Valentine’s Day Movies Check out our guide to movies to watch with your significant other. STYLE • Page 6
Smoking Policy Redux Mason officials look to improve enforcement of existing smoking rules. NEWS • Page 3
Cradle of Life Women’s lacrosse team wins season opener against Saint Francis, 19-9. SPORTS • Page 9
George Mason University’s Student Newspaper
February 13, 2012
Volume 88 Issue 14
Jimmy Lange Boxing Hits Patriot Center Each Match Goes to Decision in Saturday Night Slugfest
Lawsuit Leads to Policy Change in Student Government Secret Ballots No Longer Permissible Gregory Connolly Editor-in-Chief
Photo by: Stephen Kline
Each fight — including one that had to be stopped due to a cut — went to a decision Saturday at the Patriot Center. Jimmy Lange Boxing visited George Mason University with 14 boxers in tow. Lange, left, from Great Falls, topped Ruben “Modern Day Warrior” Galvan, right, in the main event, pictured above. See other photos of the event on page 11.
Mason Student Passes Away at 24 Sophomore Bridget Healy Active in Mason LIFE, Best Buddies Club Colleen Wilson
A lawsuit filed by a former member of the George Mason University Student Senate over the legality of the use of secret ballots in voting for senate appointments was shot down by a Fairfax County judge Jan. 30 due to an error in whom the lawsuit was filed against. The lawsuit was filed by Michael Jordan, whose appointment to the senate was rejected Oct. 18, 2011, in a secret ballot vote by the Government and Academic Affairs Committee in the first step of the interview process. The lawsuit named as the defendant Matthew Short, the individual, rather than Matthew Short, the chair of the G&A Committee, Short said. To be valid, the lawsuit should have been filed against Short in his capacity as committee chairman. In the lawsuit, a “petition and affidavit for good cause/for injunction of mandamus - freedom of information act,” according to a court document, Jordan asked for a writ of mandamus that would require Short to “declare all ballot votes since October 18th, 2011 null and void and require the committee to re-do the interviews in a fairer process. I [Jordan] am also asking to recover reasonable costs,” according to the document. A writ — or formal written order issued by a body — of mandamus calls for the court to force someone to act in a certain manner. A request to Fairfax County General District Court by Broadside for the transcript of the hearing was not fulfilled, as the document was not ready by the
time of this article’s printing. The court ruled on Jan. 30 in favor of the defendant, Short, according to online Fairfax County General District Court records. The issue at the heart of the lawsuit — the legality of using secret ballots within a group that is likely a public body — first came up during the Oct. 18 meeting of the G&A Committee. The meeting opened with Short introducing the “ballot voting procedure,” at which point, Senator Donald Garrett said, “Point of information, it is illegal in Virginia to have secret ballot voting,” according to the minutes of the Oct. 18 meeting. “Voting is going to be closed ballot, that is how it is going to be,” replied Student Government Advisor and assistant director Melissa Masone, according to the minutes. “I want to again make it clear that this is illegal,” Garrett said, according to the minutes. “This is how it is going to be done, end of discussion,” Short said, according to the minutes. Three members of the committee voted aye, three nay and three abstained when it came time to vote on Jordan, according to the minutes. Following the Oct. 18 meeting, there were several conversations within Student Government about the correct course of action. “Post that meeting, there was significant amount of due diligence paid to researching and trying to find out the right [voting procedure to use],” said Director of Student Involvement Lauren Long.
Asst. Sports Editor George Mason University sophomore Bridget Healy passed away unexpectedly at the age of 24 on Thursday while at home with her parents. Healy was active in the Mason LIFE program, which offers a university experience to students with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Friends describe Healy as loving, caring and special. “My favorite memory of Bridget was being able to see her smile everyday,” said Tommy Miossi, Mason LIFE student and buddy director of Best Buddies Club at Mason, which pairs disabled students in oneto-one friendships with other university students. In her free time, Healy enjoyed watching movies, spending time with her friends and attending Mason events. “Bridget was a great and wonderful person and a very great friend of mine. I loved her so much,” said Caitlin Donovan, historian of Best Buddies and Mason LIFE alumna. “She had such a great personality. She will be greatly missed by all of the Mason LIFE staff and students.” Healy was a member of the Best Buddies Club. Each month, the club holds meetings so that all of the friendship pairs can get together for activities. “Best Buddies is planning to plant a tree on campus in her honor near the Aquia Building. This is where the Mason LIFE program is, so it seems the most appropriate
Faculty Senate Upset Over Presidential Search Wanted to Be Bigger Part of Process Justin Lalputan News Editor
Photo Courtesy of Facebook
Sophomore Bridget Healy, far right, passed away Thursday while at home with her parents. Healy, 24, was involved in Mason LIFE and Best Buddies. place,” said Alexa Rivas, senior psychology and pre-law major and president of the Best Buddies Club. “We are also going to be putting together a Best Buddies memory book to send to her family. Everyone in our chapter will be contributing, so it will be really special.” Healy grew up in Towson, Md., where her parents still live. Her brother, Tim Healy, is a student at Virginia Tech. “Bridget will be
greatly missed. She was a great role model for everybody and she loved her friends,” Miossi said. Viewings for Healy will be held at Ruck Funeral Home in Towson, Md., from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday. The funeral mass will be on Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Church of the Nativity in Towson, Md. The internment will be at Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens in Timonium, Md.
Coming Soon: Late Night Student Center ‘The Ridge’ to Fill In Morning Hours, Ensuring Study Space Available 24 Hours A Day Gregory Connolly Editor-in-Chief In an attempt to offer an alternative for students who need a place to study after the Johnson Center closes its doors at 2 a.m., a new study space — open from 11 a.m. to 7 a.m. daily — will likely open in the next month. The new lounge, to be located between the Sandbridge and Blueridge buildings, will be called The Ridge and will double as a student lounge and a multipurpose space for residents of the surrounding neighborhoods. “It
will fill in the space where Corner Pocket used to be before it was relocated to The Hub [Student Union Building II],” said Khorey Baker, assistant director of Residential Education for the Office of Housing and Residence Life. The project is a pilot program to see how students respond to having a space they can go to at all hours of the night, Baker said. The money for the project came from a $25,000 grant from the Auxiliary Enterprise Management Committee, said Todd Rose, the associate dean of Uni-
versity Life. “The grants are one-time financial support for initiatives (primarily new initiatives) that have a direct impact on student life,” Rose said in an e-mail. “The grants have to be applied for and are reviewed by a committee, therefore the grant process is a competitive process.” “The hours we’re operating are a pilot based around that grant,” Baker said. “Once we see the student use of the space, we’ll decide what hours are most appropriate.” The pilot program will last at
least through this semester to give officials in Housing and Residence Life some idea of the actual demand for such a space on campus, Baker said. The goal is to have The Ridge ready to open by Feb. 27, said Student Government President Ally Bowers, who was involved with planning the new space. While that date is not set in stone, most of the pieces have fallen in place, and the opening will not be long after the deadline, if at all.
See RIDGE, Page 2
The George Mason University Faculty Senate convened Wednesday in a special meeting to address complaints and issues attendant to the recent presidential search process. Also raised for discussion were the multiple inquiries into the nature of the upcoming provost search committee, and if it would also be anonymous. The meeting was called at the request of numerous senators who believed that the Board of Visitors overstepped its bounds by allowing the presidential candidates to remain anonymous throughout the entirety of the search process. Section 1.2.5 of the Board of Visitor-approved faculty handbook states, “The search and selection process must include opportunities for the General Faculty to meet with candidates who are finalists for the presidency.” The anonymous nature of the most recent presidential search goes against the aforementioned rule outlined in the handbook, because members of the general faculty were not aware of the identities of the candidates and did not get a chance to meet them before the election of Ángel Cabrera. Many senators have voiced disapproval, and at the meeting one member even suggested a motion to ask the Board of Visitors for an apology, though the motion did not receive a second and failed to pass. “Market realities cause candidates to choose what searches they will be in based [in] part [on] if the process being used is public or confidential,” Linda Monson, a
member of the presidential task force, said. “Since the mid-‘90s candidates who were sitting presidents who were looking at other presidential opportunities have had troublesome impacts on themselves and their universities.” Monson went on to say that some of those sitting presidents have lost their jobs and funding due to the fact that they were looking at other positions, therefore explaining the need for confidentiality. Peter Pober and June Tangney, two other members of the presidential task force, spoke alongside Monson, and assured the Faculty Senate that they were well represented in the search process, and their voices were heard. However, many senators were not satisfied with that answer. “It’s not about whether our colleagues [in the task force] did their best. It’s not about if you did whatever you could to represent our interests and it’s not about the asserted confidentiality that lasts until death [of the members of the task force],” said Susan Trencher, one of the faculty senate members who called the special meeting. “What it is about is the violation of the faculty handbook — that’s the subject. The concern [is] about violation of the faculty handbook, which is a contractual agreement, and where it leaves us, the faculty of the university, in the future.” Questions were raised about the legality of the faculty handbook as a legal document to which the Board of Visitors would be bound and several conflicting opinions were raised.
See SENATE, Page 4