Osprey Observer Riverview/Apollo Beach September 2020

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Riverview/Apollo Beach

8 C E L E B R A T I N G

September 2020 Volume 18, Issue 9 Ph: 657-2418 1 8






Riverview Location

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Four Kids Fundraise To Support New Outdoor Classroom In Honor Of Dad Matt Swartzlander

Sumner High Opens For 2020-21 School Year As First Cambridge & Largest School In District

A local family is Not only were working with a the Y and Camp Riverview camp to Cristina a huge part remember a loved of their father’s life, one. Jason, Katie, but Jason, Katie, David and Jake David and Jake all Swartzlander started spent countless sumfundraising for their mers there as Mr. Matt Project early campers and even this August in order went on to be counThe Swartzlander family is raising to raise funds to build selors and a lifemoney to build a new nature trail, a new nature trail, guard. plaque, reflection bench, bridge and covered outdoor classroom at Camp plaque, reflection “As a staff memCristina to preserve the memory of their ber, I have made bench, bridge and dad, Matt Swartzlander. covered outdoor some of the best classroom at Camp friends and met some Cristina to preserve of the most incredible the memory of their people ever. I am so dad, Matt grateful for my four Swartzlander, who summers as a Y passed away in April employee, I have cerdue to stage 4 tainly made memoMelanoma. ries that will last forMatt had worked ever,” said Katie. at the Y for more The community than 10 years, since 1996, can join in on the Mr. Matt working all over the camp as Project by donating to the a counselor, camp director GoFundMe, ‘The Mr. Matt and lifeguard. His favorite Project,’ or directly to Camp thing to do was take kids out Cristina, specifying that it is for onto the nature trails and the project. So far, $9,850 has teach outdoor education, teaching the been raised out of the $11,000 goal. kids about the plants and animals Members of the community can also around them. The new nature trail, volunteer at Camp Cristina to help with classroom and more will allow the kids the construction, as the area is set to be to be fully immersed in nature and give a built by hand so that the surrounding space to learn more about nature for environment is preserved. The Mr. Matt kids who don’t have access to such a Project is hoped to be finished and open large and diverse area. to the public by this upcoming Spring. “Its really important for the kids to To donate or learn more, go to understand that nature isn’t something to www.gofundme.com/f/the-mr-matt-probe afraid of or even careless about, it’s ject or something to be appreciated and cared www.tampaymca.org/locations/ymcafor,” said David. camp-cristina.

As students Principal Dave headed back for a Brown. very different The school school year last costed an estimated month, one group $70 million to build. of Riverview resiThis school was dents were treatfunded by three ed to a brandyears of impact fee new experience. collections. “Hillsborough County “We are ready to Public Schools is excited welcome our students to to officially open Sumner this beautiful campus. I High School, our first new know our students and high school built in more staff are excited to start than 10 years,” said rich, new traditions and Sumner High School in Hillsborough County Riverview opened its doors to build a lasting legacy for Public Schools Chief of future students. We welstudents last month. Communications Tanya Arja. come the Sumner Stingrays to our district Sumner High School is the largest family,” said Superintendent Addison high school the district has ever conDavis. structed at 265,000 square feet. It is This school will provide relief to high located at 10650 County Rd. 672 in schools in the area that are already at or Riverview, in the fast-growing area of near capacity. Construction is booming in Southeastern Hillsborough County. This Southern Hillsborough County with thoustate-of-the-art, picturesque campus will sands of students expected to be enterhouse ninth to 11th grade students this ing our schools over the next three to five first year, adding a senior class the next years. The most recent high school built school year. in Hillsborough County was Strawberry Sumner High School will also be Crest High School back in 2009. home to an innovative, one-of-a-kind proFor more information, visit gram called Academy 2027. One cohort www.sdhc.k12.fl.us. of 450 middle school students will move from grade to grade, beginning with sixth grade, with the same teachers each year In This until they enter the high school grade Issue level. No other cohorts of middle school students will be added once these stuHCC AWARDED GRANT ......................PG 3 dents move on to the high school grades. Over time, the school will have a total CRACKER BARREL OPENS...................PG 4 enrollment of about 2,800. ROTARY CLUB UPDATES .....................PG 6 Principal Dave Brown is proud to announce Sumner High School has just LOVE’S FIRST TIRE WINNER ...............PG 8 been notified it won approval as a DOVE INTERIORS CELEBRATES 30 ....PG 13 Cambridge AICE Program, the first high school in our district to receive this interLIVING IN COVID‐19 STORIES ..PGS 14‐15 national status. EYE ON BUSINESS....................PGS 25‐26 “I am honored to open the largest and most advanced new school in IN THE GOLF ZONE .........................PG 28 Hillsborough County. I am thrilled that we will be the first Cambridge AICE high READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE school in the district. My faculty and I www.ospreyobserver.com can’t wait to serve this community,” said

Osprey Observer 2109 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Valrico, FL 33596

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By Dominique Asher

Supervisor of Election Craig Latimer wants voters in Hillsborough County to know that they have three options to choose from in order to cast their votes. This includes the ability to drop off your Vote By Mail ballot at one of 24 curbside sites. If you opt to vote in person during either Early Voting or on Election Day, Latimer is working to ensure that your experience will be safe, healthy and orderly. Remember, whichever method you choose, every vote counts. See full article on page 29.

Staff Report

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