Creating Graphs By Miss Osiris Rincon
Where Does the Information Come From? ď Ž
A question is asked. What kind of ice cream does everyone like in our class?
How Is the Information Gathered? ď Ž
A survey is made.
Chocolate Vanilla
1111 1 111
Mint & Chip
1111 11
Rocky Road
Bubble Gum
How Is the Information Presented? ď Ž 7
A bar graph is made.
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Chocolat Vanilla Strawberr Mint & C Rocky R Bubble G Students
How Is the Information Presented? A bar graph is made.
ď Ž 7 6 5
Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Mint & Chip Rocky Road Bubble Gum
4 3 2 1 0
How Is the Information Presented? ď Ž
A pie chart is made. Bubble Gum Rocky Road Chocolate
Mint & Chip Vanilla
How Is the Information Presented? ď Ž
A pie chart is made. Students Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Mint & Chip Rocky Road Bubble Gum
How Is the Information Presented? ď Ž
A line graph is made. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Chocolate
Strawberr Mint & Ch Rocky Ro Bubble G Students
ď Ž
How Is the Information Presented?
A pictograph is made.
Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Mint & Chip Rocky Road Bubble Gum
Can you make a question and present the answers in a graph?
Your turn!