Osprey Observer Christian Voice Monthly March 2021

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Vol. 25| Iss. 3| March 2021

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21 Columns:

Grace Notes: Hooked On Books: Faith & Footprints: News From The Wire:

04 11 17 20


The Let’s Chalk ministry created by First Presbyterian Church of Brandon was created out of the need to stay connected to students—ages 3 years through 5th grade—and their families. “We have always had an active children’s ministry and I have been involved for over 35 years,” said Lynn Pabst, discipleship ministry team member. “The Let’s Chalk was an idea to reach kids in a new way.” According to Pabst, a ‘Let’s Chalk’ visit would begin by greeting the child and family in the driveway with everyone safely wearing a mask. The adults start by laying down blue painter’s tape in lines to form a shape. Each child receives a tote bag that has been donated by a church member that contains a box of colored chalk and a snack.

First Presbyterian Church of Brandon has several kid and family-friendly outreach ministries, including a program called ‘Let’s Chalk’ as well as an upcoming home-based Easter egg hunt.

The volunteers, f a m i ly and c h i l d re n work together to color the sections and then the students pull up the tape to see their beautiful artwork. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the church had an active in-person children ministry called Faithful Friends. “We did monthly events at the church on Friday nights,” said Pabst. “Since the pandemic, we have been doing other events to try and be sure the students know how much we love them and are thinking of them.” This year, the church is also holding an event called Operation Egg

Drop, which is a new version of an Easter egg hunt. Church members will deliver ‘at-home’ Easter egg hunts to children and youth. The event is happening on Saturday, April 3 at 8 a.m., when the volunteers will pick up their egg hunt kits to be delivered to the registered homes of the participating families. Donations of individually wrapped candy or small trinkets to fill the eggs are welcome. Any donations may be dropped off at the church office by Sunday, March 28. First Presbyterian Church of Brandon is located at 121 Carver Ave. in Brandon. For more information about upcoming events, visit www.fpcbrandon.org or watch for events on the FPCB Facebook page. The church office can be reached by calling 689-4597.


Since almost the beginning of “The point is to pray for the healthCOVID-19, a group of parishioners care workers, essential workers and at St. Clement Church in Plant City our first responders, and, of course, have assembled each Wednesday in all the people suffering from this vithe South Florida Baptist Hospital rus. parking lot to pray for healthcare We’ve remained steadfast in that workers, first responders and essenbecause we know that God will intial personnel. tercede. He’s here with us and has a According to South Florida Bapgreater plan. If He can stick it out, tist’s Martin Bahl, these faithful then so can we.” prayer warriors have met in the The hospital staff see and appreciFor almost a year, a group of parishioners at St. Clement Church in Plant City have parking lot and prayed the rosary for assembled each Wednesday in the South Florida Baptist Hospital parking lot to pray for ate the support of the group. healthcare workers, first responders and essential personnel. 30 minutes each Wednesday since “We really appreciate what these April 1, 2020. “They have not missed people are selflessly doing each week a Wednesday for nearly one year and to take continue to meet there each Wednestime out for us here,” said James Kelley, day for nearly the past year,” said Bahl. a South Florida Baptist Hospital The group meets at the South Florsecurity officer. ida Baptist Hospital main parking lot, To learn more about South Florida Baplocated at 301 N. Alexander St. in Plant tist Hospital, visit baycare.org or call City, on Wednesday of each week. 1-800-BAYCARE. “We believe very strongly in the powSt. Clement Catholic Church is located er of prayer and especially the rosary at 1104 N. Alexander St. in Plant City and which we pray every week,” said Joey can be reached at 752-8251. For more inFindlay, the group’s organizer. formation, visit www.stclementpc.org/.

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