Osprey Observer Brandon/Winthrop December 2021

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December 2021

Volume 16, Issue 12

Ph: 657-2418



By Lily Belcher

Osprey Observer 2109 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Valrico, FL 33596

Postal Customer



apply will be asked to get a background check and attend a virtual orientation to train them on their responsibilities as a volunteer. On select days, volunteers will arrive at First Baptist Riverview to pick up a cooler and hot bag in their own cars. They will then receive their route (on paper or through Meals on Wheels’ new app) Meals on Wheels volunteers pick up coolers with meals for and deliver meals to grateful seniors. eight to 14 houses beOver the summer, Meals fore returning on Wheels expanded its the cooler/hot reach to the residents of bag to First Gibsonton and Riverview, Baptist Riverproviding hot meals to seview. niors and the homebound Although daily. Now, Meals on volunteers are Wheels is asking for more volunteers to asked to be 18 or older, high school stuhelp distribute meals and smiles to its dents can drive with an adult to help customers. pass out the meals. High schoolers “Any volunteer gift or their help can receive two service hours for each makes such a difference to our home- route they participate in. bound neighbors, who, many of them, “It’s a great thing to do with a group will not see another live person until … our recipients just love to see young the next volunteer delivers to them,” people. There is just such a hope and a said Senior Director of Mission Engage- brightness [they] bring to the mission. ment Cindy Vann. “I think it just really It is a wonderful way to connect with a strengthens the community to just have part of our community that sometimes everybody kind of come together and is forgotten,” said Vann. take care of each other—taking care of Meals on Wheels is currently looking those who are homebound … and help- for more volunteers to fulfill orders. ing us realize that showing up is such a Each route typically takes 20 volunbig part.” teers, and they see a need to expand Community members 18 and older the number of routes they serve. can volunteer to pick up and deliver the For more information on how to volfood produced in Meals on Wheels’ com- unteer, visit mowtampa.org or contact mercial kitchen to eight or more hous- Yvette Rouse at y.rouse@mowtampa. es along a set route. Volunteers that com.

So many new classes, fundraisers, tea blending classes and events at Center Place. See the full calendar on Page 15.


By Libby Hopkins

we met for the first time a couple days before the event. We had three days before the tournament to pre-fish and then we had to be off the water completely on afterwards. I had only been to Port Aransas once a month or so before for another tournament, and Chris had never been there, so we had to go out and learn the water Brandon resident Ryan Rickard (right) recently won the Yamaha and pattern the fish Bassmaster Redfish Cup Championship presented by Skeeter in Port from scratch.” Aransas, Texas. Each day of the Brandon resident Ryan Rickard recently tournament, teams could bring in two won the Yamaha Bassmaster Redfish Cup redfish that were between 20 and 28 Championship presented by Skeeter in inches long. “We were looking for the November in Port Aransas, Texas. heaviest two fish we could catch each “I have loved fishing since my dad first day, with the goal of having the heaviintroduced me to it when I was 4 or 5 years old,” Rickard said. “I would fish any est total weight at the end of day three,” chance I could since then. Especially in my Rickard said. “We left the takeoff point at teen years, whether it was in a neighbor- 6:45 a.m. and had to be back for weigh-in hood pond around Providence Lakes or at 2:45 p.m. each day. The entire tournaSterling Ranch or at Courtney Campbell ment was broadcast live on bassmaster. com and Fox Sports Digital.” Causeway and around Tampa Bay.” Rickard and Zaldain were thrilled to Rickard had fished recreationally for come in first place at the Bassmaster years, and then a friend of his asked him Classic. “I have had fellow anglers tell me if he wanted to start fishing tournaments that when it’s your time to win one, evaround Tampa Bay. erything will just go right and it will be a “He asked me in 2008 and I’ve never special day,” Rickard said. “I couldn’t have stopped since,” Rickard said. “I have also asked to be paired with a better partner been a licensed charter captain since in Chris Zaldain. When it was official, I 2014.” was a bit overwhelmed with all the emoThe Bassmaster recently decided to tions and it took about a week for it to revive its Redfish Cup event from years finally sink in. We were presented with ago. It selected 10 teams to compete for a team Redfish Cup trophy that Chris let a prize of $50,000. Six of the teams were me bring home and we each received an a combo of an all-star bass angler and individual trophy, and, of course, the main a redfish pro angler, with the other four teams being redfish pro teams that quali- prize was a $50K check.” fied through the Elite Redfish Tournament Series and Power-Pole Pro Redfish Tour. “I was invited by Skeeter/Yamaha to compete and was paired with seven-time Bassmaster Classic qualifier Chris Zaldain,” Rickard said. “Chris lives in Fort Worth, Texas and also received an invite from Skeeter/Yamaha to compete, and

IN THIS ISSUE: SCORE SEEKS VOLUNTEERS PG 3 ALAFIA DRIVING ................................. PG 9 EYE ON BUSINESS ...................PGS 25-26 COMMUNITY ARTS.........................PGS 35

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition


Volume 16, Issue 12

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

WINNERS LACROSSE COMES TO THE CAREY FAMILY BRANDON BOYS & GIRLS CLUB By Tatiana Ortiz of Tampa Bay wanted to get involved. Tampa would be the first satellite program with this organization. NaTasha McKeller, club director at the Carey Family Brandon Boys & Girls Club, shared her thoughts on how she felt about the youth lacrosse program there. “Their dedication to keeping Some of the youth playing lacrosse at one of the clinics. Jordan’s story The Carey Family Brandon Boys & Girls alive in connection with the Boys & Girls Club teamed up with WINNERS Lacrosse Clubs of Tampa Bay has allowed the over the summer of this year as it intro- youth of the Carey Family Brandon Club duced the sport of lacrosse for youth to begin a journey that will change their boys and girls in grades fifth and sixth. lives forever,” McKeller said. WINNERS Lacrosse is a nonprofit orThe youth lacrosse program is coed and ganization located in Washington, D.C. meets twice a week from 4-6 p.m. at the that was founded in October 2000 to Carey Family Brandon Boys & Girls Club. provide boys and girls from underserved It does not cost to join. WINNERS Laneighborhoods the opportunity to learn crosse provides all of the programming, the game of lacrosse as well as the life equipment, curriculum and coaches. The skills associated with it. program is also located at the Jeff & PenIn November 2020, Lew Jolly and Car- ny Vinik Family Club in Tampa. ol Jolly approached WINNERS Lacrosse “Our overall goal of the program would to start a program in the Tampa area be to provide our club members with a in honor of their son, Jordan Jolly, who sense of belonging and much more,” Mcpassed away in 2019. Jordan’s life was Keller said. changed by lacrosse. His family wanted The UPS Road Code program is also to pass that gift on to other youth in the running, which teaches its teen club Tampa area. Matt Breslin, executive di- members about safe driving techniques. rector of WINNERS Lacrosse, said that For more information, visit www.bgctonce their organization shared its story, ampa.org or WINNERS Lacrosse at www. mission and goals, the Boys & Girls Club winnerslacrosse.org/#welcomewinners.

Page 3


By Kate Quesada

community.” Dorsey explained that some volunteers have worked as top executives at Fortune 500 companies, and some have been entrepreneurs and small business owners, while others have valuable experience in universities, the government or the military. SCORE Tampa-Hillsborough County held its annual awards banquet on Novem“Whatever your skills ber 4. Winners in the Over 50 Clients Served category were Stroud Curran, George and strengths, put them Boraiko, Kit Werremeyer and Bill Pecora. For 10+ Years of Service, Amar Dembla, George Boraiko, Kit Werremeyer, Ed DiSanto, Linda Phillips and Bill Wright were to work for SCORE,” he recognized. In the Mentor PLUS++ Contributors category, Charlene Williams, Kit said. “SCORE Volunteers Werremeyer, Stroud Curran, Ed DiSanto and Susan Nieland were honored. feel the joy and fulfillDo you have small business knowledge you ment that comes with would like to share with others? The Tam- helping small businesses achieve their goals. pa-Hillsborough County chapter of SCORE is You feel good knowing you’ve helped grow looking for volunteers to mentor and share the local economy and helped someone live business expertise with local entrepreneurs. their dreams.” SCORE, a 501(c)(3) organization, has been Volunteer opportunities include Mentor, mentoring new and existing businesses for where volunteers use industry-based knowlmore than 40 years and has a network of edge and expertise to help business owners more than 11,000 volunteers who donate who are looking for guidance; Subject Mattheir time to help others. ter Expert, where volunteers collaborate According to Kevin Dorsey, SCORE Tam- with experienced mentors to offer advice pa-Hillsborough County Co-Chairperson, in your specific area of expertise; Workshop SCORE is America’s premier small business Presenter, which educates through giving mentoring organization. The nonprofit asso- presentations on specific small business topciation offers free and confidential business ics; and Chapter Support, which assists with advice and helps entrepreneurs and small marketing, finance, scheduling and other key businesses achieve their dreams by building support tasks. strong, lifelong relationships through mento“With SCORE, you’ll get to meet and build ring, workshops and expert resources. relationships with business leaders in your “Tampa-Hillsborough County SCORE is community and across the country,” said looking for people with diverse backgrounds Dorsey. “Leverage these relationships to and experiences to serve in a variety of develop new skills, to help small businesses, roles,” said Dorsey. “With Tampa-Hillsbor- or to expand your personal and professional ough County SCORE, you’ll be part of an network.” extended team of retired and working volunEmail scorehill203@gmail.com or visit teers representing all facets of the business www.tampa.score.org/volunteer.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

December 2021







7 2109 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico, FL 33592 • (office) 657-2418 • (fax) 657-4469 MANAGING EDITOR

Marie Gilmore



Kate Quesada 657-2418





Kathy Collins

Kathi Hayes







Terry Vassalotti

Denise Graf




Jenny Bennett




Jennifer Hurst







Taylor Wells 657-2418



Kerrie Hoening


Melissa Hartmann







Melody Gershkoff

Cammie Yick





Page 5

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY OFFERS CONSUMERS TIPS ON HOW TO PREVENT SCAMS By Lily Belcher grammar. Manager of Consumer Protection Services Eric Olsen also mentioned that if a deal is too good to be true, it probably is. Some warning signs ahead of scams are pressuring sales tactics, big deals and discounts or flash sales that force consumers to make purchases without investigating the seller. Olsen also advised consumers to watch out for sellers who are offering lowstock items, since those are often items that the seller does not have available to sell. “You want to be careful when you are doing business with someone you haven’t done business with before,” said One of the best ways to avoid scams is to research the seller before Olsen. “If you can avoid purchasing from them. the problem, that is the While the holiday season is filled with best way to [prevent getting scammed].” joy and gift giving, many scammers Olsen warned donators about giving take advantage of the wave of online to charities over the holidays as well. purchases and rush to find the perfect There are many organizations, such as present. More so, online shopping con- the Better Business Bureau, that can tinues to grow, meaning more purchases provide information on credible and are being made, leaving more room for trustworthy charities for those who scammers to take advantage of consum- want to donate. ers. If someone does become the victim of Over the past few years, Hillsborough a scam, Hillsborough County will work County has been watching both the na- with the individual to investigate the tional and local numbers of scams rise. problem and solve the complaint. HillThe increasing number of scams around sborough County is able to work with the holidays prompted Hillsborough local law enforcement. County to advertise its tips and advice “Once the fraud happens, we can only for avoiding scams, both specific to hol- react to it, and proactive prevention idays and in general. type activities are always the best, so Hillsborough County encourages its we try to focus on that as much as we citizens to pay attention to who they can,” said Olsen. are making online purchases from. One For more information, visit hcflgov. way to avoid scams is to pay attention net/consumer or contact the Departto the legitimacy of the website, which ment of Consumer Protection Services can be indicated by the spelling and at 635-8316.


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Page 6

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

DIVERSITY ADVISORY COUNCIL UNITES REPRESENTATIVES FROM COMMUNITY By Brad Stager Hillsborough website, requireCounty has been atments to be contracting people from sidered for appointall over the world ment to the DAC ever since Spanish include residency explorer Juan Ponce and voter registrade León paid a visit tion in Hillsborough to the Tampa Bay County. An essay area in 1513. of 200-500 words The global appeal “highlighting what of the region has reyour goals would be sulted in one of the as a member of the most diverse popuDiversity Advisory lations in the UnitCouncil, and state ed States, and the why you are most Hillsborough County suited to carry Diversity Advisory The Hillsborough County Commission is seekforth those goals,” Council (DAC) was ing volunteers to serve on its Diversity Advisory is also required, as Council. created as a way are completed Quesof recognizing that and ensuring differ- tionnaire for Diversity Advisory Council ent perspectives are part of the county’s and Standards of Conduct forms, which governmental operations. are available on the county’s website. Members are appointed by the board of There are also many other opportunicounty commissioners (BOCC) and serve ties for residents to serve in an advisory two-year terms representing one of 11 or administrative capacity, with entities diverse communities the commission has ranging from the county’s Affordable identified as residing in the county. Housing Advisory Board to the Tourist Two representatives from each of the Development Council. Some panels are following groups are appointed: African created by the BOCC while others are reAmerican; Caribbean; Far East Asian; quired by Florida statute. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender; Luann Finley is the county’s director of Hispanic/Latino; Indian Asian; Middle board services and records, and she enEastern; Native American; Northern and courages residents to consider volunteerSouthern European; People with Disabil- ing their time and expertise when opporities; and At-Large—whereby identifica- tunities arise. tion with a specific category is not re“One of the most valuable resources of quired. any government is the citizen who gets The volunteer positions are unpaid. Va- involved and works to help solve probcancies occur as appointments expire or lems.” as may otherwise happen, such as when To learn more about the DAC and othmembers resign before the end of their er volunteer opportunities to serve on terms. a county board, council, commission or According to Hillsborough County’s committee, visit HCFLGov.net online.

Notice Under Fictitious Name Law Pursuant to Section 865.09, Florida Statutes

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Volume 16, Issue 12

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

December 2021

Page 7


Hillsborough County has approved a list of projects to benefit infrastructure, affordable housing, fire rescue and food-insecure households to be funded by the American Rescue Plan Act - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (‘ARPA Funds’). The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, which approved the county’s general ARPA Funds investment plan, called the Hillsborough County ARP Investment Plan (the ‘Investment Plan’) on September 1, approved funding for six Investment Plan projects during its regular board meeting on November 3. The approved projects appropriate more than $103 million received from the federal program and targets long-term investments to promote community health and stability. A large portion of the funds will be allocated to essential infrastructure programs such as septic-to-sewer conversions, which protect groundwater in parts of the county that were developed before the county had wastewater services, and stormwater drainage programs. Other funding allocations will help the county address social issues such as food insecurity and homelessness, including the purchase of a 36-unit apartment building in the University Area to provide affordable housing opportunities for residents emerging from homelessness. Funding also has been allocated for Hillsborough County Fire Rescue to implement a new station alerting system to

replace outdated alerting and dispatching technology in the county’s 44 fire stations. The county projects must fit guidelines established by the federal government but will also address the County’s unique community needs and economic ecosystem characteristics and reflect the board of county commissioners’ collective values in addressing residents’ needs. The recently approved projects fall under four of the five categories set out in the Investment Plan: Water, Sewer and Broadband Infrastructure, which will provide necessary investments in projects that improve access to clean drinking water and improve wastewater and stormwater infrastructure systems; Public Health Response, which provides resources to meet and address the emergent public health needs; Negative Economic Impacts, which assists households or populations affected by the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency; and Revenue Replacement-Funded Government Services, which provides government services to the extent of the reduction in revenue experienced due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The county will continue to review and approve projects over the next three years until the entire $285 million that was received through the ARPA Funds is fully allocated, which must be done by December 2024. For more information, visit www.hillsboroughcounty.org.

traffic backups and safety warnings, such as alerting a driver to the presence of pedestrians, a hard braking situation or the need to decelerate when traveling into a congested area. The ability to receive warnings of potential danger on When the driver of a connected vehicle enters the downtown end of the Reversible Express Lanes in the wrong direction, the driver receives an alert. the road is a feature that Sue Chrzan, (Provided by THEA.) More drivers who use the Lee Roy SelmTHEA’s director of on Expressway are now eligible to partic- public affairs and communications, said ipate in the Tampa Hillsborough Express- has helped improve safety, especially with way Authority (THEA) Connected Vehicle instances of wrong-way driving on the (CV) Pilot research project. Selmon Expressway. The transportation project uses technol“We know that 14 vehicles received ogy to improve traffic safety and move- warnings that they were about to enter ment in downtown Tampa and associated the wrong way on the Selmon Expressroads such as the Selmon Expressway. way. This information can save lives,” said Privately owned and public transit ve- Chrzan. hicles are equipped with communication Chrzan added that the safety enhancetechnology that allows them to exchange ments provided by the connected vehicle information with each other and traffic in- technology also improved the overall drivfrastructure such as signal devices to pre- ing experience for some drivers. vent crashes and improve traffic flow. “In our first phase of the pilot, particiThe project is expanding to include more pants felt safer and less stressed knowing models of cars manufactured by Honda, that their vehicles could provide alerts to Toyota and Hyundai. Project coordinators danger,” she said. are seeking volunteers who commute on The THEA Connected Vehicle Pilot bethe Selmon Expressway. Participants can gan in 2015 and is funded with $21 million receive compensation of up to $550 in from the U.S. Department of TransportaSelmon Expressway toll rebates. Appli- tion. This current phase of the THEA CV cants must fill out an online questionnaire Pilot research project will last through to determine eligibility to participate in the summer of 2022. There are more than the testing of connected vehicle technol- 1,000 private and public vehicles particiogy. pating. More information about the projVehicles equipped with THEA CV Pilot ect and connected vehicle technology can technology will receive information about be found by visiting theacvpilot.com.


Expiration 01/01/2022

Expiration 01/01/2022

Expiration 01/01/2022

Page 8

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12


“We are here for your financial and insurance needs or questions during these uncertain times.”

Staff Report

The Tampa the generosity Metropolitan of POOLCORP, Area YMCA is we will now be teaming up with able to reach SCP Distributors even deeper Inc., Superior into our comPool Products munity and and parent comserve kids who pany POOLCORP otherwise may to provide scholnot have expoarships for water Representatives from SCP Distributors, Superior Pool Prod- sure to these safety lessons to ucts and parent company POOLCORP present the Tampa vital life-savarea children. Do- Metropolitan Area YMCA with funding for 100 lifeguard ing programs,” training scholarships and Safety Around Water lessons for nated funds will said Matt 1,400 students. From left to right: Tampa Metropolitan Area provide 100 life- YMCA CEO Matt Mitchell; Taylor Anderson, Lisa Pace, Bill Mitchell, presguard training Gifford and Curtis Litteral of SCP Distributors; and Bobby ident and CEO scholarships and of the Tampa Mull of Superior Pool Products. Safety Around Metropolitan Water (SAW) lessons Area YMCA. for more than 1,400 The Tampa Metrochildren who might not politan Area YMCA is a otherwise be able to afcause-driven, four-star ford to participate. charity that has been The Safety Around Water Program con- strengthening Hillsborough and East Pasco sists of a course of eight 40-minute sessions communities for 132 years through youth where students learn important skills in and development, healthy living and social rearound water, including survival skills like sponsibility. pushing off from the bottom of the pool to Across the association, 18 facilities engage resurface, safety skills like water rescue 223,000-plus men, women and children— techniques and identifying a safe place to regardless of age, income or background— swim and basic swimming skills like floating, to nurture the potential of children and teens blowing bubbles and beginner swim strokes. as well as improve our community’s health The lifeguard training scholarships pro- and well-being. vide employment opportunities and support POOLCORP is the world’s largest wholeneeded for community pools to be able to be sale distributor of swimming pool and reopen and operate safely. Both classes will lated outdoor living products. POOLCORP be available at 12 Tampa Metropolitan Area operates 409 sales centers in North AmerYMCAs. ica, Europe and Australia, through which “The prevention of childhood drown- it distributes more than 200,000 national ing remains a top priority for our YMCAs brand and private label products to roughthroughout Tampa Bay. We know water ly 120,000 wholesale customers. For more safety programs can save lives, and through information, please visit www.poolcorp.com.




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December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition


By Libby Hopkins

tive health care, front-door pharmacy delivery and more. As a locally owned and operated pharmacy, it devotes much of its time and effort to preventative and curative health care to ensure the wellness of the community. The goal is to provide easy access to therapy that places a high value on personal wellness and disease prevention. No-cost, at-home COVID-19 monoclonal antibody treatment is “Once again, DeliveRxd now available through the Florida Department of Health and Pharmacy has stepped up to DeliveRxd. offer our region a service that No-cost, at-home COVID-19 monoclonal is not offered in most other antibody treatment is now available through places around the nation and world,” said Dr. the Florida Department of Health and Deliv- Douglas Holt, director of the Florida DeparteRxd. ment of Health in Hillsborough County. “In Those who would like this option do not addition to being a convenient option, this have to be homebound or bedridden. Ad- also helps reduce access issues.” ditionally, DeliveRxd Pharmacy continues Monoclonal antibodies are like the antito offer the COVID-19 vaccine to those in bodies your body makes to fight viruses and Hillsborough and Pinellas. There is no out- other bugs, but they are made in the labs of of-pocket cost for those who choose the pharmaceutical companies. services. They’re designed to target the coronavi“We are excited to add this as an option rus spike protein. When the antibodies bind for those in the region,” said William Parker, to the spike protein, they block the virus president and founder of DeliveRxd Phar- from entering your body’s cells. If the virus macy. “We aim to improve the health and can’t enter cells, it can’t make copies of itself wellness of every patient that we serve. We and continue spreading within the body. aspire to deliver the highest quality and If a person is already sick, monoclonal anmost comprehensive pharmacy health care tibodies prevent them from having severe services. Our commitment to integrity and symptoms that require hospitalization. If improving the health and wellness of our pa- someone has been exposed, monoclonal antients will forever guide us.” tibodies can fend off the virus to prevent him DeliveRxd offers convenient, zero-cost or her from becoming sicka in the first place. prescription delivery throughout the Tampa To schedule an at-home COVID-19 monoBay Metro area. At DeliveRxd Pharmacy, it clonal antibody treatment or vaccination, specializes in services including preventa- call 932-6266.

Page 9


By Taylor Wells

“I like to think that we set the standard for driving schools. New, high-end, maintained cars. Internal and external dash cams, GPS tracks of where we went, after-lessons reports to the parents after every trip. Back when we started, none of the other schools did any of that. I’m not sure what the other schools cost these days, but I know we cost. I like to think that the parents get their money’s worth when they book with us,” said Founder and Owner Cole Brandon Anderson, a driving instructor with Alafia Driving Dolmseth. “Communication is key; Academy, standing next to his white 2019 Kia Sportage. we are on time. If we are running For those who are late, we’ll let you seeking professional know. If you call driving instructors that us and we can’t can come to you, they’d have a hard time get to the phone, we will call you back. If you finding ones better than Alafia Driving Acad- have questions, I’ll answer them the best I emy. The local company has been around can—or find out for you.” since 2013 and provides services from Sun Lessons come in several packages and City Center up to Mango, covering Ruskin, can be personalized to what you need. The Apollo Beach, Riverview, FishHawk, Valrico, academy recommends a 10-hour package, Brandon, Western Plant City, Dover and Sef- but you can also get more lessons, including fner. its 20-hour package. Plus, it has lessons for Telling from personal experience, the in- manual transmission/stick driving, a 3-in-3 structors are top-notch. Even on the first driver course for the three-crashes-in-threelesson while driving in the rain, the instruc- years law and extra lessons even after gettor had no issue providing instruction. They’ll ting your license. calmly communicate what you should be doAlafia Driving Academy offers free picking, let you know what you’re doing well, ex- up at homes in its service area, and you can plain how to improve and cover all the bases meet up with instructors if you live outside so that you have a solid grasp on safe driving their service area. It is also looking for new in no time. instructors; if you want to teach driving and Things that the instructors will do include want a fairly flexible job, be sure to contact starting by practicing the basics in a neigh- the academy. borhood and later driving on back roads and To schedule a lesson,, visit www.alafiadrivhighways, going for longer distances in traf- ingacademy.com or www.linkedin.com/comfic, changing lanes, doing U-turns, parking to pany/alafia-driving-academy, email info@ the left and right and much more. Plus, they alafiadrivingacademy.com, check out its can prepare you for the DMV driving test Facebook page @AlafiaDrivingAcademy or and help you pass it easily. call 438-9712.

Page 10

Brandon/Winthrop Edition



By Libby Hopkins

Staff Report

A new Chickher new role as fil-A® restaurant the operator of is open for busiChick-fil-A Plant ness in Plant City City. Alongside with local resident her family, who Dawn Redmon as will help support the independent restaurant operfranchised owner/ ations, Redmon operator. is excited to call Redmon will Plant City her new be responsible home and make a for all day-to-day lasting impact in activities of the the community. business, includ“ Th ro u g h o u t ing employing my life, mentoring approximately youth has always 160 full and partbeen my passion,” time team mem- Chick-fil-A Plant City opened on December 2 at 1101 said Redmon. Goldfinch Dr., off of Thonotosassa Rd. bers, cultivating “With the opening relationships with local organizations and of Chick-fil-A Plant City, I look forward neighboring businesses and serving guests. to developing and encouraging my team Chick-fil-A Plant City is located at 1101 members. As a local business owner, I am Goldfinch Dr., off of Thonotosassa Rd., and humbled by the opportunity to show care will be open from 6:30 a.m.-10 p.m., Mon- for our neighbors and serve our guests day through Saturday. great-tasting food with Chick-fil-A’s signaA Florida native, Redmon grew up in ture hospitality.” Mulberry, just down the road from her new In place of the traditional Chick-fil-A First restaurant in Plant City. After graduating 100® grand opening celebration, Chick-fil-A from Nova Southeastern College, she began Plant City surprised 100 local heroes makteaching middle school while supporting a ing an impact in Hillsborough County with local Chick-fil-A restaurant with its mar- free Chick-fil-A for a year. Additionally, in keting efforts. Inspired by the restaurant’s honor of the new restaurant opening, Chickwelcoming atmosphere, Redmon started fil-A donated $25,000 to Feeding America. working nights as a part-time team mem- The funds will be distributed to partners ber and eventually left teaching to pursue a within the Greater Tampa area to aid in the career with Chick-fil-A. She quickly rose to fight against hunger. leadership positions within the restaurant For more information about Chick-fil-A, and was selected to become the operator visit www.chick-fil-a.com. For the latest of Chick-fil-A Westfield Brandon in 2016. news and updates on Chick-fil-A Plant City, After serving the Brandon community for visit the Chick-fil-A Plant City on its Facefive years, she is thrilled to transition into book page @ ChickfilAPlantCity.

Volume 16, Issue 12

Former Senator Ronda Storms recently held an event in Valrico to benefit Queena Nguyen, who was brutally attacked at the Bloomingdale Library in 2008.

Queena Nguyen, who was brutally attacked at the Bloomingdale Library in 2008, is considered to be a champion in the Brandon community, and recently residents came together yet again to help support her. “I remember, in 2011, Queena was set to lose the majority of her benefits on her 21st birthday when she aged out of child Medicaid services,” said Queena’s mother, Vanna Nguyen. “Former Senator Ronda Storms worked tirelessly on behalf of Queena, writing countless letters and having meetings with state agencies. Thank God for the help of Senator Rhonda Storms, Queena could be enrolled in the Aged and Disabled Adult Medicaid Waiver Program. So, she has been my hero and role model since then.” Storms recently held a fundraiser for Queena and her family at Gather & Seek Vintique in Valrico. “When Queena’s book first came out, I was hesitant to read it,” Storms said. “When I finally did, I was so inspired by the book, it

was on my heart to do something, yet again for Vanna and Queena.” Storms’ son, Gideon, also was curious about Queena’s book, The Life She Once Knew, as well. “When I told him what it was about and he read, he said we should do something for Queena,” Storms said. “I knew then that we needed to do something since the book inspired my son and I.” Storms contacted Gather & Seek Vintique’s Alicia Bingham, who agreed to host the book signing fundraiser for Queena and Vanna. “The host committee for this event approached several artists in the community, who donated art for the event,” Vanna said. “This was a wonderful event and the event raised $3,195, which has been a blessing for Queena. We are so thankful for Rhonda and everyone who came together for this event.” Vanna truly believes these community events help Queena in more ways than just financially. “The community comes together to help lift our spirit and continues to support Queena towards her recovery,” Vanna said. “I feel how much the Lord loves Queena and sees our family through the community. We feel strongly that it was God’s intention to encourage us and support our family through the love of our community.” To learn more about Queena’s book or to purchase a copy of it, visit Queena’s website at www.joinqueena.com.

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition


By Kate Quesada

Jennifer and Sherwin Williams, Tony Friedin addition to richsen celeworking hard to brated a special make a name for kind of anniT&J Painting in versary on Dethe community. cember 1. The “We are honcouple moved ored to serve to Florida a the SouthShore year ago with and Hillsborough their business, T&J Painting recently celebrated a year in the SouthShore County area of T&J Painting, Tampa Bay,” said community. a full-service Tony. “We absopainting company, and lutely love our community on November 30, they and enjoy having the privthanked the community ilege to do our small part for supporting them with to keep it beautiful, fresh an anniversary celebraand vibrant. We have met tion at Summerfield Golf so many wonderful people, Club in Riverview. whether that be customers, “My wife and I started vendors or business commuthis company as a means nity partners.” to better provide for our The couple also gives back four young children,” said to the community. Jennifer Tony. “We mean it when we say that every is a member of the Sumner High School job truly does matter.” Booster Club, the Riverview Woman’s T&J Painting is licensed and insured, of- Club, an ambassador to the Greater Riverfering commercial and residential painting view Chamber of Commerce and a memalong with deck and fence staining, wood ber of the Valrico FishHawk Chamber of rot replacement and extensive repair ser- Commerce. vices. “We also strive to give back to our com“T&J Painting strives to be an industry munity as much as we can,” said Tony. leader in providing a high level of quality Tony encourages residents to check out and customer service,” said Tony. “We un- the company’s Facebook page and website derstand that you have options in which for examples of current and past projects. company you choose to paint your home, “We put full effort in making sure that but we feel very confident that we will be all our clients are completely satisfied,” the most qualified and professional paint said Tony. “We have built a very strong company that you have potential to deal reputation with our customers and in the with.” painting industry.” Jennifer and Tony are proud to particVisit www.tandjpaintingfl.com or call ipate in every project the company takes 723-9124. Tony can be reached at tony@ on, using high-end brands exclusively from tandjpaintingfl.com.

813-689-8131 3159 E. State Road 60 - Valrico

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Staff Report

Residents can now sign up to receive texts from Hillsborough County about permit inspections.

Hillsborough C o u n ty ’s Development Services has launched its first-ever text messaging service for inspections for permit holders. The new service allows holders of permits issued through the County’s HillsGovHub online permitting system to send a text message to receive an inspection’s result, as well as schedule, reschedule or cancel existing scheduled inspections. The feature adds a new level of convenience for contractors and homeowners by allowing them to bypass the traditional HillsGovHub portal to access inspections. For professionals in the field who often request multiple inspections a day, this will lead to significant time saved. To access the new feature, users will need the permit number and the applica-

ble inspection code. To use the new text service, users can simply text SCHEDULE, RESCHEDULE, CANCEL, or RESULTS to 844529-6141. Users will then need to follow the interactive prompts for entering the permit number, inspection code and other details. Since launching HillsGovHub in January 2021, Development Services has continued to seek enhancements that will better meet the needs of clients and increase the efficiency of the permitting process. Step-bystep instructions for inspection scheduling, HillsGovHub training, FAQs and additional resources are available through the HillsGovHub section of the county’s website. For further assistance with inspection requests, call 641-6970.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition


Volume 16, Issue 12


his left leg in February Rory Weiner with 2019. the law office of He was also awarded Rory Weiner, Mithe Purple Heart for inchael Couture with juries sustained during Couture Painting, combat. Brian Hodgers Freedom Alliance with Complete President Tom KilganChoice Insurance, non presented the cusJoel Meek with tomized chairs to Flores Meek Insurance and U.S. Army CorpoGroup, Todd Marral James Donaldson, tin with Guarana Zephyrhills resident teed Rate, Patrick and Purple Heart recipiLatimer with UnitThe Brenda Wade Real Estate Team raised $37,600 to be split between A Kid’s ent. ed Mutual Fund“Each of these he- Place and Bell Shoals Real Hope Food Pantry at its ninth Partners in Giving event. ing, Jon Howard roes have made incredible The holiday season is a little easier with The Home Photo courtesy of Photos FLA sacrifices for our country for two local charities thanks to The Loan Expert, Bart Rice with The Rice Freedom Alliance President Tom Kilgannon presents an all-terrain and their sacrifice must Brenda Wade Real Estate Team. For the Financial Group, Jeff Grove with Valley wheelchair to U.S. Army Corporal Jonathan Flores on November 19 never be forgotten,” said ninth year in a row, the team hosted a Bank, Cole Dickerson with Ribbon, Jay at Veterans Memorial Park in Tampa. Kilgannon. “We hope Partners in Giving event, which this year Grechika with CertaPro Painters, SteA local hero received recognition and these chairs help allevi- raised $37,600 to be split between A ven Gonzalez with Gonzalez Roofing, more from a military support organiza- ate the pain from their wounds and pro- Kid’s Place and Bell Shoals Real Hope Sue Luther and Rebecca Gullick with All tion last month. vide comfort as our troops use them to Food Pantry. American Title, Aaron Davis with HillsPlant City resident U.S. Army Corporal access Florida’s beautiful beaches and Brenda Wade, who started the event borough Title Company, Cheryl Leiman Jonathan Flores was one of two wounded join in other recreational activities that as a way to bring people who want to with Executive Title Company, Mike local veterans who each received a cus- would not be possible without the assis- help the community together, donated Yeager with A Buyer’s Choice Home tomized all-terrain wheelchair from Free- tance of a chair like this,” he concluded. to the same charities nine years ago at Inspections, Matt McArty with Omni dom Alliance during a double donation Freedom Alliance is a charitable orga- the first Partners in Giving. Home Inspections, Lisa Schalk with Tofpresentation on November 19 at the Iraq nization providing support to wounded “We work where we live and we want fee to Go, Matt Willums with Willums Memorial at Veterans Memorial Park in troops and military families in a variety to give where we live,” said Wade, who Home Services and Marie Gilmore with Tampa. of ways. The group has awarded more has been selling real estate in Eastern the Osprey Observer. Following the 9/11 attacks, Flores was than $20 million in college scholarships Hillsborough County for 21 years. “We win awards every year for being inspired to serve his country and enlisted to the children of heroes killed or disabled At the event, which was held at Xscape the number one team in Hillsborough in the U.S. Army in 2005. On July 4, 2007, in military service and spent millions Theatre in Riverview so that attendees County and have been recognized for while conducting combat patrols, his ve- more helping injured veterans and their could spread out, the community mem- many years as one of the top teams in hicle was hit with a pressure plate IED families with recreational therapy, He- bers invited by Wade gave a donation the U.S. by The Wall Street Journal,” and small arms fire. He was transported roes Retreats, care packages for deployed and then had the opportunity to give a said Wade, “but our favorite reward is a via medevac helicopter and transferred troops, mortgage-free homes, all-ter- 15 to 20-minute presentation. This was happy customer, and we focus all of our to Walter Reed National Military Med- rain wheelchairs and much more. the first year the event was held any- attention on our customer and helping ical Center, where he medically retired Learn more about Freedom Alliance where other than Wade’s Valrico office. them accomplish their goals.” in September 2008. The wounds he sus- at freedomalliance.org or facebook.com/ According to Wade, the minimum doTo learn more about The Brenda Wade tained in 2007 led to the amputation of FreedomAlliance. nation from partners was $400 and the Team, visit www.brendawade.com or highest was $10,000. Donors included call 655-5333.

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12


County’s efforts to resurfacing projects fix roads needing include Melinda, potholes filled and Glenshire, Spottsa fresh coat of aswood and Dixon Drs., phalt are getting a as well as Stanford boost as local offiand Sumner Rds., cials prepare to Lovers Ln. and Enspend about $40 trance Way. million on road Hinson and Ranch improvements. Rds. as well as HardThe county is More traffic barricades will be seen as Hillsborough er Oaks Ave. in Valusing $35 million County prepares to spend about $40 million on road rico will receive road in American Res- resurfacing and repair projects, including several in surface upgrades. cue Plan Act fedIn Bloomingdale, Southern Hillsborough County. eral dollars as well Bell Grande, Hickoas an additional $5 million ry Creek, Shady Leaf, Emerald the board of county comCreek and Holleman Drs. as well missioners (BOCC) approved as Coppertree Cir. will have reto fund the roadwork. The surfacing performed. ARPA funding was approved In the Balm/Wimauma area, in March and includes monLong Rifle Dr., River Estates Dr. ey to support transportation and Bledsoe Loop’s road surfaces needs. will be improved. Overall, eight major roadIn Ruskin, Sweeney Dr. and way corridors will be re33rd St. will see resurfacing imsurfaced, as will 89 neighborhood roads. provements, as will Eagle Palm Dr. and ValRepairs will be made to an additional 32 erie Ln. in Riverview and Old Big Bend Rd. roads. The resurfacing and repair work will in Gibsonton. improve about 285 miles of what transporThere will also be localized repair work tation officials refer to as ‘lane miles’ of Hill- performed on Bentwood, Faxton, New Bedsborough County roads. ford and Seton Hall Drs., as well as MeadTwo of the eight major resurfacing proj- owlark Ln. in the Sun City Center area and ects affect roads in Central and Southern a section of Old Mulrennan Rd. in Valrico. Hillsborough County. In Brandon, Oakfield During the BOCC’s discussion about the Dr. will be resurfaced from S. Lakewood Dr. road work during its November 17 meeting, to S. Parsons Ave. In Gibsonton, Riverview Commissioner Ken Hagan highlighted how Dr. from S. U.S. Hwy. 41 to Alafia Dr. in Gib- some projects to fix long-standing road sonton will also be resurfaced. problems will finally get some attention. Brandon area roads that are being re“Some have been on our unfunded list for surfaced include Orangewalk, Elk Spring, over a decade and now we do have a fundWindhorst Ridge and Branda Vista Drs., as ing source that will address our needs,” he well as Robin Hill Cir. and Lakehurst Way. said.

Block Party. The block party featured live music, and food and drinks were offered at the participating businesses. Plant City Main Street used its ‘Topics on Tap’ events to recruit and educate existing and potential business owners about Photograph courtesy of Rob Yoho. Plant City Main Street was desig- opportunities in downtown, including grant pronated the November 2021 Florida Main Street of the Month. grams available through Last month, Secretary of State Laurel M. the City of Plant City. Matt Morrow, owner Lee announced that Plant City Main Street of The Tipsy Bookworm, summed up the was designated the November 2021 Florida impact of these efforts: “After I attended Main Street Program of the Month. ‘Topics on Tap’ and Plant City Main Street “Plant City Main Street’s revitalization ef- walked me through the city grants, it beforts are inspiring,” said Lee. “By supporting came clear that The Tipsy Bookworm betheir local businesses through community longs in downtown Plant City.” partnerships, special events, education and Florida Main Street is a program adminispromotion opportunities, Plant City Main tered by the Division of Historical ResourcStreet is helping to create a vibrant down- es under the Florida Department of State, town district for residents and visitors to which currently oversees 54 communities enjoy.” throughout the state. By implementing the Plant City Main Street was designated National Main Street Center’s Four-Point in 1985 as one of five pilot communities Approach, Florida Main Street encourages of the Florida Main Street program. Since economic development within the context its reorganization in 2018, Plant City Main of historic preservation through the revitalStreet has been effective in bringing people, ization of Florida’s downtowns—the combusinesses and jobs back to the downtown munity’s heart and soul. area. Since its reorganization, Plant City Plant City Main Street has seen a recent Main Street has reported approximately resurgence of business openings within its $1,044,782 in public and private reinvestdistrict. Referred to locally as the ‘Evers ments and welcomed 22 net new businessStreet Wave,’ the business recruitment es and 91 net new full-time and part-time efforts were spearheaded by Plant City jobs to the district. The organization has Main Street with support from community also reported 3,825 volunteer hours. partners. In May 2021, these revitalization Visit plantcitymainstreet.org or facebook. efforts and new businesses were highlight- com/PCMainStreet. Visit floridamainstreet. ed to the community with the Evers Street com or facebook.com/FloridaMainStreet.

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

December 2021

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Many new classes are coming to Center Place Fine Arts & Civic Association in the New Year. They include a tea blending pop-up class, Drag Queen Bingo and new tweens and teens art classes.

The New Year is bringing many new things to Center Place Fine Arts & Civic Association. “We are having new pop-up tea blending class with Regalitea called our Mad Hatter’s Tea Blending Class,” said the center’s executive director, Libby Hopkins. “This will be a super fun event and we ask that all of our guests wear big hats and go over the top with their outfits. Let Alice in Wonderland be your inspiration for your hat and outfit for the evening.” The Mad Hatter’s Tea Blending class will take place on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at Center Place Fine Arts & Civic Association from 6-9 p.m. The class costs $40 and includes tea blending supplies, food and wine. “This class is limited to 50 guests, so you will need to purchase your tickets as soon as possible because you

don’t want to miss all the fun.” Since Center Place’s recent Drag Queen Bingo was a huge, sellout event for the center, they have decided to bring this fun event back to Center Place in February. “Freya Rose Young will be back, calling bingo again at Center Place,” Hopkins said. “Freya’s bingo helped Center Place raise $7K at our last bingo. All of our guests have been calling and emailing us asking when we are having our next Drag Queen Bingo, so Freya and I have picked February 10 for our next bingo. This one will be Valentine’s Day-

themed too since the date is so close to Valentine’s Day.” This event will sell out, so get your tickets soon. Tickets are $40 and include bingo cards, wine and food. There will also be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and raffle prices. “All the funds raised will go to our art and theater programs for children and adults,” Hopkins said. Speaking of children’s art programs, Center Place will be adding more children, tween and teen art

classes in the coming year with Center Place’s art teachers, Justin White and Alejandro Algarin. “Justin will be adding some more tweens and teen abstract art classes in the New Year,” Hopkins said. “He already teaches adult abstract art, so he wanted to offer these classes to younger students.” Algarin’s Street Art was a fall pilot art program that did very well, so Center Place has decided to make it one of its regular art classes for children and tweens. “Alejandro’s class did very well this past fall, so we are excited to continue to offer his class for the spring.” For more information about Center Place’s upcoming pop-up classes and all its art classes, you can visit its new website at www.centerplacebrandon.com or call Center Place at 685-8888.

(Take Out Only)

Clean, Protect & Beautify The Outside Of Your Home $109

$109 $109



$109 $109

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition



By Kate Quesada

Pratt explained that the playground is only one part of the recent improvements Hillsborough County Parks & Recreation has made to the park and recreation center. “The project also included additional amenities at the two dog parks, including shade shelters with decorative benches, a dog wash station, upgraded dog agility equipment and renovated restrooms with ADA-accessible side-

Staff Report

lective efforts of the Fleet Management employees who provide an invaluable public service of keeping county services for more than 1.4 million residents moving. Hillsborough County Fleet Management oversees more than 3,300 vehicles and equipment items valued at about $145 million for more than 30 county departments, along with other agencies and constitutional ofHillsborough County Fleet Management has been named fices. Vehicles range from genthe top government fleet in the country and Robert Stine has eral-purpose on-the-road vehicles been named the top fleet management director. to special-purpose construction vehicles, boats, trailers, buses, fire Hillsborough County Fleet Management has been named the top government fleet apparatus and more. Fleet Management is in the country and Robert Stine has been responsible for the vehicles’ maintenance named the top fleet management director. and replacement as well as managing fuel The honors were announced on Novem- consumption and delivery and setting poliber 16 at the Government Fleet Expo and cies for vehicle use. Among the department practices that Conference in Orlando. Fleets were judged on leadership with staff, customers and led to the award are fleet maintenance within the community; efficiency; over- programs that extended the life of vehicles; coming challenges; and having a vision and supporting energy conservation efforts; direction for the operation. Hillsborough professional staff and technicians with County was named the No. 1 large fleet in advanced certifications; the creation of the country for governments with 1,000 an emergency management plan that proor more assets and received the overall top vides for loss of refueling capabilities and honor for all government fleets regardless alternate shop facilities; an inventory management program that saves money and of size. Stine was named the 2021 Public Sec- time; continuous staff training; and an emtor Fleet Manager of the Year. Judges re- phasis on customer input. The department viewed each candidate in 10 categories: continued to provide outstanding customer business plan, technology implementation, service during the pandemic while ensurproductivity, policies, preventive mainte- ing employee safety by using a hybrid work nance program, utilization management, model of on-site, selective teleworking opreplacement program, customer service, erations and modifying vehicles as needed with items such as air purification systems fuel management and safety. The awards are a recognition of the col- or Plexiglas barriers.

Page 17

Mango Park & Recreation Center celebrated the grand opening of a new 8,000 sq. ft. playground for children of all abilities in October.

Children of all ages have a new place to play this month. Mango Park & Recreation Center celebrated the grand opening of a new 8,000 sq. ft. playground for children of all abilities in October and it has been a hit with locals from throughout the area ever since. According to Hillsborough County’s Todd Pratt, the playground includes numerous play units designed to encourage children to stay active and have fun, including intergenerational swings that allow adults and children to swing together facing each other. In addition to traditional elements such as swings and slides, the playground includes rope and rock climbing structures, musical elements and synthetic turf. The park and recreation center is located at 11717 Clay Pit Rd. in Seffner and includes two basketball courts, two softball fields with lights in addition to the playground equipment and a dog park.

• Class times: Mon-Fri 8:30am - 12:15pm • Accelerated Pre-K Curriculum with Math, Science,Spanish, Music, Sign Language & More • Preparation for National Kindergarten Standards • Must be 4 years old by September 1, 2021 • Must be Florida resident

walks,” he said. “The basketball courts and rental shelters were improved, and the recreation center now has a renovated patio area, upgraded catering kitchen for community rentals and more storage.” The recreation center also offers rooms to rent and hosts after-school and summer camp programs for youth. For more information, visit www.hillsboroughcounty.org/en/locations/mango-recreation-center.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12

GET OUTSIDE AND TAKE A HIKE WINTER VILLAGE AND ICE SPREE SKATING RETURN TO DOWNTOWN DURING HILLSBOROUGH HIKING By Kathy L. Collins TAMPA FOR THE HOLIDAYS The sixth annual preserves with multiple By Kathy L. Collins This year’s Winthat makes ter Village and a 10-minute outdoor ice skating loops around rink will be bigger the park during and better than the light show. ever. It is a great You must holiday activity for purchase and the whole family. reserve tickets The Winter Village for ice skatis located in Curtis ing in advance. Hixon Waterfront Area residents can get into the holiday spirit with a visit Tickets are Park at 600 N. to Tampa’s Winter Village, located in Curtis Hixon Wa- $17 and include Ashley Dr. in down- terfront Park in downtown Tampa. You can enjoy lights, skate rentals. Santa sightings, ice skating, shopping and more. town Tampa. The The Winter Winter Village is open through January Village is open seven days a week, with 2, 2022. the exception of Thanksgiving. It is also New to the holiday celebrations this subject to weather conditions. year is the Tampa Bay Lighting-themed “We are always looking for ways to 360-degree holiday light show with il- enhance the Winter Village experience, luminated trees synchronized to music. and this will be our most memorable Also new are the festivities that are ex- year yet,” said Shaun Drinkard, senior panding at Lykes Gaslight Square Park, director of public programming and opwith Sweet Street at The Square featur- erations at the Tampa Downtown Parting Sweet Mama’s Ice Cream shop along nership. “We are excited to partner with with beautiful lighting, local shops and the Tampa Bay Lightning this year. You activities every Sunday. will see a lot of new holiday decorations Back this year is the popular Win- in honor of our back-to-back Stanley ter Village Express. The family-friendly Cup Champions,” added Drinkard. excursion takes you from Downtown’s “We are growing the celebrations Whiting Station to Ybor and back on the throughout downtown Tampa and creTECO Line Streetcar. The one-hour trip ating a destination that everyone can features a holiday sing-along, holiday enjoy for the entire holiday season,” trivia, milk and cookies and added sur- said Lynda Remund, president and CEO prises along the way. The Winter Village of the Tampa Downtown Partnership. Express only runs on Sunday evenings. “We are also happy to support our small In addition to the 5,000-square-foot businesses, who can help you find the ice skating rink, the Winter Village fea- perfect gift for everyone on your list,” tures random Santa sightings, the Curtis added Remund. Hixon Choo Choo and shopping and beverFor information on hours and to reage options. The Curtis Hixon Choo Choo serve tickets for ice skating, please visit is a 12-seat, three-car, trackless train www.wintervillagetampa.com.

Hillsborough County habitats like Edward Hiking Spree began Medard Conservation on November 1. This Park in Plant City. means it is time for all Most neighborhood residents to get out parks have ADA-accesand discover all of the sible trails. In addition, natural beauty that nearly all trails are Hillsborough County pet-friendly, and partichas to offer. ipants are encouraged Last year, my daughto bring their leashed ter, Katie, and I regispets. tered for and completKatie and I checked ed the Hiking Spree. It out many trails that was a really fun expewe enjoyed. The very rience. We have regfirst one we hiked was istered again for this Blackwater Creek Nayear’s Hiking Spree. ture Preserve in Plant More than 7,500 City. It is over four residents and pets regmiles in length and ratistered for last year’s ed a primitive trail of a Hiking Spree. If you strenuous nature. One complete it, you get to of our favorite hikes earn a prize, including was the Old Agrico Hika medallion, patch or ing Trail at Alafia State pet bandana. To earn Park in Lithia. This one The annual Hiking Spree is a fabulous a prize, you only need is rated easy but is also opportunity for residents to get out and to hike eight of the a primitive trail. enjoy the great outdoors. Hillsborough designated 26 trails County offers so much nature, including This year’s list inanytime between cludes three state the diverse and beautiful Blackwater now and Thursday, parks and, for the first Creek Nature Preserve in Plant City. March 31, 2022. You can also select one time, the preserve at the Manatee Viewtrail that is not on the list. ing Center in Apollo Beach. The trails are designed to offer someThe Hiking Spree is timed to take adthing for everyone, from hiking rookies vantage of the cooler, drier weather and (like me) to seasoned outdoor enthusi- to coincide with prime bird watching asts (like Katie), with hikes rated easy, season. Participants are encouraged to moderate or strenuous. The length of the post photos using the hashtag #TakeAtrails range from five miles to less than HikeHC. one mile. The environmentally diverse In order to receive a prize, you have to sites are spread throughout the county be registered. To register for the 2021and range from neighborhood parks like 2022 Hiking Spree, please visit www. Rodney Colson Park in Seffner to large HCFLGov.net/hikingspree.

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As always, we are here for any legal support you may need and wish everyone good health.

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

December 2021

Page 19

Black Cat 5K Was A Huge Success

Bingo Returns, Snow Days At Aquarium, Meetings & More Compiled by Jenny Bennett jbennett@ospreyobserver.com

Chill Cawfee Hosts ‘Bored On Sundays?’ Games Day

Board games have been found to strengthen relationships, increase brain function, reduce stress and to create happiness, creativity and confidence. Chill Cawfee is happy to host ‘Bored on Sundays?’, a day to come in and play some of the games that it has on its shelves like scrabble, chess, Othello, boggle and many more, or bring your own game to play. Bored on Sundays? is every Sunday from 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. at Chill Cawfee, located at 3407 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in Valrico.

Veterans Art Program

The Veterans Art Program is open to veterans of foreign wars. There is no fee, no artistic skill needed, no surveys or record keeping and no reason not to join. It takes place every Wednesday from 10:30 a.m. until 12 Noon at Center Place, which is located at 619 Vonderburg Dr., Ste. B in Brandon. To register for the class, call 685-8888.

Bingo Returns To St. Stephen Catholic Church

sion and communication. The class will The inaugural Black also help its Cat 5K race organized students develby local cat charity op social skills A Kitten Place was and learn how a huge success and to interact with raised over $15,000. A other students Kitten Place would like and teachers to thank all the sponin a classroom sors and donors who setting. helped make this such Dave & Daphne will be appearing in Sun City If you would a successful event and Center. like to preregespecially the community of Twin Lakes for allowing them to ister your child for this program, please contact Center Place at 685hold the event there. A Kitten Place is a 8888. Children and families must local cat charity that be prescreened for this program focuses its efforts on before they may register. the most vulnerable in the county shelters. For more information, please visit its website at www.akittenplace. org.

Art Program For Families With Down Syndrome Children And Teens

Center Place’s community partner, the Down Syndrome Association of Tampa Bay (DSATB), will be offering its free 3-2-1 Art program for families with children and teens who have Down syndrome. The program will take place at Center Place twice a month on the first Monday of each month from 6-7 p.m. and the third Sunday of each month from 3-4 p.m. The students will use art as a way of expres-

St. Stephen Catholic Church, located at 10118 St. Stephen Cir. in Riverview is pleased to announce the return of bingo to its Family Life Center. The event, held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, the next date is Tuesday, December 28, will begin at 6:30 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and a concession stand is available for refreshments. There will also be a 50/50 raffle, and proceeds from the evening will support community families in need and church groups like St. Vincent de Paul.

Snow Days At The Florida Aquarium

Snow is in the forecast at The Florida Aquarium for Sunday, December 26 through Sunday, January 2, 2022. Join in all the frosty festivities with membership or general admission, from a Winter Wonderland dance party to an epic battle where you will throw snowballs at the pollution monsters and other interactive experiences.

Nashville Duo Playing In Sun City Center

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center (SCCUMC) is welcoming Nashville duo Dave & Daphne to its campus on Friday, January 7, 2022 at 7 p.m. Dave & Daphne’s concerts have all the energy of a Las Vegas-style show with solid country music roots; they have appeared in such major venues as Nashville Now, the CMA Awards and the Grand Ole Opry. SCCUMC is located at 1210 W. Del Webb Blvd. in Sun City Center. A donation of $10 is requested at the door for this concert. For additional information about this and other concerts and recitals, please contact Kevin Goodenow at 362-0956 or visit the SCCUMC website at www.sccumc.com.

No December Meeting For The Alafia Republican Club

The Alafia Republican club will not be holding a meeting in December. The January meeting will be held on Monday, January 17, 2022 at O’Brien’s Irish Pub, located at 701 W. Lumsden Rd. in Brandon. Social hour begins at 6 p.m., followed by a guest speaker at 7 p.m.



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Page 20

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12


Darren Impson, owner of Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Tampa, has launched the company’s key initiative as the Official Property Restoration Company of the Tampa Bay Lightning and the University of South Florida Bulls. Recently, as partners with the Bulls, the firm was the official game presenter during the November 12 Salute to Service game, where the Bulls played against the Cincinnati Bearcats in a highly viewed, nationally televised game, and where local first responders were honored. Impson and his staff provided first responders and game attendees information about safety and emergency response efforts during storms, catastrophic events, fires, floods and mold damage, along with giveaways to help during home and office emergencies. Impson also provided first responders with free tickets to the Bulls’ home games throughout the season. During the game on November 12, Paul Davis staff and all in attendance publicly honored first responders during a stadium-wide recognition ceremony and acknowledgement of the sacrifices they make every day to help keep Tampa Bay residents and visitors safe. The initiative is also shared on local media, email blasts and social media, plus in-game videoboards, to name a few.

Paul Davis also supports Adrianna Araya, business development representative; Leah Darr, director of busilocal fire- ness development; and Tiffany Shrawder, marketing representative—Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Tampa staff photo at Salute to Serve. fighters with sponsoring the Tamsphere allows pa firefighters’ anyoung people nual Tampa Fire 5K, to enjoy activwhich benefits pediities such as atric burn survivors going to Busch who are funded to go Gardens, Unito Camp Hopetake, versal Studios, a weeklong summer Disney World, camp in Tampa for Adventure previously burned Island, Tamchildren of all ages. pa Bay Rays Impson and his office games, swimteam have helped to ming, bowling, fund the burn camp fishing, games, for many years with crafts, movies a safe and supportive and more as environment for kids children cope to share their feelings with the social and interact with othand emotional er young burn victims scars associatfrom all over Florida. ed with their The camp is free of injuries. charge to all who at“Our work tend. with high-proPaul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Tampa, According to Impfile sports Official Property Restoration Company of USF son, the camp’s non- Bulls and Tampa Bay Lightning, recently have first teams allows threatening atmous to have a responders’ tickets to a USF game.


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more powerful voice to help many individuals and families,” said Impson. “The philanthropic programs are just some of the activities we have in place and examples of the service culture throughout the Paul Davis organization,” he said. “The franchise office and corporate mission is to serve and give back to local communities through providing quality work and extraordinary care while serving people in their time of need.” The campaign is a part of Paul Davis’ Social Purpose Initiative to serve through actions and charitable deeds, and where businesses and staff can touch and improve the lives of many who are not so fortunate. “In our social purpose efforts, what we do and who we are will always be joined together,” said Impson, who has owned and operated the Paul Davis office in Tampa for more than 18 years. His father initially purchased the Tampa franchise in 1999. Impson’s firm in Tampa is among the top 10 producing Paul Davis offices in the U.S. and Canada. Impson also has business interests in the Paul Davis Pasco and Hernando County franchise offices. The Tampa Bay office is located at 1611 Allison Woods Ln. in Tampa. Visit the company website at https://tampa.pauldavis.com and #firstserveothers.

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition


By Kate Quesada

Mulrennan Middle She is currentSchool student Addison ly collecting unKapustiak knows what wrapped toys, gift it is like to be a child at cards and items for Johns Hopkins All Chilchildren from birth dren’s Hospital. The Valto 21 years old and rico resident has been rewill be taking them ceiving treatment there to the hospital late since she was a baby, this month. and this has motived her “One of my favorto do something to give ite memories was back. when I was able to For the last five years, give a little girl with with the help of her cancer a special Mulrennan Middle School eighth-grade stumom, Alice Kapustiak, doll,” she said. “She dent Addison Kapustiak is collecting toys for Addison has orga- Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital for the had the biggest nized holiday toy drives smile. That makes fifth year with her charity, Sending Smiles. through her nonprofit, me the happiest Sending Smiles, and to when I know I can date has donated more make them smile. I than 10,000 toys and am so thankful for received the Commuall the support I get nity Hero of Tomorrow so I can continue to award from the Tampa make a difference.” Bay Lightning, which reToys can be sulted in a $25,000 dodropped off at nation to Johns Hopkins Mulrennan Middle All Children’s Hospital in School, located at Sending Smiles’ name, 4215 Durant Rd. in but she is not done yet. Valrico, or mailed to “I spend a lot of time 3721 Harrogate Dr., in the hospital and at Valrico, FL 33596. the Infusion Center getIf you would like to ting treatments,” said make a donation, Addison. “This year has money can be sent been really hard for me; through Cash App I spent many weeks in at $SendingSmiles1 the hospital. It can be or Venmo @Sendso hard being away from everyone. I know ing-Smiles. All donations are tax-deducthow much these little things can make it a ible. To learn more about Sending Smiles, little easier. I want to help cheer up other email sendingsmilestoallkids@gmail.com kids when they are having a hard time or or find the group’s Facebook page at www. when they are sad.” facebook.com/SendingSmilestoAllKids/.


Page 21


By Amy Schechter

and make it right. We guarantee our work. You can go to any Bob with a bucket pressure washer company, but who knows if they have insurance and knowledge?” Think about it. When you have individuals working on ladders and with chemicals, if something goes Mike and Mindy Barker are the owners of Window Genie of Southeast Tampa wrong, the cusBay. The company offers gutter cleaning, house washing, concrete/paver washtomer can be liaing and sealing and, of course, window washing and window tinting. ble. Window Genie It’s the perfect time of year. The holidays carries workers’ compensation insurance, are approaching, and the cooler weather in- so nothing ever becomes the customer’s vites families and friends outdoors. There’s problem. no better time to make sure your home and Plus, look no further for holiday lighting. outdoor spaces look their best. It offers professional installation and cusMike and Mindy Barker of Window Ge- tom light measurements. It helps design nie of Southeast Tampa Bay are your one- your holiday lighting vision, bring and instop shop for outdoor home services. Lo- stall all materials, maintain your lighting cally and veteran-owned, they specialize in during the season and take down and store gutter cleaning, house washing, concrete/ everything until next year. It’s hassle-free, paver washing and sealing and, of course, and there’s no more worrying about old window washing and window tinting. lights going out or using up garage space. Having lived in the areas for over 13 One phone call and they will come back out. years, they saw a need for a company you Window Genie serves all of Brandon, can trust. Have you ever paid for a job only Gibsonton, Lithia, Riverview, Apollo Beach, to have it half finished or been unable to Valrico, Fish Hawk, Bloomingdale and Progget in touch with a company when you ar- ress Village. To contact Window Genie to en’t happy? Window Genie stands by its schedule an appointment or free consulwork, and its professional team promises tation, call 906-5200 or visit www.winyou will be happy with the job. Mindy tells dowgenie.com/se-tampa. You can also find customers, “My husband and I are the own- the business on Facebook @Windowgeers. If you have an issue, we will come back nieofsetampabay.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition


By Makenzie Atkins

Local commuover to me, nity member Vera and I clean Baker has been them and orcollecting soda can ganize them tabs in Florida for into gallon over 15 years. bottles.” Along with the W h e n help of her friends, talking about neighbors and felthe prolow Moose Lodge cess, Baker members, Baker expressed has collected over a heartfelt 20 gallons of can thank you tabs. Once she colto all of her lects the tabs, she friends and donates them to Vera Baker, with the help of friends and neighbors, has n e i g h b o r s the local Shriners who help her been collecting, cleaning and organizing can tabs in Club, which then Ruskin for over 15 years. Pictured: George Banes, Baker collect the and Jim Porrett. recycles them can tabs for a and donates all the money to Shriners cause so near to her heart. Healthcare for Children. The Sun City Center Shriners Club was After losing her son, Baker moved to founded in 1963 under the auspices of Ruskin with her husband and began col- Egypt Shrine of Tampa, FL. Shriners Inlecting tabs for a neighbor to take with ternational is a fraternity based on fun, them to donate in their hometown. How- fellowship and the Masonic principles ever, when she found out there was a lo- of brotherly love, relief and truth with cal Shriners Club in Sun City Center, she nearly 200 temples (chapters) in several decided to get more involved. countries and thousands of clubs around As others saw her eagerness to donate the world. her time to such a noble cause, many The fraternity has supported Shriners neighbors and friends began to collect Hospital since it was founded in 1922. tabs as well. Baker is continuously over- Shriners Hospital for Children specializjoyed by the fact that so many are will- es in pediatric care with a mission to iming to join in and help with collecting, prove the lives of children and families. separating and dropping off tabs. With a focus on orthopedics, pediatric “Everybody knows I collect tabs now; I surgery, spine and spinal cord and sports have one couple that has two barrels on medicine, the local Shriners Hospital is their porch, one for can tabs and the oth- located on the campus of the University er for the cans,” said Baker. “When they of South Florida in Tampa. have friends over, they all separate the For more information, call 812-7170 or can from the tab and then bring them visit www.sccshrineclub.com.

Volume 16, Issue 12


Staff Report

Tampa Bay may not see restaurants gain new snow this holiday season, customers and keep but soon it’ll be raining tatheir doors open.” cos. To help local taquerias With a new book reand get people out into the leasing each year, the community, Taco Tours is 2022 Tampa Bay Taco filling stockings across the Tour book includes Bay area with a one-of-athree free tacos from kind experience: its first each restaurant. Books annual 2022 Tampa Bay can be purchased now Taco Tour book. Created by at www.getyourtacos. a Bloomingdale resident, com and passholders throughout all of 2022, this can claim their free tapocket-size book will guide cos between Saturday, passholders on their own January 1, 2022 and Deschedule to more than 20 cember 31, 2022. If free of the best locally owned Bloomingdale resident Ryan Brown tacos weren’t enough taquerias in the Tampa Bay recently published the first annual of an incentive, passarea, where they’ll receive 2022 Tampa Bay Taco Tour book. holders will also earn a free tacos from each one. chance to win cash and And because the inspiration prizes. for the book was to help loFrom Dunedin to Plant cal restaurants thrive after City, St. Petersburg to the challenges brought on Wesley Chapel and just by the pandemic, businesses about everywhere in beare not charged to be intween, Taco Tours has cluded in the book. partnered with more Perfect as stocking than 20 taquerias in stuffers or holiday gifts, an effort to get peothe 2022 Tampa Bay ple back out into the Taco Tour book tops the community exploring list for many Bay area and supporting local residents, and not just businesses. Taco lovbecause it’s filled with ers are encouraged free tacos. to follow Taco Tours With so many taco spots throughout on Facebook and Instagram @tacotourthe Tampa Bay area, this unique program stampabay for special promos and dishelps residents explore different areas counts. while sampling the goods along the way. Brown aims to use every book pur“It’s the gift that keeps on giving,” said chased to help make a difference in the Taco Tours Owner and Valrico resident community, which is why he is also doRyan Brown. “It’s great for the holidays nating a portion of the book proceeds to because it gives people a unique expe- local charities. For more information or rience they can enjoy all year, but it’s to learn how businesses can partner with great for the community because it helps Taco Tours, visit www.getyourtacos.com







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December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Page 23

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Page 24

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12


OPEN YEAR-ROUND PG 28 Satin & Lace Bridal Boutique Introduces New Manager Satin & Lace Bridal Boutique, Riverview’s only intimate bridal boutique, recently held a ribbon-cutting to introduce its new manager, Jami. It offers a personalized shopping experience with private suites. “We pride ourselves on making our brides feel special and making your dress shopping an experience you will never Satin & Lace is located at 11286 Sullivan St. in Riverview. The team recently held a Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting. forget,” said Owner Alison Farnan. Satin & Lace has dresses in every With an extensive background in the Valrico style and for every budget; accessories are market, she values the one-on-one customalso available, and a seamstress will make er interaction offered by a community bank, working with businesses and families to sure that the gown will fit perfectly. Satin & Lace is located at 11286 Sullivan identify their needs and find the right bankSt. in Riverview. To make a reservation or to ing solutions. In addition, Achille volunteers find out more information, visit its website with Seeds of Hope and Toys for Tots, and at www.satinandlacebridalboutique.com, she has helped of call 381-4110 or follow it on Facebook @ hundreds families in satinandlacebridalboutique. need through Citizens Bank & Trust Selects Tiffany a baby formula and diaper Achille To Lead New Valrico Office Tiffany Achille has been selected to supply pantry lead the Valrico office location of Citizens she created to Bank & Trust. The office, located at 1016 address a critBloomingdale Ave., opened in November ical need in the and marks the bank’s first entry into Hills- community. “We are borough County. excited to have Tiffany as part of the CitA native of Tampa, Achille began her izens Bank & Trust family. Her experience banking career in 2002, starting as a teller working and serving the Valrico communiand working her way up to branch manager.

Tiffany Achille was selected as the new Citizens Bank &Trust Valrico office manager.

ty makes her a great fit as we enter this new market,” said Citizens Bank & Trust President and CEO Greg Littleton. “Tiffany and her team look forward to working with customers to build strong relationships and becoming a partner in the community.” Come To Cottonseed Marketplace For Your Handmade Gifts Cottonseed Marketplace specializes in handmade wooden and leather engraved gifts and home decor. Gifts include wooden Christmas ornaments, bookmarks, wine and liquor-themed personalized items, hand-tied macrame wall hangings and holiday-themed tiered tray decor bundles. The Cottonseed Marketplace is a proud, American family business owned by

local residents Carrie and Joe Perkins. It is rooted in family and tradition and is a proud supporter of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation and One Tree Planted; every order plants a tree. The Cottonseed Marketplace is located at 4456 Mohican Trl. in Valrico and open by appointment; please call 777-5608. You can view its products and shop online at cottonseedmarketplace.com and follow it on Facebook @TheCottonseedMarketplace. Pamper Yourself At The Beauty Room By Jennifer James The Beauty Room is owned by local resident Jennifer James, and she has over 36 years of experience in the beauty business and offers a boutique salon experience in a private suite. The Beauty Room by Jennifer James specializes in precision cutting, color, highlighting, balayage and other services. “In a world where things are often confusing and during a time when we are carrying even more stress than usual, self-care is absolutely essential,” said James, “I thoroughly enjoy what I do, and I love to create and

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

BUSINESS COLUMN CONTINUED... encourage beauty from the inside out. I believe that when a woman feels her best, she can be her best.” The Beauty Room by Jennifer James is located at 3448 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Ste. 6 in Valrico. Additional information can be found on its website at www. vagaro.com/thebeautyroombyjenniferjames, by calling 865625-6680 or follow on Facebook @thebeautyroombyjenniferjames. Tony Baroni Team Gives Away Thanksgiving Pies The Tony Baroni Team gave away pecan and pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving as a way to thank the community for its support during the year. Pies were collected from its office at 2350 E. SR 60 in Valrico and a food truck and fun photo booth were also at the location so participants could enjoy a nice meal and take some photographs before leaving with their pie. For more information on the Tony Baroni team, visit its website at www.tonybaroni. com. Amani MedSpa Amani MedSpa is owned by Dr. Gina Brar, a personable and highly experienced physician who is very hands-on and offers top-notch cosmetic and wellness services. “Our guests are like family who receive the most outstanding customer service from the moment they walk in the door. Their experience becomes a memorable one they will never forget and keeps them coming back to our beautiful spa,” said Brar. Services offered at Amani MedSpa

include Botox/Dysport, fillers, laser treatments, IV therapy, body contouring, float therapy, massages and facials. Amani MedSpa is located at 1102 Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico. To find out more about the services it offers and to book an appointment, visit its website at www.amanimedspa.com or call 685-6111. You can also follow it on Facebook @amanimedspa. CORA Physical Therapy Launches Riverview Location CORA Physical Therapy brings trusted, highly skilled clinicians to the Riverview

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neighborhood, and it’s ready to introduce you to the industry’s most advanced treatments. The Riverview clinic provides treatment for general orthopedic and sports injuries, post-COVID care programs, geriatric rehabilitation and occupational therapy. CORA Physical Therapy is laser-focused on superior outcomes. CORA Physical Therapy is located at 11420 U.S. Hwy. 301 S. in Riverview. For additional information or to make an appointment, visit its website at www.coraphysicaltherapy.com or call 405-4383. Master Garage Door Co. Celebrates 24 Years And New Role In The Community Master Garage Door Co. was established in November of 1997 by Steve and Tawnie Manning and is still family-owned and operated to this day. It offers only the highest-quality doors, openers, parts and service. “We love our community and its people,” said Steve and Tawnie. They are members of both the Brandon Chamber of Commerce and the Valrico FishHawk Chamber. “Both organizations do so much for our communities and have also given us the opportunity to meet other business owners that care for our community immensely.” Steve and Tawnie have been through the Leadership Brandon program, which has given them a whole new perspective of our community and a behind-the-scenes look at all it has to offer as well as areas/charities that really need our help. It is Steve’s privilege to serve as chair for the Leadership Brandon class of 2022. “We look forward to serving our community for years to come,” said Steve and Tawnie. Master Garage Door Co. Is located at

Volume 16, Issue 12 2405 Bell Shoals Rd. in Brandon. For more information, visit its website at www.mastergaragedoor.com or call 684-7744. You can also follow it on Facebook @mastergaragedoor. Brandon Regional Hospital Recognized With ‘A’ Safety Grade For the sixth consecutive time, Brandon Regional Hospital has received an ‘A’ Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. This national distinction recognizes Brandon Regional Hospital’s achievements in protecting patients from harm and error in the hospital. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade is the only hospital ratings program based exclusively on hospital prevention of medical errors and harms to patients. The grading system is peer-reviewed, fully transparent and free to the public. “An ‘A’ Safety Grade is a tremendous achievement, of which this community should be extremely proud,” said Leah Binder, president and CEO of the Leapfrog Group. Salons By JC Has Lots To Celebrate Salons by JC Brandon and Valrico have much to celebrate as they close out 2021. Salons by JC Brandon celebrated its oneyear anniversary in September. In addition to having a very successful first year after opening during the height of COVID-19, Salons by JC Valrico concierge Megan Taylor was named Concierge of the Year at the Salons by JC annual conference. Salons by JC offers luxurious salon suites to beauty and wellness professionals seeking professional independence. Salons by JC Brandon is located at 1534 W. Brandon Blvd. in the Collection at Brandon Shopping Center and Salons by JC Valrico is located at 3448 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in the Lithia Crossing Shopping Center. Information for both locations can be found at www.salonsbyjc. com.

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

December 2021

GET THE DIRT: THE GIFT OF GIVING BY LYNN BARBER & PAULA STAPLES, UF/IFAS EXTENSION HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY With Christmas and the New Year approaching, it’s time to embrace the gift of giving. “Giving” doesn’t necessarily mean something material, like a plant, gardening tool or gardener’s gear like gloves, knee pads, carts and much more— although these make nice gifts. Ask yourself: “What can I offer someone important in my life that relates to gardening? Something a family member or friend is not able to tackle on their own?” If you have the inclination, time or a few funds to spare, consider offering a specific number of hours or certain tasks. You can always ask your friends and relatives what type of yard work they would like you to tackle. Tasks could include things you specifically enjoy doing in your own yard and are willing to share those talents with others. For me, that would be mulching and weeding. For many of you, it could be purchasing and planting a few cool season herbs and vegetables. These include sage, dill, cilantro, thyme, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot and lettuce. You may prefer to move plants to a more protected area or take cuttings to root on a lanai, window ledge, maybe a table. Each of us has so much we can offer in

the way of encouragement, positive reinforcement and confidence building. There’s no need to stop helping after you spend time with your friends and relatives. What about asking if you can help a neighbor with a project? Volunteer or join a community garden? Learn something new about gardening at the UF FFL (Florida-Friendly Landscaping™) website and share that information with your co-workers, friends and family. Here’s hoping you can get outside and help others by providing your time and service. Giving the gift of giving has a low cost and high return. And, my guess is it’s better than a fruitcake. For information about upcoming horticultural programs and to find your county’s calendar of events, check the internet at ‘Ask IFAS’ followed by the name of your county. You can click on the upcoming events and register for workshops. It’s never too late to do something nice for someone else. Wishing all of you safe and wonderful holidays. Lynn Barber is the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ agent for UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County. Contact her at labarber@ufl.edu.

Page 27

SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP LEADS TO DONATION FOR STUDENTS AT DOVER ELEMENTARY By Kathy L. Collins A longtime Baldwin said, friendship and “When they told a desire to help me about the children came toschool, I wanted gether recently at to get involved.” a local elementary Dover Elemenschool when handtary School is made, crocheted a Title I school. toys were donated Many of the famto help make this ilies who attend year’s Great Media are low-income, Giveaway special. and many are The handcrafted from migrant toys consist of rofarmworker fambots, clowns, flailies. mingos, alligators, Kerri explained dragons, bunnies the purpose of and more. giving the stuKerri Aman is dents books and the media special- Children at Dover Elementary School in Dover are go- reading budist at Dover Elemen- ing to get treated to a fantastic Great Media Giveaway dies. “They have tary School. Every this year thanks to Claudia Baldwin (center); her long- someone to sit year, Kerri randomly time friend and Valrico resident Sandra Aman (right); with and read selects two children and Kerri Aman (left). Baldwin, who lives in New York, and there is no from each class and handcrafted 400 crocheted toys for the students so they judgment.” Kerri could have a reading buddy. gives them a holiday added, “We try to gift paired with a book. Kerri’s mom, San- build a home library by giving them books. dra Aman, told her longtime friend, Clau- Studies show that children whose homes dia Baldwin, about Kerri’s project. It just have 50 books or more do better in school. so happens that Baldwin, who is the Exalt- We also give books to the children whose ed Ruler of her Elks Club in Penn Yan, New families have to leave so they have a couple York, was looking for a community charity of books with them.” project. Baldwin, who was a music teacher for Sandra explained, “During one of our many years, said, “Giving away like this is phone conversations, I was telling Claudia what Elks do.” about Kerri and the Christmas give away.” Kerri said, “This is a wonderful school Baldwin has a knitting group at the Elks with great students, teachers and staff. Club. They make teddy bears for foster Everyone puts in their best efforts.” children. When Sandra told Claudia about The Great Media Giveaway takes place the project, Baldwin asked how many Ker- the week before Winter Break. ri needed. The number 100 was discussed, Kerri collects used and new books. If you but Baldwin went above that and created would like to donate, please contact her at 400 stuffed animals of all kinds. kerri.aman@hcps.net.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

PAT’S CORNER RETURNS TO CENTER PLACE FINE ARTS & CIVIC ASSOCIATION By Libby Hopkins Center Place Fine Creations, Afribera Arts & Civic AssociaShirts and Scented tion has been a part of Intensions Candle the Brandon community Company. “We are for more than 45 years. also working with One of the community’s ECHO of Brandon,” favorite parts of Center Hopkins said. “We Place was Pat’s Corner, are excited to offer which was the center’s ECHO’s adorable gift shop. shoulder bags and Pat’s Corner was mini bags made removed from Cenfrom clothes that ter Place and turned were donated for into storage and office Center Place recently reopened Pat’s Corner, ECHO.” space. This saddened which was the center’s gift shop. It’s coming Pat’s Corner gives back to Center Place as an artisans’ shop. many people from the local artist and makcommunity. ers a place to showcase their creative talWhen the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Cen- ents. “Keeping thing local and supporting ter Place was almost shuttered, which local is extremely important to me,” Hopmeant that Pat’s Corner would never re- kins said. “Pat’s Corner is doing two things: turn. “One of the things I wanted to bring it’s helping Center Place have another revback from Center Place’s past was the gift enue stream while making the local econshop or Pat’s Corner,” said Center Place’s omy stronger.” executive director, Libby Hopkins. Center Place’s executive board and HopPat’s Corner was name after Pat Odi- kins are currently working on Pat’s Corner orne, Center Place’s original executive di- operating hours. “We would like to have rector. “Pat made sure the gift shop was the store open Monday-Friday for a few stocked with art, jewelry, scarves and oth- hours a day,” Hopkins said. “We are looking er fun items,” said Hopkins. “I, too, want to the Brandon community for volunteers to make sure the gift shop is stocked with to help us run Pat’s Corner and we would new and unique gifts as well as art, but I love to have some more locally made prodwanted to take it a step further by having uct available in the shop.” only local artists’ works in the shop along If you are interested in volunteering at with locally made candles, clothing, purses Pat’s Corner during the week or if you’re and teas. We are still calling it Pat’s Cor- a local maker who would like to have your ner, but it will be considered a local artisan items available in the shop, please contact shop.” Hopkins at 658-8888. Center Place Fine Center Place is working with local cre- Arts & Civic Association is located at 619 ators Regalitea, Laura Elderberry, Hu- Vonderburg Dr., Ste. B in Brandon, next to madorables by Susan, Hogan Made, DVR the Brandon Library.

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Volume 16, Issue 12


Staff Report

nels that were once dark will now glow and groove as riders zoom through over 600 feet of fun. “The all-new Rapids Racer and new enhancements to another fan-favorite attraction with Wahoo Remix will elevate the Adventure Island guest experience in an unprecedented Adventure Island recently announced the opening of two new attractions way in 2022,” said next year. Neal Thurman, park Adventure Island, voted one of the counpresident of Busch try’s top 10 waterparks by USA Today, is Gardens and Adventure Island. “With recentracing into 2022 with two new thrills and ly announced year-round operations, it’s goyear-round operation. Opening just in time for ing to be a momentous year for water park spring break, Rapids Racer and Wahoo Remix fans, as our guests can now splash in the sun will make a splash at Adventure Island next and take on thrills from January to DecemMarch. With new heaters and comfortable ber.” water temperatures, guests can now enjoy Refresh and Recharge the endless summer vibe and thrilling attracRounding out Adventure Island’s revamp is tions all year long. the recently opened Hang Ten Tiki Bar. CenOn Rapids Racer, riders grab a two-person trally located between Rapids Racer and Waraft before racing through nearly 600 feet of hoo Remix, the park’s first full-service bar is slide, complete with low walls to encounter the prime spot to grab a drink and recharge. your opponents throughout this side-by-side With handcrafted signature cocktails, fan-faexperience. The thrill of the chase is amplified vorite local brews and a regional and interas guests swirl through the world’s first duel- national rum selection, Hang Ten serves reing saucers in this exhilarating journey full of freshing concoctions that can be found only high-speed tunnels, turns and more. at Adventure Island. Visitors can enjoy this On Wahoo Remix, riders will enjoy waves new tropical oasis as they sip and savor small of water and sound as they splash to the beat seasonal bites to fuel up for all-day fun. of a remixed favorite attraction. Formerly Located right across the street from Busch Wahoo Run, Wahoo Remix will be Adventure Gardens® Tampa Bay, Adventure Island® feaIsland’s first waterslide to feature synchro- tures a combination of exhilarating water nized light and sound elements, delivering an rides and tropical, tranquil surroundings. all-new, high-energy, family raft ride experi- For more information, visit adventureisland. ence with ultimate party vibes. Enclosed tun- com for more information.

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition


By Makenzie Atkins

unteers always pray to ask for blessings on the family and the home. The volunteers at Home Makers of Hope live by the verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” (Philippians 4:13). “Since everyone is 100 percent volunHome Makers of Hope has furnished over 1,000 homes with donations teer, Home Makers of Hope is the perfrom generous members in the community. A local nonprofit organization, Home fect ministry to doMakers of Hope, works with families and nate to if you want all of the money to go individuals who are struggling with pov- directly towards helping families,” said erty and cannot afford to furnish their Pam McMenamy Stamey, founder of homes. Home Makers of Hope. Home Makers of Hope provides for The organization is always accepting those in need by supplying linens and donations but is actively looking for dobeds, stocking kitchens and decorating nors to sponsor the purchases of matliving areas. After picking up furniture tresses, blankets and sheets. and other household items from donors Stamey first began helping furnish or purchasing items with money dona- homes in 2008. Originally being asked to tions, volunteers sort and organize it all help find more beds for a family of five, in the warehouse. Stamey quickly realized the family was A volunteer will then visit a home to in need of more than just beds. One week find out what is needed and go back to later, Stamey and some friends were the warehouse to select items to deliv- able to collect donations to provide beds, er to the home. Volunteers try to find a living room sofa, an entertainment cenpieces in the warehouse that represent ter, a television, a kitchen table and a the family’s style, picking superheroes, fully stocked kitchen and bathroom. dinosaurs or princesses for children in Now, Home Makers of Hope has helped the home. furnish over 1,000 homes in need. Once the volunteers get all of the For more information, please contact items to the house, the fun begins. The Stamey at pamstamey1@gmail.com or volunteers set up curtains, hang photos visit the website at www.homemakerand decorate. Most importantly, the vol- sofhope.com/.

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The American wheelchair into Legion Riders the car. Alafia Chapter “Over the 148 will be hostlast year, my ing a poker run wife has also fundraiser on endured her Saturday, March own mobili19, 2022 for one ty challengof its members, es, which has Ed Linde, who is placed a greatin need of outfiter burden on ting a wheelchair our ability to adaptive accessigo anywhere,” ble vehicle. Linde said. The American Legion Riders Alafia Chapter 148 will be Linde suf“This has been fers from Char- hosting a poker run fundraiser on Saturday, March 19, 2022 an eye-opener cot-Marie-Tooth for one of its members, Ed Linde, who is in need of outfitting a and a realization wheelchair adaptive accessible vehicle. (CMT). CMT is of how much I a debilitating condition of the peripheral rely on Vicki. When she travels for business nerves that control the muscles. It is the or away, I am basically trapped at home. most commonly inherited peripheral neu- We have thought hard and long, and even ropathy, affecting more than three million to regain a small bit of my independence people worldwide. CMT is a progressive we began to look at accessible vehicles, disease, causing loss of normal function which has brought me to this point: a new, and/or sensation in the feet, legs, hands accessible vehicle, with the adaptable and arms. CMT is currently incurable, but equipment I would require, would cost not usually fatal, though it can be severely close to $80,000. We have found good disabling in some people. used vehicles, but they would still need to “For years, we have supported and con- be retrofitted with the equipment required tributed to our fellow riders, veterans to meet my needs. I am not covered under and the community,” Linde said. “Helping the VA, and because of our income, we do those in need and in particular our veter- not qualify for any government or outside ans brings great pleasure to my wife, Vicki, assistance.” and I. For us, it has always been easier to The poker run begins at 9:30 a.m. at give and contribute than to ask for help for American Legion Post 148 at 10708 ourselves when needed. I have come to a Hannaway Dr. in Riverview and ends at 3 point where I now reach out and ask for p.m. at AMVETS Post 44 at 5521 SR 60 your support. I find it difficult to ask for in Plant City. Registration fee is $15 and help and I know it’s not because I’m weak, include poker hands and a meal. If you but because I want to remain strong.” would like to participate in the fundraiser Due to the progression of his condition, for Linde, you can visit the post’s website Linde can no longer go anywhere without at www.americanlegionalafiapost148.org someone else to assist with loading his or call 677-6529.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12

S. BRANDON LITTLE LEAGUE UNDEFEATED 1972 PEPSI TEAM CELEBRATES 50TH ANNIVERSARY In 1968, after graduating from The Uniwas a questionable versity of Tampa, Dom Cassano moved to call by the umBrandon from Long Island, New York. Caspires, one may be sano was a baseball fanatic and an avid foloverzealous to the lower of the Brooklyn Dodgers in the 1950s. point of getting He had the urge to start a baseball team at asked to watch the the local South Brandon Little League, but game from outside he needed help. He walked over to introduce the fence. When himself to his new next-door neighbor, Gene that happened, the Hink, to ask him to join him in his efforts. A other would make friendship of 50 years and a baseball bond sure he did not also for several years ensued, culminating in a Cassano and Hink had a strong team for several years, but their best club get ejected, beby far was the ’72 Pepsi-sponsored team that went undefeated and won cause they wanted District 13 championship. the District 13 title. to be sure that one Together, in 1970, they formed a team of them would alsponsored by Pepsi and built a dynasty that the draft taking place the following Monday evening in the league press box. Players ways be with the kids in the dugout.” reached its pinnacle in 1972 with an undeselected by each coach were then called at John said that Hink was loved by his playfeated team that won the District 13 title as home the following evening and advised of ers. He recalls Hink seemingly having the an underdog against powerhouse West Tamtheir selection. only swimming pool in Brandon at the time pa. Cassano, the coach, together with Hink, “I loved hearing the stories of my father and would always invite the players over for the manager and ‘master of pre-game fun- and Gene sitting side by side in that draft go,’ put together a core group of talent that room and licking their chops at the talent pizza and a swim after a game. “My dad and Mr. Cassano were very suhas gone unmatched since. still available to them after each coach’s se- perstitious about baseball, and they had fun Cassano’s two sons, John and Paul, were lection,” said John. “They both grew up with with the kids,” said Darrell. “My dad had an bat boys for the team. “I can remember at and truly loved the game and had a keen eye old pair of socks he would wear at the games the age of 7, along with my brother, Paul, for talent.” and told the kids they were for good luck. watching in astonishment as Gene gave preCassano and Hink would find any place to After he told them that, they would always game fungo warm-ups to the players,” said practice at least twice a week, whether it make sure he was wearing them at the game. John. “It was legendary, as coaches, players was an empty pasture, a vacant church lot For that season, maybe it helped—that and a and parents from other local little leagues or someone’s backyard, as long as the fun- team full of talented ball players.” would come out just to watch the precision damentals and players stayed sharp every John said that his father was hard on his week. of this team warming up.” players, and he demanded respect for the “Both were very passionate about the game, respect for teammates and commitTryouts for all players were always on a game,” said Hink’s son, Darrell. “When there ment to hard work. He can recall players Saturday morning in early February, with

coming up to him years later and telling him what an impact the two coaches had on their baseball careers. Cassano and Hink had a strong team for several years, but their best club by far was the ’72 Pepsi-sponsored team that went undefeated and won the District 13 title. “I distinctly recall driving home after the championship game in West Tampa with cars loaded with players, parents and coaches; banners waving; and kids screaming, only for the celebration to end when the car horns went dead,” said John. “It was a unique time to grow up in Brandon with a special group of players, parents and coaches.” Cassano was not only a pillar in the community as a baseball coach, but he was also the retail advertising manager for The Tampa Tribune for 25-plus years. He made an impact on many young lives, but his son, John, was his biggest fan of all. “There was a sign in front of the little league complex that commemorated the ’72 team with all the players’ and coaches’ names that stood for 30 years that is now gone,” said John. “It broke my heart when I moved back from New York to see it removed, as I drove by it 20 times a day always glancing over and smiling.” Cassano passed away in December 2019 and Hink recently passed away last month; however, their legacy will live on. February 2022 will mark the 50-year anniversary of the team.

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December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Page 31


By Makenzie Atkins

Hillsborough all their work Education Founeach day. The dation has been organization working hard to quickly reclose the ‘homealized that work gap’ by proa hotspot viding families in was not need with tools enough for like internet acthese chilcess and other redren and by sources. August the When schools foundation began to switch was working Francis Hernandez and her daughters use a Microsoft to virtual learning on securing Surface to complete homework, connect with teachers in early 2020, it funding to ofand access online programs that the schools require. started to become fer more than clear that many students had trouble just a hotspot. gaining access to online school. With some Many families feel the stress of helping students having to use smart phones to do their children succeed in the new learnhomework or leave their homes and sit ing environment that people around the somewhere with free Wi-Fi, Hillsborough world have been adapting to because of Education Foundation knew it had to step COVID-19. Francis Hernandez, a single in and help. mother of four children, gives an insight to The program provides students in need the pressures that families in our county, with a Microsoft Surface and one year and many others, are dealing with. of free internet access. As schools refer “There’s a lot of parents out there strugfamilies to the foundation, someone from gling; Wi-Fi is probably not a priority to a the team visits the homes to assess what lot of people,” said Hernandez. “Your light, the families need. Once provided with the your water, your utilities—you know, your tools, the families are then taught how to rent, that’s your priority. Cable and Wi-Fi, use the computer along with helping the that stuff is not cheap.” children learn how to use the online proHernandez’s children have improved grams needed for school. The team contin- since gaining access to reliable computers ues to provide resources for the families to and being able to connect with teachers help with using the computer or complet- online. She is grateful that the program is ing schoolwork. spreading through the state and is excited The organization first started helping for the younger generations to have acwith the divide in April 2020 by offering cess to a great education. families a hotspot for children to access To learn more, donate or volunteer with online programs. The district had distrib- Hillsborough Education Foundation, please uted laptops, but many families could not visit www.educationfoundation.com/iniafford Wi-Fi for their children to complete tiatives/digital-equity/.

SILVER SNEAKERS KEEPS SENIORS ACTIVE By Kathy L. Collins Everyone knows reservation. Simthat staying healthy ply show up at the and active can lead time listed on the to a happy and prowebsite or schedductive life. Staying ule that you would active is especially like to try and the important for seYMCA’s friendly niors. To help with and knowledgeable this, the Tampa instructors will be Metropolitan Area happy to help you YMCA began ofget set up. fering the Silver Fox said, “The Sneakers program purpose of Silver Campo Family YMCA offers many programs many years ago. Sneakers is to keep for area residents, including the Silver Sneakers Locally, seniors can program, which is designed to keep seniors over 65 older adults fit and participate in the healthy, active and provide a social support network. active while proSilver Sneakers viding a supportive program at the Campo Family YMCA. and fun social environment to do so.” Silver Noah Fox is the wellness director for Sneakers classes are approximately 55 minthe Campo Family YMCA. Fox said, “Silver utes. Sneakers helps participants work on carFox has been the wellness director at the diovascular health, strength and toning, and Campo Family YMCA for four months. He is balance for prevention of falls. Participating responsible for overseeing the wellness floor, in the group exercise format is a perfect way group exercise, senior fitness and personal to meet and make new friends maintaining a training operations at the Campo YMCA. social support system.” Fox said, “We have a great group of supFox added, “Anyone can join the classes, portive members and staff who would love but the typical age is 65 and older. Classes to welcome you in to the Campo YMCA famare included with a YMCA membership. For ily. There is a class or program for anyone some individuals 65 and over, their health in- from yoga and water aerobics, to pickleball surance company may offer a Silver Sneak- and personal training. Come in for a tour ers Membership. It is definitely worth it to anytime and we will be happy to show you call your insurance company to find out.” around and answer any questions you might The Silver Sneakers program has class op- have.” tions during Monday through Friday mornFor more information on the Silver Sneakings. There are also opportunities for Lunch ers program and to see the class schedule, and Learn and games and activities. please visit www.tampaymca.org/programs/ Silver Sneakers classes do not require a health-fitness/group-exercise-schedules.


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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition


By Lily Belcher

As the holiday seaconsuming and son comes to a close dangerous for following the new the workers. year, families are Other items tasked with taking on Hillsborough down decorations County’s naughand disposing of old ty list include decorations and conplastic shopping tainers. During the anbags and plasnual holiday cleanup, ticware, includHillsborough County ing plastic parwants to encourage ty cups. While families to pay close most wrapping attention to what papers are rethey throw in their cyclable, ones recycling bins and to with metallic confirm those items sheens or a lot are, in fact, recyclable. of glitter canEach area’s recycling Hillsborough County offers tips for after-holiday not be reused. recycling. program does have “When in its own specific list of items they can or doubt, leave it out,” said Barnes. “If you cannot accept that varies from the tradi- are not certain it is recyclable, its probational list, so the best way to determine bly better to err on the side of throwing if something is recyclable is to check it in the garbage as opposed to recywith that specific area. cling.” “Around this time of year, there is traBarnes conceded that it may seem ditionally a lot more consumption. People counterintuitive for people to throw are having holiday gathering and [are] something that they think may be recybuying gifts. So, we just want to make clable into the garbage, but he [assured] sure people are understanding what they that what is thrown in the garbage is can recycle correctly,” said Hillsborough still used at the energy plants. County’s recycling coordinator, Travis The curbside recycling program is only Barnes. designed to accept a certain subset of One of the biggest culprits during the items due to the nature of the plants. holiday season are string lights. Along However, any recycling goes a long way with similar items, string lights are re- in helping the environment, and Barnes ferred to as ‘tanglers’ because they get encourages recyclers not to become discaught around the machines, stopping couraged by the list of items they cannot the recycling process. To untangle these accept. items, employees are forced to solve For more information on what can be the problem by hand, which can be time recycled, visit hcflgov.net/recycling.

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By Michelle Hopkins P.E., Regulation Division Director

The Southwest Florida water well is 6 inches or Water Management District larger. (District) uses regulatory • The outside diameter of programs to better manage your withdrawal pipe from stormwater, provide flood a surface water body is 4 protection and protect water inches or larger. resources such as wetlands, • The total withdrawal rivers, lakes, estuaries and capacity of your system is groundwater supplies. Reg1 million gallons per day or ulation staff at the District larger. evaluate Environmental ReEnvironmental resource source Permit (ERP), Water permits (ERPs) ensure that Use Permit (WUP) and Well a new development propConstruction Permit (WCP) erly treats stormwater applications and compliance runoff to remove pollutinformation. Regulation Divi- Michelle Hopkins is a Florida registered ants, compensates for any sion Director Michelle Hop- professional engineer and is the regulation losses in floodplain storage, division director. kins explained the different mitigates for any impacts types of permits the District issues and why to wetlands and does not increase the rate they are needed. of stormwater runoff onto neighboring propQ: Why does the District issue permits? erties. You need an ERP if your construction A: Water is a public resource that belongs project: to all of us. However, fresh water is not limit• Disrupts wetlands less. Excessive water withdrawals can harm • Encroaches on a floodplain the resources. District permitting benefits • Increases, decreases or diverts stormwaresidents, property owners and businesses ter runoff by reducing the risk of flooding and protect• Contributes to water pollution ing water quality and water supplies for curWell construction permits are required prirent and future generations. or to installation of a well within the District. Q: Do I need a District permit? And if so, The permits ensure that wells are constructwhat type of permit do I need? ed by qualified contractors and meet rigid A: If you want to withdraw large quanti- safety and durability standards. Generally, a ties of water, develop property or construct withdrawal for personal domestic use for an a well, there’s a good chance you’ll need a individual home is small enough to fall below District permit. the threshold for requiring a water use perWater use permits allow the withdrawal mit. However, if you are constructing a well, of specific quantities of groundwater or sur- your water well contractor will still need to face water for limited periods of time under get a well construction permit. certain conditions. You need a water use perQ: Where do I get my permit? mit if: A: You can apply for a permit at water• You plan to withdraw more than 100,000 matters.org/permits or by submitting a pergallons per day. mit application to your local District service • The outside diameter of your ground- office.

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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

MOSAIC AND CENTER PLACE PARTNER FOR ART THERAPY PROGRAM FOR VETS By Libby Hopkins contributes to the sustainable development of the communities where it operates. “The Veterans’ Art Therapy program is a great opportunity to provide a safe space for veterans in our community to gather, fellowship and share their experiences,” Johnson said. “Community proCenter Place Fine Arts & Civic Association and Mosaic have partnered on an art therapy program that will be free for all local veterans. The grams such as these are Veterans’ Art Therapy program began on November 3 of this year. It’s very important since they provide another offered at Center Place on Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m.-12 Noon. valuable resource Mosaic and Center Place Fine Arts for veterans in & Civic Association have partnered our community. on an art therapy program that will Mosaic employs be free for all local veterans. many veterans, “Mosaic seeks to make meaningand we honor all ful investments that enhance our of those who have communities and positively impact served our counpeople’s lives,” said Mosaic’s senior try.” social responsibility specialist, ChristoCenter Place and Mosaic hope local vetpher Johnson. “Our sponsorship of the erans will be a part of this new art theraVeterans’ Art Therapy program provides py program designed especially for them. a great opportunity to support a resource “Our hope is that the veterans who parin our community that will benefit veter- ticipate in this new program will be able ans who have experienced trauma.” to express their feelings, move past their It is open to all veterans, and they don’t personal struggles and improve their abilneed to have any artistic skills. ity to communicate through art therapy,” “No cost to the veterans who attend- Johnson said. “Additionally, we hope to ed, no hidden agenda,” said art instructor provide the necessary support for Center Phyllis Alexandroff. “Vets could come in, Place to successfully host the Veterans’ check it out and do some art.” Art Therapy program for the next year.” Mosaic strives to be a thoughtful and If you would like to learn more about engaged neighbor, investing carefully and the Veterans’ Art Therapy program at generously as it seeks long-term partner- Center Place or if you’d like to attend, ships with organizations that are making you can visit Center Place’s new website a difference. Mosaic is dedicated to ad- at www.centerplacebrandon.com or call vancing the many ways that its business 685-8888.

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Volume 16, Issue 12


Staff Report

Have you ever dreamed of going on an epic pirate adventure and discovering a buried treasure? Cirque Italia is giving you the opportunity to come along on a thrilling quest in the brand-new production coming to Brandon from Friday to Wednesday, January 7-17, 2022. An exhilarating expedition in search of pirate booty, Cirque Italia has sought to bring a highclass experience to audiences all over the United States since its inception in 2012. The story begins with Ringmaster ‘Clown Rafinha’ fishing when he unexpectedly catches a bottle with a treasure map stuffed inside. His ensuing journey takes the audience through storms on the high seas, dreams of angelic aerialists, pirate fights and more. You will see swashbucklers balancing upside down on a rum barrel, juggling knives and even one having a run-in with a mermaid. Your jaws will be dropped, and you will be hanging on the edge of your seats with its suspenseful crossbow act and its dangerous Wheel of Death performances. Try not to flinch and look away if you don’t want to miss any of the excitement. Will Clown Rafinha finally defeat the other pirates who are after his treasure and claim it for himself? You’ll have to see the show for

Cirque Italia is bringing a brand-new production to Brandon from Friday to Wednesday, January 7-17, 2022.

yourself to find out. Manuel Rebecchi, president and owner of Cirque Italia, is tremendously proud of his circus heritage and feels extremely privileged to be able to share it with you in such a fun and memorable way. Cirque Italia continues to contribute to the modernization of the performing arts and the circus industry by abiding by a strict animal-free policy and is enforcing all recommendations set forth by the CDC and local municipalities. The show will take place under the white and blue big top tent at 459 Brandon Town Center Dr., near the grass lot by Dillard’s. Tickets may be purchased at www.cirqueitalia.com/tickets or by phone at 941-7048572. The box office opens on-site on Tuesday, the week of the show, and is open from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on days with no scheduled show and from 10 a.m.-9 p.m. on days with scheduled shows. For more information, visit www.cirqueitalia.com and make sure to check all social media accounts.

December 2021

Brandon/Winthrop Edition

VISIT THE SALUTE TO VETERANS EXHIBIT AT THE PLANT CITY PHOTO ARCHIVES & HISTORY CENTER The exhibition consists of eight 10-foot illustrated banners, over 30 photo enlargements and 800 photos of Plant City veterans. In addition, there are essays written by area school children and a slide show which runs continuously during business hours. Visitors can enjoy the wonderful exhibit and Among the many preserved photos you can see at the annual Salute to are even treated to cofVeterans exhibition at the Plant City Photo Archives and History Center is fee, water and cookies this photo of Craig Mills (left) with his tank crew on the day he received the at no charge. Distinguished Service Cross (May 13, 1945). The 2021-2022 SaThe Plant City Photo Archives and Hislute to Veterans is in tory Center has opened its 2021-2022 Sa- its 16th year. Over the years, it has been lute to Veterans exhibition. The exhibit is viewed by over 6,000 visitors. The Plant on view for the public to see now through City Photo Archives and History Center Monday, January 3, 2022. The Plant City invites veterans to bring in their photos Photo Archives and History Center is lo- for scanning and inclusion in the growing cated at 106 S. Evers St. in historic down- collection of veterans’ photographs. town Plant City. The Salute to Veterans exhibition can Veterans Day 2021 was celebrated be viewed at any time Monday through widely across the United States in small Thursday from 10:15 a.m.-7 p.m. Admistowns and big cities this year. Both citi- sion to the Plant City Photo Archives and zens and veterans saluted the thousands History Center is free of charge. It is a of men and women who served in the wonderful organization that has strived United States armed forces. to capture and preserve the history of “Veterans Day at the Plant City Photo Plant City and its residents. Archives and History Center begins our For more information on the 2021annual Salute to Veterans exhibition. We 2022 Salute to Veterans exhibition or extend our veterans exhibition over the on any other exhibits or questions about holidays because many families return to preserving history, please call the Plant visit in Plant City,” said Samantha Poiri- City Photo Archives and History Center at er, Plant City Photo Archives and History 754-1578. Center executive director.

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CITY OF PLANT CITY UNVEILS NEW MURAL AND DEDICATES NEW POCKET PARK On November about.” 16, a large crowd Unity in consisting of lothe Commucal residents, dignity Park is a nitaries and city pocket park. officials gathered It is named in Plant City to after Unity in unveil and cut the Communithe ribbon on the ty, which is a new Reflections nonprofit that of Plant City muraises funds ral and the Unity to help benefit in the Communithose in need ty Park. Both are On November 16, the new Reflections of Plant City Mural was in the commulocated at 102 S. unveiled and the new pocket park, Unity in the Community, nity, including was dedicated. Collins St. in hisother nonprofit toric downtown Plant City. organizations, such as Meals on Wheels, the The mural was painted by artist Keith Plant City Railroad Museum and more. The Goodson, who is a resident of Lake Alfred. organization is run completely with volunThe mural is located on a wall owned by the teers, and they have given back hundreds of Whistle Stop Cafe. The cost of the mural thousands of dollars raised throughout the was sponsored by Plant City’s newest large years. employer, City Furniture. Bill McDaniel, city manager for Plant City, Mayor Rick Lott said, “This mural, Reflec- said, “Unity in the Community does a tretions of Plant City, takes you back to your mendous amount of work in the community. childhood. A lot of memories are featured That is why the park was named for them.” on this mural.” Lott added, “City Furniture Each section of the Reflections of Plant is making its largest investment since its City mural reflects the important history of inception in Plant City with a large facility Plant City. These include, but are not limitthat features a 250,000-square-foot show ed to, Henry B. Plant, for whom the city is room.” named; the 1917 Fire Engine that has been Goodson said, “It is such an honor to be in continuous service since that year; the here.” He explained that he was a part of former McCrory’s Department Store; the the Lake Placid Mural Society, which helped Strawberry Festival; the Bing House; and transform Lake Placid and now brings mil- the four longest-serving mayors. lions of visitors to see its murals. “For me, Stop by and enjoy both the beautiful muI put my heart and soul into this project. I ral and the pocket park, Unity in the Comhad no problems, and I hope I have given munity, located at 102 S. Collins St. in Plant a visual synopsis of what Plant City is all City.




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Brandon/Winthrop Edition

Volume 16, Issue 12

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