Notebook's 14th Writers Poll: Fantasy Double Features of 2021 [EN]

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Notebook's 14th Writers Poll: Fantasy Double Features of 2021

In our annual poll, we pair our favorite new films of 2021 with older films seen in the same year to create fantastic double features. Notebook • 27 Dec 2021

Our annual tradition of Fantasy Double Features asks the year's Notebook contributors to pair something new with something old, with the only requirement being the films have to have been freshly seen this year. Part diary of memorable viewing during 2021, part creative prompt to think about how cinema's present speaks to its past (and vice versa), the 14th edition of our end of year poll weaves between theater-going and home-viewing so seamlessly as to suggest that early pandemic impediments from last year are now quite normal. Yet clearly that hasn't stopped us from watching, being delighted by, and thinking about movies, and the wonderful combinations below are testaments to the dynamic, idiosyncratic, and interactive vitality of moviegoing wherever and however its being practiced. CONTRIBUTORS Jett Allen


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