Christian Voice 2016-12

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B r a n d o n • Va l r i c o • L i t h i a • S e f f n e r • R i v e r v i e w • P l a n t C i t y • A p o l l o B e a c h Volume 20, Issue 12

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Kings Avenue Baptist Church Celebrates 30 Years With Annual Walk Thru Bethlehem

By Amanda Boston

Special Pull-Out Section 2


Coming to Tampa January 25-29

December 2016

This year marks 30 years for Kings Avenue Baptist Church’s annual Walk Thru Bethlehem. Thursday, December 8 through Sunday, December 11, the story of Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection is illustrated with a guided 45minute interactive tour through biblical scenes of Bethlehem. The little town of Bethlehem is brought to life by town merchants, tax collectors, Roman soldiers, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and of course, a baby Jesus. A camel, sheep, and Walk Thru Bethlehem is a family tradition for donkey also join the cast to the Gallops family. Pictured above, on the left, is key organizer, David Gallops with his create an authenticate daughter and son. atmosphere. Avenue’s motivation, “It is a A production of this magnitude lot of work, but if one person requires over 300 volunteers. Since is saved, it’s all worth it.” 1986, Kings Avenue congregants have David Gallops, one of the main faithfully created and staged the live organizers, emphasized the authenticity scenes with the purpose of sharing the of the event; “We try to make the Walk true meaning of Christmas. The dramaThru Bethlehem as realistic as possitized depiction of the Gospel has ble. Don’t be surprised if the Roman changed lives. Over the past 30 years, guards harass you or if you are asked the event has prompted numerous visito pay your taxes.” tors to rededicate their lives or accept Gallops, who has been involved Christ for the first time. Sandra since its inception, also reminisced on Rodriquez, the coordinator for cosa side story developing over the past tumes and props, echoed King 30 years, “My children have grown up

on the set; they have played the parts from baby Jesus to a Roman soldier.” Walk Thru Bethlehem is not only a yearly tradition for the Gallops family; it has also evolved into a Christmas tradition for the local community. Over the four nights, the free family-friendly event draws a sizeable crowd upwards of 7,000 visitors. In order to avoid longer wait times, it is recommended to arrive earlier in the evening. Upon arrival, visitors are given a number designating a guide and an appointed tour time. While waiting for an assigned tour, visitors can 8-11 enjoy holiday tunes reverberating from the local school bands while partaking in a variety of food concessions. Walk Thru Bethlehem is scheduled for Thursday, December 8, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Friday, December 9, from 6:30 to 10 p.m.; Saturday, December 10, from 4 to 10 p.m.; and Sunday, December 11, from 4 to 9 p.m. The church is located at 2602 S. Kings Ave. in Brandon. Contact the church office at 685-3095.

Eight-Year-Old Survivor, Tristan Wombacher Gives Cheer

By Amanda Boston

Hooked on Books Pages 18

Disciple 2: Simon Peter

Page 5


Faith & Footprints

Page 2

Your Monthly Catch

Page 7

Grace Notes:

Page 13

Hooked On Books: Page 18

This past old son, Tristan and Today, the benign tumor still Halloween, eight-yearthree other children. resides in Tristan’s brain, except now; it old, Tristan Within 24 hours of is only the size of a sugar cube. As a Wombacher didn’t arriving, Tristan started result of living with this tumor, Tristan dress up in the ordiexperiencing terrible must take growth hormones, maintain a nary superhero cosheadaches, throwing restricted diet, and have frequent blood tume or lug around draws. Additionally, he cannot the pumpkin-colored allow his body to overheat, pail while trick-orwhich can be quite a chaltreating. Instead, he lenge in the Florida climate. donned a Santa suit Despite the daily inconcomplete with a red veniences, Tristan is an velvety sack, chockfull upbeat little boy with a giving of candy canes. spirit. He loves all things Denise Graf, a Christmas, but specifically, he Fishhawk neighbor, enjoys crafting elaborate said, “I couldn’t homemade presents for othbelieve my eyes when ers. This year, Christmas I was sitting on the could not come soon enough Eight-year-old, Tristan Wombacher dressed up as Santa for Halloween deliv- for this third grader. As porch watching what ering candy canes to his neighbors. was happening and Halloween approached, hearing the reaction from the people up, and became extremely lethargic. Tristan told his mother, “I need some who were getting gifts from Santa on His parents rushed him to the local candy canes so I can hand them out Halloween.” emergency room, where a CT scan and make people happy.” Resembling This account of a kindhearted third revealed a brain tumor about the size an elf prepping for Christmas Eve, he grader, who opted to pass out candy on of a large orange situated on his pitubegan creating his Santa costume. a holiday, which is known for receiving itary gland. On Halloween night, he strolled the it, could end here as a heart-warming Without delay, the Wombacher fam- streets as Santa sharing candy canes. story. However, it doesn’t. It simply ily returned to Florida; their son’s new The sight of this gesture captivated the can’t. There is far too much to divulge diagnosis required extensive surgery hearts of his neighbors while throngs of about this special little boy named, followed by 28 days of intense radiachildren trailed behind in support of his Tristan. tion. Due to the location of the tumor, undertaking. The adage it is better to Three years ago, Ken and Jamie and its intertwining with the optic nerve, give than to receive became apparent Wombacher were vacationing in only part of the tumor could be extractto the entire community through the Anchorage, Alaska with their five-yeared. actions of this selfless little Santa.

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