Osprey Observer Riverview/Apollo Beach August 2020

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Riverview/Apollo Beach

6 C E L E B R A T I N G

Article on page 12

August 2020 Volume 18, Issue 8 Ph: 657-2418 1 8







Meals On Wheels For Kids Expands Into Wimuama, Looking For Volunteers

State Farm & SmileLYNN Dental Create Spirit Of Giving Program For SouthShore

Children in the they deliver the SouthShore area meals. have more access Lauren Vance, to food thanks to a manager for the new program from Tampa Bay Meals on Wheels. Network to End Its Meals on Hunger, Wheels for Kids expressed, “The program program aims to (MOW4Kids), provide nutrition which launched Meals on Wheels recently expanded its kids and social connecprogram to the SouthShore area and is this past March, tion to isolated chillooking for volunteers to help. expanded into dren and families.” Wimuama recently to help TC Delivers, a feed the area’s hungry. Tampa mail services The MOW4Kids proprovider, and Beth-El gram began in response Farmworker Ministry, a to COVID-19 school clolocal nonprofit that prosures that left many resivides assistance to dents 18 or under who Hispanic farmworkers could not access the meal and their families, work disruption sites or open with the MOW4Kids to food pantries stuck. The package and distribute program began by deliverthe food. TC Delivers ing meals to the homes in will transform into a 12 Pinellas County zip packing site for the codes, to those who rely produce and shelf-staon the national free and ble goods, while Bethreduced breakfast and El Farmworker Ministry lunch program. will become a distribution center for volAfter receiving a charitable donation unteers to run by and pick up meals to from the Valencia Lakes Sports Charity, distribute to the homes. MOW4Kids was able to expand into The program is always needing help Wimuama, reaching more kids. The and volunteers to contribute to the cause. Wimuama area was chosen due to the “Those in the community can get high rate of food insecurity and kids who involved by signing up to volunteer to lack access to transportation to the meal deliver a route, which takes about an distribution sites. hour, or by donating $40, which provides Each of the deliveries include five five frozen meals and a box of shelf-stafrozen meals freshly prepared by local ble food and fresh produce,” said Vance. business Delectables Fine Catering, a To learn more about Meals on box of shelf-stable food and fresh proWheels/MOW4Kids or sign up as a volduce. Volunteers go one step further, pro- unteer, go to viding a safety/wellness check each time www.networktoendhunger.org.

“It’s beautiful,” in the greatest need of said Melanie Davis, dental assistance. Davis SouthShore Chamber said, “I reached out to a of Commerce execu‘coach’ at a local nonprofit tive director, referring here. He put me in conto the SouthShore tact with a grandmother community’s spirit of raising her two grandchilgiving. “You never dren. I also knew a local know what kind gesmigrant family with three tures people here will siblings in need.” come up with to creDavis contacted ate solutions when Pearson with these they discover others names, who relayed that in need.” information to the Dr. Casey Lynn and his staff at the One kind gesture Apollo Beach office are proud to be SmileLYNN office. The a part of this new program. occurred recently children were scheduled when Christian Pearson, a State Farm for new patient exams and cleaning. The agent located in Apollo Beach, was given goal was to educate and provide a posia monetary donation from State Farm. He tive dental experience, and that was said, “State Farm has a rich history of giv- accomplished. ing back and building safer, stronger and The grandmother and migrant mothbetter educated communities. This proer were thrilled, according to Davis. “They gram is special because an agent can both couldn’t believe people just want to help a cause in their community and reach out and help with something like inspire others into action.” this just because,” she said. This “just Pearson and an Apollo Beach denbecause” spirit of giving is what makes tist, Dr. Casey Lynn of SmileLYNN SouthShore a beautiful community. Pediatric Dentistry, were inspired and colSmileLYNN Pediatric Dentistry is laborated on a very real need, especially located in Mira Bay Village at 122 Harbor in view COVID-19’s impact on families. Village Lane.Phone: (813) 296-6018, visit Lynn explained, “Christian brought up the www.smilelynndental.com. idea of helping some people who were affected by the pandemic. I thought this was a great idea since I could use my In This education, skills and business to help Issue some in our community. I’m always up for helping those who truly need it.” FEEDING TAMPA BAY...........................PG 3 Pediatric dental visits are often neglected, according to Dr. Lynn, because FREE MOSQUITO FISH.........................PG 5 parents rationalize that baby teeth are THUNDERSTRUCK ICE..........................PG 6 going to fall out anyway, so there is no need to visit a dentist. Dr. Lynn said, RECYCLE ELECTRONICS........................PG 9 “Baby teeth have very important roles in LITTLE FREE PANTRY..........................PG 10 growth and development. We recommend first visits when a child gets that EYE ON BUSINESS.....................PGS 25­26 first tooth or their first birthday. Patients COMMUNITY ARTS. .........................PG 28 gain tools for success and decrease the likelihood for restorative dental needs ULTIMATE MUSIC.............................PG 37 throughout life.” Once the Pearson and Lynn team READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE came up with the plan, Pearson www.ospreyobserver.com approached Davis at the SouthShore Chamber to help locate pediatric patients

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By Dominique Asher

Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful (KTBB), has joined forces with Tampa Bay Farm 2 School, an organization that empowers youth for health and success through hands-on agricultural and culinary experiences. See Full Story on Page 9.

By Gwen Rollings

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