Verruca and Podiatry Treatments to Cure It

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Verruca and Podiatry Treatments to Cure It Certain verrucae are painful and effective podiatry treatments like cryotherapy or salicylic acid preparation are available to treat such HPV infections.

Verrucae are plantar warts that commonly occur on the soles of the feet or around the toe area. Caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), warts are contagious through direct person-toperson contact. This foot condition can become virulent if left untreated and can cover a large area of the feet. In many cases, such warts go away in two years. However, treatment from a podiatrist is important, if the wart is painful and has led to difficulty in walking or if the patient has a weak immunity system. Podiatry billing and coding services can assist podiatry practices to get their reimbursement on time for the treatment provided.


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