Osprey Observer 2016-08 Bloomingdale/FishHawk

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See Pgs. 11-17 C E L E B R A T I N G

August 2016 Volume 15, Issue 8 Ph: 657-2418 1 5




Local Newsome Graduate Wins Chance To Watch Launch Of CRS-9 Rocket

By Michelle Colesanti

Recent Newsome graduate Jacob Fullerton had the opportunity to view the launch of the CRS-9 rocket from Kennedy Space Center.

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The future of the U.S. space program has been moving forward since the end of NASA’s Space Shuttle missions in 2011. FishHawk resident and recent Newsome graduate, Jacob Fullerton, was one of 50 people who were selected out of 2,000 applicants to receive full press access to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) when the Space X CRS-9 rocket launched on July 18 to carry cargo and biomedical experiments to the International Space Station. Fullerton was able to watch the launch from only four miles away with all of the other members of the press. The major news stations had their press sites about 100 ft. away. This was the closest viewing site for the launch, and almost next to the site where the first stage of the rocket landed. According to Fullerton, from that close you could feel the ground vibrating due to the immense sound. “We were just about as close as you can get without the sound literally killing you; you must be at least three miles away. However the most sound came

from the landing of the first stage of the rocket, which was even closer than the takeoff. This launch was the first time a land-based landing of a rocket was attempted,” he added. Fullerton found out about the program through NASA’s Snapchat and applied to the program as a social media representative. “The main basis of my application was that I have taken two years of TV production classes at my high school and also have around 4,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel where I have posted videos in the past,” he said. During his visit to KSC, Fullerton also toured launch pad 39B, which is where the shuttle missions and some of the Apollo missions launched. It is currently being remodeled so that a rocket to Mars can be launched there. During his visit, he also got to see the Vehicle Assembly Building where all rockets are assembled, the building where the space station was made, and finally the launch site of the CRS-9 on the day of launch. Fullerton’s future plans include attending the University of Virginia this fall. He had to do some scrambling to change hotel reservations so that he could attend as it fell at the same time as his college orientation. “I will definitely consider Aeronautical engineering as an option in the future,” said Fullerton. Since he doesn’t have to officially choose a major until his second year of college, he has some time to think about it. For more information on Space X, visit www.spacex.com.

Photo by Tamas Mondovics

FishHawk’s Gannet Glade resident Jack Knapp, 13, who has recently moved to the community from Connecticut, practices his fishing skills at a pond near his neighborhood. The pond, which allows residents to enjoy some catch and release fishing is just one of dozens located within FishHawk Ranch.


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Resident Effort To Keep Fire Rescue Truck In Lithia Heard By Commission By Tamas Mondovics

Hillsborough County’s decision to The rescue vehicles cost about temporarily relocate a Fire Rescue $300,000 and more than $1 million a vehicle and year to staff ambulance and equip. crew (Rescue Currently, 2) currently only 15 of placed at Fire the county's Station No. 2, 43 fire stain Lithia to tions have Riverview such found trucks. FishHawk and “This surrounding proposal is area residents not about clearly disapsaving pointed. money, but The proabout savposal did not sit Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White talks ing lives,” to residents about the County’s plan to relocate a well with Fire Rescue vehicle and ambulance crew (Rescue 2) Jones said that is currently placed at Fire Station No. 2 in Lithia adding that County to Riverview. Commissioner all fire staStacy White either, prompting him to tions in the county have fire engines, schedule a meeting last month at which are manned by equally trained Pinecrest Elementary School. paramedics and are equipped with White told the nearly two dozen emergency medical equipment to residents in attendance, joined by respond to critical emergency calls, members of Hillsborough County Fire but they cannot transport them to the Rescue (HCFR) that, while he hospital. respects the Fire Chief’s recommenJones emphasized that a fire dation and expertise, the rescue truck engine with crews who are trained is a valuable community asset. Continued on Page 7 “First of all, I wanted to say that I've heard the community loud and clear, and I'm with you 100 percent,” In This White said. “An ambulance service is Issue like an insurance policy. You have to have it but you hope to God you never have to use it.” RAPID RESPONSE HEADQUARTERS....PG 4 Prepared to bring the issue to the HOA HOT TOPICS. ..............................PG 7 Board of County Commissioners at its next meeting, White said, “I am going NEW FIRE STATION ..........................PG 19 to ask the board to fund the IFLY INDOOR SKYDIVING..................PG 22 Riverview station to have its own ambulance and crew.” SPORTS CONNECTION...............PGS 34‐35 Taking a turn, County Fire Chief CHALKLINES .....................................PG 38 Dennis Jones told residents that the county considered the plan to ensure ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT................PG 46 that its Fire Rescue crews, vehicles WEDDING GUIDE........................PGS 55‐59 and equipment are strategically positioned to best meet public safety READ MORE LOCAL NEWS ONLINE needs, based on call volume and www.ospreyobserver.com population growth.

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