8 Résumé Tips Just for Teachers –Oskar Ponthe
There’s no need to stress out about your résumé. Instead, keep a cool head, do your homework, write and rewrite, and get feedback/another set of eyes from a trusted professor or colleague, senior teacher, or school administrator. Before you know it, you’ll have one or two pages (or even three) that do a great job of representing you when you’re not there in a room to speak for yourself. Here are some tried-and-true résumé tips especially for teachers: 1. Make it easy to read. Sometimes that means brief, but not always. We’ve heard from teachers on our Helpline that they nabbed great jobs with two- and even three-page résumés. In most cases, job seekers are up against lots of competition. When you realize that your pieces of paper in the pile are going to be evaluated in comparison to all the rest, you’ll rightly tend toward the clear, bold, confident and concise. At the end of the day, though, the résumés that present the best case in the most compelling way win, whatever their length.