“God hooked me into this for life,” she said.People quickly found out about the service she was doing and wanted to help. Volunteers cook food in their homes. Others help pass out the food to the homeless. Even elderly volun teers have food dropped of to their homes so they can prepare the ingre dients into delicious meals, which are then picked up for distribution.
“There are really a million ways to get involved,” she said. Taylor once had someone come up to her and tell her that he didn’t have time to volunteer but he did have money and asked how he could be of assistance. She mentioned a few small items that he could donate. He said, “Think bigger.” She mentioned that her vehicle was having mechani cal issues. He bought her a new truck.
Riverview resident Anita ‘Mama Thorn’ DeBiase was driving on U.S. Hwy. 301 20 years ago when she heard the Lord’s voice say, “Feed my sheep.”Even though she was caring for Carl, her sick husband, she was de termined to follow the prompting.
Photo courtesy of Liberty and Health Alliance. For 24 years, THORN Ministries has been serving the local homeless community. By Michelle Caceres
The 84-year-old can’t serve as much as she used to because of health issues, but she still helps out by storing the ministry’s mobile food pantry in her large yard.
17 17 11
Staf Report 18 News From T e Wire: 18
“The volunteers that come and help and give of their time and resources is just incredible,” she said.
“It’s a miraculous thing that’s hap pening here,” she said. “The Lord is providing.”Tolearn more about volunteering or making a donation to THORN Min istries, contact volunteer coordinator Jamie Yonke at 813-205-0745 or vis it www.thornministries.net. Faith & Footprints: 17 Grace Notes: 04 Hooked On Books: 11 Liberty and Health Alliance will hold a free mobile hospital and clinic for the community, ofering medical, dental and vision care at the Tampa Convention Center from Thursday and Friday, September 15-16. Volunteers and support are needed to help with this Christian-sponsored event, which is being held in a region that the state has identified as an area of critical healthPleaseneed.register to attend as a pa tient or volunteer at https://liber tyandhealth.org/.Volunteersare needed from every medical and health care specialty. Doc tors, nurse practitioners, nurses, physi cian assistants and medical assistants are needed in the fields of cardiology, dermatology, emergency care, gastroenterology, pediatrics, podiatry, psychi atry, women’s health and many more specialties. Dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants are also needed. Additionally, hundreds of nonmed ical volunteers are needed for interpreting, food service, financial and legal counseling, clothing dis tribution and other areas of service. Donations of medical supplies and equipment, as well as financial support, are necessary to make this a successful event. Sponsorships are also avail able.“We’re excited to serve the Tampa Bay area in this way, helping people who are most in need of physical and mental healing,” said Dr. Lela Lewis, president of Liberty and Health Alliance. “We’re calling on all those interested in vol unteering for this event to do so and help make an impact in changing peo ple’s lives. Thank you for your support for those in need.”
“The impact it had on my kids was amazing,” Taylor said. The service project touched more than her children’s hearts. She saw the desperate need within the home less population and knew they need ed help. That one-time teaching mo ment turned into a 24-year mission.
“The good book tells us we need to help one another,” DeBiase said.
The ministry started when Tay lor and her husband, who had four biological children and were foster parents to eight more, decided one Thanksgiving to teach her large fam ily to think about others instead of themselves. They made some food, piled into the family van and went to downtown Tampa, where they fed about 60 homeless people.
“Everyone can get involved,” said Taylor.Theministry has grown from feed ing 60 homeless people weekly to al most 400. Since she started, she has traded in the family van for a food trailer. Every week, she sees a mira cle in the number of food trays that get donated by volunteers. In its 24 years in operation, it’s never run out of food. Leftovers get delivered to needy families in Gibsonton. In addition to a meal, the group passes out hygiene and first aid prod ucts. Sometimes, a hairdresser volun teers to cut hair. If a homeless per son needs a pair of steel-toed boots or a black T-shirt for work or a pair of sneakers, she said they always seem to secure the required items.
THORN Ministries founder Kristin Taylor credits her ministry’s longev ity to volunteers like DiBiase.
When her husband’s nurse told her about Thankfully Helping Oth ers Real Needs (THORN) Ministries, a charity that feeds the homeless in Tampa on Sundays, she decided to get involved by cooking meals in her kitchen and delivering them to Tam pa’s often-overlooked population.
“Even though I was going through a trial in my own life, I needed to help others,” said DeBiase, a Ger man immigrant who was a child during World War II and moved to the United States in 1958. “I know what it’s like to be hungry and have nothing to eat.”
Dr. Lewis has led similar community mega clinics in other cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix and San Antonio, all of which were reported by major market news out lets.Liberty and Health Alliance is a ministry founded by Seventh-day Adventist Christians that believes humanity has received the gift of life and the ofer of whole-person health from God. Under its belief system, since every individual has been endowed by the Creator with liberty of conscience, it rests with the individual to make informed health decisions — through free choice and as a duty to God. People of all backgrounds and faiths are welcome in the journey. The Tampa Convention Center is located at 333 S. Franklin St. in Tampa. For more information, visit https://libertyandhealth.org/.
Page 2 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022
Every year, Next Level Church in Riv erview gives back to local schools and teachers through various initiatives. This year, the church partnered with Gibsonton El ementary School to gather much-need ed school supplies and backpacks for students.Walter Robbins, executive assis tant at Next Level Church, explained that the church became aware of this huge need in the community and immediately got to work to meet those needs. The church set a goal to donate 120 backpacks full of supplies, such as binders, crayons, note books and more. “Every year, we partner with a local school to help serve them however we can,” said Robbins. “This year, we came across a post online from Gibsonton Elementary School letting the community know of their need for school supplies. We quickly orga nized our church to do something about it, and backpacks with school supplies started coming in each week for this initiative.”
climb, the extra help for families that may be struggling was a blessing to the staf, students and“Wefamilies.want to be a church that is known in our com munity for being loving, relevant and life-giving,” said Robbins. “Meeting local needs such as high demand for school supplies is just one way we can show the com munity our love for them.”The church’s next goal is to raise non perishable food items for the ECHO organization at its annual Stuf-A-Truck event this Thanksgiv ing season. ECHO was founded in 1987 and its mission is to assist the residents of Hill sborough County in crisis with food, cloth ing, programs and resources.
• Motion-sensing lighting can make noc turnal trips to the bathroom — common in one’s golden years — much safer, helping to reduce the risk of dangerous trips and falls. Many lighting options plug directly into outlets, while others are battery-op erated and can be installed anywhere. Be sure to include these fixtures in bedrooms, hallways and bathrooms. “True independence must be accompa nied by peace of mind for you, your family and your caregivers,” said Simmons. “By adopting new technologies, you can help create a virtual safety net, enabling you to stay at home while living in a safe environ ment and providing piece of mind to your loved ones.” By State Point Media (c) / Getty Images
• Automatic pill dispensers can help en sure you never miss a dose or take too much medication. Depending on your needs, you may need to look for a solution ofering both visual and audio notifications, or one suited for those with limited dexterity.
• PERS, also known as Medical Emergen cy Response Systems, allow you to call for help in an emer gency by pushing a button. Wear able pendants — along
The church collected the supplies for four weeks before delivering them at the begin ning of the school year to Gibsonton Ele mentary. As the costs of goods continue to
By Kelly Wise Valdes
Next Level Church in Riverview partnered with Gibsonton Elementary School to help provide students with backpacks and school supplies.
To help you live safely and comfortably in your home in the years to come, Simmons ofers a few strategies for using the newest technology to your advantage:
(StatePoint) By 2030, almost a quarter of the American popu lation will be over the age of 65, up from 16 percent in 2020, cre ating a situation that’s going to drive greater demand and greater pressure on the care industry. In addition to a larger workforce and more financial resourc es, new technologies also have the potential to help solve the problems created by this seismic demo graphicAccordingshift. to experts, artificial intelli gence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are already among the key components of new technologies providing improved quality of life for those who want to continue living independently at home.
iStock via
Next Level Church was founded in 2008 in Dover, New Hampshire and has several campuses, including the Riverview loca tion, and serves the local community and surrounding areas of Hillsborough County. It was named among the fastest-growing churches in America by Outreach maga zine. The congregation meets every Sunday at 10 a.m. at 10650 County Rd. 672 in Riv erview. For more information, visit www. nextlevel.church.
Plus Care partners of those with any type of memory loss, whether family, friends or professionals, need to be equipped with the knowledge to best support their loved one. Gain this knowledge at our NEW hybrid support groups being held via Zoom and in person at Tessera of Brandon. Hybrid Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Groups Come a little early for refreshments! 1320 Oakfeld Dr. Brandon, FL 33511 | 813-607-6880 Fourth Tuesday of Every Month at 6:30 pm Meeting in person and via Zoom!!! Zoom Meeting Number 897 6781 0479 Password: evening Fourth Wednesday of Every Month at 2:00 pm Meeting in person and via Zoom!!! ZOOM Meeting Number 869 4044 7508 Password: support #ALFacilityLivingAssisted13150 LAKE BRANDON VILLAGE 11325 Causeway Blvd • Brandon (813) 655-1237 BRANDON SOUTH 2010 Bloomingdale Ave • Valrico (813) 571-05696amHours:-10pm
connect with loved ones and emergency personnel. Those ofered by LogicMark use AI and ML for pattern recognition and fall detection for an added layer of security. To learn more, visit www.logicmark.com.
Page 3ChristianVoiceMonthly.comVolume 26 | Issue 09
“While AI and ML have transformed other industries, adaptation has been slow in the care industry, but we’re working to change that,” explained Chia-Lin Simmons, chief executive ofcer of LogicMark (NAS DAQ: LGMK), which manufactures person al emergency response systems (PERS), health communications devices and remote care and activity monitoring technologies to create a connected care platform and recently incorporated two-way voice com munication technology into its medical alert pendant.
And how did Bellows’ family, her hus band and four kids, feel about her leav ing them for two weeks in the summer? “It wasn’t easy for them, but they were very supportive,” Bellows said.
This was her second mission trip through BayCare with Global Health Volunteers, the first being a mission to Haiti in 2018. She’s also done a Habitat for Humanity mission trip to pandemic,Peru.pleandcalprovideherBellowsBotswana.summarized2022Perutrip:“OurgoalwastobasicmedicaretothepoorunderservedpeoofthatregionofBecauseofthemanymis sion teams had not reached patients in years and many were in desperate need of care or of simple reassurance that everything was OK with them and their loved“Evenones.”though the care we provid ed was so essential to our patients, I feel that what I received from them was even greater. The people of this area have so little. Many have ailments that cannot be treated by a simple vis it, yet they came to us every day with huge smiles on their faces and remained grateful for everything we did. Their re sourcefulness and resilience is astound ing. I am beyond grateful to our patients that have shared their culture with me and showed me how rich a life can be even with so little.”
My friend, Cher yl, was pushing her baby in a stroller down her neigh borhood sidewalk when she saw a neighbor’s aggres sive dog running toward her with a rope tied around hisPanicked,neck.
Page 4 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022
NIV. Debora M.
is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of over 40 books, including the bestselling Too Blessed to be Stressed series. Visit with Debora anytime at www.DeboraCoty.com. Grace Notes Singing With Grace Notes By Debora Coty 10312 W Bloomingdale Ave, Suite 105 Riverview, FL adam.benabram@edwardjones.com813-626-305233578 www.edwardjones.com/adam-benabram Member SIPC (Take Out Only) 27 Years in NowRoomYBORBrandon!OPEN! BRANDON TERMITE & PEST CONTROL #1 Bug Muggers Since 1973 Main Ofce: 108 S. St. Cloud Ave. • Valrico • Fax 685-3607 • 6am-6pm Serving: Clearwater-Lakeland-Orlando-Plant City For a FREE ESTIMATE call (813) 685-7711 TermidorTermidor 10 Year Guarantee Against Subterranean Termites MEMBER WEST FLORIDA WE TAKE THE PAIN OUT OF PAINTING, AND PUT THE WO BACK IN WONDERFUL! (813) 723-9124 or (813) 670-8565 www.tandjpaintingf.com Residential • Commercial Exterior Repaint Specialists License #L20000250797 NOW EXPERIENCEDHIRINGPAINTERS!!BEAPPRECIATEDFORYOURHARDWORK!!CALLTODAY!
Cheryl shot up a rhino-inthe-road prayer to God for protection and threw her self in front of the stroller, bracing for theButattack.as the dog passed a street sign, the flail ing rope wrapped around the pole, yanking him to a dead stop.Random good luck? Nope. Grace notes — that’s what I call these special touches from Papa God remind ing us that the details of our lives are important to Him. That He’s there, He’s aware and He cares. Grace notes are teensy musical notes that aren’t essential to a melody but add breadth, depth and beauty to the music. Whether sung or played by an instrument, grace notes augment the score in delightful ways. And that’s what the Maestro of Cre ation does for us: everyday grace notes. They’re His fingerprints. Little silvery tones of grace that indelibly imprint His presence in our lives. Sometimes they’re overt and hard to miss, like Cher yl’s near ca tastrophe with devilOtherdog. times, they’re more subtle. We often don’t recognize their divine ori gin as they seem to just … happen. One of my fave biblical ex amples of grace notes is when faithful Ruth went to gather wheat to ward o f starvation on behalf of her be loved mother-inlaw, Naomi. Ruth ‘happened’ to wander into the field of Boaz, a wealthy landowner who ‘happened’ to be dis tantly related to Naomi and ‘happened’ to find the new girl quite compelling. All this ‘happenstance’ ends in Boaz marrying Ruth and producing a son who places them in the direct lineage of King David, and later Jesus Christ himself. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in 55 years of following Jesus, it’s that when ever I think “What a cool coincidence!”, it’s actually a grace note orchestrated directly by the Master Maestro. The One who sings over you and me … with grace notes! “The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will … rejoice over you with singing.” — Zeph aniah 3:17 Coty
Naomie Bellows, an Ellenton resident and re spiratory therapist at St. Joseph’s Hospital-South in Riverview, went on a two-week mission trip in June to provide health care services to an un derserved community in the Peruvian city of Chu lucanas.Bellows went on her own time and expense as part of Global Health Volunteers, a program BayCare participates in that is organized by Trinity Health, a not-forprofit Catholic health system. Bellows was among 30 volunteers from across the country, including doc tors, who provided services such as wound care, well-care visits, medication dispensing and assessments for surgery. She and a nurse from St. Joseph’s Hos pital in Tampa were the BayCare con tingent on the trip. The volunteers saw about 150 patients daily, ages ranging from infants to 100 years old. Bellows did some breathing treatments, but she was mostly involved with administering laboratory tests. Bellows, who speaks some Spanish, was assisted by inter preters in her work. “All the patients lived in diferent lev els of poverty, but none of them had easy access to doctors,” she said. “Some had never seen a doctor before, and oth ers had seen doctors but not in years. Some knew they had blood pressure or diabetes and knew they needed med ication. They were very grateful for us being there.”
LOCAL RESPIRATORY THERAPIST GOES ON MISSION TRIP TO PERU Staf Report • Reading • Writing • Math • SAT/ACT • Homework Edge “Creating Success by Changing Lives” Ask about our Monthly Budget Plan preK -12th Grade Brandon/Valrico Riverview Plant City 689-7212 671-1919 754-7788 Sponsoring Teacher Of Te Month: Te Next Report Card is going to be better!Te Next Report Card is going to be better!
Page 5ChristianVoiceMonthly.comVolume 26 | Issue 09 &FISHHAWK/BLOOMINGDALEVALRICOADVERTISING Kerrie Hoening 625-1527 kerrie@ospreyobserver.com EDITORMANAGING Marie Gilmore 657-2418 editor@ospreyobserver.com MANAGERGRAPHICS Denise Graf 657-2418 denise@ospreyobserver.com EDITORLAYOUT Kathi Hayes 657-2418 khayes@ospreyobserver.com MANAGERBILLING Terry Vassalotti 657-2418 terry@ospreyobserver.com ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Kathy Collins 657-2418 kcollins@ospreyobserver.com EDITORASSIGNMENT Kate Quesada 657-2418 kquesada@ospreyobserver.com WWW . OSPREYOBSERVER . COM FOLLOW US: RIVERVIEW, APOLLO BEACH, & SOUTHSHORE ADVERTISING Melissa Hartmann 833-7470 mhartmann@ospreyobserver.com MANAGERMARKETING Jennifer Hurst 657-2418 jhurst@ospreyobserver.com REPORTERNEWS Taylor Wells 657-2418 twells@ospreyobserver.com 2109 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico, FL 33592 • (office) 657-2418 • (fax) 657-4469 BRANDON & WINTHROP ADVERTISING Melody Gershkoff 300-5152 mgershkoff@ospreyobserver.com CUSTOMER SERVICE Jenny Bennett 657-2418 jbennett@ospreyobserver.com CHRISTIAN ADVERTISINGVOICE Cammie Yick 810-8106 cyick@ospreyobserver.com ASSOCIATED WITH OSPREY OBSERVER 7 Buy One Get BAKLAVAOne(perorder)LittleGreekFreshGrill813.570.8162RIVERVIEWLOCATIONONLY 10173 Big Bend Rd., Riverview Expires 10/1/2022 LUNCHFAMILYEVERYSPECIALSDAYMEALSPECIALS $39.95 Take Out and Delivery La Septima Cafe 702 W Lumsden Rd, Brandon Not Valid with any other discounts, promotions or coupons. No Cash Value. Expires 10/1/2022 Nekter Juice Bar (813) 409-2679 3482 Lithia Pinecrest Rd, Valrico Not to be combined with any other coupons, discounts or ofers. Expires 10/1/2022 Sunfower Cafe 813-65-SUSHI Only valid with regular menu. With this coupon. Must present before submitting payment. Before tax. One coupon per visit. Not valid with Expires 10/1/2022 JF Kicks 813-643-7777 3345 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico Excludes other discounts, specials, or ofers. Expires 10/1/2022 10%OFFENTIREORDER10%OFFENTIREMEAL 10%OFFENTIREPURCHASE If you have an Ad, Story or Press Release that you would like in the next Christian Voice Monthly edition please contact Osprey Observer 6 5 7 2 4 18 Deadline for next CV edition is 5th of month The Bible is full of fascinating stories about human relationships, including friendships. In fact, stories of friend ships are demonstrated throughout the Old and New Testaments. God wants us to have relationships — not just of the marital and familial kind but deep and abiding friendships as well. True friend ship provides us with support, love and enjoyment and is nothing short of a gift fromPriscillaGod. and her husband, Aquila, met the Apostle Paul when he visited Corinth in A.D. 50. The three became committed friends, traveling compan ions and servants of Christ. The story of these friends is told in the Bible in Acts 18. This trio of re markable people demonstrates how a common cause as well as loyalty to each other makes the best of friends. Aquila, a Christian Jew, and Priscil la had come to Corinth from Italy as victims of Roman persecution. The emperor had expelled all Jews from Rome, and Jews knew it was unsafe to remain in Italy. The couple found their way to Corinth and settled there while working as tentmakers. When Paul, a tentmaker himself, came to Corinth, he went to see them, having heard of their faith in Christ. Paul ended up living and working with them while founding the Corinthian church. They opened their home to Paul and the trio lived as a family.After a year and a half, Paul left for Ephesus and asked Aquila and Priscilla to come with him. The couple went and they established a church in their home in Ephesus. While in Ephesus, Aquila and Priscilla ministered to the towns people about the love of Christ. These two remarkable people set an example of hospitality, seen in opening their home to Paul and using their house as a meeting place for the church. They demonstrated their loyal ty to Paul by following him to Ephesus and establishing a church there to con tinue his Anotherministry.outstanding example of the enduring friendship between Paul, Pris cilla and Aquila was their desire to con tinue Paul’s ministry as he had wanted. Paul’s last reference about them was in his last letter. Paul was imprisoned in Rome and writing to Timothy one last time. Timothy was pastoring the church at Ephesus, and Aquila and Pris cilla were there with him, still minister ing. Faithfully, Aquila and Priscilla were offering hospitality to other Christians, spreading the gospel they had learned from Paul and offering their faithful service the Lord. THE BIBLE’S MOST FAMOUS FRIENDSHIPS PAUL, PRISCILLA AND AQUILA By Kelly Wise Valdes Cleaning Services by Bay Area Clean Team • Commercial/Residential Services • Free Estimates • Family Owned & Operated • Licensed, Bonded & Insured Serving: Brandon, Lithia, Fish-Hawk, Seffner, Riverview and surrounding areas “Cleaning the world one Location at a time” (813) 263-6643
The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, located at 1971 Haverford Ave. in Sun City Center, is holding a caregivers support group that meets every first and third Tuesday at 2 p.m. Caregivers can often feel alone and closed o f yet continue to take care of their loved ones. Being tired, frustrated and sometimes alone in daily caregiv ing is common. The caregivers sup port group is there for caregivers to share and to give each other support with no judgment. Written ma terials are also provided. This is a Christian-based group, but you do not have to be a member of the United Methodist Church. All are wel come. For more information, contact the church at 813634-2539 or visit www.sccumc.com.
The Family and Youth Resources and Education Foundation Inc. (FYRE Foundation) just recently received its o f cial 501(c)(3) designation. This local nonprofit helps to fortify families and youth in our commu nity with training, resources and education. It provides a unique blend of programs, training and opportunities to strengthen in dividuals and families. The FYRE Foundation helps prepare people to meet life’s challenges head-on and be successful in meeting their goals. FYRE is located at Redeemer Church at 12404 Boyette Rd. in Riverview. For more information, visit www. fyrefoundation.org or call 813-3601414.
At Summerfeld Crossings Kerin Clarkin, also known as Mr. Riverview, is doing it once again. That is, he has partnered with Sum merfield Crossings Golf Club to throw a hole-in-one golf contest on Friday, September 16 from 5:30-10 p.m. where participants will have the chance to win a huge cash prize. Summerfield Crossing Golf Club is located at 13050 Summerfield Blvd. in Riverview. For more information on how to sign up for the hole-inone tournament or other events and projects Clarkin is a part of, please visit https://thekerin.com/, check out his Facebook page at ‘The Kerin Group,’ email kerin@kw.com or call 813-699-1800. SUPPORT GROUP, ELVIS FUNDRAISER, COMMUNITY YOGA By Kelly Wise Valdes
Caregivers Support Group
Drs. Arthur and Susan Bailyn surprised a group of Our Lady’s Pantry volunteers recently on a Saturday morning when they ar rived with an unsolicited dona tion of $2,500 given by the Tomi akLastFoundation.year,the foundation do nated $10,000, which the pantry used toward operating expenses, in cluding the repair of one of starteddationakTheedrefrigeratitstrucks.TomiFounwasby two sisters to provide humanitarian relief where possible. The foundation is especially inter ested in supporting the well-being of seniors. For more information on Our Lady’s Pantry, visit www.ourla dyspantry.com.
Shore Yoga Community Class The community is invited to partic ipate in yoga at South Shore United Methodist Church on Wednesdays at 6:30-7:30 p.m. The class is $5 and is for all levels of moving, meditation and yoga. South Shore United Meth odist Church at 11525 Big Bend Rd. in Riverview. For available dates, visit www.southshoreumc.com/cal endar. South Shore United Method ist Church at 11525 Big Bend Rd. in Riverview or call 813-677-9482.
Page 6 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022
Hole In One Putting Contest
Meeting At SCCUMC
Our Lady’s Pantry Receives Surprise Donation
Family And Youth Resources And Education Foundation Be comes 501(c)(3)
Bill ‘Elvis’ Lindsey Performs Alz heimer’s Beneft The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, located at 1971 Haverford Ave. in Sun City Center, welcomes Billy ‘Elvis’ Lindsey for a concert on Friday, September 16 at 7 p.m. The concert is a benefit to raise funds for the fight against Alzheim er’sLindseydisease.has been giving Elvis trib ute concerts for years and is the winner of numerous awards. He is a past winner of the ‘Elvis Extravagan za’ Contest at the Florida State Fair, overall champion, best look-a-like and fan favorite. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at www.sccumc.com.
Legendary violin superstar Itzhak Perlman will per form with The Florida Orchestra (TFO) for its 55th Celebration con cert on Saturday, October 1 at 8 p.m. at the Mahafey Theater, conduct ed by TFO music director Michael Francis. The benefit concert launches the 2022-23 season and supports TFO’s music and edu cationUndeniablyprograms.the reigning virtuoso of the violin, Perlman enjoys a superstar status rarely aforded a classical musician. He will join the orchestra for its 55th season open er to perform some of his favorite movie music, including the theme from Schindler’s List — which he performed in the Academy Award-winning film — along with “As Time Goes By” from Casablanca, the love theme from Cinema Paradiso and more. Beloved for his charm and humanity as well as his talent, Perlman has received 16 Grammy Awards, four Emmy Awards, a Kennedy Center Honor, a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award and a Genesis Prize. Perlman has also received multiple dis tinctions from U.S. presidents, including a Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, in 2015. For more about Perlman, visit https://itzhakperlman. com/.Concert tickets are $75, $125, $175 and $225. Limited individual VIP tickets will be available for $550. All tickets are available at http://floridaorchestra.org/, the TFO Ticker Center or by calling 727-892-3337 or 1-800-6627286.VIP individual and select spon sorships are limit ed availability and include premium concert seating, a preconcert recep tion with bar and hors d’oeuvres at the Duke Energy Center for the Arts – Ma hafey Theater overlooking the St. Peters burg waterfront. Sponsorships of featured guest artist, conductor, concertmaster and concert program music selections include other benefits. For information, please contact TFO chief development ofcer Su sana Weymouth at 727-362-5430 or swey mouth@floridaorchestra.org.Thefollowingweekend,Friday to Sunday, October 7-9, Maestro Francis will debut the Hough Family Foundation Masterworks se ries with the iconic Carmina Burana, kick ing of the classical series that includes Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4, Rachmani nof ’s Piano Concerto No. 2 and much more. The Raymond James Pops series includes blockbusters such as Harry Potter vs Star Wars and the Beatles’ iconic Abbey Road album. TFO will perform more than 100 concerts this season in venues throughout Tampa Bay. Single and season tickets are available now. The Mahafey Theater is located at 400 1st St. S. in St. Petersburg. The TFO Ticket Center is located at 244 2nd Ave. N., First Floor in St. Petersburg and is open 9 a.m.5 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, visit http://floridaorchestra. org/.
Page 7ChristianVoiceMonthly.comVolume 26 | Issue 09 9912 Indiana St. • Hwy 41 & Estelle Ave • Gibsonton, FL 33534 813.677.1301 First Baptist Church of Gibsonton “We love because He frst loved us.” 1 John 4:19 Doctor Malcom S. Clements- Pastor Traditional Worship Service Old-time Gospel Hymns Nursery ChildrenAvailable&YouthMinistry Sunday School…………. 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship……… 10:30 A.M. Sunday Evening…………. 6:00 P.M. Mid-Week (Wed.)……… 7:00 P.M. Dr. Priya Reddy M.D. FACR Board Certifed Rheumatologist Dr. Gina Prakash M.D. Board Certifed Rheumatologist Dr. Atefeh Vafa M.D. Board Certifed Rheumatologist Teena Lukose PA-C Specializing in treatment of: • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Psoriatic Arthritis • Osteoporosis • Gout • Osteoarthritis • OnLupusSite:•Lab•Ultrasound•InfusionSuite•ClinicalResearch813-672-2243www.SWFLRHEUM.com NewAcceptingPatients MostAcceptedInsurance Two Convenient Locations: 11954 Boyette Rd., Riverview | 4002 Sun City Center Blvd. Ste. 101 INSURANCE!ACCEPTINGNOWTRICARE Inclusion of all people in a com munity is import ant. For that goal, a new group called The Hive Inclusive, created by Tonya Whitlock, makes it a priority to give the disabled com munity more op portunities to in teract with others. Whitlock came up with the idea for The Hive Inclu sive due to her son, Trace, who is 28 years old and has cerebral palsy. Whitlock said her son “watched his other siblings move out and live their own lives” and that “he wished to have the opportunity to do the same.” This sparked an idea to create a group where disabled people could inter act with everyone in the community. Currently, the local area has no inclu sive living and a lack of social activities for the disabled, leading to most disabled people being part of ‘the clif,’ meaning they are segregated from the local com munity. The Hive Inclusive was in the making back in January 2020 to resolve this. However, in March 2020, COVID-19 put the project on hold. It started back up again in October 2021, where a team of four people would meet weekly to work on creating The Hive Inclusive. In June 2022 the team began planning to create their own build ing to run The Hive Inclusive in. Right now, the group operates out of Bayshore Baptist Church and meets weekly. On Saturday mornings, there are instructor-led classes, and on Satur day nights there are social events. The classes are target ed towards the dis abled members of The Hive Inclusive. During classes, the members learn and work on many skills. Local people come in and teach class es based on their profession. Some classes include a local chef teaching how to make mac and cheese, a local artist teaching how to make abstract paintings and a local writ er teaching members how to tell a story. Later at night, there is then a social event where all members, disabled or not, are encouraged to come. At the event, there are food, drinks and activities, such as karaoke, with the main goal of having fun as an inclusive community. The Hive Inclusive collaborates with Hope4Life, which is a caregiving agency, and CUP (Cofee Uniting People). It also partners with local sponsors and people in order to gain money for future activ ities and programming. Currently, the group is working on creating housing in the Tampa metro area that is afordable, multigenerational and inclusive. If you or someone you know is inter ested in joining The Hive Inclusive, you can buy a membership online at https:// theinclusivehive.org/ for $10 a month or $90 a year. For more information, visit Facebook @theinclusivehive, Ins tagram @inclusivehive and LinkedIn sive-community/.www.linkedin.com/company/hive-incluat
Itzhak Perlman (shown in the circle), a legendary violinist, will display his talents in his perform with Te Florida Orchestra for its 55th Celebration concert on Saturday, October 1.
Two members of Te Hive Inclusive Community participating in a cooking class.
Harvest Bible Chapel Bloomingdale High School 813-699-0517
Te Chapel at FishHawk 6026 Churchside Dr., Lithia 813-661-7105 Te Crossing Church - Main Campus 10130 Tuscany Ridge Dr., Tampa, (813) 626-0783 Te Crossing Church - SouthShore 2409 East College Ave., Ruskin (813) 626-0580
HolyEPISCOPALInnocents’Episcopal Church 604 N. Valrico Rd., Valrico (813) ApostlesLUTHERAN689-3130Lutheran Church 200 Kingsway Rd, Brandon (813) Immanuel689-2571Lutheran Church 2913 John Moore Rd., Brandon (813) 689-1787 Savior Lutheran Church 2650 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Valrico (813) 681-2375 METHODIST First United Methodist Church of Sefner 1310 South Kingsway Rd., Sefner (813) 689-3513
New Life Christian Church 401 S. Saint Cloud Ave, Valrico 813-548-2733 South Bay Church 13498 US 301 S., Riverview 813-677-0721
Westminster Presbyterian
Church PCA 402 E. Lumsden Rd., Brandon (813) 689-6541 PAINTING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING SPECIALISTS Celebrating 30+ Years In Business “20 Year Osprey Advertising Partner” ESTIMATESFREE ALL WORK GUARANTEED Residential and TNTtermiteandpestcontrol.com(813)716-9196CommercialLOCAL&FAMILYOWNED“DYNAMITECUSTOMERSERVICE” PEST CONTROLPEST CONTROL • Reading • Writing • Math • SAT/ACT • Homework Edge “Creating Succes s by Changing Lives ” As k about our Monthly Budget Plan preK 1 2 th Grade Brandon/Valrico Riverview 6 8 9 7 2 1 2 6 7 1 1 9 1 9 Plant City 7 5 4 7 7 8 8 TUTORING Community Church Rd., Valrico Chapel High School ChristianRiverviewCenterRd.,Riverview Christian Center Ave, Riverview Christian Church Cloud Ave, Valrico ChurchRiverview FishHawk Dr., Lithia Church - Main Campus Ridge Dr., Tampa, Church - SouthShore College Ave., Ruskin ChurchRd., Brandon 301 S., Suite 114, Riverview PENTECOSTAL SE, Ruskin Church of Brandon Lithia-Pinecrest Rd., Valrico/Brandon PRESBYTERIAN Presbyterian Church of Brandon -PCUSA Brandon Church-PCA Rd., Riverview Presbyterian Church PCA Rd., Brandon HEAT & AC Listed TODAY! Residential & CommercialInstallationCommercial&RepairRefrigeration(813)671-2555 HEAT & AC List Your Church or Advertise Your Business With Us Today... Contact Cammie Yick cyick@ospreyobserver.comat Family Owned and Operated Fans & Fixtures • Panel Changes Boat Docks • Pool & Spa Wiring Generators & Surge Protectors Remodels • Exterior & Specialty Lighting www.BryanHindmanElectric.com813-672-4084 Florida State Certifed Electrical Contractor | EC#13004922 ELECTRICIAN Local Area Church Directory ACCOUNTING GARY D. MEYER Certified PubliC ACCountAnt • Accounting & Bookkeeping • Compiled Financial Statement Presentations • Tax Return Preparation for Individuals, Corporations, LLC’s and Partnerships • Consulting for New Business Startups • Financial & Estate Planning 813-971-4067 gmeyer4@tampabay.rr.com Serving the Tampa Bay Area Since 1980 DOG TRAINING allamericandog.net813-685-6666 • Puppy Training • Obedience Training • CGC & Therapy Training • Service Training • PTSD Training • Protection Training • Aggression or County Citation “Since 1972” IN YOUR HOME
Te Palms Church 207 New Hope Rd., Brandon (813) 841-9598
PRESBYTERIAN First Presbyterian Church of Brandon -PCUSA 121 Carver Ave., Brandon (813) 689-4597 Redeemer Church-PCA 12404 Boyette Rd., Riverview (813) 741-1776
True 6528SanctuaryUSHwy301 S., Suite 114, Riverview (813) PENTECOSTAL319-5862
Celestial Church of Christ Altar of Restoration 1209W Brandon Blvd, Unit 102 (813) 720-0745
Love First Christian Center 12847 Balm Riverview Rd., Riverview 813-671-2009
Page 8 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022 1017BayBAPTISTLifeChurchKingswayAve. Brandon (813) 661-3696 Bell Shoals Baptist - Brandon 2102 Bell Shoals Rd., Brandon (813) (813)216First(813)9990Bell(813)5415Bell(813)408Bell(813)2102Congregación689-4229HispanaBellShoalsRd.,Brandon689-4229ext.242ShoalsBaptist-ApolloBeachApolloBeachBlvd.,ApolloBeach641-2222ShoalsBaptist-PalmRiverPalmRiverRd.,Tampa621-2058ShoalsBaptist-RiverviewSouthHwy301,Suite10024,Riverview689-4229BaptistChurchofBrandonN.ParsonsAve.,Brandon689-1204 First Baptist Church of Bloomingdale 3303 Bloomingdale Ave.,Valrico (813) 689-3847 First Baptist Church of Gibsonton 9912 Indiana St., Gibsonton (813) 677-1301 First Baptist Church of Ruskin 820 College Ave. W., Ruskin (813) 645-6439 FishHawk Fellowship 15326 Fishhawk Blvd., Lithia (813) 655-7431 Grace Baptist Church 2909 John Moore Rd., Brandon (813) 689-7190 Journey Church 415 W. Lumsden Rd., Brandon (813) 699-8262 Shiloh Baptist Church 1104 Cason St., Plant City (813) 752-8345
Destiny Church 2322 11th Ave. SE, Ruskin (813) 645-3337 HighPoint Church of Brandon 2207 Lithia-Pinecrest Rd., Valrico/Brandon (813) 685-4827
St. Stephen Catholic Church 10118 Saint Stephen Circle, Riverview (813) 689-4900 CHURCH OF GOD Boyette Springs Church of God 12114 Boyette Rd., Riverview (813) 671-0086 Plant City Church of God 2103 Mud Lake Rd., Plant City (813) 752-4591
Centerpoint Church 1801 S. Miller Rd., Valrico (813) 689-1906
CATHOLIC Nativity Catholic Church 705 E Blvd., Brandon (813) Resurrection Catholic Church 6819 Krycul Ave, Riverview St.813.677.2175AnneCatholic Church 106 11th Ave. NE, Ruskin (813) St. Matthews Anglican Church 10701 Bloomingdale Avenue, Riverview (813)
River of Life Christian Center 6605 Krycul Ave, Riverview 813-677-4453
Grace Community United Methodist Church 5708 Lithia Pinecrest Rd., Lithia (813) 661-8858 Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church 5920 Robert Tolle Drive, Riverview (813) 337-7457 Hope United Methodist Church 120 N. Knights Ave., Brandon (813) 689-4161 Riverview First United Methodist Church 8002 US Hwy 301., Riverview www.riverviewfumc.org United Methodist Church 105 4th Ave. NW, Ruskin (813) 645-1241 Shore United Methodist Church 11525 Big Bend Rd., Riverview (813) 649-9462 Calvary Chapel Brandon 1331 Kingsway Rd., Brandon (813) 681-5318
Grace Community Church 1425 N Valrico Rd., Valrico (813) 689-9781
By Pastor Jomo Cousins, PhD
Most business leaders choose employees who are most valu able for their business. When this Scripture tells us, “Don’t muzzle the ox,” it is reminding us to feed the people who feed us. If we have employees or managers who are doing great work, we should make sure to take care of them because they are taking care of us. Do not get frustrated when paying people more for what they do if they are a cog or a major part of what you do. They are worth every penny you pay. In the NFL, quarterbacks get paid the most money, by far, because they have the ball most of the time. They also make the greatest con tribution towards the team winning or losing the game, so they are compensated ac cordingly. In this Scripture, the ox would be considered theFatherPrayer:quarterback.God,give me the wis dom to compensate those I need to compensate and el evate those I need to elevate so that they may be fruitful for my company, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Except from: 60 Prayers in 60 Seconds, Page 37.
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1 Timothy 5:18 (AMP): “18 For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain [to keep it from eating],’ and, ‘The worker is worthy of his wages [he deserves fair compensation].’”
Tis new youth-based organization, for ages 14-18, is the frst communi ty-based Interact club in District 6890
Chef Dave West, the for mer owner of The Rolling Pin, has moved onto the next phase of his culinary journey in life; he is taking his culi nary talents to the high seas. “I graduated French Culi nary Institute and I’ve been a chef for 20 years,” West said. “After retiring from The Rolling Pin Kitchen Empori um in 2021, many friends, family and former customers urged me ingatassistantsourment.edutainsortinwithcontinuetothemsomeoffoodOneofculinaryTheRollPinisatravel agent, Anna Maria Gen tiles. She helped put the thoughts into an actionable first trip.” Chef Dave West’s Culinary Cruise on the Celebrity Apex is a seven-night cruise that will take place from April 1-8, 2023. Guests will be aboard the Celebrity Apex, a Celeb rity Edge® Series ship which will depart from Fort Lauderdale. The ports of call are Fort Lauderdale, Nassau, At Sea, Puerto Costa Maya, Cozu mel, George Town, Grand Cayman, At Sea and Fort AccommodationsLauderdale.include an infinite ve randa starting at $2,000 per person, de pending on category and cabin location. Also included are a classic beverage pack age, crew gratuities, Wi-Fi, taxes and port fees.Current promotions will be applied and discounts will be added at the time of booking. Ear ly booking is encouraged to take advantage of the current lower rates. Ocean view category and single quotes are also available. A $250 per person, nonre fundable deposit is due to confirm booking. While on the cruise,”Aprilsoitiesberhavelights.linaryvariousexperienceguestscruise,willcude“Weanumofactivplannedfarforthe2023West
Page 10 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022
The Interact Club of Tampa Bay (ICTB) is being created to serve the youth of Hill sborough County and provide resources to the students to help prepare them with life and leadership skills as they transi tion to whatever avenue they choose to take after high school. The club’s intent is to prepare them for what comes next and educate them on all options available, whether that is college, trade school or serving in the military. The club is also focused on helping students obtain com
“There is a quote by Kellems Dominik that says, ‘It’s intellectual and emotional travel, the imagination is just endless. A curated group of very interesting people who are all like-minded around food.’ I think this sums up the experiences we hope to create.” If you are interested in booking Chef Dave West’s Culinary Cruise, you can con tact local travel agent Anna Maria Gentile of Cruise Planners at 914-325-9399 or via email at annamaria.gentile@cruiseplan ners.com.
Chef Dave West’s Culinary Cruise on the Celebrity Apex is a seven-night cruise that will take place from April 1-8, 2023.
Do you know a stu dent in grades 9-12 that may have an interest in leadership opportu nities and chance to serve in 2022-23? If so, you or your high schoolaged child may enjoy the new Interact club coming to Hillsborough County and Rotary District 6890 this month. This new youth-based organization, for ages 14-18, is the first community-based Interact club in District 6890. It is also one of less than a handful of community-based Interact clubs in the United States.
munity service opportu nities, which will help the students as they apply for scholarships as well as teach them the im portance of community service.“We realized there was an opportunity to provide students with a dual-purpose club oppor tunity that serves all the students of our county while preparing them for life after high school and providing commu nity service oppor tunities that teach them how to give back to their com munity.” said Chad Norgard, president of Brandon ’86 Rotary Club. Currently, Brandon ’86 Rotary Club is planning for 20-30 students to start of thisTheyear.ICTB leadership team has chosen Financial Literacy as its first-year project and is currently working on the details for a fundraising project that will provide lo cal elementary schools with books to help replenish their media centers and help children that need assistance with raising their reading scores. The Interact Club of Tampa Bay is being sponsored by Brandon ’86 Rotary Club. The chartering ceremony was held on August 8 at the Rivard-Simmons Rotary Event Center in Brandon. For more information on joining the In teract club or Brandon ’86 Rotary Club, email info@brandon86rotary.com or call 813-653-4822.
said. “A private group welcome cocktail party, hors d’oeuvres with the ship captain and culinary leaders, a guided tour of the ships food production system, two sepa rate food sessions with agendas and a guid ed tour of the bridge.” West hopes to create an amazing experi ence for all who attend the culinary cruise.
By Libby Hopkins
Fall Season Friday Night Lights, Game Nights & More
Triumph! Powerful Stories of Ath letes of Faith
All Tings Possible: My Story of Faith, Football and the Miracle Season
Called to Coach: Refections on Life, Faith and Football
As we enter September, many of us are looking forward to the beginning of autumn, possible cooler weather and football season. Many families enjoy the fun of Friday night lights in high school and Saturdays in college stadiums across the country. Local sports can be the heart of a community and a time for fellowship with friends and other families. Whether your children are involved in the sports community by playing on a team or just enjoy watching sports, it’s an opportunity to share in comradery through the love of Christ. How does faith play a role in sports? In so many ways. If properly cultivated, being involved in sports develops character, values and a platform to demonstrate your faith and honor God. There are a multitude of athletes and sports figures that profess their faith through their sport, including Tim Tebow, Tony Dungy, Mike Singletary and Kurt Warner, just to name a few. Now is a perfect time to read about how athletics and Christianity can be a platform for testimony. 1 Corinthians 9:25 tells us in the New Living Translation, “All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize.”
By Bobby Bowden Called to Coach ofers an up-close and personal look at one of the winningest coaches in football history, Bobby Bowden. From his boyhood in Alabama to his 55-year career in college football, this book reveals never-before-published details of his life, including the tragic death of his grandson and son-in-law in a 2004 accident, and the details of his retirement in 2009. Called to Coach is an inspiring story of a remarkable man and the unwavering faith in God that sustained him..
This is the courageous saga of Kurt Warner, a man who refused to relinquish his dream or his belief in God’s guiding hand and went on to become the winning quarterback and MVP of Super Bowl XXX IV. More than just a thrilling sports story, this is also the intimate tale of how Kurt’s devotion to his family sustained him as he pursued his lifelong dream. On December 14, 2000, Sports Illustrated honored Kurt as one of its six sportsmen of the year. Game Changer By Kirk Cousins Kirk Cousins is an NFL quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings. He exhibited a pas sion for football at an early age and went on to play for Michigan State University. He is known both on and of the football field for his exemplary leadership qualities and his commitment to making a diference in the name of Christ, committing everything to the glory of God. In Game Changer, Cousins gives readers an inside look at his life and how he puts his faith and values into action.
By Kurt Warner, Michael Silver
By Kelly Wise Valdes
By Pat Williams and Ken Hussar
Former Philadelphia 76ers player and Orlando Magic executive Pat Williams has become a popular Christian speaker and author. This book is a collection of stories that describe how some of the biggest names in sports have used their faith to guide them through challenges both on and of the playing field. Christians have been able to make a name for themselves in amateur and professional sports.
Page 11ChristianVoiceMonthly.comVolume 26 | Issue 09
South Florida Baptist is a founding member of BayCare Health System, which was formed more than 25 years ago to continue providing not-for-profit health care to the Tampa Bay communi ty with a mission to provide high-qual ity compassionate care to all it serves. For more information, visit https:// baycare.org/.
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SUPPORT By Ella Martin Kaylin Armstrong with menstrual products and pouches that were distributed to the clinics at local elementary and middle schools.
All eyes gazed upward as the highest beam topped the new est building around, marking a
To help with their goal, the Armstrongs are currently looking for product donations which can be purchased from their Amazon Wish List at wishlist/ls/33QCBIVOC1L1J.https://www.amazon.com/hz/
Long-time board member Dub Mc Ginnes reflected on the hospital’s histo ry: “We are so proud of our leadership and team members. We have a great history here — it’s been 70 years since the first one was built — but it has even a brighter future.”
The 420,000-square-foot hospital, located o f Exit 22 of I-4, east of the East Sam Allen and N. Park Roads in tersection, will be 6 floors tall with two 6-story tow ers. All 146 rooms will be private. The campus in cludes a medical o f ce building for convenient access to physicians as well as services such as rehabil itation, imaging and wound care. The $326 mil lion hospital is projected to open by early 2024.
Barton Malow project executive Matt Wood said their involvement with the hospital fulfills the company’s mission.
Page 12 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022
elected o f cials, business leaders, construction workers and hospital team members — who signed before the ceremonial topping“We’reout.very grateful for the continued support of our community as we build this location to replace our original hos pital (301 N. Alexander St.),” said Karen Kerr, hospital president. “We know it means a lot to the people of Plant City.”
South Florida Baptist Hospital team member Heather Coates signs the beam that topped the newest building around, marking a construction milestone for the future South Florida Baptist Hospital in Plant City.
Did you know that 49 percent of middle school through high school-aged girls will at some point miss an entire day of school due to their period? Well, a local FishHawk resident and her daughter, Meghan and Kay lin Armstrong, have been working hard to lower this per centage. Last year, the Armstrong fam ily decided to start a service project that helps get menstrual products to girls who need them in a dis creet way. The inspiration and motivation for creating this project came from the experience Kaylin had in which she start ed her period at a young age and only had access to menstrual products through her parents, as none were provided to her at school.In2021, Kaylin starred in a short film ti tled Code Red by director Jada Poon that depicted the lack of access to menstrual products in schools. In the film, a young girl gets her period and must skip class and go on an ‘adventure’ to find menstrual products. However, when a boy goes to the nurse to get a Band-Aid, he is easily able to get one, while the girl struggles and isn’t able to receive any menstrual products. The film as well as Kaylin’s experience led to the Armstrong family wanting to create a way for girls to have menstrual products readily available in their schools. For young girls, getting their pe riod can be a confus ing time due to a lack of education, having irregular cycles and not having access to menstrual products at school or, in some cases, even at home. Within the first year of starting their project, the Arm strongs were able to create 300 pouches filled with menstru al products and dis tributed them to the clinics at local ele mentary and middle schools. Teachers also took the time to edu cate the girls about their bodies and cycles. The pouches create a more comfortable and discreet way to bring menstrual prod ucts to the bathroom. This year, the Armstrongs are working to decrease ‘period poverty’ at high-need schools in the Tampa area. Period poverty is when a girl doesn’t have any menstrual supplies because their family can’t aford them, which in turn causes many girls in these areas to miss school or even use toilet paper or tissues as menstrual products. The Armstrongs hope that with their program, less girls will miss school because they will be able to easily access menstrual products when needed.
“Our team charter says it will provide extraordinary health care services for Plant City and surrounding areas for generations to come,” Wood said. “It’s very fulfilling to be working on a proj ect with a noble purpose.”
Ralph Garcia, chairman of the hos pital’s board of trustees, noted the progress made since October’s ground breaking.“Ilearned a lot about what this hos pital means to the community,” he said. “I’ve had a chance to round with Karen and meet the team. I look at this hos pital as another great tool that you can give to this team to help them care for this wonderful community and its sur rounding areas.”
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Page 14 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022 Learn more about how to advertise your school in the Christian Voice education directory! Contact Cammie Yick at cyick@ospreyobserver.com CHRISTIANEDUCATIONDIRECTORY • Early Childhood Programs (3 & 4 yr. olds) • Elementary Education (Kindergarten thru 5th) • Middle School Education (6 thru 8th grade) 10424 Saint Stephen Circle Riverview (Of Boyette Road) (813) www.ststephencatholicschool.org741-9203 Located on 301 S. in Riverview www.tsop-academy.org Christian Academy Ages 1-11 Bible-Based IndividualizedTeachingEducational Program After School Care Summer Programs To Schedule a Tour, Call Adunola Steen at 813-319-5862 EnrollingNow! CENTRAL BAPTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL “Distinctly Christian, Academically Excellent” 402 E. Windhorst, Brandon, 33510 www.cbcslions.com813-689-6133 Accepting Step Up Scholarships Grades PK-12 OFallferingVPK GradesK-12Over40yrsinChristianEducation Fully Accredited Serving with Excellence for 38 Years! ElementaryVPK/PreschoolSchool•Middle School Before & After Care Preschool • VPK • Half-day Kindergarten Before and After Care • Wee Play Ofering early childhood education in a loving, warm Christian environment for over 45 years. (813) 689-9482 120 N. Knights Avenue • Brandon, FL 33510 www.newhopeearlylearning.com Enrolling! Accepting Students with IEPs Now w E Ennrollllinng Two Locations K-8th Grades 1204 S. Lenna Ave, Seffner 13498 US Hwy 301 South, Riverview 813.661.4200 WWW.LIVINGSTONESHOOLS.ORG VPK/PreschoolENROLLIINGGSTUDENNTS3&4YrOldBefore&AfterCare Luke 18:16 200 Kingsway Road, Brandonwww.apostleslutheran.net689-2571Small,CaringEnvironment Celebrating Over 50 Years of Kingdom Education 2102 Bell Shoals Rd. Brandon 689-9183 www.bsbacademy.com BAPTIST ACADEMY Now Enrolling !! Infant through Pre-K4 Call 813-684-9453 820 College Ave W., Ruskin, FL Preschool,813-645-6441VPK,Grades www.ruskinchristianschool.netK5-12 AdvancED, Middle States Association and FACCS accredited Half-day Preschool, VPK, & Mother’s Day Out program 402 E. Lumsden Road Brandon, FL academy@wpcbrandon.org813-684-311833511 Inspire. Teach. Minister. Faith Christian Academy Preschool Now Enrolling Ages 6 weeks - 5 years *Meals, Diapers and Formula Included* 2402 Mud Lake Rd. | Plant City, FL 33563 www.fcapc.com813.473.2090 Inspire. Teach. Minister. K5-12th Grade Faith Christian Academy of Plant City Now Enrolling/Accepting McKay, Gardiner and Step Up For Students Dual Enrollment, AP Classes, Sports and Arts 2402 Mud Lake Rd. | Plant City, FL 33563 813.473.2090 • www.fcapc.com CHRISTIANDIRECTORY • Providing Quality Education St. CatholicStephenSchool Located on 301 S. in Riverview www.tsop-academy.org Christian Academy Ages 1-11 Bible-Based IndividualizedTeachingEducational Program After School Care Summer Programs To Schedule a Tour, Call Adunola Steen at 813-319-5862 EnrollingNow! Grades PK-12 OFallferingVPK GradesK-12Over40yrsinChristianEducation Fully Accredited Serving with Excellence for 38 Years! ElementaryVPK/PreschoolSchool•Middle School Before & After Care Accepting Students with IEPs Now Enrolling Two Locations K-8th Grades 1204 S. Lenna Ave, Seffner 13498 US Hwy 301 South, Riverview 813.661.4200 WWW.LIVINGSTONESHOOLS.ORG Celebrating Over 50 Years of Kingdom Education 2102 Bell Shoals Rd. Brandon 689-9183 www.bsbacademy.com BAPTIST ACADEMY Now Enrolling !! Infant through Pre-K4 Call 813-684-9453 1yr-4yr Riverview providencechristianschool.net Half-day Preschool, VPK, & Mother’s Day Out program 402 E. Lumsden Road Brandon, FL academy@wpcbrandon.org813-684-311833511 Minister.PreschoolyearsIncluded* 33563 Learn more about how to advertise your school in the Christian Voice Education Directory! Contact Cammie Yick at cyick@ospreyobserver.com. EDUCATIONCHRISTIANDIRECTORY more how to your Contact Cammie Yick at cyick@ospreyobserver.com CHRISTIANEDUCATIONDIRECTORY • Providing Quality Education • Early Childhood Programs & 4 yr. Elementary Education (Kindergarten thru 5th) Middle (6 thru 8th grade) 10424 Riverview Boyette Road) (813) www.ststephencatholicschool.org741-9203 St. CatholicStephenSchool 301 Riverview www.tsop-academy.org Academy Bible-Based IndividualizedTeachingEducational After School Care Summer To Schedule Call Adunola Steen at 813-319-5862 EnrollingNow! CENTRAL BAPTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL “Distinctly Christian, Academically Brandon, www.cbcslions.com813-689-6133 Accepting Up Grades PK-12 O GradesK-12Over40yrsinChristianEducation Accredited Serving with Excellence for 38 & Care Preschool • VPK • Half-day Kindergarten Wee Play Ofering early childhood education in a loving, warm Christian environment years. (813) Avenue • Brandon, 33510 Students with IEPs Enrolling Grades 13498 Hwy 301 813.661.4200 VPK/PreschoolENROLLINGSTUDENTS3&4YrOldBefore&AfterCare Luke Brandonwww.apostleslutheran.net689-2571Small,CaringEnvironment Celebrating Over 50 Years of Kingdom Education Bell Brandon 689-9183 ACADEMY Now Enrolling !! through Pre-K4 Call 813-684-9453 820 College Ave W., Ruskin, FL www.ruskinchristianschool.netK5-12 States and accredited Serving K5-12 & Preschool 1yr-4yr 813-661-0588 5416 Providence Rd. Riverview providencechristianschool.net Half-day Preschool, & Day 402 E. Lumsden Road Brandon, FL academy@wpcbrandon.org813-684-311833511 Inspire. Minister. Faith Preschool Now Enrolling 6 5 years and Mud Lake Rd. | City, FL www.fcapc.com813.473.2090 Teach. K5-12th Grade Christian Academy Gardiner Dual Enrollment, AP Classes, Sports and Arts 2402 Mud Lake Rd. | Plant City, FL 33563 • www.fcapc.com Ofering early childhood educaton in a loving, warm Christan environment for more than 50 years. (813) 689-9482 130 N. Moon Avenue, Brandon, FL newhopeearlylearning.com33520PreschoolVPKBeforeCareParent’sMorningOutNow Enrolling Are you ready for the biggest foam party in Hillsbor ough County? On Saturday, Septem ber 17 from 5-8 p.m., Florida Foam Facto ry will be hosting ThereceedsthatHeroes,supportyourfunningfoamcannonsThereZAFOAMSTRAVAGANaatTheRegent.willbethreeblastingandaDJspinsomefamily-friendly,tunes.ComedressedasfavoritesuperherotoSmallbutMightytheorganizationaportionoftheprowillbedonatedto.willalsobera fe prizes every 15 minutes and food trucks. Florida Foam Factory is owned by Air Force veteran Brian Porter, who said, “When I met Tina and spoke to her about her organization, … her passion of want ing to help children battling cancer made me want to help in some capacity.”
Tina Downing started Small but Mighty Heroes in 2017, inspired by a little boy named Blakey who fought a tremendous battle with cancer. The loss of Blakey due to cancer treatment ignited a fire with in her to advocate, raise awareness and provide sup port for children and their families battling childhood cancer.
Downing also owns Mighty Heroes Nutrition, a shop benefitting her nonprofit which sells gourmet shakes, teas, lemonades and cofees. She said, “We are able to do continual fundraising that will help us continue our mission and fund our programs that are designed to provide the tailored sup port that these children and their family needs.”
The community can help sup port Small but Mighty Heroes by attending the By Sara Battaglia
Marie Gilmore with Brian Porter at a truly foamtastic
informationunteeringMightyFOAMSTRAVAGANZA,upcomingvisitingHeroesNutrition,volordonating.FormoreonFloridaFoam Factory, visit its website at www.flor idafoamfactory.com. To support Small but Mighty Heroes, visit www.smallbut mightyheroes.org or purchase tickets to the event here: za-2022-tickets-340123898737.florida-foam-factory-foamstravaganwww.eventbrite.com/e/ FIRST COMMUNITYFOAMSTRAVAGANZAEVENTWILLSUPPORTCHILDREN’SCANCERCHARITY
and fun event! Florida Foam Factory will host a FOAMSTRAVAGAN ZA Saturday, September 17, 5-8 p.m.
child’s person ality and gift ing.Also virtual is the standtrulypeopleberday,throughSeptemberfromentingSingle13-week&ParclassTuesday,13TuesDecem6.Otherdon’tunderhow
DAILY BLENDS BRINGS PROTEIN WAFFLES, SMOOTHIES, MEGATEAS & MORE TO VALRICO By Sofa Celis Avellaneda Daily Blends is a new cafe in Valrico ofering healthy smoothies, megateas and protein wafes & donuts. It is owned and operated by the Waymire family. Kira, Danielle & Ian with team member Jessenia Monsalve.
tough it is to be a single parent day after day. Sometimes you want to give up, and that’s a normal reaction since you’re doing the job of two people. You should be tired. This group addresses how to deal with your deep-down worries and your day-todayHowstruggles.toUnderstand God’s Word is a 10week virtual class ofered from Thursday, September 8 through Thursday, November 10. There are certain teachings of the Bible that every Christian must know. Knowing the basic teachings of the Bible is import ant because what we believe afects how we live. Whether you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus or a mature Christian looking for a better understanding of the basics of the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you. You will learn about the Bible, the characteristics of God, what it means that we are created in the image of God, what God has done for us in Christ, the purpose of the church and much more. To register for any of these classes, visit http://lfcc.tv/register. Service information and other events can also be found on the website at https://lfcc.tv/.
The Art of Parenting is an eight-week virtual course, from Monday, September 12 through Monday, October 31. Art of Parent ing is a Small-Group Series that will guide parents on their journey to make their faith a core aspect to their parenting. You will learn intentional, biblical instruction and Christ-centered plans that “aim children’s hearts toward God.” Parents will gain fresh insights on parenting children of diferent ages and plan unique ways to enhance each
Page 15ChristianVoiceMonthly.comVolume 26 | Issue 09 Assisted Living “Tessera Brandon...living your lifestyle.” Memory Care “Living the present...cherishing the past.” • Active contemporary style living • Spacious apartments • All day dining from 7am to 7pm with a bountiful variety of choices • Pet friendly • Educational and social opportunities • Cable and Wi-Fi included • Live entertainment from Bach to Big Band • “Wine Down” Wednesdays SAVE THE DATE Tuesday Virtual2:00pm9/20/2022-4:00pmDementiaTourExperienceLifewithDementiaCalltoRSVP 1320 Oakfeld Dr., Brandon, FL 33511 (813) 607-6880 Located in the heart of Brandon close to I75, Hwy 60 and Hwy 301 Call TODAY for special pricing! TesseraBrandon.com Assisted Living Facility #AL13150 A new health food restaurant lo cation came to the Valrico area as of June 5. Make your way down to Dai ly Blends in Valrico, where your friends and families can come hang out and have a healthyDaniellesnack.Waymire, owner and founder of this establish ment, stated, “I also wanted a family business that in cluded my children. Teaching them responsibility, healthy habits but most of all spend ing time with them.” This shop encourages spending time with family and getting closer with those who love you most. It sells smoothies, protein shakes, wafes and donuts. Some fun drinks that it serves include Skittles, Pink Starburst and Watermelon Crawl. It also has a kids menu with drinks like Blue Raspberry, Strawberry Blast, Dino Juice, and Green Apple. If you ask, the restaurant always has a flavor of the day, and you can add on vitamin C, collagen, probiotics, im munity boosters, hydration, fiber or aloe to anySomethingdrink. you can start looking forward to is Daily Blends after dark. Waymire said, “Strength train ing classes, line dancing lessons and other fun things to come. Our walking group started July 14 at Valrico Park at 7 p.m. It will be Tuesdays and Thursdays.” The business has many challenges over on its Facebook that you can com plete, such as the 21-day challenges each month to get people active, for which it will have grand prizes for theWaymire,winners. out side of Daily Blends, has been a realtor in the Valrico area for about six years.“Iam a military wife, mom of four and heavily involved in advocacy for our kids’ ed ucation and safe pathways to school here in Hillsborough County,” according to Waymire. Come down and visit something new and exciting with Daily Blends. Danielle added, “I’d tell a prospective customer to come and give us a try. We have a relaxing fun energy, and our menu is delicious.”Ifyouwould like to know more about Daily Blends, email dailyblendsfl@gmail. com, call 813-409-3642 or check out its Facebook page under the name ‘Daily Blends.’ It is located at 1991 E. SR 60 in Valrico and open Monday through Satur day from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and on Sunday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Love First Christian Center in Riverview has released the new schedule of Life Uni versity fall GriefShare,classes.a13-week program, ofered both in person and virtually will take place from Tuesday, September 6 through Tues day, November 29. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk along side you through one of life’s most difcult experiences. It may be hard to feel optimis tic about the future right now. Whether it is loss of a spouse, child, family member or friend, it may be hard to find many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. A recent attendee said, “Going to Grief Share feels like having warm arms wrapped around you when you’re shivering.”
SUPERHERO THEME COMES TO THE H2O HEROES WATER FILTER WAREHOUSE By Arianna Hooker Te H2O Heroes’ mobile showroom providing informa tion about its services.
Open daily from sunrise to sunset, Saladino Dog Park promotes two separate access areas for both small and large dogs.
Cat Clinic, developed this park to ofer an of-leash space. It is complete with a walking trail, chicken coop, picnic tables, high and low grassy areas, benches and separate small and big dog areas. Plastic bags are also made available throughout formation can be found by visiting http:// ottsof Saladinoeashdogsanctuary.com/.DogParkservesthe
Have an ener getic furry friend and want to take advantage of the summer weather? Local dog parks in southeastern Hill sborough County are the way to go with a host of opportunities to support a wide range of commu nity members and their pets’ needs. Ex tending from the Apollo Beach area up to ner, each designated space provides a series of benefits and amenities that cater to visiting dogs and their families. Open from sunrise to 9 p.m., Apollo Beach Dog Park along Golf and Sea Boulevard is ed and under regulation by Hills borough County. The space features dog water fountains, a rinsing station, agility obstacles, hills and pole elements for train ing. Two distinct access areas, separate from one another, exist for both small and large dogs. A hitching post and doggy mitt receptacles top of the pet facilities, but resources for owners encompass picnic ta bles, a sitting area and a close proximity to the tennis court and skate park also within the Apollo Beach Park. Visitors should re frain from dropping by on Wednesdays un til 12 Noon due to maintenance work. For more information on this park, please call 813-671-7635.Locatedalong
3rd Avenue Southeast, Dr. Ott’s Dog Park remains another great option for dog owners in Ruskin. Open Thursday through Sunday, the park’s hours extend from 7:30 a.m. to sunset. Dr. Hal Ott, a retired veterinarian of the area and founder of the Ruskin Animal Hospital and
The H2O Heroes at Water Filter Warehouse, a local water filtration company, has re branded to a su perhero theme for its business. While water filtration is not something that is associated with being fun and exciting, with Dan the Water Man, it canDanbe. Kelleher, own er of The H2O Heroes at Water Filter Ware house, said, “We decided to brand ourselves The H2O Heroes because it’s fun and memorable. We have also trade marked ‘The H2O Heroes’ because we plan to get nationwide with our brand.” The H2O Heroes at Water Filter Ware house was founded in 2017 and has since made an enormous impact on the commu nity. Over the years, The H2O Heroes has donated hundreds of thousands of dol lars in products to various charities; Flint, Michigan residents; Hurricane Maria vic tims in Puerto Rico; and Hurricane Dorian victims in the Bahamas. “The H2O Heroes provide a bright light in a really dark, dishonest industry by provid ing quality products, fair pricing, transpar ency in all we do and outstanding custom er service,” said Kelleher. The H2O Heroes at Water Filter Ware house strives to be the best in the industry by setting itself apart with its core values, excellence, integrity, innovation, communi ty and passion, which are at the heart of theFindingcompany.the right people in the water filtration industry can be dihouseWaterethicalitselfencytruthwithingservicevidingisFilterHeroesHowever,challenging.TheH2OatWaterWarehousededicatedtoprothebestofwhilekeepinaccordanceitsbeliefsofandtransparwhileconductinginthehighestmanner.TheH2OHeroesatFilterWareprovidesmany ferent services, including whole house filtration systems, water system repairs and more. Their services are available for residen tial and commercial properties in Hillsbor ough, Pasco, Polk, Pinellas, Manatee, Sara sota and Charlotte counties. The community has responded positively to this superhero rebranding. The H2O He roes has also wrapped their trucks in the superhero theme found all over the com munity.TheH2O Heroes at Water Filter Ware house also has a mobile showroom that it can set up in the neighborhood to provide free water testing and product informa tion.The H2O Heroes at Water Filter Ware house can be found at 3110 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in Valrico between the Walmart and Subway. For more information on The H2O Heroes and its product details, services, etc., visit www.theh2oheroes.com.
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Brandon area along Bryan Road and is open daily from sunrise to sunset. Boasting separate areas for small and large dog access, ame nities also include picnic tables and shel ters, dog washes, a hitching post, doggy mitt receptacles and various water foun tains serving humans and dogs alike. Bath rooms and shaded benches are available as well, and the dog park is located within the greater Bertha and Tony Saladino Park. Regulated by Hillsborough County, addi tional information can be found by calling 813-744-5978.MangoDogPark, located along Clay Pit Road, caters to the Sefner area daily from sunrise to sunset. The space ofers dog washes, water fountains, two separate ac cess areas for both small and large dogs, a hitching post and doggy mitt receptacles. For owners, there are picnic shelters and tables, restrooms and a small playground outside of the park. For more information on the county regulated space, please call 813-635-7489.Formoregeneral information on dog parks across Hillsborough County, please visit https://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/.
By Madeline Gardner
The chapel is breathtaking with its towering structure of wood, including intricate designs inside and out. The carvings were a partnership between a master woodcarver in Norway and another local craftsman from the Black Hills. The architectural plans for the building were provided by the Norwe gian Department of Antiquities.
“Look at how good and pleasing it is when families live together as one!” (Psalm 133). These are the photographs we work a lifetime for. Rebekah and I met back in 1977; we started dating, we fell in love, we married and then all this hap pened. Good grief. First Andrew, then Naomi, followed by two most wonder ful in-law children and now four beau tiful grandchildren; two remarkable families.So,this month, we had a few peo ple over for lunch; I believe it was 23. My mum; Andrew and Naomi’s fami lies; my parents’ other grandchild, my niece, Hannah, along with her husband and their five children; plus our niece Lindsay and her boyfriend; and of course Tom too, Rebekah’s brother-inlaw from Virginia Beach. Finally, Re bekah’s cousin, Zandra, came in from Georgia.Consequently, my parents had all nine of their great-grandchildren over at our house, and we had all the ingre dients of a beautiful, relentless, lovefilled zoo. It was the noise, the massive amounts of food, the constant banging of doors as children came in and out, the dog hiding under the table praying to be left alone, the air-conditioning pushing hard to keep up but losing ground — all adding up to classic sum mer family reunion conditions.
9/30/2022 9/30/2022
Currently, local Lutheran pastors serving Luther an churches in the Rapid City area preside over the evening worship services and weddings. The church is located at 3788 Chapel Ln. in Rapid City, South Dakota. For more information about its ser vices and visiting hours, visit www.chapel-in-thehills.org.
Sitting on a hill on the fringes of Rapid City, South Dakota, the Chapel in the Hills is an exact replica of the Borgund Stavkirke, a church built around A.D. 1150 in Norway. How did this church in the Black Hills of South Dakota originate, thousands of miles from Norway? This unusual church was originally built for the ‘Lu theran Vespers’ radio program. This area of South Dakota was home to many Lutherans who trace their lineage to Scandinavia, and so the Norwegian-style church was honoring that heritage. The chapel is an exact replica of the famous Borgund Stavkirke of Laer dal, Norway. The Borgund Stavkirke is considered the most completely preserved stave church still standing in TheNorway.South Dakota Chapel in the Hills sits on 30 acres of forest and has a small prayer walk winding up the hill behind it. Also on the property are a traditional Nor wegian grass-roofed house that accommodates a gift shop and a log cabin museum with historical displays.
FAITH & FOOTPRINTS Chapel In The Hills – South Dakota
When Family Overwhelms With Numbers And LoveBy Derek Maul
Live Like You Mean It ...
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The chapel was dedicated on July 6, 1969, and it served as the home of Lutheran Vespers until 1975 when the radio program was moved to Minneapo lis. A nonprofit organization took over operation of the Chapel in the Hills and operates it to this day.
Quite the day. The day behind the calm, pristine, family photo, the accu mulation of what is best described as “all this and more.” It all adds up. Everything from being ‘that family’ at church (you know, the people with the yelling child and the toddler who escapes and then hides un der the communion table), to masses of people for lunch, to constantly washing dishes and preparing more food, to hugs and goodbyes as half the crowd drove away to Florida and South Carolina and Virginia, to settling down with all the grandchildren to watch movies in the evening, to walking the dog with my now-9-year-old granddaughter before settling down for the night. It’s all good. I am exhausted. I am happy. We are blessed. – DEREK Derek Maul has written for many news outlets, including the Tampa Tribune, The United Methodist News Service, All Pro Dad, FOCUS Magazine, Newsweek, USA Today, The Chris tian Science Monitor, Presbyterians Today, Guideposts, Chicken Soup for the Soul and many other publications. Read Derek Maul’s daily blog posts www.derekmaul.wordpress.com.at By Kelly Wise Valdes
Page 18 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022
5920 Robert Tolle Drive Riverview, www.Mon813-337-745733578OfceHours:-Thur10am-3pmMtzionriverview.comFACEBOOK:MtZionAMEChurchRiverview Church Services 10am Sunday Youth & Teens Church School 9:00 a.m. Kingdom Builders 10:00 a.m. (Children’s Church 2-10) Bible Study 7pm Tuesday (Teens) 7pm Wednesday (Adults) Community Food Pantry 2nd & 4th Tursday 11:00 -2:00 Monthly Second Chances Job Training Mon.-Turs. Karen J. Sims, Pastor and Roy Sims (brother) Te Doors of Te Church Are Open www.ajwestfallco.com813.433.4047 licensed✦bonded✦insured In Business Over 20 Years FULL SERVICE CLEANING COMPANY Residential ✦Commercial Moving/Home Sale Presentation ✦Tenant Turnover EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE
Kathie Lee Giford’s THE WAY Brings Bible Stories To Life In Musically Driv en Film Fathom Events and Kathie Lee Giford have announced the debut of the new musical production, THE WAY, a special one-night event com
By Kelly Wise Valdes
“I am so excited to bring these ex traordinary, epic stories to life on the big screen,” said producer Kathie Lee Gif ford. “Today’s culture tends to view the Bible as an ancient text that is no longer relevant, but my hope is that this film, with modern music and visual storytell ing, will reignite the passion for truth in today’s culture and in a younger gener ation.”Formore information on the film, visit www.thewaymusic.com.
TobyMac Channels His Grief Into New Life After Death Album Grammy winner and legendary Chris tian singer TobyMac is known best for his upbeat, posi tive songs — from “Move” to “The El ements” — yet after the death of his oldest son, Truett, in 2019, he wasn’t sure if he could write another one. The Christian singer-song writer released his new album in August called Life After Death, written after the loss of Truett, who passed away in 2019 from an accidental drug over dose.“As most of you know, it’s been a hard, hard road for me the last couple of years,” TobyMac said. “I began writing this record right after losing my firstbornTobyMacson.” conced ed that the road toward healing has been anything but easy and is still a journey he has to walk every day. Still, he has found solace in the mu sic he was writing, which became the songs on Life After Death, including “The Goodness.” For more information, visit www.tobymac. com.
Tony and Lauren Dungy Have Fostered 100 Children Pro Football Hall of Fame coach Tony Dungy and his wife, Lauren Dungy, told NBC’s Today Show that they have fos tered more than 100 children thanks to a decision they made to never turn away a child in “Childrenneed.are our passion, and we just believe that we can pour into them and just help them, guide them through life,” said Lauren Dungy. “We made that decision early on that when we were go ing to fos ter children, we wouldn’t say no, because we know the children are in crisis and they need a home. They need stability. They need love. So, we opened our doors to the kids, and we’ve had over 100 children walk through ourLaurendoor.” is an early childhood education specialist and a former teacher. Tony is an NBC football analyst and re tired coach who former ly led the Indianapolis Colts and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Both are Christians.Theyrecently re leased a book they co-authored, Uncommon Influence: Saying Yes to a Purposeful Life. Tony Dungy said their goal with the book is to “encourage people to let God lead.” Faith is at the heart of their daily lives. They discuss their family in the book. They’re the parents of 11 children — a number that includes adopted children and foster children. Tony joked that par enting a large number of kids is easier because he and Lauren have each led large groups as a coach and a teacher.
ing to the aters storieskeyhighlightsThe1SeptemberThursday,onat7p.m.filmbiblicalin a modern way by presenting them with contemporary orchestral arrangements, powerful narration, touching visuals and an all-star group of artists, including Ni cole C. Mullen, Danny Gokey, Jimmie Al len, Larry Gatlin, BeBe Winans and more.
Church Technolo gy Firm Announces New Feature To In spire Church Com munication Answering the call for better communication among church members without sending them to outside social media platforms, ChurchSpring launched Groups. Groups facilitates easier admin istration of bringing people together. With the launch of Groups, churches can now create an area in their website and mobile app that will clearly identify diferent community and ministry groups within the church. It’s a much-needed communication tool to get information to the ChurchSpring’scongregation.website builder allows churches to launch their own website in 90 seconds. Current features such as the fully integrated free mobile app with ev ery website, online giving platform and livestreaming integration are just a few of the thousands of features packed into the simple and easy-to-use ChurchSpring platform. For more information, visit https://churchspring.com/demo.
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Paved and unpaved trails for fitness, sports, recreation and transportation, and adding a lot more of them, is represen tative of the work of Hillsborough County ofcials set to up date the Greenways Master Plan, which afects bikers, boat ers, equestrians and pedestrians alike. That’s what brought John Patrick, the county’s division director for ning,infrastructurestrategicplantotheBloomingdale
fcial emer gency mass notifica tion system, known as HCFL Alert. HCFL Alert is designed to keep you informed about local emer gencies, everyday events and county news that are im portant to you. Publix is current ly displaying HCFL Alert posters at its more than 50 stores in Hillsborough County to remind residents to sign up for the notification system as we en ter the height of hurricane season. HCFL Alert helps residents remain informed and re ceive timely emer gency notifications through voice calls, text messages or emails. HCFL Alert is the easiest way for Hill sborough County residents to stay con nected and alert by receiving the latest emergency notification updates on hur ricanes, severe weather, evacuation no tices, public health and safety warnings, major road closures and major service interruptions, such as boil water notices. In addition to emergency notifications, HCFL Alert provides information on county news, events, classes, programs and learning and grant opportunities. When you sign up, you can choose which updates you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them. Whether through voice calls, text or email, the alerts will reach residents in real-time.
prepare for whatever a disaster brings. Residents can also download the 2022 Hillsborough County Disaster Prepared ness Guide in English and Spanish at www.hcflgov.net/disasterguide, which focuses on the four steps to disaster pre paredness, including how to make plans for you, your family, your pet and your business. Residents are also encouraged to follow the county’s social media chan nels on Facebook, Twitter and Nextdoor @HillsboroughFL for additional county information during a storm. Sign up today by visiting www.hcflgov. net/hcflalert and receive vital emergency information during this hurricane season, which continues through Wednesday, No vember 30. For assistance with registering for HCFL Alert, call 813-272-6602.
At the library meetings, attendees lis tened to a project overview, accessible as well on the county’s virtual engagement and education hub, which also asked for comments from equestrians, mountain bikers, hikers and more.
Photo by Linda Chion. At the July 26 meeting at the Bloomingdale Regional Public Library in Valrico (from left to right): Katie Habgood, senior planner with PSG consulting; John Patrick with Hillsborough County; and outreach consultant Tammy Vrana of Vrana Consulting Inc.
An HCFL Alert poster at a local area Publix.
NETWORKINGJUST8:00AM-9:00AMMONDAYMEETINGSATLOVECOFFEECAFÉ 2020 W BRANDON BLVD, BRANDON, FL (ALSO AVAILABLE VIA ZOOM) CONTACT OUR CBC PRESIDENT: STEVE BRIGGS AT 813-767-3970 “Networking & Fellowship for Christian Business People” ChristianConnectionsBusiness Membership Directory House/Pet Sitter-Neicey House & Pet Sitter
Hillsborough County commissioners, at their March 23 meeting, approved an update to the 1995 Hillsborough Green ways Master Plan. Recommendations for a variety of greenways, including natural surfaces, paved trails, natural surface trails and blueways (or recreational wa terways) were to be presented at the board’s August 15 meeting.
Regional Public Library in Valrico in July, as well as to the SouthShore Regional Library in Ruskin and the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library in Tampa. An August 1 virtual meeting was scheduled as well.
While broad in many aspects, some recommendations were more particular in nature, including one for trail repaving at Alderman’s Ford Conservation Park and one for another canoe launch on the Alafia River. “It’s very important to look at more trails, how we can meet the needs of res idents and how many we need as well,” Patrick said. To read online comments and view the Greenways Master Plan update overview, including maps, cost and timelines de tails, visit www.publicinput.com/D2816.
“The philosophy of the master plan then concerned quality of life infrastruc ture, providing trails as a place to bike safely and take the family for a walk,” Patrick said at the Bloomingdale Library meeting. “Now the philosophy is chang ing to include trails needed to go places for work as well.”
shared-use pads, for sharing trails with bikers and pedestrians, and they want connectivity. They want to go some where.”Indeed, at the Bloomingdale Library on July 26, posted comments included de mands for more mountain bike trails and dedicated bike lanes; sidewalk improve ments and additions; wildlife corridors; destination features, including brew pubs and live music; and connectivity improve ments, such as to schools, stores and restaurants. One comment asked for con necting the Croom Rital Road trail to the Valrico/Lithia area.
By Linda Chion
Residents will not receive infor mation from the categories that they do not select. Residents sign ing up for HCFL Alert can also find additional infor mation on how to prepare, respond and recover from natural or manmade disasters in Hillsborough Coun ty on the county’s Stay Safe web page: identshasStaytransportation,andcialresidentsregistrationmapsandFromgov.net/staysafe.www.hcflevacuationfloodzonetoshelterforwithspeneeds,seniorsthosewithouttheSafewebpageeverythingresneedtofully
TAMPA BAY ESTUARY PROGRAM NOW ACCEPTING 2022 BAY MINI-GRANT PROJECT PROPOSALS Staf Report Is Your Child Talking? By age two, your child should have 200 words and combine 2-3 word sentences. STUDENTS of the MONTH: Ethan and Eli “Julie and her team have helped our twin boys blossom in communicating. Tey’ve given us tips and tools to continue working with them at home. Every day they are saying more and more. Te diference is like night and day… John and I are so grateful for the amazing team at TBS.” - Holly, Mom Therapy Services: Articulation • Apraxia Auditory Processing • Autism • Sensory Feeding DisordersServing local area families for over 19 years! (813) 368-2485 Park Square - Fishhawk 16144 Churchview Dr., Ste. 109 (813) Apollo368-2485Beach 417 Apollo Beach Blvd. NEW TAMPA BAY SPEECH, LANGUAGE & READING CLINIC
By Madeline Gardner
Page 20 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022 U.S. Hwy. 41 • 106 11th Ave NE • Ruskin SaintAnneRuskin.org • 813-645-1714 Saint Anne Catholic Church ~Masses~ Vigil Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday8 a.m., 10 a.m., & 5 p.m. (12:30 p.m. Spanish) Monday-Friday 8 a.m. Wednesday & Jueves 7 p.m. Recorded Masses can be viewed on the St. Anne website (SaintAnneRuskin.org) and Facebook page. Reconciliation Tue. at 8:30am, Thurs. at 6pm, Sat. at 3:15pm and By Appointment. For more information, please check the St. Anne website. Registration is now open for the 2021-2022 Faith Formation year. Please call the ofce for more information. ~Mass Schedule~ Saturday...........................................................Vigil............4:30 p.m. Sunday........................ 8 a.m., 10 a.m. & 5 p.m. (12 p.m. Spanish) Monday - Friday......................................................................8 a.m. Wednesday & Jueves...........................................................7 p.m. Saint Anne Catholic Church ~Masses~ U.S. Hwy. 41 • 106 11th Ave NE • Ruskin2022-2023 Faith Formation Year Starts September 11, 2022 Recorded Masses can be viewed on St. Anne website (SaintAnneRuskin.org) and Facebook page. Reconciliation Turs. at 6 p.m., Sat. at 3:15 p.m. For more information, please check the St. Anne website. On July 22, sleeping mats cre ated out of recy cled plastic bags and pillows were distributed at Bell Shoals Church in Apollo Beach for the South County At-risk and Home less Outreach Event. Following a request for plas tic shopping bags from the com munity in May, the South Shore Chamber of Commerce made use of Sun City Center resident Shawna Wainright’s idea to fashion close to 2,000 plastic bags into six 4 ft. x 5 ft. sleeping mats for homeless citizens in the community. Wainright first developed this idea working at a retail boutique in Delaware where the sales staf was responsible for unpacking the merchandise and then dis posing of large amounts of clear plastic bags.“Ithought that there must be a way to reuse and recycle the clear bags as well as the used colorful plastic shopping bags accumulating under my sink,” said Wain right. “So, I Googled ‘uses for plastic bags’ and was excited to discover that the bags could be crocheted into plastic mats for theDuringhomeless.”thepandemic, Wainright created more than 30 mats and delivered them to a nonprofit organization in her home state of Delaware to distribute to the homeless from there. She resumed this project once more after she relocated to Sun City Cen
After creating over 30 mats during quarantine in Delaware, Shawna Wainright resumed this project when she relocated to Sun City Center and recognized a need for them in the area. Are you in volved in a community or ganization and have an idea for a restoration or education proj ect in Tampa Bay? If you are, then you may be interested to know that the Tampa Bay Estuary Program (TBEP) is now accepting Bay Mini-Grant project proposals.TheTBEP Bay MiniGrants are competitive cash awards of up to $5,000 provided to community organizations for projects that address restoration and education priori ties in Tampa Bay, empowering participato ry science, promoting environmental ethics and stimulating community stewardship. Projects must address one or more of TBEP’s Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) priorities: clean waters and sediments, thriving habitats and abundant wildlife as well as an in formed, engaged and responsible commu nity.Each year, TBEP highlights a specific CCMP action to prioritize for Bay MiniGrant funding. This year, projects sup porting the prevention, eradication and/or management of invasive species in Tampa and its watershed will be prioritized for funding.PastBay Mini-Grant projects have includ ed Florida native plantings at local parks, marine educational workshops for Tampa Bay teachers, bird nesting documentaries and citizen science projects researching en docrine disrup tors in neighborhoods16.Septemberp.m.Grantsfortionmeadows.seagrassTheapplicadeadlineBayMini-is5onFriday,Schools, and other nonprofit and for-profit organizations from Hillsborough, Man atee, Pasco and Pinellas counties may apply. On average, 20 projects are funded each year with about $90,000 in grants. A ‘Golden Man grove Award’ is given every year to the out standing Bay Mini-Grant project as deter mined by the TBEP Community Advisory Committee.AllBayMini-Grants awarded to commu nity organizations for education and res toration projects are funded by the Tampa Bay Estuary Program Specialty License Plate, or the ‘Tarpon Tag.’ The Tarpon Tag is one of the least expensive specialty plates at just $15 per year, and all of the revenue goes directly towards protecting and re storing Tampa Bay. To obtain a Tarpon Tag and directly support this grant program for years to come, simply visit your local DMV. Additional Bay Mini-Grant information, including grant eligibility, application re view criteria and grant priorities can be found at gramstactanquestionstoration-research/bay-mini-grants/.https://tbep.org/our-work/resFororassistancewithtransformingideaintoacompetitiveproposal,conSheilaScolaro,TBEPcommunityproscientist,atsscolaro@tbep.org.
ter and noticed a need for sleeping mats. Joining the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, she was able to execute this mission at homeless outreach events.Each mat requires be tween 300-350 plastic bags that must first un dergo the cleaning and preparation process. The bags must be examined for traces of food or holes before they are either discarded or flattened and trimmed to assume a rectangular shape, which are then folded again into groups of three and fashioned into strips. These strips are next fastened together and rolled into balls of plastic yarn, totaling 700 balls used to develop the six sleeping mats.
Colorful and striped, these mats are de signed to withstand the weather of each season with water resistance and insula tion qualities. Portable and lightweight, each mat is paired with a heart-shaped pillow as well. “I am blessed to have a cozy bed to sleep in each evening and I want others to feel comfortable at night too, and I want them to know that they are loved. I have em pathy and care about others,” said Wain right. “I have learned that when a caring person gives from their heart, they are giving others a brand-new start.” For more information on this event and others by the South Shore Chamber of Commerce, please call 645-1366 or merce.org.melanie@southshorechamberofcomemail
Page 21ChristianVoiceMonthly.comVolume 26 | Issue 09 New Friends. New Beginnings.
(813)BRANDON651-9484 117 N. Kings Ave (813)TAMPA932-5327 1425 W. Busch Blvd. (727)CLEARWATER725-1052 (Across from Costco) 2643 Gulf to Bay, Ste. 1530 CustomHairTampaBay.com • Human Hair & Synthetic Hair Wigs • Permanent, Non-Surgical Options • Chemotherapy & Alopecia Specialists • Largest Selection of Human Hair Toppers in Tampa Bay • Also offering sales & service of all MEN’S hair systems FREE CONSULTATION! PLEASE CALL. SinceOwnerLori,&Client1969 CUSTOM HAIR For the hair you’ve always wanted!
The Crusaders’ toughest challenge will be winning its new district. They may be in the best district in the state of Florida, having to face Cam bridge Christian, Carrollwood Day and Clearwater Central Catholic. Carroll wood Day is ranked third in the power rankings in the state and Clearwater Central Catholic is the eighth ranked team. Puelo and company hope to bring home their school’s first district title this season.
SEFFNER CHRISTIAN ACADEMY KICKS OFF SEASON WITH LARGEST ROSTER 8/19 @ Cardinal Mooney 8/26 @ Master’s Academy 9/2 @ Te First Academy 9/16 vs Ambassadors 9/19 - Bye week 9/23 @ Central Florida 9/30 @ Cambridge Christian 10/7 vs Northside Christian 10/14 vs Carrollwood Day 10/21 vs Young Kids In Motion 10/28 vs Clearwater Catholic 11/4 vs Fort Meade SCHEDULE BY NICK NAHAS # NAME POS GR 6 Terek McCant WR, RB JR 9 Jordan Magwood QB SO 11 Nehemiah Gagnon 14 Anthony Johnson WR, CB JR 16 Michael Collins OLB, RB JR 21 Evan Lucier P, K JR 22 Gavin Miller 24 Shykeem Johnson RB, OLB SR 30 Maurice Fluker WR SR 30 Gabriel Schleifer OLB SR 33 Damari Styles CB, WR SO 34 Mahki Cosby OLB, SS SO 44 Corbin Newman WR, DE 45 Sawyer Fowler TE, OLB JR 47 Malachi Gagnon WR SO 55 Carlton WilliamsonG SR 57 Dane Heynio G, DT SO 60 Donovan StricklandG, DT SR 72 Austin Perry G SR 72 Jackson Stewart G, DT JR 74 Billy Nofsinger G, DT JR 88 Garrett Moyer RB JR 90 James Lockaby DT Jed NoelLewisDones SR Kelvin CharlieFaisonGardener # NAME POS GR Anthony Johnson SO Miles CoreyGraysonScullChaneyNoel SO Quentin Pope SO Johnny Mathis Jr Jared Watkins SO Luke Triplett SO Tre CarlsonCouzensLambert FR Javari TauronOtisLukeBoTyndaleBarnettPittmanKnoxHawseyGrantJenkins SO Ian CameronLuna Knox SO Tyler Harrison SO Odarius King Alijah Gibson CB FR Sutton ChristianKnightCovington SO Robert Kovach Joshua Lord SO Isaiah Nazario SO Liam Perkins ROSTER
Key players on ofense include senior Sumner transfer Odarius King, who is the fastest guy on the team and will play receiver, defensive back and will also return kicks and punts on special teams. Junior running back Terek Mc Cant led the team in rushing last sea son and will carry the bulk again in 2022. Making an impact on defense will be sophomore cornerback Damari Styles; sophomore Cam Knox, who is a multisport athlete that will play defen sive end and tight end; and senior Carl ton Williamson, who will play a big role as a defensive tackle. The 2022 squad’s slogan is “Team over me.” The team spends a lot of time together of the field as genuine friends. “I think that’s going to be a tre mendous force down the road, especial ly when we get in those tough football games and have to rely on some guys to step up and have big plays, to trust one another and have the confidence in one another,” he said. “This team has been grinding together since January.”
The Sefner Christian Crusaders have graduated 31 seniors over the last two years. The roster, which is the largest in team history with 54 total players, is talented but chock-full of under classmen. Of the 54 players, about 30 of them are underclassmen. The young Crusaders will have to learn on the fly while at the same time keeping up the winning tradition and playof streak. The team returns five starters on ofense and six on defense and has made the playofs a school-record four straight seasons and five out of the last six seasons Sophomoreoverall.Jordan Magwood is a su per talent at the quarterback position. He led his squad last season as a fresh man with nine passing touchdowns and over 1,000 passing yards while picking up 107 yards on the ground and pro ducing five rushing touchdowns. The dual-threat signal caller is expected to make a huge improvement in his second year commanding the ofense. Head coach Travis Puelo said that Mag wood is a leader on and of the field and carries a 3.9 GPA. Puelo, who is in his seventh season as head coach, is excited to add for mer Sefner Christian star QB Isaiah Knowles to his staf as the quarter backs coach. The former record-setting all-state selection will be able to help mentor the young Magwood. Knowles played at Navy the last two seasons and is currently in the transfer portal. Sefner Christian will run a tradi tional 4-3 defense under D-coordinator Devrett Wade. They plan to get after the quarterback with a base four-man front. Puelo wants his team to be bal anced on ofense but will take what the defense gives him.
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Page 24 ChristianVoiceMonthly.com September 2022