www.ospreyobserver.com B r a n d o n • Va l r i c o • L i t h i a • S e f f n e r • R i v e r v i e w • P l a n t C i t y • A p o l l o B e a c h Volume 21, Issue 5
Remembering And Honoring All Mothers
A Free Publication from Osprey Observer Inc.
May 2017
St. Stephen Catholic Church To Unveil New Building With The Cross And The Light
By Amanda Boston
Brazil Mission Trip Page 2
The revered evanThe multi-sensory producgelist Billy Graham said, tion is the brainchild of former “God proved His love on Miss America runner-up, Kelly the Cross. When Christ Garver Nieto. Before its conhung, and bled, and ception, Nieto appeared to died, it was God saying enjoy a full and prosperous life to the world, 'I love you.'” with an ideal career and supSt. Stephen Catholic portive family. However, deep Church invites you to within, she discover more about sensed someGod’s love with The thing was Cross and the Light, a amiss and Broadway-caliber proyearned for With a cast of only seven, a few of performers play multiple roles. duction playing from peace and sq. ft. and proThursday, May 18 until Sunday, May 21. real purpose. vides 1,100 seats The musical’s message holds firm to Then she biblical truths while incorporating a modern with the ability to encountered Jesus expand to 1,500 twist of pageantry to delight the senses. It Christ, and from her seats. It is a conportrays Jesus’ life from The Passion to Christian walk, The siderable upgrade Pentecost with actors, singers, and a Cross and the Light state-of-the-art projected video imagery on from the church’s came into existence. humble beginthe walls, measuring a whopping 150-ft. Since the musistorenings—a wide by 30-ft. tall. cal’s debut in 2011, it front building on Father Robert Schneider of St. has captivated audiBell Shoals Rd. Stephen stated, “We are delighted to open ences around the The official buildthe doors of our new church to the comworld, often selling ing dedication will take place on Thursday, munity with The Cross and the Light—it’s out its shows. St. Stephen Church will host June 29 by the church’s new Bishop. a show that allows people to experience eight performances. Visit www.TCTLGretchen Robens is the communicaChrist’s passion in a completely new way. StStephenCatholic.org, to see a listing of tions coordinator for St. Stephen Church It will showcase the beauty of our new show times and dates or to purchase tickand is thrilled to be hosting the distinworship space and give the community a ets. The church is located at 10128 St. chance to see what our exciting parish has guished musical. “We hope our low-price Stephen Cir. in Riverview. Visit tickets will make opportunities for people to www.StStephenCatholic.org or call for tickto offer.” The new church is spacious at 30,726 invite friends and co-workers," said ets 681-2990. Robens.
Feeding America National Day Of Prayer To Be Held At SteinbrennerByStadium Amanda Boston Page 4
Special Section Pages 9-15
Conveniently located only 10 minutes away in FishHawk Ranch! Closed Sundays
For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear us...Forgive us...Heal us... is the theme for the 2017 National Day of Prayer and is derived from Daniel 9:19, “Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act! For your sake, my God, do not delay, because your city and your people bear your Name." Daniel was an Old Testament prophet who lived during the Babylonian captivity of Judah. In chapter nine of Daniel, the prophet acknowledges God’s sovereignty as he pleads for God to hear, forgive, and heal the exiled nation.
Just like Daniel, who interceded with his prayer for the nation of Judah, you can intercede for America with an evening devoted to prayer. On
About 4,000 to 5,000 people attended last year’s National Day of Prayer.
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Thursday, May 4, join hundreds of churches, community leaders, and families as they gather at Steinbrenner Stadium to pray for the nation as the body of Christ. The free family event takes place at 7 p.m., with the gates opening at 6 p.m. The National Day of Prayer is observed annually on the first Thursday of May. It has roots tracing back to the Continental Congress when the colonists set aside time to pray for wisdom as they formed the new nation. In 1952, through a joint resolution in Congress, President Harry Truman formally signed the National Day of Prayer into law. Later, in 1988, President Ronald Reagan amended the law to designate the first Thursday of May as the National Day of Prayer. Joy Green, the Tampa Chairperson for the National Day of Prayer, expressed, “It
is a crucial time in history to pray for our nation. I want to encourage every pastor, and every individual to help us to mobilize the Church of Tampa Bay and transform Steinbrenner Stadium into an altar of worship and prayer.” The world-renowned Eddie James and Ultimate Call will shake the stadium with the sounds of contemporary Christian worship music. Eddie James Ministries is well known for connecting with the younger generation through its heart-stirring musical drama presentations. Green continued, "This year, we are reaching out to the youth. We have a special section for them. We are asking the churches to bring out its youth groups to this gathering.” Steinbrenner Stadium is located at 1 Steinbrenner Dr. Tampa. Visit www.ndptampa.org or call 758-1286. For the youth coordinator, call 404-557-4975.