www.christianvoicemonthly.com B r a n d o n • Va l r i c o • L i t h i a • S e f f n e r • R i v e r v i e w • P l a n t C i t y • A p o l l o B e a c h
Volume 21, Issue 1
Open House
A Free Publication from Osprey Observer Inc.
January 2017
Strawberry Festival Welcomes Christian Artists
By Michelle Colesanti
Annual Open House Friday, Jan 20 See Ad On Page 3
Debora Coty’s Newest Too Blessed to be Stressed Book Page 5
Australian This year marks the 82nd year that enjoy their talent brothers, Joel and message.” the Strawberry Festival will be held in and Luke Grammy-winPlant City. The Festival will take place Smallbone, are ning Christian duo from Mar. 2-12. The theme is “We’re at the core of for KING & COUNPlaying Your Song!” and offers many the band for opportunities to see new and old musi- TRY will appear at KING & the Strawberry cal favorites featuring country artists COUNTRY. Festival on such as Scotty McCreery, Willy Nelson The soarand Rascal Flatts and rock ing melodies, artists such as 3 Doors driving Down, along with contemrhythms, theporary Christian artists – atrical instrufor KING & COUNTRY mentation and and NEEDTOBREATHE. personal General Manager, themes are the Paul Davis said, “We at heartbeat of the festival feel that havfor KING & COUNTRY the two-time ing a night devoted to Grammy Award winning duo. Christian entertainment is “When we won those a wonderful testimony for awards, it was obviously shockour community and a ing,” said Luke Smallbone, notgreat opportunity to fellowing the better-established acts ship with others. It is also they were up against. The songs a high priority to us to creNEEDTOBREATHE from the album are very personate a family-friendly al and maybe the Grammy votThursday, March 2 at atmosphere, and both for KING & ers could sense that.” 7:30 p.m. on the Wish COUNTRY and NEEDTOBREATHE Tickets cost $25 for KING & Farms Soundstage. will bring music and entertainment that COUNTRY. Enjoy listening to their is positive for the whole family. Both NEEDTOBREATHE will take the hits, Priceless, Shoulders, It's Not groups put on terrific live shows, and Over, Fix My Eyes and more. we’re confident that our visitors will Continued on Page 9
Local Riverview Resident Answers God’s Call
By Amanda Boston
The introduction of been a perGenesis 12:4, reads, “So petual presAbram went, as the LORD ence of comhad told him...” If you back up fort and hope a few verses, God had asked by donning Abram to gather his kin and her fabulous leave his homeland. With no smile and clear direction, Abram didn’t famous sign. Email contest@ospreyobserver.com for question God’s intent; instead, In obedience a chance to win NEEDTOBREATHE Abram trusted and went. A to her Strawberry Fest Concert Tickets! similar calling has gone out to a Riverview resident, Diane Williams. Often referred to as the “Jesus Cares” Lady, she believes God called her to deliver a simple, yet profound message. Like Abram, she too, was Diane Williams, a Riverview resident, not furnished with clear direcbrings her radiant smile and message of hope to the Brandon and tion. Yet, she trusted and Tampa Bay area. obeyed. Shortly after committing to the commission, Williams develHeavenly Father, Williams displays her Enter To Win 3-month oped a severe illness requiring a stint in sign, prays, and waves to the steady stream of traffic in the Tampa and Brandon Family Y Membership the hospital. In the face of her suffering, God drew her close, worked on her heart, area. From 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., she is sitPage 19 and prepared her for street ministry. While uated at the following locations; Saturdays on the mend, she faithfully and earnestly on the corner of US-301 and Riverview sought God through prayer and Bible Dr., Fridays Highway 60 in front of the study. In due course, God revealed His Westfield Mall, and Tuesdays alongside purpose and plan for Williams, which Channelside Dr. Hooked On Books: Page 07 eventually led her to create the Jesus The sign serves as encouragement to Cares sign, which is familiar to so many. those who know and love Jesus whereas Grace Notes: Page 13 Williams explained, “I am sowing seeds for it introduces Jesus’s love to those who do the Lord. Just like the parable, some not. Most onlookers simply wave, honk, or seeds fall on soil and sprout while others even shout an “Amen" in acknowledgeFaith & Footprints: Page 18 fall on rocky ground and never grow. I put ment of the sign. Yet, from time to time, out the message that Jesus cares, but it’s she encounters a great deal of foot traffic, Derek Maul: Page 18 Jesus who does the real work.” especially from the heartbroken and disSince Sept. 9, 2009, Williams has couraged. For those who stop to visit, they
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are blessed with a warm greeting, a tender hug, and a listening ear. Williams invites visitors to learn about her Lord and Savior and asks to pray for them. “Most of these folks are seeking a cure to their problems, but until they find Jesus, they are going to keep on searching or fix it with the wrong stuff. I am praying and relying on the Holy Spirit to guide me on what to say.” Williams disclosed how her former struggles and unfortunate circumstances now serve as a means to connect with others. With reluctance to converse about her personal life or be recognized for her efforts due to her humility, she responded, “It’s all about Him. I am just a vessel. I hold the sign, but it is God who gets the glory.” Recently, she placed a permanent sign on the corner of US-301 and Riverview Dr. displaying a photograph of her holding the Jesus Cares sign. Fortunately for us, she is not abandoning her post. Rather, she felt compelled to further the message during the times she physically cannot be present. When questioned about the longevity of her platform, she said, “As long as God makes me able, I’ll be out there.” So the next time you see Williams, give her a honk or a shout of encouragement. Better yet, stop and speak with her. Your heart will be warmed by the experience. For more info. on Williams’ ministry or to watch her testimony, please visit www.jesuscaresinc.com.