9 FINGERS Review by Skyhir [en]

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​‘9 Fingers’ review by skyhir • Letterboxd letterboxd.com/skyhir/film/9-doigts ​August​ ​8​, ​2017

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9 Fingers 2017 ★★★ 9 Fingers (2017) Casting Paul Hamy alongside Pascal Greggory was some stroke of genius; after seeing 9 doigts, I will never not see them as eerie doubles of one another. But Ossang needn't have named a character Kurtz for this movie to so clearly resemble a film noir pastiche that becomes a Joseph Conrad pastiche. I got the impression from the Locarno audience that many found the film weighted down by its existential ramblings, but for me it held together as a methodical descent into nothingness, in which characters, genre tropes, and designations of status disappear one by one, leaving an ongoing discussion of just what remains to be the film's center in their absence. Doesn't hurt that Simon Roca's photography is astonishingly beautiful, either.


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