Sweets & Treats Show Extra @ Sweets & Snacks Expo • May 2024

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Las Olas Confections and Snacks has been delivering award-winning, premium confections for brands that have been around for decades The Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brand names in their ubiquitous yellow boxes and palm-covered pouches have dominated shelves and have unfailingly transported adoring customers to paradise with

Olas will con-

Introducing innovative nuts and dried fruits to the snacking industry, Elan offers a diverse range of organic, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO and vegan snacks

Elan is an exciting clean label that skillfully blends nuts with superfoods Say goodbye to confusing ingredient l i s t s : t h e b r a n d provides minimally processed foods that are “deliciously good for you ® ” Elan has existed f o r 1 2 y e a r s i

N o r t h A m e r i c

High-Quality Nutrition to Better Fuel Your Body

WOWBUTTER is an all-natural complete plant protein spread, containing all nine essential amino acids nec-

Introducing Oh!asis™ “Our Anastasia and Coconut Island confections are deeply loved,” says Greg Power,

b u t w a s s u c c e s sfully launched on the U S market in 2021 Elan is distributed nationally through KeHE and UNFI and can also be found at a growing list of established groceries and health food

e v e r y i n d u lgent bite N o w
L a s
t i n u e t o d o e x a c t l y t h a t but
an e x c i t i n g n e w r e b r a n d
C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O f f e r , L a s O l a s C o n f e c t i o n s a n d
e s s a r y t o b u i l d a n d m a i n t a i n m u s c l e a n d c r uc i a l f o r m a n y o t h e r i m p o r t a n t b o d y f u n c t i o n s M o r e i m p o r t a n tl y , W O W B U T T E R h a s s i g n i f i c a n t l y b e tt e r q u a l i t y p r ot e i n t h a n s u nflower, peanut or a l m o n d b u t t e r , g i v i n g W O W B U T T E R a p r o t e i n digestibility
meat or dairy protein It’s a
protein option to fuel your body more
every bite
perfect plant-based
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BOOTH #11732
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Get In O n the Fun with Just The Fun Par t

BOOTH #12528

An inter view with Aytur Aksu, President, Just The Fun Par t

ST: Tell us a little about your company

Darrell Lea O ffers Better-for-You

Ingredients in New Line of Licorice

BOOTH #10324

Tor tuga


pirit Cakes Marks 40 Years of Excellence in Categor y

BOOTH #22750

AA: Just The Fun Par t is a brand by my company, EverGreen USA, that I star ted after moving to the United States from Turkey in 2007 We created this snack to channel ever yone’s favor ite par t of a classic sundae cone – the chocolate -filled bottom! This will be our third year exhibiting at Sweets & Snacks Expo and we couldn’t be more excited! We have spent the last year innovating our produc t line, and we can’t wait to showcase our additions.

ST: What ’s new with Just The Fun Par t?

Meet Oh!asis, the Newly Branded Relaunch from L as Olas

Las Olas Confec tions and Snacks has been delivering award-winning, premium confec tions for brands that have been around for decades The Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brand names in their ubiquitous yellow boxes and palm- covered pouches have dominated shelves and have unfailingly transpor ted adoring customers to paradise with ever y indulgent bite

Now, Las Olas will continue to do exac tly that but under an exciting new rebrand I ntroducing Oh!asis™ “Our Anastasia and Coconut Island confec tions are deeply loved,” says Greg Power, Chief Executive Offer, Las Olas Confections and Snacks “ We’re

Darrell Lea, the renowned candy company k nown for its premium, Australian-made licorice is mak ing waves as the fastest- growing premium licor ice brand in the United States

According to a recent study by Future M ar ket Insights, the U S licorice market is on a steep rise, expec ted to grow from $278 5 million to $403 4 million in the nex t 10 years. The r ise in popular it y can be attr ibuted in par t to consumers’ preferences for nostalgic treats in fresh flavors and better-for-you ingredients.

Licorice You’ll Love to Eat

Nuts Meet S uper foods: Elan S pecialty S nacks

Continued on Page 18

Tor tuga Spirit Cakes, the pioneering brand k nown for its exceptional gourmet and spirit cakes, celebrates four decades of innovation and culinar y ar tistr y in the industr y Since its inception, Tor tuga has remained at the forefront of the market, continuously pushing boundaries and delighting consumers with an array of delectable offerings

O ver the past 40 years, Tor tuga Spirit Cakes has solidified its position as a global leader, captivating the palates of discerning consumers worldwide With a relentless commitment to quality, innovation and a keen u n d e r s t a n ding of evolving consumer preferences, Tor tuga has consistently raised the bar in the gourmet and spirit cakes categor y.

The brand’s evolution is showcased in its iconic rum cakes and the more recent Southern Trio series, a tribute to Amer ica’s r ich culinar y and spir it her itage. Among these, the Kentuck y B our bon Butter Cake

WOWBUT TER The Ultimate S pread

I ntroducing innovative nuts and dr ied fruits to the snack ing industr y, Elan offers a diverse range of organic, gluten-free, kosher, non-GMO and vegan snacks Elan is an exciting clean label that sk illfully blends nuts with super foods Say goodbye to confusing ingredient lists: the brand provides minimally processed foods that are “deliciously good for you ® ” Elan has existed for 12 years in Nor th America, but was successfully launched on the U S mar ket in 2021 Elan is distributed nationally through KeHE and UNFI and can also be found at a growing list of established groceries and health food

High-Quality Nutrition to Better Fuel Your Body

WOWBUT TER is an all-natural complete plant protein spread, containing all nine essential amino acids necessar y to build and maintain muscle and crucial for many other impor tant body func tions More impor tantly, WOWBUT TER has significantly better qualit y protein than sunflower, peanut or almond butter, giving WOWBUT TER a protein digestibility and bioavailability score comparable to meat or dair y protein I t ’s a per fec t plant-based protein option to fuel your body more with ever y bite The lower protein efficienc y score

Oser Communications Group INDIANAPOLIS MAY 2024
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BOOTH #11732
C o n s u m e r s h a v e s h o w n a n i n c r e a s e d d e s i r e f o r
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Oh!asis S till Takes Consumers to Paradise with Deliciously Unique Tropic al Indulgences

Our award-winning Las Olas Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brands may have been transfor med under the Oh!asis™ rebrand, but two things have remained the same Fans of our Coconut Patties and Coconut Cashew Crunch will be thrilled to find that while Oh!asis’ outside pack aging may look different, the products on the inside are just as yummy and indulgent as ever

Our Oh!asis Coconut Patties have retained the original recipe – and for good reason Ex traordinar y creamy shredded coconut is dipped in a r ich chocolatey coating that is unmatched in the marketplace Ever y bite transpor ts consumers to their own special oasis – giving them delectable moments of sheer tropical indulgence and sending them into a vacation state - of-mind

c o n u t p a t t i e s c h e c k m a n y b oxe s T h e y a r e a u n i q u e l y p e r m i s s i

conut Island Coconut Cashew Crunch recipe and transform it to Oh!asis Kettle Krunch was just as obvious At its launch in 2017, it was awarded sofi™ and MINPA Produc t of the Year! I t continues to grow because it ’s an unprecedented produc t and addic tive one taste and you’ll be back for more I t blends the per fec t mix of fresh cashews in a crunchy butter and brown sugar base with a hint of sea salt and coconut Think of it as a tropical t wist on a br ittle that is utter ly unique and unequaled to anything available When we say Oh!asis Kettle K runch is “Paradise Found!,” it is no exaggeration

We think you’ll agree that our continued commitment to brand excellence combined with brand innovation and attention- getting, sales- dr iven suppor t will not only fulfill your shoppers’ cravings, but will also take your sales to new heights

We hope you’ll escape to our new Oh!asis booth #11732 for a taste of paradise and lear n more about what ’s ahead for Oh!asis. I f you can’t join us, please visit w w w.ohasis.com or call 407.816.9944 for more information.


The decision to retain the original Co -

For more information, go to w w w.lasolas brands.com, call 407.816.9944, email orders@lasolasbrands.com or stop by booth #11732.

A t O h ! a s i s , w e’r e e xc i t e d a b o u t p r om o t i n g C o c o n u t Pa t t i e s i n s n a c k s i z e f o r a v a r i e t y o f r e a s o n s , n o t t h e l e a s t o f w h i c h i s s a l e s m o t i v a t e d To d a y ’s m o r e h e a l t h - c o n s c i o u s c o n s u m e r s a r e l o o k i n g f o r w a y s t o s a t i s f y t h e i r s w e e t t o o t h w h i l e m i t i g a t i n g t h e g u i l t O u r i n d i v i d u a l l y w r a p p e d , s
n a c k - s i z e d c o -
b l e i n d u l g e n c e – a n e a s y w a y t o s a t i s f y a c r a v i n g, p r o -
r e w i t h o t h e r s C o n s u m e r s a r e w i l l i n g t o p a y a l i t t l e m o r e f o r t h e c o n v e n i e n c e o f p o rt i o n e d c o n t r o l l e d , o n - t h e - g o s n a c ki n g A l l i n a l l, t h e fo r m i s a g re a t w ay t o d r i v e i n c r e a s e d c o n s u m p t i o n , g r o w t h f o r t h e b r a n d a n d s a l e s f o r o u r r e t a i l p a r t n e r s
v i d e a r e w a r d a n d s h a
Publisher Kimberly Oser President Tara Neal Vice President Abeer Abiaad President of Sales Anthony Socci Art Director Yasmine Brown Senior Editor AJ Flick Editor JoEllen Lowr y Customer Ser vice Heather A brecht Sales Manager Marcos Morhaim Account Managers Luis Gonzales Damaris Leon Logistics Manager Nicholas Scheppe European Sales Enrico Cecchi Publishing office : 1877 N Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520 721 1300/ Fax : 520 721 6300 Subscriber ser vices : Gourmet News P O Box 30520 Tucson, AZ 85751 Sweets & Treats Show Extra s publ shed by Oser Communicat ons Group ©2024 All rights reser ved Founder Lee M Oser www gourmetnews com AN I N DE P E N DE NT P U B LICATION NOT AF F I LIATE D WITH SWE ETS & S NAC KS

Alternative Air: The Alternative to Your Fixture Needs

A l t e r n a t i ve A i r L LC s e t s t h e i n d u s t r y standard for climate - controlled choco

provides comprehensive suppor t to chocolatiers and bakeries alike

Reimagine C raf t Coffee

Today, coffee isn’t just caffeine in a cup, it ’s an exper ience that is defined by where the coffee beans are sourced from, how they are prepared, the technique used to brew the coffee, and what is added to it Dripdash® recognized two impor tant fac ts The exper ience of enjoying coffee has undergone an unbelievable evolution and time has become a precious commodity Dripdash’s vision was simple: To create a bold, smooth and convenient coffee

body, triple -strength and a shock ingly smooth finish

Black S esame Oatmilk Latte: Tak ing Japanese flavors and adding sustainable alternative milk as the base, to create a Keto -fr iendly latte using sugar alter natives such as monk fruit Tastes like a milkshake, but with only t wo grams of sugar

g re e s Fa h re n

e i t a n d h u m i d i t y l e ve l s

t o c re a t e t h e p e r fe c t e nv i ro n m e n t t o keep your chocolate as happy as your customers.

Based in New Jersey, Alter native Air offers a diverse lineup of display cases, including fused glass, cur ved and straight glass options, elevating the presentation of your confections to new heights. From fix ture layout and store design to final installation, the team

Additionally, AA Fix tures manufactures refrigerated baker y/pastr y display cases, maintaining temperatures between 36 to 41 degrees Fahrenheit, with the same commitment to qualit y and craf tsmanship. Alternative Air can also manufacture a range of complementar y fix tures, including display counters, P.O.S. stations, cor ner stages and back wall units to create a truly customized look and feel to your store.

What sets Alter native Air apar t is its direc t manufac turer-to - customer approach, guaranteeing the best pr icing and a seamless experience.

For more information, go to w w w .aafixtures.com or stop by booth #22371.

Z any Bites: The O fficial S nack of Fun

Step into the magical wor ld of Zany Bites, where a stor y blossoms into a magical tale of family, rice and tradition.

Zany Bites’ jour ney is a four- generation tale that sprouted from the wisdom

of its founder ’s grandparents, Din and Taj – rice farmers with hear ts as big as the Hunza Valley.

Generations ago, beneath the majestic Himalayas, Din and Taj refined the ar t of rice cultivation. O ver time, their passion passed down to their son, who embar ked on a bold west ward jour ney landing in New York

United, they planted the seeds of rice dr iven by the mission to deliver topnotch grains to the world, all the while upholding a steadfast commitment to land and water conser vation, as well as now regenerative farming prac tices

Four Generations later, little toddlers Aliya and Imani, not yet inclined toward healthier snack ing, inspired their mom and dad to embark on a mission to create a simple, clean snack from rice

And so began the adventures of Zany Bites

For more information, go to w w w zany bites com or email hello@zanybites com

Kyoto Coffee was invented by Dutch sailors in the 1600s, re - engineered by Japanese ar tisans the following centur y, and reimagined by Dr ipdash in 2018

Kyoto Iced Coffee is a brewing process made using one drop of water at a time for 16 hours to ex trac t the most pleasant flavors in coffee I t ’s k nown for having nuanced high-notes, a balanced body and a shock ingly smooth finish

Dripdash is proud to be the first wholesale manufac turer of this style of coffee in the countr y with three distinct flavors options:

Kyoto Iced Coffee: The original black coffee that star ted it all I t offers a rich

Lavender Maple Oatmilk Latte: For the plant-based folks, using a dair y alternative and maple syrup as the vegan and unprocessed sugar substitute Tastes like a meditation that will keep you moving

Dripdash crafts its beverages in small batches The most sought-after ingredients are used from dair y-free/glutenfree milk to plant powered sugar alter natives, to the carefully sourced coffee beans Dr ipdash puts all of this into its brewing machine and the result is an elevated coffee exper ience that you can enjoy any where you are Bold Smooth Convenient

For more information, go to www ear thly choice com

S avor the Sweet S urprise: S imply Delish Unveils D

ivine New Pudding Flavors

G et ready to tantalize your taste buds with Simply D elish’s newest flavors: Lemon and Salted Caramel Dive into a wor ld of indulgence redefined, where ever y bite of these delec table desser ts is a guilt-free delight M eticulously craf ted with care and precision, these treats boast an impressive lineup of attributes that cater to your cravings without compromising on your health goals Say goodbye to sugars, ar tificial flavors and preser vatives, as these desser ts deliver pure flavor while staying true to a commitment to health- conscious ingredients With just 4g of net carbs and a mere 20 calories per ser ving, you can satisfy your sweet tooth without any remorse lingering after ward But the goodness doesn' t end there

things in life, these new flavors promise

to delight your senses Indulge in the

etar y needs. Gluten-free, allergen-free a n d b u r s t i n g w i t h f l avo r, t h e y ’re t h e p e r fe c t c h o i ce fo r t h o s e s e e k i n g b o t h i n d u l g e n ce a n d we l l n e s s. Wh e t h e r yo u ' re o n a h e a l t h j o u r

Simply Delish. For more information, got to w w w .simplydelish.net.

d b a k e r y d i s p l a y c a s e s. S i n c e
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irre s i s t i b l e f l avo r s o f Le m o n a n d S a l te d Ca ra m e l, g u i l t- f re e, a n d e m b a r k o n a j o u r n e y o f d e l i c i o u s s at i s f a c t i o n w i t h

Amazing Ice C ream C reates New S uper Premium Ice C ream with C runchy Cookies

Amazing Ice Cream was founded to create mind blowing ice creams and unique creations, backed with strong foodie palates and creative imagination

Now Amazing Ice Cream has created new ice creams that have cook ies and crumbles in them that stay crunchy

For mulated by using only the finest ingredients, these hand- craf ted ice creams blend rich and creamy premium ice cream with crunchy crumbles and cook ies, and come in the following

amazing varieties:

• Chocolate R aspber r y Crambole’ –Premium rich chocolate ice cream with ribbons of raspberr y and crunchy berr y crumbles

• Yuzu Lemon Cheesecake Crambole’ – Tar t and creamy cheesecake ice cream with a sweet lemony punch in flavor and crunch

• Speculoos Cook ie Crambole’ –Creamy salted caramel ice cream with spiced crunchy Belgian style cook ies

Unlock Gourmet Italian Flavors in Minutes: Bella S un Luci ’s New S auce S

tar ters for Effor tless Meals

Whether you are a beginner cook or qualified chef, Bella Sun Luci’s New Italian Kitchen Sauce Star ters bring that gourmet Italian scratch cooked flavor to your meal in minutes The slow simmered cook ing base is conveniently packed in a resealable squeeze pouch for added convenience for today ’s busy consumer The new Sauce Star ters will let you be the chef – add a little or a lot Don’t stop there – stir into rice, potatoes, soups or roasts The I talian cook ing base can add flavor that pulls dinner together quickly With meals so good, they will only think you spent all day cooking! Available in three delicious flavors: Tuscan Garden, Tomato & Pepper and Tomato Basil Each flavor is gluten free, vegan and made with real vegetables

in a quar ter of the time! This is innovation you can taste; this innovation drives sales,” says M ar y M ooney, M ooney Farms O wner

I ntended to amaze ever yone, Amazing Ice Creams create a new level of exper ience, whether reminiscing about your childhood due to the delicious flavors or by simply enjoying how delightful it is

For more information, go to w w w amazingicecreams com

D arigold L aunches Belle Coffee C reamer

Seattle -based Darigold, Inc., one of the nation’s largest dair y producers, has launched its new Belle™ brand of dair ybased coffee creamer made with just five simple ingredients including real cream. Belle Creamers are now available at grocer y stores and other food markets across the Nor thwest.

Unlike other well-k nown coffee creamer brands, B elle Creamers are made with only five simple ingredients with no oils or fillers, are lactose free, and are available in four delicious flavors – Vanilla, Sweet Cream, Hazelnut Latte and Caramel B elle

Creamers are made to compete with other premium coffee creamers, which t ypically have 10 or more ingredients, including vegetable oils, ar tificial flavors and fillers, with no real cream at all

“Like margar ine, most common coffee creamers today are made with vegetable oils, not real cream, and tend to have as many as 10 or more ingredients. Belle Creamers are made with just five simple ingredients, including real cream and natural flavors, mak ing them ac tual coffee cream rather than coffee oilers.”

Far mer- owned Dar igold sees plent y of potential for the Belle Creamer brand in the $6 billion coffee whiteners space, which includes half and half, plant-based creamer options and the ubiquitous oilbased creamers

“Look ing at the leading brands of coffee creamer today, it ’s a bit of a misnomer to call them ‘creamers’ since they are not made with real cream,” said Sam Cohen, Head of Marketing at Darigold

Consumer demand for premium creamers is growing rapidly and is under-represented at many retailers Dar igold believes B elle’s real cream produc t will uniquely deliver the taste and simple ingredients consumers want while enabling retailer growth in the categor y

For more information, go to w w w darigoldbelle com

Now with B ella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters, it makes it easy for ever yone to enjoy bigger flavors and better cook ing with only a few steps to get a robust simmered all- day flavor ful meal to the table in minutes

“ Today ’s consumer is navigating their meal ideals toward better-for-you foods without sacrificing taste, and our I talian Kitchen Sauce Star ters allow for just that

With the goal in mind to live life more tastefully, the new line of Bella Sun Luci Sauce Star ters appeals to the health conscious and ethical consumer without having to sacr ifice flavor The new line pushes the innovation of chef quality meals made right in your own home using better-for-you ingredients

For more information, visit w w w bella sunluci com

C rave Brothers Farmstead C heese Announces Retirements

Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese announces that G eorge Crave, President, and wife Debbie Crave, Vice President, will retire from their full-time leadership roles this month They will both continue to ser ve as brand ambassadors for the company and work on special projec ts

G eorge and D ebbie star ted Crave Brothers Far mstead Cheese in 2001 in par tnership with G eorge’s brothers Char les, M ar k and Tom Together with 13 family members and 50 dedicated employees, they have grown the business into a nationally renowned brand producing award-winning cheeses

The couple’s contr ibutions include overseeing produc tion, brand development, customer relations and sales They have also helped the far m and cheese fac tor y evolve into a model of sustainability

M anaging Par tner M ar k Crave will continue to lead the company and General M anager Adam Falbo will oversee operations at the cheese fac tor y. Roseanne Crave has assumed sales and

marketing effor ts

“George and Debbie have set a solid foundation for the nex t generation of leaders to continue growing the company,” said M ark Crave “ We wish them the best as they continue their life adventures together ”

George and Debbie met at 4-H while in high school where they first shared anappreciation for agriculture that continues to this day George and his brothers grew up on a dair y farm near Beloit In 1980, the brothers purchased the Waterloo dair y farm After 20 years of growing the farm with his brothers, George’s vision was to expand the family business and add value to their milk with cheesemak ing D ebbie began her career as the 1981-1982 Alice in Dair yland

She then wor ked in mar keting at the Wisconsin D epar tment of Agr iculture and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board before joining G eorge and star ting Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese.

For more information, go to w w w .cravecheese.com.

A m a z i n g I c e C re a m i s b a s e d i n Ca l i fo rn i a a n d u s e s r e a l C a l i f o r n i a m i l k A no t h e r o n e o f i t s d e l i c i o u s i c e c r e a m p r o d u c t s – C o o k i e W i l d C r u n c h y I c e C r e a m B a r s – j u s t c l a i m e d v i c t o r y a t t h e 5 t h A n n u a l R e a l Ca l i fo r n i a M i l k E xc e l e r a t o r Fi n a l Pi t c h E ve n t c re a t e d b y t h e Ca l i fo r n i a M i l k Ad v i s o r y B o a rd a n d i n n o v a t i o n a d v i s o r y Ve n t u re Fu e l T h e c o m p e t i t i o n i s d e s i g n e d t o f i n d, f u n d a n d a c c e l e r a t e i n n o v a t i o n i n d a i r yb a s e d p ro d u c t s, f ro m c o n s u m e r fo o d a n d b e v e r a g e s t o t e x t i l e s a n d b e -
n d

L as Olas ’ Manufac turing Exper tise Makes It an Extraordinar y Private L abel Par tner

Las Olas confec tions have long been backed by a guarantee of the highest qualit y ingredients, outstanding freshness and uniquely distinctive flavors I t ’s no wonder that the company has been delighting candy lovers with brands that have been around for decades But did you k now that we’ve also earned a reputation as a trusted par tner of premium pr ivate label confec tions? Af ter years of per fec ting the manufac ture of some of the countr y ’s most recognized brands and award-winning produc ts, Las Olas Confec tions and Snacks k nows more than a thing or two about how to get sweet jobs done – and done exper tly well

Our 80,000 square foot, SQF Level 2 cer tified, state -of-the -ar t manufacturing facilit y in Or lando, Fla , qualifies us as the largest specialty chocolate and confections manufacturer in the Southeastern United States That ’s just one of the reasons why we have also become k nown as an ex traordinar y par tner for producing private label brands

We’ve been supplying confec tioner y favor ites for our brands Oh!asis™ (former ly Anastasia® and Coconut Island® brands), Williams & Bennett® and Hoffman’s Chocolates® as well as a number of brands delivered under private label

The array of premium confec tions we produce is nothing shor t of astounding. Our ser vices are tur nkey and end-toend. Our facility includes essential capabilities for ex truding and enrobing, k itchen/table operation, molding, taffy and high-speed pack aging lines in ac-

cordance with today ’s retail pack aging standards

Confec tion produc tion includes making brittle and toffee, fudge, French- and European-st yle meltaway truffles, molded chocolates, buttercreams and bars, compound and chocolate bark We

also have multiple pack aging capabilities such as flow wrap, for m-sealed bags, stand-up gusset pouches, paperboard boxes and plastic containers No projec t is too big or too small – case in point, for cer tain capabilities like bark , fudge or enrobing, capacities can exceed tens of thousands per eight-hour shift

D oes our manufac tur ing excellence sound sweet to you? Come join us! Visit us at booth #11732 to learn more about Las Olas’ superior manufac turing capabilities and private label par tnership oppor tunities.

For more information, go to www.lasolas brands.com, call 407.816.9944, email orders@lasolasbrands.com or stop by booth #11732.

S hari's Berries S elec t Collec tion

Life's special moments are made even sweeter with premium juic y strawberries hand-dipped in 100 percent Belgian chocolate Luck y for us, Shar i's B er r ies delivers

The new Shari's Berries Selec t collection feature nine exclusive offer ings: M ar bleized Ar tisan B elgian Chocolate Strawberries, Rainbow Swirl Ar tisan Belgian Chocolate Strawber r ies, Caramel

Franklin Baker ‘A Cut Above the Rest ’

Philippine supplier of coconut ingredi-

r o c e s s i n g i s u t i -

l i z e d t o e n s u r e f r e s h n e s s a n d l o n g

s h e l f s t a b i l i t y Fr a n k l i n B a k e r c o n t ro l s

t h e p r o c e s s f r o m t r e e t h r o u g h s h i p -

m e nt

Frank lin Baker is ahead of the game in produc t and process ver ification capabilities, operating M icrobiology Lab-

o r a t o r i e s t h a t a re a c c re d i t e d t o I S O

1 7 0 2 5 s t a n d a rd s I t s p a t h o g e n d e t e c -

t i o n s y s t e m u s e s a n a u t o m a t e d method that uses polymerase chain re -

a c t i o n ( P C R ) te c h n o l o g y to d e te c t t h e

p re s e n c e o f s a l m o n e l l a a n d l i s t e r i a i n produc ts and sur faces This technology

fo c u s e s o n s p e c i f i c D N A f r a g m e n t s, amplifying a target DNA sequence, and s u b s e q u e n t p o l y m e r i z a t i o n T h i s a d -

v a n c e d s y s t e m i s m o re s e n s i t i ve t h a n other microbiological methods, detec ti n g a s l o w a s o n e c e l l p e r 2 5 - o r 3 7 5g r a m p o r t i o n Te s t re s u l t s a re o u t i n fewer than 24 hours compared to more t h a n f i ve d a y s u s i n g c o nve n t i o n a l methods

The manufac tur ing sites of Frank lin Baker are Grade AA & AA+ BRCGS cer tified, which confirms its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of food safety, produc t quality and regulator y compliance The BRCGS Global Food Safet y Standard (BRCGS) is adopted by over 22,000 sites in more than 130 countr ies, which makes Frank lin Baker “A Cut Above the Rest ” Frank lin Baker offers an ex tensive por tfolio of conventional and organic

S ea Salt Ar tisan B elgian Chocolate Strawber r ies, Fanc y Ar tisan B elgian Chocolate Strawberries, Ar tisan Belgian M ilk & Dark Chocolate Strawberries, Artisan Belgian White Chocolate Strawberr ies, S ending Bir thday Wishes Ar tisan Chocolate Strawber r ies, S ending Love Ar tisan Belgian Chocolate Strawberries and Sending Thanks Ar tisan Chocolate Strawberries “At

selves, connec t with others and build more

coconut produc ts to include desiccated coconut (natural, sweetened and toasted), coconut water (single strength and concentrate), coconut milk and cream, coconut concentrate, virgin coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut sugar and other coconut products Bulk, foodser vice and retail pack aging available Frank lin Baker ’s ex tensive por tfolio of coconut produc ts hold wide -ranging, third-par ty cer tifications and awards including Non- GMO Projec t Verified, Fair Trade USA, BRCGS, USDA, JAS and UE Organic, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, ISO 17025, HACCP, FDA Philippines, GMA-SAFE, AB PAO Accredited Testing Laborator y, SEDEX (SME TA), Kosher and Halal cer tified

Additionally, Frank lin Baker holds the 2016-2024 Award of Excellence, American M aster of Taste & G old M edal Endorsement, as well as the 2018-2024 Beverage Champion by Chefs in America

Frank lin Baker is pleased to be a cofounder of the Coconut Coalition of the Americas (CCA), a non-profit organization founded in mid-2017, largely to challenge negative perceptions about coconut products The CCA is dedicated to upholding sound and credible science, responsible communications, sustainable and transparent prac tices, around all coconut produc ts Frank lin Baker is a member of the Executive Board, Marketing & Communication and M embership committees, as well as a technical advisor

Franklin Baker offers bulk, foodser vice and retail pack aging options to meet your business needs

For more information, go to www franklin baker com

Each offer ing comes in t wo sizes – one dozen and two dozen –with a pr ice range of $49 99 to $99 99 The gour met desser ts are available to ship nationwide in new brown and gold- embossed packaging

For more information, go to w w w berries com

h a r g e i n t h e l i c o r i c e m a r k e t ’s

g r o w t h , o f f e r i n g s o f t , a u t h e n t i c , A u s -

t r a l i a n - m a d e l i c o r i c e t h a t i s n o n - G M O

v e r i f i e d , p l a n t b a s e d , p a l m o i l f r e e

a n d m a d e w i t h n o a r t i f i c i a l f l a v o r s o r h i g h f r u c t o s e c o r n s y r u p. A b o v e a l

d e Nielsen’s consumer research program. It features a new and improved stand-up

ounce line. New pack aging will launch with Original Black , Strawberr y, Mango

flavors and sizes being offered later in the year.

Dar rell Lea first invented its sof t licorice recipe in a small fac tor y, under the Sydney Har bor Br idge in Sydney, Australia, near ly 100 years ago I t launched in the United States in 2006 with its premium black licor ice and since then, Dar rell Lea has broadened the distr ibution of its produc ts with multiple licor ice flavors, chew y candy, chocolate candy and chocolate bars. Dar rell Lea produc ts are available at major retailers across the United States, including K roger, Alber tsons, C VS and

Walmar t To this day, Darrell Lea soft licorice is made in small batches following the same recipe that ’s been per fec ted over time, receiving recognition and accolades along the way. Most recently, Darrell Lea Mixed Fruit licorice was featured nationally in Costco for the International Food Event.

For more information, go to w w w.darrell lea.com, email customerser vice@darrell lea.com or stop by booth #10324.

t h i n g s t h at fe e l n o s t a l gi c I n d u l g e n ce s s u c h a s c a n d y w i t h b e t t e r - f o r - y o u i ng r e d i e n t s h a v e b e e n o n t h e r i s e a s m o r e p e o p l e a r e l o o k i n g f o r h e a l t h i e r a l t e r n a t i v e s D a r r e l l L e a h a s l e d t h e c
a r re l l
a l i c o r i c e i s d e l i c i o u s a n d f l a-
n e a k
e e k at i t s b ra n d - n e w p a c k a gi n g t h i s
e d a l o n
l , D
v o r f u l Th e co m p a ny i s d e b u t i n g a s
ye a r ’s s h ow, d e ve l o p
g s i
s e ve
a n d re s e a l a b l e p o u c h fo r t h e
i xe
u i t i n t h e f a l l, w i t h o t h e r
a n d M
d Fr
Darrell Lea (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
Fr a n k l i n B a k e r, I n c i s t h e p r e m i e r
n t s to t h e g l o b a l fo o d a n d b e ve ra g e m a r k e t p l a ce fo r m o re t h a n 1 2 5 ye a r s I t s p r o d u c t s a r e p r o d u c e d f r o m t h e f r e s h e s t c o c o n u t s a v a i l a b l e a t o n e o f i t s t h r e e m a n u f a c t u r i n g f a c i l i t i e s , w h e r e p r o p r i e t a r y p
S h a r i ’s B e r r i e s, o u r
is to
our cust o m e r s t o e x p re s s t h e m -
ful re l a t i o n s h i p s,” s a i d A n d re w Twe e d, v i c e p re s i d e n t a n d g e n e r a l m a n a g e r “ E a c h b e r r y i n t h i s n e w a r t i s a n a l collec tion is hand dipped in s m a l l b a t c h e s o f B e l g i a n c h o c o l a t e a n d f i n e l y c r a f t e d i n g o u rmet k itchens "

star ting from a position of strength with proven, wor ld-famous, award-winning formulas What we saw was an oppor tunity to bring these two brands together under a single, compelling brand franchise that offers both our consumers and our retail par tners a wider selection with greater brand visibilit y, recognition, presence and voice ”

With the help of S² D esign Group, a strategic branding and pack aging agenc y, Las Olas went about defining core brand values Paramount to the initiative was preser ving the integr it y of the delicious ever yday tropical indul-

AA: Last year at Snack Expo, we showed off our four new flavors: Hazelnut, Peanut Butter, Strawberr y and Coconut This year, we are thrilled to announce several new flavors that will be in stock and ready for sampling These flavors include Pistachio Cream, Espresso, Salted Caramel, Mint, PB&J and Cookie Butter In

stands out as a symbol of Tor tuga’s master y in blending tradition with modernity This cake, infused with the essence of aged Kentuck y Straight Bourbon, is a celebration of flavor, bringing together intricate aromas, complex tastes and the

stores across the countr y. The brand offers a wide var iet y of unique, naturefr iendly snacks, including specialt y glazed nuts and blends, as well as graband- go options for busy snackers.

Elan’s innovative snacks combine the dynamic tex tures and nutrients of nuts and super foods. Fan-favor ites include Chia Walnuts, Coconut Cashews and the Fiji M ix. These organic and nutr itious snack ing options are ideal for snackers on the go and health enthusiasts.

• P r e p a r e t o i n d u l g e i n t h e C h i a Wa l n u t s , a n u t r i t i o n - p a c k e d s n

WOWBUT TER (Cont ’d. from p. 1)

of other nut and seed butters means the body does not utilize the protein as efficiently, and thus the full benefits of the protein are not realized WOWBUT TER has 1000mg Omega-3 and 7g complete protein per ser ving and is made with only five simple all-natural Non- GMO clean and sustainable ingredients (whole toasted soybeans, expeller pressed soy oil, cane sugar, sustainable palm oil and sea salt) with no added colors, flavors or preser vatives.

The Per fec t Marriage of Nutrition and Great Taste

gences that shoppers seek while deliver ing greater attention- getting, salesdr iven suppor t I n combining the intr insic values of Anastasia and Coconut Island, the new name Oh!asis was conceived Not only is it descriptive and memorable, but it strongly evokes the brand promise of, “ the tropical indulgent treat that transpor ts you to a paradise getaway with ever y bite ” The new, unique logo and impac tful, redesigned pack aging are key to the experience –they maintain the equity of the famous yellow box, bringing consumers along for the adventure

Rest assured, the rebrand will magnify two of Las Olas’ standout confections

addition to these new flavor editions, we’ve also recently launched a spinoff of our JTFP line called Just The Fun Bite! Mini butter biscuits covered in chocolate

ST: Who is your target market?

AA: Simply put, we made this produc t for ever yone to enjoy People of all ages have a distinc t memor y of the end of a

unique characteristics of handpicked ingredients

“Our 40th anniversar y is a landmar k achievement, and it ’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence,” says Marcus Simmonds, Chief Executive O fficer of Tor tuga Spir it Cakes “ This milestone reflects our journey ’s essence

Anastasia’s most popular product, Coconut Patties, and Coconut Island’s Coconut Cashew Crunch, another consumer favorite (now named Kettle Krunch to reflect its handmade kettle process), will be elevated, receiving heightened attention under the Oh!asis rebrand

What began as unique confec tionar y produc ts with delicious time -tested recipes targeting the local tourism market more than 35 years ago has grown into a global powerhouse brand Better yet, the adventures ahead for Oh!asis are full of excitement Plans to suppor t retail sell-through, environmental organizations and delicious new innovations in flavors and for ms are in

sundae cone Whether you’re 8 or 80, you’ll remember rushing to the bottom to get that last, chocolate -filled bite

ST: What is the nature of your distribution?

AA: We are the direc t manufac turer of Just The Fun Part We have seven production facilities in Turkey, where our prod-

– a continuous quest for per fec tion, led by the visionar y mar keting insights of our Head of M ar keting, Natalia G arcia, who has helped shape the creation of unforgettable experiences for our customers ” To r t u g a S

coconut chips, pumpk in seeds and Elan’s signature Açai Blueberr y Cashews. G et ready for a vibrant burst of superfood goodness with these gently roasted cashews infused with organic açai and blueberr y powder.

development, too The Oh!asis rebrand is prepared to invigorate confec tion sales in surprising new ways

Experience a tropical state of mind by escaping to the new Oh!asis booth #11732 Here, you’ll not only get a peek at the newly branded produc ts and pack aging, but you’ll also get a chance to sip on a frozen tropical dr ink and imagine yourself in your ver y own Oh!asis I t ’s a don’t-miss oppor tunity to get swept away!

For more information, go to www lasolas brands com, call 407 816 9944, email orders@lasolasbrands com or stop by booth #11732

uct is delicately manufactured While we can expor t all over the globe, our main distribution center is conveniently located in our warehouse in New Jersey We house over 150 different items and Just The Fun Par t is always in stock

For more information, go to www justthe funpar t com, call 551 333 1119 or stop by booth #12528

• I f you love a tropical twist, the Coconut Cashews are sure to transpor t you to a sunny island. Organic whole cashews are coated with an addic tive blend of organic coconut powder and Himalayan pink salt, for a nutritious and wholesome treat.

• Introducing the Fiji Mix, a delightful blend of cranberries, tangy goji berries,

Elan promises momentum and vitalit y in ever y bite. These unique snacks are made from superior quality ingredients produced through organic farming. As a clean brand, Elan prioritizes sustainable farming methods that use no pesticides and embrace the soil ’s natural c ycles. All ingredients are meticulously sourced to provide a guilt-free exper ience, so you can snack all while being

s c h o o l , w h i c h a r e v e r y i m p o r t a n t f o r

s c h o o l c l a s s ro o m s

So Much More Than

Just a Powerhouse Spread

s w h o n e e d h e a l t hy b re a k f a s t , l u n c h a n d s n a c k s o -

l u t i o n s. N u t r i t i o n i s t h e fo u n d at i o n fo r g o o d h e a l t h a n d W O W B U T T E R i s a

s h i n i n g e x a m p l e o f t h e p e r f e c t m a r -

r i a g e o f n u t r i t i o n a n d g r e a t t a s t e .

W O W B U T T E R p r o v i d e s e xc e p t i o n a l

h i g h l y e f f i c i e nt n u t r i t i o n n o t fo u n d i n

o t h e r s p re a d s, c o m b i n e d w i t h a t a s t e

t h a t h a s c o n s u m e r s s a y i n g “ W O W ”

w h e n t h e y t r y i t ! I n c l u d e d o n e ve r y j a r

a r e i n n o v a t i v e “p e e l o f f ” S a f e - f o r -

S c h o o l l u n c h l a b e l s t h at c a n b e p l a ce d

o n s a n d w i c h e s a n d s n a c k s s e n t t o

W O W B U T T E R s p re a d o n yo u r f a vo r i t e

b r e a d m a k e s a n a m a z i n g s a n d w i c h ,

b u t w hy n o t g e t c re a t i ve a n d t r y i t i n

o n e o f y o u r f a v o r i t e r e c i p e s o r c h e c k

o u t t h e i r w e b s i t e f o r a m o u t h - w a t e r -

i n g A s i a n d i p p i n g s a u c e r e c i p e , p r o -

t e i n - p a c k e d s m o o t h i e s o r t h e

w r i t e - h o m e - t o - m o m m a p o w e r c o o k -

i e s ? C o o k i n g a n d b a k i n g p e a n u t f r e e w i t h W O W B U T T E R o p e n s u p a w h o l e n e w r e a l m o f p o s s i b i l i t i e s . T h e m u l t ip l e - awa rd -w i n n i n g p e a n u t- f re e W O W-

B U T T E R i s a n a l l - n a t u r a l p e a n u t - f r e e

For more information, go to www tor tuga rumcakes com or stop by booth #22750

mindful of the planet. With versatilit y and a strategic approach, Elan is continuously expanding its horizons. The brand is strong in the East while its presence in the West is gaining momentum: these innovative snacks are attracting the attention of retailers and chains look ing to expand their offer ings of organic and vegan products. Moving for ward, Elan plans to significantly enhance brand awareness and achieve greater growth among snack enthusiasts.

For more information, email sales@ elanbio.com.

s p r e a d w i t h a t a s t e a n d t e x t u r e j u s t l i k e p e a n u t b u t t e r, b u t w i t h e ve n b e tt e r n u t r i t i o n

A s a w a r e n e s s a b o u t W O W B U T T E R s p r e a d s , m o r e a n d m o r e c o n s u m e r s a re re a l i z i n g t h e s u p e r i o r p l a n t - b a s e d p ro t e i n q u a l i t y a n d O m e g a - 3 b e n e f i t s o f i n c l u d i n g W O W B U T T E R

Las Olas (Cont ’d from p 1)
a c k u n i q u e t o E l a n . T h i s i n - h o u s e r e c i p e p a i r s n u t r i t i o u s a n d o r g a n i c C a l i fo r n i a w a l n u t s w i t h t h e a d d i t i o n a l h e a l t h b e n e f i t s o f a n t i o x i d a n t g o j i b e r r i e s a n d o m e g a - r i c h c h i a s e e d s, a s we l l a s t h e u n i q u e m i n e r a l s o f H i m a l a y a n
s a l t .
n k
Elan (Cont ’d. from p. 1)
T h e i n n o v a t i v e W O W B U T T E R s p r e a d w a s d e s i g n e d f o r a l l f a m i l i e s a n d d eve l o p e d to h e l p p ro te c t t h e m i l l i o n s o f k i d s a n d a d u l t s w h o s u f f e r f r o m l i f et h re a te n i n g p e a n u t a n d n u t a l l e rgi e s I t was also developed to better nourish t h e t e n s o f m i l l i o n s o f n o n - a l l e r g i c co n s u m e r s a n d s c h o o l k i d
a s p a r t o f t h e i r h e a l t hy l i fe s t y l e. W O W B U T T E R i s m a d e i n a d e d i c a t e d 1 0 0 % p e a n u tf r e e a n d t r e e n u t - f r e e f a c i l i t y t h a t i s f o o d s a f e t y B R CG S A A + c e r t i f i e d a s w e l l a s K o s h e r, H a l a l , N o n - G M O & R S P O C e r t i f i e d . I t ’s f r e e f r o m g l u t e n , d a i r y, e g g s a n d m o s t o t h e r c o m m o n a l l e r g e n s. For more information, go to w w w.wow butter.com or email info@wowbutter.com.
Just The Fun Par t (Cont ’d from p 1)
Tor tuga Spirit Cakes (Cont ’d from p 1)
i r i t C a k e s’ m o m e n t o u s
e s t o b e a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e b r a n d ' s e nd u r i n g l e g a c y, s h owc a s i n g i t s d e d i c at i o n t o c r e a t i n g e x t r a o r d i n a r y c a k e s t h a t e v o k e a s e n s e o f d e l i g h t a n d i n -
4 0 t h a n n i ve r s a r y ce l e b
i o n p ro m i s
d u l g e n ce

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