15 C E L E B R A T I N G
August 2020 Volume 19 Issue 8 Ph: 657-2418 1 8
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School District Uses Referendum Dollars For $121 Million In AC Improvement Projects
Mother Of Local Hero Queena Releases A Memoir To Share Inspirational Journey
The fortable learning Hillsborough environment is County School essential.” District (HCSD) Bevis used the stuElementary also dent break to received new air perform many conditioning units much-needed this summer, upgrades replacing units thanks to funds that were original from the halffrom when the penny sales tax school opened Randall Middle and Bevis Elementary Schools more than 20 approved by are benefitting from the money raised from voters in late years ago. Hillsborough County’s half-penny tax with improvements this summer. 2018. Schools “The project throughout the county, including two in consisted of all-new rooftop units as well the FishHawk area, received air condias replacing and upgrading the controls, tioning improvements since the students ductwork and insulation in areas around left the buildings in March. the school,” said Principal Becky Thoms. “Thanks to the taxpayers of According to Maloney, normal Hillsborough County, our district has repairs and maintenance projects that invested more than $121 million to are typically funded through existing address essential needs in our schools,” property tax millage also continued. said HCSD’s Erin Maloney. “With stu“This funding provides a new source dents and staff physically off campuses of revenue, accelerating projects that since March, it has allowed construction otherwise would not have been tackled crews access to get ahead of schedule for many years into the future or may not on planned major A/C and roofing projhave been able to be completed at all,” ects in our schools. Despite the slowsaid Maloney. down of some equipment delivery and The referendum proceeds can be lower-than-projected sales tax revenue, used only for permanent capital purour district is still on track to planned chases including buildings, mainteprojected for this year.” nance, technology and security. Twenty-six schools throughout the “We are so thankful for the new air county received improvements this sum- conditioning project,” said Thoms. mer, including Randall Middle and Bevis “Receiving the money from the Elementary schools. Hillsborough County Tax Referendum According to Randall Principal Claire allowed us to move forward on this projMawhinney, the work was extensive in ect and provide optimal conditions for some areas of the school with the our staff and students to work and replacement of air handlers and ductlearn.” work in multiple areas. To learn more, visit “The company lead says that the A list of projects can A/C will be ready for students when they be found at,” she explained. “Having a comzenoversight.
Queena Phu place.” may be known as the Nguyen hopes Bloomingdale Library her memoir will Attack Victim, but to inspire people from those of us in the around the world, “I Brandon community, am hoping to see the Queena is a hero. book can be pubShe is a vibrant, lished in different lanyoung lady that was guages so it can proaffected by traumatic vide hope to the brain injury at the age downtrodden around of 18 in April of 2008. the world,” Nguyen The injury left her said. “My wish is 100 with many disabilities percent of the book and changed her life or any related proforever. ceeds can support Queena’s mom, ongoing expenses Vanna Nguyen is through Hope Heals preparing to release The Brain, Inc. and a memoir about her Queena’s Medical life, faith and her Trust Fund. Vanna Nguyen, mother of Queena amazing daughter, We’re glad God Phu, the Bloomingdale Library Attack Queena. “I want to choose Ambassador Victim, will release a memoir about her life, faith and her amazing share my struggles in for publishing our book daughter, Queena. life, including this and sharing our inspiheartbreaking attack on Queena,” rational stories to the world. We are also Nguyen said. “I want to share my life’s working on a movie adaptation, but we story to create a living testament to the have not yet chosen a production comnotion that faith, community, and the pany. We are still researching how to do unending grace of God, provide us with a movie.” To preorder a copy, search for the power to do things we never thought the book on Amazon or Goodreads. possible. The book is called The Life She Once Knew: The Incredible True Story of In This Queena, The Bloomingdale Library Issue Attack Survivor. The book’s release date is 11/10/2020, but it is now available through the publisher’s website BEV SUTHERLAND ...............................PG 3 Ambassador International, Amazon and FREE MOSQUITOFISH..........................PG 5 Goodreads for preorder. It will soon be available for preorder TEEN IMPACT SPACE........................PG 10 to all local book retailers. “We have read the whole book draft to Queena and CHAMBER GIVES BACK ....................PG 17 she’s very focused and interested about LEARNING EXPERIENCE ...................PG 21 all the details in the book especially information about her brain damage and POLITICAL GUIDE......................PGS 3340 coma as she doesn’t really remember,” EYE ON BUSINESS.....................PGS 3031 Nguyen said. “From victim to survivor, to revealing SPORTS CONNECTION .....................PG 45 her name, now she can’t wait for release a book about her story, which is a story READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE of deep grief and darkness. She wants it to shine a light into someone else’s dark
By Kate Quesada
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A peaceful protest organized by FishHawk residents to support the Black Lives Matter movement took place in June at the four way intersection between Boyette and Bell Shoals Rd. See the Full Story On Page 22.
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