Osprey Observer 2016-12 Valrico

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Two Sections, 36 Pages of Community News


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December 2016 1 5



Volume 13, Issue 12 Ph: 657-2418


Student Helps Fill Gift Closet At Kid’s Hospital

By Kate Quesada


At this time page, Friends of of year, many FishHawk to residents are organize more looking for ways donations. to help those “Addison is less fortunate just such a bright than themlight,” said selves. NineRowjohn, who year-old Valrico coordinates resident Addison many volunteer Kapustiak has projects and has found a way to helped hundreds put smiles on of people in the faces of need through Valrico student Addison Kapustiak started a collecsome of the tion for new toys for children receiving treatment at her face nook All Children’s Hospital. Donations can be dropped page. “In spite of area’s sickest off at businesses throughout the area. children by all that precious starting a toy drive and is asking the com- child has been through, she still strives to munity to help. make things better for others. Her spirit Addison, who is in the third grade at just amazes me. She is such a shining Lithia Springs Elementary, has a rare dis- example.” ease that requires regular blood transfuDonations can be dropped off at sions at All Children’s Hospital in St. many places throughout the area includPetersburg. During one of her visits, she ing Car Wash on the Greens and other noticed that the prize closet, where local businesses from Tampa to patients can go and pick out a toy after Lakeland. Many other community memtheir treatment, was very low on toys. For bers and groups have jumped in to help her next birthday, rather than ask her the cause. T Marie’s Boutique on Lithia friends to bring gifts for her to her party, Pinecrest Rd. will offer a 10 percent disshe suggested they donate an item to the count to anyone who donates a toy. closet. When she received such great Jeremiah’s Italian Ice is offering a half off support, she decided to make the drive coupon for anyone dropping off a toy. for toys wider and Sending Smiles was Levi Stubbs with Green Star Realty is born. matching all money and toys donated. According to Addison’s mother, Alice, But Addison doesn’t want to stop collectthe only stipulation on the toys is that they ing after the holidays. are new and they appeal to patients from “Unfortunately, kids are sick all the babies to 21 year olds. time,” said Alice, who has also set up a “These toys are used as rewards for Paypal address for people who would children to take home, so there is a wide rather donate money for Addison to shop range of possibilities,” said Alice. “Things for toys for the closet whenever it runs like nail polish, crafts and hair acceslow. sories are great, but so are soccer balls, Paypal donations can be sent to puzzles and coloring books.” sendingsmilestoallkids@gmail.com. For FishHawk resident Kelly Rowjohn information or to help with the drive, email learned about Addison’s mission to fill the Alice at alliekap1@aol.com or find the closet and used her popular Facebook Friends of FishHawk page on Facebook.



Valrico Commissioner White Takes Helm As Chairman Of County BOCC

By Tamas Mondovics

Kemp, won the Countywide, District 6 seat, and replaced term-limited former Commissioner Kevin Beckner. The three Commissioners have officially joined Victor D. Crist (District 2), Stacy R. White (District 4), Ken Hagen (Countywide, District 5), and Al Higginbotham (Countywide, District 7). To complete its first collective assignment the Board elected its leaders for the comHillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, ing year. Victor D. Crist (District 2), Stacy R. White (District 4), It is noteworthy that while Ken Hagen (Countywide, District 5), Al Higginbotham (Countywide, District 7), are joined by incumbents the seven-member board Sandy Murman (District 1), Lesley “Les” Miller, Jr., praised its productivity in (District 3) and newly elected Commissioner, Pat Kemp (Countywide, District 6) for a photo following a recent years, it did not shy sworn-in ceremony last month. away from drawing the attention on some of pressing Three Hillsborough County issues and challenges facing the county Commissioners, incumbents Sandy it serves. Murman and Les Miller as well as newly Such high priority topics include betelected Commissioner Pat Kemp, took ter transportation system and more the oath of office last month, each pledggood-paying jobs. ing to do their best for County residents. In a recent interview, White emphaMurman, Miller and, newcomer sized his desire to be a strong voice in Kemp, will serve a four-year term each regards to the impact of land use decion the seven-member Board. sions on transportation infrastructure To begin the meeting, White was including road conditions within his own chosen as the new BOCC chairman, neighborhood and community. while Murman was elected as vice chair“This is a good time to talk about the man. Miller took over Whites former Continued on Page 4 assignment as BOCC chaplain. White was elected to the Board in 2014. From 2010-14, he served on the Hillsborough County School Board. A fifth-generation native of Hillsborough County, White lives in Valrico with his wife of 19 years and their three children. After graduating from East Bay High School, White earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Florida, and has practiced pharmacy for 19 years. Murman, who was first elected a Commissioner in 2012, will once again represent District 1, while Miller, who joined the Board in 2010, was re-elected without opposition to represent District 3.

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By Tamas Mondovics

Morgan Crampton, 15, and fellow Durant High School Color Guard, Kadien Harwood, 17, pose for a photo while preparing to take part in the 75th Pearl Harbor Anniversary ceremony in Hawaii this month. Color guard Emily Orland (not pictured) also joined the girls as part of the school marching that traveled to participate in the historic event.

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