Gourmet News • Summer Fancy Food 2024

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Le Braison Heats Up

For the everyday home cook looking to elevate any dish, there’s nothing like the exquisite taste of Cobram Estate E v e r y d a y E

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Tempesta Artisan Salumi, the Windy City’s artisanal salumeria revered for its authentic Italian-style craft meats, is announcing the forthcoming opening of its new

J U N E 2 0 2 4 • S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E 2024 Holiday Collection The
s e r v e s b r a n d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , B o n n e
is introducing B o n n e M a m a n P e a n u t
No. 1 premium pre-
Chocolate Spread. It is the newest addition
s e n t i a l s
2 0 , 0 0 0 - s q u a r e - f o o t Continued on
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Sun Luci Unveils BOOTH #1536
In a
e n v i r o n m e nt a l c o n c e r n s a n d h e a l t hc o n s c i o u s c o n s u m e r s , t h e q u e s t f o r pure,
BOOTH #168
world increasingly besieged by
untainted water has become
Enter Realm Artesian Water, the
on Page
BOOTH #5354
T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ®


2024 Holiday Collection from Stonewall Kitchen

Specialt y food innovator Stonewall K itchen is ushering in the holidays with gift sets made especially for the season Featur ing beloved produc ts from its

Get In O n the Fun with Just The Fun Par t

BOOTH #5221

A n inter view with Aytur Aksu, President, Just The Fun Par t

GN: Tell us a little about your company

Braison Heats Up C heese Aisle

BOOTH #336

A new way of enjoying cheese has taken over France and is coming to Amer ica: Le Braison, a 100%

S how O ff Great Produc ts with Billie -Ann Plastics

BOOTH #2760

AA: Just The Fun Par t is B y Mathew Rubinstein, Vice President of S ales, Billie -A nn Plastics Packaging Corp

We are a Brook lyn-based and

BOOTH #1537

New Year, Fresh Look for Cobram Estate

For the ever yday home cook look ing to elevate any dish, there’s nothing like the exquisite taste of Cobram Estate Ever yday Essentials Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil

tisan S alumi:

tudy in S mar

BOOTH #168

Growth Bella S un Luci Unveils Two New Vinaigrettes

Tempesta Artisan Salumi, the Windy City ’s artisanal salumeria revered for its authentic I talian-style craft meats, is announcing the for thcoming opening of its new

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Badia S pices Committed to Q uality, Innovation

BOOTH #5640

I t ’s not just about flavor; it ’s about the wholesome ingredients that set Bella Sun Luci’s produc ts apar t B ella Sun Luci takes no shor tcuts in creating the per fec t

Rise Above the Board with Principe S alumi

BOOTH #1772

Since 1945, Principe Salumi has preser ved the centuries-long Italian craftsmanship of salumi making traditions, defined by

Bonne Maman Introduces Peanut C hocolate S pread

BOOTH #1536

The No. 1 premium preser ves brand in the United States, B onne M aman ® , is introducing B onne M aman Peanut Chocolate Spread. I t is the newest addition to

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In the realm of culinar y excellence, few brands have left as indelible a mark as Badia Spices Established in 1967, Badia Spices has grown from

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Farm Fresh Produc ts from C rave Brothers

An inter view with Roseanne Crave, Sales & Marketing Manager, Crave Brothers

GN: What is something about Crave Brothers that our readers might

Continued on Page 58

Realm: Nature’s Pure Elixir Unveiled at S how

BOOTH #5354

In a world increasingly besieged by en-

concer ns and h

scious consumers, the quest for pure, untainted water has become paramount. Enter Realm Ar tesian Water, the

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T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® J U N E 2 0 2 4 • S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E
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2 0 , 0 0 0 - s q u a re - fo o t
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i r o
t a l
l t h - c o n
n m
e a


Nairn’s: Full of Flavor, Full of Goodness

BOOTH #1736

Nair n’s has been bak ing with oats in S cotland since 1896, when John and Sarah Nair n first opened their baker y in Strathaven, Lanarkshire

Nair n’s aim is the

Meets Convenience with Paesana Pizza Nights

I n today ’s fastpaced wor ld, more people crave the exper ience of

i t y meals within the comfor t of their homes Enter Paesana

D orot G ardens, a brand under the K ayco Beyond division, announces a transfor mative rebrand initiative

The company

Monari Federzoni: A Name as Long as Its Histor y

Monari Feder zoni is a balsamic vinegar company born in Modena in 1912, when Elena Monari, wife of Oreste Federzoni, running a grocer y shop in the city center, realized the popular it y of their

As Sweet Shop USA reflec ts on its 75-year histor y, the countr y ’s largest handmade chocolate manufac turer can’t help 75 Years of Chocolate in the

Today, coffee isn’t just caffeine in a cup, it ’s an experience that is defined by where the coffee beans are sourced from, how they are prepared, the technique used to brew

Stafford M anufac tur ing Cor p of Wilmington, Massachusetts, introduces a line of food- grade blue Acetal shaf t collars with stainless steel fasteners for use in the food

Grade S haft Collars Promote S afety S eason Your World with Colavita

Ex tra virgin olive oil is the lifeblood of Colavita USA, and a central par t of the company ’s ongoing mission to spread I talian culinar y heritage Hand-in-hand with this mission is Colavita’s quest to share the message of

Elevated S nacking from Elan: Coconut Cashews

Introducing innovative nuts and dried fruits to the snacking industr y, Elan offers a diverse range of organic, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO and

Where Tradition Meets Technology

Mundial Smar tk nives has cultivated a passion and understanding of the impor tance of a strong k nife system within the hospitalit y business and

Continued on Page 42

In 1997, Houston saw the opening of The French Farm by Gisele Oriot, inspired by her desire to share the gourmet foods and elegant

Taste NY, New Yor k ’s official “eat local, dr ink local ” program, br ings the ver y best of New York agriculture to consumers in ever y corner in New York Continued on Page 38 Continued on Page 54

T H E B U S I N E S S N E W S P A P E R F O R T H E G O U R M E T I N D U S T R Y ® J U N E 2 0 2 4 • S P E C I A L S H O W I S S U E
r e s t a u r a n t - q u
a l
Continued on Page 62 Continued on Page 52 Continued on Page 54 Continued on Page 54 Continued on Page 38 Dorot G ardens Unveils Rebrand Quality
Sweet Shop USA
Continued on Page 38 Continued on Page 52 Continued
Reimagine C raft
BOOTH #2660 BOOTH #1652 BOOTH #1836 BOOTH #2337 BOOTH #5348
on Page 52
on Page 52
Coffee Food-
The French Farm: A Hub
Fine Foods in Houston
Taste NY Program Celebrates 10 Years

New Italian Risottos from Ariston S pecialties

Ariston has now added authentic risottos sourced from I taly to its line of produc ts with the newest one now being Ariston Risotto with Seafood

Are your customers pressed for time and look ing for a convenient, delicious, timesaving side dish for their family meal? Ariston’s risottos make it easy for you to do just that Make this wonder ful dish at home within 18 minutes There are 6 5 ser vings per container

R isotto is a nor ther n I talian r ice dish made with a special high-starch, shor tgrain rice Risotto is cooked in broth until it reaches a creamy consistenc y Ariston’s R isottos are available in five

flavors: Risotto with Truffle, Risotto with Pumpk in, R isotto with Porcini Mushroom, R isotto with 4 Cheese and now Seafood

Gayo Azul Celebrates the Debut of Q ueso Fresco

The renowned H ispanic cheesemaker with a Dutch influence, Gayo A zul, celebrates the debut of G ayo A zul® Queso Fresco. Indulge in the authentic taste of H ispanic cheese with this new item Craf ted with high qualit y ingredients and tradition, G ayo A zul Queso Fresco offers a deliciously fresh and creamy flavor to elevate any dish G ayo A zul is a brand that represents the best of Latin Amer ican and Queso Fresco joins the range, which includes Cotija, Queso

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4 GOURMET NEWS Publisher Kimberly Oser President Tara Neal Vice President Abeer Abiaad President of Sales Anthony Socci Art Director Yasmine Brown Senior Editor AJ Flick Editor JoEllen Lowr y Customer Ser vice Heather A brecht Sales Manager Marcos Morhaim Account Managers Luis Gonzales Damaris Leon Logistics Manager Nicholas Scheppe European Sales Enrico Cecchi Publishing office : 1877 N Kolb Road Tucson AZ 85715 520 721 1300/ Fax : 520 721 6300 Subscriber ser vices : Gourmet News P O Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 Gourmet News is published by Oser Communications Group ©2024 All r ghts reser ved Founder Lee M Oser www gourmetnews com A S P E C A L S H O W I S S U E O F
T h e r i s o t t o s c o n t a i n I t a l i a n C a r n a ro l i r i c e a s t h e m a i n i n g r e d i e n t C a r n a r o l i r i c e i s e ve n s t a rc h i e r t h a n a r b o r i o, s o i t m a k e s a t r u l y t o p - t i e r re s t a u r a n t - wo rt h y r i s o t t o Yo u c a n f o l l o w t h e s u gg e s t e d i n s t r u c t i o n s o n t h e b o x a n d a d d w a t e r H owe ve r, i f yo u p re fe r e x t r a f l a v o r, y o u c a n u s e b e e f, c h i c k e n o r ve g e t a b l e b ro t h Yo u c a n a l s o e n h a n ce t h e r i s o t t o’s c r e a m i n e s s a n d f l a v o r b y

Introducing New Bonne Maman Pie Fillings

Bonne Maman®, the No 1 premium preser ves brand in the United States, is bringing the same traditional exper tise consumers know and love to the baking aisle with a new line of Bonne M aman Pie Fillings

Staying true to the brand ’s values, B onne M aman Pie Fillings are made with simple premium ingredients, no high fruc tose cor n syrup, no preser vatives or ar tificial flavors or colors and feature large pieces of fruit Now, anyone can create a delicious homemade pie using these convenient, ready-tobake pie fillings These pie fillings are just like you would make from scratch, but with the convenience, you will love even more

Home bakers make up 28% of the population and are look ing for healthy, indulgent, high- quality options Bonne Maman Pie Fillings will meet that need while also adding convenience to the recipe!

Pack aged in beautiful 21 1- ounce (600g) glass jars to see the large pieces of fruit – you know exactly what you will be bak ing This produc t is available in Summer 2024 in three top selling flavors: Apple, Cherr y and Blueberr y

For more information, go to w w w bonnemaman us For retail sales information, contact World Finer Foods, Inc at info@worldfiner com Learn more at booth #1536

S tudy: O verac tive Neurons

May Prompt S nack C ravings

People who find themselves rummaging around in the refrigerator for a snack not long af ter they ’ve eaten a filling meal might have overac tive food-seeking neurons, not an overactive appetite.


e c a r ro t s.

People possess the same k inds of cells, and if confir med in humans, the finding could offer new ways of understanding eating disorders

The report, published in the journal Nature Communications, is the first to find cells dedicated to food-seeking in a part of the mouse brainstem usually associated with panic, but not with feeding

“ This region we’re studying is called the periaqueduc tal gray, and it is in the

Alexandra’s Won 2023 Gold in NYC

Alexandra Foods attended its first ever Summer Fanc y Food last year and took home a 2023 G old sofi™ award (specialty outstanding food innovation) for one of its new produc ts! The company has been producing highqualit y frozen retail produc ts in its Chicago facility since 1992. Last year here in NYC, Alexandra Foods presented them at the Fanc y Food Show, where the company prepared and handed out over 3,000 samples of pierogi and blintzes to the hungr y crowd.

New products introduced in 2023 included two new pierogi (a Uk rainian recipe – Cheese & Dill, as well as a Potato & Fr ied Onion) and five new cheese blintz items The Chocolate Hazelnut & Cheese Blintz, a smooth blend of chocolate hazelnut spread and t wo t ypes of cheese, won a G old sofi at the event in the Breakfast Foods categor y – just take one bite and you will see why!

ferent items. All of them are sold frozen in retail pack ages. Eighteen of the 32 items are pierogi – one of the largest offer ings in the mar ket. Whether it is a classic potato and cheese pierogi, a

meat pierogi or one of its new items like the Uk rainian recipe used for the new Cheese & Dill pierogi, you are sure to find an item you will love!

Alexandra Foods is based in Chicago, where it has been mak ing authentic pierogi with the highest quality ingredients in the same location for over 30 years Each produc t is made in small batches using the freshest ingredients M ost of the people mak ing the produc ts are first- generation Polish or Uk rainian, so they all k now how an authentic pierogi should taste and they take great pr ide in the produc ts they produce

O ver the years, the company has added other popular Eastern European items like Uszk a, P yz y, Blintzes and Kopytk a Alexandra’s now offers 32 dif-

For all of you pierogi lovers out there (you k now who you are), Alexandra’s is the real deal You can find Alexandra’s retail produc ts in states across America – from California to Connec ticut If you would like to sell them in your store or purchase them to ser ve in your deli or restaurant, please give Alexandra’s a call – we would love to help you delight your customers!

For more information about products or to become a customer, go to w w w alexandrapierogi com, send an email to info@alexandrapierogi com or call the office directly at 773 282 3820

hunger ”

brainstem, which is ver y old in evolutionar y histor y and because of that, it is func tionally similar bet ween humans and mice,” said cor responding author

Avishek Adhik ari, a UCLA associate professor of psychology. “Although our findings were a surprise, it makes sense that food-seek ing would be rooted in such an ancient par t of the brain, since foraging is something all animals need to do.”

Adhik ari studies how fear and anxiety help animals assess risks and minimize exposure to threats, and his group made the discover y while tr ying to learn how this par ticular spot was involved in fear

“Ac tivation of the entire PAG region causes a dramatic panic response in both mice and humans But when we selec tively stimulated only this specific cluster of PAG neurons called vgat PAG cells, they did not alter fear, and instead caused foraging and feeding,” Adhik ari said

c e l l s A m i n i a t u r e m i c r o s c o p e , d e v e l -

o p e d a t U C L A a n d a f f i x e d t o t h e

m o u s e’s h e a d, re c o rd e d t h e n e u r a l a c -

t i v i t y o f c e l l s

When stimulated with laser light, the vgat PAG cells fired and k icked the mouse into hot pursuit of live cr ickets and non-prey food, even if it had just eaten a large meal The stimulation also induced the mouse to follow moving objec ts that were not food – like ping pong balls, although it did not tr y to eat them – and it also prompted the mouse to confidently explore ever ything in its enclosure

“But they seek out ac tivation of these cells, suggesting that the circuit is not causing hunger I nstead, we think this circuit causes the craving of highly rewarding, high- calor ic food These cells can cause the mouse to eat more highcalor ie foods even in the absence of

Satiated mice with activated vgat PAG cells craved fatt y foods so much, they were willing to endure foot shocks to get them, something full mice normally would not do Conversely, when the researchers injected a virus engineered to produce a protein that dampens the cells’ ac tivit y under exposure to light, the mice foraged less, even if they were ver y hungr y

at PAG

The research was suppor ted by the National Institute of Mental Health, the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation and the National Science Foundation

m i c e t h a t m a k e s t h e m c r a v e f o o d a n d s e e k i t o u t , e v e n w h e n t h e y a r e n o t h u n g r y.
h e n s t i m u l a t e d , t h i s c l u s t e r o f c e l l s
ro p e l s m i c e t o fo r a g e v i g o ro u s l y a n d
o p r e f e r f a t t y a n d p l e a s u r a b l e f o o d s
C L A p s y c h o l o g i s t s h a v e d i s c o ve re d a c i rc u i t i n t h e b r a i n o f
l i k e c h o co l ate ove r h e a l t h i e r fo o d s l i k
Th e re s e a rc h e r s i n j e c te d i nto m o u s e b r a i n s a v i r u s g e n e t i c a l l y e n g i n e e r e d t o m a k e t h e b r a i n c e l l s p r o d u c e a
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c e l l s i n t h e b r a i n s t e m I t c o u l d b e t h at i f t h i s c i rc u i t i s ove ra c t i ve i n a p e rs o n , t h e y m i g h t f e e l m o r e r e w a r d e d b y e a t i n g o r c r a v i n g f o o d w h e n n o t h u n gr y Co nve r s e l y, i f t h i s c i rc u i t i s n o t a c t i v e e n o u g h , t h e y c o u l d h a v e l e s s p l e a s u r e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h e a t i n g , p ot e n t i a l l y c o n t r i b u t i n g t o a n o r e x i a I f f o u n d i n h u m a n s , t h e f o o d - s e e k i n g c i r c u i t c o u l d b e c o m e t h e t r e a t m e n t t a r g e t fo r s o m e k i n d s o f e a t i n g d i s o rd e r s
L i k e m i

Fastest- Growing O nline Hot S auce Brand, Elijah’s Xtreme, Expands Reach

Elijah’s Xtreme Gourmet Sauces, Inc , the renowned pur veyor of gourmet hot and bar becue sauces and beef jer k y is expanding into new retail locations across the S outheast (Flor ida, G eorgia, Alabama, M ississippi and Louisiana) With an already robust presence in over 3,000 stores nationwide, Elijah’s Xtreme is now ex tending its reach to ser ve even more hot sauce aficionados in more than 425 locations

I n addition to the S outheaster n expansion, Elijah’s Xtreme will now be in limited Giant grocer y stores with all produc ts and also Showcase stores in Canada The unforgettable sauce is also hitting the shelves of Chamberlin’s and Ear th Origins Market, two esteemed retailers located in Florida k nown for their commitment to qualit y and var iet y in the Southeastern stores

can elevate their culinar y creations with the bold flavors and unparalleled quality of Elijah’s Xtreme sauces

Founder Elijah M orey expressed his excitement for the company ’s expan-

Breaking Boundaries: Fabrique Délices ’

Plant Based Pâtés in Collaboration with Prime Roots

Among the bold flavors that are making their debut in these select stores are Elijah’s Xtreme’s signature hot sauces, including Pineapple M ango Habanero, Original Roasted Pepper, Ghost Pepper and R eaper var iants Additionally, barbecue enthusiasts can savor the brand’s Beer Bacon Maple BBQ sauce and Bourbon Blueber r y Chipotle BBQ sauce, adding a tantalizing t wist to their grilling adventures.

With the Southeastern expansion, Elijah’s Xtreme will be available in Fresco Y M ás, Winn Dixie and Har vey locations across M iami, Flor ida. Now more than ever, customers throughout these areas

sion, stating, “Growth has always been the vision Ever since we star ted in the garage, my dad would tell me to dream big and anything was possible I t ’s amazing to see that vision come to light as we grow to becoming the No 1 hot sauce brand and beyond as we near our 10-year anniversar y in business ”

Elijah’s Xtreme is look ing for ward to usher ing in new customers and hot sauce and barbecue enthusiasts to experience the bold and unforgettable flavors of its sauces As the No 1 fastest growing brand and leader in the culinar y and condiment industr y, Elijah’s Xtreme will continue to break records and pave the way for industr y competitors with unmatched flavor profiles, innovative social media strategy and astonishing company growth.

For more, visit www.elijahsxtreme.com or stop by booth #4825.

From Tea Blending to Tea Expor ting: The Journey of Ceylon’s Leading Tea Expor ters

From the lush tea gardens of Sri Lank a emerges a tea that offers warmth, quality and purity with ever y sip

Do Ghazal Tea is the embodiment of

a rich legac y stretching back over a centur y, fostered by Ak bar Brothers Ltd , a cherished family enterprise committed to the ar t of tea blending since its inception in 1907

Ce l e b rate d

vor, Do Ghazal Tea is carefully cult i vate d

Fabrique Délices announced its collaboration with Prime Roots at the beginning of the year to introduce a trio of innovative and delec table new produc ts that are set to redefine the boundaries of gourmet plant-based cuisine. The new offerings include Koji-Foie Gras, a luxurious Black Truffle Koji-Pâté and an exquisite Har vest Apple Koji-Pâté, all of which showcase the remarkable synergy of traditional culinar y craf tsmanship and modern plant-based innovation.

Building on its commitment to deliver the finest charcuterie creations, Fabrique Délices has seamlessly integrated Prime Roots’ cutting- edge koji technology, k nown for its ability to produce rich umami flavors and exquisite tex tures, into its latest product line. With an unwavering dedication to quality and flavor, Fabrique Délices has master fully crafted these plant-based delicacies to cater to discerning palates while ensuring a sustainable and ethical approach to gastronomy President of Fabrique Délices, Sébastien Espinasse, expressed his enthusiasm, “ We’re excited to introduce traditional French delicacies like pâté and foie gras to plant-based consumers Partnering with the pioneer of koji-based products, Prime Roots, allows us to take an innovative and sustainable approach to developing plant-based products ”

The first star of the collec tion, KojiFoie Gras, presents a plant-based alternative to the classic delicac y, boasting a luxurious velvety texture and a rich, butter y flavor profile that closely mimics the traditional experience Accompany-

Te a f i n d s i t s way to yo u r c u p

nearly a centur y of master y in the re

ing Upholding the esteemed

tradition, Ak bar Brothers promise t

I n secur ing mar ket leadership, D o Ghazal Ceylon Tea has propelled Ak bar Brothers to the forefront of Sr i Lank a’s tea expor t industr y, solidifying its position as a leading pur veyor of branded Pure Ceylon tea offerings

D o Ghazal Tea proudly features the trademarked Lion Logo This emblem is

ing Koji-Foie Gras are two equally compelling offerings: the Black Truffle KojiPâté and the Har vest Apple Koji-Pâté. The Black Truffle Koji-Pâté embodies an opulent blend of ear thy truffle notes and savor y umami under tones, elevating the dining experience with its decadent yet plant-based composition. On the other hand, the Har vest Apple KojiPâté offers a har monious fusion of sweet and savor y, featuring the delightful essence of fresh apples combined with the depth of koji, creating a nicely nuanced flavor.

This new line of plant-based products is a testament to Fabrique Délices’ relentless pursuit of culinary excellence and solidification of the brand’s position as pioneers in the realm of gourmet cuisine, offering a glimpse into the future of sustainable gastronomy that harmoniously merges tradition with innovation. With over 38 years of exper tise and recognized for its excellence, Fabrique Délices combines time-honored classics and innovative creations among its exceptional range Handcrafted in small batches using authentic French recipes, Fabrique Délices has been committed to producing highquality charcuterie with traditional savoirfaire and a spirit of conviviality, from its home in the San Francisco Bay Area

For more information, go to w w w fabriquedelices com, email info@ fabriquedelices com, call 510 441 9500, follow on Facebook and Instagram @fabrique delices or stop by Village Gourmet booth #765

synonymous with the Ceylon Tea heritage as it guarantees 100% pure Ceylon Tea packed in Sri Lank a I t is exclusively distr ibuted by K arabetian Impor t & Distribution, Inc

For more information, visit w w w karabetian com/do- ghazal-tea or stop by booth #5826

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Urban Accents Gourmet Gobbler Brown Butter Turkey Brine & Rub Kit

Since 1996, Ur ban Accents has been helping home cooks succeed in the k itchen with a wide ar ray of premium seasonings, sauces and star ters I ts new offering, the Gourmet Gobbler™ Brown Butter Turkey Brine & Rub Kit, is a simple meal solution that guarantees per fec t poultr y for any occasion

I t all begins with the brand’s best-selling Sea Salt & Herb Spiced Turkey Brine, which features four different peppercorns as well as orange peel, sage, rosemar y, thyme and bay leaves Precisely por tioned, it ’s ready to be poured into a large pot of water and brought to a boil Once cooled, the brine is added to the tur key in the included br ine bag D esigned to hold up to a 24-pound bird, the gusseted bag is made of heavy- duty material that ’s biodegradable and BPA free for ease of use

Nex t, the tur key is r insed, patted dr y, d r i z z l e d w i t h o l i ve o i l a n d s p r i n k l e d with the Brown Butter & Her b Rub The umami-packed seasoning is a blend of spices and her bs like oregano, parsley,

basil and black pepper as well as brown sugar and butter Placed on a roasting pan and tented with foil, it ’s then ready to be popped into the preheated oven a n d ro a s t e d u n t i l g o l d e n a n

s p y B est of all, this k it can also be used for g r i l l i n g a n d d e e p - f r y i n g, a l l o w i n g cooks to let their culinar y creativit y run wild

Small batch craf ted and gluten free, this all-in-one -kit is an absolute must for ever yday enjoyment and Thanksgiving feasts, saving precious cook ing time without sacrificing any flavor And for a sensational accompaniment, look no fur ther than the brand’s new Gourmet Gobbler Traditional Stuffing M ix Cubes of French and multigrain bread are combined with aromatic seasonings for a classic version of the favorite side dish Having these produc ts in the k itchen makes shar ing a coz y dinner with the family easier than ever!

For more information, go to w w w stonewallkitchen com

JK Adams Award-Winning Rolling Pins at S how

JK Adams, the nation’s premier brand for rolling pins and wood boards, continues to rack up notoriety for having the best produc ts according to industr y exper ts

The brand is in the Vermont Pavilion in booth #6333 at this year ’s show and features its made -in-Amer ica, awardwinning rolling pins and car ving boards

Sweet S uccess Expands: Hawaiian S haved Ice Expands Into Retail,

Forges New Par tnerships and Introduces Exciting Innovations

I n the ever- evolving wor ld of sweet treats, Hawaiian Shaved Ice® continues to make waves expanding its horizons with a trifec ta of growth: venturing into retail, cultivating strategic par tnerships and creating innovative machines Coupled with the growth of its new manufac tur ing facilit y and enhanced equipment capabilities, the beloved brand is poised for continued exponential growth

The expansion into retail mar ks a significant milestone for Hawaiian Shaved Ice, bringing its iconic flavors and quality produc ts to a broader audience With carefully curated par tnerships, the brand is strategically positioning itself to meet the demands of consumers seek ing premium frozen treats beyond traditional venues One avenue is the recent licensing agreement with Candy D ynamics – Toxic Waste, pairing the most sour candy flavor profiles with the premium syrups Hawaiian Shaved Ice is k nown for M oreover, Hawaiian Shaved Ice proudly unveils two new machines: the M ini Snow Cone Machine and the Electric Shaved Ice Machine These innovations ensure enhanced convenience and versatility for consumers and retailers, meeting the demand for the quality Hawaiian Shaved Ice is k nown for while offering shoppers more options in crafting ic y treats

A m i d s t t h i s e x p a n s i o n , t h e b ra n d ’s manufac turing facilit y in Clinton, Nor th Ca

The newest equipment not only streamlines produc tion processes, but also allows for greater flexibility in produc t offerings From classic flavors to innovative creations, Hawaiian Shaved Ice is prepared to delight taste buds and ex-

ceed expec tations with ever y ic y treat

As the brand continues to expand its presence in the retail landscape and enhance its manufac turing capabilities, it remains rooted in its core values of qualit y, creativit y and communit y engagement From neighbor hood mar kets to nationwide chains, Hawaiian Shaved Ice is spreading “Sweet Smiles and Sunshine,” one delicious treat at a time With each new par tnership and the facilit y upgrade, Hawaiian Shaved Ice reaffirms its position as a leader in the snow cone and shaved ice industr y, setting the stage for even sweeter success in the years to come

“A wonder fully simple, attractive, well- craf ted, made -in-America maple dowel,” states Food & Wine, while selec ting the JK Adams Plain Dowel Rolling Pin as the Best O verall Choice “ That perfor ms admirably over a range of bak ing tasks and has the elemental design and sturdy heft to ser ve you through a lifetime of k itchen work ”

Good Housekeeping says of the Plain Dowel: “ This sturdy wooden dowel from JK Adams is 19 inches long, which means it's big enough to roll out the largest batches of even the most finnick y dough ”

underscores Hawaiian Shaved Ice’s unwave

growing demand while upholding the highest standards of qualit y

While Southern Living boasts: “Sturdiness and consistent results make it a wor thy purchase ”

Another strong indorsement comes from Serious Eats: “Our favorite French pin is the JK Adams M aple French Rolling Pin And our favorite dowel pin is the JK Adams Wood R olling D owel, which produced an exceptionally even and level pie crust ”

All the rolling pins and wood boards are made in Amer ica from sustainably grown and har vested Nor th Amer ican Hardwood Trees

Jessi Kerner, Director of E- Commerce at JK Adams added, “JK Adams is honored to have award-winning pins that have been prized by industr y exper ts for over a decade Our rolling pin assor t-

For more information, go to w w w mar y macks com, email hello@marymacks com or stop by booth #5608

ment offers world- class options for both professional and home bakers ”

For 80 years, JK Adams has been a leading manufacturer of American-made wooden housewares and specialty gift products Proudly based in idyllic Dorset, Vermont, the company produces highquality products from Nor th American hardwoods, employs talented American artisans, collaborates with local suppliers and operates a net zero-waste facility – all with an unwavering commitment to sustainability, quality and innovation JK Adams products are sold by fine retailers throughout the world, as well as in its own Dorset flagship store and online

For more information, go to w w w jkadams com or stop by booth #6333

ro l i n a , s t a n d s a s a b e a co n o f p ro gre s s Eq u i p p e d w i t h s t ate - o f - t h ea r t e q u i p m e nt a n d i n c re a s e d p ro d u ct i o n c a p a b i l i t i e s, t h i s f a c i l i t y
r i n g co m m i t m e nt to m e e t i n g
d c r i

Cut Through Food with Ease with The C heese Knife

The Cheese K nife is a unique k itchen tool first designed with the intention of keeping sof t cheeses from stick ing to the blade – something many have struggled with as guests nibbling at cheese and charcuter ie boards, or as hosts preparing the boards and dishes for enter taining!

The high- grade resin mater ial and original blade design are the keys to the effective nature of The Cheese Knife and have made it a staple in k itchen and specialt y food shops – and homes –across the countr y for over 20 years In addition to these key features, it is made in the USA, family owned and a womanrun business that prides itself on environmentally friendly pack aging, speedy fulfillment and excellent customer ser vice The Cheese Knife also comes in a var iet y of handle colors to suit a broad spec trum of preferences and occasions Available colors include the original yellow, red, black , white, gray, blue and purple

The or iginal mechanical drawings were crafted by Harold Fairchild after his retur n from the war in 1942. These drawings were stored until 2004 when his daughter-in-law found them in a box in the garage (long af ter his passing) and decided to bring this novel tool to mar ket. Her daughter now runs this family business and aspires to carr y on Harold ’s legac y of the or iginal Cheese K nife What Harold may not have realized at the time is that the design also makes it equally effec tive with other foods that stick to traditional metal blades – such as hard-boiled eggs, cheesecakes, brownies and avocados to name a few

You can find The Cheese Knife online at www thecheeseknife com or talk with the owner, Tara Schon, personally at the show in booth #269

For more information, go to www thecheeseknife com, email info@thecheese knife com or stop by booth #269

Founded by K ar lo Vulin and Mladen Vidović, Boogie Lab has quick ly gained acclaim across Europe for its approach to sourdough fermentation, combining ar tificial intelligence with traditional techniques Boogie Lab’s Nor th America expansion was spearheaded by Dennis Turcinovic, the co - owner of Amer ica’s first fine dining restaurant, Delmonico’s in New York City.

Turcinovic will oversee all U.S. operations, including the opening of the first B oogie Baker y nex t to D elmonico’s on Beaver Street, with the restaurant being the first in Nor th America to ser ve Boogie Lab bread


Texas Tamale Company: Embracing Tradition, O ne Tamale at a Time

Since star ting in 1985, Texas Tamale Company has led the way in introducing genuine Tex-Mex tastes to households in and around Houston, Texas With almost 40 years of exper tise, the company has not just persisted, but has also established itself as a hallmark of tradition in the frozen foods sec tor, growing into the top frozen tamale brand across the countr y.

Or iginating as a modest street car t near ly four decades ago, Texas Tamale Company set out to spread its deep affection for Tex-Mex cuisine far and wide. Today, it ’s a staple, consistently found on the grocer y lists of those craving speedy, hassle -free and tast y meals. While deeply rooted in H ispanic culinar y traditions, Texas Tamale Company has adapted to incorporate a selec tion of flavors and ingredients, reflecting the diverse palate of American consumers.

B y mak ing H ispanic staples like tamales easily accessible, retailers foster inclusivit y and ignite culinar y exploration that crosses cultural boundaries.

I n Amer ica’s diverse cultural tapestr y, food ac ts as a universal communicator,

a n d a d v a n c e d s e n s o r s , p r o v i d e s p r e -

c i s e c o n t r o l o v e r t h e b a k i n g p r o c e s s , r e s u l t i n g i n c o n s i s t e n t l y p e r f e c t

l o a v e s w i t h a n u n m i s t a k a b l e a r t i s a n a l

t o u c h B oogie Baker y will be the first in Nor th Amer ica to incor porate B oogie

Lab’s AI fermentation technology

“ Wi t h ye a r s o f a r t i s a n p ra c t i ce s, a n d

a b a c k g r o u n d i n f o o d s c i e n c e , o u r

te a m h a s d e ve l o p e d p ro p r i e t a r y te c h -

n o l o g y t h a t w i l l a l l o w u s t o b e c o m e

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o g y, i n c o r p o r a t i n g s m a r t f e r m e n t o r s

t h e f i r s t s c a l a b l e a r t i s a n b a k e r y,” s a i d

Vu l i n “ Wh at m a k e s o u r b re a d s o re vo -

uniting people and promoting understanding Texas Tamale Company enr iches this exper ience with its unique cloth bag pack aging and diverse flavor options, inviting consumers to embark on a flavor ful adventure of discover y and celebration with each delicious bite. Today, Tex-Mex cuisine is synonymous with American Mexican food, and Texas Tamale Company continues to be a driving force in this categor y, upholding its reputation for quality and authenticity. Look for the distinc tive cloth bag packaging of Texas Tamale Company in the frozen aisles of grocer y stores nationwide, including H-E-B, K roger, Alber tsons, Wegmans, Fresh Thyme, The Fresh Market and more.

For those eager to join the celebration of culture, tradition and flavor, one tamale at a time, discover Texas Tamale Company ’s offerings in the frozen aisle near you.

For more information, visit w w w.texas tamale.com, follow @eattexastamales on Facebook or Instagram or stop by booth #5328.

l u t i o n a r y i s t h a t w e i n t e r t w i n e t h e p o w e r o f n u t r i t i o n w i t h t h e p o w e r o f

te c h n o l o g y

B oogie Lab’s state - of-the -ar t approach also paves the way for fully automatic produc tion lines, allowing the company to scale rapidly and reach as many homes as possible Wholesale distr ibution within the United States will begin this spring

B oogie Baker y, located at 48 B eaver Street, will feature a selec tion of sourdough-based breads, pastries and sandwiches

C roatia’s Boogie L ab Brings
U.S. B o o g i e L a b , a C r o a t i a n f o o d t e c h t r a i l b l a z e r a n d c r a f t b a k e r y, i s l a u n c h i n g B o o g i e L a b U S A a n d B o og i e B a k e r y, t h e c o m p a n y ’s f i r s t U . S . -
e d m
Micro Baker y to
b a s
i c r o b a k e r y, w h i c h i s o p e n i n g t h i s s p r i n g .
y e a
t r a i n e d f o o d t e c h n o l o g i s t , a n d V id o v i ć , a t r a i l b l a z e r i n t h e s o u r d o u g h m o v e m e n t , h a v e c o m b i n e d t h e i r e xp e r t i s e t o e l e v a t e t r a d i t i o n a l b r e a dm a k i n g t o n e w h e i g h t s B o o g i e L a b’s p r o p r i e t a r y A I f e r m e n t a t i o n t e c h n o
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Bonne Maman’s New Peanut C hocolate S pread Elevates Any Breakfast or S nack

The No. 1 premium preser ves brand in the United States, Bonne Maman®, is introducing B onne M aman Peanut Chocolate Spread. I t is the newest addition to the Bonne Maman family of premium produc ts. This new flavor expands the brand ’s specialt y nut spreads following the 2023 introduction of B onne M aman Hazelnut Chocolate Spread. With these t wo deliciously indulgent specialt y nut spreads, B onne M aman will elevate any breakfast and snack ing occasion

Staying true to the brand ’s values, B onne M aman Peanut Chocolate Spread is made with simple ingredients, is palm oil free and has no ar tificial fla-

vors. With generous amounts of peanuts and a smooth, creamy tex ture, B onne M aman Peanut Chocolate Spread delivers a deliciously r ich taste that consumers will love at first taste.

Pack aged in an embossed Bonne Maman glass jar, Bonne Maman Peanut Chocolate Spread is ideal for snack ing, spreading or incorporating as an ingredient in beloved recipes. It is available in a 12 3-ounce jar beginning Summer 2024

For more information, go to w w w bonnemaman us For retail sales information, contact World Finer Foods, Inc , at info@worldfiner com Learn more at booth #1536

Pepper L aunches Ferraro Foods App to 8,000+ Customers

Pepper, a leading provider of AI- driven solutions for the food distr ibution industr y, is par tnering with Ferraro Foods, k nown for its commitment to delivering fresh ingredients and quality ser vice in foodser vice This collaboration mar ks the launch of the highly anticipated Pepper App, designed to revolutionize how Ferraro Foods interac ts with its extensive network of more than 8,000 customers across 23 states

“Our alliance with Pepper represents a significant milestone in our journey towards embracing digital transformation in foodser vice,” said Faris Faris, Chief Infor mation O fficer, Fer raro Foods “ The Pepper App allows us to offer a great eCommerce exper ience to our customers, enable our reps to grow their business and maintain our leadership in delivering high- quality produc ts ” The Pepper App will transfor m how

Add a Touch of Magic with Billie Ann Plastics ’ New S tar Pack aging

We are a Brook lyn-based and familyowned manufac tur ing company that specializes in round, oval, rec tangular and square transparent plastic containers, in combinations of all plastic, plastic and cardboard, and plastic and metal, as well as vacuum form trays and inser ts. Our visual pack aging enables you to show off your great produc ts. Whether it is keeping it sleek and simple or going full on graphical, either option will enable you to show off your great produc ts I f leveraging your brand equit y is par t of your strategy, then four- color process or offset printing direc tly onto the pack age will cer tainly do that Our newest produc t will romanticize both you and your customers It is a vacuum-formed pack age in the shape of a star The clear, rec yclable pack age with a gold or silver edge provides a sneak peek into the product within, creating an alluring anticipation that enhances the overall customer experience It is per fect for a variety of occasions – from winter holidays to bir thdays, anniversaries and more It ’s a versatile packaging solution that suits any event Our Star Packaging adds a touch of magic to any item

Two other produc t lines can help you achieve higher perceived values One is a produc t line that will offer surprises I t is a c ylinder that looks like a metal can,

Fer raro Foods takes orders from customers and arms sales reps with mobilefirst solutions to manage their business As Fer raro Foods rolls out the Pepper App, customers can expec t a robust online shopping exper ience while sales reps will enjoy a suite of tools that help them become more consultative sellers

but it is not a metal can. As the company is named Billie -Ann Plastics, the material that is used to replicate this look is plastic. This allows you to provide a pack age that achieves a greater perceived value without the added cost of metal. The second is the unCANNY CAN. This c ylinder st yle has a r ing-pull design that spor ts an aluminum r ing-pull on one end and a unique tamper evident formfitting base on the other. As you can see on the company website, www.billieannplastics.com, the sk y is the limit for the number of uses for this new and exciting packaging What a way to make your produc t pop!

We can custom run to your size requirements We have a low minimum of only 1,000 pieces Our smallest diameter c ylinder is 1 5 inches increasing to 7 inches in increments of approximately 0 5 inches For t wo -piece boxes, all lengths, widths and heights are adjustable to your requirements in 1/32 inch increments Vacuum form trays and inser ts using var ying gauges and colors can be as small as 2 x 1 or much larger Star ted in 1973, we are constantly changing the way we do business to help your business Billie -Ann Plastics is a miB Company (made in Brook lyn)

For more information, go to w w w billie annplastics com, call 718 497 5555, email info@billieannplastics com or stop by booth #2760

meet the specific needs of independent

who truly understand the food distribu-

to empowering food distributors with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive marketplace

p p e r ’s p l at fo r m i s d e s i gn e d
d i s t r i b u to r s s u c h a s Fe r ra ro Fo o d s,
l e ve ra gi n g a te a m o f i n d u s t r y e x p e r t s
t i o n b u s i n e s s Th i s p a r t n e r s h i p u n d e rs co re s Pe p p e r ’s co m m i t m e nt

Elevate Your S ummer Cooking with C rave Brothers Farmstead C heese

There is a reason the Caprese salad is a classic I ts genius lies in the simplicity of combining fresh veggies with milk y, fresh mozzarella Crave Brothers Fresh M ozzarella offers a fresh spin for ideas inspired by its variety of award-winning fresh mozzarella sizes and shapes Don’t be surprised if these salad suggestions become classics, too! From pear l sized all the way up to sliced 1-pound logs, Crave cheese is sure to elevate and impress this summer!

Grape tomatoes, K alamata olives and Crave Brothers M ar inated Fresh M ozz

Ciliegine are a great combo Dress the salad with a drizzle of Crave’s signature marinade and a simple garnish of a few snips of fresh Mediterranean herbs from the garden

Pitted fresh cherries and Fresh M ozz

Ciliegine are made for each other Enhance the combination with an optional drizzle of fruit-infused balsamic vinegar or a splash of olive oil flavored with a drop of almond or vanilla ex trac t G arnish with fresh thyme leaves

Large strawberries and Crave Brothers Fresh M ozz O volines dotted with balsamic glaze and a bit of freshly ground black pepper and freshly chopped mint leaves make a refreshing appetizer for summer enter taining

Combine mango slices with Crave Brothers molded, pillowy and, of course, delicious Fresh Mozz Medallions Drizzle with a dressing made by whisk ing together maple syrup, Dijon mustard and balsamic vinegar

O ther pair ings include fresh cor n, blueberries, melon balls and more! The simplicit y of a fresh mozzarella allows for creative recipe enhancement on all levels Think beyond the salad bowl and tr y all of these recipes as a skewer for simple ser ving

For additional summer y salad recipe ideas or for more infor mation on the Crave Brothers Fresh Mozzarella line, go to w w w cravecheese com

For more information, go to w w w cravecheese com

JK Adams 80th Anniversar y & Made in the USA

JK Adams, the nation’s premier brand for cutting boards, wood ser ving and entertaining pieces, and storage, is celebrating its 80th anniversar y in business as an Amer ican manufacturer

The brand is in the Vermont Pavilion in booth #6333 at this year ’s show, and features its made -inAmer ica, award-winning cutting, car ving and enter taining boards


its commitment not only to quality produc tion and customer ser vice, but also being a

K ayco Unveils Rebranding of Iconic Manischewitz Brand, S ignaling

Expansion into S pecialty Foods Market

K ayco, a company with humble beginnings in kosher food, has emerged as a leader in specialty foods, boasting innovative brands such as D orot, WonderJuices and M ight y S esame From its or igins as a modest kosher company, K ayco has grown into a powerhouse in the specialt y foods industr y, cater ing not only to kosher consumers, but also to a broader market of food enthusiasts seek ing quality and innovation

Founded in 1888, M anischewitz has been a stalwar t in American Jewish culture for over 130 years, offering authentic Jewish foods to consumers across the nation Now, under the stewardship of K ayco, Manischewitz is undergoing a transformation to become a symbol of Jewish culture represented through food for both specialty and mainstream consumers alike

This rebranding effor t marks a significant milestone in Kayco’s journey to diversify its offerings and reach new audiences By expanding beyond its kosher roots, K ayco aims to introduce the rich tapestr y of Jewish cuisine to a broader market, showcasing the tradition, flavors and authenticity that have defined Manischewitz for over a centur y “ We are thr illed to unveil the new chapter in the M anischewitz brand ’s legac y,” said Shani Seidman, Chief Marketing O fficer of K ayco “For generations, M anischewitz has been synonymous with quality and tradition in Jewish households across Amer ica With this rebranding, we are not only honoring that heritage but also inviting a wider audience to exper ience the unique flavors and cultural significance of Jewish cuisine Through strategic par tnerships, product development and marketing initiatives, K ayco is committed to ensur ing that M anischewitz re -

is a core tenet of the brand, with all raw mater ial for its produc ts coming from Nor th America – significantly reducing the car bon footpr int of produc tion in comparison to produc t being manufactured overseas and shipped to the

mains a cornerstone of Jewish culinar y tradition while also embracing the evolving tastes of today's consumers ”

The reimagined Manischewitz brand will continue to offer a diverse range of produc ts, including traditional favorites like matzo and macaroons, alongside new and innovative offerings designed to appeal to modern palates

The new products, debuting now, will reflec t this new ethos, suppor ting the brand ’s commitment to its core values while inviting a broader audience to explore the cultural richness of Jewish cuisine M anischewitz is set to make the kosher aisle a destination for ever yone, regardless of their background or dietar y prac tices Manischewitz produc ts are more than just food items; they are invitations to exper ience and par ticipate in Jewish culture

The new M anischewitz produc ts include: M anischewitz Hot D ogs and a new produc t line for the frozen sec tion, M anischewitz Frozen K ’nishes; M anischewitz Frozen M atzo Balls; a frozen baker y line such as M anischewitz Frozen Babk a, Rugalach, Challah and Hamentashen; M anischewitz Frozen Hors D ’oeuvres and M anischewitz Frozen Blintzes

As K ayco embar ks on this exciting jour ney, the company remains dedicated to its mission of providing highqualit y, flavor ful foods that celebrate Jewish cultural heritage and inspire culinar y exploration The rebranding of M anischewitz represents a bold step for ward in this endeavor, signaling K ayco’s commitment to innovation, inclusivit y and the endur ing legac y of Jewish cuisine

For more information, go to w w w kayco com or stop by booth #2546

h e c o m p a n y i s b a s e d i n D o r s e t , Ve r m o n t a n d h a s c o n t i n ua l l y o p e r a t e d i n t h e t o w n s i n c e 1 9 4 4 A n o w s e c o n d - g e n e r a t i o n f a m i l yo w n e d c o m p a n y, J K A d a m s b e g a n i n a s m a l l i c e h o u s e i n t h e v i l l a g e c e n t e r T h e c o m p a n y i s n o w l o c a t e d j u s t t w o m i l e s d o w n t h e r o a d o n t h e s c e n i c S t o n e Va l l e y b y w a y T h e f a ct o r y c o m p r i s e s 4 0 , 0 0 0 s q u a r e f e e t o f m a n u f a ct u r i n g f a c i l i t i e s , w i t h a f l a g s h i p r e t a i l s t o r e a tt a c h e d JK Adams touts
U S manufacturer Sustainability
States B e i n g a n A m e r i c a n m a n u f a c t u re r i n t o d a y ’s a g e i s a fe a t , a n d J K Ad a m s i s h e r e t o s t a y C e l e b r a t i n g 8 0 y e a r s o f Continued on Page 28

Mighty S esame Co. S ustainably S ourced O rganic,


M ight y S esame Co is the maker of allnatural, squeeze -and-ser ve tahini: the best k itchen staple that goes on literally ever ything, including sandwiches, burgers, dips and salads Tahini continues to trend globally as consumers and chefs discover new ways to use the creamy, nutrient- dense super food M ighty Sesame’s sesame seeds are incredibly rich with calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron They are also a great source of good fats, fiber, protein and vitamins and antioxidants, like B1 and E M ight y S esame Co makes its tahini from high- quality seeds and ser ves it in shake -and-squeeze bottles for maximum convenience These nutrient-rich tahini varieties deliver premium quality and flavor, mak ing the ideal complement to any dish The M ighty Sesame tahinis are loaded with protein and calcium and are vegan, gluten and dair y free, kosher and halal This makes the tahini line completely guilt-free for all, and it can easily be used as a healthy alternative to butter or mayonnaise


M ighty Sesame Tahini produc ts can be found online and in most standard grocer y stores, either near the nut and seed butters, condiments or in the Mediter-

ranean or M iddle Easter n sec tions Tahini is a great companion ingredient to chick peas, a topping for sandwiches, burgers, salads and a fun addition to homemade charcuterie boards

Get to Know Le Gruyère AOP

o f f i v e

m o nt h s b e fo re b e i n g re l e a s e d fo r s a l e

a n d c a n b e a g e d fo r b e t w e e n 1 4 a n d

1 8 m o n t h s I t c a n b e k e p t f o r m o r e

t h a n 2 4 m o n t h s , f o r c h e e s e l o v e r s

l o o k i n g fo r a n e ve n s t ro n g e r f l avo r A

ignation of Or igin To be considered AOP, you have to have a tradition, a limited produc tion zone, a name, a k nowhow, a histor y and a produc t The produc tion process has been maintained since the origins of Gruyère AOP back in the year 1115 and is stric tly respec ted by the milk producers, the cheesemakers and the affineurs who follow the rules of the AOP specifications

“Many people don’t think of tahini beyond its use in M editer ranean dishes,” says Laura Morris, Marketing Direc tor of M ighty Sesame Co “Our creamy, readyto -use M ight y S esame Co Tahini is going to be the new secret ingredient for all your favorite foods The possibilities are boundless; you’re only limited by your own imagination.”

S ome of M ight y S esame’s produc ts include:

• Organic Tahini: Made with only one ingredient – roasted, hulled, organic sesame seeds. This tahini is smooth, creamy and packed with nutrients.

• Whole Seed Tahini: A great source of calcium and iron and created with only one ingredient. Just t wo tablespoons yield 260mg of calcium.

• Harissa Tahini: Rich and creamy, with a unique harissa spice. Like the Whole Seed Tahini, this tahini packs 260mg of calcium in just two tablespoons of product.

(Cont ’d from p 26)

g o o d


5 0

ye a r s M a r k e t i n g D i re c t o r S e a n O s b o r n e, stated, “ We’re thr illed to not only be a p a r t o f o u r Ve r m o n t c o m m u n i t y, b u t k now that we make a produc t here that is so central to homes across the count r y T h e k i t c h e n i s t h e h e a r t o f t h e home, and JK Adams remains proudly USA M ade with a focus on good business ” Fo r 8 0 y e a r s , J K A d a m s h a s b e e n a

All flavors of M ight y S esame Tahini come in a master pack of eight bottles with an MSRP of $6 99 per 10 9- ounce bottle M ighty Sesame is distributed by K ayco, headquar tered in Bayonne, New Jersey Visit www mightysesameco com for nutritional information, recipe ideas, distribution locations and more Kayco is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of kosher foods. It has expanded K ayco Beyond Division sources and distributes new products to the general market beyond kosher to meet the demands of consumers looking for optional products that are healthful, convenient and/or for restric ted diets and lifestyles. These brands include Dorot Gardens®, Absolutely Gluten Free®, Beetology™, M ighty Sesame®, Wonder Melon™ and Wonder Lemon™, among others. They are headquar tered in Bayonne, New Jersey.

For more information, go to w w w .kayco.com or stop by booth #2546.

m a d e w o o d e n h o u s e w a r e s a n d s p e -

c i a l t y g i f t p r o d u c t s Pr o u d l y b a s e d i n

i d y l l i c D o r s e t , Ve r m o n t , t h e c o m p a ny p r o d u c e s h i g h - q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s f r o m

N o r t h A m e r i c a n h a rd wo o d s, e m p l o y s t a l e n t e d A m e r i c a n a r t i s a n s , c o l l a b o -

rate s w i t h l o c a l s u p p l i e r s a n d o p e rate s a n e t z e r o - w a s t e f a c i l i t y – a l l w i t h a n

u n w a v e r i n g c o m m i t m e n t t o s u s t a i n -

a b i l i t y, q u a l i t y a n d i n n o v a t i o n J K

Ad a m s p ro d u c t s a re s o l d by f i n e re t a i l -

e r s t h ro u g h o u t t h e wo r l d, a s we l l a s i n i t s o w n D o r s e t f l a g s h i p s t o re a n d o nl i n e For more information, go to w w w jkadams com or stop by booth #6333

w h e e l o f G r u y è r e AO P w e i g h s b e -

t we e n 2 5 a n d 4 0 k i l o gra m s What does AOP mean? Protected Des-

For more information, go to w w w gruyere com or stop by booth #653

California Fresh Flavor Redefined: Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette with Basil and Wildflower Honey

Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette with Basil and Wildflower Honey is a testament to the coastal California charm, boasting a br ight and vibrant flavor that stands unmatched in the market. Sourced from M eyer lemons picked at their peak, this vinaigrette captures the essence of citrusy delight, har moniously blended with the aromatic notes of basil and the subtle sweetness of pure honey.

A zest y symphony that delights your senses and transfor ms your salads, bowls and marinades into wor ks of ar t. This M eyer Lemon Vinaigrette is not just a vinaigrette, it ’s a revelation of West Coast freshness and a craf t of culinar y wonder B ella Sun Luci is the go -to vinaigrette brand because it keeps it simple and genuine B ella Sun Luci uses only olive oil in its recipes, saying no to seed oils and preser vatives I ts commitment to pure, qualit y ingredients makes its vinaigrettes stand out, ensur ing a flavor ful

and healthy choice for your salads. Trust B ella Sun Luci for straightforward, delicious dressings. Available for order now! Visit B ella Sun Luci at booth #1537 to lear n more and taste the flavors of the new I talian Kitchen line.

About Mooney Farms & Bella Sun Luci

Founded in 1986, M ooney Farms is a third-generation, certified woman- owned, familyowned company rooted in quality, integrity and family values that has grown to be the premier producer of B ella Sun Luci produc ts in the United States. The full line includes new 100% olive oil salad vinaigrettes, sauce star ters, plantbased tomato jer k y, pasta sauces, bruschetta spreads, bottled ex tra virgin olive oil, risotto and marinades

For more information, visit w w w bella sunluci com or connect on Instagram and Facebook @bellasunluci, email sales@mooneyfarms com or stop by booth #1537

Le G r u yè re AO P i s p ro d u ce d u s i n g raw m i l k a n d i s n at u ra l Th e re a re n o a d d it i v e s, n o G M O s a n d n o p r e s e r v a t i v e s Le G r u yè re AO P i s n at u ra l l y g l u te n a n d l a c t o s e f r e e E a c h w h e e l o f G r u y è r e AO P i s a g e d f o r a m i n i m u m
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JK Adams

July 2024 L aunch Food Produc ts from S tonewall Kitchen

The Stonewall Kitchen Family of Brands has cooked up some truly innovative produc ts for its latest launch! Exper tly made with the best-possible ingredients, these new favor ites are guaranteed to delight customers dur ing summer get-togethers and holiday gatherings alike

K ick ing things off is the un-bee -lievably tasty Honey Trio Set, which brings together three acacia honey varieties for a trifec ta of sweet, savor y and spic y flavors An excellent addition to cheese plates and charcuterie boards, it ’s joined by sensational snacks like the Sweet Butter Crackers and Honey Glazed Barbecue Roasted Peanuts for effor tless enter taining

Adding a little heat into the mix is the Chili G arlic, Ginger Scallion and Chili Lemongrass Noodle Sauces Bursting with fier y, aromatic and tangy ingredients, this innovative line can be easily combined with cooked soba, udon or rice vermicelli Your customers will especially love garnishing their bowls with toppings like meat and veggies for a simple, fantastic meal on busy weeknights Heat seekers should also stock up on the new Sriracha Ranch Dressing and Spic y Roasted Red Pepper Pesto, which enliven sandwiches, wraps and more

Nex t up is the surprising new Pumpk in Pasta Sauce, which offers a delight-

fully creamy tex ture without any dair y The secret here is amaretti cook ies, which add thick ness and a boost of sweetness to fettuccine, r isotto and even bread pudding

Speak ing of desser t, the new Pumpk in Caramel Sauce is the ultimate fall treat D ecadent and gooey, it ’s ir resistible war med and dr izzled over ice cream or swir led into homemade cheesecake And let’s not forget the new Espresso Waffle Cook ies, which add coffee and a hint of sea salt to a classic Dutch stroopwafel for the ideal companion to a cup of coffee or tea

At this point, it ’s time to raise a toast to this creative lineup, and the new Tillen Farms Mar tini Medley is the ideal cocktail gar nish for the occasion This sophisticated medley of br ined olives, onions and caper ber r ies is per fec t for gussying up classic and filthy versions of the beloved drink

These fantastic picks highlight the range of flavors your customers can expec t in the coming months Plus, with an incredible assor tment of fine home goods and ready-to - give gif ts, the Stonewall Kitchen Family of Brands has premium produc ts to satisfy all fall and holiday needs

For more information, go to w w w stonewallkitchen com

Marra Forni O vens Trusted by Wooden Paddle

Although he is not of I talian descent, Jonathan Cowan, O wner and Founder of Wooden Paddle, has dedicated his career to ar tisan pizza He opened his Lemont, I llinois, restaurant at the r ipe old age of 25 with his wife, Br ianna When the car r yout restaurant first opened in 2013, the menu consisted of “96 percent pizza,” Jonathan Cowan says The ar tisan pies were cooked in a stone conveyor oven at high temperatures I t was a year af ter opening that the Cowans were introduced to the M ar ra For ni team at the Pizza Expo in Vegas At the National Restaurant Association show in 2015, the couple brought 500 of their pizzas to bake in

Unlock Gourmet Italian Flavors in Minutes: Bella S un Luci ’s New

S auce

S tar ters for Effor tless Meals

Whether you are a beginner cook or qualified chef, Bella Sun Luci’s New I talian K itchen Sauce Star ters br ing that gourmet I talian scratch cooked flavor to your meal in minutes. The slow simmered cook ing base is conveniently packed in a resealable squeeze pouch for added convenience for today ’s busy consumer. The new Sauce Star ters will let you be the chef – add a little or a lot Don’t stop there – stir into rice, potatoes, soups or roasts The Italian cooking base can add flavor that pulls dinner together quick ly With meals so good, they will only think you spent all day cook ing! Available in three delicious flavors: Tuscan G arden, Tomato & Pepper and Tomato Basil Each flavor is gluten free, vegan and made with real vegetables Now with B ella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters, it makes it easy for ever yone to enjoy bigger flavors and better cook ing with only a few steps to get a robust simmered all- day flavor ful meal to the

table in minutes.

“ Today ’s consumer is navigating their meal ideals toward better-for-you foods without sacrificing taste, and our I talian Kitchen Sauce Star ters allow for just that in a quar ter of the time! This is innovation you can taste; this innovation drives sales,” says M ar y M ooney, M ooney Farms O wner.

With the goal in mind to live life more tastefully, the new line of Bella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters appeals to the health conscious and ethical consumer without having to sacr ifice flavor The new line pushes the innovation of chef quality meals made right in your own home using better-for-you ingredients Available for order now!

For more information, visit w w w bella sunluci com or connect on Instagram and Facebook @bellasunluci, email sales@mooneyfarms com or stop by booth #1537

Marra Forni’s gas and wood-burning rotating deck oven This was the first time they baked their pizzas using the wood and gas combination

“ We didn’t know it was possible to use a wood-fired oven, as our pizza is not Neapolitan,” Cowan says. “ We were supremely impressed with the quality.”

Marra Forni ’s Original Brick Neapolitan pizza ovens are available in a var iet y of sizes and custom configurations, including free -standing models as well as mobile solutions for trailers and food trucks The ovens feature a static (stationar y) cook ing deck and are designed to produce a high volume of ar tisan pizzas In addition to wood-fired models, the oven is available in elec tric and gas versions

I n 2016, the Cowans switched out Wooden Paddle’s ovens to Marra Forni. The following year, the carr yout location was closed, and an investment was made in a sit- down restaurant with a revamped menu. Although the focus remained on pizza, culinar y direc tor and chef Patr ick Cassata, winner of Food Net wor k ’s “Cutthroat K itchen” and a contestant on “Hell’s Kitchen,” was able to expand the menu to include noodle, meat and seafood dishes With its br ick-and-mor tar and catering businesses booming, Wooden Padd l e i s c u r re n t l y i n t h e p ro c e s s o f expanding its business The k itchen will

Continued on Page 38

Revolutionizing Tea Enjoyment: The Alokozay P yramid Tea Bags Experience

I n the fast-paced wor ld of today, convenience and quality often collide However, Alokozay offers a solution with their innovative P yramid Tea Bags that combine premium quality with ultimate convenience These tea bags are a game - changer for tea enthusiasts look ing for a delightful and hassle -free brewing exper ience

Alokozay Pyramid Tea Bags

Featur ing a unique pyramid shape, these tea bags allow for better infusion and enhanced flavor extraction, delivering a richer and more aromatic tea exper ience The carefully selec ted tea leaves ensure a premium quality cup of tea ever y time, mak ing it a must-have for tea connoisseurs

tive Alokozay halal car bonated dr inks are making waves with their unique sell-

ing point of being halal cer tified This cer tification ensures that the drinks are produced in accordance with Islamic dietar y laws, mak ing them suitable for consumption by Muslims worldwide

Ready to Embark on a Unique Coffee Pod Journey? D iscover the Unparalleled Experience of Two Rivers Coffee

Get to k now the makers of the world ’s best-flavored single -ser ve coffee pods

Alokozay P yramid Tea Bags are not just a produc t but a promise of quality, convenience and a luxurious tea experience Elevate your tea moments with Alokozay and savor the per fec t cup of tea ever y time

Alokozay Halal Drinks

In today's modern world, the market for carbonated drinks is vast and competi-

For more information, go to w w w alokozay com or stop by booth #5821

The Invisible C hef O ffers Baking Mixes for Ever y D ay & Ever y Occ asion

The I nvisible Chef is a boutique line of gourmet bak ing mixes that make whipping up fresh-baked pastries, breads and sweets simple and ridiculously delicious. I ts premium bak ing blends are rich in wholesome, all-natural ingredients and are inspired by the founders’ favor ite recipes – bakers simply preheat their ovens, add a few ingredients and viola! Freshbaked goods are ser ved.

With a growing line of breakfast mixes, quick breads, muffins and desser ts, The Invisible Chef makes it a cinch for bak ing novices and exper ts alike to craft innovative and delightful baked goods each and ever y time. M ixes can also be adapted and enhanced, mak ing it easy to add a personal touch to whichever recipe you choose

mix is made in small batches at a boutique fac tor y in Kentuck y – The Invisible

Chef is a small business that you can feel great suppor ting.

Established in 2012, Two Rivers Coffee was a pioneer among family-run coffee roasters in the emerging coffee pods mar ket I t didn’t just blend in; it stood out with its small-batch craft roast and an unparalleled var iet y of flavors Two Rivers Coffee’s goal was clear: to dominate the pod mar ket by leveraging its exper tise to create the most flavor ful coffee pods, offering one of the widest selec tions of flavors available today

Par tnering with household names in the food and beverage industr y, Two Rivers Coffee has developed fan-favorite coffee and hot chocolates, from Cella’s chocolate cher r y coffee to Junior M int hot chocolates and Cold Stone Creamer y-inspired brews

Now Two R ivers has teamed up with Kellanova to produce a match made in breakfast heaven – Eggo Waffle flavored coffees, per fec tly combining the ir resistible taste of freshly toasted, golden waffles with the rich, aromatic notes of premium coffee

Two Rivers Coffee has become the goto destination for flavored coffee, cocoa and teas, boasting over 250 different flavors and a por tfolio of dozens of brands I ts collaboration with national brand

par tners has honed its flavoring exper tise, ensuring that each flavor per fec tly matches the brand originals

Behind ever y cup of Two Rivers Coffee lies a tale of dedication and passion I t has been committed to sustainabilit y from the outset Two Rivers Coffee visits coffee farms to forge relationships with growers and utilize mills that use ecofr iendly prac tices Speak ing with the farmers and pickers gives the company extra insight and guidance for each type of bean it roasts

Two Rivers Coffee believes in mak ing eco-friendly decisions for its production lines I n D ecember 2019, it under took the significant expense of refitting all production machiner y to accommodate a full transition to rec yclable pods Today, it proudly produces 100% rec yclable pods across all its brands, a testament to its unwavering commitment to sustainability R eady to explore a wor ld of flavors? Look no fur ther than Two Rivers Coffee With over 300 tantalizing flavors and a commitment to quality that ’s second to none, Two Rivers Coffee is not just brewing coffee; it ’s crafting an experience

For more information, go to w w w tworiversdirect com

Arizona C hile Roasters Building Roasters S ince 1999

M cBroom M etal Wor ks, dba Ar izona Chile Roasters, is a family- owned andoperated manufac turer of steel construc ted chile roasters.

Ar izona Chile R oasters has been building roasters since 1999 and is still passionate about its produc ts, customers and business.

The Invisible Chef mixes are available for purchase online and at selec t specialty retailers across the countr y Each

For more information, go to w w w the invisiblechef com, email contactus@ theinvisiblechef com or stop by booth #5811

Arizona Chile Roasters combines exper tise with the highest standards for customer ser vice and qualit y produc ts. Whether you have a question or a concern you’d like to address, you can count on Arizona Chile Roasters to give you the attention you deser ve. I t is par t of providing the qualit y customer ser vice that its customers have come to

k now about Arizona Chile Roasters. The chile roasters are built for commercial or home use and are available in seven barrel sizes to suit your business needs and/or customer base. All the chile roasters are piped for propane gas and include a hose with a high pressure regulator. Ar izona Chile R oasters is Handmade in the USA, and the manufac turer selec ted for the state of Ar izona to display at the Third Annual Made in America Produc t Showcase at the White House in July 2019.

For more information, call 520.825.8717 or go to www.arizonachileroasters.com.

A l o k o z a y h a l a l c a r b o n a t e d d r i n k s s t a n d o u t n o t o n l y fo r t h e i r a d h e re n ce t o r e l i g i o u s g u i d e l i n e s , b u t a l s o f o r t h e i r w i d e ra n g e o f f l avo r s a n d i m p e cc a b l e q u a l i t y Fr o m r e f r e s h i n g c i t r u s b l e n d s t o i n d u l g e n t c o l a o p t i o n s , A l o k o z a y o f f e r s s o m e t h i n g f o r e v e r y t a s te p re fe re n ce

Krill Arc tic Foods Introduces New S uper food Antarc tic Krill Meat

Krill Arc tic Foods is sharing the newest super food to enter the tinned fish world – Antarc tic k rill meat. Antarc tic k rill are tiny crustaceans that live in abundance at the bottom of the Antarc tic O cean. They feed solely on algae, mak ing them free from any contaminants with minimal traces of mercur y, which comes from their natural DNA, and that ’s just scratching the sur face With a shr implike taste and a crab-like texture, Antarctic k r ill meat is ex tremely versatile in application, is per fec t for a new appetizer or your main dish and can be used for soups, salads, sauces, dressings, sushi, burgers, raviolis, dumplings, pastas and more I n the for mer S oviet Union, krill meat is considered the “commoners’ caviar,” ser ved alongside fine cheeses and meats Imagine a delicac y that combines exquisite taste, exceptional nutr itional value and a positive environmental impac t

Krill Arctic Foods’ k rill meat is wild and sustainably caught with a 36-month shelf life While traditionally used as a dietar y supplement, K r ill Arc tic Foods’ Uk rainian fac tor y vessels’ propr ietar y technology allows it to blanch, clean and freeze the k r ill meat within three hours of being caught to retain optimal qualit y and nutr ients I t is then heat sealed into cans in brine and its own organic oils Naturally gluten free, k r ill meat is a protein source like no other, with 20% more digestible protein than that of meat I ts vitamins, nutrients and

Dripdash (Cont ’d from p 1)

the coffee and what is added to it Dripdash® recognized t wo impor tant fac ts The experience of enjoying coffee has undergone an unbelievable evolution and time has become a precious commodity Its vision was simple: to create a bold, smooth and convenient coffee

Kyoto Coffee was invented by Dutch sailors in the 1600s, re - engineered by Japanese ar tisans the following centur y and reimagined by Dripdash in 2018

minerals are unmatched, mak ing these little crustaceans the super food of the centur y. Powerhouse antioxidant astaxanthin – as well as a highly nutr itious blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fatt y acids bound to phospholipids – contribute to its long list of health benefits

Phospholipids better suppor t the distribution of omegas within the body, allowing for superior integration into cell membranes

Krill Arc tic Foods’ Antarc tic k rill meat comes pack aged in a convenient 105g can and contains only 67 calories, 1g of fat, 4g of carbs and 15g of protein per ser ving When eaten on a regular basis, k rill meat helps to:

• Improve hear t health

• Lower cholesterol

• Reduce inflammation

• Maintain healthy eyes and vision

• Suppor t brain func tion

• Aid in weight loss, metabolic and reproduc tive health

• Aid in anti-aging and promotes healthier sk in, hair and nails

• Neutralize free radicals to prevent cellular damage

• Aid in lowering depression

• Suppor t liver func tion

I ncor porating k r ill meat into your diet not only diversifies your palate, but also suppor ts sustainable food choices

For more information, go to w w w krill arcticfoods com or stop by booth #3358

Kyoto Iced Coffee is a brewing process made using one drop of water at a time for 16 hours to extract the most pleasant flavors in coffee It’s known for having nuanced high-notes, a balanced body and a shock ingly smooth finish Dripdash is proud to be the first wholesale manufacturer of this style of coffee in the countr y with three distinct flavors options:

• Kyoto Iced Coffee: The original black coffee that star ted it all I t offers a rich body, tr iple strength and a shock ingly smooth finish

kitchen items of France with her new community Gisele’s passion quickly turned into a successful business, making The French Farm a favorite for those who appreciate the finer things in life The French Farm proudly offers a selection of goods from small, family-run businesses throughout Europe, emphasizing the beauty and tradition of handmade craftsmanship Each item is chosen for its quality and the unique experience it brings, presented in attractive and carefully designed packaging

Expanding the Selec tion with European Flavors

The French Farm has grown to include gourmet items from Italy, Spain and Portugal alongside its French offerings This growth allows the store to feature respected brands like Edmond Fallot, Pommery, Jean Dubost, L’Epicurien, La Favorita, Frantoi Cutrera, Don Gastronom and many more The French Farm’s dedication to finding the best gourmet foods and kitchen accessories knows no borders, ensuring customers have access to a broad selection of top-notch products This commitment highlights not just French culinary arts, but the diverse and rich flavors of the entire European continent.

and beverage industries.

Stafford Food Grade Blue Acetal Shaft Collars meet FDA requirements for food contac t substances and optical detectability to enhance safety in the production of food and beverages Available in one - and two -piece designs from ¼ inch to 2 inches I D , these high-per formance engineering plastic shaft collars

Marra Forni (Cont ’d. from p. 30)

include both a M ar ra For ni R otator rotating deck oven for cook ing pizza and a N e a p o l i t a n s t a t i c o ve n fo r p ro t e i n s, ve g e t a b l e s a n d o t h e r a s s o r t

u i t e m s. “ H a v i n g s t a b l e e q u i p m e n t t o cook ever ything on site is ver y import a n t t o u s,” Co w a n s a y s. “ T h e M a r r a Fo r n i ove n s h ave b e e n s o l i d p e r fo r me r s. We h a ve n’t h a d t o d e a l w i t h t h e common problem of floors and sur face

c r a c k i n g a s we d i d w i t h o t h e r o ve n

A Commitment to Excellence and Customer Happiness

The dr iving force behind The French Farm is the belief in the power of great food The goal is to provide produc ts that make life better and turn ordinar y meals into memorable occasions The team values a positive wor k environment, fairness to par tners and ensuring customer happiness with high- qualit y and genuine products, and timely deliver y The French Farm guarantees satisfac tion, offer ing exchanges or refunds within 90 days for any item that doesn' t meet customer expec tations As The French Farm continues to grow, the emphasis on selec ting excellent produc ts and deliver ing outstanding customer ser vice stays its No 1 mission

Discover Gourmet Excellence

Join The French Farm at booth #5648 to explore French culinar y traditions and the var ied tastes of Europe You can learn more about our carefully selec ted collec tion by visiting w w w wholesale thefrenchfarm com

For more information, go to w w w .wholesale.thefrenchfarm.com, email wholesale@frenchfarm.com, call 713.660.0577 or stop by booth #5648.

incorporate stainless steel fasteners. Ideally suited for use in conveyors and packaging machiner y and equipment in the food and beverage industr ies, Stafford Food Grade Blue Acetal Shaf t Collars are inherently corrosion resistant and can withstand common cleaning agents and sanitizers, providing good wear resistance, strength and durability Special sizes, mater ials and r igid couplings are available

b r a n d s i n t h e p a s t , a n d t h e m o b i l e ovens have withstood being dr iven all around Chicagoland with our cater ing business.”

• Black Sesame Oatmilk Latte: Tak ing Japanese flavors and adding sustainable alternative milk as the base, to create a Keto -fr iendly latte using sugar alter natives such as monk fruit Tastes like a milkshake, but with only 2 grams of sugar

• Lavender Maple Oatmilk Latte: For the plant-based folks, using a dair y alternative and maple syrup as the vegan and unprocessed sugar substitute Tastes like a meditation that will keep you moving

Cowan adds that the attention and assistance of Marra Forni and Co-Founder and Chief Executive O fficer Francesco Marra have been invaluable in his success. “Francesco has been so k ind and willing to answer business questions; he treats us like family, which meant a lot to me as a young entrepreneur,” Cowan says. “It is stressful opening a restaurant, but it was comfor ting to go into a location k nowing this equipment will work as it should It gave me peace of mind ” For more information, go to w w w marraforni com

Dripdash crafts its beverages in small batches The most sought-after ingredients are used from dairy-free/gluten-free milk to plant powered sugar alternatives, to the carefully sourced coffee beans It puts all of this into its brewing machine and the result is Dripdash, an elevated coffee experience that you can enjoy anywhere you are Bold Smooth Convenient

For more information, go to w w w drip dash com, email info@dripdash com or stop by booth #5348

The French Farm (Cont ’d from p 1) Stafford Manufac turing (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
e d m e n

FTC: Consumers S till Paying for Pandemic Grocer y Pricing

A Federal Trade Commission report revealed that large market participants accelerated and distorted the negative effects associated with supply chain disruptions

The FTC ’s repor t examined how supply chain disruptions affec ted competition among retailers, wholesalers and producers, as well as the impac ts on consumers and businesses Consumers felt the negative effec ts of supply chain disruptions in the form of sk yrocketing prices for groceries and produc t shor tages for essentials, such as toilet paper

Notably, consumers are still facing the negative impact of the pandemic’s price hikes, as the repor t finds that some in the grocer y retail industr y seem to have used r ising costs as an oppor tunit y to fur ther raise pr ices to increase their profits, which remain elevated today

“As the pandemic illustrated, a major shock to the supply chain can have cascading effec ts on consumers, including the pr ices they pay for grocer ies,” said FTC Chair Lina M K han “ The FTC ’s repor t examining U S grocer y supply chains finds that dominant fir ms used this moment to come out ahead at the expense of their competitors and the communities they ser ve ”

“ The study found some indications that higher prices at the grocer y store, which continued after the worst of the pandemic supply chain disruptions were resolved, were not simply mirroring the higher costs retailers faced, but actually may be reflec tive of higher profits for those retailers,” Commissioner Rebecca Kelly Slaughter said in a statement.

“Since the study found that some aspects of the supply chain disruptions we faced dur ing the pandemic may have been harmful to competition, the indications that profits may have increased during the same time and remain high may be fur ther indication that consumers are not benefiting from competitive mar kets in the ways they should when they do their grocer y shopping.”

The repor t recommended fur ther research on continued high pricing.

As the repor t explains, supply chain disruptions did not equally impact ever y retailer, wholesaler or producer. Instead, smaller firms – especially smaller grocer y

retailers – dispropor tionately faced difficulties obtaining products compared to larger firms Some larger firms were better able to protect their product supply compared to smaller competitors

The pandemic also prompted some larger firms to consider buying manufacturing suppliers, which potentially threatens to make certain supply chains even more concentrated in the future Taken together, the report’s findings reveal how supply chain bottlenecks can leave markets exposed to major supply chain shocks and that those shocks, in turn, can allow major firms to entrench their dominance

The repor t ’s findings stem from orders the FTC issued in 2021 under Section 6(b) of the FTC Ac t to Walmar t Inc , Amazon com, I nc , K roger Co , C&S Wholesale Grocers, I nc , Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc , McLane Co, Inc Proc ter & Gamble Co , Tyson Foods, Inc and K raf t Heinz Co The findings also draw from publicly available data on industr y costs and revenues

Competitive Impac ts of Supply Chain Disruptions

The repor t highlights several key insights regarding mar ket struc ture and business conduct among grocer y retailers, wholesalers, and producers, as well as their effec ts on consumers These insights include:

• Grocer y retailer profits rose and remain elevated: Food and beverage retailer revenues increased to more than 6 percent over total costs in 2021, higher than their most recent peak in 2015 of 5.6 percent. I n the first threequar ters of 2023, retailer profits rose even more, with revenue reaching 7 percent over total costs, casting doubt on the asser tions of some companies that rising prices at the grocer y store are the result of retailers’ own rising costs.

• Large purchasers sought favorable supplier allocations: Some companies, most often larger ones, re -imposed strict deliver y requirements on their upstream suppliers during the height of the pandemic and threatened fines for noncompliance, pressuring suppliers to favor them over rivals. In some cases, suppliers preferentially allocated produc t to the

purchasers threatening to fine, giving larger companies a competitive advantage over smaller retailers at a time when having products in stock was a critical advantage for attracting customers

• Excessive consolidation recognized as a liabilit y : Dur ing the pandemic, some retailers sought to diversify their supplier base, par ticular ly of pr ivate label goods, as fir ms recognized the risks associated with having few suppliers available Some firms buying goods in mar kets with few suppliers even began exploring whether to build or acquire manufacturing capacity to reduce their exposure to concentrated markets

The repor t warns, however, that moves by larger customers to buy one of the few remaining mar ket par ticipants rather than building that capability from scratch could leave the remaining buyers, notably smaller competing fir ms, even worse off

• Decrease in promotional spending:

During the pandemic, manufacturer promotional spending on items in short supply declined Companies employing the more traditional grocer y retailing model that relies on manufacturer promotional spending to lower prices for produc ts sometimes faced higher prices compared to other companies. Companies that used an “Ever y Day Low Price” strategy, in which producers consistently provide low wholesale prices rather than short-term promotional price reductions, were less affec ted when manufac turer promotional spending was cur tailed.

The Commission voted 3-0 to issue the staff repor t.

“I n 2020, our nation faced several huge disruptions to our daily lives: primarily the fear for our health and safety from the threat of Covid-19, and the contrast bet ween those shelter ing in place and the essential workers braving dangerous conditions to keep things running,” Slaughter said.

“At the same time that we were reeling from those big changes, we quick ly began to notice significant supply disruptions at the grocer y store These supply shocks were felt by so many of us, across the countr y

“I n 2021, the Biden Administration launched a systematic examination of supply chains in cr itical sec tors of the economy We greatly appreciate the wor k of other agencies and the White House, examining supply chain disruptions in semiconduc tors, clean energy, freight and logistics, defense, healthcare, and agriculture,” Slaughter said

“As par t of this effor t, the FTC has examined the grocer y supply chain What we found was that throughout the supply chain, retailers, suppliers, distr ibutors and raw mater ials suppliers had been pr ior itizing keeping costs low in the shor t term over long term resilience

“Our grocer y supply chain had been ‘optimized’ for good times The priorities had been to minimize unused inventor y and unmet demand, minimize storage

space needs, and to be the most efficient ‘Just in time’ stock ing and obtaining key produc ts from few sources or sometimes only a single source were fast and inexpensive strategies in the shor t term,” Slaughter said

“But these systems were incredibly brittle By relentlessly optimizing for leanness in our supply chain, businesses chose again and again short-term savings over our long-term resilience In 2020, we saw the profound costs of these choices

“ This study shows many of the severe impac ts that supply shocks had on this br ittle, ‘efficient ’ system Widespread, substantial, sustained shor tages, sometimes of cr itical goods that Amer ican families relied upon

“For tunately, the study also found that companies throughout the supply chain quick ly realized the value of resilience, and are now considering ways to update the br ittle sourcing system They are now prioritizing resilience, not just shor t-term savings Where they discovered they were relying on just one or two suppliers, they are now seek ing out additional suppliers ”

Enstrom Almond Toffee Petites

Good things come in small pack ages.

I ndividually wrapped, Enstrom Almond Toffee Petites are the gold standard of snack ing. This ar tisan Almond Toffee is crafted from the per fec t blend of fresh California almonds, sweet cream butter and pure cane sugar, covered in a generous layer of rich chocolate to create a treat unlike any other.

For 60 years, the Enstrom family has craf ted Almond Toffee with only the finest, freshest and sustainably sourced ingredients Ever y batch is still made in Grand Junc tion, Colo , using founder Chet Enstrom’s original recipe, lovingly handed down through four generations Enstrom Almond Toffee is made with allnatural ingredients and cer tified gluten free and kosher dair y I t ’s quality you can taste in ever y bite

Visit w w w enstrom com to learn more about these butter y Almond Toffee Petites, as well as other premium offerings in our wholesale toffee line

For more information, go to w w w enstrom com or call 800 252 5498


Empowering Women Farmers

“ When you eat the fruit, remember who planted the tree ” This is a wise, old saying that Wildfare not only takes to hear t, but prac tices and preaches Our produc ts are as delicious and nutr itious as they are because of the dedicated growers and makers we par tner with Most of our produc ts are grown and made by women farmers and producers Why is this impor tant? S elf-sufficienc y is empowering We believe it is essential for women to work in safe and fulfilling environments Women should be able to make sustainable living wages They should be able to independently provide for themselves, suppor t and sustain their families, and contr ibute to their communities Quality work opportunities translate into qualit y of life, wellbeing – and qualit y food We also believe that the human connec tion to the ear th and remembrance of legac y recipes manifest themselves in the end produc t Food made with centur ies of tradition to elevate dishes in your modern k itchen!

Wildfare nur tures our growers Our growers nur ture the land The crops are thoughtfully made into beautiful food The beautiful food nur tures you Giving

us ever- growing motivation to nur ture the growers What a beautiful and fruitful circle!

The qualit y of our produc ts begins with the k nowledge of the land, respect for sustainable prac tices and pr ide in ancestral recipes The women Wildfare par tners with have our greatest admiration, respec t and unwavering suppor t

“Healthy & Clean – Crops to Cuisine” is not just a tagline for Wildfare I t ’s a mission and it ’s how we want to br ing qualit y, nutr itious, affordable food to ever yone

Our produc ts star t in the fields and orchards, so our process star ts there, too Their roots are our roots

keeping the terroir pristine and healthy and untouched by manipulation The ecosystem we seek to preser ve to deliver produce picked at the height of freshness and flavor is intr insic to the qualit y we demand of our finished produc ts

“Healthy & Clean” are our standards for not only our food, but for business prac tices, ensur ing living wages and

When a seed is planted, when a plant bursts back to life, we witness the miracle of nature and the gif t it gives us in the ability to feed ourselves, our families and our communities When we work in concer t with nature, we all benefit

An integral par t of our mission is to empower the far mers who plant and tend and har vest the crops that result in wildly irresistible Mediterranean fare –equally impor tant, honoring the crops themselves The ancient groves The heir loom seeds The impor tance of

gender equality, and being responsible stewards of our planet

“Crops to Cuisine” is the scope, the beautiful arc of nur turing a growing and curating a mak ing c ycle so that the delicacies cultivated beneath the rich soil and the warm sun of the Mediterranean can be shared in wholesome meals with family and friends in your home.

Take a journey with us. At Wildfare, there is always a seat at the table for you.

For more information, go to w w w .wildfare.com or stop by booth #5036.

have simplified the process to better optimize your team’s time and talent Wi t h m o re t h a n 1 2 7 ye a r s i n t h e c u tler y mar ket, not only producing k nives b u

A cut above the competition, Mundial Smar tk nives has star ted a revolution that provides hospitality leaders – from restaurants owners and managers to chefs and cookline associates – absolute control and a better understanding of k nife purchases, k nife use, shar pening maintenance, overall produc t per formance and 24/7 tech suppor t I n shor t, Mundial Smar tk nives supplies the right k nife assor tment to foster your culinar y team’s needs The lifespan and wellness of these k nives are managed by a proprietar y Smar tknives technology that advises on the k nife’s per for mance, dullness and need for sharpening These updates are provided in an easy-to -follow repor ting system that allows you to best optimize your k nife system.

For more information, go to w w w .mundialsmar tknives.com.

t a l s o i nve s t i n g i n re s e a rc h o n h ow t o b e s t m a i n t a i n a n d m a x i m i z e a k n i fe’s l i fe s p a n at t h e h a n d s o f t h e i nd u s t r y ’s m o s t q u i c k - w i e l d i n g c h e f s , M u n d i a l S m a r t k n i v e s h a s d e v e l o p e d a n i n c r e d i b l e s o l u t i o n t o y o u r k n i f e n e e d s
Mundial Smar tknives (Cont ’d from p 1)

vegan snacks Elan is an exciting clean label that skillfully blends nuts with superfoods Say goodbye to confusing labels; here are minimally processed ingredients that are deliciously good for you ®

Established in Nor th Amer ica for 12 years, Elan was successfully launched on the U S market in 2021 Elan is nationally distributed through KeHE and UNFI and can also be found at a growing list of established groceries and health food stores across the countr y The brand offers a wide var iet y of unique, naturefr iendly snacks, including specialt y glazed nuts and blends, as well as graband- go options for busy snackers

but smile at its humble beginnings and decadent future

Sweet Shop began in 1953 in For t Wor th, Texas, with a mother and daughter team look ing to sell their delicious, handmade chocolates to any retailer that would carr y them Frances Howard and her daughter, Rudelle Helm, developed their concept from a love for ice cream, fanc y malts and chocolate. The ladies soon realized that the profits lay in their handmade chocolate. Cox Depar tment Store came calling and Sweet Shop officially entered the market as a premium chocolate maker by two women.

Tragedy struck on March 28, 2000, however, when an F2 tornado left a path

healthy living

“A big par t of Colavita’s communication is to promote a healthy lifestyle,” explained O wner and Marketing Direc tor Car la Colavita. “ Today, many people k now the numerous health benefits of including at least a spoon of extra virgin olive oil in their ever yday diet because of its high content of monounsaturated oleic acid. Olive oil can prevent cardiovascular diseases and various body inflammations. Thanks to its high level of antioxidants, olive oil is a natural detoxifying supplement.”

balsamic vinegar and requested and obtained the first license to sell it Throughout the years, it has grown to become the third worldwide company in the categor y

Today, you can find its produc ts in over 60 countr ies I t is a leading balsamic vinegar brand in I taly and in the United States, where Monari Federzoni has been operating for the last 40 years

M o n a r i Fe d e r z o n i , f i r s t a n d fo remost, is a family The company today is r u n by S a b r i n a Fe d e r zo n i , fo u r t h g e ne r a t i o n o f t h e Fe d e r zo n i f a m i l y i n t h e business, and owned by Sabr ina, Elena a n d I n e s Fe d e r zo n i R e ce n t l y, Vi t to r i a ,

Elan’s innovative snacks combine the dynamic tex tures and nutrients of nuts and super foods Fan favor ites include Coconut Cashews, Chia Walnuts and the Fiji M ix These organic snack ing options are ideal for snackers on the go and health enthusiasts

• If you love a tropical twist, the Coconut Cashews are sure to transpor t you to a sunny island Organic whole cashews are coated with an addic tive blend of organic coconut and Himalayan pink salt, for a nutritious and wholesome treat

• Prepare to indulge in the Chia Walnuts, a nutrition-packed snack unique to Elan This in-house recipe pairs nutr itious and organic Califor nia walnuts with the additional health benefits of

of destruction through the hear t of For t Wor th, including Sweet Shop For tunately, no employees were injured, but after the loss of the building, Jim Webb purchased Sweet Shop and resumed operations at the Old Pamgburn’s plant in For t Wor th Finally, in 2008, Sweet Shop USA made its official move to Mount Pleasant, Texas, to an 80,000 square foot facility with a retail storefront.

Sweet Shop USA has received national recognition for creating over 100 varieties of handmade pieces including var ious Truffles, Famous Brags®, Nuts and Chewies and its signature Fudge Love®. All natural handmade produc ts are distributed to approximately 7,000 retailers nationwide, including gourmet, gift, coffee, floral and specialty retailers

The stor y of Colavita began in 1938 in the small village of Sant ’Elia a Pianisi in central I taly ’s M olise region. Here, Giovanni and Felice Colavita founded a small company for the pressing of olives. B y the ear ly 1960s, Oleifici Colavita ranked among the top 10 oil refiner ies in I taly. I n 1977, the Colavita brothers, Enr ico and Leonardo, began bottling ex tra virgin olive oil with the family brand name and selling it overseas.

“Colavita’s most popular produc t is the Premium Selection Extra Virgin Olive Oil,” said Colavita. “I t is a best seller around the wor ld, embodying the or i-

Sabrina’s daughter, has joined the company to continue the tradition M onar i Feder zoni is proudly 100% owned and run by women!

What Makes Monari Federzoni Unique

The balsamic vinegar of M odena is unique itself : exclusively produced in Modena through generations, matured and aged in wood It is par t of the family tradition Sweet and sour, it is the perfec t ingredient to any recipe

The scent you feel enter ing the Monari Federzoni cellar is unique – the same you find in its produc ts With over 5,000 oak bar rels, it has the biggest aging area in the wor ld, in which the

antioxidant goji berries and omega-rich chia seeds, as well as the unique minerals of Himalayan pink salt

• I ntroducing the Fiji M ix, a delightful blend of cranberries, tangy goji berries, coconut chips, pumpk in seeds and Elan’s signature Açai Blueberr y Cashews

G et ready for a vibrant burst of superfood goodness with these gently roasted cashews infused with organic açai and blueberr y powder

Elan promises momentum and vitalit y in ever y bite These unique snacks are made from superior quality ingredients cultivated through organic far ming As a clean brand, Elan pr ior itizes sustainable far ming methods that use no pesticides and embrace the soil ’s

as well as major depar tment stores Branded Collec tions include the Sweet Shop USA label, M rs Weinstein’s Gourmet Toffee, Big Little Fudge and Price’s Fine Chocolates Price’s Fine Chocolates was founded in K ansas City, M issouri, in 1919 and was k nown for its most popular creation: Annaclair ’s®.

The award-winning Sweet Shop USA currently holds the coveted 2018 Guinness World Record’s title of Largest Chocolate Truffle by making a 2,368.5-pound mint ganache, chocolate truffle, measuring three feet and five inches tall and 12 feet and two inches in diameter. In addition, Sweet Shop USA’s Goji Berry Coconut Bar won the coveted sofi gold medal for best chocolate, presented at the 2017 Fancy Food Show in New York City.

gin, the histor y and the main image of our company This is the produc t that made Colavita great and recognizable in many countries.”

A l o n g s i d e t h e i m p r e s s i v e r a n g e o f o i l s, Co l av i t a s u p p l i e s a b ro a d ra n g e o f I talian and M editer ranean foods to the w o r l d . C o l a v i t a’s a s s o r t m e n t o f v i n e -

g a r s i n c l u d e s b a l s a m i c a n d a s e l e c t i o n

o f v a r i e t a l w i n e v i n e g a r s. I n a d d i t i o n ,

t h e o f f e r i n g o f s p e c i a l t y I t a l i a n v e g -

e t a b l e s a n d p r e s e r v e s i n c l u d e s a r t i -

c h o k e s, s u n - d r i e d t o m a t o e s, p e p p e r s, p e s t o a n d p â t é s. T h e b ro a d e r r a n g e

aged balsamic vinegars reside for a minimum of three years

Near the cellar and nex t to the bottling site in the middle of the countr yside of Modena, Monari Federzoni also owns and sustainably grows over 250 acres of vineyards of Lambrusco, Ancelotta, Trebbiano and Albana grapes Monari Federzoni uses these grapes to produce the cooked grape must for its produc ts M onar i Feder zoni believes that a blend of these different types of grapes makes its recipes per fec t!

The Future of Monari Federzoni

I n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s t h i

launch a different for mat with its best-

natural c ycles All ingredients are meticulously sourced to provide a guilt-free exper ience, so you can snack all while being mindful of our planet

With versatilit y and a strategic approach, Elan is continuously expanding its horizons The brand is strong in the East while its presence in the West is gaining momentum; these innovative snacks are attracting the attention of retailers and chains look ing to expand their offer ings of organic and vegan products Moving for ward, Elan plans to achieve greater growth and increase brand recognition among snackers

For more information, email sales@ elanbio com or stop by booth #2660

I n 2012, M ichael M oss became the new President of Sweet Shop USA and has been an integral par t of the company ’s growth and success, even during the pandemic M ichael made a significant contribution to the company when he kept his employees wor k ing as he pivoted to mak ing facial shields for hospitals. Waymaker Shields was born and this unexpec ted turn of events allowed the company to thrive during the pandemic, not merely sur vive as it produced over one million facial shields. Sweet Shop USA continues to be an industr y leader in premium chocolate products and excellent customer service.

For more information, go to w w w.sweet shopusa.com or stop by booth #2337.

t o m a t o e s “Olive oil is a very competitive industry,” explained Colavita, “with an increasing number of players. What sets us apar t from our competitors is the histor y, the popularity, the strength and the trust in the Colavita brand that benefits its consumers, in many countries around the world. The uniqueness of the Colavita brand concept of tasting fantastic and looking stylish makes it the best everyday choice, being good value for the money against the other mass market brands.”

For more information, go to w w w .colavita.com or stop by booth #1836.

tions and it


on salad, used with gr illing or with an air fr yer

There will also be a surprise on the neck of the spray bottle: a QR code S canning it, customers will be able to vir tually travel to Modena, where Shota M itamura, the company chef, will share with them some traditional and innovative recipes, pairing each of them with its balsamic vinegars

Monari Federzoni (Cont ’d from p 1)
s s u m m e r,
o n a r i Fe d e r z o n i h a s d e c i d e d t o
s e l l e r v i n e g a r i n s i d e : t h e 8 5 - o u n c e s p r a y T h e s p r a y b o t t l e h a s b e e n l a u n c h e d i n I t a l y a n d o t h e r m a r k e t s, w h e re i t h a s b e e n a s u cce s s I t i s e a s y to use,
For more information, go to www par tner foodsgroup com or stop by booth #1652
Colavita (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
o f M e d i t e r r a n e a n f o o d s f e a t u r e s c o u sc o u s , c h i c k p e a s a n d a s e l e c t i o n o f
Sweet Shop USA (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Elan (Cont ’d from p 1)

25 Years of Sweetness

Splenda, Amer ica’s No 1 zero - calor ie sweetener brand, is announcing its 25th anniversar y O ver the past two and half decades, Splenda has transformed the

New York ’s Pizza Sauces, a premium line designed to elevate ever y homemade pizza exper ience while minimizing waste. Craf ted with precision and packed in convenient single -ser ving jars, these sauces promise to transform your pizza nights into culinar y exper iences, one bite at a time.

Indulge in the rich flavors of the Classic Pizza Sauce, meticulously craf ted with the finest Italian tomatoes, or savor the creamy goodness of White Pizza

latest revelation in the realm of hydration. At this year ’s show, held in the hear t of culinar y innovation, R ealm emerges as the epitome of pristine refreshment, drawing attention not only for its exceptional taste but also for its unique sourcing and commitment to purity

Nestled discreetly within the verdant expanse of the Adirondacks lies the secret to Realm’s exceptional quality Shielded from the pollutants and impurities that plague many water sources, a 50-acre proper ty houses an ar tesian well of unparalleled purity Fed by two vast aquifers coursing beneath the earth’s sur face, this hidden gem yields a bountiful supply of water so inherently balanced and delicious that it requires no chemical intervention or purification processes

same now as it has always been – to make delicious, wholesome food from the best qualit y natural ingredients. Thanks to its trusted relationships with farmers and millers in the Scottish Borders, the Nairn’s range is made with only the finest whole grain oats nature can provide – they ’re the No. 1 ingredient in ever ything it makes.

As a result, Nairn’s products are gluten free and contain no trans fats. I ts biscuits and grahams are some of the lowest sugar options available, with up to

Taste NY (Cont ’d from p 1)

State and across the globe Created in 2013, the program continues to grow and expand, with near ly 2,000 par ticipating farmers and small food and beverage businesses selling their produc ts under the Taste NY brand in over 70 retail locations statewide, including right here in the Javits Center and, most recently, at a dedicated mar ket in New Yor k Cit y ’s famous Grand Central Station

From unique selec tions of New Yor k

way Amer icans exper ience sweetness and help people achieve their health and wellness goals

As part of the anniversary, Splenda will

Sauce, boasting a blend of heavy cream, parmesan and romano cheese. For those seek ing bold and exciting flavors, Paesana Buffalo Pizza Sauce delivers a tantalizing k ick with its blend of hot sauce and cayenne peppers. Meanwhile, the Vodk a Pizza Sauce offers a sophisticated t wist, infusing I talian tomatoes with heavy cream and a splash of vodk a for a truly indulgent experience.

Pack aged in single -ser ving 8 5- ounce jars per fec tly por tioned for a 16-inch crust, these pizza sauces offer unparalleled convenience without compromis-

The visionar y behind this aqueous mar vel are the Miller Brothers, Mark and Joe, who share a fer vent advocate for sustainabilit y and natural resource preser vation Their journey to uncovering Realm’s source reads like a modernday odyssey, dr iven by a passion for deliver ing a produc t that transcends mere hydration, embodying purity in its most elemental form

What sets R ealm apar t is not just its source, but its unwavering commitment to preser ving the integr it y of nature’s bount y I n an era where water scarcit y and contamination loom large, R ealm stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that pristine water need not be a luxur y but rather a fundamental human right

The launch of Realm Ar tesian Water at this year ’s show is nothing shor t of spectacular Amidst a backdrop of culinar y

55% less sugar than the average sweet equivalents. Oats are also a natural prebiotic and naturally r ich in fiber, suppor ting good gut health.

Today, Nairn’s is the largest producer of oat crackers in the U.K ., and the U.K .’s No. 1 healthy biscuit brand. Nairn’s are also leaders in the gluten-free market as the No. 1 gluten-free brand in savor y biscuits and crackers and the best-selling gluten-free biscuit in the U.K . Its purpose -built gluten-free baker y in Edinburgh, S cotland, produces an award-winning range of produc ts. They are exper tly baked by an exper ienced

gourmet food items like hot sauce, jam, coffee and specialty honey to farm fresh produc ts like cheese and milk , maple syrup and produce to locally produced beverages like wine, beer, cider, spirits, juices, kombucha and more, Taste NY has been successfully mar keting New York agricultural producers and processors for more than a decade

The program has helped to bring over $100 million in economic impac t to New York State producers over the years through its retail outlets, events and sponsorships The state’s 11 Welcome

be releasing limited edition birthday packaging, embarking on a yearlong event to bring the zero-calorie sweetness message to communities and operators, and also a recipe campaign featuring lower calorie versions of fan favorites like smoothies, cakes, muffins and other baked treats

ing on taste. Each jar reflec ts the Paesana brand ’s commitment to sourcing the finest ingredients and upholding time -honored recipes, ensur ing that ever y pizza night is a testament to quality and flavor.

But why stop at pizza? Follow Paesana on Facebook and Instagram for original recipes from Buffalo M ac & Cheese to White Sauce Gnocchi or R isotto. Paesana Pizza Sauces aren’t just toppings; they ’re the secret ingredients to creating culinar y masterpieces at home

In a market where taste and conven-

innovation and epicurean delights, Realm's booth stands out as an oasis of pur it y and refinement. Attendees are flock ing to sample this liquid ambrosia, their taste buds tantalized by its unparalleled freshness and clarity

But beyond its exquisite taste, Realm's presence at the show ser ves as a catalyst for larger conversations sur rounding sustainabilit y and environmental stewardship As consumers become increasingly discerning about the origins of their food and beverages, R ealm's transparent sourcing and commitment to preser ving natural ecosystems resonated deeply with attendees

For Chief Executive O fficer Todd Kletter, the launch of Realm Ar tesian Water represents more than just a business venture; it embodies a philosophy rooted in reverence for nature and a steadfast dedication to quality In an in-

team to the highest quality and tested to ELISA standards, ensuring consumers can enjoy them safe in the k nowledge that they ’re cer tified gluten free.

The range of Oat Breakfast Biscuits and Oat Grahams are packed full of golden baked, whole grain oats and natural ingredients. From the real fruit pieces in the Blueber r y & R aspber r y Breakfast Biscuits to the finest qualit y dar k chocolate pieces in its Chocolate Chip Oat Grahams, these produc ts deliver big flavors, per fec tly paired with deliciously crunchy and crumbly oats for a satisfying, healthier snack . They come

Centers strategically located across the state; its airpor ts, state parks and highway ser vice plazas; and par tnerships with local spor ts venues and high-profile national event organizers like the PGA Tour, the Saratoga Race Course and more all help increase exposure for Taste NY ’s par ticipants and introduce millions of consumers wor ldwide to New York made produc ts B y buying produc ts sold under the Taste NY logo, consumers and businesses are direc tly suppor ting New Yor k ’s agr icultural communit y Taste

Splenda is on a mission to help people live happier, healthier and longer lives by mak ing it easier to reduce sugar through delicious, low- calorie sweeteners and innovations such as Splenda diabetes care shakes, Splenda creamers and Splenda water enhancers

ience reign supreme, Paesana Pizza Sauces stand out as a beacon of excellence. With premium qualit y, unmatched flavor profiles and convenient pack aging, they ’re poised to become the trusted choice for discerning palates ever y where.

Elevate your customer ’s pizza experience with Paesana Pizza Sauces – the ultimate choice for pizza lovers ever y where

For more information, go to w w w paesana com

dustr y r ife with commodification and mass produc tion, K letter's vision for Realm is refreshingly authentic, driven by a desire to reconnec t consumers with the purity and simplicity of the natural world

Looking ahead, Realm Ar tesian Water is poised to revolutionize the way we think about hydration With its unparalleled taste, transparent sourcing and unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability, Realm stands as a beacon of hope amidst a world facing mounting environmental challenges As consumers continue to prioritize health, wellness and ethical consumption, Realm stands ready to quench their thirst for a product that not only nourishes the body but also feeds the soul

For more information, go to w w w drinkrealm com or stop by booth #5354

in handy little por tion packs, great for on the go, desk drawers or glove compar tments.

Nairn’s produc t range consists of over 45 sweet and savor y produc ts, all made with simple, natural ingredients to provide delicious, healthier options for all occasions and lifestyles. Nairn’s continues to grow and expand its gluten-free range and lead innovation in the categor y with many first to market glutenfree offerings.

For more information, go to w w w .nairns.com/usa or stop by booth #1736.

NY ’s par ticipants are New York farmers, crafting produc t grown or produced on their land and small businesses that pr ide themselves on using New Yor k grown and produced ingredients in their produc ts By buying Taste NY, consumers are celebrating the quality and diversity of food and beverages grown, produced or processed in New Yor k State

Businesses are encouraged to discover the quality of Taste NY

For more information, go to taste ny gov

Nairn’s (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Realm (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Paesana (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

Stonewall Kitchen (Cont ’d from p 1)

Family of Brands, this year ’s collec tion is brimming with festive cheer thanks to exclusive designs created by its inhouse team Beautifully decorated with color ful florals and tar tans, each present is finished with the appearance of a cute tag and tied ribbon for a pretty presentation

The Jam Tree is the per fec t introduction to this merr y assor tment M ini ver-

professional innovation, extensive experience and unwavering passion throughout the years With this long journey of excellence, Principe has become the foremost producer of Prosciutto di San Daniele

In the enchanting town of San Daniele del Friuli, you’ll discover a place where history intertwines with tradition amidst a backdrop of unparalleled natural beauty This small, hilly town, nestled between the Carnic Alps and the Adriatic Sea, boasts a microclimate that is among the most unique in the world It is precisely here, where the cold winds from the mountains converge with the warm

Braison (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

sheep’s milk cheese, designed to be warmed in its wooden container.

Americans have been enjoying baked br ie for decades. This hot, new cheese has been warming the hear ts of sheep cheese lovers. Produced in the southwest of France, a region famous for its sheep’s milk cheesemak ing heritage, Le Braison is tak ing it to the nex t level of deliciousness. Le Braison is a delicate, soft sheep’s milk cheese that is bakeable and ser ved hot, mak ing this an ir resistible cheese that is sure to please both gourmets and the most demand-

fusion of flavor and nutrition From the sun-soaked vineyards to the coastal lemon groves, B ella Sun Luci sources only the finest ingredients to bring you vinaigrettes that not only excite your taste buds, but also nourish your body I n the dynamic wor ld of culinar y del i g h t s, B e l l a S u n Lu c i ’s I t a l i a n K i t c h e n Line takes center stage once again with the launch of t wo ex traordinar y vinaigrettes Brace yourselves for a taste revo l u t i o n a s B e l l a S u n Lu c i i n t ro d u c e s

humble beginnings into a global powerhouse, renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation At the heart of its success lies an array of meticulously crafted spices, but none have captured the imagination of chefs and home cooks quite like its iconic Complete Seasoning® The Complete Seasoning stands as a testament to Badia Spices’ dedication to flavor perfection Crafted from a harmonious blend of spices and herbs, including garlic,

sions of three sweet spreads treat recipients to irresistible flavors that ’ll elevate brunch staples like pancakes, toast, muffins and pastr ies Elegantly packaged in a tr iangular box that evokes Yuletide bliss, it ’s a terrific gift for family and friends

When it comes to the jolly mornings that are a hallmark of chilly months, it ’s easy to delight houseguests with Stonewall K itchen’s Holiday Breakfast, Far mhouse Breakfast and Blueber r y

breezes from the sea, that the magic of Principe Prosciutto di San Daniele begins

Considered one of the world ’s finest delicacies, Pr incipe Prosciutto di San Daniele owes its exceptional quality and flavor to the per fec t harmony of Alpine winds and mar itime influences This unique combination infuses the prosciutto with a special fragrance and taste that is truly incomparable Each slice tells a stor y of centuries- old craftsmanship, a deep connection to the land and a stor y of the seasons

Crafted exclusively from Italian breeds and in compliance with str ic t animal welfare standards, Principe Prosciutto di San Daniele is a testament to the dedi-

ing cheese lovers!

Le Braison was created so anyone can prepare at home – just heat, and eat. I t will be sure to wow you with its flavor and irresistible tex ture. Le Braison takes its name from the rural tradition of slowly cook ing food over a wood fire. Just like R oquefor t cheese, it is made with milk from the Lacaune sheep. Located mainly within the Grands Causses Regional Natural Park , this breed grazes in the open air between gorges, valleys and limestone high plateaus whenever conditions are favorable

The sheep feed on the vegetation of these pastures that are rich in flowers and

Champagne Vinaigrette with California

C h a m p a g n e G r a p e s a n d M e ye r s

Lemon Vinaigrette with Basil and Wildflower Honey – the newest members of t h e 1 0 0 % O l i ve O i l B a s e d v i n a i g re t t e line

The Champagne Vinaigrette is handcrafted in small batches This Napa-style vinaigrette combines the subtle sweetness of Califor nia champagne grapes with the per fect balance of herbs, resulting in a flavor profile that is fresh, unique and full of flavor

The M eyers Lemon Vinaigrette with

onion, oregano and a hint of citrus, it offers a symphony of tastes that transform ordinary dishes into culinary masterpieces Its versatility knows no bounds, enhancing the natural flavors of meats, vegetables, soups and salads with every sprinkle

What sets the Complete Seasoning apart is its ability to evoke a sense of culinar y adventure With each use, it invites exploration and experimentation, encouraging cooks to push the boundaries of flavor and creativity Whether grilling, sautéing or roasting, this seasoning blend

Breakfast gifts Company classics like the Wild M aine Blueber r y Jam and Far mhouse Pancake & Waffle M ix are thoughtfully tucked into attractive, winter-themed boxes that recall the coz y comfor ts of the season

And, since the holidays are a time for gatherings, there’s always a need for the right hostess gif t Expressing gratitude with a unique contribution to the festivities couldn’t be simpler with the Cocktail Par t y, I talian Dinner and Cheese

cation of ar tisans who uphold centuries of tradition Made simply from pork leg and salt, it offers a genuine and refined taste that transcends time

Protec ted by PDO designation, Principe Prosciutto di San Daniele guarantees traceabilit y and qualit y assurance, ensuring that each slice meets the highest standards of excellence From its rich, complex aroma to its tender, silk y texture, ever y aspect of Prosciutto di San Daniele speaks to the ancient ar tistr y and unparalleled exper tise of its makers

As you savor each moment of Principe Prosciutto di San Daniele’s slow aging journey, you’re not just tasting a culinar y treasure; you're experiencing a living

wild herbs, the reason behind the delicate scented sheep’s milk specific to the Lacaune breed. Lacaune sheep are fed non-GMO fodder and grains coming at least 80% from the farm where they are raised. Le Braison sheep's milk is carefully collected from select farms located near the cheesemaker preserving its quality. I ts innovative 8.5- ounce (240g) ovenready pack age allows Le Braison to be baked in a traditional or pizza oven, on the bar becue and even in foil over a wood fire “So simple to bake: just put it in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes to get to the ideal meltiness of it,” says Laure Menke, Marketing Manager for Le Brai-

Basil and Wildflower Honey is a testament to the west coast charm, boasting a br ight and vibrant flavor that stands unmatched in the market Sourced from Meyer lemons picked at their peak , this vinaigrette captures the essence of citrusy delight, har moniously blended with the aromatic notes of basil and the subtle sweetness of honey

Bella Sun Luci is the go -to vinaigrette brand because it keeps it simple and genuine Bella Sun Luci uses only olive oil in its recipes, saying no to seed oils and preser vatives I ts commitment to

adds depth and richness to dishes, making it a must-have in any kitchen arsenal

Beyond its exceptional flavor profile, the Complete Seasoning embodies the essence of Badia Spices’ commitment to culinar y excellence I t pays homage to a rich tapestr y of global flavors while offer ing a taste of Latin Amer ican heritage In a world where trends come and go, the Complete Seasoning remains a timeless classic, beloved by chefs and home cooks alike

As Badia Spices continues to innovate

Pairing Collection Stylishly pack aged to make a lasting impression, these snacks, spreads, dinner essentials and dr ink mixers make delicious additions to dinner tables and charcuterie boards With more than a dozen sets to choose from, Stonewall K itchen’s 2024 Holiday Collec tion has something for ever yone on your customers’ lists

For more information, go to w w w stonewallkitchen com

legac y that spans over 2,000 years

In addition to centuries of exper tise in crafting fine prosciutto, Principe also features a full line of traditionally cured crafted meats, from salami to mortadella, pancetta, coppa and a number of curated special collec tions The special Principe Italian Salumi Collection featuring prosciutto, soppressata, gentile and coppa raises the bar on fine cured meats

I t ’s time to elevate your senses and style to the brand that sets a new standard in taste, tex ture and refined elegance: Principe Fine I talian Salumi

For more information, go to www principef oods.com or stop by booth #1772.

son. “Dip some bread or potatoes and you are in for a treat.” Aromatic her bs such as thyme or rosemar y as well as some spices or honey can all make wonder ful additions on Le Braison. When you have such a high- quality product, the recipe to a successful tasting can be ver y simple: warm up Le Braison and use it as a dip or spread. “One thing I’ll confess is that Le Braison is so good that sometimes I dream of keeping it just for myself,” admits Laure “Bon appetit!”

For more information, go to w w w lac talisamericangroup com or stop by booth #336

pure, quality ingredients makes its vinaigrettes stand out, ensur ing a flavor ful and healthy choice for your salads Trust Bella Sun Luci for straightfor ward, delicious dressings Available for order now!

Visit Bella Sun Luci at booth #1537 to learn more and taste the flavors of the new I talian Kitchen line

For more information, visit w w w bella sunluci com or connect on Instagram and Facebook @bellasunluci, email sales@ mooneyfarms com or stop by booth #1537

and inspire, the Complete Seasoning remains a shining example of its dedication to flavor innovation Each jar tells the stor y of a brand that has per fec ted the ar t of spice blending, inviting consumers to embark on a flavor ful journey unlike any other So, the nex t time you step into the k itchen, let Badia Spices and the iconic Complete Seasoning be your guide to culinar y greatness

For more information, go to w w w badiaspices com or stop by booth #5640

Le Bella Sun Luc i (Cont ’d from p 1) Badia Spices (Cont ’d. from p. 1) Princ ipe S alumi (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

production facility The expansion marks a massive step for ward for Tempesta and enables the family- owned company to meet customer demand and introduce strategic new offerings

Increasing Capacity and Onboarding a Slicing Line

The new facility significantly expands Tempesta’s capacity for both foodser vice and retail sales Notably, the modern production space will feature the company ’s first dedicated slicing line – expected to be in full operation, and delivering sliced products to market by the third quar ter of this year The addition will fur ther streamline Tempesta’s operations and provide greater accessibility to its highquality salumi while also offering pro-

a brand by my company, EverGreen USA, that I star ted after moving to the United States from Turkey in 2007 We created this snack to channel ever yone’s favorite part of a classic sundae cone – the chocolate -filled bottom We have spent the last year innovating our product line, and we can’t wait to showcase our additions

GN: What ’s new with Just The Fun Par t?

family- owned manufac turing company that specializes in round, oval, rectangular and square transparent plastic containers, in combinations of all plastic, plastic and cardboard, and plastic and metal, as well as vacuum form trays and inser ts

Our visual pack aging enables you to show off your great produc ts Whether it is keeping it sleek and simple or going full on graphical, either option will enable you to show off your great produc ts I f leveraging your brand equit y is par t of your strategy, then four- color process or offset printing direc tly onto the pack age will cer tainly do that

not k now?

RC: Although we are a family business, we employ nearly 80 full-time, non-family employees, ranging from licensed cheesemakers, cow herd managers, milkers, pack aging, maintenance staff and more We have great staff back home at our dair y farm and cheese factor y that help us produce far m fresh milk and our award-winning cheeses We are ver y proud to be an employer of choice in our town and agr icultural community Our staff work ever y day on the farm to care for our cows, calves and crops Our cheesemaking staff manufactures consistent, high- qualit y cheese five to six days a week to make sure it is available to our end users in stores

duction ser vices to other producers

For the Love of Snacking D oubling down on demand for snacksized offerings, Tempesta will fur ther expand its produc t line with the initial release of single -ser ving snack sticks and more will follow The new categor y caters to the increasing consumer demand for convenient premium charcuter ie options on the go, aligning with Tempesta’s commitment to crafting responsibly sourced, natural salumi for a growing market

A Legac y of Continued Recognition Tempesta’s dedication to qualit y and tradition continues to receive widespread acclaim The spic y, spreadable 'nduja (n-doo-ja) is regularly heralded as the first and only in the United States to

AA: Last year, we showed off our four new flavors: Hazelnut, Peanut Butter, Strawberr y and Coconut This year, we are thrilled to announce several new flavors that will be in stock and ready for sampling These flavors include Pistachio Cream, Espresso, Salted Caramel, M int, PB&J and Cook ie Butter I n addition to these new flavor editions, we’ve also recently launched a spinoff of our JTFP line called Just The Fun Bite! M ini butter biscuits covered in chocolate

Our newest produc t will romanticize both you and your customers It is a vacuum-formed pack age in the shape of a star The clear, rec yclable pack age with a gold or silver edge provides a sneak peek into the produc t within, creating an allur ing anticipation that enhances the overall customer exper ience I t is per fec t for a variety of occasions – from winter holidays to bir thdays, anniversaries and more I t ’s a versatile pack aging solution that suits any event Our Star Pack aging adds a touch of magic to any item

Two other produc t lines can help you achieve higher perceived values One is a produc t line that will offer surprises I t is a c ylinder that looks like a metal can,

GN: What do you think is the first thing that comes to mind when consumers hear the name Crave Brothers?

RC: You guessed it, the first thing that comes to mind when consumers hear Crave Brothers is family Our company name signals out one component of our business, and that is that we are a multigenerational family business For the consumers who are familiar with our produc ts, I can confidently assume that they take it one step fur ther and think of fresh, delicious, award-winning cheese We have built a brand that people k now they can trust for consistent, high- quality cheeses

GN: What is your best-selling cheese?

RC: Our cheeses range from a fresh moz-

win a Good Food Award Adding to its many praises, The New Yor k Times recently noted Tempesta’s highly decorated mor tadella in “How M or tadella Went From Cold Cut to Hot I tem ” Tempesta’s commitment to time -honored techniques, using regionally sourced, high-quality ingredients and no added hormones, the Finocchiona, Speck , Pistachio Mor tadella, Culatello and Wagyu Bresaola have garnered recognition from renowned institutions such as the sofi™ Awards and Charcuterie Masters Found on the shelves of beloved specialty retailers like Fox Trot Market, Zingerman’s, Eataly and Whole Foods, Tempesta’s charcuterie has also long been recognized as the in-house choice for acclaimed restaurants nationwide “ We’re incredibly grateful for the overwhelmingly positive response to our

GN: Who is your target market?

AA: Simply put, we made this produc t for ever yone to enjoy People of all ages have a distinc t memor y of the end of a sundae cone Whether you’re 8 or 80, you’ll remember rushing to the bottom to get that last, chocolate -filled bite

GN: What is the nature of your distribution?

AA: We are the direc t manufac turer of

but it is not a metal can As the company is named Billie -Ann Plastics, the material that is used to replicate this look is plastic This allows you to provide a pack age that achieves a greater perceived value without the added cost of metal The second is the unCANNY CAN This c ylinder st yle has a r ing-pull design that spor ts an aluminum r ing-pull on one end and a unique tamper evident formfitting base on the other As you can see on the company website, www billieannplastics com, the sk y is the limit for the number of uses for this new and exciting packaging What a way to make your produc t pop!

We can custom run to your size requirements We have a low minimum of

zarella, which annually peaks during tomato season, to a Oaxaca cheese used primarily in Hispanic cuisines year-round We also produce a soft I talian cream cheese, mascarpone, in traditional and chocolate flavors, which are great for desser ts, especially around Easter and Christmas With the seasonality that we see with our products, it is hard to really name a best seller, but if I had to pick one, it would be our flagship item, our fresh mozzarella We offer it in various sizes for retail, foodser vice and as an ingredient It is cer tainly a consumer favorite!

GN: We hear the ter m “sustainabilit y ” of ten D o you think it has become a buzz word?

RC: I do believe that it has grown to be used as a buzz word Sustainability in our

products,” says Tony Fiasche, Co -Owner of Tempesta Ar tisan Salumi “ We just need to keep building on the momentum This new facility allows us to strategically expand our produc tion capabilities and introduce new products that surprise and delight We’re proud to continue our family legacy and share our passion for salumi with the wider world ” Tempesta, named af ter the R oman goddess of stor ms and a nod to Chicago’s nick name, embodies over a centur y of family exper tise R ooted in the Calabrian tradition, the Fiasche family prioritizes local relationships, exceptional qualit y and unwaver ing commitment to ar tisanal craft

For more information, go to w w w tempestaar tisansalumi com or stop by booth #168

Just The Fun Part We have seven production facilities in Turkey, where our product is delicately manufactured While we can expor t all over the globe, our main distribution center is conveniently located in our warehouse in New Jersey We house over 150 different items and Just The Fun Par t is always in stock

For more information, go to w w w justthe funpar t com, call 551 333 1119 or stop by booth #5221

only 1,000 pieces Our smallest diameter c ylinder is 1 5 inches increasing to 7 inches in increments of approximately 0 5 inches For t wo -piece boxes, all lengths, widths and heights are adjustable to your requirements in 1/32 inch increments Vacuum form trays and inser ts using var ying gauges and colors can be as small as 2 x 1 or much larger Star ted in 1973, we are constantly changing the way we do business to help your business Billie -Ann Plastics is a miB Company (made in Brook lyn)

For more information, go to w w w billie annplastics com, call 718 497 5555, email info@billieannplastics com or stop by booth #2760

industr y of ten has different definitions for different people. I don’t think there is any right or wrong definition, but you need to understand the contex t it is being used in to get a full understanding of what “sustainability ” term they are referring to At Crave Brothers, we talk about sustainability regarding our green energy stor y, but also in terms of our business plan to ensure that we can maintain production for the next generations Both are equally impor tant to us I t has become a priorit y to our consumers that the food they are purchasing in the store represents what their personal values are, and evidentially sustainability remains top of mind through buyer behavior and engagement

For more information, go to w w w cravecheese com

Just The Fun Par t (Cont ’d from p 1) Billie-Ann Plastics (Cont ’d from p 1) Crave Brothers (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
(Cont ’d from
Tempesta Ar tisan S alumi

p 1)

the B onne M aman family of premium produc ts This new flavor expands the brand’s specialty nut spreads following the 2023 introduc tion of Bonne Maman Hazelnut Chocolate Spread With these two deliciously indulgent specialty nut spreads, Bonne Maman will elevate any breakfast and snack ing occasion

unveils a sleek , new identit y alongside its groundbreak ing culinar y concept –“Pop Drop D one ” – featur ing fresh, flash-frozen garlic and herbs This introduces the most significant evolution of the D orot G ardens brand since the launch of its notable purple pack age in 2017

Craf ted in collaboration with Chase Design Group, the rebrand aims to rejuvenate Dorot Gardens’ appeal to home cooks wor ldwide Vibrant pack aging hues and compelling messaging underscore the brand’s ethos encapsulated in “Pop Drop Done ” “ The new Dorot Gardens branding now has larger, more prominent flavor callouts and individual colors assigned to each flavor! The new pack age will ensure consumers pick the right flavor to avoid making a flavor mistake so they can use the different flavors hassle -free,” says Laura M orris, M arketing Direc tor of D orot G ardens The rebranding objec tive is to entice anyone who cooks and eats into the k itchen by

While its commitment to qualit y and freshness sets Cobram Estate apar t from the rest, it continues to take pride in cultivating and har vesting the finest California olives I ts olives are nur tured with care, picked at peak r ipeness and processed with precision all within six hours to ensure its award-winning extra virgin olive oil delivers unmatched

Ariston Spec ialties (Cont ’d. from p. 4)

Blanco, Queso Fresco and other authentic cheeses that br ing a touch of Latin flavor to any dish

“Gayo A zul has been a constant companion in many k itchens for years, and we are thrilled to add Gayo A zul Queso Fresco to our lineup,” says Josh R osen, Brand M anager at Fr ieslandCampina “ With the r ise in H ispanic influence in cheeses and other dishes, Queso Fresco is sure to be a big hit at home to enjoy Taco Tuesdays and other food occasions,” adds Rosen

Gayo A zul stands as a hallmark of excellence, craf ting fresh cheese from cow ’s milk , boasting a firm tex ture and a subtly salt y, mild flavor profile R enowned for its high melting point,

Staying true to the brand ’s values, B onne M aman Peanut Chocolate Spread is made with simple ingredients, is palm oil free and has no ar tificial flavors With generous amounts of peanuts and a smooth, creamy tex ture,

demonstrating the Dorot G ardens’ unparalleled ease, qualit y and convenience with pre -por tioned flash-frozen gar lic and her bs, eliminating the need for chopping or measuring while deliver ing garden-fresh flavors at a moment ’s notice Dorot Gardens strives to simplify the k itchen experience, saving time and guesswork from chopping and measur ing, and mak ing it easy for the consumer to store and utilize high-quality ingredients with less prep and waste

The rebrand elements will be integrated across all produc t SKUs and ser ve as the cornerstone of a revamped website, in-store displays, digital and social media campaigns, and adver tisements

The bold rebrand and revamped pack aging will offer home cooks a k itchen shor tcut to elevate their culinar y creations using Dorot Gardens' effor tless convenience and premium quality “ We wanted the new pack aging and brand assets to convey clear ly : Dorot Gardens is revolutionizing cooking, ensuring richer, fresher flavors and

freshness and flavor

When you choose a bottle from Cobram Estate’s Ever yday Essentials line, you’re not just selec ting a k itchen staple; you’re embar k ing on a jour ney to enhance your culinar y exper tise

Whether drizzling over a vibrant salad, using it to roast vegetables, or infusing it with herbs for a homemade dressing, Cobram Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oil Everyday Essentials offer you the secret ingredient

t i o n , yo u c a n g e t c re a t i ve w i t h t h e r i s o t t o s a n d p a i r t h e m w i t h o t h e r A r i s t o n p r o d u c t s Fo r e x a m p l e , t h e P u m p k i n

R i s o t t o p a i r s we l l w i t h A r i s t o n’s R o s e -

the cheese’s alluring consistency softens upon cook ing What sets G ayo A zul apar t is its distinc tive approach to cheesemak ing, a unique blend of Dutch and Hispanic traditions With decades of evolution and innovation, Gayo A zul offers an array of cheeses that have found their place in k itchens across generations

The new Queso Fresco joins the other G ayo A zul cheese var ieties, which are conveniently available in diverse offerings, including:

• Cotija: A fir m and crumbly M exican aged cow ’s milk cheese with a shar p, slightly salt y flavor, per fec t for enchiladas, tacos and street corn toppings

• D utch Edam: A fir mer cousin of G ouda, with a r ich flavor and smooth,

B onne M aman Peanut Chocolate Spread delivers a deliciously r ich taste that consumers will love at first taste

aromas We are confident that the new pack aging will ‘pop’ off the freezer shelves into the consumers’ car ts,” adds Morris

Dorot G ardens has per fec ted the ar t of preser ving the essence of fresh herbs such as basil, ginger and gar lic Each herb is captured at its peak through its cutting- edge flash-freezing process, ensur ing vibrant flavors and aromas are sealed This method guarantees that home cooks can savor the taste of freshly picked herbs year-round without the hassle of peeling, chopping or dealing with wilted leaves D orot G ardens meticulously selec ts the finest ingredients, growing top - qualit y gar lic and herbs, which are then washed, peeled, chopped, flash-frozen and pre -portioned for easy use, infusing dishes with garden-fresh flavor effor tlessly, saving time on preparation and cleanup

The Dorot Gardens rebrand promises to showcase an innovative cook ing method that saves time and enhances dishes with a burst of fresh flavors Bid farewell to bland, dried spices and em-

to elevate any dish to perfection Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is not just a culinar y delight, but key to promoting overall health and wellness Cobram Estate’s unwavering dedication to preser ving the natural goodness of single -origin olives sets it apar t The result? Ever y bottle of Cobram Estate EVOO is a treasure trove of health benefits, packed with hear t-healthy monounsaturated fats, power ful antioxidants and anti-inflam-

m a r y, A r i s t o n B a s i l o l i ve o i l o r A r i s t o n

C u r r y i n f u s e d o l i v e o i l T h e S e a f o o d

r i s o t t o p a i r s w e l l w i t h t h e A r i s t o n

Le m o n i n f u s e d o l i v e o i l Yo u c a n a l s o a d d A r i s t o n’s i n f u s e d s e a s a l t l i n e a n d A r i s t o n’s B l a c k

creamy tex ture, ideal for cheeseboards, bak ing dishes and salads

• European Swiss: A semi-firm cheese boasting a sweet, nutty taste and iconic round holes, suitable for burgers, cold and grilled sandwiches

• Q ueso Blanco: A fresh, white cow ’s milk cheese with a slightly salt y and mild flavor I ts young age creates an irresistibly creamy yet crumbly tex ture that holds its shape well, mak ing it ideal for grilling

• Q ueso Para Freir: A fresh, white cow's milk cheese with a slightly salt y, mild flavor, k nown for its higher melting point, per fect for fr ying, sandwiches and baked dishes

Gayo Azul stands as a proud brand under the umbrella of Royal FrieslandCampina

For more information, go to w w w bonnemaman us For retail sales information, contac t World Finer Foods, Inc , at info@worldfiner com Learn more at booth #1536

brace the ar t of cook ing with Dorot Gardens – where convenience meets uncompromising taste, mak ing this an irresistible purchase

Dorot Gardens’ frozen herbs and garlic streamline the cook ing process, creating delicious and nutritious meals at home with minimal effor t The current Dorot Gardens lineup includes crushed gar lic, crushed ginger, chopped basil, sautéed glazed onions, chopped cilantro, crushed tur mer ic, chopped parsley and chopped dill, each per fectly por tioned in innovative trays, mak ing flavoring food as simple as a quick “pop” of the tray As dr ied and jar red her bs lose a por tion of their flavor and nutrition, D orot G ardens ensures that anyone can enjoy the benefits of fresh her bs without the commitment of growing them or the hassle of preparing them Plus, with a t wo -year shelf life, even out- of-season ingredients maintain their freshness

For more information, go to dorot gardens com

mator y proper ties

Whether a seasoned chef or a novice cook , Cobram Estate’s ex tra virgin olive oil invites you to dream big and create with passion With Cobram Estate, ever y kitchen becomes a hub of togetherness, where loved ones gather to savor delicious, wholesome meals

For more information and recipes, go to w w w.cobramestate.com/recipes.

The company enriches millions of lives across the globe by delivering dair y products infused with the essential nutrients of milk FrieslandCampina products are in over a hundred countries, with its central office situated in Amersfoor t, the Netherlands The company ’s endeavors span four global market-focused business groups: Food & Beverage, Specialized Nutrition, Trading and Ingredients Fully owned by Zuivelcoöpate FrieslandCampina U A , which represents 16,995 dair y farmers across the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, FrieslandCampina is one of the world’s most prominent dair y cooperatives

For more information, go to w w w frieslandcampina com and w w w gayo azul com or stop by booth #658

Bonne Maman (Cont ’d from
Pa c k a g e d i n a n e m b o s s e d B o n n e M a m a n g l a s s j a r, B o n n e M a m a n Pe a n u t C h o c o l a t e S p r e a d i s i d e a l f o r s n a c k i n g, s p r e a d i n g o r i n c o r p o r a t i n g a s a n i n gre d i e nt i n b e l ove d re c i p e s I t i s av a i l a b l e i n a 1 2 3 - o u n c e j a r b e g i nn i n g S u m m e r 2 0 2 4
Dorot Gardens (Cont ’d from p 1) Cobram Esta te (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
a d d i n g A r i s t o n’s S e l e c t e x t r a v i r g i n o l i v e o i l o r a n y o f A r i s t o n’s i n f u s e d
of the bene f i t s o f t h e s e p ro d u c t s i s t h a t t h e y a re g l u t e n f r e e a n d h a v e n o a d d e d s a l t T h e y a r e a l s o G M O f r e e I n a d d i
olive oils to the recipe One
Pe p p e r c o r n t o a n y o f t h e s e r i s o t t o s p r o d u c t s a s w e l l t o t a s t e E n j o y a n d b u o n a p p e t i t o f r o m A r i s t o n S p e c i a l t i e s ! For more information, go to www ariston specialties com or call 860 263 8498
Gayo A zul (Cont ’d from p 4)

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