Prepare for Tuesday’s congressional election by checking out Broadside’s Election Guide, which provides a quick rundown of the candidates and issues on tomorrow’s ballot. Pg. 5
George Mason University’s Student Newspaper
November 1, 2010
Volume 87 Issue 9
Timeliness of Mason Alert questioned Recent incidents raise concern that Mason Alert is too slow, unclear
Antonieta Rico Crime Beat Reporter The MasonAlert system has come under scrutiny by the Mason community after people received texts and emails regarding recent emergency situations on campus about an hour after the incidents were first reported. When a gas leak occurred next to Lecture Hall on Oct. 6 police received the call for the gas main break at 11:09 a.m. but some people did not receive a MasonAlert until almost an hour later. “I got the text at 12:02…” said Kim Largen, an assistant professor with the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at Mason. Largen was lecturing at Krug Hall, near Lecture Hall, and said she was evacuated from the building at about 11:18 a.m. by a person she believes was a fireman. The clarity of the MasonAlert messages has also come into question. When Student Union Building II was evacuated after a hazmat incident Oct. 19, an initial MasonAlert stated that there was a “police investigation at Student Union” and requested that people stay away from “Student Union.” There are two Student Union buildings at GMU, I and II, and about 20 minutes after the initial notice another MasonAlert clarified that there was a hazmat incident at Student Union II. Largen said that people were confused during the gas leak incident by the wording of the text message. According to Largen, the text listed buildings near the gas leak and said “evacuate the area,” but it was unclear what area was affected by the evacuation notice. “That caused a lot of confusion here at Krug,” said Largen, “We
had a lot of students wonder ‘does that include Krug; what does that include?’” Officials in charge of the MasonAlert system said they are aware of some of the problems with the system. David Farris, director of emergency preparedness and response at Mason, said that making notifications faster is an ongoing issue with emergency communications. However, he said that people who are immediately in harm’s way will already have help before a notification goes out. “As we identify those issues, we work to correct them,” said Farris. “The priorities are…help those people who are in harm’s way, and then conduct a notification with the expectation that it is going to protect everybody else who is not immediately impacted by the emergency,” Farris said. MasonAlert is intended for informational purposes, and those who would be affected by an immediate threat would have the benefit of first responders on the scene, such as the person who evacuated Largen from her building, to ensure their safety, Farris said. At the same time, Farris said, people in the Mason community need to be educated on how to respond to an emergency situation. “I would encourage everyone who is registered for the MasonAlert system to not only follow directions provided by MasonAlert, but more importantly be prepared to respond to an emergency if they experience that emergency,” he said. MasonAlert is one method to stay informed, but Farris recommends that people also take charge of their own safety by reading the emergency preparedness plans on the Environmental Health and Safety Office website: “Communication by nature cannot occur simultaneously,” Farris said. “The time from the event occurring and having enough verified information to make a recommendation on what action can be taken, there is a lag there.” Farris also added that police have administrator access to the MasonAlert system so that they may issue an alert in case of an immediate threat. However, he said the primary focus for police would be to respond to an emergency and that is why there are procedures in place to ensure that his office is notified of an emergency so that they may issue a MasonAlert. There are also several other entities at Mason who have administrative access to the MasonAlert system, but it is primarily used by police and his office and some key officials of the university administration, Farris said. “In an emergency we don’t have perfect information,” said Farris. He said he has to make a determination to send out information as soon as possible, as an emergency develops, and tries to provide the simplest information without making it confusing. To that end, he said he is constantly trying to get feedback and improve the system. He said that he also holds focus groups with students, the GMU administration, and Student Government with the intent to make the system better. Any other users who wish to provide feedback can email “MasonAlert is really the backbone of our emergency notification system,” Farris said. He said people should “follow the guidance of the MasonAlert with the understanding that we are doing everything that we possibly can to make sure those alerts are timely, contain the right information, but knowing that they are not instantaneous and that we are first and foremost going to make sure we get the right people on scene to respond to an emergency.” (Yasmin Tadjdeh, Senior News Editor for Student Life & Digest for Connect2Mason contributed to this report)
Mason community members remember Brian Picone
Three laptops stolen from dorm Attempted fourth theft thwarted Antonieta Rico Crime Beat Reporter Police are investigating a series of laptop thefts that occurred Oct. 18 in Presidents Park, the freshman housing area of George Mason University. According to police reports, at least three laptops were reported stolen within an hour after an unknown person entered dorm rooms in Presidents Park. A fourth report of a bulgary at Presidents Park involved a witness who confronted a person entering her room. The suspect tried to take a laptop but was unsuccessful. According to the police report, the suspect left the area on foot.
“We believe it’s the same suspect [in all four cases],” said George Ginovsky, public information officer at the George Mason University Police Department. “Our possible suspect is not a student,” Ginovsky said. He said police suspect the person responsible for the thefts is someone “who tailgates into the dorms and crashes there overnight.” “‘Tailgating’ is a big problem,” said Master Police Officer Emily Ross in an e-mail. Ross is the housing liaison officer with Mason police.
See THEFT, Page 2
Mason Inn enjoys busy family weekend Hotel at 80 percent capacity for weekend; lounge serves 641 customers Casey Rives Broadside Correspondent The Mason Inn Conference Center and Hotel has provided conference space for a myriad of businesses, rooms for visiting parents and a space for campussponsored events since its opening on July 22. “October has been one of our busiest months,” said Vicki Galindo, director of sales and marketing at the Mason Inn. Alumni Week and George Mason University’s Family Weekend spurred bookings to near-capacity. “During Family Weekend, we had 100 rooms booked and were at 80 percent occupancy,” said Stephanie Morehead, sales manager at the Inn and a Mason alumna. “The Well, which is the Mason Inn’s lounge, served brunch for over 641 individuals during that weekend.” The Mason Inn is set apart from other hotel facilities by its close connection to the university. “Here at the Inn, we are a part of the International Association of Conference Centers, meaning we have to meet specific criteria,” Galindo said. The IACC is a not-for-profit organization, the mission of which is to assist members with
providing exceptional services and meeting facilities. The conference rooms at the Inn serve as a meeting place for many local organizations and businesses, especially those on campus. The Mason School of Management and School of Law are two organizations which regularly book conference rooms. “And of course, we have smaller conference rooms which are booked by smaller businesses like the Office of Admissions at Mason,” Galindo said. Different packages are offered at the Inn. Dinner, daily refreshments and tickets to Mason events are a few amenities that guests can add to their stay. “Our most popular package is the Day Meeting Package, which includes a meeting room, refreshment breaks and complimentary parking among other things,” Galindo said. The Mason Inn offers wedding packages as well. So far, more than five weddings have been held at the hotel, none of which have been student weddings. Through June of 2011, the Mason Inn has already booked over 40 weddings.
See INN, Page 2
Mason Cares CAPS program designed to help prevent suicide through education Casey Rives Broadside Correspondent
Photo By Gregory Connolly
Two people write notes to Brian Picone, a George Mason alumnus who collapsed last year while giving a lecture to a queer theory class at Mason. He died shortly therea er. Many people gathered on the third floor of the Johnson Center Tuesday to remember Picone. Picone, a Falls Church na ve, helped to found one of Fairfax County’s first Gay-Straight Alliances and spoke at the first George Mason Lavender gradua on for gay, bisexual and transgender students. Marja Kudej, a senior majoring in English who helped coordinate the memorial event, said that the le ers wri en to Picone would be placed in a box that would be burned to disseminate the le ers.
Established three years ago by George Mason University’s Counseling and Psychological Services as a community outreach program, Mason Cares offers gatekeeper training programs to help participants learn the warning signs for suicide and how to respond. “Our psychological services help students in dealing with problems that get in the way of them being a satisfied student,” said Associate Director of Counseling and Psychological Services Adrienne Barna. George Mason University’s Counseling and Psychological Services offers a variety of resources for students, including
Learning Services to improve academic skills and Multicultural Services to provide support for individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. “The program gives an understanding of suicide,” Barna said. “It is a two-hour training program on strategies of suicide, how to deal with suicide, why people attempt suicide and how to respond to a person in crisis.” Workshops are run by one of CAPS’ 16 counselors. While Mason Cares offers workshops for individuals, they are usually scheduled for whole groups. “We have a better outcome if we can schedule the workshops for an organization or group,” Barna said.
See CARES, Page 2