Osprey Observer 2016-04 Valrico

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Two Sections, 40 Pages of Community News

Exterior Home Paint Job Giveaway For Single Moms


Painting from the


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April 2016 1 5



Volume 13, Issue 4 Ph: 657-2418 P U B L I S H I N G




Painting From The Heart Seeks Single Mom To Receive Exterior Home Makeover

MADD Dedicates Walk To Valrico Deputy Killed By Wrong-Way Drunk Driver

hard to keep up with the exterior of her home. Past Painting from the Heart recipients include, Brandon single mom Sharon Cooley, who adopted a son and two young siblings, The Ellis family of Riverview, whose father, Jason, is a wounded Iraq war veteran with five children and most Nominate a deserving single mom to receive an exterior home recently, Lithia sinmakeover. See entry form on page 17. gle mom Daniella whose Vetencourt Once again this year, Rob Silver, oldest son has special needs. owner of Dynamic Painting USA, and “I am so thrilled with the way the the Osprey Observer have teamed house came out,” said Ramoska, “I together to offer a Mother’s Day don’t have to be embarrassed about Painting From the Heart campaign. The how it looks anymore. Painting From the campaign, intended to give an exterior Heart is the perfect name for your camhome paint job to a single mom in the paign, for your crew were all so wondercommunity, has been a huge success ful and worked so hard.” and Silver plans to continue the effort Silver is also pleased with the partthis upcoming Mother’s Day by once nership with the Osprey Observer and again giving away an exterior home the impact of the campaign and says paint job. that he is able to do it once again this “I am a small business owner,” said year. Silver. “But, if I can give back and make “We believe in giving back to the a huge impact for a local family and a community,” said Silver. “And there is no local mom for Mother’s Day, I am happy better feeling than seeing an entire famito do it.” ly light up with the opportunity to pick a Silver’s commitment to serving othnew house color.” ers began when he was a child, tagging To enter or nominate a single mom, along with his mom as she volunteered email contest@ospreyobserver.com wit in the community. h a letter regarding the family and a One of the past recipients of a free photo of the exterior of the house exterior paint job is Pam Ramoska. by Thursday, April 30 or contact Silver at Ramoska, a single mom with two 689-9333 or visit www.dynamicpaintinteenage boys, lost her husband from a gusa.com. See the form on page 17. tragic heart attack and was finding it

mit to end More than drunk driv800 walkers, ing.” along with By many who could not being dediphysically parcated to ticipate but Deputy gave financial John R. support, took Kotfila Jr., part in the the timing of Tampa’s Ninth Annual Photo Courtesy Martin Hernandez of Fernandez & Hernandez Walk Like Attorneys at Law 2016 Walk The Ninth Annual Walk Like MADD fundraising walk was Like MADD dedicated to fallen Deputy John R. Kotfila Jr., of Valrico. MADD fundraising was also significant as it took place at a walk. The signature, victim-tribute and time when law enforcement, community community awareness event hosted by partners and coalition partners are seekWest Central Florida Affiliate and ing solutions to the plague of wrong-way Hillsborough Advisory Board of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD WCF) was drunk drivers in the community. dedicated to fallen Deputy John R. Kotfila In a recent press release, MADD Jr., of Valrico, whose watch ended on reported that despite a nearly 50 percent Saturday, March 12 when he was killed decline in drunk driving deaths since by a wrong-way drunk driver on the MADD was founded, almost 10,000 peoCrosstown Expressway. ple are killed by drunk drivers and anothAccording to Event Manager Bianca er 290,000 are injured in drunk driving Kendall, the community has responded to crashes every year. this year’s walk more then ever before. Walk Like MADD events are taking “The event has not only met, but place in more than 100 cities across the exceeded its goal of $75,000, which was country this year. Events will take place in the most money it has raised since Pasco and Pinellas counties in the fall. MADD was founded in 1980,” Kendall Visit www.WalkLikeMADD.org/Tampa to said, adding that the walk is held annually register, donate or get more information. to finish the job that was started by a grieving mother 36 years ago. Kendall emphasized that Walk Like In This MADD Tampa raises mission-critical Issue funds to help save lives in Hillsborough County and provides the opportunity to TASTE OF BRANDON..........................PG 5 educate the community about the dangers of impaired driving and underage FEED THE BAY ....................................PG 9 drinking. In addition, local victims and surNEW SEFFNER‐MANGO PARK..........PG 12 vivors come together with law enforcement and other community partners to SPA DAY FOR MOM GIVEAWAY .......PG 14 pay tribute to those lost to and affected by HOA HOT TOPICS............................PG 17 impaired driving crashes. “All funds raised stay in our commuCHALKLINES .....................................PG 28 nity and support MADD’s victim services, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT................PG 37 underage drinking prevention programs and our campaign to eliminate drunk drivSPORTS CONNECTION...............PGS 38‐39 ing, throughout West Central Florida,” she READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE said. “Our goal is to bring the community www.ospreyobserver.com together to remember victims and survivors, while we inspire change and com-

By Tamas Mondovics

Osprey Observer 918 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Brandon, FL 33511-6121

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By Marie Gilmore

Photo by Tamas Mondovics

A competitive skydiver comes into a distance event landing at the 2016 U.S. Parachute Association National Skydiving Championships of Canopy Piloting held earlier this month at Skydive City, one of Florida’s premier skydiving centers in Zephyrhills. The three-day competition saw nearly 60 competitors who tested their abilities in three categories; speed, accuracy and distance. See the full story on page 38 & 39 in this edition.

Exp. 5/15/16

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