Animals' Voice - Spring 2012 Edition - The Official Magazine of Ontario SPCA

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Tanya Kim supports the Friends for Life! Walk-a-thon Helping the Welland community, one pet at a time Rescue & Relief: Extraordinary efforts

Register Online Today

Walks taking place in communities across the province starting in May. Check out our awards and rewards for you and your pet. Spring 2012



The Ontario SPCA’s mission is to facilitate and provide for province-wide leadership on matters relating to the prevention of cruelty to animals and the promotion of animal welfare.

• Bring an end to pet overpopulation and the abuse, neglect and abandonment of animals. • Promote respect and appreciation for animals.

The Ontario SPCA is seen as the recognized authority on animal welfare issues and making a measurable difference for animals. The Ontario SPCA is an integral part of each community, promoting mutually beneficial human-animal interactions, and is viewed as a desirable organization for volunteerism and support.

The Society’s goal is to be a strong, unified and collaborative organization dedicated to the cultivation of a compassionate Ontario for all animals.



View our Community Directory to find your local SPCA or Humane Society.

On the cover:

Also in this issue:

etalk anchor, animal lover and honourary walk Chair, Tanya Kim, shows how helping animal welfare is more than a walk in the park.

meetyourmatch animalstories besthealthpractices rescue&relief pawsandgive communitynews

Read the full story on page 6

CONTACT US AT: Ontario SPCA Provincial Office 16586 Woodbine Avenue, RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 tel: 1-888-668-7722 email: website:


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Aubrie Porcelli Alison Cross and Stephanie Johns Design Cabin Aubrie Porcelli

animals’voice® is published by the Ontario SPCA. Its contents may be reproduced with consent from the Society and with appropriate credit given. Information in this publication is provided in good faith and has been derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the Ontario SPCA, nor any person involved in the preparation of this publication accepts any form of liability whatsoever for its contents including advertisements, editorial, opinions, advice or information, or for any consequences from their use. CHARITABLE REGISTRATION#: 88969 1044 RR0002


Agent Tracy Lapping, Diane Gardner, Art Gardner with Dreama and Karma

Rescued Equine Herd Brings New Life


n early 2011 on a cold January day, the Ontario SPCA received a call concerning 16 horses, ranging from 1 to 12 years old that needed immediate assistance. After Ontario SPCA orders to improve the condition of the horses were not met, the horses were removed from the owner’s care and placed in the care of Ontario SPCA with Agent Tracy Lapping overseeing their recovery. Tracy has many years of experience owning and caring for horses, however she was thrown for a loop when the veterinary inspection revealed that five of the horses were pregnant. “I bought every book, talked with other horse breeders and consulted my veterinarian if I had any questions,” Tracy said. All of the horses needed special care to nurse them back to health, especially the broodmares. As the first mare’s foaling date drew near, Tracy was full of anticipation and uncertainty. Foaling can be a very simple or very complicated event, and with a malnourished mare, still recovering from her formerly neglectful home, the mare and foal’s health would need to be monitored. While Tracy was in court, she received a message from a volunteer helping care for the horses that the mare was in labour. By the time Tracy arrived back at the stable, the foal had been born.


“Right away, you could see [the foal] needed to nurse, but the mare was very uncomfortable and wouldn’t let her,” recalls Tracy. “Due to her formerly malnourished state, she had some unusual swelling which made nursing unpleasant for the mare.” Tracy contacted her veterinarian and they decided the foal would need assistance to nurse for the first 24-48 hours. Wearing a snowsuit to combat the frigid winter temperatures, Tracy created a bed out of some straw bales and a sleeping bag. She spent the entire night sleeping in the barn, waking every hour, to check on the foal and help her nurse. Despite her exhaustion, when Tracy awoke for the 6:00am feeding, she saw immediately the little foal was full of energy and clearly feeling much better. Tracy repeated the same routine for the other four mares, who all successfully foaled as well. “[Helping the mares foal] was a life-changing experience. It was something I will never forget. It was incredible, watching them blossom and regain their health, and later seeing them adopted to new loving homes.” The horses that Tracy fostered, including the foals, were all adopted out to wonderful new homes. Thank you Tracy, for your exceptional dedication and giving the horses a chance at a new life!

Meet Your Match Canine-ality™



s anyone who has adopted a pet knows, one of the biggest challenges is turning a brief meeting with prospective pups into a lifelong relationship.

The newly launched Canine-ality™ program, scientifically matches dogs and potential adopters together. Our new colour-coding method matches shelter dogs aged six months and older with adopters, making it possible for you to gain insight into a dog’s behavior before deciding to make him a part of your family.

The program has seen a 40%- 45% increase in adoptions and a 45%-50% decrease in euthanasia of adult dogs at beta-test facilities across North America. These statistics prove that our science-based program is helping people to make good adoption choices. That means lives are being saved!

When you’re ready to jump into adopting your next pet, drop into your nearest shelter that utilizes the Canine-ality™ program. You’ll

be asked to complete a fast, easy multiplechoice quiz that shelter staff can review to help you find your colour. Green dogs love to be both physically and mentally engaged. A green colour-coded description could be “Life of the Party”, “Go-Getter” or “Free Spirit.” A dog with an orange classification is less active but enjoys regular activity and interaction, and could be called a “Wallflower,” “Busy Bee” or “Goofball.” A dog with a purple classification is one that has a laid-back attitude and enjoys an easygoing lifestyle. It could be called a “Couch Potato,” “Constant Companion” or “Teacher’s Pet.” Knowing your colour will help you pick a dog whose personality matches your own. This reduces the possibility of an adoption situation that does not suit the dog or his future owners, causing a return to the shelter. To learn more about the Meet Your Match® Canine-ality™ program or to find a participating adoption centre, please visit

For more information:

Animal Stories! General M

any of our readers may remember General, a German Shepherd dog featured on the front of our 2011 calendar. General, a strong-willed German Shepherd mix, was rescued from a severe case of neglect. Concerned neighbours brought General and his canine friend Lilly to the attention of the Ontario SPCA in September 2008. They were found emaciated and near death on a balcony in Scarborough.

Banjo W

hen Ontario SPCA Inspector Carol Vanderheide arrived on scene at a removal site, she was unprepared to see what sad condition the animals of the alleged puppy mill in Huron County were living in. Some of the dogs were howling for help, others too weak to even stand. Agent Vanderheide found a tiny puppy, only a few days old, who was barely breathing and frighteningly cold to the touch. Knowing he was in serious condition, she


While veterinarians did their best to help General and Lilly, their life-or-death condition was a struggle. General gradually improved, and staff members were pleased to see him make a full recovery. Sadly, Lilly succumbed to her injuries.

Thanks to the collaborative efforts of Detective Jenn Ryan of the Toronto Police and staff at the Ontario SPCA, General was adopted out to a loving family. Lilly and General’s owner was recently sentenced to 12 months house arrest and

tucked him into her jacket to keep him warm until a veterinarian could attend to him. Sadly, he passed away shortly thereafter. Despite the heartbreaking loss, staff had to continue helping the other 125 dogs that desperately needed food, warmth and veterinary care. They came across a particular Golden Retriever,

is prohibited from caring for or owning any pets for four years. She also must complete 100 hours of community service work and participate in a drug addiction counselling program.

the 77th one to be rescued and taken to safety. Despite his extremely poor condition, once he heard the gentle voices of officers reassuring him everything would be okay, his tail began to wag slowly. “Banjo” was rescued and rehabilitated, and now has a loving new home with a family that adores him.

Hope the Cat T

his past winter a woman named Kristen DeGroot walked through the doors of the Ontario SPCA Perth County Branch with a kitten they named Hope. She was found curled up on the front porch of Kristen’s house. Kristen took her in to give her food and protect her from the cold. She realized very quickly that the small grey kitten was not able to walk properly and needed veterinary assistance immediately. Upon investigation it appeared that Hope may have been hit by a car.

After being examined by the veterinarian, it was determined that Hope’s back legs were broken. The organization Feline Friends stepped in and volunteered to assist with Hope’s medical needs, as she would need an expensive and lengthy treatment.

Not only did Hope fully recover, but she was adopted by Kristen and her family, who wanted to give Hope a forever home. Thank you to Feline Friends, Kristen and

Official Insurance of Ontario’s Pets

The most trusted name in animal welfare is now the most trusted name in pet insurance. 1-866-600-2445

Medical conditions that have been noted, symptomatic or pre-existing prior to enrolment are not available for coverage. This advertisement is an outline only, the actual policy issued terms and conditions will prevail. Ontario SPCA Pet Insurance Programs are underwritten by Lombard General Insurance Company of Canada, distributed by PTZ Insurance Brokers Ltd. PTZ Insurance Brokers Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pethealth Inc. © 2009 Pethealth Inc. All rights reserved.

family, and the staff and volunteers at the Perth County Branch for working together to give a kitten a second chance at life.

His name is Lucky for a reason…

... because with Ontario SPCA Pet Insurance his parents were able to afford the best option.

Tanya Kim

supports the Friends for Life! Walk-a-thon

Does traveling around the world, stepping out on the red carpet and meeting celebrities sound like a dream come true? Canadian talent Tanya Kim not only does all of that for her job, but still has time to snuggle with her 85-pound Bullmastiff, Miss Louise at home.


s the anchor of etalk, Kim stays exceptionally busy traveling and interviewing major celebrities. While she enjoys the excitement and glamour of her job, Kim admits her love of animals since she was a child. Kim always had a strong love of animals growing up in northern Ontario (Sault Ste. Marie). For many years, she pleaded with her parents to let her have a pet of her own. “I even tried to keep a dog at home, telling my parents I was just watching him for a few weeks,” she laughed. “They figured it out pretty quickly.”


After attending Ryerson University for broadcast journalism, she acted in several television shows before landing her job at etalk. Her passion for animals blossomed, and she fell in love with the Bullmastiff breed. Thanks to an associate who bred a litter of Bullmastiff puppies, Kim saw Miss Louise and it was love at first sight. “I just looked into her eyes and her sweet expression just won me over!” Being a busy professional, she works hard to achieve the right balance between her work and time at home with Miss Louise. “Her pet sitter Nadia, from Fetch Canine Social Club,

is fabulous. I trust her so much and when I travel, I know that Miss Louise is in the best of care.” Kim acknowledges that having an experienced, reliable pet professional is an important part of keeping pets happy and healthy when owners are away. She loves keeping them both fit by 5:30 a.m. daily walks and playing together. In addition to loving animals, Kim has participated in charitiable pet events such as Paws for the Cause, a canine fashion show that raises money for various pet charities (and has supported the Ontario SPCA in the past). Kim walked the runway with a canine companion. Was Miss Louise able to participate? “She would have been a star, but she was a little big for the tiny outfits!” she laughs. The Ontario SPCA is thrilled to have Kim lend her fame to animals in need by being the Chair of the Toronto Walk on Saturday May 26th, 2012.

Tanya and Miss Louise have already raised close to 80% of their walk goal. Thank you!

Miss Louise

She had a few parting words for her fellow pet lovers, which the Ontario SPCA fully endorses. “Spay or neuter your pets!” she exclaimed. By spay or neutering pets, it helps reduce the amount of homeless pets. Thank you Tanya, for your contributions to animal welfare and for being a great example on how to balance happy, healthy pets and a successful career!

The Ontario SPCA Leeds & Grenville Branch remembers

Mr. Eric Sheppard T

here are many ways in which supporters choose to donate to the Ontario SPCA. The Ontario SPCA Leeds & Grenville Branch in Brockville very recently lost a valued supporter and animal lover. Mr. Eric Sheppard passed away at the age of 78 and left a generous bequest to the animals of the branch. Having lived his entire life in Brockville, Mr. Sheppard would often drop into the branch unannounced, armed with all sorts of wonderful supplies for the animals of the shelter. “[He] never wanted a big fuss, he would just arrive and start unloading the back of the truck with food, litter and everything we needed,” said Tanya Firmage, Director of Animal Welfare Operations. “We are just so appreciative for his efforts and how they helped the animals. The branch is very thankful for his support and donations.”

Mr. Sheppard had a life-long affinity for animals, along with his sister Edith, who also included the Leeds & Grenville Branch in her estate planning. “They were both devoted animals lovers, and cared deeply for their dogs,” said Mary, his cousin. “They most recently had Cocker Spaniels, whom they adored.” Thanks to Mr. Sheppard’s thoughtful bequest, a variety of important upgrades for the building will be completed that will benefit the animals. A beautiful sunroom will be built for the cats, where a memorial plaque will be placed in loving memory of Eric and Edith’s parents, Franklin and Florence Sheppard, who were also avid animal lovers. The branch is saddened to have lost such a kind, honest and devoted animal lover. The Sheppard family’s kindness and generosity will always be remembered and honoured.

Volunteer Recognition 2012 The Ontario SPCA is honoured to have so many wonderful volunteers and supporters. Our volunteers work hard for the animals within our shelters, and we are pleased that six of them have received recognition for their efforts this year in the 2012 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards.

The Volunteer Service Awards are held annually in the province of Ontario. To qualify


for an award, recipients must be nominated by an organization that has been in existence for at least five years and have been active volunteers. The selection committee identifies the candidates that have best displayed continuous years of commitment and dedicated service to a group.

The Ontario SPCA Orangeville and District Branch was excited to have six volunteers nominated and accepted to receive awards at this year’s ceremony. “We were thrilled when

all our nominees were accepted, and we were invited to the ceremony. After a few short speeches by various government officials, the nominees [were] presented one by one with their awards,” said Joanne Scott, Volunteer Coordinator. The awards were presented at the Mississauga Convention Centre on April 3rd.

left to right: Peter Douglas, Shirley Bennett, Lorna Crockford,

Barbara McCreath, Martin McCreath and Renee Holliday. The Ontario SPCA would like to congratulate Peter Douglas, Shirley Bennett, Lorna Crockford, Barbara McCreath, We appreciate the hard work and efforts of Martin McCreath and Renee Holliday on their all our volunteers, and on behalf of the aniawards. Their efforts in fostering, fundraismals in our shelters across the province, ing, photography and so much more in their many years of volunteering really stand out.

thank you!

Dave Wilson’s

Best Health Practices

As part of keeping our animals healthy and happy before they are adopted, the Ontario SPCA is always researching and developing ways to improve our biosecurity protocols. Dave Wilson, our new Director of Shelter Health and Wellness has a wealth of education and experience to draw from in this pivotal role.

Dave formerly worked at a veterinary clinic with his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and Masters of Science (MSc -Toxicology) qualifications, and enjoyed helping animals in this role for many years. Dave joined the Ontario SPCA in 2003 as a Community Relations Coordinator for the Kent Branch, with the hope of assisting with fundraising efforts and giving back to the animal welfare community.

Naturally, Dave has owned many pets over the years, both cats and dogs, but he has a special place in his heart for a black-andwhite rescue kitten named Oreo. “He was found as a tiny kitten, barely alive, thrown out of a car at a local cemetery in a bag of fast-food garbage. I didn’t know if he’d make it for the first couple of days,” he recalled. “Being the only cat in a dog household [at the time], he thought he was just a small dog and would usually hang out at home with the dogs rather than the other cats.”

How can animal lovers help Dave on his mission to help the shelter animals? “The lack of funding…from the Provincial Government definitely makes it difficult, [but] with the support of donors [and] the collaboration of other animal welfare agencies we can succeed!”


Rescue & Relief The Investigations Department within the Ontario SPCA plays a crucial role in locating, investigating and assisting animals in need. An essential part of the job is not only following up on tips of an animal in distress, but also being the first on the scene during a large-scale removal or disaster in the community. Dealing with an injured or neglected animal one-on-one can be very difficult, but when a large number of animals need immediate care and assistance, it can take its toll on agents and resources alike.

In 2011, Ontario SPCA agents investigated approximately 16,000 reports of cruelty and removed over 2,800 animals that were at risk. When a large-scale rescue operation is underway, tens or even hundreds of animals need immediate attention at the same time. The investigations process typically begins with a tip or phone call about an animal in distress. The location is verified and occasionally agents will check to see if police know the residence in question. This is to ensure the agent’s safety. When the agent or investigator visits the residence, it is merely to gather information about the animal and its condition. Many pet owners are


willing to answer the agent’s questions and allow him or her to visually inspect the animal. When there are any doubts about the animal’s health, orders are issued and the owner is given a specific length of time, such as a week, to comply with those orders.

After the length of time has passed, the agent will return to inspect the animal and see whether the owner has complied. If there has been no improvement in the animal’s condition, the decision is made whether to allow for more time for the owner to comply or not. In the event the animal’s condition has declined and it is clear the animal is in distress and needs immediate attention to preserve life, the Ontario SPCA officer or a veterinarian will give the order for removal. “The goal of most visits is to allow the owner to make the required changes to comply with a reasonable standard of animal care. Removing an animal is a last resort for non-compliance,” says Agent Brad Dewar, Investigations and Communications Officer. “We want the owner to be educated so the animal benefits from that knowledge.”

There are times when a large-scale removal is necessary, and the condition of the animals

involved requires immediate veterinary attention. This is when the investigation process becomes increasingly complicat -ed, and can place a strain on staff and financial resources.

This year, we were thrilled to receive a generous donation from Nutrience Pet Foods that will be invaluable in our rescue and relief efforts. They donated a 20-foot trailer, equipped with fully adjustable heat and air conditioning. It also contains a generator for power, with six exterior floodlights for nighttime or inclement conditions. It has an 18-foot awning for protection from the elements and has a ramp with a movable partition and a 36inch door. What makes the trailer so special is the capacity to provide shelter and temporary housing during emergency situations.

“There are many ways to help the Ontario SPCA that are not necessarily pet-specific. Even something like the donation of a safe vehicle for agents, fencing for the shelters or roof maintenance are all ways people or companies can help,� says Agent Dewar.

Individuals or companies who feel they could contribute donations, services or materials to the Ontario SPCA are invited to contact us! There are many ways to help. To learn more about supporting the Ontario SPCA, please visit or call us at 1 (888) 668-7722 x320.

Time to “Paws” and think of the animals who need

your help

Many loving pet owners enjoy pampering their pets with lots of toys and treats, which can quickly add up to a pile of toys that your pet won’t use. Why not make a donation to an animal that has nothing of his or her own? Sometimes it becomes easy to forget all the homeless animals that come through our shelter doors every day across the province. These animals typically have been deprived of the most basic needs like food, water and shelter.


ow can you help? Through our Paws and Give program, which allows you to click and choose how you would like to help one of these many pets in need. The Ontario SPCA matches gift amounts with similar costs in its day-to-day efforts to provide ongoing rescue and care of domestic, farm and wild animals. When you visit, you can browse through a virtual catalogue that lists the suggested gift amounts alongside a program that is in need of your support. For example, a gift of $20 represents the cost of feeding a kitten and $65 is akin to spay or neutering procedures. Amounts as little as $20 provides essential services to real animals who need our help every day and can even prevent future generations from needless suffering.


During holidays, seasonal Care Packages are also available, which includes gifts like cuddly blankets, kitten or puppy toys and special presents that will go directly to the animals in need.

An added bonus of the program is that you can gift your Care Package in honour of someone you love. You can select from a printable card, an e-card or a print card mailed on your behalf to the recipient. Helping animals is a fantastic gift for any occasion! To learn more and donate, visit and shop for the many ways you can give a gift that brings comfort and a little bit of happiness into an animal’s life while they wait for a forever home.

Excitement builds

for the new HSKL Shelter


n the community of Kawartha Lakes, the local Humane Society is thrilled to be getting closer to the opening of their spacious new shelter. Back in 2010, it became apparent that the existing 2,500 sq. foot shelter not only needed many repairs, it also was not able to accommodate the growing needs of the expanding local community. Ideas to merely repair and attempt to add on to the existing building were scrapped due to the amount of work and the high costs involved. Creating a new facility, with an emphasis on veterinary healthcare design, would ensure the shelter could provide the best care possible. Mike Cavanagh, President of the Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes (HSKL), notes the process of creating a new building from conception to nearing completion was no easy task. “The Board of Directors found it challenging to juggle the requirements of such a large-scale project; managing the contractors and the flow of money. None of us had done


this before,” he said. “We had to revaluate our original plans and scale it down to a manageable level [financially].”

While the Board was focused on many of the challenges of the new building, Mike pointed out the exceptional work of the HSKL staff, “They took exceptional care of the animals as usual. The staff really stepped up, working diligently and consistently,” commented Mike.

Thanks to the Capital Campaign, a grant program that helps match funds to money raised, two-thirds of the money needed was given towards the construction of the new building. “We were privileged to receive the grant money, but there is still lots of fundraising we need to do before the shelter is completed,” said Mike. He urges anyone interested in donating, fundraising or contributing to the completion of the new building go to or contact the shelter at (705) 878-4618.

Helping the Welland community, one pet at a time


he Welland & District Humane Society is pleased to share their plans for a high-volume spay/neuter clinic that will be available for the community.

Fundraising has already begun for the clinic, with a generous grant from PetSmart Charities that has supplied the necessary equipment for the clinic.

Ted Bettle, Manager of the Welland & District Humane Society, was thrilled with PetSmart Charities’ contribution to the new clinic. “They stepped right up without hesitation to help us,� said Bettle.

The new high-volume spay/neuter clinic will not only help individuals but local pet-related organizations as well. The surrounding feral cat groups will benefit from these services to help control the feral cat communities. The Six Nations reserve, whose veterinarian works with the branch for animal care support, will also benefit.

Plans for the new clinic include retrofitting the existing facility with the new equipment, rearranging the office space and turning the courtyard into an enclosed area that could be used as an education centre.

Phase 1 involves getting the clinic open to the public and phase 2 will be establishing the new office space and modifying the courtyard. There is still a long road of fundraising ahead before phases 1 and 2 will be completed. Based on current quotes, the entire project will take roughly $250,000 to complete. There are many ways to contribute to this project. The staff and volunteers of the Welland & District Humane Society urge interested community members and companies to visit the website at or call the shelter directly at 1(888) 222-0568 for more information about supporting the fundraising campaign.

New pet? Time to

spay or neuter! Bringing home a new puppy or kitten is certainly a wonderful time in a pet owner’s life. Those first few months are full of wonderful, lasting memories. Before you know it, that cute little pet will quickly start to grow. That’s the time when you need to plan your spay or neuter appointment. A cat or dog may be able to successfully reproduce by the time they are six months old. The ideal age to spay or neuter is generally recommended between 4-6 months old or before their first heat cycle. A licensed veterinarian does the procedure, and is considered a routine surgery. It is completely painless for the pet, as they are under general anesthesia and sleeping during the entire operation. There is minimal aftercare and your pet will be back to his or her lovable self right away. There are a variety of health benefits to a spayed or neutered pet, including a vast reduction in developing various reproductive problems and illnesses that many pets are prone to later in life. By spaying or neutering your pet, owners


Buster and Dr. Eugene Alexeev

are collectively preventing hundreds of thousands of unwanted cats and dogs, many of which end up at shelters, neglected and abandoned by their owners.

The Ontario SPCA opened two high volume spay and neuter clinics in Newmarket and Barrie, Ontario. These clinics have provided over 25,000 surgeries combined since their inception in 2009. The Barrie Clinic recently celebrated their 10,000th surgery! Their services are available to all pets, regardless of the owner’s geographical location or income level. Pet owners are encouraged to call their local SPCA branch to learn more about the procedure and its costs.

Owning a new pet can be both exciting and rewarding, but important healthcare issues such as spaying or neutering should not be ignored. It is a great opportunity to provide your pet with the longest, healthiest life they can possibly have and you can help us to reduce the heartbreaking pet overpopulation crisis by being part of the solution.

路 Pet overpopulation is at crisis levels in Ontario. 路 Each year, tens of thousands of dogs and cats end up on the streets, where they fall victim to neglect and abuse, or in shelters in search of new homes. 路 Spaying and neutering can reduce shelter intake and euthanasia. 路 Fixing your pet reduces health risks and improves behaviour in cats and dogs.

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ThankAnimals’ you Nutrience, ourTrim: newest partner! Publication: Voice Magazine 5.25” xcommunity 8.25” Live Area: 4.75” x 7.75” Bleed: +.125” around Colour: 4C Material Date: March 30, 2012

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