Animals'Voice - Summer 2012 Edition

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Summer 2012

Dave Salmoni

loves big cats in a big way!

Q&A with Ontario SPCA Chief Inspector Connie Mallory

Summer Safety Tips for your pets

A special message about Mrs. Laureen Harper’s care of animals!

路 Pet overpopulation is at crisis levels in Ontario. 路 Each year, tens of thousands of dogs and cats end up on the streets, where they fall victim to neglect and abuse, or in shelters in search of new homes. 路 Spaying and neutering can reduce shelter intake and euthanasia. 路 Fixing your pet reduces health risks and improves behaviour in cats and dogs.


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Summer 2012

In 2011, the Ontario SPCA was honoured to have Mrs. Laureen Harper attend the opening of the new Ottawa Humane Society and the opening of the spay/neuter clinic at the Lincoln County Humane Society. Not only does Mrs. Harper foster cats at home, she is also an advocate for the feral cats on Parliament Hill.

“It is inspiring to see communities across Canada working together to achieve the best possible care for cats and for all animals,” said Mrs. Harper. ONTARIO SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS OFFICIAL MAGAZINE

On the cover

Summer 2012

Dave Salmoni shows us how a love of animals gave him a voice to educate others on animal welfare! Flip to page 6 to get the scoop

Dave Salmoni

loves big cats in a big way!

Q&A with Ontario SPCA Chief Inspector Connie Mallory

CONTACT US AT: Ontario SPCA Provincial Office 16586 Woodbine Avenue, RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 tel: 1-888-668-7722 email: website:

Summer Safety tips for your pets

A special message about Mrs. Laureen Harper’s care of animals!


Also in this issue: pg2 investigations pg4 adoptionstories summersafetytips pg8 communityevents pg12 pg14 development pg16 communitynews pg19 annualreport CHAIR, BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Rob Godfrey

Aubrie Porcelli Alison Cross and Stephanie Johns Design Cabin Aubrie Porcelli

animals’voice® is published by the Ontario SPCA. Its contents may be reproduced with consent from the Society and with appropriate credit given. Information in this publication is provided in good faith and has been derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate. However, the Ontario SPCA, nor any person involved in the preparation of this publication accepts any form of liability whatsoever for its contents including advertisements, editorial, opinions, advice or information, or for any consequences from their use. CHARITABLE REGISTRATION#: 88969 1044 RR0002



Myths about the Ontario SPCA Investigations Department We receive many questions every year about how our organization works, how we are funded and what powers we have when it comes to animal welfare. Chief Inspector Connie Mallory sits down with us to discuss common myths about the Ontario SPCA. Animals’ Voice: When someone calls to report an animal that needs assistance, are the animals removed right away?

Inspector Mallory: Our mandate is education before enforcement. We have many tools in our toolbox when it comes to animal welfare. The process begins with our Right of Inquiry. This means we try to make contact with the animal’s owner, meet the animal in question and talk to the owner about any concerns we may have. We then reference the Standards of Care outlined in the OSPCA Act to explain the basic requirements the owner must provide. We address concerns by issuing orders for compliance, which are followed up with in a specified time frame to allow the owners a chance to make the required changes.

AV: If an SPCA agent or officer visits a farm or residence, does it mean the owner is guilty of animal neglect or abuse? IM: Not at all. Laying changes is the last thing we would do. Our priority is the


wellbeing of the animal. No one is guilty until they have been found guilty by a court of law. AV: What involvement does the Ontario SPCA have regarding livestock?

IM: Under the OSPCA Act, owners of livestock must follow the same Standards of Care as small animal owners, with the exception of an activity that is carried on in accordance with reasonable and generally accepted practices in animal care, management or husbandry. As Peace Officers we have the Right of Inquiry and the authority to investigate. Our goal is to educate. We have recently established an agreement with the Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) to include them in dairy farm visits. We hope this opens up the doors for other commodity groups to talk to us about how we can work together for the animals. AV: Which agency controls the Standards of Care in the OSPCA Act? IM: The OSPCA Act is a piece of legislation that is administered by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. AV: Where does your accountability lie? IM: We are accountable through the courts. If we lay charges, we have to

follow due process to allow the charges to move forward. We are also subject to the Animal Care Review Board (ACRB), who determines if the actions of an Ontario SPCA agent or inspector brought into question are justified and reasonable. We also are financially accountable to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

AV: If a community member sees a horse, cow or other livestock animal that looks like it needs assistance, should they feed it in the meantime?

IM: In the Standards of Care, if the animal has access to food and water (regardless of who is supplying it), then the owner has satisfied the minimum standard of care. In one recent case, neighbours who had been feeding an underweight pony

had to stop for a day or two so we could collect enough evidence to prove the minimum standard had not been met, and we could step in to assist. AV: What is the primary goal that the Ontario SPCA is trying to achieve?

IM: Ultimately we want all animals to receive the care they require and deserve all across Ontario. Being leaders in animal welfare, we strive everyday to educate the public and achieve this goal. We already have the best agent training program in the country, and other animal welfare agencies confer with us to improve their own agent training. From an investigations standpoint, our goal is to gain compliance and improve the quality of animal welfare through education.

Adoptions PJ’s Pets helps animals waiting for adoption As many pet lovers are aware, the best way to find a new pet is through adoption. Gone are the days when a family would walk into a pet store and pick their new pet from a store window in a mall. Concerns about the breeding, treatment and care of animals that are sold through pet stores over the last decade have made the public aware of how damaging this retail practice really was. PJ’s Pets, a nation-wide chain of pet supply stores, has recently pledged to no longer offer kittens and puppies for sale through its business. Instead, their new goal is to support and encourage adoption of homeless animals by providing space to animal welfare organizations from the local community within their stores.


This new initiative is called the “Every Pet Deserves A Home” program. Working together with local agencies will help future adopters learn about the adoption process, assist them with questions about animal care and introduce them to animals currently looking for new homes. The PJ’s Pets staff are also trained to use the Meet Your Match® Feline-ality™ adoption adoption system, sponsored by Iams, so they can best partner the cats with new owners. Since the felines are already spayed or neutered, and have all their adoption paperwork available on location at PJ’s Pets, prospective owners will be able to welcome home their new pet that very same day.

Marianne Carlyle, Manager of the Ontario SPCA Leeds & Grenville Branch, was & Kali thrilled by the new opportunities for animals within their shelter to find loving homes. She has happily reported that the first cat from their branch to participate in this program has already been adopted!

A plucky Jack Russell finds help in unexpected places Pet owners know how your pet can slip away from you in a fraction of a second. Watching your dog or cat take off across a street can give any owner a scare. In the case of Gracie, a 5-month old Jack Russell, she darted across a busy road and was hit by a car. One of her hind legs was injured,


however the owner could not afford veterinary care. Gracie’s condition came to the attention of Agent Joleen Comrie, and orders were issued for the owner to have Gracie be seen by a veterinarian by noon the following day. By the next day, it was clear Gracie’s owner would not be complying with the orders.

Once the deadline passed, Gracie was removed for non-compliance and later surrendered by the owner. Once a veterinarian had inspected Gracie, it was determined that she had a fractured femur and would require extensive surgery.

When owners are faced with the burden of high veterinary costs, they are encouraged to call their veterinarian and get more information. “There are options available for owners that have pets who need care. The owner needs to take the steps to look into their options, whether it be through their veterinarian or an SPCA branch,” urges Agent Brad Dewar, Investigation and Communication Officer.


After some discussion, the manager at the Ontario SPCA Muskoka Animal Centre, Jane McCamus, and Dr. Deuter of the Centennial Veterinary clinic in Bracebridge were able to come up with a solution for Gracie to receive the surgery and rehabilitation that she required. Gracie’s surgery was a success, and she is now resting comfortably at a foster home while she recovers.

Bella’s new beginning The Ontario SPCA Perth County Branch was sad to see the condition Bella was in when she was surrendered to their shelter. A towering Great Dane who was approximately 5-years old, Bella was severely emaciated and had a large open wound on her hindquarters. Staff suspected it was a “bedsore” due to long periods of immobility. Veterinarians inspected Bella and it was determined she would need proper health care, nutritious food and time for the wound to heal. The local veterinary clinic, Romeo Pet Hospital, generously donated their services of diagnostics, blood work and exams to help Bella. Before Bella could be adopted, she needed to reach a healthy body condition and to be spayed. Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Mark Lovelock and the team at Stratford Toyota/Strickland’s Automart,

Thanks to the many parties involved, Gracie will be able to find a forever loving home. What a happy ending!


they secured the money for Bella’s spaying procedure (and additional treatment for her wound). Her procedure was more costly than usual because of her size.

“Bella recently went for a follow up exam and the vets are very impressed with how well her wound is healing,” said Sarah Tickner, manager of the Ontario SPCA Perth County Branch in Stratford. Bella’s wonderful personality has been a pleasure to work around, and a branch staff member is thrilled to be adopting her once her rehabilitation is complete. The collaborative efforts of Stratford Toyota/Strickland’s Automart, Inspector Carol Vanderheide and her team, and Romeo Pet Hospital have given this loving Great Dane a second chance at a new beginning!


Dave Salmoni

loves big cats in a big way!

In between his busy schedule of traveling around the world, working with large cats and hosting television shows, Dave Salmoni was able to share his story with Animals’ Voice and its readers.

Salmoni, an advocate for wildlife conservation, recalls his childhood love of animals. In particular, it was big cats that really captivated him. “I had posters of big cats all over my room. At any opportunity in school, every speech or project was about mountain lions, tigers or other animals,” laughed Salmoni.

He knew that he loved animals, but had no idea how to transition that into a career. After pursuing biology in school, he realized that he wanted to work with animals and not study them in a lab environment. “It turned out that a family connection worked with large animals, and it was there I met Bongo, a male lion,” he recalls. Bongo was one of the many celebrity cats


that resided at the Bowmanville zoo who were trained to perform on movie sets. He had appeared in more than 100 films, television shows and advertisements. Salmoni was hospitalized after Bongo attacked him in 1999, however Salmoni was able to recover from the difficult experience and continue on his chosen path of animal conservation.

In many ways, Salmoni finds that working with animals, such as big cats, has impacted other aspects of his life. “The first week that I worked in the zoo, I couldn’t figure out how to get the [animal] smell off me,” he chuckled. Part of his job has been spending months at a time in the African bush, observing and filming the wild lion prides. “The more time you spend with the animals, the more you become like them. It has [heightened] my communication skills and observing how people interact through non-verbal cues like body posture and facial expressions.”

Salmoni is a very important ally to animal welfare. His primary goal in his work with Animal Planet and other television networks is to raise awareness about animal conservation and introduce viewers to animals they may have never had a chance to learn about. “You create people who fall in love with animals through exposure. If viewers say ‘Wow, that animal was awesome!’ they see the value in it, and then they want to learn how to take care of it,” he enthused. “My relationship with the media gives me access to large groups of people who want to learn how to take care of their animals and influence their community.”

“It’s about deciding if you have a passion for something, whether it be wildlife conservation, playing with dogs or becoming an animal trainer. It may not make you rich and famous, but will make you happy.”

“I feel like I am continually building this team of animal lovers. That marriage between getting the information out there and helping people to really be invested in [animals], whether it be wildlife or in our homes, that’s why it works so well.”

“The most surprising fact that people in Ontario should know is that 90% of the Ontario SPCA budget is based on [the support from] their donors.”

Thanks to his many years of experience, journeying down the path from childhood animal lover to an internationally respected animal trainer and professional, Salmoni encourages others to follow through with their goals.

The Ontario SPCA is thrilled to have Salmoni involved with an upcoming YouTube channel that is currently under development, as well as participating in our most recent Walk-a-thon held in Toronto. As an animal professional, he understands how costly and complex the operation of housing, caring for and rehabilitating animals of all sizes can be.

We are so excited to have Dave as an Ontario SPCA supporter, and his important messages about getting involved with animal welfare in the community. Learn more about Dave on his new Animal Planet show, Into the Pride by visiting


Summer Safety Tips for Your Pets Nothing gets people more excited than the prospect of a warm, sunny summer day! What many pet owners don’t realize is that the summer sun can turn a car, even with the windows cracked, into a deadly situation for their pet.

A dog’s body temperature averages 38°C, and they are only able to physically withstand approximately 41°C for a very short time. That’s a difference of only three degrees! After that, a dog can become victim to heat stroke, brain damage and death. When you consider that a car – even parked in the shade with the windows cracked open – can be 50°C hotter inside than the temperature outside within an hour, it creates a deadly situation for


a pet that can’t cry for help. Leave your pet at home when running errands, no matter how quick you plan to be.

It’s easy for you to grab a glass of water or stash a water bottle in the car, but it’s not as easy for your pet. Fresh, clean water is important to keep them hydrated especially in the summer. If your pet is a short-nosed breed, or elderly, owners must be particularly vigilant to ensure the heat and humidity doesn’t impact their breathing. Plan to exercise your dog during early mornings and later in the evenings when it is not as hot. During the middle of the day, hot asphalt can burn your pet’s paws, so stick to grass or the sidewalk when out for walks. Cooling down your pet can involve allowing them access to shade, hosing them down with cool water or creating a shallow area (such as a plastic children’s pool) with fresh water where they can splash if they like.

Talk to your vet about any other health questions or concerns you may have. The spring and summer months can expose your dog to heartworm, so be sure to inquire about heartworm prevention. (The added bonus is that some brands repel fleas and ticks!) This is important, especially if you plan to go on vacation and will be leaving your dog at a kennel. The summer is a great time to enjoy with your family and pets. If you take the appropriate precautions, you will have a wonderful and safe summer with your furry friends!

Finally, a food that saves pets’ lives.

Working together

helps the animals and the community

When people think of the Ontario SPCA, they typically think about the relationship between animals that need assistance, and the people who work to protect them. What they may not consider is that agencies around the province of Ontario depend on the Ontario SPCA for support in various situations that require animal welfare intervention. Our work with other agencies has been evident in our 139 years of history. We have worked with agencies and organizations such as the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), the University of Guelph, provincial and municipal police and the departments of public health, mental health, emergency management and the Children’s Aid Society.

The Ontario SPCA has both formal and informal arrangements with agencies in order to better provide services to communities across the province. The officers and agents are some of the best trained animal welfare officials across the country, and therefore become a valuable commodity to any investigation that involves animals. A fire department may contact us regarding a home that is unsafe for occupancy with multiple animals that need to be safely removed.


There can be links between domestic violence and animal cruelty, where an investigation requires animal welfare professionals to come in and handle a family pet that needs immediate care.

Why is collaboration important? “As the African proverb says, ‘If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, travel together.’ If people can work jointly together with the same understanding and collaboration, that message will be spread farther so it will improve animal welfare,” affirms Chief Inspector Connie Mallory. Inspector Mallory also knows that other agencies depend on the Ontario SPCA’s knowledge to contribute to a variety of community programs such as Emergency Preparedness Week. “[We have] actively worked with municipalities to include animals in their emergency evacuation plans. Most people consider animals a part of their family. By not dealing with [animal evacuation in advance, it] can be problematic for emergency responders, and result in injury or death in emergency situations.”

Working together with schools also spreads knowledge about proper animal care throughout the community. By participating in public school classes on how to responsibly care for an animal, that message will spread and those children could be the primary caregivers of animals down the road. When the community pools its resources, a better outcome will be produced. It helps us to give animals, big and small, the best chance at living a happy and healthy life for the best interests of the community!

A New Alliance

helps the communities of Southwestern Ontario The Ontario SPCA Perth County Branch is going to merge with the Kitchener/ Waterloo Humane Society, and continue to serve the many communities in Perth County as part of a larger affiliated society in the first merger of its kind in the Ontario SPCA’s history.

The shared animal welfare interests between the two organizations make the merger a natural fit. They will be able to better assist the region in their animal care efforts. The Perth branch and the Kitchener/Waterloo Humane Society have been working very closely for a number of years, which should make it a fluid transition.


“This merger will provide the opportunity to combine our collective experience, skills and resources and allow a more collaborative and coordinated approach to managing the homeless companion animal population throughout this large geographic region. We expect that by working more closely together we will significantly relieve suffering, match more orphans with more forever homes, and ultimately save lives,” said Jack Kinch, Executive Director of the KitchenerWaterloo Humane Society. We look forward to this exciting new partnership and watching it grow to better help the animals in the community!


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Leeds & Grenville branch holds its

10th annual telethon

This past April, the Ontario SPCA Leeds & Grenville Branch in Brockville was thrilled to celebrate their 10th annual fundraising telethon for the shelter. Residents of the area were able to enjoy five hours of entertainment including adoption stories, music, meeting some of the animals that were currently up for adoption and various talent segments.

The telethon is organized by a dedicated committee, which consists of several staff members and hardworking volunteers. This annual event raises important funds that go towards shelter operations, animal care and general upkeep of the facility. After the telethon, the shelter typically sees a rise in adoptions and animal inquiries, which is important because it finds shelter animals loving new homes.


“Truly, people think they ‘only’ give $10 or $20 but those donations certainly add up. I’m appreciative and so thankful for the caring within the community for the animals,” said Marianne Carlyle, Branch Manager. “This event involves planning throughout the year, [and] the community partners enjoy participating. We also get a lot of feedback from adopters who come back and share how happy they are after the fact.”

TVCogeco is a presenting sponsor of this event, and our other key sponsors include St. Lawrence EMC and JRfm. We would also like to thank Brockberry Café & Suites and the Thousand Islands Kennel and Obedience club for their valued support. If you or your business would like to participate in next year’s telethon, please contact the Leeds & Grenville branch at (613) 345-5520.

Animals stay hydrated and cool during Toronto’s

Pride Parade 2012

Every year, people from across the world come to enjoy Toronto’s annual Pride Parade. Eclectic and colourful costumes, summer sunshine and an all-day party are just some of the things that attendees can look forward to. We are thrilled to be participating this year and giving some of the canine companions something to look forward to! Held during June 22nd – July 1st, the Ontario SPCA will be part of the festivities on the weekend by bringing our new Nutrience trailer to provide water and shade for our four-legged friends. The Nutrience trailer will not only be helping dogs but also showcasing what we do. This gives us an important opportunity to educate the public on how the trailer will assist in our

animal welfare efforts and improve our work in the field for disaster relief as well as large removals. It will help the community to talk with various Ontario SPCA members and explore the many different services we provide to local residents and across the province. “[This is a] great opportunity to build our relationship and interact with the community. It exemplifies our commitment to animal welfare and humane education in communities across Ontario,” said Marc Ralsky, Director of Community and Donor Development.

If you’re planning on attending the Pride Parade this year with a furry canine friend, be sure to come by and say hello!

Incredible corporate supporters

enhance our paw prints across Ontario

It is hard to imagine what the Ontario SPCA would be like without the help of so many dedicated stakeholders, donors and corporate partners. This year has brought several exciting new corporate partnerships to our family of community partners, in addition to our wonderful ongoing corporate supporters.

Iams continued in 2012 as the presenting sponsor of our Friends for Life! Walk-a-thon, as well as the annual Animal Welfare Education Conference. Iams also provides new adopter kits that accompany every adopted animal leaving our shelters across the province. In addition, Iams has sponsored our Meet Your Match® adoption program, which is used to assist with matching adopters with animals up for adoption and the Hide, Perch and Go boxes for adopted cats. All of their efforts and contributions make a significant difference in the lives of tens of thousands of animals across Ontario. “As the presenting sponsor of the Friends for Life! Walk-a-thon, and numerous other Ontario SPCA programs and events, Iams is proud of our longstanding partnership with the Ontario SPCA to support the health and wellbeing of animals across Ontario,” said John Sharpe, Business Development Manager on behalf of Iams.

We were also thrilled to have Ren’s Pets Depot, based in Guelph, Ontario joining our family this year as a lead Friends for Life! Walk sponsor. We are launching several social media campaigns with Ren’s in the upcoming months and we are also working on some new projects as we develop and expand our service and deliverables to our new adopter communities across Ontario.


“Ren’s Pets Depot is proud to partner with the Ontario SPCA for many years to come. Their ongoing commitment to the health and wellbeing of animals across the province is an inspiration to us as an organization. We are thrilled to be helping sponsor the organization and strongly feel that through working with the Ontario SPCA, we are able to better all of the communities that our customers are part of,” said Trevor Ottley, Marketing and Ecommerce Manager on behalf of Ren’s.

“Without the drive, passion and dedication of all the staff and volunteers that work with the Ontario SPCA, this province would lose a vital safety net that ensures that thousands of pets each year end up living long, healthy lives. Join us in supporting a wonderful organization every little bit does indeed go a very long way,” Ottley concluded. “In just over a year at the Ontario SPCA, I have come to see how [companies like] Iams are very important members of our [animal welfare] family. We are also excited to be working with Ren’s in the development of new programs and exciting best in class deliverables that will improve our abilities to provide humane education, rescue and relief, animal welfare and sheltering efforts,”said Marc Ralsky, Director of Community and Donor Development.

Canadian Tire enjoys a busy adoption blitz

The Ontario SPCA is always eager to speak with local businesses to find ways in which we can work together collaboratively to help the animals.

This past November, Iams invited our organization to bring some local animals that were available for adoption, to Canadian Tire stores across Ontario. Our goal was to not only promote the Ontario SPCA, but also to educate the public on the adoption process and allow them to meet ‘n greet with some of the animals. We also worked together with local area affiliates of the Ontario SPCA, which helped raise money for some of the local shelters. This adoption blitz illustrated the willingness of Canadian Tire to support our work in animal welfare, humane education and adoption. It was such a great opportunity for many shelter pets to be given a unique chance at finding wonderful forever homes

from members of the community that might not get to our shelters or adoption centres. “We were thrilled to be asked by our longtime partner Iams to participate, and [we would like to] thank Canadian Tire for the opportunity and their obvious commitment to animal welfare in their store communities!” said Marc Ralsky, Director of Community and Donor Development.

It was a wonderful experience for the Ontario SPCA and their branches and affiliates to be in the Canadian Tire stores, as it brought staff and volunteers in contact with new members of the community in which we work. We truly would like to thank Canadian Tire and Iams, as many wonderful cats and dogs found their new forever homes from their customers that day. It was a win/win situation all the way around!


Helping endangered Orinoco crocodiles find a new home In October 2011, the Welland & District Humane Society and the Ontario SPCA were involved in an unusual animal removal in Welland, Ontario. Over 200 reptile species including snakes, crocodiles and alligators needed to be removed from a residence after the owner passed away, leaving the animals in need of care and rehoming.

Understanding these were unique reptiles, the Welland & District Humane Society relied on exotic animal professionals to guide the care and removal process. The key was to keep staff safe and move the reptiles while minimizing any distress.

Blade and Suede had spent their lives in captivity. Agent John Greer of the Welland & Investigators were called in over concerns District Humane Society said one of the most for public safety. Two of the reptiles found memorable moments of the removal was in the home were Orinoco crocodiles. the crocodiles’ reactions as they emerged Critically endangered, Orinocos are more from the house and into their transportation at risk than the Panda bear of China, and are enclosures. “They basically just walked out on the Red List of the International Union and into the removal boxes as if they knew for Conservation of this was going to be a Nature (IUCN). new start for them. It “What was so incredible was so satisfying to know about this removal was the they were going to be Blade and Suede, the male and female Orinoco teamwork of the various moved to a more natural crocodiles, weighing living environment,” said agencies. We learned so approximately 1100 lbs Agent Greer. and 900 Ibs respectively, much more about reptiles had been living in the thanks to this experience.” The two Orinoco home for 25 years. crocodiles, now comfortably residing The Welland & District Humane Society had in a reptile habitat at the Gladys Porter Zoo care and custody of the Orinoco crocodiles in Brownsville, Texas, are the largest in for over six months until the move could be captivity and are two of the seven in total finalized with federal authorities. that reside in captivity around the world.


Due to living in artificial light for so long, they have shaded enclosures at their new home to avoid sunburn.

“It is hoped when they do blood tests on them, Blade and Suede can become part of a breeding program to repopulate the wild,” said Agent Greer. “What was so incredible about this removal was the teamwork of the various agencies. We learned so much more about reptiles thanks to this experience,” concluded Agent Greer.

The Welland & District Humane Society and the Ontario SPCA thank the many people and organizations who came together to ensure the safe removal of Blade and Suede -

P ro ud Suppo rte r o f the Ontario SP CA and the w o rk the y do in o ur Co m m unitie s

Proudly Publishing Your Community Newspapers Throughout Muskoka & Parry Sound Huntsville Forester • Bracebridge Examiner Gravenhurst Banner • Parry Sound North Star Muskoka Weekender • Beacon Star

Gladys Porter Zoo (Brownsville, Texas), the International Crocodilian Advisory Group (Orlando, Florida), Little Ray’s Reptiles (Ottawa, Ontario), Reptilia Reptile Zoo (Toronto, Ontario), and Reptile Kingdom (Welland, Ontario).

Legacies A charitable bequest in your Will is an excellent way to minimize or even eliminate taxes.

Your tax bill upon death is usually higher than during your lifetime. Why? Canada Revenue Agency regulations state that all your property - stocks, RRSPs, real estate, works of art - are said to have been sold at fair market value upon death. Your assets may have grown in value, and these gains become taxable unless transferred to a spouse. While your Executor/Trustee may claim full personal exemptions on your final income tax return, your estate may end up paying taxes at the highest marginal rate. By leaving a Will bequest to a charity such as the Ontario SPCA, your estate can use the donation on your final tax return to

offset some or all of the tax owing. If the amount of the donation exceeds your net annual income, the remaining amount can be carried back to the previous tax year and used to reduce the taxes already paid in that prior year. By putting a simple clause in your Will you can support the animals you love and save your heirs from a large tax bill. Take the first step, call us toll-free at 1-888668-7722 x 324 and ask for information on how you can benefit from this simple, easyto-do donation. Be sure to also ask for our free, no-obligation Will Planner and Guide.

SOME OF OUR DONORS HAVE ASKED IF THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO SUPPORT US. Our planned giving program allows you to support us in a way that best suits your financial situation. Making a planned gift can bring you and your family tax and financial benefits.

Planned Giving is: • A gift made, after careful consideration and with professional advice, through your financial or estate plan • A gift that requires some type of legal documentation, for example, a Will • A gift that is made from your assets, not your current income • A gift that has tax advantages under current laws • A gift that is arranged now to provide funds to Ontario SPCA at some time in the future

Contact us today for more information or to request a free Will planner. ONTARIO SPCA 16586 Woodbine Avenue RR 3, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1

1 (888) ONT-SPCA (668-7722)


OUR MISSION The Ontario SPCA’s mission is to facilitate and provide for province-wide leadership on matters relating to the prevention of cruelty to animals and the promotion of animal welfare.

OUR VISION The Ontario SPCA is seen as the recognized authority on animal welfare issues and making a measurable difference for animals. The Ontario SPCA is an integral part of each community, promoting mutually beneficial human-animal interactions, and is viewed as a desirable organization for volunteerism and support.

THE SOCIETY IS WORKING TO: • Bring an end to pet overpopulation and the abuse, neglect and abandonment of animals. • Promote respect and appreciation for animals.

OUR GOAL The Society’s goal is to be a strong, unified and collaborative organization dedicated to the cultivation of a compassionate Ontario for all animals.



4,506 cats adopted 2,150 dogs adopted 747 small animals adopted

15,842 Complaints Investigated 2,146 Orders Issued 209 Provincial Charges Laid 39 Criminal Charges Laid 3,191 Animals Removed as a Result of an Investigation


STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2011 2011 2010 ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 5,888,316 $ 6,787,570 Accounts receivables 595,358 649,338 Inventory 68,142 32,271 Prepaid expenses 50,347 17,062 6,602,163 7,486,241 Long-term investments 6,415,834 5,439,178 Capital assets 13,467,328 12,099,493 26,485,325 25,024,912 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 1,662,747 1,697,002 Bank loan 566,858 731,033 Deferred revenue 17,525 19,106 2,247,130 2,447,141 FUND BALANCES Provincial 24,238,195 22,577,771 Regional – – 24,238,195 22,577,771 $ 26,485,325 $ 25,024,912 For a complete set of audited financial statements, call 905-898-7122 or 1-888-668-7722 ext. 322.

HOW YOU SUPPORT US $17,573,018 Donations and Legacies Animal Care Revenue Government Grants Capital/Infrastructure Grants Other Grants and Revenue


62% 28% 4% 4% 2%



$ 6,229,502 629,174 796,165 2,478,846 2,413,560 423,467 74,288

$ 6,454,954 525,694 397,216 2,035,148 2,720,751 433,351 456,443



10,376,082 1,416,357 2,734,498 609,736 548,128 207,035

13,758,320 1,621,778 2,507,472 482,927 541,946 191,451










Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses and distributions



Fund balances, beginning of year Transfer out of the Brant branch capital assets Donation of Land

22,577,771 -

26,040,112 (125,072) 250,000

$ 24,238,195

$ 22,577,771

REVENUE: Donations and fundraising Provincial grants Provincial grant capital Shelter and veterinary Municipal contract fees Other Interest and investment income gain EXPENSES: Animal care and protection Fundraising General Management and Administration Communication and education services Amortization Interest and bank charges DISTRIBUTIONS: Grants to Ontario SPCA Affiliates Deficiency of revenue over expenses and distributions before legacies


YOUR DOLLARS AT WORK $15,986,882 Animal Care and Protection Distributions to Affiliate Organizations Public Awareness and Humane Education Fundraising General Management and Administration Amortization Interest and Bank Charges

65% 1% 4% 9% 17% 3% 1%

One Voice OUR TEAM

for Animal


The Ontario SPCA needs your help to continue our efforts to protect and care for abused, neglected and orphaned animals in Ontario. Thanks to people like you who are committed to making this world a better place, we make a significant difference in the lives of both animals and people. We extend our deepest gratitude to our donors, volunteers, staff and friends for their lifesaving support!


ONTARIO SPCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Melanie Coulter (Treasurer) Judy Decicco Bonnie Deekon Rob Godfrey (Chair)

Stewart Hill Ron Hunt Catherine MacNeill Rita Middleton


Linda Morgan Helen Renaud Chris White Kari Wilson (Vice Chair) BRANCH


ALLISTON & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY P.O. Box 1455 Everett, ON L0M 1J0 705-458-9038

CAMBRIDGE & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY 1650 Dunbar Road Cambridge, ON N1R 8J5 519-623-7722

BARRIE BRANCH 91 Patterson Road Barrie, ON L4N 3V9 705-728-7311

ETOBICOKE HUMANE SOCIETY 67 Six Point Rd., Etobicoke, ON, M8Z 2X3 416-249-6100

ARNPRIOR & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY 490 Didak Drive Arnprior, ON K7S 0C3 613-623-0916

BRANT COUNTY SPCA 539 Mohawk Street, P.O. Box 163 Brantford, ON N3T 5M8 519-756-6620 BRUCE-GREY BRANCH* 427 10th Street, Suite 8 Hanover, ON N4N 1P8 519-364-0400


HUMANE SOCIETY OF DURHAM REGION 1505 Wentworth Street Whitby, ON L1N 0H9 905-665-7430

FORT ERIE SPCA 410 Jarvis Street Fort Erie, ON L2A 2T1 905-871-2461

GANANOQUE & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY 85 Highway 32, RR 1 Gananoque, ON K7G 2V3 613-382-1512

GEORGIAN TRIANGLE HUMANE SOCIETY P.O. Box 492, 549 Tenth Line North Collingwood, ON L9Y 4B2 705-445-5204 GUELPH HUMANE SOCIETY 500 Wellington Street West P.O. Box 684 Guelph, ON N1H 6L3 519-824-3091

HAMILTON/BURLINGTON SPCA 245 Dartnall Road Hamilton, ON L8W 3V9 905-574-7722

HURON COUNTY BRANCH 48 East Street Goderich, ON N7A 1N3 519-440-0250

HUMANE SOCIETY OF KAWARTHA LAKES 111 McLaughlin Road Lindsay, ON K9V 6K5 705-878-4618 KENT BRANCH 405 Park Avenue East Chatham, ON N7M 3W4 519-354-1713

KINGSTON HUMANE SOCIETY 1 Binnington Court Kingston, ON K7M 8M9 613-546-1291

KITCHENER-WATERLOO HUMANE SOCIETY 250 Riverbend Drive Kitchener, ON N2B 2E9 519-745-5615 LEEDS & GRENVILLE BRANCH 800 Centennial Road, RR 4 Brockville, Ontario K6V 5T4 613-345-5520

LENNOX & ADDINGTON BRANCH 156 Richmond Boulevard East Greater Napanee, ON K7R 3Z7 613-354-2492

LINCOLN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY 160 Fourth Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 905-682-0767

LONDON HUMANE SOCIETY 624 Clarke Road London, ON N5V 3K5 519-451-0630

MIDLAND & DISTRICT BRANCH 15979 Highway 12 East, RR 1 Port McNicoll, ON L0K 1R0 705-534-4459

MUSKOKA ANIMAL CENTRE 1234 Muskoka Rd. 118 West, P.O. Box 2804 Bracebridge, ON P1L 1W5 705-645-6225 NIAGARA FALLS HUMANE SOCIETY 6025 Chippawa Parkway Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8 905-356-4404

NORTH BAY & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY 2060 Main Street West, P.O. Box 1383 North Bay, ON P1B 8K5 705-474-1251 NORTHUMBERLAND HUMANE SOCIETY 371 Ward Street Port Hope, ON L1A 4A4 905-885-4131 OAKVILLE & MILTON HUMANE SOCIETY 445 Cornwall Road Oakville, ON L6J 7S8 905-845-1551 ORANGEVILLE & DISTRICT BRANCH 650 Riddell Road Orangeville, ON L9W 5G5 519-942-3140 ORILLIA BRANCH 467 West Street North Orillia, ON L3V 5G1 705-325-1304

OTTAWA HUMANE SOCIETY 245 West Hunt Club Rd. Ottawa, ON K2E 1A6 613-725-3166

PERTH COUNTY BRANCH 345 Douro Street Stratford, ON N5A 3S8 519-273-6600

PETERBOROUGH HUMANE SOCIETY 385 Lansdowne Street East Peterborough, ON K9L 2A3 705-745-4722

WINDSOR/ESSEX COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY 1375 Provincial Road Windsor, ON N8W 5V8 519-966-5751

RENFREW COUNTY BRANCH 387 Paquette Road, P.O. Box 322 Petawawa, ON K8H 3J1 613-588-4508


QUINTE HUMANE SOCIETY 527 Avonlough Road Belleville, ON K8N 4Z2 613-968-4673

SARNIA & DISTRICT SPCA 131 Exmouth Street Sarnia, ON N7T 7W8 519-344-7064

SAULT STE. MARIE HUMANE SOCIETY 962 Second Line East Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 4K4 705-949-3573

STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY BRANCH 550 Boundary Road, P.O. Box 52 Cornwall, ON K6H 5R5 613-936-0072 SUDBURY & DISTRICT BRANCH 760 Notre Dame Avenue Sudbury, ON P3A 2T4 705-566-9582

TEMISKAMING BRANCH* P.O. Box 2474 New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 705-647-5288

THUNDER BAY & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY 1535 Rosslyn Road Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6W2 807-475-8803 TIMMINS & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY 620 Mahoney Drive Timmins, ON P4N 7C3 705-264-1816

WELLAND & DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY 60 Provincial Street Welland, ON L3B 5W7 905-735-1552

PROVINCIAL EDUCATION & ANIMAL CENTRE 16586 Woodbine Avenue, RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 905-898-7122 ext. 306

ONTARIO SPCA CENTRE VETERINARY HOSPITAL SPAY/NEUTER SERVICES 16586 Woodbine Avenue, RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 905-898-6112 toll free: 1-888-668-7722 ext. 384 ONTARIO SPCA PROVINCIAL OFFICE 16586 Woodbine Avenue, RR 3 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4W1 toll free: 1-888-668-7722

* Branches that provide investigations services only.

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