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B r a n d o n • Va l r i c o • L i t h i a • S e f f n e r • R i v e r v i e w • P l a n t C i t y • A p o l l o B e a c h
Volume 15, Issue 11
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Nativity’s Annual Novemberfest Features Rides, Food And Entertainment By Michelle Colesanti
Gift Guide Pages 11-14
Heifer Living Gift Market Page 20
November 2016
With carnival favorites like the Drop Zone, Moonraker, and Ferris wheel, Nativity Catholic Church’s Novemberfest promises to once again be a huge crowd pleaser. “Novemberfest has been a part of the Brandon community for 47 years, and we are so thankful for the support the community has shown Nativity,” said Cindy Ehringer, Committee Chair. Novemberfest will take place from Wednesday, November 16 to Sunday, November 20. Enjoy five Principal Robert Yevich stands with students sporting this year’s Novemberfest T-shirt. days of family fun full of carnival rides, including tainment includes Soul several for the younger crowd, food Circus Cowboys who will booths, and music. Admission and perform on Friday at 8 parking are free. p.m. Band member Billy The food tent has something for McKnight is a Nativity alumnus. everyone. Enjoy your choice of BBQ, Southern Train will also perform this Polish Sausage, Indian Cuisine, year on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The Mexican, Latin flavors, potato ribbons, Riverview High School Choir will perwings, desserts, special coffee, gourform on Sunday at 2:15 p.m. Several met pizza, freshly squeezed lemonother local dance studios and local talade, funnel cakes, cotton candy, hament will also perform. burgers, hotdogs and fries, a spectacRob Martin, Director of Finance ular steak sandwich and Coca-Cola said, “It’s a great opportunity for the products. entire family to come out and enjoy This year’s special musical enterthe weekend before the start of the
busy holiday season.” Nativity students and parents will be selling discounted armband vouchers and food tickets. Ride vouchers good for unlimited all day rides are available now through Friday, November 11 at a cost of $17 at the church office, 705 E. Brandon Blvd. Advanced food vouchers are also available for $9. When you purchase a ride voucher at Novemberfest, the cost is $23 and $10 for a food voucher. Tickets can also be purchased online at novemberfest16.eventbrite.com (includes a service fee). This year’s raffle contains many exciting prizes. The Grand Prize is $5000 and the winner will be announced on Sunday after-
noon. Novemberfest is Nativity’s largest parish fundraiser and proceeds benefit the school. The event is run solely by volunteers, who will be on hand to make this year’s festival a success. Nativity Catholic Church is located at 705 E. Brandon Blvd. in Brandon. www.nativitycatholicchurch.org/novemberfest.
Get In Step To Help Joshuacord Raise Funds For Refugees
Staff Report
Hooked on Books Pages 22
Goody Goody Gobble
Page 5
Faith & Footprints
Your Monthly Catch
Grace Notes:
Page 2
Page 7
Page 17
Hooked On Books: Page 22
You can help support Joshuacord’s efforts to help refugees in the Middle East by stepping up to participate in its Fourth Annual Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run 5K. The event kicks off at 8 a.m. on Saturday, November 19 at Al Lopez Park, 4810 N. Himes Ave. in Tampa. Families, children, serious runners, supporters and cheerleaders are encouraged to attend. There will be a separate start at 8:10 a.m. for walkers and Christians will band together to support those in the Middle strollers. Spirit FM (90.5 East being persecuted for their faith at the Freedom Run. FM) will be onsite to proJoshuacord Founder Patrick mote the festivities. Carberry, through his military experience Joshuacord’s mission is to help and work with the government, witthose persecuted for their Christian nessed first-hand the lack of religious faith, especially in the Middle East and freedom due to Islamic extremism and Africa. Proceeds for the 5K will go to put together Joshuacord to raise awarefamilies and children who are living in ness. refugee camps in the Middle East. “As most of you have seen, there is Because of sponsor support, $5,700 more media attention on the urgent was raised from last year’s run and issue of Christians being persecuted in 100% of it was donated to help these Iraq, Syria, Iran and Africa,” noted families. Monies raised from this year’s Carberry. 5K will be donated to the same group He added that the goal is to get the as they still have many unmet needs. At community engaged, raise awareness the run, organizers will also be collectand provide hope, prayers, financial and ing baby blankets, gloves, and hats to material aid to the Christians in those ship to moms and families in refugee countries. The 5K Freedom Run is camps.
made possible through sponsors, the support of local churches and pastors and all those who participate on race day. “We are so appreciative for your prayers, time and support,”
commented Carberry. Registration fee is $25 if completed by November 17 and $30 on race day. Active duty members pay $20. The one mile Fun Run/Walk is $15 preregistration. To register, visit http://www.active.com or download the registration form to mail from www.joshuacord.org/5k. This is a great opportunity for the Tampa community to come together and impact a crisis occurring to Christians in the Middle East. Joshuacord is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) located at 3433 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Visit www.joshuacord.org or call 202-643-8588 or on Facebook.