selected works: winter '19

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osman bari selected works


t went y nineteen

tub ,kool

evol htiw

tub ,kool

evol htiw


tub ,kool

evol htiw

tub ,kool

evol htiw 3

dear reader, My name is a third year of Waterloo Cambridge,

Osman Bari and I am currently student at the Universit y School of Architecture in Canada.

My hope is to explore, preser ve and adapt our collective stories and identities, in response to the ever changing ecological, social and spatial fabrics of our world. This is in search of substance ; the manifestation of positive and genuine narratives for our planet and its people through activism, appropriate change and sensitivit y. The following is a selection of academic and personal work, highlighting my skills and sensibilities.

osman bari

Toronto, Canada

educ a ti on Sept ‘15 - present Cambridge, Canada Sept ‘18 - present Milan, Italy

University of Waterloo Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Honours

Politecnico di Milano Study Abroad Term

experi enc e May - Aug ‘18 Ghent, Belgium

Veldwerk Architecten

Sept - Dec ‘17 Amsterdam, NL


Jan - Aug ‘17 Toronto, Canada Jan - Apr ‘17 Hamilton, Canada

Junior Designer

Architectural Intern

ArchDaily News Intern

Thier + Curran Architects Architectural Assistant

di s ti nc ti ons 2018

Non-Architecture Competitions Winner


Moriyama RAIC International Scholarship Winner


Ideas For ward 24H Competition Honourable Mention

s k i lls Digital Adobe Suite, AutoCAD, GIS , Houdini, Rhinoceros, SketchUp, Unreal Engine, Vector works, V-Ray

Other Journalism, Model Making, Laser Cutting

table of contents

01 n ew wave p an o pt i c i s m

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

08 - 15

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16 - 23

02 f lot at i o n mot at i o n

03 the c o nfe c t i o n a l

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

24 - 27

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

28 - 33

04 fair y r i ng s n o. 1 . . . . .

05 t he m a d ra s a & p av i l i o n . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

34 - 39


new wave panopticism Towards An Emergetic Urbanism

type Mixed Use

course 3A Design Studio

location Toronto, Canada

New Wave Panopticism isn’t in fact new wave ; rather, it is the modern mutation of English philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s model for behavioural control through sur veillance. Whereas the original Panopticon was concieved as the circular prison plus obser vation tower combo, sur veillance and by extension isolation, have ceased to rely on the physicalit y of space, meaning that we simultaneously watch and are watched, and tread the line bet ween physical isolation and vir tual omnipresence. This project seeks to address the intangible spatialit y of digital space and how it may manifest a physical presence in our daily lives, through technology, infrastructure and visual overload. The building pivots around three info-centric lungs, with living walls that filter the air before recirculating it through the building. The biophysical atmospheres of the lungs are dependent on users’ data exchange, which feeds the ser ver rooms that in turn heat the air within the lungs. Laden with various forms of digital information, the lungs ser ve as the active cores of the programs, with open plan spaces organised around them. At the residential level, they satisf y visual and vir tual needs, with units simply ser ving the physical necessities of the body. Thus, New Wave Panopticism promotes an overload of social emergies, as the collective physically band together to vir tually interact with one another. Whether that is isolation, or non-isolation, remains to be seen.




l e f t g round f loor pla n r i g h t t y pic al of f ice f loo r plan 11

ser vers radiate heat from data

lungs harness heat for microclimate


living walls filter air through structure

repeat cycle

t o p energ y d iag ram b o t t o m unfold ed s ect ion 13

l e f t vi ews r i g h t a xono m et ri c



exterior 14



flotation motation Reimagining Ontario Place

type Recreational

course 2B Design Studio

location Toronto, Canada

Despite an almost omnipresence, water seems to remain a largely ignored substance during our daily dealings, connected simply through drinking and bathing. Our relationship with water is distant and alien ; we view it as the land’s antimat ter and treat it with a cer tain rigidit y and disassociation. Flotation Motation’s intention is to challenge the notion of ‘ground’ as simply terra firma, instead proposing that water is the new ground, creating an environment of constant flux. The basis of the floating piers is the relationship bet ween water and solid ground : v.s., as and is. Within the building, which re -imagines the historical precedent of seaside dancing pavilions, users are open to experience these dualities bet ween water and land, through dr y and wet dancing programs. By frequently changing platform densities and floor heights relative to the water, the terra fluxus is activated and creates var ying levels of stabilit y and motion, fur ther manifested through the ecological identit y of the wetland. What happens when our motion coincides with that of what lies beneath us?



l e f t m aste rp l a n r i g h t w et l an d a xo n o m et ri c b o t t o m se ct i o n a l b a l l ro o m

land : 10% land : 50% land : 75% we t land : 90 % lake : 100%




t o p s ect ional pools b o t t o m s ect ional stu dios 21

l e f t interior pool r i g h t dance studio




the confectional Non Architecture Competition: Eating Winner

type Hospitalit y

location Unspecified

Memor y is the most potent of ingredients. Par t confessional, par t automat, with a peppering of telephone box, The Confectional is a proposed respite within the future urban landscape of hungr y souls and forgot ten pasts. Finding itself in the face of commodification and food scarcit y, this mechanical booth seeks to combat these societal ef fects, through the process of conver ting tangible memories into food for the consumption of the soul, thereby reviving iconic meals of old and evoking the sweet taste of nostalgia. Users enter the now commonplace confectional with their dearest objects, placing them inside the booth’s decomposition chambers, confessing their fond memories and creating a kitchen of curiosities. The combination of memor y laced ar tifacts and additional input of information provides a confectional with the impetus to conver t the object’s mat ter into the desired meal to which it corresponds, for the user to enjoy. Ultimately, each meal is catalogued in the booth’s internal system as a record of iconic indulgences and a testament to collective human memor y. Satisfied with your own nostalgia? See the menu for a selection of fresh ingredients.






fairy rings no. 1 The Home Competition 2018

It begins with mycelium. Growing, secreting and absorbing the riches of underground nutrients, continuing out wards until the soil in the centre is exhausted. What arose from this were circular formations of mushrooms, which they called “fair y rings”. But the rings of today are not what they once were. Bit ten by the Anthropocene, the fair y rings took on a new mutant form. The mycelium, once spreading underground, now baked ver tically, encased in a thin transparent skin. If you look closely, you can find traces of yourself in the walls – plastics of the past now an amalgamated test tube. Sometimes, when the mycelium hasn’t fully matured, it reveals its framework – a skeletal lat tice anchoring the fungi in walls and floors, cupboards and beds.

type Residential

location Unspecified

collaborator Caitlin Paridy

It ends with mycelium. Af ter a lifespan, the fungi sheds its plastic skin, to be reused and shed many times over. As for the mycelium, it returns to its mythical roots, decomposing downwards into the maternal ear th. The phenomenon is quite commonplace now ; in alleys and laneways, yards and fields, you can see the fair y rings wither away, only to crop up in their reincarnations someplace else.



ground : kitchen & living

mezzanine: bathroom 30

third: bedroom one

four th: bedroom t wo 31

t o p s ect ion b o t t o m plans

l e f t p e rsp e ct i ves r i g h t const ruct i o n a xo n o m et ri c






cla my

dd ing


ne ce liu m sawdust

inf ill


agricultural waste


ingredients for grow th


3D pr int ed str uc tur al lat tic e

recycled plastic to panel


the madrasa & pavilion Moriyama RAIC International Scholarship

Small lips par ted, with brows furrowed

in concentration, directing a stream of cool breathy air through pudgy fingers against a sof t peach wall. I was around the age of five in Pakistan, when I blew what I liked


to term a “time column�. The physical act emulated the motions of smoking an invisible cigaret te, while the metaphysical act was the first element in creating an invisible web of places and memories, linking my personal journey through spatial experiences. The web was a constant companion that followed me wherever I went, recording locations and events. I would inevitably forget about the its existence, and at later points in life, recall its origin and consider all that had elapsed bet ween then and now, channelled in a vessel of time ; a time column. Born of inexplicable rationale, it was an exercise that anchored and acknowledged my existential state in a given space and moment, and revisited all the set tings through which I had come, along with their associated memories. I don’t know where this habit came from, but reminiscing now, it was an early manifestation of a cer tain infatuation with ideas of narrative, memor y, and place.



While living in Saudi Arabia, I

respite in the heat, we would sit on

spent a year studying at a local

the hard ground outside just before

madrasa, a segregated school that

noon, and tuck into a daily deliver y of

specifically teaches the memorization

naan and channa. In that cour t yard,

of the Qur’an. It was located in a

at that moment, there were no social

highly dense district of the cit y –

dif ferences, barriers or hierarchies ;

the underdeveloped urban fabric

just a communit y of young boys

composed of narrow dir t lanes

together in an atmosphere laden with

weaving through a misshapen grid of

inter t wined aspirations and journeys,

stone structures. The school was no

as we tried to get by. I lef t the school

dif ferent ; it existed within a (barely)

a year later, but the waf ts of hot

gated compound, upon sand and

breakfast and youthful conversation

rocks, surrounded by the homes of

still linger.

its teachers. The building lacked air conditioning and proper doors ; its

Years later, under extraordinar y

walls were punctured with cracks

circumstances, I was brought from

and gaps that did lit tle to keep the

hours of Qur’anic recitation, to

heav y Arabian heat out. Despite its

those spent in The Pavilion ; the

exterior, the place was defined by

sanctum of cricket at my high school

the happenings on the inside ; walls

in Toronto, and another extremely

reverberated with the recitation

impactful space, rich with histor y and

of the Qur’an, masking schoolboy

ar tefacts. Despite being overshadowed

chat ter and carpeted footsteps as we

by popular Nor th American spor ts

cycled through teachers, rooms and

following the waning of the school’s

chapters. Sadly, the boys were subject

British roots, cricket’s legacy at Upper

to punishment, their mistakes of ten

Canada College remains unsurpassed

rewarded with quick flicks of a cane

since its inception in 1863, and much

and in some instances, silent tears. I

of this is at tributed to the lit tle red

was luck y to be exempt from this, but

bricked sentinel overlooking the field.

only because of my socio-economic

Exceeding its obvious responsibilit y

background. Yet despite this realit y,

of equipment storage, The Pavilion

the one space in which we were truly

was more of a museum and shrine ; its

equal was the cour t yard. Escaping the

walls were adorned with aged team

clutches of the teachers and finding

photos, posters of iconic international


tours and relics of yester year. More

the significance of places of all

impor tantly, the space was the soul of

kinds in my life. Constantly forming

Resurgence ; a three - year movement

strong, and sometimes irrational,

reviving the game’s legacy, driven

at tachments to set tings nur tured my

by spor tsmanship and class, while

underlying state of wistful nostalgia,

opposing the racial stereot yping

and I discovered that the ‘place’ and

cricket was subject to. Our team spent

by extension, architecture, is essential

many af ternoons in that dressing

to the existence of our individual and

room, envisioning and idealising,

collective histories, and vice versa.

witnessed by our cricketing ancestors

For architecture is a “time column” in

and enveloped by a histor y continuing

itself ; ser ving not only as shelter, but

to etch itself into the walls.

also as a record and testament to the interconnected realities that define its

I recall a par ticularly incredible

ver y soul and rid it of any neutralit y. I

moment – when I was just about to go

believe the madrasa and the pavilion

out to bat in my final match as captain,

led me to architecture ; showing me

with the team on the cusp of a historic

that there exists the possibilit y to

championship win. Facing an extremely

create transformative and emotional

precarious match situation, I stood

spaces for all of our lives to unfold.

alone in the dressing room, staring

Yet, I recognise architecture’s

out onto the pitch, per fectly framed

potential as a double -edged sword,

by a single window, hear t racing and

facilitating a coexistence of positive

palms sweat y. It was the final time I

and negative narratives. For behind

was to experience this moment. I truly

the walls of madrasas, dwelled lives

felt The Pavilion’s influence, its histor y

of pover t y and injustice, and even

and tradition egging me on to fulfil

my beloved pavilion will forever

the team’s narrative, born in this ver y

remain in the shadow of a historic

space. I returned to the room hours

institution existing in the af termath of

later, now filled with animated voices

a decade -long sexual abuse scandal.

of victor y, which had been unheard in

We are seeing this on global scale

The Pavilion for almost 10 years.

too ; Donald Trump’s proposal for a border wall is a per fect example of

Having been conditioned by these t wo

architecture’s politically charged

places and their narratives, I realised

capacit y to divide.


And so, in hope

the positive narr deser ves,


I fou

es of manifesting

ratives ever yone

und architecture.


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