Portugal’s O Som e A Furia’s 2019 Slate – Variety variety.com/2019/film/festivals/portugal-o-som-e-a-furia-2019-slate-patrick-technoboss-frankiepedro-1203136956 By Martin Dale February 12, 2019
Variety.com February 12, 2019 6:54AM PT
Portugal’s O Som e A Furia’s 2019 Slate: ‘Patrick,’ ‘Technoboss,’ ‘Frankie,’ ‘Pedro’
CREDIT: © O Som e a Furia Founded in 1998, O Som e a Furia is one of Portugal’s leading production companies, and has produced works by Portuguese auteurs such as Miguel Gomes, Ivo Ferreira, Sandro Aguilar, and João Nicolau. Owned by Luís Urbano and Sandro Aguilar, the company has developed a clear editorial line dedicated to Portuguese and foreign auteurs who develop films with crossover potential that can succeed on the international festival circuit. Over the past two decades the company has worked with a consistent group of directors and has developed a network of regular co-production partners, in particular in France, Germany, Brazil and Switzerland. Urbano says that one of his key contributions is at a curatorial level: “We aim to work with directors who have a distinctive point of view and to evolve with them over their careers. In the case of a new director, I can help them create a distinctive mark.” 1/4