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Sweepstakes Highlights Best Of Shop Local By Marie Gilmore This holiday season, the Osprey Observer is partnering with local businesses to highlight the best of Shop
Advertising Sales Manager. “We have never done a program like this in the paper and we are excited to share some of the treasures from our local small businesses with our readers.” Bridget Jenkins Wilson, owner of Cardinal Roofing and a member of the Valrico/FishHawk Chamber of The Valrico/FishHawk Chamber will host the Shop Local Holiday Commerce said Expo on Saturday, December 3 from 9 a.m.-12 noon. the Chamber is also focused on encouraging local Local gift giving. The campaign is shopping this holiday season and in called, the Osprey Observer, A Few of Our Favorite Things and we have gone face has a Shop Local Holiday Expo coming up on Saturday, December 3, 9 to local businesses and asked them to a.m.-12 Noon at Park Square in give us ideas of a few of the top items FishHawk Ranch. “Anything we can do available this holiday season. to keep our local businesses in the From now until December 16, we spotlight is great for our community,” will be collecting Our Favorite Things she said. “And, this is a great opportuall throughout the community and putting them together in one giant gift bas- nity for Osprey Observer readers to have a chance to win an amazing holiket that will be given out in a day gift.” Sweepstakes for our readers. To enter, email Sweepstakes to “We have so many great items contest@ospreyobserver.com or fill out coming in and someone is going to be the entry form and send in by mail, fax very excited to receive all of these or email. Good luck and thank you for great items from the businesses in our shopping local! community,” said Kerrie Hoening,
Enter the Sweepstakes to win a prize basket of items from The Favorite Things Shop Local Campaign. Why would you like to win the Shop Local Sweepstakes Basket?
Name: Address: Phone: Email: Community: Enter to win online at contest@opreyobserver.com, fax to 657-4469 or mail to 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Brandon, FL 33511.