Looking Back MAN
A SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Commemorating the Registration of Osmania Courier as a Campus Newspaper in 1962
Editorial, November 22, 1954 -------------------We are making history. We are producing, for the first time, a newspaper that will bear the impress of our participation at every stage of its birth. We do not offer any apology for this venture. For, there is a great need for a newspaper in the University campus. Every week, event after event passes off without so much as a notice anywhere. A scholar proceeds abroad; a college Hutton scores a century before lunch; or a college belle is elected Miss University. How do you know about without someone telling you? But who will tell you? Of course, the Osmania Courier. This is new power in our hands; it is also a new responsibility. Power, it is said, corrupts. It is not true. In a democracy, power inspires. It is inevitable that we will have to sit in judgement over a variety of things. It is not always deciding between right and wrong. Sometimes we have to make a choice between right and right. It only emphasises the need for caution and discretion. As we look around, there is no room for pessimism. However, it is for us to justify the trust, so generously put in our hands. We are newcomers. On that score, we do not seek exemption from the conventions of newspaper ethics. They would apply to us equally well. In the new sphere, we may, at times, lose our way. But behind us is a galaxy of veterans always vigilant. For in expression vigilance is the price of freedom. We believe firmly that we should inspire new thinking and not direct it. We hope to communicate to our readers the best of the good temper we possess.
Dear reader, We are happy to present this special supplement marking 50 years of Osmania Courier as a registered campus newspaper. Though Courier was started in 1954, the same year in which the Department of Journalism was established, it was registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) only in 1962. This special edition commemorates the 50th anniversary. We hope you will enjoy going through the assorted clippings from the archives of Osmania Courier. -- Editor
CLASS OF 1954: The first batch of India!s first Department of Journalism with founder Prof. De Forest O!Dell (seated, fifth from right).
A report on the Department in the inaugural issue. HOW IT ALL BEGAN: Vol. 1, Issue 1, Page 1. Dated November 22, 1954
II | Looking Back
Making News
20 Dec. 1967
10 Nov. 1966
March-April 1966
27 Nov. 1964
7 March 1967
15 September 1955
1 January 1974
9 February 1957
13 November 1957
20 December 1967
29 July 1970
Looking Back |III
World on Campus
11 Dec. 1963
March-April 1966
30 Oct. 1964
October 1967
11 Dec. 1963
11 Dec. 1963
21 Nov. 1961
1 January 1974
10 November 1980
30 November 2000
21 Nov. 1961
25 October 2007
November 2011
IV | Looking Back
March 1977
27 Nov. 1964
27 Nov. 1964
October 1967
27 Nov. 1964
17 March 1977 20 July 1970
January 1977
Compiled and designed by B. Ramakrishna