It’s that time of year… Have you thought about your calendar and how you will keep your children busy and engaged during the summer months? Trying to narrow down options that appeal to your children’s interests can be a challenge.
To help, the sta f at the Osprey Ob server has once again collected the top recommendations for local summer camps and created a special pullout section highlighting the best in our area. From music and theater to outdoor sports and fun to programming and learning, there are many local options that are sure to appeal to all ages and interests.
5 and up. The Straz Center’s Patel Conservatory o f ers arts education courses and programs in dance, theater and music with 50-plus camps

YMCA, Spurlino YMCA in Riverview or the ever-popular outdoor day camp, Camp Cristina in Riverview, the YMCA always mixes a variety of

and classes available.
If you have a child who prefers the outdoors, be sure to look into both Camp Osprey LLC and Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center. Both camps o f er a more traditional summer camp experience and have overnight options as well.

Do you have a performer in the family? At Music Showcase, music and theater take the stage, and so can your child. On o f er will be musicals where your child can hold starring roles in popular musicals provided by the Florida Academy of Performing Arts for children ages
The Olympics will not just be in Paris this summer. Brandon’s High 5 Inc. has an exciting summer planned where your child will experience the thrill of Olympic-style games,
The local YMCAs will o f er many types of camps. Whether at the Campo YMCA, the North Brandon

murai o f ers coding, robotics, YouTube, Roblox and Minecraft camps for all levels and experience.

fun with great learning experiences.
For the sports enthusiasts, specialty camps focused on sports can be found at i9 Sports, Fellowship Church and Buckhorn Springs Racquet & Pool Club. Your horse lover will be sure to enjoy a camp at TLC’s Gypsy Haven, where weekly themed riding camps run throughout the summer.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Circa FishHawk o f ers full and half-day summer fun with weekly field trips and themes.
Keeping the summer slide away, Mathnasium o f ers a variety of learning opportunities, and Skill Sa-
For dates and registration information on these camps, turn the pages, enjoy this special section and plan to have a great summer. Watch for our Summer Camp Sweepstakes link, where the Osprey Observer will buy your child a week of camp at the summer camp of your choice! Enter now by emailing (subject line: ‘Summer Camp Free’) contest@ospreyobserver.com.
Did we miss a great summer camp option? Let us know by emailing jhurst@ospreyobserver. com.
Options for fun abound — enjoy your summer!

With over 25 diferent camp options throughout the Tampa YMCA area, there’s something for every camper to enjoy! From art and gymnastics to ziplining and splashing in our pools the Y is the ultimate summer destination.

High 5 Inc. is hosting its annual summer camp beginning weekly on Tuesday, May 28, and running through Friday, August 9. With the Summer Olympics just around the corner, High 5’s Olympic-themed camp this year will give students the opportunity to participate in Olympic-style activities and games.

“Our camp is designed to inspire young athletes and promote teamwork, sportsmanship and a love for physical activity,” said Jada Spano, vice president of operations.
The summer camp has its earliest drop-of time at 7 a.m. and latest pickup at 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. The camp will cost participants $160 per week.

Students should provide their own snacks and lunches, as well as bring a change of clothes and a towel. Campers should show up each day in a swimsuit and closed-toed shoes.
“During our Olympic-themed summer camp, campers will have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports and activities inspired by the Olympic
By Lily BelcherGames,” Spano said.
Activities will include track and field events, swimming, soccer and other sports.
“Our experienced and dedicated coaches will guide campers through various training sessions, teaching them the fundamental skills of diferent sports and helping them improve their techniques,” Spano said. There will be around 25 students to each teacher. There will also be a variety of crafts for students, including creating banners to represent their values.
“Campers will learn the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship as they work together towards common goals and cheer each other on,” Spano said.
High 5 Inc. is a nonprofit after school program that supports students learning to swim and special needs education through sports and recreational activities.
High 5 Inc. is located at 405 Beverly Blvd. in Brandon of State Road 60. For more information about the summer camp or to register, visit https://high5inc. org/ or call 813-689-0908.
Music Showcase and the Florida Academy of Performing Arts’ annual summer camps o f er a fun, interactive way for students to make friends, learn about music and hone their theater skills all in one week.

The performing arts center o f ers the Music and More Camp and Musical Theatre Camp throughout the summer.

The Music and More Camp o f ers themed activities, including arts and crafts, instruments, acting, singing and more. The camp runs weekly from Tuesday, May 28, through Friday, August 2. Students can enjoy a full day from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., with early drop-o f starting at 8 a.m. and late pickup ending at 6 p.m.
“Music and More Camp takes the daily routine and makes it fun and exciting,” said Danielle Sanchez, director of the Florida Academy of the Performing Arts.
The Musical Theatre Camp gives students the opportunity to play di f erent roles in producing their own play. The camp’s dates and times depend on what

show the student is participating in, but some run in the morning or evening.
“Musical Theatre Camps give students an opportunity to participate in a show with or without experience in theater,” Sanchez said. “At the end of the two weeks, students will showcase their new abilities on show.”
The Musical Theatre Camp encourages students to learn stage character and development, work with a set, act, collaborate and build confidence.
The Music and More Camp costs $230 per week and the Musical Theatre Camp costs $275 per week. There is a $30 onetime registration fee for both camps and a $25 sibling discount. Scholarships and multicamp discounts are also available.
Parents should send their children with snacks, lunch and a water bottle. They can wear everyday clothes and shoes.
For more information on Music Showcase’s summer camps or to register in March, visit https://faopa.org/.

There’s no better time for kids to catch up and get ahead in math than during the summer break. Now is the time to get Mathnasium on your summer schedule and keep those math skills sharp heading into the fall.

Summer at Mathnasium is a fun and engaging way for your child to keep up their math skills and prepare for the

method that results in true understanding and increased confidence, along with reward opportunities and so much more.
“What I like most watching how we are able to turn math anxiety into math confidence and fun through the Mathnasium Method,” said Alexander. With a summer Mathnasium experience, students can avoid the summer slide, and begin the
With summer fast approaching, parents may be scrambling to figure out fun-filled and educational plans for their children over the break. There are many opportunities for children to have all kinds of experiences. One place that ofers a variety of musical/performing arts classes is the Straz Center’s Patel Conservatory.

camps are ofered during the summer season.
The cost of the summer camp depends on whether a child is signed up for an intensive program, a production, classes/workshops or cross-disciplinary camps. There are also private lessons, pre-camps and post-camps ofered. Financial aid is available in the form of need or merit-based

CompiledHigh 5 Inc.
Brandon’s High 5 Inc. is inviting students to embark on an exciting and adventurous journey where your child will experience the thrill of Olympic-style games, kicking o f on Tuesday, May 28, and running through Friday, August 9.

Camp is o f ered Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. at High 5 Inc., located at 405 Beverly Blvd. in Brandon. Campers can sign up for individual weeks or throughout the entire summer. To register, visit www.high5inc. org/camp-3.
Camp costs $175 a week per child for nonmembers, and High 5 members can register for $160.
To learn more, visit www.high5inc.org or call 813-689-0908.
TLC’s Gypsy Haven
Located at 4325 Keysville Rd. in Lithia, TLC’s Gypsy Haven o f ers weekly themed riding camps, for ages 8-99, focused on riding and grooming. The camps take place

from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. from Monday, June 3, to Friday, August 2.
Students pack their own lunch, snacks and drinks and are encouraged to wear light pants or leggings, but boots are a must. The camp boasts one teacher, one aide and at least one volunteer per 10 students.
For more information, visit www.tlcsfarms.com, call Tammi at 813-842-4236 or email tlcs2867@aol.com.
Camp Osprey LLC

For a fun, traditional camp experience, check out Camp Osprey, which is located on 204 acres of beautiful woodlands alongside the Little Manatee River in Wimauma. Camp activities include high ropes courses, zip lining, horseback riding and much more. Camps take place every week starting in June, and campers can sign up for a week or the whole summer. Day and overnight options
are available, with day camp costing $325 a week and overnight being $795. Meals are provided, and snacks can be purchased in the camp canteen.
COSMO (Camp Osprey
Smoky Mountain Outdoor) adventures are available as well for groups of 12 campers ages 13-16 years old.

The camp is located at 18050 U.S. 301 S. in Wimauma and can be reached at 941-928-6860. For more information, visit www.camposprey.com.
Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center
Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center is located on 170 acres of woodland alongside the Alafia River in Lithia. Camps take place weekly from Sunday to Friday starting on Sunday, June 9, and finishing on Friday, August 2; campers can sign up for a week or the whole summer. Cedarkirk o f ers overnight camps for older students, and younger campers in grades one through three can attend a shorter three-day camp. Camps range in price from $465-$510 a week and include all meals plus two daily
snacks. Day camp is available for campers who have completed first grade up to those who have completed fifth grade and is priced at $220 per week. Day campers must bring their own lunch. Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center is located at 1920 Streetman Dr. in Lithia and can be reached at 813-685-4224. For more information and to register, visit https:// cedarkirk.org/.
Kids ‘R’ Kids

Kids ‘R’ Kids Circa FishHawk is thrilled to announce the Galactic Quest Summer Camp, showcasing unique weekly themes. Featuring a junior camp for kindergarten to second grade and senior camp for third to fifth grade, each week of camp involves a new theme designed to empower and enlighten campers through amusing activities, fascinating field trips, timely lessons in teamwork and so much more. Meals and field trips are included in the weekly cost. Camps are full day and students can sign up on a weekly basis

or for the whole summer.
Kids ‘R’ Kids Circa FishHawk is located at 5815 Kids Crossing Dr. in Lithia and can be reached at 813-797-5497. Visit www.krkcirca.com for more information and to register.
The Patel Conservatory

off starting at 8 a.m. and late pickup ending at 6 p.m. The Music and More Camp costs $230 per week and the Musical Theatre Camp costs $275 per week; scholarships and multicamp discounts are available. For more information and to register, visit https://faopa.org/.
Club in Valrico. Camps will run all summer Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m.-12 Noon and will cost $185. Advanced/tournament players have a full-day option, including match play and video analysis. Tennis shoes are required. Visit www. buckhornracquet.com for more information.
The Straz Center’s Patel Conservatory offers arts education courses and programs in dance, theater and music with 50-plus camps and classes available. Starting on Tuesday, May 28, and ending on Friday, August 2, full and halfday camps are available weekly for ages 4-18. The cost varies depending on the camp; financial aid is available in the form of need or is merit-based. For more information, visit www.patelconservatory.org or call 813-222-1029.
Music Showcase
And The Florida Academy Of Performing Arts
Music Showcase and the Florida Academy of Performing Arts’ annual summer camps offer a fun, interactive way for students to make friends, learn about music and hone their theater skills. The camp runs weekly from Tuesday, May 28, through Friday, August 2, and students can enjoy a full day from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., with early drop-
Skill Samurai
Located in Brandon, Skill Samurai’s coding, robotics, YouTube, Roblox and Minecraft camps welcome everyone from seasoned players to first-timers. Skill and experience levels don’t matter, Skill Samurai makes it fun for all. Camps will run from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and begin at $240; discounts for siblings and multicamps are available. Campers need to bring lunch and wear closed-toed shoes. For more information and to register, visit https://skillsamurai.com/ fl-brandon.

Fellowship Church
Fellowship Church, located at 15326 FishHawk Blvd. in Lithia, will be hosting half-day sports summer camps each week over the summer starting on Monday, June 3. Drop-off is available from 8:15 a.m., and campers must be collected promptly at 12:30 p.m. Sports will include soccer, flag football and basketball. Please visit the website for the weekly sport and age range. The cost is $115 per week. To register, visit www.fellowship.church.
6:30 p.m. Martial arts classes are fun and exciting while packing fitness and self-defense into each session. Your child will also develop more confidence, focus and discipline. Campers are advised to wear activewear bottoms and closedtoe shoes with the camp T-shirt, as well as bring two snacks and a packed lunch. Sidekicks is located at 16132 Churchview Dr., Ste. 210 in Lithia. More information can be found on its website at https://ilovesidekicks.com/ fishhawk-camp.

Buckhorn Springs Racquet Club
Do you have a budding tennis player? Sign them up for summer camp at Buckhorn Springs Racquet Club, located in Buckhorn Springs Golf & Country

Sidekicks Family Martial Arts Centers Sidekicks

Family Martial Arts Centers’ summer camp will run Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-4 p.m., with early drop-o f available at 7 a.m. and late pickup until
At the YMCA, “campers are given a safe space to discover who they are and what they want to become while building character through activities based on the Y core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility,” said Hannah Geaumont, communications and social media manager of the Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA.
Local YMCAs, including the Campo Family YMCA, Spurlino Family YMCA and

North Brandon YMCA, will o f er everything from sports and drama to art and coding, in addition to swimming and playing. Camp Cristina in Riverview will have a wide range of activities, such as traditional day camp favorites and unique options like Horse Camp, Counselors in Training and Waterfront Camp. To learn more about the YMCA summer camps, visit www.tampaymca.org.

Easterseals School For Limitless Learning
Get ready for an exciting and inclusive adventure designed specifically for neurodiverse young learners at Easterseals School for Limitless Learning, located at 2460 Bloomingdale Ave., Ste. 170 in Valrico. Its summer camp aims to create a supportive and engaging environment where every child can thrive. The camp is available throughout July, with morning, afternoon and all-day sessions available. Sessions are $250 per week, with all-day camp being $450 per week. For more information, visit its website at www.easterseals.com/florida/ programs-and-services/.

There’s no better time for kids to catch up and get ahead in math than during the summer break. Summer at Mathnasium is a fun and engaging way for your child to keep up their math skills and prepare for the year ahead. It has a proven teaching method that results in true understanding and increased confidence, along with reward opportunities and more. For more information, call Mathnasium’s Brandon center, located at 1048 E. Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico, at 813-655-MATH (6284). You can also visit www. mathnasium.com/brandon. The Riverview center, located at 13388 S. U.S. 301 in Riverview, can be contacted on 813-565-1102 or visited at www.mathnasium.com/ riverview.
Tampa Dynamo FC

FC is a player-centered club — go see what it’s about. Visit www.tampadynamofc.com or call 813-677-1133 for more information.
Theatre Arts And Dance Alliance

Tampa Dynamo FC is o f ering a summer soccer camp for players of all levels and abilities. Camp will be held Monday to Friday, June 17-21, from 8:30 a.m.-12 Noon for ages U7-U14 (2018-2011). Tryout registration is also now open, with tryouts beginning Wednesday, May 1, for the 2024-25 season. Tampa Dynamo

Theatre Arts and Dance Alliance (TADA) is hosting a variety of camps this summer, including dance, music and theater for children ranging from 3-18 years of age. TADA is located at 16711 FishHawk Blvd. in Lithia. Camps are o f ered as full and half-day options, with the earliest drop-o f being at 8:30 a.m. and the latest pickup at 4:30 p.m. Discounts are available for siblings, multicamp and early-bird registration. Please visit its website at www.tadance.com/iweb/tadaprograms/summer. html or call 813571-0901 for more information and to register.
AR Workshop
camps or series! Kids can enjoy creating a masterpiece that they can take with them and display at home or give it as a gift for a special friend or family member.

AR Workshop Brandon is hosting weekly camps with two sessions a day for kids ages 6-17 years of age. The first session is 9:30-12:30 p.m. and the second session is from 1:30-4 p.m. It will o f er a few one-day options available as well. Snacks will be available for purchase, or campers may bring their own. Early bird, multicamp and sibling promotions are available.
AR Workshop Brandon is located at 1046 Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico. For a complete list of the summer camp schedule, visit www.arworkshop.com/brandon/ to see AR Workshop’s calendar or call 813-775-7109.
Code Wiz FishHawk

Calling all parents! Register your child for a hands-on crafting experience in one of AR Workshop Brandon’s summer
Code Wiz FishHawk will be running full and half-day camps for students interested in computers and coding. Camp activities will include Roblox , robotics, Minecraf t and building your own 2D/3D video games. The half-day camp runs from 9 a.m.-12 Noon and from 1-4 p.m.; a full-day is from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. It is $350

for a week of half-day camp and $550 for a week of full-day camp; discounts are available for siblings, multicamp and early-bird registrations. Code Wiz FishHawk is located in Park Square at 16132 Churchview Dr. in Lithia. For more information, visit https://thecodewiz.com/ fishhawk-fl or call 813-820-6583.

Ostingers Baseball Academy
Learn baseball from the pros at Ostingers Baseball Academy. With a combined 30 years of professional playing and coaching experience, Ostingers
Baseball coaches are ready to provide young athletes with safe fun this summer.
Four weeklong sessions will take place in June and July for players ages 7-14 years old at the academy’s fields in Lithia. Your child will develop a better understanding of the game of baseball through instruction, drills and games. Having a good time while learning the fundamentals will be the main focus of this camp.
To learn more, visit https://ostingbaseball.com/ or call 813-737-3000.

It’s almost summer camp season, and more than 5,000 participants are expected at the Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA’s 12 family centers.
“Our campers can expect a new spin on fun, friends and adventure this year,” said Hannah Geaumont, communications and social media manager of the Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA. “Campers are given a safe space to discover who they are and what they want to become while building character through activities based on the Y core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.”

Locally, area centers, including the Campo Family YMCA, Spurlino Family YMCA and North Brandon YMCA, will ofer everything from sports and drama to art and coding, in addition to swimming and playing. Camp Cristina in Riverview will have a wide variety of activities for children and teens, such as traditional day camp favorites and unique options like Horse Camp, Counselors in Training and Waterfront Camp.
Tampa Y camps are geared toward ages 6-15. Participants will experience a fun summer filled with friendships, adventures and phenomenal memories. Dave Boyle,
By Libby Hopkinsexecutive director of Camp Cristina, oversees camps.
“This camp season, while we continue to cherish the timeless traditions that have always defined us, we are excited to introduce a modern twist to these classic elements,”
Boyle said. “Central to our refreshed approach is a renewed emphasis on fostering meaningful connections. Our counselors bring a unique blend of diverse backgrounds and skills, allowing us to ofer a personalized experience that caters to the individual needs and interests of every camper. They serve as role models, demonstrating values and attitudes that leave a lasting impact on the campers, shaping not just their summer but their character and life outlook. Importantly, they create a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment where campers feel comfortable to be themselves, fostering respect and appreciation for others.”
Campers will have the opportunity to develop friendships and experience a sense of belonging.
Tampa Y Summer Camp registration is now open. If you’d like to learn more about the YMCA Summer Camps, visit www.tampaymca.org.

It may be hard to fathom, but the SUN ’n FUN Aerospace Expo celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Plenty of fan-favorite attractions will return, along with several new experiences that debut at this year’s expo, which is from Tuesday to Sunday, April 9-14.

The celebration kicks of with SUN ’n FUN’s Opening Day Concert, featuring Dylan Scott with special guest Sara Evans. The expo will showcase over 600 acres of static displays of all types of aircraft, including vintage, homebuilt, aerobatic, warbird, military, light sport, seaplanes and rotorcraft. Among new features will be the Future ’n Flight Plaza, focusing on innovative technology, aviation careers and flight simulation experiences. Children will enjoy a newly established Aviation Playground that promises to inspire.
Throughout the six-day event, daily airshows will include spectacular military demonstrations by the USAF Thunderbirds, the U.S. Navy F-18 Super Hornet Demo Team, Tora Tora Tora, Commemorative Air Force Warbirds and the Ghost Squadron. The Wednesday and Saturday night airshows will be just as riveting, featuring aerobatics by world-class airshow performers, pyrotechnics and fireworks.
A special appearance will be made by the
Staf Report
four-engine, tri-tailed Lockheed VC-121A Constellation — nicknamed ‘The Connie’ — a meticulously restored 1948 transport that once served the military, U.S. presidents and NASA. The Commemorative Air Force will ofer rides on several legendary warbirds, including the B-29 Superfortress ‘FIFI,’ the B-24 Liberator ‘Diamond Lil,’ the P-51 Mustang ‘Gunfighter’ and an RC-45J Expeditor.
Over 500 exhibitors will present an expansive lineup of aviation-related products and services. Pilots and maintainers will benefit from hands-on workshops focused on building and maintenance skills and dozens of topical forums. Youth will have an opportunity to engage in STEM activities, including flight simulation, robotics, drones, riveting and wing rib building.
For added comfort, look for the air-conditioned tent designed for families to unwind or the newly added shaded resting spots.
Weekly and single-day tickets to the 2024 SUN ’n FUN Aerospace Expo can be purchased online or upon arrival. Children 10 and under will be admitted for free. Detailed information about the fly-in can be found at https://flysnf.org/.
Little Medical School (LMS) is deeply rooted in founder Dr. Mary Mason’s love of family, medicine and education. In 1998, Mason wrote her first lesson plan and enlisted her medical residents to teach local teenagers. This passion for encouraging careers in health care culminated in the creation of LMS in 2010. Today, it is a pioneer and leading developer of specialized curriculum and interactive resources for children ages 1-14.

Little Medical School of Tampa Bay inspires healthy lifestyles in children as they learn about medical careers.
LMS of Tampa Bay works with educators, healthcare leaders and community organizations to inspire healthy lifestyles in children as they learn about medical careers.
LMS-trained instructors are also community members ranging from aspiring world changers, practicing medical providers and accomplished educators. All programs were written and reviewed by board-certified and trained health care professionals.
Kristina Helton, owner of LMS of Tampa Bay, will be bringing the LMS Summer Camp to the Center Place Fine Arts & Civic Association.
“This summer, we are ofering our Little Doctor School program at Center Place Fine Arts & Civic Association from June 17-21. Students in grades K-5 will have the opportunity to assume the role of a doctor,” Helton said. “Camp participants will role-play
By Libby Hopkinsthe key responsibilities of a doctor and learn about vital organs in the human body. These future doctors will learn how to use a stethoscope, blood pressure cuf and reflex hammer. They will practice administering first aid, learn how pharmacists play a role in administering medications and create models of parts of the body to learn how they work.”
Campers receive daily activities and products to keep and practice with at home. At the end of the week, families are invited to attend a ceremony where the campers will ‘graduate’ with their own student lab coat, a real working stethoscope and a diploma.
“We are super excited to have the Little Medical School Summer Camp at Center Place this summer,” said Center Place’s executive director, Libby Hopkins.
“We’ve had such a positive response to our programs,” Helton said. “They are unlike anything else ofered in our area.”
For more information, visit https://littlemedicalschool.com/tampabay/. To register your child for LMS Summer Camp, visit www.littlemedicalschool.com/tampabay/ center-place-fine-arts-camp/. The cost is $250.
The Center Place Fine Arts & Civic Association is located at 619 Vonderburg Dr., Ste. B, inside the Brandon Regional Library.

Tampa Theatre, Tampa’s oldest theater, is ofering its Kid-Inspired Movie Series during the months of March and April. Tampa Theatre offers area residents the chance to see their beloved family films on the big screen in a beautifully restored movie palace.
Tampa Theatre has been a favorite destination for Bay-area moviegoers for generations. This March and April, the next generation of young fans will get the chance to see some of their parents’ most beloved childhood films on the big screen, thanks to the Family Favorites classic movie series, presented by Bank of America.

“While many of our summer and holiday classic oferings are family-friendly, this is the series that we program specifically with families in mind,” said Jill Witecki, the theater’s vice president and director of marketing. “We want parents to be able to introduce their kids to some of their own favorite movies from childhood and experience that nostalgia of seeing them on the big screen again,” added Witecki.
The 2024 Family Favorites series in-

cludes a great variety of films, all rated PG. First up, go see the 2004 animated film The Incredibles on Sunday, March 24, at 3 p.m.
Then, you can enjoy the 2004 Fantasy film Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events on Sunday, March 31, at 3 p.m.
Kick of the month of April with a viewing of the 1999 Animated film The Iron Giant on Sunday, April 7, at 3 p.m.
Who would not want to see the 1991 Adventure film, Hook, featuring Dustin Hofman as Captain Hook and Robin Williams as Peter Pan? Hook will be shown on Sunday, April 21, at 3 p.m.
Then, finish of the series by seeing The Lego Movie, an animated film from 2014, on the big screen on Sunday, April 28, at 3 p.m.
Tickets for Family Favorites classic movies are $10 for grownups and $8 for children ages 3-12. You can get tickets at either the historic Franklin Street Box Ofce or online at https://tampatheatre. org/. Tampa Theatre is located at 711 N. Franklin St. in downtown Tampa.
Summer Camp


Ready, set, rodeo! For a ropin’ good time, head to the Hillsborough County Fairgrounds on Friday and Saturday, April 12 and 13, for the Tampa Bay Rodeo & Family Festival, presented by Bartow Ford. The best cowboys and cowgirls in the southeast region are saddling up for a full rodeo with two days of bull riding, bronco busting, barrel racing, calf roping, team roping and bull dogging. Tickets are on sale now for this adrenaline-pumping event.

Tampa Bay Rodeo & Family Festival features a full rodeo plus plenty of activities, good food and music for families to enjoy.
“This year’s rodeo features the most crowd-pleasing rodeo events, so each night will be full of action and thrills,” said event producer Ryan Henning. “The best male and female competitors in the region will vie for cash prizes, and they’ll need to beat the best livestock in the southeast to win.”
Fans arriving early for the Family Festival will enjoy live music, delicious food and entertaining activities for the whole group. Emmet Stevens Jr. takes the stage in the Bartow Ford Beer Barn each night playing toe-tapping country music hits. Known for the variety of good eats available, the Family Festival this year ofers corn dogs, barbecue, tacos, funnel cakes, ice cream, pizza, hot-pressed Cuban sandwiches and much more.

• Sea Screamer Dolphin Tour
• Behind the Scenes Bucs Stadium
• Tampa International Tour
• Tampa Firefghter Museum
• Ringling Museum Circus Show

• Bricks4Kidz
• Pump It Up
• Rays Game
• Pin Chasers Bowling
• Rotary Playground at Hernando’s Landing

• KidoKinetics
• Amazing Athletes
• FOAM Party

• SNOW Party
• Water Slides
Weekly rate includes all meals and feld trips.
Guests can test their skills on the highly popular mechanical bull, which has levels for beginners or those brave enough to try it like a pro. They can try their hand at axe throwing; take pictures with snakes, monkeys and a giant hay wall backdrop; play free games, such as Jenga and corn hole; and slide down the giant slide. Visitors looking for elevated action can ride a camel, an elephant or even a monster truck. Family and friends will experience an exhilarating evening of rodeo action, food and endless fun filled with excitement and heart-pounding thrills.
“We love to see people enjoying time together, listening to music, grabbing some dinner and playing games that both the kids and adults enjoy,” added Henning. “The night packed with food, fun and a full rodeo promises to keep everyone entertained.”
This is a rain-or-shine event, and all ticket sales are final and nonrefundable. Gates open at 5 p.m., and the Rodeo begins at 8 p.m. The Hillsborough County Fairgrounds are located at 215 Sydney Washer Rd. in Dover at the intersection of State Road 60 and Sydney Washer Road, just east of Brandon. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit https://hillsboroughcountyfair.com/rodeo-and-family-festival/.