www.christianvoicemonthly.com See Pgs. 11-13
Volume 20, Issue 10
B r a n d o n • Va l r i c o • L i t h i a • S e f f n e r • R i v e r v i e w • P l a n t C i t y • A p o l l o B e a c h
Fall Fests & More
A Free Publication from Osprey Observer Inc.
Sydney Baptist Church Celebrates 107 Years Of Making A Difference In The Community
By Libby Hopkins
Family Fall Fun
Page 16
Hooked on Books Chip & Joanna Gaines from HGTV’s Fixer Upper Pages 10
Mother Teresa
Page 8
Faith & Footprints:
Pastor’s Corner:
Page 2
Page 4
Hooked On Books: Page 10
Grace Notes:
Page 17
October 2016
Psalms 91:16 says, “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.” This Psalm was in the minds of the many men who served as pastors over the Sydney Baptist Church in Dover. The church has been a part of the community for more than 107 years. “The church has had the honor of having wonderful men of God lead them over the years,” said current church pastor, Jimmy Evans. “Men with passion, with vision and purpose and a congregation that loves and backs their pastors for doing the work of God.” Although official documentation did not begin until 1909, the dream of the church began in 1908 with the Union Church, a few miles from its current location, where it housed both a church and a public school. In 1917, Sydney Baptist Church joined the South Florida Baptist Association in the year the United States became actively involved in World War I, when our country felt the effects of the war. Over the years, the church has seen many renovations in addition to a growing congregation. “Throughout the years, the Lord has blessed us with the financial support necessary to remain debt-free while renovating and refurbishing all the he has provided,” Pastor Evans said. “Although we are proud of all the work, we do so honor the
matter where you come from or how you dress. The only thing that matters is that every time you come to church, you see Jesus in all that we do. We don’t put Jesus in a box, we lift him up for the world to see.” Pastor Evans and his congregation do this so they can reach the unreached. Pastor Evans and his congregation hopes that their church will be a shining light in the darkness of the world and to fill the hearts of the people with the love of Christ. “We want to be know as the place where you come as a friend and you leave as our family,” Pastor Evans said. “In a day in which our churches are getting older, our prayer is that we can reach the younger one who congregation for made it Jesus by meeting their possible, needs with our chilJesus dren’s programs, Christ, our youth events and Sydney Baptist Church in Dover has been a part of Lord and the community for more than 107 years. The church young couples classSavior.” is located at 1510 Cre Rd. in Dover. es that teach the word If in relevant terms.” you ask Pastor Evans why his church has If you would like to learn more had such longevity in the community, he about Sydney Baptist Church, you can will tell you it’s because of the congregavisit their website at www.sydneybaption’s love for the lost. “What makes this tistchurch.org or call Pastor Evans at 659church different is everyone has a love for 1502. The church is located at 1510 Cre the lost,” Pastor Evans said. “It doesn’t Rd. in Dover.
County Fair Shows Blue Ribbon Country Pride
By Kate Quesada
There is a lot more to this year’s Hillsborough County Fair, which opens its gates just east of Brandon on October 20, than the traditional midway rides and fried food. “The County Fair offers an opportunity for residents of all ages to enter and display their talents,” said Janet Aversa, Hillsborough County Fair Board Member. “From cooking to rug hooking, and baking to picture taking, from sewing to growing and animals large and small.” The fair, which is held at the county fair grounds on Sydney Washer Rd. in Dover, will be open October 20-23 and October 27-30 and boasts many events including talents shows, Battle of the Bands, a Harvest Queen Scholarship Contest, many livestock shows, baby pageants and contests in plants, photography, arts and more. “There will be lots of blue ribbons and eye catching entries to reflect the talents of the folks in Hillsborough County,” said Aversa, who adds that new this year is an expanded 7,000 sq.
with entertainment,” said Aversa. Highlights of the paid Arena Events include Ranch Rodeos, truck, tractor and lawnmower pulls and a demolition derby in addition to the traditional midway rides, fair foods and livestock shows. Free entertainment in the midway includes Robinson’s Racing Pigs and Paddling’ Porkers, a fire fighter show and circus acts. New to the fair this year in the Hillsborough County Fair’s theme is Country Pride. Entertainment Tent is a Opens October 20. Gospel Jam on Sunday ft. air conditioned area to disafternoons which, according to Aversa, play family living, arts and offers a mix of old-time hymns and crafts, fine arts and photogracontemporary music. The phy. “Early entries are encouraged and Entertainment Tent is also home to the forms are available on the Website.” Children’s Pageant, the Western Wear In addition to the livestock area, Contest and the County Fair Talent which features daily shows of youth Showcase. and their animals, is an Agricultural Tickets to the fair, which cost $7 for Education Center that offers fair goers adults, $5 for students and $4 for sena chance to learn more about life on iors go on sale October 1 and can also the farm and in the country. be purchased at the gate. Arena events “From baby chicks to the ‘milkable’ are an additional $10 per person.Visit cow or the new scavenger hunt in the www.hillsboroughcountyfair.com or call livestock area, it is education mixed 737-FAIR. 215 Sydney Washer Rd.