Hillsborough Voters Have Three Methods To Choose
By Kathy L. Collins
Voting is a right. In “Vote by mail has order to exercise this become increasingly right, every voter in popular and is the Hillsborough County most convenient way needs to know where to to vote, and we even vote and how to do it. pay the return There are three methpostage,” said ods-vote by mail, early Supervisor of voting and election day Elections Craig voting. In order to vote, Latimer. “Vote by mail you must be registered and early voting by Monday, August 1 results are the first to for the primary and by Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections, be reported on elecCraig Lattimer (left) with the help of tion night.” Visit Tuesday, October 11 JC, getting ready to mail out ballots. for the general election. www.votehillsborFor the primary election, Florida is a ough.org for instructions. closed primary state. This means that EARLY VOTING your ballot will reflect the party that you Early voting is set up before both the have selected. In other words, you vote primary and the general election. This only for the candidates from your party as year, early voting will take place for the well as non-partisan races such as judge primary (August 30) from August 15 (county and circuit), school board and through 28. For the general election amendment 4. (November 8), early voting will take place In the general election, your ballot is from October 24 through November 6. based upon where you live. View sample In Hillsborough County, there will be ballots at www.votehillsborough.org. 16 early voting sites open. Visit VOTE BY MAIL www.votehillsborough.org for a list. Vote by mail is the most convenient Early voting is just like Election Day method. If you request this method, you voting. You must bring one or two forms will receive your ballot in the mail, and of identification with your photo and sigyou can take your time making your votnature on it. Acceptable forms of identifiing decision. The vote by mail ballot must cation include Florida driver’s license, be received by the Hillsborough U.S. passport, student ID and more. Supervisor of Elections Office by 7 p.m. ELECTION DAY VOTING on Election Day. You can mail it or drop it Polling places, or precinct, noted on off in person at one of their offices or at your voter registration card, are open an early voting site. Rest assured, if you from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. on Election Day. You choose this method, your vote will be can bring your sample ballot with you and counted. use it while you vote.
664 Oak!ield Dr Brandon, FL 33511
Hours: (813) 689-8124 Tues. through Fri. 9‐6 & Sat. 9‐5 www.martins-jewelers.com