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May 2017 C E L E B R A T I N G
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Volume 12, Issue 5 Ph: 657-2418 P U B L I S H I N G
HCSO Celebrates Ribbon Cutting For New District 5 Patrol Office
County To Begin $16.4M, 3-Year Lithia Pinecrest, Lumsden, Durant Intersection Improvements
serving residents Hillsborough this spring. County Sheriff’s Within its Office celebrated the official openmore than 400 ing of its long square miles, awaited new District IV, served District V Patrol nearly 300,000 Office, earlier this residents, in the month. communities of Commanded Ruskin, Riverview, by Major Kyle Apollo Beach, Robinson, the Progress Village, new facility is Lithia, FishHawk located at 10128 Bloomingdale. Windhorst Rd. in The changing boundaries affectTampa off ing one substation Falkenburg Rd. Hillsborough County Sheriff is the in HCSO’s Pine David Gee and County Bloomingdale Brook Complex Commissioner Stacy White, Community across from the cut the ribbon for the opening of the Sheriff’s office new Substation locatdepartment’s District V facility. ed 3622 Erindale District II office. Dr. in Valrico, formerly a District IV station District V now serves communities, within Dr. King Blvd. to the north, Alafia under Major Robert Bullera, which recentRiver to the south, from Lithia Pinecrest ly welcomed HCSO Deputy James Rd. to the east and Tampa city limits to Brodie as the community’s new full time the west, including Progress Village, resource deputy. Bloomingdale and northern Riverview Since May 8, the Bloomingdale subalong with its substations. station and its staff including Brodie, Robinson recalled that in 2015 Detective James Howell and Resource Sheriff David Gee and HCSO Chief Officer Sandra Capitano now serve the Deputy Jose Docobo put together a community under Robinson in District V. working group to devise a plan on how to District IV will continue to cover communimanage and to stay ahead of growth ties south of the river such as Lithia, throughout Hillsborough County. FishHawk, Gibsonton, Apollo Beach, “We have analyzed data, crime Ruskin, and southern Riverview including trend, calls for service and came to the Balm, Wimauma and Sun City Center. conclusion that we needed a fifth district, Valrico area residents continue to be to better serve our citizens,” Robinson serviced by HCSO’s District II office. said. “District V is about people who put It was also determined that the additheir lives on the line to serve, as well as tion of a new district, which will specificalpartnering with people in our communities ly affect and reshape District IV, the who deserve, to feel safe and secure in department’s largest district, is to begin their neighborhoods,” Robinson added.
Area residents recently had a chance to learn about a long-awaited project to increase traffic flow and improve safety at the interThe addition of a right turn lane, an additional left turn lane and an addisection of tional through lane. Add raised medians and concrete traffic separators. Lithia tain traffic, we are doing the project in four Pinecrest, Lumsden, Durant and Bell sections, coordinating with local utilities.” Shoals Roads in Brandon. As for the reason for delay to start Hosted by representatives of the the project, which was first presented to Hillsborough County Public Works the public nearly 10 years ago, Sheets Department, the open house public inforreferred to the lack of funding. mation meeting was held at the The project’s cost, length and end Bloomingdale High School cafeteria, result, however, did not sit well with all in 1700 E. Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico. attendance, including Valrico resident Jay Scheduled to start construction this summer, the more than $16 million, multi- Bidlack, who did not shy away from voicing his disappointment, when he said, phased project is said to retain the cur“This plan will create more problems than rent traffic pattern on all the major we have right now. They are spending approaches, with a few changes. $16 million dollars on some extra lanes, “One of the bigger changes is a right concrete medians and paint.” in, right out traffic pattern for Durant Rd,” Information presented at the meeting said Hillsborough County Public Works is now available on the Lithia Pinecrest project director Mary Sheets. “Lithia Road and Lumsden Road Intersection Pinecrest and Lumsden Roads will see project webpage. extended or added raised medians and Please visit concrete traffic separators.” The project will also provide drainage improvements, pedestrian safety features, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and an In This Issue upgraded traffic signal system, officials said. DOG PARK MEETING..........................PG 3 During construction, all lanes will be open to traffic between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m., CRIME BEAT .......................................PG 4 but lane closures and overnight detours LOCAL AUTHOR..................................PG 9 will occur between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. Access to homes and businesses will HOA HOT TOPICS .............................PG 17 also be maintained throughout construcFATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE............ PG 25 tion, which will occur within in the right-ofway or existing easements. SPORTS CONNECTION...............PGS 32‐33 Officials said that existing utility service lines within the project area on Lithia ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...............PG 34 Pinecrest Rd and Lumsden Rd will be READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE relocated. Commenting on the project’s length, which is expected to last 37 months, (summer of 2020) Sheets said, “To main-
By Tamas Mondovics
Osprey Observer 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511-6121
Postal Customer
By Tamas Mondovics
Photo by Tamas Mondovics
Hillsborough County Fire Rescue Public Education Technician, Vivian McIlrath helps Jazmin Palma, 12, learn about fire safety during ‘Heart of Hillsborough’ a public event that draws attention to the County’s various departments available to assist members of the community.
Exp. 6/15/17