Osprey Observer Brandon August 2020

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26 C E L E B R A T I N G

August 2020 Volume 15, Issue 8 Ph: 657-2418 1 8





Free Admission For Veterans. See Page 19 C O M M U N I T Y


Bass Pro Shops Pairs With Take A Kid Fishing Charity To Help Make A Difference

Humana & HEF Donate 229,000 Masks To Hillsborough County Teachers & Students

Fishing A local enables charity, Take these kids a Kid Fishing the chance Inc., teamed to learn up with Bass patience, Pro Shops teamwork recently to and relaxbrighten the ation, lives of a which in group of local turn kids. enhances Take a their mood Kid Fishing, a nonprofit Bass Pro Shops recently donated more than 400 rods and critical thinking organization to local nonprofit Take a Kid Fishing Inc. skills, all that while having the chance to get onto enhances the lives of underprivithe water and have fun. leged and fatherless kids through its Take a Kid Fishing gives kids fishing mentorship program, received without a father figure or reliable more than 400 rods from Bass Pro encouragement the chance to feel Shops. supported not just by Dunn and his The gently-used rods and reels team but also by the other kids withwere donated by customers in exchange for discounts on new gear; in the program. Whether they land the biggest each piece is refurbished to ensure catch of the day or not, fishing they are fish-ready for kids. teaches the kids how to “We are excited that support each other, win more families and kids or lose. across the country are disAs a nonprofit, Take covering fishing. They’re a Kid Fishing is entirely putting down their phones dependent on donations, and video games, picking volunteers and sponup fishing poles and sors. enjoying making some When asked about the impact memories together in the great outthe equipment would have on the doors,” Bass Pro General Manager program, Dunn stated, “We are all Ronnie Cheeks said. about the kids. We are so thankful to Take a Kid Fishing takes kids of be chosen to receive this equipall ages on various yearly fishing ment.” excursions where Founder William Stay connected with Take a Kid Dunn and his team teach the youth Fishing by following it on social in their program real-life skills and media and visit www.takffl.com to the power of responsibility. learn more about how to donate and What makes the program unique make a difference. lies in the power of fishing.

community partSchool will look ners. very different this “Face coveryear due to COVIDings are an inte19 concerns. gral part of our Whenever students district’s safety return to the classprotocols as room in Hillsborough teachers, staff County, they’ll be and learners required to wear return to the masks—and classroom,” said Humana and Kim Jowell, Ray Hodorski, Mike McCollum, Davis. Hillsborough Paul Casebolt, Alvaro Hernandez and Aaron Established Education Dwyer began the distribution of the 229,000 masks donated by Humana. in 1987, the HEF Foundation want to is a nonprofit focused on strengthening ensure that everybody in the district who public education by supporting teachers needs a mask has one. and empowering students to achieve acaHumana is donating 229,000 masks demic and personal success. HEF’s in partnership with JPR Medical to resources and financial support enrich KHillsborough Education Foundation 12 educational experiences by providing (HEF). HEF is working with Hillsborough opportunities for all students, regardless County Public Schools to distribute the of background or economic status. masks to all schools. Together with its community partners, “The health and safety of the Tampa HEF strategically invests in initiatives that Bay community is a top priority for impact teaching quality and increase Humana,” said Ray Hodorski, Humana’s graduation rates, bolstering a thriving client management director. “Our goal workforce of tomorrow and the sustainthrough providing face masks to all stuable prosperity of Tampa Bay. dents and employees within the school Learn more about HEF at www.edudistrict is to give teachers, staff, parents cationfoundation.com. More information and students additional piece of mind as regarding Humana is available at we continue to navigate the spread of www.humana.com. COVID-19.” In addition to the masks, Hillsborough Education Foundation is also donating and delivering school supplies to the disIn This trict’s 156 Title I schools, including Tampa Issue Heights. “We know more than 150,000 stuUPGRADED AIR FILTERS FOR HCPS ...PG 3 dents in the district qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. It’s tough for those ECHO BOUTIQUE ..............................PG 6 struggling families to afford even the LIVING IN COVID...............................PG 9 basic school supplies,” said Hillsborough Education Foundation CEO Kim Jowell. ADOPT A TEACHER .........................PG 15 “By providing supplies, and Humana’s TGH CHRISTMAS IN JULY ................PG 17 generous donation of masks, we’re helping to ensure students have the tools they EYE ON BUSINESS...........................PG 25 need for a safe and successful school year.” SPORTS CONNECTION ....................PG 28 Hillsborough County Public Schools OSPREY OBSERVER INTERNS ..........PG 31 Superintendent Addison Davis said the district is grateful for this generous donaREAD MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE www.ospreyobserver.com tion and the consistent support from its


By Kye Saunders

Staff Report

Osprey Observer 2109 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Valrico, FL 33596

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WE ARE OPEN FOR YOU!! Bring your dog to Yappy Hour on the patio at JF Kicks from 47p.m. on the last Saturday of the month and help raise funds for Community Pet Project. See article on page 15.

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