Osprey Observer 2016-10 Brandon Political Guide

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Voting for the 2016 General Election in Florida will begin with Early Voting which starts on Monday, October 24 and runs through Sunday, November 6. The General Election is on Tuesday, November 8. You must be registered to vote by Tuesday, October 11. You can review your ballot and request a Vote By Mail Ballot from the Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections Office by visiting www.votehillsborough.org. No matter which method you choose to vote- By Mail, Early Voting or on Election Day, your vote counts.

State House Representative - District 59


RENA UPSHAW FRAZIER (Democrat) Rena Frazier is an attorney, mother of four, and Florida native. The issues she is plans to address are: fully fund education and make sure that kids are taught how to think and not just how to take a test; to create an environment where small businesses can thrive and grow. Small businesses are the incubators of employment in our communities; and as the child of aging parents who have struggled with health issues, Rena finds it inexcusable that over 800,000 Floridians, including 40,000 veterans, do not have healthcare. www.RenaForFlorida.com.

ROSS SPANO (Incumbent/Republican) Ross Spano is currently the Representative from Florida State House District 59 and is seeking reelection. He is a Brandon area native who graduated from Brandon High in 1984, and later USF and FSU. Spano noted on his Website, “I have sponsored and cosponsored many bills, which have been signed into law. These bills protect the victims of human trafficking and punish those who enslave them. They protect Veterans and their families from being the targets of scams and unfair trade practices. http://Rossspano.com


Clerk Of The Circuit Court


PAT FRANK (Incumbent/Democrat) Because of the hard work of my office and team, we were recently chosen to receive the prestigious Florida Excellence Award for Best Practices. Andespite annual budget cuts from the Florida Legislature, we continue to build on this progress every day. I am grateful for the opportunities the voters of Hillsborough County have given me to serve them, and I ask for your support and vote for my re-election as your Clerk of the Circuit Court. For more information, visit www.patfrankclerk.com or on Facebook at: Re-elect Pat Frank for Clerk.

ERIC SEIDEL (Republican) Studied Law at Nova Southeastern University. According to Seidel’s Website page, “As the Consumer Lawyer, I heard from many of you over the years who had questions and problems assisting themselves through the legal system. From collecting on a legal judgment or filing a small claim in a dispute, to attempting to file for divorce without being able to afford an attorney, I’ve heard all the horror stories. I want to be able to do more than put the problems on TV or help folks as a private attorney. As Clerk, I will truly be able to serve the consumers.” https://ericseidelforclerk.com/


Property Appraiser


BOB HENRIQUEZ (Incumbent) Henriquez is excited I am to make my case to serve for four more years. I have never been one to fear a challenge. In fact, I believe being tested brings out the best in me in order to once again humbly win your vote. Many more endorsements and remarkable bipartisan support in the near future will be rolled out. http://www.bobhenriquez2016.com/

TODD DONOVAN JONES Not a politician, Jones has a 30 year history of protecting taxpayers from inaccurate assessments. For over 10 years, he has been fighting for fairness in taxation. Jones helped “level the playing field” for taxpayers in assessment disputes. It’s time for the same representation for taxpayers from their government. Jones’ extensive experience fighting for taxpayers means that he is all too familiar with the problems in the Hillsborough County Property Appraisers Office. It also means he knows how to fix them. http://toddjones2016.com/


County Commissioner - District 1 (Countywide)


SANDRA L. MURMAN (Incumbent/Republican) She was elected as a County Commissioner in 2010 representing District 1. She was re-elected without opposition in June 2012. Commissioner Murman was elected by her fellow commissioners as Chairman of the BOCC for 2014-15. She served as Vice Chairman in 2011, 2012 and again in 2013. Prior to joining the County Commission, she completed eight years as a member of the Florida House of Representatives from 1996-2004. Her focus: Economic Development, Transportation, Ending Homelessness, Continued Improvements to Customer Service and Communications & more. http://www.sandymurman.com/


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JEFF ZAMPITELLA (Democrat) An international airline pilot, he is a first-time candidate for elected office. His 32 years of experience in aviation and with public interaction position him to tackle effectively the issues and opportunities that we face in the County today and in the future. Chief among these are the continuing failure to envision and implement effective plans to construct and rebuild the necessary infrastructure to meet the challenges of the next decade and beyond. Think safe, efficient, transportation options. Think storm and waste water solutions. Think improved education options; better healthcare; and so many more issues that have languished for years. http://www.electjeffz.com/

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1020 E. Brandon Blvd, Ste 101 Brandon, FL 33511


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