Osprey Observer Brandon/Winthrop March 2021

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March 2021

Volume 16, Issue 3

Ph: 657-2418

See Article On Page 32



Osprey Observer 2109 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Valrico, FL 33596

By Tatiana Ortiz

Arbor Day at Yates Elementary School.

It is a great time of the year to get involved in conserving our environment. The Hillsborough 100 Conservation Challenge is taking place from Saturday, April 17 to Saturday, May 9 with the goal of encouraging residents to get involved. The period of the challenge covers Earth Day (Thursday, April 22), National Arbor Day (Friday, April 30) and National Stewardship Week (Sunday, April 25 to Sunday, May 2). With the simple concept of conservation being everybody’s business, the Hillsborough Soil and Water Conservation District (HSWCD) established the Hillsborough 100 Conservation Challenge in 2017. The idea came about when Betty Jo Tompkins, executive director at the Hillsborough Soil and Water Conservation District, reached out to the board to create a Conservation Challenge with the goal to reach 100 projects. The group hopes to reach urban, suburban, inner-city and rural populations within Hillsborough County with projects, programs and activities emphasizing protection of natural resources. It also aims to develop and support garden programs for elementary, middle and high schools throughout the county. “The concept behind it would be to encourage everyone to do their part to reduce, reuse and recycle,” Tompkins said. Through the program, a group selects a project, then they work with the Hillsborough Soil and Water Conservation District and report the outcomes. Examples of projects may include tree plant-

ings, community and school gardens, road and river cleanups and much more. Businesses, agricultural groups, churches and more can participate. Tompkins stated that practicing good conservation is essential to protecting the earth for future generations. The deadline to register for the Hillsborough 100 Conservation Challenge is Thursday, April 15. “Overall, everyone of any age can make an impact and be part of the conservation solution,” Tompkins said. “With that in mind, if people do a small part in protecting our environment, the result would dramatically improve our world,” she added. For more information, call the HSWCD at 752-1474, ext. 3, call Betty Jo Tompkins at 477-8332 or email bjt6890@ yahoo.com.

IN THIS ISSUE: LEGEND TONY SALADINO ............... PG 4 SPORTS CONNECTION........................ PG 6 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PG 19 EYE ON BUSINESS ...................PGS 25-26

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“My mother texted me that day and told me she smelled smoke and thought someone was having a cookout at a nearby park,” said Joel. The couple managed to escape to safety. Jerry was able to save hundreds of Bibles in Spanish he was preparing to send to Honduras, but his modest home and all their belongings were destroyed. The Wootens, who had paid off their home mortgage, cancelled their homeowners insurance after Brandon residents Jerry and Tina Wooten received a new roof on seeing a large spike in their their home thanks to a partnership between Owens Corning and premium cost. Southeastern Roofing and Construction. “My dad is such a benevThe noisy sounds of hammering and olent man and has given so a generator running were music to Joel much, it’s wonderful to see the community Wooten’s ears because they signaled the coming together to help him,” Joel said. “I new roof that was being installed on his appreciate everyone who has helped.” parents’ Heather Lakes home. In addition to the new roof and trussThe roof was being installed through es, the entire interior was gutted and drybuilding and industrial materials manufac- walled and electrical wiring was replaced. turer Owens Corning’s Roof Deployment When the work is complete, the home will Project, an initiative to honor and help be decorated with new furniture. veterans by installing new roods. Owens “This project has been a labor of love,” Corning partnered with Tampa-based said Habitat for Humanity’s Nitza Rivera, Southeastern Roofing and Construction, who was also involved in the project. “The one of its Platinum Preferred Contractors, Wootens’ home needed so much work and to do the installation. it wasn’t one person volunteering, but so “They contacted us about helping this many people helping.” family and we didn’t think twice,” said She hopes the home will be completed Southeastern Roofing Owner Ed Kappaz. in the next few months, allowing the Woo“Giving back is a part of our company’s tens to be able to move back into their culture.” home. They are currently living with their Air Force Veteran Jerry Wooten and his daughter. wife, Tina (both 82-years-old), are defiFor more information about Southeastnitely deserving of the generosity of Kap- ern Roofing and Construction, visit www. paz and so many others. A fire broke out seroof.com. For more information about in their neighbor’s shed last year, making Owens Corning, visit www.owenscorning. its way down their white PVC fence to com. the side of their modest 984-square-foot To learn more about Habitat for Humanhome. ity, visit www.habitathillsborough.org.


Summer camps offer many options to keep kids active and engaged. Summer camps provide kids with enrichment, educatioin and entertainment. Check out the Summer Camp Guide special section.

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