Osprey Observer 2016-09 Christian Voice

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B r a n d o n • Va l r i c o • L i t h i a • S e f f n e r • R i v e r v i e w • P l a n t C i t y • A p o l l o B e a c h

Volume 20, Issue 9

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September 2016

An Evening With Unspoken At Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church

By Michelle Colesanti

Gift Certificate Giveaway Page 5


Cowboy Church Opening In Plant City In October Page 3

Cupcakes & Jesus Line For Tweens At Family Christian Page 6

Second Tampa Bay Coffee & Art Festival Page 11


Faith & Footprints:

Page 4

Hooked On Books:

Page 13

Pastor’s Corner:

Grace Notes:

Page 9

Page 15

yourself to a craft, I Tickets are now think the better you on sale for national become at it, esperecording Christian cially as you are surband Unspoken rounding yourself when they perform with people who are at Holy Innocents’ good at it.” Episcopal Church at Jennette is a 604 N. Valrico Rd. in local Christian music Valrico on Friday, recording artist who September 9. The has recorded an concert will also feaalbum in Nashville, ture opening artist and currently serves Cole Jennette. as worship leader at Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the Tickets are now on sale for national recording Christian band Unspoken, who will perform Riverside Church in at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church on Friday, September 9. Ft. Myers. concert begins at 7 The proceeds p.m. Unspoken has Innocents’ is extremely excited to be able will be split between Soldiers for Faith had two top-five singles on the Christian to host this event.” (www.soldiersforfaith.com) and Holy music charts and is an up-and-coming Unspoken first came together after Innocents', where the proceeds will go group in the Christian music industry. They leader singer Chad Mattson met guitarist toward the mission and ministry of the recently released a new album titled Mike Gomez on a mission trip in the church. Follow Through, and this concert is your Dominican Republic. Mattson had been Want to meet Unspoken? A VIP ticket chance to hear favorites and brand new struggling with drug and alcohol addiction experience is $30 and gets you reserved music. for years, and decided to go on a mission first- or second-row seating at the concert, Rector, Fr. Douglas Scharf said, trip to re-build his relationship with God. It a free CD, and a meet-and-greet with the "Hosting this concert is a great opportunity was there in the Dominican Republic band following the concert. General for people in our community to hear some where Mattson’s eyes were opened and admission tickets are also available at $20 really good music with a positive, encourhe came to know Christ in a powerful for ages 17 and older. For ages 16 and aging message by a well known Christian way. under, it is $10 (with student ID). Visit band. Usually bands of this caliber only Mattson reflected on this season of www.eveningwithunspoken.com to purplay in larger venues, so this concert will growth on the group’s web page, “The chase tickets. be a unique experience, and Holy more you work on something and devote

Bloomingdale High Graduate, Pro Baseball Player Finds Strength In Faith

By Nick Nahas

In a society where athletes like Tim Christian athletes together to spread the Tebow are heavily scrutinized for showing gospel and show that they are not their faith on the playing field, Sal Giardina ashamed of their faith. Sal shows his faith is a Christian athlete who is not afraid to on the field when he prays in centerfield display his faith in God on and off the before each game. baseball field. “My ultimate goal as a professional Baseball has always been a big part athlete is to make an impact on people's of the Giardina family. His brother, lives and lead people to the one true Carmine, was a pro baseball player until Savior Jesus Christ,” Sal said. With every retiring after last season, and his father, signature he puts a Bible verse, usually Sal Giardina Sr. has been coaching baseEphesians 2:10, a verse he says is very ball for the majority of his life. His mother, close to his heart. “For we are his workLaurel, owns 1st Sporting Goods, located manship, created in Christ Jesus for good on Lithia Pinecrest Road. Sal played high works, which God prepared beforehand, school baseball at Bloomingdale High that we should walk in them.” Photo courtesy Sal Giardina School, and played college baseball at “I do this because you never know Sal Giardina (right) and his parents pose for a Palm Beach State, later transferring to who this verse can reach or who it can photo at the Atlanta Braves spring training game. Lynn University before being drafted by encourage,” Sal said. gled with classes, and the stresses of trythe Atlanta Braves in the 2014 MLB Draft. Sal has already had an impact on a ing to balance baseball and school at the He currently plays for the Carolina young fan who saw him praying before a same time. As a result he began partying Mudcats, a Class A-Advanced affiliate of game. The fan’s mother texted Sal to and drinking to help fill the void that he felt. thank him. “At his all-star tournament the Braves. One day he got a call from his brother Faith has also been an anchor in Sal’s tonight, I looked over and he was praying asking him if he wanted to join him in shar- during the National Anthem and took a life for as long as he can remember. He ing his testimony with a youth group. He was raised by a Catholic family that went knee to pray in the on-deck circle before was hesitant at first, but he wanted to go to each at-bat,” she said. “I had never seen to church every Sunday. He attended support his brother. “As I listened to my church services and went to Sunday him pray and display his faith on the field brother tell his testimony, it was like I heard before he saw you do it. So I wanted to school, but he didn’t realize what it truly God’s voice for the first time,” Sal said. “He thank you for the positive influence in how meant to be a Christian yet. “I prayed had gone through the things that I was when things were hard and knew who he plays the game and for teaching him God was,” he said, “but I never understood going through. I saw the change that God that he doesn’t have to hide or be had made in my brother’s life and wanted the relationship side of things.” ashamed of his faith while he is on the Sal went through a hard time in his life to get to know more about Jesus.” field.” Carmine founded an organization when he transitioned to college and had to For more about Unashamed Athletes, called Unashamed Athletes to bring live on his own for the first time. He strugvisit www.unashamedathletes.com.

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