold Barista, Coz y Cabin, Dawn’s Dance, Smok y Symphony, Sunr ise S olace, Tropical Twist and Mellow Moonlight (decaf ).
“Our mission with Taste of Inspirations is to deliver premium products at an unbeatable value for our shoppers,” said Natalia Torres-Fur tado, Vice President of
drizzles for your brand, consider ask ing these insightful questions.
1. Will they collaborate with you to create custom flavor solutions?
I n the fast-paced, fiercely competitive food industr y, standing out is ever ything. Your sauce manufac turer needs the exper tise and ingenuit y to elevate your food from ordinar y to ex traordinar y! Yet at the same time, they must stay true to your specific vision and brand, and this can only happen with a true collaboration. Through a genuine par tnership, you can work together toward a common goal: compelling, crave -able, flavor-for ward food that will captivate your customers.
Unfor tunately, some sauce manufacturers will tr y to shoehor n your vision
over tacos or crafting gourmet burgers, the ability to easily control por tion and placement makes these bottles a musthave in ever y k itchen
S chlotter beck & Foss has embraced the evolving trends by captur ing bold and exciting flavors that resonate with today ’s adventurous palates and producing them into a squeezable PE T format
From the tangy zip of Dill Pick le to the rich and savor y Creamy Garlic Crisp, to an umami-packed Japanese BBQ sauce, S chlotter beck & Foss provides a wide ar ray of options that encourage flavor exper imentation I ts lineup of betterfor-you, clean ingredients and organic condiments provide your customers with unique flavors that allow them to indulge in a culinar y experience M a n a g e r o f R & D
o v e r t h e p a s t f e w y e a r s M y t e a m wo r k s co l l a b o rat i ve l y w i t h o u r p r i vate l a b e l a n d c o - m a n u f a c t u r i n g p a r t n e r s
t o d e v e l o p t h e m o s t o n - t r e n d o f f e ri n g s O u r s t r o n g r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h
t o p - t i e r s u p p l i e r s p r o v i d e u s w i t h a c -
The new brand is through a collaboration with coffee consultant Andrew Hetzel, Stop & Shop said “
The brand will be available at all 360 Stop & Shop locations in Massachusetts, R hode Island, Connec ticut, New Yor k
for a custom new produc t into one of their existing produc ts, but not at Giraffe Foods. We’re an end-to - end custom sauce manufac turer, not just another tac tical food supplier. We don’t just manufac ture, we innovate. With a deep understanding of how to for mulate trendy and timeless sauces, we’ll help you elevate the customer perception of your brand, with the nuance of pack aging with produc t safet y in mind. When you collaborate with us, you’re not just getting a sauce, you’re getting the dream produc t you’ve been envisioning, delivered with precision and passion.
2. Are they bubbling with excitement over new sauce ideas?
Knowing current culinar y trends is one thing Understanding how to apply those trends in innovative and delicious
ce s s to k e y i n d u s t r y t re n d s a n d w h e n
p a i r e d w i t h v a l u a b l e c o n s u m e r i n -
s i g ht s a n d d at a f ro m o u r s a l e s te a m , i t
h e l p s u s to s t ay a h e a d o f e vo l v i n g f l a-
v o r p r e f e r e n c e s We c l o s e l y w a t c h
trends that star t in restaurants that can
o n e d ay h i t g ro c e r y s t o re s h e l ve s We
wa nt o u r p ro d u c t o f fe r i n g s to b e i n n o -
v a t i v e a n d r e l a t a b l e C o m i n g o u t o f
CO V I D, w h e n p e o p l e we re e x p o s e d to m e a l k i t o f f e r i n g s , a n d c o o k i n g a t h o m e, t h e y we re g e t t i n g u s e d to m o re u p s
S&F, we have really enjoyed creating so m a ny o f
c t s fo r o u r c u s to m e r s ”
In addition to our innovative flavor offerings, Schlotterbeck & Foss boasts extensive manufac tur ing capabilities to meet the needs of various market segments I t specializes in producing both small PE T bottles (e g , 8 to 10 ounces), while also suppor ting its co -manufacturing par tners in scaling their successful branded produc ts into the club channel, where larger sizes are in demand This flexibilit y allows S chlotterbeck & Foss to produce larger PE T bottles such as 32 ounces B y shr ink wrapping or dog-boning t wo PE T bottles together, or individually in a tray,
and New Jersey
B oth the 12ounce pack aged bags and the K-Cup pods run $7 99
Members of Stop & Shop’s GO Rewards loyalt y program can purchase the coffee for $6 99 for a limited time
on coffee sales in recent years According to a repor t from data analytics fir
ways? That ’s something else entirely. G ame - changing innovation blooms in the creative minds of individuals who have both the talent and the tools to turn compelling concepts into tangible creations. A research and development (R&D) lab with qualified and passionate culinar y and food science professionals lies at the hear t of food manufac turing.
At Giraffe Foods’ R&D Culinar y Innovation Center, our talented culinologists and food scientists push boundaries exploring global spices and ingredients to create the flavors of tomorrow. Present your ideas and vision, and we’ll use them as a canvas for innovation combining our culinar y, industr y, and technical k nowledge to bring your sauce to life
3. Do they understand your customers? I t ’s essential for food manufac turers to
S&F offers an efficient and visually appealing pack aging solution that meets the needs of club retailers and consumers alike
S enior Vice President of Operations, Stuar t Swiggett, comments on the influx of requests: “ We have received many requests over the last year for squeezable PE T bottles with a wide variety of sizes, shapes and caps This is actually a welcome shift in the market as it helps S chlotter beck & Foss show off our ex tensive capabilities We have really stepped up our game and have invested in the necessar y capex to address our customers changing needs within the condiment and dressing categories Schlotterbeck & Foss has been able to add unscramblers and cook/chill/fill capabilities necessar y to wor k with pliable plastics while also maintaining our bulk palletized glass/PE T and robotic unloaders S&F continues to offer ex tensive glass production in our facilities while continuing to expand our PE T capabilities We are ver y proud of our ever- expanding flexibility for our customers ” What sets Schlotterbeck & Foss apar t is its versatility in pack aging and produc t options While many manufac turers have shif ted away from glass produc -
15% of the total mar ket
For more information, go to www stopandshop com
stay up to date – not only with current trends, but also with what ’s coming nex t. To do this, they must study consumer behavior, focusing on everchanging purchase intent and consumption habits.
A k nowledgeable R&D par tner can provide these valuable insights and help you become a leader and innovator in the food industr y.
Choosing the ideal sauce manufacturer is trick y, but absolutely essential. For tunately, you can rest easy with manufac turers such as Giraffe Foods, who can translate customer cravings into delec table custom sauces, dips, dressings, marinades and drizzles for your brand
For more information, go to w w w giraffe foods com, call 800 661 5788, email marketing giraffe@symrise com or stop by booth #F9707
tion, it has not only maintained but expanded its capabilities in premium glass pr ivate label produc tion Now, at the same time, S&F offers a broad ar ray of plastic bottle solutions as well, ensuring it meets the diverse needs of its business par tners This dual pack aging approach positions S chlotter beck & Foss as a one -stop shop for all your pack aging needs, giving customers great flexibility and optionality – key fac tors that have dr iven our incremental business growth
I n
ise, S chlotter beck & Foss offers a wide range of produc t categor ies, including condiments, salad dressings, salsa, spec
desser t sauces With its premium produc t development capabilities, S&F can help elevate your brand and meet the d e m a
S&F is in booth #F2015 Sample flavors, explore the possibilities and discuss how the company can help you capture the growing demand for squeezable condiments
For more information, go to w w w schlotterbeck-foss com or stop by booth #F2015
innovating our produc t line, and we can’t wait to showcase our additions.
GN: What ’s new with Just The Fun Par t?
AA: Last year at PLMA, we showed off our four new flavors: Hazelnut, Peanut Butter, Strawber r y and Coconut. This year, we are thrilled to announce several new flavors that will be in stock and
( P C R ) t e c h n o l o g y t o d e t e c t t h e p r e sence of salmonella and lister ia in prod-
u c t s a n d s u r f a c e s T h i s t e c h n o l o g y
f o c u s e s o n s p e c i f i c D N A f r a g m e n t s ,
a m p l i f y i n g a t a r g e t D N A s e q u e n c e ,
a n d s u b s e q u e n t p o l y m e r i z a t i o n Th i s
a d v a n c e d s y s t e m i s m o r e s e n s i t i v e
t h a n o t h e r m i c r o b i o l o g i c a l m e t h o d s ,
d e te c t i n g a s l ow a s o n e ce l l p e r 2 5 o r
3 7 5 gra m p o r t i o n Te s t re s u l t s a re o u t i n l e s s t h a n 2 4 h o u r s c o m p a r e d t o
m o r e t h a n f i v e d a y s u s i n g c o n v e n -
t i o n a l m e t h o d s
T h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g s i t e s o f Fr a n k l i n
B a k e r a r e G r a d e A A & A A + B R CG S c e r -
t i f i e d, w h i c h co n f i r m s i t s co m m i t m e n t
At Rush Direc t, I nc , we specialize in par tnering with leading retailers across Nor th America to develop and execute private label programs that stand out in the marketplace Our natural chews and treats are sourced from cer tified facilities globally, backed by a strong supply chain that spans over 35 factories across 18 countries This extensive network en-
Log House Foods (Cont ’d from p 1)
Harris Teeter L aunches HT Traders Ready Made Meals Line
Leaning into the trend of convenience and prepared foods, Har r is Teeter has launched a new ready to eat meals line in HT Traders Ready Made Meals.
The new line of consists of individual and family-sized entrees and is now available at all stores.
“Our customers lead busy lives, and we at Harris Teeter understand the impor tance of convenience in the grocer y shopping exper ience,” said Danna Robinson, Direc tor O f Corporate Affairs at Harris Teeter.
The prepared foods push from Harris
ready for sampling. These flavors include Pistachio Cream, Espresso, Caramel, M int, PB&J and Cook ie Butter. In addition to these new flavor editions, we’ve also recently launched a spin- off of our JTFP line called Just The Fun Bite! M ini butter biscuits covered in chocolate.
GN: Who is your target market?
t o m a i n t a i n i n g t h e h i g h e s t s t a n d a r d s
o f f o o d s a f e t y, p r o d u c t q u a l i t y a n d
r e g u l a t o r y c o m p l i a n c e T h e B R C G S
G l o b a l Fo o d S a f e t y S t a n d a r d ( B R CG S )
i s a d o p t e d b y o v e r 2 2 , 0 0 0 s i t e s i n
m o r e t h a n 1 3 0 c o u n t r i e s , w h i c h
m a k e s Fr a n k l i n B a k e r “A C u t A b o v e
t h e R e s t ”
Fr a n k l i n B a k e r o f f e r s a n e x t e n s i v e
p o r t fo l i o o f co nve nt i o n a l a n d o rg a n i c
c o c o n u t p r o d u c t s t o i n c l u d e d e s i c -
c a t e d c o c o n u t ( n a t u r a l , s w e e t e n e d a n d t o a s t e d ) , c o c o n u t w a t e r – s i n g l e
s t r e n g t h a n d c o n c e n t r a t e , c o c o n u t
m i l k a n d c re a m , co co n u t co n ce nt rate, v i r g i n c o c o n u t o i l , c o c o n u t f l o u r, c o -
c o n u t s u g a r a n d o t h e r c o c o n
sures your company has access to a consistent supply of high- qualit y, natural pet produc ts with a wide variety of options to meet diverse customer needs
Why choose natural chews? In an industr y saturated with products containing ar tificial ingredients, fillers and harmful chemicals, offering natural options positions your brand as a leader in the health- conscious pet mar ket Our commitment to natural ingredients sets
o u n t s w a n t i n g c o mp l e te v i s i b i l i t y a n d co nt ro l Th e s e p rog r a m s l o o k l i k e a c o - m a n h y b r i d a l l ow i n g fo r h i g h d e gre e s o f p ro gra m ce r t a i n t y w i t h a s m u c h co n t ro l a s o u r p a r t n e r d e s i re s ” Lo g H o u s e Fo o d s’ o f fe r i n g s i n t h e
b a k i n g c ate g o r y i n c l u d e o rg a n i c a n d conventional bak ing morsels, flake coconut, bak ing bars, confectionar y “bark ” coatings, cocoa powder, healthier oils,
Teeter is in line with a growing trend towards fast, easy meals as consumers continue to hunt for meal solutions. Convenience, price and variety are the biggest fac tors driving consumers to prepared foods purchases within grocer y, according to a recent repor t from Technomic. And convenience seems to matter almost more than anything else. About half of consumers (49%) sur veyed in the repor t said they find grab-and-go retail prepared foods appealing, including 51% of consumers age 34 and under. New HT Traders meal examples in-
yo u’re 8 or 80, you’ll remember rushing to the
d b i te.
GN: What is the nature of your distribution?
AA: We are the direc t manufac turer of Just The Fun Par t. We have seven pro-
p a c k a gi n g ava i l a b l e
Frank lin Baker ’s ex tensive por tfolio of coconut produc ts hold wide -ranging third-par ty cer tifications and awards, including Non- GMO Projec t Verified, Fair Trade USA, BRCGS, USDA, JAS and UE Organic, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, ISO 17025, HACCP, FDA Philippines, GMA-SAFE, AB PAO Accredited Testing Laborator y, SEDEX (SME TA), Kosher and Halal cer tified
Additionally, Franklin Baker holds the 2016-2024 Award of Excellence, American Master of Taste & Gold Medal Endorsement, as well as the 2018-2024 Beverage Champion by Chefs in America Frank lin Baker is a co -founder of the Coconut Coalition of the Amer ica’s
us apar t We ensure that our chews and treats contain no ar tificial flavors or colors, providing a clean label that consumers trust
The demand for natural pet produc ts is rising, and retailers that prioritize this trend can expec t to see a positive impact on customer loyalty and sales Par tner with Rush Direc t I nc to offer your customers natural pet treats that align with their values and suppor t the health
alternative sugars and flours The facilit i e s’ e x p a n s i o n s h ave b e e n u n d e r way fo r t h e p a s t t wo a n d a h a l f ye a r s a n d represent increases in nearly ever y categor y According to Phillips, increased redundanc y is a big par t of the growth: “ Th e l a s t s e ve ra l ye a r s h ave s h ow n a t re n d towa rd s u n ce r
cer taint y for our par tners in the bak ing categor y ”
• Chicken alfredo, spaghetti, I talian sausage, macaroni and cheese, and other pasta dishes
• Pot roast, meatloaf with redsk in potatoes, and Yukon mashed potatoes
• S outhwester n cuisine including blackened chicken str ips, enchiladas, and fajita chicken with yellow rice
The meals are available across all Harris Teeter locations and can be found in the deli sec tion Pr ices range from $6 99 for smaller side dishes, to $19 99 for larger family-sized entrees, with most individual meals pr iced at $9 99
For more information, go to w w w harristeeter com
duc tion facilities in Tur key where our produc t is delicately manufac tured. While we can expor t all over the globe, our main distr ibution center is conveniently located in our warehouse in New Jersey. We house over 150 different items and Just The Fun Par t is always in stock .
For more information, go to www.justthe funpar, call 551.333.1119 or stop by booth #F2550.
(CC A), a non-profit organization founded in mid-2017, largely to challenge negative perceptions about coconut products The CCA is dedicated to upholding sound and credible science, responsible communications, sustainable and transparent prac tices, around all coconut produc ts Frank lin Baker is a member of the Executive Board, Marketing & Communication, and Membership committees, as well as a technical advisor
Franklin Baker offers bulk, foodser vice and retail pack aging options to meet your business needs
For more information, email infous@franklinbaker com
of their pets Our range of natural chews and treats will enhance your produc t line, reinforcing your brand’s reputation for quality and care
Explore the natural difference with Rush Direct Inc Let us help you bring that difference to your customers through our customized private label solutions
For more information, go to w w w rush direct net or stop by booth #F1027
B eyond the cur rent phase of expansion, Log House Foods has acquired additional land for its Phase 2 expansion However, Phillips is holding those cards a little closer to the vest He stated, “ We are excited to reveal our Second Phase expansion plan at an upcoming PLMA ”
For more information, go to w w w loghousefoods com