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May 2016 1 5
Volume 13, Issue 5 Ph: 657-2418 P U B L I S H I N G
Classic Car Show, Crafts Coming To Bay Life Church
By Libby Hopkins
Osprey Observer 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511-6121
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Florida.” The car show and craft fair will feature more than 400 show cars, trucks and custom cars. The group Legacy will provide live music in addition to the Bay Life DJ playing classic rock, county and oldies. Crafts will be on display for sale from many local crafters and artisans. There will be a special opening celeOn Saturday, May 28, Bay Life Church in Brandon will host its bration performed by annual car show and craft fair on the church grounds. the Color Guard and There is something about sitting National Anthem to honor our country. behind the wheel of an exotic sports car The church’s Mission Café will be providor a classic muscle car that makes your ing the food at the car show and craft fair. adrenaline race. Car shows are also a All the proceeds raised at the car show great way to bring the community togethand craft fair will go to support the er for a good cause. On Saturday, May church’s missions. 28, Bay Life Church in Brandon will host “Bay Life Church Missions and its annual car show and craft fair on the Student Ministries send several trips church grounds from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. throughout the U.S. and internationally to “The Bay Life car show originally support our mission partners,” Stough began as a community outreach to do said. “Every penny raised from food and something fun and involve our local car beverage sales, raffles and donations aficionados,” said Bay Life Church’s goes to support Bay Life Global Communications Director, Stephen Missions.” Stough. “Steve Hardy, the long time Bay Stough hopes the car show and craft Life maintenance supervisor, took the inifair will be a fun filled day for everyone tiative to organize our first event.” Over who attends. “It’s amazing, each year we the years, other Bay Life members got see three or four generations enjoy the involved and the event grew into a day where everyone in the family has fundraiser for the church’s missions. something for them,” Stough said. “Our “Robert De’Angelo, who has been hope remains that our community grows our lead volunteer since the very beginstronger, that lifelong friendships are ning, is the reason our car show and craft forged, and that our community sees that fair is one of the largest in the state,” Bay Life is here to support them on their Stough said. “Robert and his volunteer journey.” team attend car shows and carry the Visit Bay Life news of Bay Life all around the state of Church is located at 1017 Kingsway Rd.
Photo by Tamas Mondovics
Dorothy Wilder Alster, 87, widow of Sergeant Ben P. Wilder, Jr. is joined by Sheriff David Gee during the grand opening of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office History Center. Dorothy donated a number of items to be displayed at the museum, including the uniform of her late husband who was killed in July 1962 while making an arrest. Read full story on page 5 in this edition.
See Page 30 C O M M U N I T Y
County Begins $1.2M Bryan/Brooker & Durant/Valrico Intersection Traffic Signal Projects
By Tamas Mondovics
months. Construction work for both projects is expected to take place on weekdays between 8 a.m.-5 p.m., but officials are promising the work will generate only standard construction noise. While temporary traffic lane closures may be necessary and traffic delays may occur, access to businesses will be maintained throughout Installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of Durant construction.Drivers are Road and Valrico Road in Valrico is now underway. cautioned to observe all It is safe to say that when it comes traffic control measures for the safety of to traffic improvements there is no shortworkers, pedestrians, and other age of trouble spots throughout motorists. Hillsborough County. Aside from some of Additional roadway and intersection the roadway improvements and interimprovement projects that are currently section projects in Valrico, such as the testing residents and motorists’ patience much-needed culvert and drainage in and around Valrico include the upgrade just south of Valrico Road and Bloomingdale Avenue and Culbreath State Road 60 intersection, County offiRoad intersection. Although a bit later cials have scheduled two new intersecthan expected, the $1.4 million project tion traffic signal installation projects began earlier this year with an expected south of East Lumsden Road. competition sometime later this summer. To improve safety, motorists will For more information on the above soon see the installation of the first new projects, visit traffic signal at the intersection of Durant and Valrico roads. The $590,000 project ects, under the Transportation Projects was scheduled to begin this month, link. including construction of enhanced pedestrian features and drainage improvements at the intersection. In This The second new traffic signal and Issue improvement project at the intersection of Bryan and Brooker roads near Burns HOA HOT TOPICS..................................PG 6 Middle School is to begin once the school year ends. The project cost is MOSI RELOCATION...............................PG 8 $565,000. TOASTMASTERS CLUB.......................PG 12 County officials are confident that upon completion, both traffic signal BEVERAGE STARTUP WEEKEND........PG 13 installations and intersection enhancements will improve safety and operations SUMMER MOVIE PROGRAM..............PG 18 for motorists and pedestrians. The CHALKLINES.......................................PG 28 Durant and Valrico intersection project and the Bryan and Brooker Intersection ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT..................PG 41 project are both funded through the SPORTS CONNECTION.................PGS 42‐43 Public Works Capital Transportation Program. All installations and improveREAD MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE ments at both sites are expected to be completed in approximately eight