Osprey Observer 2016-05 Christian Voice Monthly

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Volume 20, Issue 5

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A A Free Free Publication Publication from from Osprey Osprey Observer Observer Inc. Inc.

May 2016

St. Stephen Catholic Church Expansion On Boyette Campus With New Family Life Center By Bonnie Mentel St. Stephen Catholic Church has expanded by building a new Family Life Center on its Boyette campus, where the grade school is located. There are future plans to move the entire parish to the same location. “We’re excited about this new stage for us to move to the Boyette campus. We don’t expect that our church will be fully operational there until this time next year. For now, the Family Life Center can serve the school and our needs. We’re looking forward, as we grow into it, to hosting events and concerts; many different things for our community,” said Gretchen Robens, communications coordinator at St. Stephen Catholic Church. St. Stephen’s Church recently celebrated the grand opening of the new Family Life Center with a ribbon-cutting ceremony last month. The Riverview Chamber of Commerce helped to launch the event. “The size of the new Family Life Center matches our current worship center on Bell Shoals Road. We are getting excited about events there in the future, in addition to expanding the activities of the St. Stephen school,” Robens said. The school is looking forward to having a new cafeteria for the students. In the past, they’ve had a staggered lunch period to accommodate all the students.

St. Stephen Catholic Church recently celebrated the expansion of its Boyette campus with a Family Life Center.

The new building has cafeteria space, a basketball and volleyball court, a large youth room, and eight other classrooms that will be used by the parish and school. The basketball and volleyball courts will allow them to have home games at St. Stephen for the first time. There is also plenty of space for the church’s middle school program, EDGE, which brings in about 300 kids on Monday and Tuesday nights. “The school has been on the Boyette campus for about 15 years. We knew that

we would eventually build a church there, but it’s a big process to build a $16 million dollar church. We upped the first stage of building, which is the Family Life Center, because we knew we needed that immediately,” Robens said. Until the church can be united on one campus, it looks forward to having its current needs met through the Family Life Center at 10424 Saint Stephen Circle in Riverview. More information about St. Stephen Catholic Church and School can be found at www.ststephencatholic.org.

Classic Car Show, Craft Fair Coming To Bay Life Church

By Libby Hopkins loves Local Missionary Digging a carEveryone show. There Wells In Zambia is something about

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Blake Shelton Premiers Gospel Album Page 19

Columns: Pastor’s Corner:

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Faith & Footprints:

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Grace Notes:

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Local Events:

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sitting behind the wheel of an exotic sports car or a classic muscle car that makes your adrenaline race. Car shows are also a great way to bring the community together for a good cause. On Saturday, May 28, On Saturday, May 28, Bay Life Church in Brandon will host its Bay Life Church in annual car show and craft fair on the church grounds. Brandon will host its attend car shows and carry the news annual car show and craft fair on the of Bay Life all around the state of church grounds from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Florida.” “The Bay Life car show originally The car show and craft fair will began as a community outreach to do feature more than 400 show cars, trucks something fun and involve our local car afi- and custom cars. The group Legacy will cionados,” said Bay Life Church’s provide live music in addition to the Bay Communications Director, Stephen Life DJ playing classic rock, county and Stough. “Steve Hardy, the long time Bay oldies. Life maintenance supervisor, took the iniCrafts will be on display for sale from tiative to organize our first event.” Over the many local crafters and artisans. There will years, other Bay Life members got be a special opening celebration perinvolved and the event grew into a formed by the Color Guard and National fundraiser for the church’s missions. Anthem to honor our country. The church’s “Robert De’Angelo, who has been our Mission Café will be providing the food at lead volunteer since the very beginning, is the car show and craft fair. All the prothe reason our car show and craft fair is ceeds raised at the car show and craft fair one of the largest in the state,” Stough will go to support the church’s missions. said. “Robert and his volunteer team

“Bay Life Church Missions and Student Ministries send several trips throughout the U.S. and internationally to support our mission partners,” Stough said. “Every penny raised from food and beverage sales, raffles and donations goes to support Bay Life Global Missions.” Stough hopes the car show and craft fair will be a fun filled day for everyone who attends. “It’s amazing, each year we see three or four generations enjoy the day where everyone in the family has something for them,” Stough said. “Our hope remains that our community grows stronger, that lifelong friendships are forged, and that our community sees that Bay Life is here to support them on their journey.” To learn more about the Bay Life Church car show and craft fair or to be involved with the event, visit www.baylife.org. Bay Life Church is located at 1017 Kingsway Rd. in Brandon.

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