Drag kings and queens take the stage at the Johnson Center as part of Pride Week. See what you missed. Pg. 5
George Mason University’s Student Newspaper www.broadsideonline.com
April 11, 2011
Volume 87 Issue 20
Student Government Election 2011
Students protest for right to fly flags Approximately 320 signatures gathered on petition; Student Government passes flag resolution Emily Sharer Editor-in-Chief
Photos by Jacob McLernon
Le : Allyson Bowers (le ) and Jacky Yoo (right) were announced as the 2011-2012 president and vice president of George Mason’s student government. Right: Yoo celebrates a er being named vice president.
Bowers and Yoo elected: Change is coming Jeffrey Giorgi Asst. News Editor Allyson Bowers and Jacky Yoo will be the 2011–2012 student body president and vice president, respectively. “The first tangible thing that Jacky and I want to work on is the selection of the next president of the university,” Bowers said, “and making sure that it’s someone that would encompass all the things and all the desires, the wants and the needs that the student body needs.” If there was one word that all the candidates used to describe their campaign plans, it was “transparency.” “One thing that’s really important to us is creating a sense of community in Mason,” Bowers said, “and Gold Rush 365 is one of the ways we’re hoping to do that.” With plans for Gold Rush T-shirts and to amp Mason spirit for all sports, not just basketball, Bowers is looking forward to seeing student involvement. “If anyone would like to design a shirt for Gold Rush 365, I’d love to see it,” Bowers said.
“I’m hoping that that’s the first initiative that students can really see and get together on, you know, to really get students to get excited.” Enthusiasm aside, Bowers recognizes that there are difficulties ahead, and is ready to face them head on. “Looking at who SGA’s composed of, it’s exciting because everyone is new, but a lot of people lack experience,” Bowers said. “We have to try not to hit the refresh button but really be able to hit the ground running with all new people, even if you’re new and still learning.” Several committee chairs had to step down over the past year for personal reasons, but Bowers assures that it isn’t just about people not wanting to do their jobs and that proper training of replacements is still important. “Almost every chair this past year had to step down, and every time someone stepped down it was for a legitimate reason,” Bowers said. “People are very driven in SGA, but if they recognize that it’s preventing
DeMatteo removed from ticket Gregory Connolly News Editor George Mason University Student Government presidential candidate Michael DeMatteo was removed from candidacy by the Election and Dispute Commission on Wednesday after Kristie Colorado, chair of the Mason College Republicans, filed a grievance regarding a voicemail and several text messages which she considered to be of a threatening nature. The EDC found that content in a series of April 4–5 communications from DeMatteo to Colorado “stated a number of vague threats, and a concrete threat, to ‘have [Colorado] blacklisted by the Republican Party of Virginia. And I will do it and I can do it with a text message.’” DeMatteo did not dispute Colorado’s claims at an EDC hearing on Tuesday, according to an EDC document.
Lena Badr, president of the Students for Justice in Palestine and the secretary of the Arab Student Association, says she can always count on George Mason University’s diverse population to stand up for student rights. And when Badr and her peers from the SJP, ASA and Kurdish Student Organization gathered on the North Plaza last Tuesday to protest and get students to sign a petition for Palestinian and Kurdish students’ rights to fly their flags during International Week, things were no different. Approximately 320 students signed the petition. “That’s the best part of this campus,” said Badr, a government and international politics major. “It’s beautiful to see people coming together from all different walks and all different backgrounds.” At the end of March, new IWeek flag policies were set in place that only allow flags of countries listed on the immigration documents of Mason students to be displayed in the Johnson Center. Palestine and
Kurdistan’s flags do not meet those standards. Several Student Government senators also took on the cause, proposing “a resolution to include all cultural groups represented by Mason students in the displaying of flags during International Week on campus,” which unanimously passed in the Student Senate last Thursday. However the new flag guidelines, which were based on “earnest discussion among students, faculty, staff and administrators,” are here to stay according to Kathy Trump, associate dean of International Education and Programs. “I doubt that [the policy] will be revised,” Trump said. “The guidelines that have been written were written with much careful thought and were approved by the administration and we think they’re the best we can do.” Trump also said that even countries that are allowed by the policy to hang their flags in the Johnson Center do not always receive that privilege due to limited space.
See FLAGS, Page 4 Photo By Jacob McLernon
See TICKET, Page 3
See ELECTION, Page 3
Students protested for their right to hang the Kurdish flag during Interna onal Week last Tuesday on the North Plaza.
Forensics Team finishes fourth at national tournament
Senior Quincey Smith named top speaker in the nation Gregory Connolly News Editor
Photo courtesy of Quincey Smith
Quincey Smith (le ), who finished first in communica on analysis at the 2011 American Forensics Associa on Na onal Individual Events Tournament, looks on as Angelika Albaladejo prac ces for an event.
The George Mason Forensics Team finished fourth at the 2011 American Forensic Association National Individual Events Tournament at the University of Nebraska. The contest ran from April 2–4. Though the team was announced as the third-place finisher, it was revealed that the team finished fourth Thursday due to a tabulation error, behind the University of Texas at Austin, Bradley University and Western Kentucky University.
All 32 members of the Mason Forensics Team were able to attend the event. Senior communication major and Forensics Team cocaptain Quincey Smith finished first in National Communication Analysis and finished fourth in Persuasive Speaking and Informative Speaking. Smith also finished as a quarterfinalist in the poetry category. “To be named the champion was pretty surreal,” Smith said. “It was a very humbling experience. The other competitors were really great, and it was an honor to be in that round to begin with.” “It was an amazing weekend,” said Nick Cox, a junior health science major and the other co-captain of the Forensics Team. “I was so proud to be a part
of George Mason's team. We really are a team that is committed to having all of our members succeed.” This is Cox's third national competition. Cox was a semifinalist in poetry. “This was the competition that had the most tears of joy,” Cox said. “Everyone was happy and in such a good spirit. It was the family experience that this was supposed to be.” Brennan Morris finished second and Jacob Abraham finished fifth in Extemporaneous Speaking. Abraham also finished 10th in Communication Analysis. Mason national semifinalists were Will Bellows in Impromptu Speaking, Regan Fallon in Prose Interpretation
Presidential Task Force to collect Mason A new look at the devastation in Japan Professors recruited by U.S. Geological Survey to analyze satellite images community input on police department Laura Bolt Administration Beat Reporter
University still reviewing March 16 incident involving alleged abduction Ethan Vaughan Connect2Mason News Editor Student and Mason community member testimony will play a central role in an official university Task Force formed to seek input on “interactions and experiences” with the University Police Department, the Office of the President announced on April 6. In an email sent to students and other Mason community members, the office said that the Task Force had been formed so as to “foster a community where respect for all is the hallmark.” The decision to create the task force came less than one month after university police arrested Mason student Abdirashid Dahir on felony abduction charges following an incident in Fenwick Library. The email about the Task Force notes that "in addition," the university has hired Tomlinson Strategies, LLC, “an external consulting firm specializing in institutional safety, security assessments and law enforcement issues,” to review the
police policies and procedures that led to Dahir’s arrest. All charges against Dahir were dropped. Finding’s of Tomlinson Strategies’ review will be made public “at the appropriate time,” according to the email. Open meetings of the task force will be held tomorrow and next Wednesday, during which “any current Mason student, faculty or staff [member]” may speak for up to five minutes. The Task Force will also accept written statements of up to 1,000 words in length at taskforc@gmu.edu. There is no “e” at the end of the address. Interested persons can sign up to at www.bit.ly/gDxTXY. In an interview with Connect2Mason last Thursday, President Alan Merten said that the university was not presuming wrongdoing on the part of any party.
See TASK FORCE, Page 4
Photo courtesy of DigitalGlobe
Two mason professors have helped with the relief effort in Japan by analyzing satellite photos like this one.
Members of the George Mason University community are continuing to lend support to the Japan relief effort following the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Two scientists from Mason’s Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science, Guido Cervone and Germana Manca, were recruited by the U.S. Geological Survey to help analyze satellite images of Japan. The International Charter Space and Major Disasters organization, which works with “space data acquisition and delivery” for countries afflicted by disasters, activated Japan aid measures at the request of the Japanese government. Cervone said he was then contacted by the USGS to work with these organizations analyzing data. Cervone, who said his work involves “analysis of remote sensing and model data associated with natural disasters,” worked with images generated by a U.S. satellite called Landsat. He began his work as soon as the images were available, which was the day after the tsunami. For eight straight hours, Cervone and Manca worked with arcGIS software — a geographic information system — to analyze the images assigned by the USGS.
See JAPAN, Page 3