Osprey Observer 2016-7 Valrico

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Two Sections, 44 Pages of Community News


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July 2016 1 5



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Volume 13, Issue 7 Ph: 657-2418 P U B L I S H I N G




Valrico Veteran Honored With Award For Continued Service Decades After Retiring

County Celebrates Opening Ceremony New $2.1M Armwood Fire Station

Raysick is For many peoa Life Member ple retirement is of the Marine synonymous with Corps League rest and relaxin Riverview ation. It’s a time to where he was let go of some elected Judge responsibilities, Advocate for travel and enjoy a 2016-2017. simpler life. Part of his Fortunately, no duties with the one told that to Marine Corps Walter Raysick of League Valrico. includes preThe list of his senting the accomplishments Eagle Scout and contributions Good Citizens to the community Award to Boy is endless. Scouts earnRaysick retired in ing their Eagle 1989 as a Master Scout badge. Chief Petty Officer This is in the U.S. Navy. only the tip of His 30 years of Department Cmdt. Bill Cona awards Walter Raysick of Riverview Det. 1226 the coveted the iceberg. military service Chapel of Four Chaplains Award. The list of included time as a organizations that he is involved in is hospital corpsman in the Marines and too numerous to mention. service in Vietnam. He worked until “I’ve always been involved in com2004 as a civilian during which time he was a member of the Olney Lions Club, munity events, specifically in regard to veterans and veteran’s issues,” Raysick president of Crime Stoppers in said. Maryland and a graduate of the His continuous service earned him Citizens Police Academy. a prestigious award which was presentBut, he was just getting warmed ed to him last month at the Florida up. After moving to Valrico in 2004, Marine Corps League Convention. The Raysick immediately immersed himself Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of in the community with his volunteer work. His efforts include volunteering at Honor Award was given to Raysick in the Nativity Catholic Church Food Bank recognition to his lifetime service. The from 2004 to 2010, graduating from the award recognizes his service to all people of all races and faiths. Raysick said Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Citizens receiving the award was “an extreme Police Academy and volunteering with and humbling honor.” the Cold Case Unit of the Homicide For more information on The unit. He was awarded the Hillsborough Chapel of Four Chaplains and its honor County Sheriff’s Office Citizen Award in programs, visit www.fourchaplains.org. 2006 and again in 2010.

Fire Rescue Chief Dennis Jones said. Construction costs were funded through impact fees, general revenue funds, and Hillsborough County Fire Rescue Chief Dennis Jones, center, is joined Public Safety by County Commissioner Stacy White (District 4), Terry Flott of the Improvement Seffner Community Alliance as well as Fire Rescue personnel during Bond Project the recent opening of the new Armwood Fire Station No.4 in Seffner. funds. Hillsborough County Officials, Fire Construction took nearly a year to Rescue, (HCFR) personnel, along with complete, during which time Fire Rescue local area residents and community reppersonnel, equipment, and apparatus resentatives recently celebrated the com- operated out of temporary quarters on the pletion of a $2.4 million project to replace site so emergency services would continthe Armwood Fire Station No. 4. ue during construction. Instead of a ribbon cutting, the cereJones also spoke highly of the new mony held at the station, located at 11826 building when he proudly said, “As you E. U.S. Hwy. 92 in Seffner, included look at photos of the old Station No. 4, HCFR’s traditional uncoupling of fire you realize just how impressive this new hoses, which formally marked the stabuilding really is.” tion’s commitment to serving the area. The new facility is one of several The official ceremony welcomed spe- projects Hillsborough County has undercial speaker, Terry Flott of the Seffner way to replace, upgrade, or add fire staCommunity Alliance as well as tions throughout the unincorporated area, Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy including Riverview, Sundance, White (District 4). The celebration continCarrollwood, and the East Lake area. ued with tours of Station No.4 for all in For more about area building projattendance. ects, visit www.hillsboroughcounty.org. The new station now replaces the old building that has occupied the same site for nearly a half a century. At 9,300 sq. ft., In This the new facility is more than twice the Issue size of the old station and includes a number of upgrades and amenities to assist the full time staff. Upgrades include more modern living quarters and workHOA HOT TOPICS..................................PG 6 space designed to meet current fire staFREE MEALS FOR KIDS.........................PG 7 tion standards. The station’s three bays house a fire NEW VOTING DISTRICTS......................PG 8 engine, and a rescue vehicle. Each 24CHRISTMAS IN JULY..............................PG 9 hour shift is staffed by a crew of five personnel. The station also houses a fire ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT..................PG 19 investigator. “This replacement building is part of CHALKLINES.......................................PG 30 a larger plan set in place by the SPORTS CONNECTION................PGS 42‐43 Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners to give firefighters and READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE first responders the tools needed to do www.ospreyobserver.com their jobs, and a comfortable facility to return to after a call,” Hillsborough County

By Tamas Mondovics

Osprey Observer 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511-6121

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By Sandy Meyer

Photo by Tamas Mondovics

Dressed for the occasion and, of course, awaiting the candy coming their way, Kaydance Sheppard, 6, and Chloe Popham, 5, greet this year’s Brandon Fourth of July procession. With nearly 100 groups and an estimated 30,000 spectators, the annual parade is said to be Florida’s largest, organized by the Brandon Community Roundtable.

Exp. 8/15/16

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