Link Building Services to Improve Medical Website Page Rank

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Link Building Services To

Improve Medical Website Page Rank

Link building is an important search engine optimization (SEO) technique. It involves taining inbound links to your website from other authoritative websites that are relevant to yours as well as outbound links or links from your site to other pages. Search engines consider such links while ranking your website. A medical website can improve its Page Rank with such inbound and outbound links. With quality inbound links, your website would be seen as an authority or hub by visitors. At the same time, building outbound links to high authority websites with information on a subject your visitors may be interested would also get search engines to give your site more credit. For instance, if you are a plastic surgeon and your website has an inbound link from a high quality website with authoritative information on plastic surgery, this would get search engines to view your website positively and increase your page rank.

Link Building Challenges that Medical Websites Face

The recent Penguin update has minimized the relevance of traditional link building techniques. Healthcare websites can no longer possible to boost their Search Engine Result Page (SERP) ranking with just a large number of back links. Backlink quality is what matters for successful SEO.

Here are the main challenges that a healthcare website faces: Obtaining Links from Trusted Sites Earlier, it was possible to improve the Page Rank of a healthcare website by building large number of inbound links. But, Penguin update strictly considers the value of links instead of its numbers. As link popularity depends largely on quality in this case, it is very important to gain links from quality sites that use natural SEO link building techniques.

Ensuring Link Relevancy An inbound link can improve the ranking of your health care website only if it is relevant to your site. In other words, only inbound links from websites that deal with subjects that are relevant to your website will work. .

Maintaining Proper Link Velocity

Penguin update grants rank only to quality sites that accumulate links naturally and gradually in time. If your health care website suddenly receives a spike overnight due to numerous links, Google will consider those links as unnatural and penalize your site with a low rank. Spamming links to your website won’t work to increase the Page Rank even if they are quality links. At the same, your website won’t be affected with Penguin update if it acquires inbound links by maintain consistent velocity in the beginning and increasing it slightly over time.

Diversifying Anchor Text A link’s anchor text is a powerful SEO tool. Link relevancy depends on both the content of the anchor text and the content of the source page. Google’s algorithm now scrutinizes keywords in the anchor text. So though it is ideal to go in for keyword– and topic–specific anchor text whenever possible, your SEO results would improve with diversified anchor text rather than anchor text with similar keywords.

Professional Link Building Services to Increase Your Page Rank Here are some of the main backlinking strategies that a reliable SEO company can provide you with:

Social Media Marketing Being active on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other social media sites helps physicians interact with their patients and vice versa. SEO link building services involve creating a social media profile for your website and posting fresh, shareable content in these sites to drive natural links to your website from social media users. Links to Facebook and Twitter are also placed on the web page of medical website to allow visitors to interact and post comments easily.

Viral Marketing This tactic focus on spreading brand awareness through self-replicating viral processes such as posting interesting YouTube videos on the healthcare services or treatments offered. Web marketers ensure that your video is easy to share. As these links to your videos get shared across networks they can provide your medical website with a large number of natural links for higher page ranking.

Blogging The SEO Company would provide content writing and blogging services which would work to attract natural, high quality links to your website. Prospective patients looking for health care information will link to your website naturally through these relevant and well-written blogs.

A link building package that a professional SEO company offers would also include strategies such as forum posting, social bookmarking, and reciprocal link building. Forum posting for physicians involves building quality backlinks in various online medical forums and communities to improve their website visibility. Informed discussions take place on these forums, and links placed in forum posts will encourage visitors to the physician’s website. A professional SEO company can provide you with link building services for building relevant, quality links for to your website in accordance with current search engine guidelines.

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