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FOURTH ESTATE George Mason University’s official student news outlet Sept. 23, 2013 | Volume 1 Issue 4

Considering diversity on campus | page 6-7



Sept. 23, 2013

In this issue

17 Make DIY wall posters to show off your Mason spirit

21 Patriot club raises funds during annual golf outing


Expand your workout with medicine ball squats


Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

COLLEEN WILSON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF gmufourthestate@gmail.com On page 12, Alexis Gearheart bravely shares her story about an eating disorder that hindered her social life, stopped her academic career in its tracks and nearly wasted her away. I’m so thankful that Gearheart had the courage to speak up about a problem that is so prevalent in our culture and society, a problem so broad that no one is immune from its reach. The burden to look a certain way, whether it’s bone-thin or beefy, can be crippling for anyone, whether or not they suffer from an eating disorder. There is nowhere to escape from the pressure. I see it everywhere – from media reaction to the weight gain of an actress to the comment threads on GMU Confessions. We’ve built a culture that teaches us that acceptable figures are defined by very narrow confines. Even progressive movements that have tried to ease the pressure can warp a true and healthy sense of self. Pop culture has begun to shift away from the heroin-chic image that was so popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, but progress has been slow moving. It may even be moving in

the wrong direction. A popular phrase, seen plastered across the pages of Pinterest, Tumblr and Facebook reads, “Real women have curves.” At first, it seems empowering. Women with curves are finally being celebrated and validated. But a second glance shows a deeper, and darker, theme. If real women have curves, what kind of women are the ones with boyish hips and slight figures? Are they fake? And what is curvy anyway? Even when celebrated, curvy female figures are expected to be taught and firm, with slim waists to balance a full chest and rear. There is never an excuse to shame a body of any kind. Overweight, underweight or in between – everyone’s body is unique and not everyone’s story is public. There are a million reasons why someone could be under or overweight, a debate I watched quickly inflame on a GMU Confessions post last week. Fat people can easily be healthy and fit and thin people can have clogged arteries and weak muscles. Weight issues can spawn from laziness or emotional trauma. There is just no way to truly understand and rationalize a person’s health, happiness or worth from their pant size. And the problem is not exclusive to women, who are so often the focus of conversation when it comes to body image and the pressure to look a certain way. Manifested in different ways, negative body image affects

both men and women, whether they are heavy or thin. An unhealthy relationship with one’s self, especially when the focal point of the unhappiness centers on food and weight, can easily begin to control a life. I think that eating disorders are one of the most difficult things to recover from. After recovery, alcoholics can avoid the bars but those who struggle with their bodies can never steer clear of the constant barrage of media pressure. After rehab, drug addicts can swear off their poison, but those with eating disorders must face their demons every day, three times a day. That is why I’m so impressed with Gearheart and her strength to both overcome her all-consuming disorder and then share her story with Fourth Estate and the Mason community. Developing an eating disorder certainly isn’t a choice, but the way you view the world and the people around you can be. Take time to step back from judgmental situations and ask if you know the whole story. Think twice about the images you see in the media and the assumptions you have about yourself and others. As individuals, we can’t single-handedly cure disorders like bulimia and anorexia, but we can work to help treat the broken system that teaches us to hate ourselves and treat each other poorly.

Why FOURTH ESTATE ? offers new programs for alcohol and drug abuse 11 WAVES awareness

Prior to Broadside, the student newspaper was called The Gunston Ledger. It was changed in 1969 to better represent the politically out-spoken student body at the time. A “broadside” was a pamphlet used during the American Revolutionary War to help spread information. While Broadside has become an important part of life at Mason, we believe it no longer represents the overarching goals of student-run news. Though not specifically outlined like the three branches of government, the concept of a fourth estate referred to journalism and the media as an important tenet in upholding justice and liberty through establishing an informed public. These historic roots coincide with the transforming industry of modern journalism.



3 Newsbriefs Sept. 23, 2013

McAuliffe and Cuccinelli debate at Mason Virginia candidates for governor, Terry McAuliffe and Ken Cuccinelli, discussed small business and the Environmental Protection Agency at a small business summit held at Mason on Sept. 20. The Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce will host the candidates for another debate on Sept. 25. Lieutenant governor candidates will be debating on Mason’s Arlington campus on Sept. 24.

Fairfax campus experiences power outage Mason’s Fairfax campus experienced an extended power outage on the morning of Sept. 19 that canceled classes before 12 p.m. The Aquatic and Fitness Center, Finley Building and Johnson Center were among the buildings affected. Power was restored to the campus later that morning. The cause has not yet been publicly released.

Sept. 16 corrections

Photo of the Week: Impromptu interviews


Students were questioned on their pop culture knowledge. Questions ranged from “describe twerking” to “who is Vladimir Putin”.


What do you think about North Plaza as a designated free-speech zone?

“It says something about GMU as a school that they are willing to do that and they have people that have taken the time to designate that.” Kevin Zish, psychology graduate student

“I think there should be more zones because I think that free speech is something that George Mason would have supported and did support in a lot of ways, and if he knew that a campus named after him designated one part of the campus to speak your mind and the rest of the campus is really sanctioned for not doing that, he would probably be spinning in his grave.“ Hunter Ryan Forte, criminology, law and society, junior

“It’s pretty cool that we have a free speech zone. I feel like most people walk through here a lot. I think everyone is exposed to it so I don’t think we really need more.” Cameron McDougall, criminal justice, senior

In “Published student author finishes second science fiction book” on page 10, the story was written by Marc Zalaskus, incorrectly printed as Mark. Darian Banks should have been credited for “Staying safe on and off campus” on page 10.

“I think it is important to have the ability to express yourself, because the moment that we stop being able to express our opinions, it’s one step closer to complete submissiveness, and pretty soon no one would speak out anymore.” Arielle Flax, theater, junior



Sept. 23, 2013



Mason graduates James Murray and Joseph Rom shoot a video at student media about their non-profit, National Federation Against the Development of Drug-Resistant Disease.

Alumni create non-profit to combat antibiotic misuse DENISHA HEDGEBETH STAFF WRITER Two recent Mason graduates are fighting back against the growing threat of drug-resistant diseases. James Murray, who graduated in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in history, and Joseph Rom, who graduated in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in biology, created the National Federation Against the Development of Drug-Resistant Disease earlier this year in response to a rise in antibiotic-resistant diseases. Murray’s Army ROTC leadership experience and Rom’s microbiology professors and classes gave them the necessary skills to start the non-profit. According to a report released on Monday, Sept. 16 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at least two million people in the United States are infected by antibiotic-resistant diseases each year, and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of these infections. “I was thinking we should start some sort of organization that just teaches people the right way to use [antibiotics], because the big problem with the whole thing is basically just that people are misusing antibiotics,” said Rom, who currently works as a medical technician. “So if we could just come up with an organization that just, at least for starters, tried to teach people better antibiotic usage, than that could in itself have a big impact on the bigger problem, which is the development of drug-resistant diseases.”

Murray and Rom formed NFAD3 after seeing a growing problem in antibiotic misuse. They saw a lack of organizations focused on educating the public on proper antibiotic usage and disposal and lack of research on the trends in the development. “This is a growing problem, and there really are no organizations filling that niche trying to educate people about the misuse of antibiotics,” Murray said. “Because it’s more of a message, there’s no incentive for them [to research it].” The duo hopes to use more engaging means of educating individuals. “We want to start getting feet on the ground and just talking to people about it; going up to people and explaining to them and interacting with people on a more personal level,” Rom said. Both Murray and Rom stated that, while the evolution of these drug-resistant diseases is a natural occurrence, it is improper usage and disposal that is speeding up this process. Because it is impossible to stop these diseases from becoming resistant, the overall goal of the nonprofit is not to stop their development. The organization hopes to slow down the resistance rate of antibiotics so that new antibiotics will come out before the current ones become useless. “At this rate, they’re becoming resistant faster than we’re putting out antibiotics,” Rom said. “So we want to, through educating people, slow that rate, so that we can have more antibiotics around to treat people while we research different drugs and alternative methods that can be used.”

Short-term goals for educational outreach include creating YouTube videos and using other multimedia content to draw in a younger audience, sending out newsletters, attending expos and passing out environmentally-friendly bags to be used for proper antibiotic disposal. Murray, who focuses on the business side of the organization, said that while NFAD3 is officially registered as a nonprofit organization, it is still pending approval to become a 501c, which would make it an American tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Once they receive that approval, they hope to receive outside funding to support a research team and to expand their means of educating people. Currently, all of the funding for the organization is coming out of pocket. “Compiling data for trends is definitely going to be crucial in creating a visual argument so we can say ‘here’s a problem, and here’s why.’ But I would say, right now, since we’re still in the early stages, money is 100 percent being reinvested into education and building that up,” Rom said. However, the road to creating the organization has not been easy for the recent graduates. While simultaneously maintaining fulltime jobs, Rom and Murray are currently the only two running the organization. “I’ve never started a business from scratch before…trying to juggle everything at the same time and then be doing something which we have no background in doing is not exactly like selling lemonade,” Rom said. They are currently in the process of expanding their team by looking for volunteers and a

public affairs officer for their organization. “We want people that are interested in helping. I’m not trying to make money off of this,” Rom said. “I’m doing this because I care about this issue and I want to find other people who share my interest and passion for microbiology and helping people.” At the end of the day, Murray and Rom are enjoying the rewarding experience of creating and running their own nonprofit and have high hopes for its future. “I’ve sunk a lot of money into this without any hope of getting back. If I’m able to educate even just ten people, and they make better decisions because of it, I’ll feel like it’ll have been worth it,” Rom said. “If I can do that more and educate more people, hopefully educate the whole world someday…that’s the most rewarding thing, just finally getting out there and talking to people and teaching people.” To watch the Public Service Announcement that was shot for National Federation Against the Development of Drug-Resistant Disease, scan the QR code or go to http://bit.ly/16zRKHH


Safety systems updated to include neighborhood assistant program “We are able to provide a lot of great service for similar cost,” Coleman said. The Office of Physical Security’s serThe Office of Housing and Residence vices in the residence halls will vary delife has entered into a new partnership pending on the time of year. According with the Mason Office of Physical Se- to Coleman, they will be more active curity after ending their contract with during winter break because the buildSecuritas Security Services, an external ings will be mostly empty. security firm, in July. OHRL has also Denise Taylor, the executive director started a new stuof Housing and dent neighborhood Residence Life, “There was a desire to assistant program came up with rethink and to utilize that works closely the idea of the with the Office of services that are Mason- neighborhood Physical Security to assistant proensure safety in the based. Physical security gram. residence halls. “She is alwas a natural partner“The neighborways looking hood assistant profor ways to inship for us to develop. gram is not a secucrease the numThey are here on rity program,” said ber of student Michelle Coleman, employees so campus and have that assistant direcher thought was relationship with the tor of community to develop this standards within program,” Colepolice department. ” the office of Housman said. ing and Residence S t u d e n t -Michelle Coleman, assistant Life. “They focus neighborhood director of community on the interiors of assistants work standards residence halls, from 5 p.m. to 5 but they certainly a.m. every night check exterior and look for doors to make sure they are secure.” problems related to facilities, conduct According to Coleman, the neigh- health and safety inspections, and see borhood assistants provide the Office to anything that comes up during their of Physical Security, an office of the walk-through of the residence halls. Mason Police Department, an addi“Our neighborhood assistants have tional level of support in keeping the a lot of training related to facilities and residence halls safe. Neighborhood as- who to refer to within the department. sistants focus on the interior of the resi- They are focused on relationship builddence halls, while the Office of Physical ing and being a helpful presence,” ColeSecurity is responsible for monitoring man said. “The security office is focused the outside of these halls. on the exterior and on the security piece Coleman said that while OHRL en- of it.” joyed a relationship with Securitas, they Christopher Deane, a sophomore apdecided to use a Mason group to per- plied information technology major, is a form the task of keeping the perimeters neighborhood student manager for the of residence halls secure. neighborhood assistant program. He “There was a desire to rethink and to has been working with all of the neighutilize services that are Mason-based. borhood assistants, primarily with Physical security was a natural partner- health and safety inspections. ship for us to develop. They are here on “The most challenging part campus and have that relationship with of working with this program the police department. They are very fa- is the night hours,” Deane said. miliar with Mason-specific policies and Coleman said that she hopes the are very much on board with that stu- neighborhood assistant program is bedent focus,” Coleman said. ing viewed positively by students. Coleman said that financial reasons “We [see] them as helping to build were not the primary reason for replacing community. They are intended to be a Securitas with the Office of Physical Se- really helpful presence,” Coleman said. curity but is considered in all decisions.


Sept. 23, 2013


–Peter Travers,


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Sept. 23, 2013


Defining diversity University offices promote cultural curiosity amongst all students NIKI PAPADOGIANNAKIS NEWS EDITOR Mason ranks in the top 50 most diverse schools in the nation in U.S. News and World Report’s ratings. The university received a 0.63 diversity score, in which 1.0 means more diverse based on campus ethnic diversity, for 2012-2013. The diversity is evident by just walking around campus at peak hours; students and faculty of ethnic, socioeconomic, gender, sexuality and ideological differences are abundant. “Between students’ backgrounds, where they’re from, whether it’s geographical, regional or international students, graduate students, non-traditional, veteran students, I think that’s really where a lot of diversity gets a lot of energy and continues to be a conversation on campus,” said Joya Crear, associate dean of University Life. Crear believes that students’ engagement with their niche group is where Mason’s diversity gets its energy. “At Mason, I think diversity and a sense of belonging go hand-inhand,” Crear said. “So depending on where you find your niche or your niches, we could call that community. So I think a lot of students and faculty and staff find their communities here.” Diversity, however, is not always clear-cut. It is difficult to define because of the complexity of the word and the large amount of possible varieties it can encompass. “I think about diversity as everything people bring to the table,” Crear said. “In terms of the various identities they have the roles they play in their life, the things that they feel they have an affinity to, whether that is a hobby, an interest, neighborhood community, spiritual life.” But is everyone going to the same table-- or to their own? Crear believes that people go where they feel most comfortable, not out of bias, but because it is natural to gravitate towards similarities. “That’s everywhere. It’s a phenomenon, you know, and I think it’s an acknowledgement of ‘I need to be able to connect with people who look like me or with whom I

share some identity,’” said Marquita Chamblee, director of the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education. While being interviewed for her position at ODIME, Chamblee asked students if the diverse groups mix and found out that they do not. “I got interesting responses but the bottom line was well we kind of don’t really,” Chamblee said. “And what I hear from other colleagues at University Life offices, students express, white students, all, a lot of students, express, I came to Mason for the diversity and then I leave and I don’t feel like I’ve benefited from that.” Starting the conversation “Within and Across” is the general theme for multicultural events this year, including September’s Hispanic Heritage Month. “Within” highlights the internal topics, the topics that a cultural group discusses. “You’ll see it in a lot of what we’re

starting to do because it acknowledges that we need to have within group conversations. African, African heritage students, we have our stuff,” Chamblee said. With “across,” ODIME plans to break the barriers and get many different diverse groups to come together and talk about issues in the Mason community. It will follow the structure of the “State of Black Mason Conversation Café” that was held last year but will include students and faculty who do not usually find themselves talking about diversity issues with people who are not in their own niche. “It’s a real intentional effort to put different people at the table, and that includes white students,” Chamblee said. Another effort to embrace diversity at Mason is “The Blueprint Project: A Design of Inclusion.” This past summer, a group of freshman applied and were chosen to participate in the two-day project in which they were exposed to the diversity at Mason and developed skills to engage

in the diverse community. “It challenges, when you start having those conversations that you really want to have, but you want to be politically correct, you want to be respectful, you’re not sure how to ask the question,” Crear said. “Our goal with The Blueprint program is for it to introduce those things to freshmen early.” In addition, the Campus Climate Committee meets monthly to scope-out the feel of the university and to be sure that students and faculty are being respectful with their questions. It is made up of faculty and staff who then report to the Provost. “We hold people accountable. We are trying to create a certain type of university here where not only are we are diverse, but we also want to have a climate that welcomes that diversity and that leverages that to our advantage,” Crear said. Exploring cultural curiosity In every person, there is a natural

curiosity about the unknown that often does not get fulfilled because students no longer have a kindergartner’s mentality of just going and doing it, according to Crear. “When I think about kindergartners, if I turn on music with kindergartners and said, just dance around for the next five minutes, we’re just going to shake it all out. They’d be all over the place. They don’t care what they look like, they don’t care if they’re jumping on people, they’re not trying to do a dance,” Crear said. “If I say that to freshmen at Mason, everyone is like, she wants us to do what?” According to Crear, students are often inhibited by their concern that what they are doing is not correct or appropriate. “At some point, somewhere after kindergarten and first grade, we start internalizing what’s the right way to do this and how I’m being foreseen and I can’t say this and I can’t say that,” Crear said. While there are societal rules to follow, many come in the way of an enriching experience. “I do think there are some rules that people do need to follow but at the same time I think, when it comes to diversity, we’ve almost gone a little bit too far in terms of okay, you don’t have to be a certain way,” Crear said. But the rules to cross are those of cultural boundaries. “I’m not Hispanic,” said Crear, giving an example. “I can go to [Hispanic Student Association] meetings and hang out and sit there; I mean, they’re going to be nice, they’re going to be respectful, they’re going to ask me questions, they’re going to feed me, they’re going to invite me to stuff. And kindergarteners just do that-- they just show up, they don’t think about it. We go through a lot of drama trying to figure out how to even get in the door as opposed to just saying, I want to go in the door, I’m gonna go-- period.” Crear suggests to adopt a kindergartener’s mentality and to just go for it. “It will not be half as bad as the nightmare in your brain,” Crear said.

News Research aims to clarify diversity issues


JANELLE GERMANOS NEWS EDITOR Students, faculty and staff are looking for answers to questions concerning diversity at Mason through the Science of Diversity Project, a four semester-long research class that began in the fall of 2012. The project is currently in the data collecting process, asking students for their opinions on diversity. “We want to know if there is a correlation between diversity and the ability of students to engage resources on campus, resources being everything from information about internships to going to office hours for professors,” said Liz Andrews, the Science of Diversity graduate student. “We want to know if students feel comfortable seeking out resources on campus and does that relate to their experience with diversity.” Undergraduate students interested in research came together with professors from a variety of disciplines to decide what they wanted to study. “A really diverse group of students came together and decided that we wanted to know about how students interact with each other or don’t, whether the faculty at the school is as diverse as the student body, and same with the administration,” Andrews said. The student-led project is part of the Diversity Research Group, which brings together students, faculty, staff and administrators who are interested in diversity as it relates to higher education. In the spring of 2013, the second semester of the Science of Diversity project, students came up with specific research questions and applied to the Institutional Review Board. “We’ve narrowed the project down to the ways that students experience diversity on campus,” Andrews said. “We are trying to get at intergroup relations and the way students

interact with faculty on campus.” Students meet in a weekly class and conduct hands-on research. The project is collecting information through an online survey where students can answer questions about their identity and their interactions with faculty. The Science of Diversity project also conducts short video interviews that ask participants questions about how they define diversity. This semester, the group is collecting data in the Johnson Center at a kiosk where students can participate in the video interviews and in a mapping exercise where they circle on a map of the Fairfax campus places they see diversity and feel comfortable on campus. Senior Grace Beya, a criminology, law and society major, has been involved with the project since fall of 2012 and has participated in the data collection at the kiosk. According to Beya, the turnout of students participating in the project has been high. “People are interested because a lot of people have this question and would love to have an answer, but they have never had the chance to discuss it,” Beya said. “People have been engaged and it has been thought provoking, because we are at Mason and Mason is thought to be this diverse campus, but we don’t really think about what this diversity means.” According to Andrews, part of the project is about defining diversity. “It’s hard for me to say ‘yes, Mason is diverse,’ because it depends on what you are thinking about as diversity,” Andrews said. “Most people tend to go for the racial and ethnic diversity, but there are numerous factors that go into what we consider a catch-all category of diversity, like sexual orientation and gender identity, ability and disability, age, and so I think that one of the biggest challenges is figuring out what diversity means and what for.” Andrews hopes the project will answer questions about diversity on college campuses. “What is the difference between celebrat-

ing diversity or engaging in it? I think what we are doing is engaging a really ripe opportunity and to figure out what that means,” Andrews said. Mason has been ranked numerous times in the past as the most diverse school in Virginia. In 2005, The Princeton Review rated Mason as the most diverse college in the United States. Students and faculty like Andrews and Beya question whether students are engaged in this diversity. “I feel that we have been taking diversity a little lightly. Not everyone is educated about or even understands what it means, so I think the first issue would be educating people, and also having projects like this where people really think about what it means to have a diverse campus,” Beya said. Andrews believes that while the perception is that Mason has a diverse campus, diversity is becoming another way for universities to market themselves. “I think that diversity is a cool buzz-word right now. Everyone wants to be diverse, it’s one of the ticks you click off on U.S. News and World Report, it’s something to do to promote your school, and so we’re wondering what that really means,” Andrews said. Beya used the concept of a “JC effect” to explain intercultural interactions at Mason. “One of the major questions we had when we first started this project was about the JC effect, where you see people of the same ethnicity sitting together, and what does that mean and why does that happen,” Andrews said. According to Andrews, the project aims to make recommendations about diversity to the university. “I think that a lot of times, there is an inclusion of departments or offices or of students who are quote-in-quote diverse at institutions, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the school is engaging students,” Andrews said.


Sept. 23, 2013



Is there a true sense of diversity at Mason? NIKI PAPADOGIANNAKIS NEWS EDITOR Ten students interviewed all agree that the university houses a culturally diverse group of people. Only one of those ten, however, believes that students of different cultural backgrounds socially interact on a regular basis. “As much as I like the diversity aspect of Mason, I think that professor John Davis put it best when he said that it’s not a melting pot, it’s a fruit salad,” said Farah Latif, communication major. “I think it’s just salad. There will also be someone who finds their pineapple chunks, and there will always be someone like me who is the cherry on top.” The majority of students interviewed said they see cultural groups cliquing rather than mixing with other groups. “Generally a lot of the times, yes [groups do clique together], but that doesn’t mean always,” said Saman Shahid, Pakistani sophomore “There is a lot of mixing and stuff, but I could even say for myself, I do admit that I mostly hang out with Pakistani people.” Across campus, different cultural groups are evident: 1,837 international students represent 125 countries. 50 percent of students identify themselves as white. The other 50 percent is a combination of Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic, non-residential alien, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, two or more races or unknown. “A lot of my professors actually are from different parts of the world and countries and stuff so it’s cool to have multi-cultural professors. You see different Muslim students and stuff all around. I don’t actually talk to any yet, but I really want to,” said freshman Destiny Davis. Most students agreed that the number of students from different cultures at Mason lends itself to a diverse classroom setting, but Latif believes that it is evident in some classrooms more than others. “I feel like when I’m in a comm class, it’s very much young, westernized culture, but when I go to a class like a religion class or literature class, that’s where I really find diversity,” Latif said.



Sept. 23, 2013



Fair Labor Standards Act The following six criteria must be applied when deciding whether an internship can be unpaid: 1. The internship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment; 2. The internship experience is for the benefit of the intern; 3. The intern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff; 4. The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the intern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded; 5. The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the internship; and 6. The employer and the intern understand that the intern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the internship.




Weighing costs of unpaid internships AVERY POWELL STAFF WRITER The days of hurried coffee runs and phone answering may be coming to an end for interns across America. This past June, a federal district court judge in the southern district of New York handed down a decision for a case against Fox Searchlight Productions, brought on by two production interns for the film “Black Swan.” Judge William Pauley ruled that the interns were legitimate employees of the company and deserved compensation for their work. He declared that their work was not educational enough and did not meet the requirements of an unpaid internship set forth by The Fair Labor Standards Act. “They received nothing approximating the education

they would receive in an academic setting or vocational school,” Pauley said in his decision. In addition, the interns can also now file a class action lawsuit against the company. While this decision only affects internships on the New York state level, it has started a national conversation regarding unpaid internships and has resulted in other lawsuits against major companies, including The Hearst Corporation and Atlantic Records. Many companies are now evaluating their internship programs and some have even begun to pay their interns. NBC Universal began paying their interns after a lawsuit was brought against them in July. A study by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that in the class of 2012, 51 percent of paid in-

terns were offered a job compared to only 41 percent of unpaid interns. Christine Cruzvegara, director of University Career Services at Mason, believes that the companies who do give interns jobs after their internship typically have a more structured hiring process that begins far in advance. While others, such as non-profit companies, often do not have the resources to pay their interns and hire “just in time.” “While we would love for all employers to pay interns, it’s not currently realistic in some industries and fields and we ultimately want to ensure that our students get the best experience to be competitive in the marketplace,” Cruzvegara said. She recommends that students consider the professional benefits of an internship, including hands on experience and

networking. “I’ll pick money over nothing,” said Mike De Robbio, senior government and international politics major at Mason who has held three major internships over his collegiate career. “If it pays in experiential, networking and credit dividends like [my internship with] Congress did, I’d certainly consider it”. Interns must also consider their commuting time and expenses, especially at Mason where students often get internships in Washington, D.C. Csilla Aglaure-Szekelyhidi, a senior conflict analysis and resolution major, commutes approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes on the red line, 3 days per week, to her unpaid internship at One Common Unity in Columbia Heights. “One way [to Columbia Heights] on the metro is $5.65,


While we would love for all employers to pay interns, it’s not currently realistic in some industries and fields and we ultimately want to ensure that our students get the best experience to be competitive in the marketplace. Christine Cruzvegara, director of university career services

which is the peak price,” Aglaure-Szekelyhidi said. “Every day that I commute using public transportation (since it is the fastest), I spend $11.30.” Aglaure-Szekelyhidi doesn’t think that unpaid internships are necessarily bad but does believe her internship is taking a toll on her finances. “I love where I intern, but it’s very difficult each week to know if I’ll be able to come back purely on the fact that I might not be able to afford to get out [to Columbia Heights],” Aglaure-Szekelyhidi said. “The expectation that you have to do an unpaid internship before a paid one because we need to ‘pay our dues’ is unjustified and only contributes to the perpetual problem interns are facing daily.” The intern image has been addressed through a variety of angles in the media. Typically, interns are portrayed as a young, enthusiastic twenty-something doing mindless errands for a harsh employer, usually for little or no pay. While such portrayals shed light on a harsh reality of the working world, not all internships involve getting insulted while buying coffee and grabbing your boss’s dry cleaning. Internships are also becoming a common practice for students and a great selling point for many universities, especially those near large metropolitan areas like Mason. NACE found that, out of the class of 2012, 55 percent of graduates had paid

internship experience while 63 percent had unpaid experience. In the spring of 2013, Mason had a total of 1,940 different internship listings on the HireMason website, 1,128 of which were paid. Elyse Bailey, a senior anthropology major, completed an internship abroad last semester with the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology in central London. While she was not paid, she did receive credit for the internship. Bailey completed various administrative tasks, worked on social media, filed papers and helped with event planning. While Bailey learned about the public relations industry, anthropology and some data analysis, there were days when she was not very involved. “There were a few slow days where they just didn’t have a ton of work for me,” Bailey said. “But I loved my internship and I learned a lot despite having no money.” Regardless of the pay, internships can be a valuable source for professional experience and contacts. “It all feels very rewarding and the work definitely helps the company out,” said Paul Asche, a senior engineering major who has a paid internship with Urban Engineering in Annandale. “I’m learning new things every day and can already see the benefits of the job”. With all of the discussion around paid internships and the overall benefits, the unpaid position may become


a thing of the past. Amanda Stecco, a government and international politics major with an internship at GMR Marketing, believes that unpaid internships are going to stay put. “There’s something really great about working so hard for something, not because you’re getting paid, just because you love it so much and are that interested in it,” Stecco said. Stecco also noted that she completed an unpaid internship with a congresswoman during her freshmen year. University Career Services, located in Student Union Building I, encourages students to meet with a manager of Industry Advising and Employer Development for an appointment to discuss securing an internship. They also recommend the HireMason website and their job fairs as tools for finding jobs and internships. Career Services is currently working on a HireMason feature that will require employers to enter the learning objectives of an internship before posting, aiming to put an end to the days of underappreciated labor.

Read Michael Gryboski’s opinion on unpaid internships on page 19.

Sept. 23, 2013


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Sept. 23, 2013



Counselors cautiously advise double majoring Double majors require extensive time commitment, planning, dedication KATLYN BABYAK STAFF WRITER Pursuing a double major in college requires careful planning and perseverance. According to Associate Director of Academic Advising Paul Bousel, it’s best to work with students at the beginning of the process rather than at the end. Students should start planning as early as possible and choose something that they love. However, students can always consult with an adviser at any stage of their college education. “If someone asks me about two majors, [I] do a What-if Analysis to make sure this is within the parameters the student sets forth,” said Dr. Catherine Wright, the director of undergraduate academic advising. “What are their goals? I ask them a lot of questions to help them explain why they want to do this and for me to better understand. I think that almost any two majors could work well together if that person has dedication and/or interest in the subjects.” There are several different components that are key to successfully double majoring: “A strong GPA (over 3.0), a strong interest in the subjects, and a goal or two in mind,” Wright said. One goal is finding a career that incorporates both majors, such as working as a counselor with a degree in communication and social work. Wright, however, added that a double major is not for students who are unsure of their interests and future career strengths. Lauren Daniels, a sophomore studying psychology and criminology, made her decision to double major based on her career choice. While a psychology major, Daniels decided it would not be enough to get her the job she wanted. Her options were either to add another major or get a doctorate in psychology. “I figured it was easier, cheaper, and less time consuming to pursue the double major option. Also, I was interested in working somewhere like the FBI and knew that criminology would be very useful if I did decide to go into such a field. My majors complement each other very well,” Daniels said. Tyler Durkee is a sophomore studying accounting and economics. “Originally I was just an accounting major; my teacher freshman year convinced me that a minor in economics would be really easy because it overlapped, and I like economics a lot,” Durkee said. “Together I can do them both if I take like two electives for the rest of the year. And it works, because I came in with some math credit, and I’m doing both [bachelor of sciences] so I don’t have to do any


language.” Durkee’s decision came after discussing his situation with his Honors College adviser and with his economics professor. Both advised him to pick two majors in the same type of bachelor’s degree. “We talked it over, and it would be a lot more work if I wanted to do a [bachelor of science] and a [bachelor of arts] , because there are things I haven’t taken that I wasn’t going to have to take because of my original as a [bachelor of science], and it just wouldn’t work,” Durkee said. “And plus, I’d probably have to take another semester or do some summer work if I wanted that.” When asked how he sees his two majors complementing each other, Durkee responded that while his accounting degree pertains more to his future career, he took on the economics degree because he enjoyed it. The two majors overlap in some areas, as they both deal with the business world Bousel advised that students take advantage of the opportunity to double major, depending on the major combination, as long as it fits into four years and 120 credits. He recommended that students get creative and try to make required courses count double for the

university to save time. Bousel however, noted that circumstances change. If students discover that a second major is too much, they can change it to a minor. Wright said that it is completely possible to get everything done in four years and 120 credits. “The ways in which [a double major] could enhance are endless,” Wright said. “You potentially have double the knowledge, double the education, double the ability to get the job/internship done. Jobs are not linear, nor are they singular in subject. For example, medical professionals are a very skilled set of people; however, they also need communication skills.” The exposure to two departments allows students to expand their relationships and experiences and can provide more contacts for future jobs. Daniels added that even with the time commitment, it is still possible to have a social life. “As far as campus involvement goes, I do not think that it takes away from many other opportunities,” Daniels said. “This semester I am taking 18 credits, so it is a little harder, but

I still find time to be the major events coordinator for Habitat for Humanity, be involved in Christian groups on campus, exercise and hang out with friends.” Meanwhile, Durkee said that fitting in college classes and a job can be difficult. “I’ve considered multiple times getting a job on campus,” Durkee said. “And I haven’t done it because I’m not sure I have the time or whether I can handle it.” With the amount of commitment involved, it’s not uncommon for double majors to second guess their decision. Durkee confessed that while he is set on accounting, he has considered that the additional economics major might become overwhelming. Daniels, however, is convinced the benefits of her double major are worth the extra effort. “I think that double majoring is a great option but I think in doing so, it is important to have a way that both majors tie in together or [complement] each other. It makes the work load a little easier and makes it easier to see the real world application.”



Sept.23, 2013


WAVES office expands resources for substance abuse among students WAVES sponsors alcohol and marijuana awareness groups (SEAN HICKEY/FOURTH ESTATE)

SAVANNAH NORTON STAFF WRITER Starting late this September, WAVES will be sponsoring alcohol and marijuana awareness groups at Mason. Wellness, Alcohol and Violence Education and Services gives students the opportunity to have one on one time with WAVES faculty to address a wide range of issues from stress management to sexual assault. WAVES will soon be holding group sessions every Thursday 5:30-6:30 p.m. and Friday 11 a.m.12 p.m. to help students reduce or stop their marijuana or alcohol consumption. “Do a gut check and decide whether alcohol or marijuana has gotten in the way of relationships or how you want to do in school,” said Associate Director of WAVES Elaine Viccora for students considering the support groups. These groups are educational, specifically intended to help students learn from others and get advice about consumption of substances to eventually build them up to where they want to be as a person. It is not a requirement to want to quit drinking or doing drugs to join in on the group sessions. Students just need to have a goal related to drinking and marijuana to cut back or stop. “Group is a great way to figure out ‘what do I want to do, what’s the best choice for me?’

and how can you can stick to that,” said Mary Ann Sprouse, director of the Office of Alcohol, Drug and Health Education. Over a five-week period, Sprouse and Viccora will help students map out a plan and give them opportunities to try it out to help them reach their goal with consumption issues. “We help people identify who in your life is your ‘cheering section’ and who are the friends who really aren’t going to support you in this effort,” Viccora said. These groups talk about specific topics and then open up to more general situations in students’ lives. This time together helps students make an effort to help one another and trade ideas. “When I talk to students, sometimes they will come to me on their own because of their own substance use and sometimes they come because someone else has told them ‘Hey you need to go talk to WAVES.’ Most people have had some kind of incident that really shook them up or they have gotten in trouble or something in their personal life has happened. Most people are taking that as a wakeup call and they want to change,” Viccora said. The WAVES alcohol and marijuana group provides support through peer mediation, but there is also a WAVES faculty member present to offer suggestions and provide insight.

“The power is students talking to other students,” Viccora said. For students concerned about the confidentiality of what they discuss while attending this group, secrecy is discussed when students first attend a meeting. “People only have to introduce themselves in group by their first names,” Sprouse said. Along with signing a confidentiality form, they teach the students that it is acceptable to talk about what they learn in the group but that they are not allowed to talk about others in the group. The alcohol consumption and illegal drug use statistics at Mason remain steady, with almost 33 percent of Mason students not consuming alcohol, according to a spring 2013 sidewalk survey. In the same survey, it was estimated that nearly 57 percent of Mason students have three or fewer alcoholic drinks while at parties or socializing. “Our numbers have stayed about the same, certainly haven’t seen an increase. We do find that as students are figuring out what’s the best plan for them, ‘Do I want to stop drinking or drink less?’ They tend to find really good answers and how they are going to stick with the goal they come up with from each other,” Sprouse said. Drinking and substance abuse is an ongoing problem that WAVES tries their best

to address. “It’s a little bit like pushing a rock up a hill, because there is so much in the public perception and the media about how college equals partying on weekends, pre-gaming and drinking games. I think that those cultural influences can form how people come to college and one of the things we try to do here at WAVES is bring up the fact that not everyone at college drinks,” Viccora said. According to a 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, about 20 million people needed specialized treatment for substance abuse but did not receive it. Of these 20 million people, only 940,000 actually thought they needed it and only 314,000 made an effort to get treatment. “The reality is, it doesn’t matter how old you are, none of us like to be ‘that’ different person in a group,” Viccora said. Students also may be on the fence about coming and sharing their personal problems with others but “it is unexpectedly a great experience. You really learn a lot from your peers and get great support,” Sprouse said. WAVES group sessions help students realize what other choices they have as an individual and how they can get others around them to support their decisions.


Sept. 23, 2013


Fourth estate

Living in the shadow of an eating disorder (ILLUSTRATION BY KATRYNA HENDERSON/FOURTH ESTATE)

JANELLE GERMANOS NEWS EDITOR Alexis Gearheart’s eating disorder controlled her life in high school and the beginning of college. Geartheart struggled to adjust to college with her eating disorder, and decided to seek treatment for it last September. “College is the perfect ground for an eating disorder to get worse,” said Gearheart, a senior biology major. “I struggled with it in high school, but you are with your family and you eat with them, and you have surveillance. But when you get to college, there are no ties that you have to keep. You can isolate yourself very well.” The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) reports that 95 percent of people with eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25.

According to a recovering student, “college is the perfect ground for an eating disorder to get worse”

Sarah Fischer, Ph.D., an assistant professor of clinical psychology at Mason and a licensed clinical psychologist, conducts research on eating disorders and the factors present during the first semester of college that can increase disordered eating behavior. “College is a time when people might start experimenting with those types of things,” Fischer said. “This will happen in high school too, but college is just a really unique environment, because a lot of people move away from home and are living in dorms and are doing a lot of social comparisons to their peers and their classmates when they are trying out these new things.” According to Fischer, societal pressures to be thin are particularly strong during the first semester of college, as students are becoming independent for the first time. Moving away from parents and starting college are major

stressors for many students and can lead students to develop eating disorders. “The first semester of college is really a unique time to see how some of those personality characteristics will influence your behavior because you’ve moved away from a stable living environment, you’re in a new living environment and you’re trying to adjust to it and you don’t have all the same rules and restrictions,” Fischer said. “So it’s a time where we think personality traits will influence your behavior more strongly than they did if you were living with your parents.” Gearheart found her relationship with others strained during her freshman year because of her eating disorder. “I would rather be closed off, by myself where I can control everything. For a lot of girls, eating disorders become their best friend,” Gearheart said.

According to Fischer, adjusting to a college meal plan and dealing with socio-cultural pressures of trying to fit into a thin-ideal can also cause disordered eating to increase. “I had a meal plan, but I rarely used it,” Gearheart said. Gearheart visited Counseling and Psychological Services at Mason after her family told her that she needed to seek help. At that point, her health was very poor. “They told me there was no option and I had to get help. When you see your family cry you realize this is it, you have to,” Gearheart said. After visiting CAPS, Gearheart was referred to a treatment center in Falls Church. While in treatment, Gearheart learned how to deal with negative emotions related to her eating disorder and continues to practice what she learned there. “You’re given one body. It’s a very strong


Fourth estate “I think it is really important for people who are showing signs and symptoms and have really low self-esteem to get the help that they deserve.” -Jordan White, president and founder of BeYOUtiful and intricate and beautiful thing. Instead of hating it, you should love it, because it gets you through this world,” Gearheart said. “Once you accept it and value it, it starts to work for you and it helps you have these wonderful experiences because you don’t want to live with these demons in your head.” When she returned to Mason, Gearheart was forced to deal with logistical problems related to classes and housing in addition to continuing the recovery process from her eating disorder. “Higher-ups suggested that I drop all of my classes,” Gearheart said. “When I did that, housing told me I had to leave, because I wasn’t enrolled. It didn’t matter if I was recovering and I didn’t have a place to go - they told me I had to leave.” Gearheart was allowed to stay on campus after staying enrolled in one class, but housing stressed that this was a very rare exception. “I was appalled because I did what Mason wanted me to do: I went to treatment and got help,” Gearheart said. “But now I’m getting kicked out of the dorm because I missed class. When it comes to medical issues, I think they

should change their policy on this.” Gearheart was also frustrated that the only on-campus resources she could find consisted of a self-help library at CAPS. At the time, she was unable to find an organization dedicated to promoting education about eating disorders. After realizing that finding information about eating disorders was somewhat difficult at Mason, junior psychology major Jordan White was inspired to start BeYOUtiful, a student group promoting healthy body image. “It is really difficult to find information, and when you go into the office, [the employees] aren’t really sure where to point you,” said White of the CAPS office at Mason. “This is really surprising to me, because eating disorders have the highest mortality rate for psychiatric disorders.” BeYOUtiful’s objectives include education, awareness and encouraging others to be comfortable in their own skin. White wants the group to help others to be themselves and love themselves. “I want people to know where they can go if they are struggling,” White said. “I think it is really important for people who are showing signs and symptoms and have really low self-esteem to get the help that they deserve.” Joan Mizrahi, the associate director of training at CAPS, encourages students struggling with an eating disorder to make an appointment. Mizrahi is also involved in the taskforce that will be hosting HEAL Your Body this year. “It is true that we don’t offer extensive services, but we do work with students to refer out,” Mizrahi said. “I encourage people to come in here and talk with me.” White, who is also in recovery from an eating disorder, was inspired to start BeYOUtiful after conducting research with Fischer. “Part of that was finding other resources,

and that’s when I discovered there really are none on campus, that are long term, at least,” White said. White found that Mason’s resources related to eating disorders are helpful in a short-term setting as they refer out for anything longer and believes campus could grow in regards to their eating disorder resources. “Campus has alcoholic anonymous groups on campus and that helps a lot with substance abuse in general, but eating disorders are a little different,” White said. “With most people who are in recovery from alcohol, you can take away the alcohol and they just have to live and grow without that substance. But with eating disorders, you can’t just remove the food and tell that person to recover. It’s a different type of addiction, for lack of better words.” One of White’s main goals this semester is to start an eating disorder anonymous group, something she believes would be a good starting point for dealing with these issues at Mason. “There really aren’t any in Fairfax, and the closest one is in Falls Church,” White said. “So residents who don’t have a car that are struggling can’t get to Falls Church, and there’s also no shuttle that goes there.” Another resource available to Mason students is the Center for Psychological Services, a clinic that operates on a sliding fee scale. The clinic is located on Democracy Lane within a mile of campus. “We offer at that clinic empirically supported treatments, which are treatments that have been tested in randomized clinical trials and show that they are more effective than other treatments for a certain disorder,” Fischer said. “So if a student wanted to seek treatment for an eating disorder, they could try CAPS, but they could also come to our center.” Gearheart believes that having more eating disorder awareness events on campus would

Sept. 23, 2013


Recovery resources

National Eating Disorders Association Hotline Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 800-931-2237 nationaleatingdisorders.org George Mason Counseling and Psychological Services 703-993-2380 caps.gmu.edu George Mason Center for Psychological Services 703-993-1370 psycclinic.gmu.edu

reduce the stigma surrounding them and would allow for others to recognize their warning signs. “I would like to see campus have people like NEDA ambassadors come and speak to spread awareness,” Gearheart said. “A lot of girls don’t know they have an eating disorder or that they are in the process of getting one.”

receive Information from National Eating Disorder Association and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ILLUSTRATION BY WALTER MARTINEZ/FOURTH ESTATE)



Sept. 23, 2013

Fourth estate

By the numbers A University Life survey asked students how often they communicated with their parents FRESHMAN

45% 28% 11% 8%

said they communicated 1-5 times

Helicopter Parents

said they communicated 6-10 times (ILLUSTRATION BY WALTER MARTINEZ/FOURTH ESTATE)

More of a hindrance than a help NIKKI HOLDEN STAFF WRITER For commuters and dorm dwellers alike, the college experience is a time for personal growth. But what happens when that growth is stifled under the powerful downdraft of the spinning rotor blades of a “helicopter parent?” Part of the common vernacular since the early 1990s, “helicopter parent” was added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in 2011. The definition is simple: “a parent who is overly involved in the life of his or her child.” But the effects of helicopter parenting can complicate a young adult’s development. A 2012 study from Mary Washington University concluded that parents hovering over the lives of their college-aged children have an overall negative effect on the student’s feelings of autonomy, competency and their relationship with their parents. A multitude of other studies echo the same sentiments:

when parents hover, they do not allow room for the normal maturation and emotional development of their children, resulting in a young adult who is anxious and unable to deal with the routine demands of adult life. In a study by University Life, 28% of Mason freshmen and 29% of sophomores communicated with their parents 6-10 times a week. Though Mason has a sizable commuter population, an integral part of the college experience is being independent from parents and forming connections with people outside the family circle. Ann Lewis, the assistant dean of the Academic Advising & Transfer Center, sees involved and overly involved parents on a weekly, if not daily, basis. “Parents think it’s making it easier for the student, but it’s not,” Lewis said. “Kids learn from their own success and failures.” Constant intervention to prevent a child’s failure only robs them of valuable learning opportunities.

said they communicated 11-15 times

Sometimes parents do not just hover, they dictate. When a parent forces or coerces their child into a certain major, students tend to feel less engaged and less satisfied with their coursework. Lewis sees such cases often and notes that sometimes parents and students think that only certain majors can lead to desirable careers, but in reality many different majors can all lead to the same career. For students living under a helicopter-parenting regime, it’s very unlikely that their parents are intentionally stunting their development. According to Lewis, it is harder for parents to let go of their children than to keep hanging on. When a student develops the courage to speak for themself, Lewis recommends they be proactive and positive in regards to their own academic journey and development. “This makes it harder for parents to veto good ideas,” Lewis says.

said they communicated more than 25 times SOPHOMORES

49% 29% 10% 4%

said they communicated 1-5 times

said they communicated 6-10 times

said they communicated 11-15 times

said they communicated more than 25 times

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Sept. 23, 2013


Fifteen minutes with Justin Timberlake Timberlake and costar Anthony Mackie hang out on Google Chat to discuss their new movie “Runner, Runner”

AARON LOCKE STAFF WRITER Ten assorted college students are huddled around laptops waiting to interview to Justin Timberlake. The media team for his new movie “Runner, Runner” has launched a campaign to reach out to college students as a way of creating buzz for the film. The movie is classified as a drama and tells the story of Richie, played by Timberlake, a college student who pays for tuition using money he earns from online gambling. When Richie loses all his money, he travels to Costa Rica in an attempt to face the owner of the gambling site, whom he believes has stolen his money. The film is a heightened reality in which the pressures of student debt take center stage in motivating the actions of the protagonist. But that matters very little in the context of this interview. The pertinence of the film to the lives of the ten students waiting in this Google Hangout is lost at this point in time. “I want to ask him why he and Britney thought those denim outfits were a good idea.” “Can I ask about the Ramen Noodle hair?” These are the questions being shot around as we wait for his arrival.


Anthony Mackie and Justin Timberlake answered questions about themselves and their new movie, “Runner, Runner”, in theaters Oct. 4. Meanwhile, waiting through several more anxious minutes, I look over my notes and see a quote by Timberlake that I wrote down earlier from an article about him in The New York Times earlier this month. “‘You get to this point, which I’ve done in the last five or six years, where you become less worried about success and failure,’” read the quote. Timberlake, about to release his fourth studio album as a solo artist and currently working the press circuit for his seventeenth film, is no stranger to either success or failure, but he has always taken both in stride. He has never been one to do things on anyone’s terms but his own—recording the entirety of “The 20/20 Experience” in secret as to not let the pressure affect the process. His trend of success bodes well for “Runner, Runner”, but the motivation behind his participation in the film is of interest to many. Does Justin believe that the film poses a commentary on the current student debt crisis? How accurately does he feel the film portrays the true human experience? These are questions that the film itself raises, but the interviewers, the college students waiting eagerly for his arrival, are more focused on questions like, “Justin, when are you bringing sexy back?” Suddenly, the camera flicks on and Timberlake appears in front of the camera, prepared to answer our queries. The questions range in degrees of vacuity from “why did you want to be in this movie?” to “what tied you to this role?” Timberlake’s answers were run of the mill

but were littered with pieces of his personality, making the interview engaging. Timberlake denounced the rumor of playing the Riddler in the new Batman movie, saying, “I was asked who my favorite superhero villain was and I did say that my favorite is the Riddler, but that’s as far as [I’m] going with it. Fan boys rejoice; I have no aspirations of doing that.” Timberlake discussed some of the surprises that came with moving the story from script to film. “Those scenes in the movie when you’re reading the script, it just says ‘they chase Richie, they catch Richie’—that’s all it says,” Timberlake said. “And then you start throwing that scene into the mix and everybody wants it to be as real as possible, and then you literally get the shit beat out of you for a week straight.” The most thought provoking question that was asked concerns how Timberlake feels the film reflects the changing face of the American dream. His response is simple: “I think the American Dream, in my opinion, has always, kind of, been the same. I think if you told someone they could get rich slow or you could get rich quick, they would probably take the second option. I think what’s changed is technology. That’s why this movie felt like something interesting to be a part of, because technology has changed so much.” The question leaves everyone wanting more—what else does this guy think about the world? What does this guy—an inherent triple threat in the performance world—think about the problems facing the world at this very moment?

But before any of those questions can be asked, the moderator thanks the group, and Justin cuts out. It’s disappointing how fast you can go from talking to someone with nearly 26 million twitter followers and platinum albums to staring at nine strangers your own age. But that is the essence of a celebrity: they thrive off letting people into their lives for a moment, letting them snap a photo, get an autograph or listen to them talk about their new movie for fifteen minutes. This time, Timberlake let ten college students into his brain for a few minutes to talk about “Runner, Runner,” a film that delves into the risks and bets we take in our lives. Timberlake took a risk in taking part in the film. We, the people, the media, take bets on celebrities and turn them into news. Mokokoma Mokhonoana, a self proclaimed philosopher and social-critic, once wrote that “a celebrity is an object that the media manufactures today, just so they have a subject tomorrow.” It’s this idea that illuminates the real poeticism of this measly fifteen-minute interview. We the people, currently facing pressures grander than any time in known history, are more interested in knowing the celebrity rather than the issues their movie confronts. Right now, the risks we must take and the bets we must make are the greatest of our lifetime—that is an integral, underlying theme that Justin Timberlake, “Runner, Runner” and all of us share. If only we had had fifteen more minutes.


Sept. 23, 2013

Homeland season two underwhelms

BRANDON KATZ COLUMNIST Jay-Z once rapped, “What do I think of success? It sucks, too much stress.” It’s easy to see what the hip-hop star means. Success breeds haters, contempt and enemies. Most importantly (and to the disappointment of all Redskins fans) it breeds expectations. Most of the time, those expectations are hard to reach. Such is the case with Showtime’s Homeland, a series that casts Claire Danes as a Central Intelligence Agency officer with bipolar disorder and Damian Lewis as a United States Marine Corps Scout sniper. Homeland burst onto the scene in 2011 with an electric first season that culminated in an unexpected 2012 Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series. The first season featured superb acting and an intricate plot that forced viewers to think. Homeland, with its increasing tension and suspense, was as explosive as the bomb vest Brody wore in the finale. But what did this first season lead to? Unrealistic expectations. Season two started off with a bang, quickly dismantling television’s typical story timeline with the big reveal occurring in episode two. Nearly every other show would have milked that arc for as long as possible. But show runners Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa made an incredibly bold move by unmasking the truth so early and should be respected for their creative courage. The season ended in equally exciting and surprising fashion. So why did season two fail to meet expectations? After the truth was revealed, the middle episodes focused on the intriguing secrecy of Brody and Carrie’s relationship. They were using each other, positioning and probing for insight and information. It was espionage intermixed with

raw emotion. But once they stripped away the secrets, we were left with a lovey-dovey back and forth that fell flat. These are two individuals who thrive off of life and death pressure. Seeing them so bogged down in normality was just…boring. The middle of the season was devoid of any gripping questions, stranding the series on the unsteady shoulders of this relationship. Yet season three has Andy Dufresne-type hope. They’ve left a lot of opportunities in place to reclaim their former glory. First, with Brody on the run there are several creative ways to keep him in the centerfold. Will season three be focused on clearing his name? His survival in exile? New enemies tracking him down while he’s on the run? The possibilities are endless and I can’t wait to see which route they choose. I absolutely love how the series began with Carrie isolated in her belief that Brody had been turned and now she’s left as the only character convinced of his innocence. Plus, Saul is now head of the C.I.A. Anytime Saul has the opportunity for more screen time, it’s always a good thing. Mandy Patinkin plays Saul like Peyton Manning plays football. He’s fantastic. He incorporates this underlying sadness as a “seen too much” C.I.A. operative despite his unrelenting hope and optimism in humanity. The fallout for Brody’s family will be interesting. Yes, the Dana/Finn subplot of last season wasn’t great. Jessica Brody isn’t exactly the most likeable character, and Chris Brody is like the fifth member of the Jackson Five: unknown. But the outside factors facing their family could yield entertaining results. The way each character responds to the events of last season’s finale could go a long way. Bottom line: the second season had its fair share of issues as it failed to meet our high expectations. Where the story has left off, however, leaves the door open for an epic return. Tune in Sept. 29 to find out.


Fourth estate


ROAD TRIP Dim Sum NATHAN AMMONS LIFESTYLE EDITOR Dim sum refers to a style of Cantonese food that is traditionally served in small portions. Steamer carts packed with a variety of dishes are pushed from table to table, and the patrons can pick and choose what they would like to eat. Dining on dim sum is a great way to get as much variety out of a meal as possible without overwhelming your palate.


Mark’s Duck House

6249 Sevens Corners Ctr, Falls Church

6184 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church

Mon-Fri 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Sat-Sun 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Mon-Thu, Sun 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Fri 10 a.m. - 1 a.m. Sat 10 a.m. - 2 a.m.

Located just across Arlington Boulevard from Mark’s Duck House, Fortune Chinese Seafood Restaurant is bigger and more fast-paced. Frequently crowded, the environment is loud and friendly. This venue is often rented out for large parties and weddings and is a favorite amongst the local community for family reunions and casual get-togethers. The minute you sit down, carts will come rolling your way. Before you know it, you will be several plates in and several beltnotches out. Do not worry about hurting your wallet though, because Fortune’s dim sum prices range from $1.50-$7.95 for lunch.

Mark’s Duck House is a well-established Hong Kong-style restaurant in Seven Corners. In 2005, The Washingtonian rated it amongst the top 100 best restaurants. Though its décor is somewhat antiquated, you will always find something new to love on their renowned dim sum menu. Prices for dim sum range from $2.50-$7.50 per order. Make sure you are keeping track of your plate count, because it is easy to get carried away with so many delicious and savory options.

We recommend: Char Siu Bao (Baked Roast Pork Bun)

We recommend: Har Gao (Shrimp Dumpling)

Hong Kong Pearl 6286 Arlington Blvd, Falls Church Mon-Thu 10:30 a.m. - 2 a.m. Fri-Sun 10 a.m. - 3 a.m. The neighborhood of Seven Corners has much to offer in the ways of delicious food, and Hong Kong Pearl is up there with the dim sum greats. Hong Kong Pearl has been praised for its fast service and fresh food. We recommend: Shui Mai (Shrimp and Pork Dumpling)


Fourth estate

Sept. 23, 2013


D.I.Y. Patriot posters Cheer up boring walls with school pride

KAYLA COHEN STAFF WRITER As we grow up, our interests and personalities change. So why does my room still reflect that 17-yearold girl who made that embarrassing kissy/duck face in every picture? Since I’ve updated my life, my room needs to reflect those changes too. What better way to represent the person I’ve become then adding some Patriot Pride wall decor to my bedroom? After tearing down my old posters and magazine ads—I know I’m not the only one who tacked those on their walls—I was ready to redecorate. Making the wall decor was actually really easy and can even been done for free. I bought canvases from Michaels for about $3, but a shoebox lid works just as well. I also purchased green and gold paper for 16 cents

a sheet. The first thing I did was run a sheet of colored paper through the printer and type a Mason slogan on it. I found a ”Keep Calm” generator and typed up “Keep Calm and Be a Patriot” on a sheet. I printed it out and glued it to the canvas and the first decal was done. For the second, I used green paint from a previous project and painted the canvas. Then I made a Mason Nation logo in yellow paint. The third design I made was my favorite. I glued yellow paper to the canvas and tied a big, green bow on it. Simple, easy and cute. The final canvas I made took a little longer. I painted the canvas green and then randomly taped off different sections. I covered the taped-off sections in glitter and waited for them to dry. Then I removed the tape and had an artsy, glittery decoration as well. From start to finish, I spent about an hour total on all four canvases. They look adorable on my wall and I’m looking forward to hanging up my diploma in between them-that’s only if I pass Journalism Law, though.


Show your love for Mason Nation with personalized wall decorations. Find craft supplies around the house to make this project completely for free.

George Mason University, Barnes and Noble, and the Fairfax County Public Library present the 15th annual

Fall for the Book Festival September 22 - 27, 2013 Nearly 125 authors in all! See the full schedule at www.fallforthebook.org

Ralph Nader Activist Monday, Sept. 23, 7:30 p.m. Harris Theatre

Sonia Sanchez Poet Wednesday, Sept. 25, 6 p.m. Center for the Arts

Cheryl Strayed Oprah Book Club Author Wednesday, Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m. Center for the Arts

David Baldacci Thriller Writer Friday, Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. Center for the Arts

More highlights on campus: • • • •

Honest Tea founder Seth Goldman Novelists Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Bonnie Jo Campbell, Anton DiSclafani, Allison Leotta, Thomas Mallon, Benjamin Percy, and Bob Shacochis Poets Eduardo Corral, Karen Ah-hwei Lee, and William Logan Historians Robert F. Dorr, Dean King, Cate Lineberry, and Daniel Stashower

Plus readings by Mason MFA Alumni and Students and appearances by Mason professors Scott W. Berg, Lisa Breglia, Courtney Brkic, Alan Cheuse, Keith Clark, Paul Gorski, Angela J. Hattery, Elizabeth Huergo, Anthony Hoefer, and Kyoko Mori.


SEPT. 23, 2013

Colleen Wilson Editor-In-Chief gmufourthestate@gmail.com


A look at college opportunity cost

Andrew Stevenson Managing Editor

Niki Papadogiannakis News Editor

Janelle Germanos News Editor

Nathan Ammons Lifestyle Editor

Mary Oakey Asst. Lifestyle Editor

Will Rose Opinion Editor

Hau Chu Sports Editor

Daniel Gregory Asst. Sports Editor

Jenny Krashin Photography Editor

Walter Martinez Design Editor

Jill Carter


JOHN HILL COLUMNIST Here at Mason, just like at any other university, you pay to attend class. A Virginia resident will pay about $40,000 for four years of full-time attendance. A non-resident will pay around $115,000 for four years. Those numbers do not include housing, meal plans and other purchases you will make throughout your time at Mason. Of course, that’s not the only cost of attending college. What would you be doing if you didn’t attend college? For most people, the likely answer is full-time employment. We can attempt to quantify that cost by playing the “what-if” game. For example, what if you were

able to get an entry-level job that paid $25k/ year? Four years later, you’ll have earned $100,000. Add that to the $40,000 dollars of in-state tuition, and that’s your opportunity cost for attending college: $140,000, not including housing, meal plans and other expenses. Those numbers aren’t meant to make you regret your decision to attend college, but instead to make you think about why you’re here. Be honest with yourself—are you getting the most value you possibly can out of your time here? Unfortunately, there are too many students who do not. Too many students partake in the popular “college life” of partying every night, consuming illegal substances and searching for their next one night stand. I can’t help but call out all of the students who basically burn one hundred dollar bills as they make the decision to skip class because they don’t feel like going. Not all college students are this way, but the number of students who don’t take higher education seriously is a little bit sad.

I’m not trying to be the party crasher who tries to tell you how to live your life, but with the costs piling up, it’s about time many of us start taking a serious look at how we spend our time at Mason. Whether you like to think about it or not, we are the future of this country. In just a couple years, we’ll be expected to get a job and contribute to society. One day, many of us will probably even have families to provide for. College is a pretty awesome concept for those of us who get to attend. We get a whole four years to learn, prepare and plan the rest of our lives. After that, we’re on our own in the competitive job market, where how seriously we took our preparation here will show. Sure, enjoy your life—but don’t forget that the decisions you make now will affect how enjoyable your life is after graduation. We’re among the luckiest people in the world to even be attending college. It would be unfortunate to waste an opportunity like this.

Apathy about campus architecture

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BILLY BORMAN COLUMNIST There was a time when buildings were not built in the ugliest and most offensive manner possible. That time is now past, and its passing is in few places more apparent than on the contemporary college campus. When our nation’s capital was being built, the architects looked back to the experts—to Rome and Greece—for inspiration. They built columns and arches and domes. They raised up out of the earth the most beautiful ruins man has seen. What, then, is the muse of our modern builder? To look around our university estate, one would think the designers

were inspired by a parking garage. Some buildings are clearly members of the old Brutalist clan that was so dominant back in the 1950s and 1960s. Huge concrete monoliths stand sorely erect, daring the oaks and pines around them to challenge their hideous strength. Other more recent constructs offer a different sensation – those gigantic amalgams of glass and industrial steel, shimmering in the sunlight, unnervingly make me wonder if I am not attending lectures in the temple of some intergalactic alien race. Still, other buildings seem to me to have no definite architectural plan at all. And, of course, there are many buildings that have no single style but instead seem to be a hybrid of all the ugliness the other buildings have to offer. One of the more notably revolting edifices, ironically enough, is the art building. It looks for like an enormous bulge of brick with a small neighborhood of

well-kept barrios seated atop it. It has windows, to be sure, that are reminiscent of the tin fences that shopping mall storekeepers pull down in front of their shops at night. And then there is the jagged metal sheet, jutting out right in the building’s middle—and that feature’s purpose confounds me utterly and absolutely. Why is it that we fall victim to such foul structures? Why do we shrug when more of our money is spent to put up more shocking and unsightly modern ziggurats? Why do we not seem to care that our home away from home is not beautiful? Why do we not seem to care that the places in which we spend most of our time are flatly repugnant? Why is it that we care no more for elegance than for elephants and no more for beauty than for burnt popcorn? There do exist fine-looking colleges. I’ve found them to be mostly in the Northeast, but they can be seen all across the

country. Some of the most stunning universities are the ones that are overseas. Cambridge, Oxford, Otago, Cape Town, Moscow, Queens in Belfast and Sydney are all universities of breath-taking aesthetic appeal. In the United States, we have the Ivies, Mount Holyoke, Georgetown, UVA, Boston College and others. The splendor of all of these, though, comes partially through their age—they are all places of an ancient and cultured magnificence. They are some of the final bastions of beauty, standing out against the onslaught of modern bunkum, and will retain their grandeur through the ages. We too should desire a handsome campus. We too should demand a beautiful home. We too should look forward to the day when we are able to return to our erstwhile residence, behold its visual glory and be glad.

Fourth estate


Unpaid internships are something to avoid

MICHAEL GRYBOSKI COLUMNIST Students, professors, columnists and social scientists are all talking about the rise of the so-called “new normal” of the unpaid internship. Unpaid labor has always been in existence, yet, more than ever, the unpaid internship has taken a prominent position in American economic culture. According to the Association of Colleges and Employers, over 63 percent of the nation’s class of 2013 had an internship or “co-op” of some kind. Of those who had an internship, 48 percent worked without monetary pay. Last week, the Fourth Estate interviewed multiple students on the positional phenomenon. Many of them felt that unpaid internships are worth it, provided that the intern in question gains something. Students felt that unpaid internships are worth the work if the intern learned a valuable skill in place of monetary compensation. If one learns something, or if it leads to a paying career, then why not pursue an opportunity in an unpaid internship? It would be interesting to know if any of the four students interviewed knew of a recent court case wherein unpaid internships were declared illegal. Earlier this year, as reported by The Collegiate Times, a judge in New York ruled that unpaid interns at Fox Searchlight Pictures were unjustly denied monetary compensation for their work. The former interns successfully argued that their work had been menial rather than educational, thus violating ethics regarding unpaid internship positions. “This lawsuit has prompted discussion regarding the legality and ethics of unpaid internships,” wrote Matthew Johnson of The Collegiate Times. The interns’ arguments were valid for ultimately the vast majority of unpaid internships—perchance all of them—are, at best, not worth it and, at worst, illegal. Consider the inherent deception of unpaid internships. The assumption subtlety placed is that the worst thing about the job is no money. The problem goes beyond that, of course. An unpaid internship takes time and always has expenses. It is not, as some may assume, a

matter of not getting spending money. There is no compensation for expenses, no gas money or food money, no way to pay rent or for other modern amenities. It’s not an issue of having no gains; it’s an issue of having losses. Furthermore, for far too many graduates these days, unpaid internships are becoming the only option. These individuals not only have food and travel expenses, they often have loans to pay for the education that was supposed to give them a bright future drenched in opportunity. These are serious matters that some free lunches in the break room are not going to cover. Then there is the issue of how some internships pay the intern with educational experience. Learning does not pay bills. It would be one thing if said learning could guarantee something that could sustain an individual, but no such guarantee exists in our economic reality. In February, The Washingtonian ran a story by Hannah Seligson all about the “permatern”, a mostly 20-something community of workers who find themselves constantly going from one internship to the next, hoping and yet never receiving a job. Seligson’s quote from Young Invincibles Cofounder Aaron Smith, an organization which works to empower young individuals, is telling: “I’m blown away by the number of back-toback internships and how hard it is to go from an internship into a full-time paid position.” In other words, not only are unpaid internships costly and possibly illegal, they—along with internships in general—give absolutely no guarantee of gainful employment. The only winners in this bargain are those who get free or cheap labor from desperate Millennials unable to find work elsewhere because no one wants to give them a chance. This cycle of exploitation will stop by only one of two possible means. Maybe the New York court decision against Fox Searchlight could lead to an eventual outlawing of unpaid internships nationwide. But more likely, the grassroots solution will be required instead. This will involve our generation recognizing the pointless nature of handing out our labor for nothing tangible in return. Only a massive boycott of such positions will lead labor-hungry businesses to change their ways and offer something livable in return. While not the best fictional role model, Heath Ledger’s Joker put it all too well: “If you’re good at something, never do it for free.”

Sept. 23, 2013


Comic Corner by Katryna Henderson

What do YOU think?

In our Oct. 21 issue, editors and columnists will discuss good samaritan policies at universities that protect students who seek out help for others who need emergency assistance in situations involving illegal drugs and alcohol. Get in on the discussion by emailing 400-800 words on the topic to gmufourthestate@gmail.com by Oct. 14 and we will consider it for publication.


Sept. 23, 2013




Steffen Kraus, a recruit from Germany, defends goal at the Sept. 8 home game versus Binghamton. Kraus has had to adjust to the American-style of training to focus more on tactics.

Men’s soccer recruits first international player in 10 years IAN CRIMAN STAFF WRITER For the first time since 2002, Mason men’s soccer has an international recruit. Led by Coach John O’Hara, Mason began the process of recruiting freshman goalkeeper Steffen Kraus, who is from Germany, in October of last year. Kraus cited O’Hara and his vast knowledge of soccer as one of the main reasons why he decided to attend Mason. “I went over to Germany to watch a couple games, and noticed [Kraus],” O’Hara said. “I went back and watched some games on film and began the process of getting in touch with him.” Mason appealed to Kraus in many ways, but the fact that Mason competes at a high level of competition was the biggest attraction. In Germany, it is extremely difficult to play soccer at a high level of competition because the country fields one of the best professional leagues in the world, the Bundesliga.

“Mason has everything. It has a great soccer team, a nice campus, great academics and it’s close to a big city,” Kraus said. “I think if you have a chance to study abroad and play at a collegiate level, you should go for it.” Kraus hails from Stuttgart, Germany. He has been playing soccer since he was three years old, and for the last four years he played for VFB Stuttgart’s youth soccer academy. Kraus tries to model his playing style after Manuel Neuer, the goalkeeper for Bayern Munich and the German National Team, who is known for his distribution of the ball, reflexes and shot-blocking ability. The ideal goalkeeper that Mason’s scouting department looks for is someone who is technically sound and has a commanding presence on the pitch. “[Kraus] is still improving, but he is very mature,” O’Hara said. “The level that he has played before at is very high, he is very good in the air on crosses and he is a very good shotblocker. He is not fazed by pressure and he is an excellent leader.”

The transition was difficult initially for Kraus, but he has adjusted well. From Aug. 5-12, the team had a captain’s week where the players met to train without the coaches, because the NCAA rules do not allow players and coaches to meet at this time. Kraus said the team played a lot that week and he really got to know his backline better. Mason men’s soccer reported Aug. 15 for NCAA-sanctioned training camp. “We have had a lot of time to prepare for the season, so I am really feeling a lot more confident,” Kraus said. “I tried to work really hard over the summer to get used to the different playing style.” In Germany, there is a lot more focus on ball control than athleticism. In terms of tactics, German teams work more on knowing where they need to position themselves during different game situations. “I was surprised, when I came over here I was expecting the focus to be more on athleticism and training in that sense but we have spent a lot of work on tactics,” Kraus said. “I have also

spent a lot of one-on-one time with coaches working on goalkeeping training, which has really helped a lot.” One of the most important duties for a goalkeeper is to maintain communication with the backline. This year, Mason has three seniors on the backline, and that veteran experience has really helped Kraus adjust to the new styles of play. “He is still getting used to terms and the like and he has really been working on being more vocal,” O’Hara said. “Having three seniors on the backline has really helped him because he does not have to worry about doing too much.” Kraus is excited about the team’s prospects on the coming season and believes Mason men’s soccer has promising potential. “We have a really good team and we should win as many games as possible,” Kraus said.

Fourth estate


Sept. 23, 2013


Patriot Club aims to rally larger alumni donor base DANIEL GREGORY ASST. SPORTS EDITOR A morning rain shower threatened play, but the soggy course allowed for great scoring conditions at the Patriot Club Fall Golf Outing on Sept. 16. The tournament consisted of over 50 participants, including local businessmen, Mason alumni, coaches and administrators raising money for Mason athletics. “We probably do about 50 to 60 [events] per year: men’s basketball, alumni reunions with other sports, golf tournaments, dinners, you name it,” said Max Baker, executive director of the Patriot Club, the fundraising arm of the Mason athletic department. Events like the golf outing help the Patriot Club raise funds for the athletic department to support student-athlete scholarships. Currently, the Patriot Club offers over 40 endowments, but they do not provide funding for all student-athlete scholarships. “Our athletic scholarship bill [is about] $4.5 million for over 500 student athletes, so we’re a small portion of that annually. We raise about $1.1 million every year and that’s in cash and pledges. The majority is for scholarships,” said Jennifer Montgomery, the Patriot Club’s director of major gifts. While the Patriot Club pays a small portion of the athletic scholarship bill, the age of the university makes fundraising difficult. As a relatively young school, Mason’s alumni base looks a lot different than those at other schools. “For me it’s more the prospects and their capacity to give. We don’t have a lot of seven-figure, even eight-figure gifts. I know Georgetown just got a $100 million gift this week so I don’t see anyone I know in our pipeline like that,” Montgomery said. Ultimately the Patriot Club wants to fully fund all Mason student-athlete scholarships. The basketball program plays and will play a major role in reaching that goal. As a basketball school, Mason’s men’s and women’s basketball are the only sports benefiting from the full allotment of scholarships allowed by the NCAA. The Final Four appearance helped the school become nationally known, and the program provides the biggest draw for potential donors. “[The] majority of the money we bring in on an annual basis ties into men’s basketball,” Baker said. Season ticket holders represent a majority of that annually-raised money. With a season ticket purchase in specific sections, buyers are also required to donate various amounts depending on how close the seats are to the floor. In order to raise money and attract more donors, Baker and Montgomery work together to cultivate relationships with donors.

Baseball Coach Bill Brown looks on at the Patriot Club golf outing on Sept. 16 at Westfields Golf Club. “It’s definitely a relationship business. It’s networking. It’s getting as many contacts as you can internally and externally throughout the community. Certainly [contacts] are going to refer people to you, and it’s our job to find out how they want to get involved,” Baker said. Montgomery works with Baker to find potential donors capable of providing a major gift of $25,000 or more. At Mason however, there are not very many donors capable of such a gift. The Patriot Club must rely on their relationships to retain and grow gifts. “A challenge is to [act as a] steward [to] our donors constantly to make sure they know where their money is going towards. To feel good about their gift whether it’s a $25 gift or a $25,000 gift. We want to make sure everyone is feeling good so they’ll come back the next year and hopefully increase their gift,” Montgomery said. The Patriot Club also focuses on educating donors. At the golf outing, each tee box had a sign with different facts relating to the cost of student-athlete education, from the price of books for one student to the cost of tuition. “It’s our job to educate them on the impact on their gift regardless of the size of the gift. They’re making a difference. They’re providing a student-athlete an opportunity they might not have otherwise received,” Baker said. Moving forward, the Patriot Club wants to

develop and nurture a better young alumni base. One way they hope to do this is through the Young Alumni Program. The program offers graduates of Mason within the last five years special young alumni seating and reduced prices. “We’re going to offer a discount on season tickets. We offer discounts to Patriot Club benefits to any young alum,” Baker said. “We’re creating a young alumni section in the Patriot Center so during men’s basketball games they’ll all be in one particular section. I think the natural [progression] is this group, majority of them may have been in the Patriot Platoon, so they all sat together and they all have that common bond and then they’re going to graduate to this young alumni section.” While that offers a sense of camaraderie for young alumni, the reduced prices and Gold Room passes also have great appeal. Understanding that young alumni have different financial concerns, the Patriot Club structured the program so that alumni one year out only pay $100 for their Gold Room passes. Each year the price goes up by $100 dollars. After five years young alumni will pay full price at a time when hopefully they will be more financially stable. “[I wanted to get tickets] for the Gold Room passes really,” said 2013 graduate Michelle


McDonald. “Because you get grandfathered in, I pay a fourth of the price my dad pays. It’s a really good deal basically.” McDonald is used to the alumni experience, having attended games before with her father. Her two season tickets provide an opportunity to continue seeing games and contributing to her school. Moving forward, she wants to stay involved with the program if she can. “In the future, I wouldn’t mind giving back to the school I went to, I just have to catch a real job first,” McDonald said. “Yeah I think [I would want to give back]. It’s a really good school and it’s growing. As far as the scholarship programs, I think they’re doing a really good job.” Over the past five years, the funds raised by the Patriot Club have stayed the same, but in the current economy that represents success. While the money may be the same, McDonald sees the impact the Patriot Club has made at the university. “I really do believe they have done a lot,” Chris Marsh, a 1980 graduate and men’s basketball season ticket holder since 1983, said. “When I first joined the Patriot Club there were probably 10 of us, maybe 20. I don’t know if you’ve ever been up in what I call the pipes and curtains section, but that place is packed before games now. You wouldn’t even have that many people at the games before.”



Sept. 23, 2013


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Fourth estate

Journey to Bulgaria A chronicle of sophomore Sahid Kargbo’s rise to the world stage in the 2013 FILA Junior World Championships

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Sophomore Sahid Kargbo in the quarterfinal match against Georgian Shmagi Bolkvadze that knocked him out of the medal round. HAU CHU SPORTS EDITOR A trip to Sofia, Bulgaria and the honor of representing the United States in Greco-Roman wrestling was on the line. Only one last match and a familiar rival stood in the way. Mason sophomore Sahid Kargbo knew his opponent, Alejandro Sancho, well. Sancho handed Kargbo one of only two defeats in tournament competition over the summer at the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles Junior National Championship. Kargbo had placed third in his weight class -- 145.5 pounds -- for Greco-Roman wrestling while Sancho won the tournament. The rematch between Kargbo and Sancho came in the finals for the U.S. World Team Trials to compete for the U.S. at the FILA Junior World Championships. Sancho took the first match of a best 2-out-of-3 series, besting Kargbo 12-4 on a technical fall, which occurs

when one wrestler gains a lead of more than seven points. “After that, [Mason wrestling Coach Joe Russell] comes up to me and says, ‘No matter what, I am proud of you. You wrestled hard this year and no matter what happens, I am proud of you,’” Kargbo said. In the second match, Kargbo earned the victory with a technical fall over Sancho, 7-0. In the deciding match of the series, Kargbo narrowly edged out Sancho 6-3 to win the match and a trip to Bulgaria. “In that match, I was not really wrestling for myself. I was wrestling for everyone at Mason and I was wrestling for everyone back at home at Hayfield [Kargbo’s high school in Alexandria, Va.] and I was wrestling for everyone who has ever helped me,” Kargbo said. “And I think that is why I wrestled so well in that match. It was awesome. I have never felt that good in my life before.” Kargbo grew up like many kids playing youth football and eventually joining his high school football team. Hayfield Secondary School’s head football coach, Roy

Fourth estate


Sept. 23, 2013



(Left) Sophomore Sahid Kargbo wrestles against Croation Filip Sacic at the FILA Junior World Championships. (Above) Kargbo talks with his nationals coach. Hill, was also the head wrestling coach. “My sophomore year [playing football], I weighed about 115 pounds but playing defense I would never shy away from making a tackle, I would always just go heads up with whoever had the ball,” Kargbo said. “So Coach Hill said, ‘Hey you are tough, you should come try out wrestling,’ so I tried it out and it was tough and I liked it because you only get what you put out.” Kargbo’s first high school wrestling match for his junior varsity team was a trial by fire. Kargbo was matched against a wrestler who weighed in at 140 pounds and he lost the match via pin fall. “I have never been so devastated in my life. I came back and told myself I am never going to lose again, I am never going to lose again,” Kargbo said. “So I trained real hard, I went online and looked up techniques. I listened to everything the coaches said, I went home and wrote a journal. I did everything I could possibly do.” Kargbo finished the rest of his junior varsity career winning 20 matches in a row. Kargbo earned a promotion to the varsity team in his sophomore year and began wrestling more competitively the following summer. Kargbo traveled the nation with Coach Hill wrestling in tournaments from state to state. Kargbo rounded out his whirlwind first year of wrestling enrolled in a wrestling-intensive camp -- the J Robinson Camp -- in Minnesota where training occurs four times a day, 28 days in a row. The next summer, Kargbo competed in FILA Cadet Nationals, putting him on the national radar. Kargbo ended his high school career ranked first in the state of Virginia for his

weight class. Kargbo committed to Mason and ended his freshman season with a record of 19-14, falling short of qualifying for the NCAA national tournament. Following his qualification for the U.S. team to compete at FILA Junior Worlds, Kargbo was sent to the U.S. wrestling training facility in Colorado Springs, Co. to train with other qualifiers for Junior Worlds. “We [were] training for three weeks and I met a ton of great people and a ton of Olympians and they all helped me out to become a great wrestler,” Kargbo said. After the training session in Colorado, Kargbo and the U.S. team flew to Bulgaria to begin tournament competition. FILA Junior Worlds is a single-elimination tournament, meaning one loss and the loser is out of the tournament. The exception to that rule is if the wrestler who wins makes it to the finals, then the loser returns to the tournament in a repêchage bracket. The repêchage bracket is a consolation bracket in which wrestlers who were defeated by the two finalists in their weight class go on to compete with each other for a chance to place in the tournament. Kargbo competed in the 145.5 lb. weight class and defeated Filip Sacic of Croatia 8-0 in his first match. In the quarterfinals, Kargbo took on Shmagi Bolkvadze of Georgia and lost a close match, 6-3. Kargbo’s time in Bulgaria did not end there, because Bolkvadze ended up in the finals of the weight class and finished second. Kargbo then took on Michal Kosla of Poland in a repêchage match. Kargbo stormed out to a 5-1 lead in the match, until Kosla threw Kargbo on his back and earned a match-ending pin

fall. “I was heartbroken. It was a real tough loss because I knew I should have beaten [Kosla] and I knew I could have come back and wrestled and possibly placed for the United States, Mason and Hayfield,” Kargbo said. “Overall though, it was an outstanding experience. I am so blessed and I am so happy I got to go out and represent the United States.” Kargbo ended ranked 14th in the world for his age and weight class as a result of his finish at FILA Junior Worlds. Kargbo has one year of eligibility left for FILA Junior Worlds -- the age cutoff for the junior bracket is 20 -- and intends to qualify again for the U.S. team and hopes to medal in the tournament next year. Kargbo is confident in the training program provided by Russell and coach Tommy Owen at Mason to get to his goals for the coming season, which Kargbo listed as becoming an All-American wrestler and ultimately

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becoming the Division I NCAA champion in wrestling by the end of his senior year at Mason. “Coach Russell, he knows everything about wrestling and he was awesome when he was a wrestler and knows everything about GrecoRoman wrestling,” Kargbo said. “And Coach Owen is my size so he is a perfect practice partner. He was a FILA Junior Worlds team member and a FILA National Cadet champ, so he was the real deal and if he helps me do the right thing and whatever they tell me to do, I do it.” After he finishes his career at Mason, Kargbo’s focus will turn to Olympic wrestling -- which was recently reinstated as an Olympic event -- where he intends to try out for the U.S. and earn a spot on the team for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

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Sept. 23, 2013

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Workout of the week: Dumbbell squats and medicine ball squats


to accommodate the one You aLreadY have

MICHAEL SNOWDEN STAFF WRITER These two exercises are part of a workout series that can be performed for a short, efficient workout. Dumbbell Squat to Overhead Press The dumbbell squat to overhead press is a challenging compound exercise for anyone interested in total body development. The core, legs, shoulders and triceps have to work hard to complete each repetition. Hold weights at your shoulders, elbows bent, with feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and lower until your thighs are nearly parallel to the floor. As you stand, press the weights overhead until your arms are straight. Return to start. That’s one rep. Medicine Ball Split Squat The rear foot elevated split squat is a fantastic lower body exercise that is user-friendly and does not place a heavy load on the back like a back squat. As opposed to the standard split squat, elevating the rear leg requires the forward leg to handle the bulk of the load. Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides facing away from the bench. Extend leg back and place top of foot on the bench. Squat down by flexing the knee and hip of the front leg until the knee of the rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Return to original standing position by extending the hip and knee of the forward leg and repeat. Continue with the


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appLY onLine at ClydesRestaurantGroup.com (Top) Be sure to keep your knees in line with your ankles when performing the squat. Avoid arching your lower back to properly complete the overhead press. (Bottom) The medicine ball squat offers an alternative to back squats. This exercise can also be completed with dumbbells.

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