Kaiser Women’s Health Survey Finds Many Women Ignorant Regarding ACA Benefits While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) can help a large number of women who face difficulties in accessing health care in the U.S., Women’s Health Survey by Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that many women are ignorant of the benefits brought to them by ACA. Princeton Survey Research Associates conducted this national survey for Kaiser Family Foundation, which surveyed 3,015 women late in 2013. The survey addressed various topics critical to women’s healthcare and the changes women may experience because of Obamacare. The plight of uninsured, low-income and minority women and groups of women was also highlighted. Key Findings The survey examined women’s coverage, accessibility to and affordability of care, their connections to healthcare providers and use of preventive services including contraception, screening tests, and counseling services. Here are the key findings listed in the Kaiser Health News report.