Broadside February 20, 2012 Issue

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MADE at Mason MTV’s ‘Made’ is looking for people on campus. STYLE • Page 5

All About the Career Fair The Career Fair is Wednesday and Thursday—don’t miss our handy guide to get ahead! NEWS • Page 4

Workout of the Week Get limber with cheerleader Rycki Robertson. SPORTS • Page 12

George Mason University’s Student Newspaper

February 20, 2012

Volume 88 Issue 15

Student Senate Passes Resolution Supporting DREAM Act Discussion of Resolution Draws Large Gallery Crowd

Students for Ron Paul Spread Libertarian Message Hope for Ron Paul Appearance Justin Lalputan News Editor

waiting for official certification — which will be forthcoming — to begin conducting business, the members have gone ahead with meetings. The meeting drew many different people who are attracted to Paul for different reasons. “I guess I came to him through my experience here as an economics major,” said junior Joseph Taylor, president of Patriots for Ron Paul. “I support him mainly because of his message of freedom [and his] respect for individual rights and the Constitution.” “We got what we needed,” Valentine said. “We went over the Constitution, which was required.” One of the group’s goals is to get Ron Paul to speak at George Mason University. “Our main goal right now is to bring Ron Paul to campus,” Valentine said. “We have a petition going around to gather signatures for people to say that they support him coming here to give a speech.” Valentine added that

Junior Olivia Valentine, secretary for Patriots for Ron Paul, was tired as she headed to a CPAC conference last year. Despite her exhaustion from getting up early, she was motivated because she was going to meet the man that she had researched and read about since summer. She was going to meet Ron Paul. After her experience at the CPAC meeting, Valentine furthered her involvement in Ron Paul’s campaign, and eventually joined Patriots for Ron Paul, a student group on campus dedicated to helping Ron Paul’s campaign in the 2012 presidential election. Patriots for Ron Paul had their first official meeting Wednesday in Sandbridge. The meeting was not a discussion of tactics or strategies to help Paul’s campaign; it was organizational in nature and the group decided on officers including president and vice president. Patriots for Ron Paul has not been recognized as an official group on campus yet. Instead of See PAUL, Page 2

Photo by: Stephen Kline

Many students gathered in the gallery during the Student Senate Meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16 to support a resolution that would support the DREAM Act. The resolution passed 20-5, with one senator abstaining.

Gregory Connolly Editor-in-Chief George Mason University student senators passed a resolution Thursday that voiced their support for the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act. Many interested students packed into the meeting room at Mason Hall to witness the resolution. The resolution, which supports a federal act that would grant permanent residency to illegal aliens who meet certain requirements, passed 20–5, with one senator abstaining. The resolution was introduced by Clerk Elizabeth Baires and Senators Randy Salter, Michael McKenney, Jason Von Kundra and Donald Garrett. The issue divided the senators into two camps — one was fully in support of the resolution, while the others were concerned that voicing a political opinion in a resolution goes beyond the scope of Student Government. A

few senators were also concerned people at a senate meeting. Many that their constituents would not of the senators commented on the turnout as well. support the resolution. “As representatives of George No gallery member spoke out Mason University Student Gov- against the resolution, and many had signs in ernment, it’s definitely within support of it. “I don’t understand “I’m a our scope,” said Von Kundra, student and how if this resolution it’s important who supported would pass, it would the resolution. we bring this hurt anyone.” “It’s our obligaup for the betterment of edtion to voice student opinions.” ucation,” said -Jason Von Kundra Kundra senior comStudent Senator said he hasn’t munication major Cristian encountered Pineda, who many students opposed to it. stood in the “I don’t ungallery. “I’m derstand how if this resolution really excited that GMU took a would pass, it would hurt anyone,” stand on an issue that impacts students. This is a political issue, Kundra said. The vote attracted many but I feel like it’s important for Mason students who wanted to students to be educated enough to observe the deliberation. Student take a stand on an issue that can Government President Ally Bow- benefit the university.” ers said in the four years she has Bowers was pleased with the been a part of Student Govern- turnout. “If they want us to represent ment, she has never seen so many

their voice to the administration or higher up, we’re happy to do that for them,” Bowers said. “Just let us know — all meetings are open to the public and are posted online.” Many of the senators had comments prepared as Speaker Thomas Lee moved down the list of names. “I look around and see friends, coworkers, students. It just shows you — this is our job,” said Senator Jordan Foster, the chair of the M.A.S.O.N. committee. “These are the students and we’re working for them.” The resolution came out of the Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Committee. “I feel great,” said Deepika Sharma, the chair of that committee. “It makes me happy to see students who are passionate about something come and do something about it.”

See DREAM, Page 3

Touré Makes Appearance at Mason Speech Part of Black History Month Nathan Dorfman Staff Writer What does it mean to be black in America today? Touré, a television personality, writer and cultural critic, addressed this question before an audience of nearly 50 students and faculty members at the Johnson Center Bistro during a keynote speech sponsored by George Mason University’s Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education for Black History Month. Touré primarily based the keynote speech upon his 2011 book “Who’s Afraid of PostBlackness?” “The book talks about the rise of the 21st century African-

American community,” said organizational administration major James Williams. Students in attendance were familiar with Touré’s work. “I read his articles in The New York Times,” Williams said. “I’ve seen him on TV,” said communication major Meghann Patterson. During the first half of his speech, Touré examined the implications of living in a postracial society. “Post-racial means whatever you want it to mean. There is no fixed idea of what post-racial means,” Touré said. “Racism still affects our world a great deal.” Touré explained that contemporary racism is more subtle and nuanced than the racism of

the past. “The racism our parents experienced was obvious,” Touré said. “Now, it’s like fog. We can’t see it. We can’t grab it. It’s harder to quantify.” Elaborating upon this idea, Touré mentioned that he interviewed 105 luminaries for his book and asked about the most racist incident that each had experienced. He noted that the most common response was that the answer is unknowable, referring to how racist decisions can be privately made behind a person’s back. Touré drew upon his professional experience as a journalist for anecdotes. For example, he spoke about interviewing Kanye West at his home.

Touré also described how he had to prove to his editors at Rolling Stone that not only could he write about hip-hop artists, but also about other entertainers, such as Eric Clapton and Tori Amos, who represent other genres. An important theme of Touré’s speech was that AfricanAmericans should not hold themselves back by worrying about what whites think.

Be sure to check out the rest of this article by visiting

Norovirus Hits NoVa No Cases Reported on Campus Michael Lagana Staff Writer George Mason University officials are concerned with the norovirus, a contagious gastrointestinal virus that has been reported in the Washington, D.C., metro area, though no cases have been reported at Mason. Symptoms of the virus include vomiting, abdominal pains, fever and diarrhea. The virus is spread by coming into contact with an infected person or a surface that has come in contact with an infected person, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention norovirus factsheet. According to an email sent to the Mason community by Sandy Scherrens, vice president of University Life, there have been no cases of the virus reported on campus, although

members of the Mason community are encouraged to practice good hand-washing, to disinfect surfaces and to stay home if they feel ill. According to the CDC norovirus factsheet, the norovirus has a recovery time of one to two days and is best treated by drinking plenty of fluids. There is no known cure for the virus. According to a Washington Times article published on Thursday, 85 students at nearby George Washington University in Washington, D.C., became sick with the virus over the past week. “Due to the outbreaks at George Washington University, this is a reminder to take care of your health, to be pro-active, and if you think you have symptoms to see Student Health Services,” according to a statement released by Scherrens and University Life.

Faculty Senate to Present Handbook Changes to BOV Grammar Changes Meant to Clarify Existing Rules Justin Lalputan News Editor The George Mason Faculty Senate met last Wednesday to decide on changes to the faculty handbook that will be presented to the Board of Visitors. No major changes were discussed. The majority of changes discussed were grammatical in nature and were meant to clarify already existing rules. The discussion was not an open debate, rather faculty members were given a handout detailing changes that a committee agreed upon. In the meeting, the senators decided if they approved of the amended wording.

Few items were changed, and the meeting progressed smoothly. The highlight of the session came during a debate over the usage of the phrase “30 days after receiving notice”. An argument was raised that the phrase “written notice” should have been incorporated, but it was then interjected that it would be possible for disgruntled employees to deny their receipt of written notice. After consulting legal counsel, it was decided to take the phrase in question under deeper consideration. The remaining changes will be presented to the Board of Visitors at their meeting on Tuesday.

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