Two Sections, 32 Pages of Community News
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January 2017 C E L E B R A T I N G
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Volume 12, Issue 1 P U B L I S H I N G
Florida State Fair Captures Memories Staff Report
The ents used to 113th Florida make their State Fair is favorite treats scheduled from a “farm for February to fork” per9 through 20 spective and at the Florida get schooled State in the nuts Fairgrounds, and bolts of located at I-4 the confecand US Hwy tion-making 301 in process, Tampa. This while hearing year’s fascinating The Florida State Fair will take place February 9-20. theme, stories of “Picture Yourself at the Fair,” emphafamous sizes all of the unforgettable moments candy makers and chocolatiers. The waiting to be captured on camera. One Sweets exhibit is free with the price of of the new featured attractions promises admission. to make patrons of all ages as happy as “We want both loyal patrons and kids in a candy store as they learn about those who have not yet visited the the history of confections. The Sweets Fair to join us in making memories exhibit, along with rides, shows, conthat will last a lifetime,” said Cheryl certs, shopping, food and amazing aniFlood, executive director of the Florida mals and livestock, as well as Mildred State Fair Authority. “The Sweets W. and Doyle E. Carlton Jr. Cracker exhibit in particular will provide a fun Country and other exciting entertainand educational experience for all ment, promise non-stop fun – all at an ages.” excellent value and always with free In addition to thrilling rides, it parking. Discounted advance admission wouldn’t be the Florida State Fair and ride armband tickets are available without educational and entertaining for purchase attractions and performers. Where – at for the price of a movie ticket – can New at the Florida State Fair is you see a Sea Lion, a spectacular Big Sweets: A Tasty Journey, an interactive Top Circus, cheer on your favorite exhibit that utilizes a blend of traditional porker at the pig races, feed a giraffe and modern educational techniques to from your own hand, enjoy acts from explore candy’s history and role in popu- TV shows like America’s Got Talent, lar culture. There also is a giant Candy watch an amazing bear show, and be Land game perfect for fun photo ops, a thrilled by the dogs of K-9s in Flight? “beanboozled” taste test challenge Discounted admission and armband (grass flavored jelly beans anyone?) and tickets are available at candy-inspired art, including amazing Get the best replicas of famous paintings like the prices now through January 1. Tickets Mona Lisa, created with jellybeans. can be purchased at Florida Walgreens Visitors also learn about the ingredilocations through February 8.
See Page 26
Ph: 657-2418 P O S I T I V E
Hillsborough County’s Military Farm Tours Focus On Careers Beyond The Field
By Tamas Mondovics
Agribusiness, In an effort to Food Science provide military and Technology, veterans, Community reservists, transiSupported tioning active-duty Agriculture and personnel and Environmental their spouses an Protection opportunity to Aquaculture. explore career Participants will options available in the agriculture Local veterans and military personnel participate get a chance to in Hillsborough County’s annual Military visit a variety of industry, continAgriculture Tour. The event provides participants farming operaued Hillsborough opportunity to explore career options available in tions and the County officials the agriculture industry. University of Florida Gulf Coast have once again scheduled a free bus tour to a number of farms throughout the Research and Education Center in southern Hillsborough County. county. At each stop local officials and parThe Military Agriculture Tour ticipating business owners on hand will Program is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. highlight the diversity of agricultural operon Friday, February 3 at Hillsborough ations in Hillsborough County. County Extension Services, 5339 CR With seating limited, veterans and 579 in Seffner. Sporting more than local active duty military personnel are 93,000 veterans, Hillsborough County encouraged to pre-register at the event has the second highest veteran populapage by Wednesday, February 1. Lunch tion in Florida, and is soon to become will be provided. For more information on the first according to the U.S. Military Agriculture Tour community partDepartment of Veterans Affairs. ners and career resources for transitionThe annual event is organized ing veterans visit through a partnership between or contact Simon Bollin, Agribusiness Hillsborough County Economic Development, Hillsborough County Farm Development Manager, at 276-2735 or Bureau, Hillsborough County Extension Services and community partners committed to assisting transitioning veterans In This by providing meaningful connections to Issue quality civilian career opportunities and training. In preparation for the upcoming tour, county officials emphasized that WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS ................PG 8 today’s agriculture industries increasingly CHILDREN’S THEATRE ......................PG 10 focus on using technology and management systems for the production of food, CHALKLINES .....................................PG 12 medicine, consumer products and enerART SCHOLARSHIP ...........................PG 15 gy. “During the tour, veterans and transiEYE ON BUSINESS...........................PG 21 tioning military personnel will be introHOLISTIC HEALTH ..........................PG 23 duced to career paths and job opportunities within modern agriculture operations 15TH ANNIVERSARY .......................PG 25 and supporting industries,” said YEAR IN REVIEW.............................PG 30 Agribusiness Development Manager, Simon Bollin. READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE New areas in agriculture include: Precision Agriculture, Energy Crops,
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Photo Courtesy of Tamas Mondovics
Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Homicide Detective, a former Florida International (FIU) starting quarterback David Tabor, talks football with some children gathered around in Brandon. Since its inception in 1845, HCSO has evolved into a full-service law enforcement agency, comprised of more than 4,000 law enforcement officers, detention deputies and civilians. Read about HCSO’s History Center in this edition’s Year In Review section.
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