Osprey Observer 2016-7 Christian Voice Monthly

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Volume 20, Issue 7

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July 2016

Local Singing Duo, Seth And Nirva, Debut Album Never Alone

By Kathy L. Collins

Firewood Bar B.Q. Page 6


Local Author Publishes First Book Page 5

Wedding Guide Pages 11-14

Seth and Nirva Ready, a local husband and wife singing duo released their long awaited fulllength debut album, Never Alone, in May on Integrity Music. The duo is widely known for lending their acclaimed vocals on projects and tours by various award-winning artists. The duo has been married for 10 years and reside in Lakeland. They have attended The Crossing Church for five years. In fact, they both worked in the Young Adult Ministry and started Sub30, a group for young adults between the ages of 18 and 30. They have never forgotten their experiences working with young people, and in Never Alone, Seth and Nirva deliver a message to listeners that God is present, on the move and that as believers, we are part of God’s story as He is part of ours. Seth and Nirva will be performing their first “Never Alone” Night at The Crossing Church main campus at 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr. in Tampa on Wednesday, September 27 at 7 p.m. “This will be an evening of worship, prayer, and teaching in which we hope to inspire the audience to be people of courage and compassion in these difficult times,” said Seth. “We need to be a people with firm centers and soft edges; firmly biblical in our convictions and thoroughly kind toward those with whom we disagree. We can only become these kinds of

The husband and wife singing duo, Seth and Nirva, released their debut album, Never Alone, in May on Integrity Music. The local couple will perform at The Crossing Church on Wednesday, September 7.

people as we fill up on Christ through the study of His word, deep times of worship, and good community with our brothers and sisters. Hopefully, our new project Never Alone will be a good tool for people in the area of worship.”

Nirva was born in Chicago and attended Nashville’s historic Fisk University. Seth was born and raised in Polk County. The pair met at a Billy Graham Crusade. They have both performed with award winning singers and recording artists prior to working together as a duo. “Our sound, much like us as a couple and as individuals, does not fit any traditional genre category very well. It is a bit more diverse stylistically than a lot of artists and difficult to categorize, but this is who we are,” said Seth. For more information, visit sethandnirva.com. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @sethandnirva. Never Alone is avaliable on iTunes and Amazone for $9.99.

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